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no drama, just hovering! let's go!
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what is this
more ples
what the hell
where are their legs
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im available to do requests for 15 min!
Wild lolis flowing in the wind. The general public is torn on the explanation of this phenomenon: some believe them to be hovering with the magic of innocence and friendship and love and the science says it's only possible because they have reactors hidden under their skirts. No one will ever know, since no one ever talked with a hoverloli while she was hovering and at other times it's near impossible to tell them from regular loli erectus.
I don't know why I love hoverlolis so much. I just do.
>select legs
>content aware fill
>touch up with clone tool
sure is creative
This is my new favorite thing.
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I'm just going to go through my downloads for images.
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Are those brolitas? They look good!
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I wouldn't know, just finding images that i have for hover-lolifying.
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It's pretty sloppy, but I hope you like it.
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i cheat. it's a lazy day.
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here's when it gets tricky. i love group hover images.
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chick in long dress didn't fit in without floating in mid air, so i sent her hovering anyway.
sorry man, that flooring is out of my league s: try another photo
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Bump for moar hover-lolis!
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booo.... :c
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last one i gtg>.<
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here you go anon. not that great cause of the weird floor curve but he's hoverin'
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Hoverlolis are the best
Bump for more hoverlolis!
What's the original of this? That looks so off and I don't mean the legs.
I haven't been lurking on this board for too terribly long, but, this fascinates and confuses me. Is this a thing?
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commencing dump of mine:
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I messed this one up a bit, don't feel motivated enough to fix it. Lol.
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And last one.
My most glorious masterpiece.
I asked for this before but would anyone have any cupcake Lolis? Someone posted one pic before but I didn't get a chance to save it.
Like, instead of just removing the legs ala Hoverloli, there's a cupcake bottom instead.
and I am dead this thread is beautiful, thank you cfl
Hoverlolis are so beautiful! I'm so weirdly facinated by them. Is this a cgl thing or from somewhere else?
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Oh, summerchildren. I feel like this is just like seeing Disney World for the first time for them.

How is she defying gravity?
The mass of the moon where her real father lives is greater than PT ergo, it's pulling her towards the sky.
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Hoverloli's always reminded me of an animme ghost or something. I'm not into 'em. Just think they look silly.
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SOMEONE PLEASE MAKE ME A HOVERLOLI. I have always wanted to become one, but my experiments thus far have failed.
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Damn, I'm impressed!

I love hoverlolis. Especially when they're jumping like in:
That last one especially, with the petticoat. Wonderful
I feel like it's been forever since our last hoverloli thread
and i'm back! throw your requests at me.
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what the heck i'll start grabbing photos from the other thread. i'm bored.

supply me a photo of a sweet lolita and i may give it a shot! no promises though.
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The rare and terrifying hover-ita.
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The fingerless gloves add nothing to the outfit, but it definitely doesn't scream ita to me.

Yes, they originated here. A joke photoshop of a posted pic which instantly derailed the thread as people begged for more and photoshoppers responded. Kind of a cherished memory since a picture I took got the treatment; shopper must have scoured the web for the pic since it hadn't been posted on /cgl/ before. Now it's "my" most reposted pic here.
What's with the weird bit of skirt and the obvious ghost legs?
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Which picture is yours?
Anybody remember that wheelchair lolita from the UK? I hope somebody can make her a hoverloli.
Got a pic of her?
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Wouldn't it be hard to make a wheelchair loli hover? I think this is the girl you're talking about though so if anyone is up to the challenge. I'm pretty sure there's picture of her standing up which might be easier, but I can't remember her username.
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this is my fetish
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i'd feel bad shooping her legs away, it would be like a cruel joke -_-
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Assdgfsh! That is fucking adorable.
I can just imagine her going pupupupupupupu as she tries to keep up with her mum, zoomin' away.

I'm not sure why I love these so much but I do. Especially these:
They're like some strange mythical creature that lives in dark fairytale forests, old cathedrals and abandoned fairgrounds. They are elusive but curious and attracted to musty old things and candy. If you do spot them and are very polite, they will let you take a picture. However you should never touch a Hoverloli or attempt to peek under its skirts, for if you anger them they will activate their jet engines right in yo face.
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this one's specially for you anon.
amazing! <3
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!!!! <3
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Her username is sugar_lace and she's not always in a wheelchair. It still seems a bit cruel to photoshop out her legs when she's got bad legs.

if they're already bad, then it'd be nice to give her hovering abilities!
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i see nothing cruel about that.
who wouldn't want to hover, for christ's sake!
Yes, that's her. Very cute. Anybody willing to ask her if she wants to be a hoverloli? It is not meant to be a slight on her but she will be treated like any other loli. Effortlessly floating.
Bump for more hoverlolis!
I don't mind giving this one a shot. Am I shooping out her wheelchair too? I might have to add another skirt to her dress since it's a bit bunchy.
All I think of when I see these threads is Daleks.
Of all the hoverlolis in here, these are my favourite. They seriously look like they're fuckin' flying.
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I can't be bothered to fix the floor and put the shadows back in right now. Might do it later. Should I put another skirt on wheelchair loli's dress or just leave it as is?
Pretty good job I must say.
fuck you guys, I just spat my drink out laughing.

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