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I've had the privilege of chatting with and meeting a lot of great people from 4chan over the past 8.5 years, and lost touch with many.
If we used to chat/hang, drop me a line at moot@4chan.org or on AIM at MOOTCHAT. And if we haven't, feel free to say hi.

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/cgl/ I...
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I'm a girl and how is this possible. I don't even...
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>not guiding your bodily functions

ish dig dops dap
I don't do that (though I have done in the past). Mostly I just push down on my taint.
wait what
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eww. apparently a real thing tho.
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girls are weird
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>Death by pinecone
Fucking Australia man
I've never done that. Never will. That's just too... ugh.

But gotta admit, my pussy feels different and.. kind tighter? when my intestines are full. Yup, vaginas are wall-to-wall to intestines. The more you know.
I have done this and I thought I was the only one who did. Doesn't work very well when you're badly constipated though.

Not that I would admit to any of this unless I was anon, which is about the only thing 4chan is good for.
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pick 1
Fuck, I was just thinking about solving constipation by fucking and squeezing the vagina walls real hard with my cock and BOOM, here we go a-fucking-gain with the boner. The things I have to put up with.
>babby newfags don't know all their posts are logged

About the only thing newfags are good for is laughs at their faggotry and fail.
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OK you are stupid. Goddamn you're dumb.
No the posts are not logged you dimwit.

If you reverse the logic flow, y'all ladies now understand why anal is so good.

Another angle at the G-Spot anyone ?
guiding your bodily functions
so if this happened to a female friend of mine, i would be able to put my finger in her vag? fuuuuuckk yeeahhh

Hey don't look at me. It's the boner you should be angry about just like me.
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I'm so confused I dont even understand your gender

A man can't control his penis as much as a woman can't control her period. You see those cartoon pictures around like the "Why boner?" and such-like. It's actually true.

Still, beats bleeding out of a vagina, stomach cramps and become a royal bitch 1 out of ever 4 weeks.
I'm still confused and you sound really akward and fucking stupid

Just leave

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>mfw I'm a girl and don't understand what they're even describing
>mfw I don't understand this thread either
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/ic/ here.

I don't even know how I managed to end up in here but what the fuck man.
even /b wouldn't want this cancer
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Guys, that..this isn't healthy. What are you eating that your digestive system is this bad?
Just get some probiotics or something! Eughh.

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