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I've had the privilege of chatting with and meeting a lot of great people from 4chan over the past 8.5 years, and lost touch with many.
If we used to chat/hang, drop me a line at moot@4chan.org or on AIM at MOOTCHAT. And if we haven't, feel free to say hi.

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Main reference = http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DBREaP384Io

This video is from a vocaloid concert held in Japan in which the viewers including live online viewers [ the concert also broadcasted online ] have to pay expensive ticked, see how Japanese are not hiring you racist fail western cosplayers? For comparison Japanese are ok and even love other Asians doing Anime Cosplay where many Asians have made career in Japan not only as cosplayers but also into other Anime related job such as maid cafe, idols, etc, a good example and also the most famous is Kipi.

Japanese hates you racist fail western cosplayers not only because it is you evil westerners who massacres over 500000 innocent Japanese using nuclear weapon, raping tens thousands Japanese, doing all kinds of crimes in Japan to this day, etc but it is mainly because Japanese believes Anime characters are based on Japanese while Japanese also believes you racist fail western cosplayers can't be/look like Japanese. On the other hand Japanese believes Chinese, Korean, Indonesian and other Asians including Japanese are all Asians who not only share similar cultures, standard of beauty, points of view, etc but also born with similar facial & body form, in other words Japanese believes Chinese, Korean, Indonesian and other Asians can be/look like Japanese.
www.youtube.com/watch?v=hzmgyFQNvvU This is one of the coolest videos I found on youtube about Japanese's anti westerners movement in Japan, as for comparison there is never anti Asian race movement, demonstration, etc in Japan.

All of you racist western cosplayers should face the fact that your losers action of forcing to Cosplay [ read = RUIN ] Anime/Asian characters are only going to cause more and more Japanese who not only hate you racist westerners but also hate westerners in general.

waito pi*u go homu
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You're some creepy 2nd-Generation Japanese kid, aren't you?
Because if you literally just said that Japanese people prefer Chinese and Korean people to Westerners, you're a fucking dumbass.
haha, my thoughts exactly
I think he's Filipino which makes it all the more hilarious
Can you imagine how good I feels when both of them squeezed and sandwiched my Asian penis between both of their cute small tight and smell good Asian vagina? Also can you imagine the intense pleasures I feels when my Asian penis explode between both of their Asian vagina while both of them sticking their tongues out together due to the intense pleasures they feel from my penis explosions between both of their Asian vagina?

Remember that both of them and other hundreds millions Asian girls like them are all our smart cute adorable superior Asian girls and not even one your dumb not cute inferior western girls.
If you talk like that, I'd bet anything you have an incredibly small penis.
Haven't seen you here in a while

You should make a post about how western series always have mediocre closet-esque cosplay while asian are much more intricate and require more skill to make
Another evidence which proves we Asians make our Anime based on our own Asian race is the way we Asians kiss = the way our Anime characters kiss. Our Anime characters are kissing frontally just like how we Asians kiss and not side ways like how you racist westerners kiss. We Asians can do frontal kiss because we Asians have small nose [ the same for our Anime characters small nose ] while you racist westerners can only do side way kiss because you racist westerners have long nose.

Anyway kissing frontally are much better than sideways because you can directly see your girlfriend face expression, either they feel good/happy or feel bad/disgusted when you kiss them, this privilage only gifted to us Asians.
That's because they usually buy their stuff instead of making it.
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Explain pic related.
>keeping your eyes open while you kiss
confirmed for beta who has never kissed anyone

Who should an Asian guy like me Cosplay?
I'm just a typical Asian guy but there is something deferent. Not only my hair that are long but also my penis [ also thick ] which made a bulging appearance in front of my pant. I have tried to wear a loose pant but it is not helping much since there is still a bulging appearance visible.

Do any of you have any idea what Anime or Asian characters I can Cosplay with my physical description, maybe a character with a cloak or something?

I don't want to make the girls on the Anime convention I'm going to scream when I'm doing my skit on the stage or even worse making the guys them throwing stuffs at me [ maybe they are jealous? ], moreover when I may have a penis erection which made by bulging penis become more bigger when I see sexy cosplayers on the Anime convention.
We Asians = We smart = We cute = We succeed in Cosplay = We supported by millions of our Anime fans
You westerners = You dumb [ can't make even 1 Anime ] = You not cute = You fail in Cosplay = You hated by millions of our Anime fans
You african = Your penis size more bigger than your brain [ You idiot ] = You can't control your penis and end mostly think about sex = You rape peoples = You rape your families = You eat disgusting homeless peoples face
Oh look! Proudasian is back!
Hope this thread doesn't die soon. Proudasianfag's threads are highly entertaining
eating homeless peoples face are very heartless thing to do, can you imagine you have no home to shelter you from cold on the night or hot on the day while some random people eat your face off?

You eat peoples face off = You nigga
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Ey, sup what does proud to be Asian think of sand niggers? Seeing you are one.How often do you bathe?
Pretty much.
But also I may correct you on something here: You eat people's face off = You are a fucking zombie nutcase, highly intoxicated with a drug thee government made for population control.And my friend, Asia is the worst case of places crammed with people. Wouldn't be surprised if there's another epidemy or some insane war.
hey proud to be asian! question!

what do you think about philipinos?

do you consider them to be asian or pacific islander?

it makes me so mad when they try using the good asian stereo types when people really mean chinese/japanese/korean...
Who in this day and age gives a fuck about the fact that they're Asian.
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Sand niggers.
I have no problem if that nigga eat the homeless person penis because many homeless peoples are rapist, I have watch some videos of homeless peoples raping teenagers girls when they past them on their way to school, I can see their drty penis head trusting the poors girls virgin vagina until their penis explode inside them, how awful
pls respond...
He is one but good that he posted this thread, remembered me to report his latest videos for racism.
Lol, they don't let westerners in because they're flabby and embarrassing, not because of deep underlying political reasons.
And also, Japan can be pretty damn racist itself, including towards Chinese and especially Koreans.
Most westerners are racist, but if you go shouting at an anime board about westerners being racist to Japanese, you're really looking in the wrong place.
why is this so true it hurts omg
really?! no wonder he ignored my question...
Reading all of these rants in a typical NIP NONG southeastern Asian accent just makes it so absurd and amazing.
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You're right, OP. I'm proud to be asian too ^_^

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