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I've had the privilege of chatting with and meeting a lot of great people from 4chan over the past 8.5 years, and lost touch with many.
If we used to chat/hang, drop me a line at moot@4chan.org or on AIM at MOOTCHAT. And if we haven't, feel free to say hi.

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Alright /cgl/ so I dont really browse you guys at all and heard of something called "con horror stories"?

Can you all enlighten me or tell your stories, or post copy pasta. I feel like I can trust you guys more then google

alright faggot, now I can listen to an actual story?
A con horror story is like a weeaboo Paul Bunyan. Except Paul Bunyan is a giant hambeast who wants to rape and/or kill you/someone you know.

So its like in Superbad where the guy has a chick on her period grind his leg?
Shut up and lurk more.

I did lurk you pissfuck, all shitty 15 pages of your horrible thread, I found nothing.

You want to do something besides whine?
Saw your post in the recent threads thing on the home page. You should just know that everyone on this board is a resentful cunt and your question won't get answered. Get out, now. Don't bother responding to this, whales; I won't see it.
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hehehe i love somking crabs
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Sorry to bother you guys

Going back to /a/
Not everyone here is a shithead, Op..Sometimes a few people are just cunts for no reason. If I actually went to some cons I would gladly share some stories...But since I don't here is a friendly bump! (Though you might not get some actual responses till morning)

I've gone to cons but the only thing I've had happen to me was a random girl give me a hug. Sorry OP
I haven't seen a weeaboo or con horror story thread in awhile. :<

It's con season, too. Where are they all?
they still need to be experienced and written
don't worry, we have ax coming up. plus sdcc, plus otakon, plus dragoncon.
Being repressed for the time being.
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>sakuracon 2012
>cosplaying swimsuit taiga
>hangin wit da waifu
>he has to pee man
>goes to the bathroom
>leavin me all alone
>all the pedos start to stare
>start moving in
>one starts droppin spaghetti on me
>its groce so i cry man
>waifu hears me!
>i see him running out of the br with his pants half way up (they're always half way up but whatevs)
>he smashed all the neckbeards in the face and frees me from their tangly spaghetti
>buy lots of porn
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the real reason you haven't gotten any bites is because everybody here right now is a summerfag that hasn't got any stories saved
that being said, i'm a normalfag who hasn't got many stories saved
have some con bloody miku
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>Kitacon 2011
>Have anxiety attack, end up in bathtub hyperventilating.
>Friend comes to my room with a pipe and some weed.
>The moment I start smoking, the hotel-room phone rings.
>Be paranoid for a good 20 minutes, looking for any security cameras in my room.
>Give up and watch the first Batman movie with said friend while high.
But seriously, best movie night of my life aside, that was some freaky shit.

Not gonna list any of my other actual con horrors because I'm mean.
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*citation needed
Some nasty aspie nerd pointed at me and another girl when he told this guy at Sleeping Samurai at A-kon that he liked fish tacos.

He also jacked off his foam sword and talked about he had seven inches and his friend had nine.

He also told us that he was our new friend even if we didn't like it.
He asked for a hug. We both refused.

This happened around 4AM on Friday night.

This last friday?
Friday before last. A-kon was last weekend.
You do drugs? Just lost all my respect.
I did.
Last time I smoked or drank anything was Kita 2011. I'm done with it now. A beer once in a while is good, but weed worsens my situation.
The only drugs I do now are the forced medication I'm being forced to take, except I totally don't eat them because I'd rather be miserable than a druggie, so.

>implying you ever respected me anyway
You were one of the few people here I liked.
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>cosplay as Pyramidhead
>was pretty cool guy, has big prop knife and doesnt afraid of anything
>going to meet up my GF
>is slow going
>gets stopped every few meters for pics
>triggered mass weeabo migration
>spots her and she spots me
>cue running jump hug
>i was ready and shes small and cute so i catch her
>glomping from GF triggers mass glomping from weeabos
>get zerg rushed
>forced to shield my tiny GF
>gets help from friends/staff
>pyramid helm and sword is crushed to bits
>back is abit bruised and scratched up, but im fit and tough
and GF is shaken but OK
>some of the weeabos escaped, damn fast runners
others get warnings from staff
>get sent to first aid room just incase

ah yea....the neckbeards and wierdos hang out in that shitty tournament
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In that case, I hope you can one day forgive me for touching the green stuff.

sorry for the costume bro
Two of the people from Loyal KNG went at it. o:
There were also some normalish people. This guy that was in line with me second night does MMA.

One of the black dudes (not Shadow) who helped out actually goes to the Dallas Shuffle Meets.

It was my first year trying it out and I had a lot of fun. Both times I battled was with different chicks I got to battle me. o:
They were newbies at it too.
Why is PH so popular again?

Most weebs never played Silent Hill 2, and 90% of those who did don't understand the storyline anyway.

Or is it because of that new game?
Man, I love those guys. I know he was probably just trying to sell me something, but I had a cool conversation with an asian guy (lol totally narrows it down) and he just seemed to be generally enjoying himself and liked talking and didn't look like I just kicked his grandma when I didn't end up buying anything.
They're super nice.
Best customer service I've ever had and it's because I think they're genuine.

They recognized me from facebook when I went to their booth. They also exchanged a tank that didn't fit me (needed a smaller size) for a shirt five dollars more expensive on them. I had gotten the tank at World of Dance.
I also got a comic, a keychain, and a drawing of Otami Hulk with my package.

; u; They're so awesome. I just wish they'd get better at updating their online store.
I work weekends and can't make a lot of the events they hit.

I might be able to make this Friday one, though.
I totally sound like a fangirl.
I just really appreciate them as a brand and a company.

(Plus they have cute designs. o: )

Alright sounds safe, its just mostly whenever I go around there, the neckbeards are always lurking, but its mostly the dealers room where the "I'm at a con so my weirdness is justified" people ar at.
Idk. I avoid people like that and my disgust for some of them can sometimes be evident on my face. I think some of them notice. (Like disgustingly unfit overweight girls in poorly constructed/put together outfits that aren't flattering in any way.)
I also don't cosplay.
I don't often have problems with people at the cons I've gone to.

In fact, I ran into a lot of people I know and didn't expect to see. None of which I'd consider very nerdy or you'd expect to see at a convention.
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>Silent Hill
>Weeaboo territory
>meandering through con checking out cosplays
>see (what I thought was) the best Fat Princess cosplay ever
>go up and ask for pic
>she's thrilled
>"you have the best Fat Princess cosplay I've ever seen, it looks just like her"
>"I'm Peach..."
>[crickets chirping]

She wouldn't even let me take a picture after I apologized.
herd mentality, me and my friend was in an area with other cosplayers getting pics taken so when i showed up photographers gathered and the weeabos followed suit
being asian possibly might have been a factor as once
my friend,GF and myself got out of the aid station,
without the helm covering my face revealing that im asian, my small group got stalked by some weeabos,
only thing keeping em well away was my GF
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I'm sort of disappointed I didn't come back from my local con with any horror stories. Had some minor little 'This is very uncomfortable' moments but that's about it. I could share those..? Have a random story screencap though.
the deviantart: weeb-horrors.deviantart.com
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Not really "horror" quality but it just irritated me for the rest of the con.
>Cosplaying Phoebe from Pokémon R/S/E
>First person to ask for a photo is a guy in a shitty Sonic "cosplay"
>After photo he asks for hug.
>Squeezes the shit out of me and stares directly at my cleavage during hug.
>Kind of freaked out.
And later
>See Shit Sonic again in Dealers Room.
>He asks me "As a member of the Elite Four you should have $5 on you right?"
>Give him a "are you fucking serious" look and shoo him off for being both a creep and a moocher.
I didn't scroll through the whole thread, but will someone not be a cock and link him to the weaboo horror stories dA? They're not all con horror stories but they're entertaining none the less. I'd post it but I can't post links on my phone.
Thank you. Ignore previous post.
I still like you, Denmark. Were we to ever meet at a con and you wanted to smoke, I'd be happy to provide. You're pretty cool.
That's fucking hilarious. I don't know if I would even be able to apologize, I'd be laughing so hard.
I can see why she'd be upset, but considering people DO cosplay from Fat Princess, she shouldn't have taken it so far up the ass and gotten over it. Simple case of convention mistaken identity.
>At a con with friends staying in a hotel illegally 5 years ago. We're all underage.

>Party hard the second night with shit tons of alcohol and MDMA.

>End up with everyone locked out of the room and two people naked.

>I put the naked girl I was fucking in the ice machine room, but a mexican janitor found her.

>Hotel security called. They find our room with drugs and booze.

>I smooth talk the hotel lady into calling us a cab and we get our shit and book it before the cops get there.

>Arrive at a holiday inn where the clerk greets us and tells us we're welcome to party there.

This shit is truncated too. It was wild as hell, but it all worked out. Stupid goddamn 18 year olds.
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Haha, thanks man, those are some kind words there.
Smoking makes my problems go from bad to worse though, so a drink is what will be provided for both of us, if we ever meet. I promise you that!

And I guess, another horror story is in order here uh..
It's not really convention-related, and its not that horrible, more just a "what the fuck" kind of thing.

Many years ago, some girl added me on MSN. She claimed to have found me on coscom, which was weird, since I never added my contact-info on that page, but whatever.
After chatting for 2 minutes, the conversation went from "Hi, nice to meet you!" to "awkward".
She linked me to all of her costumes, which was mostly Naruto and Kingdom Hearts yaoi stuff (this wasn't the weird part no no). She called me beautiful and told me how much she loved me and wanted me to be her girlfriend, and how she had been saving up to come visit me so we could do a couple cosplay together.
>bitch, we've been talking for 5 minutes, wtf.

Me, being the awkward fucker that I am, consulted a friend who told me to block the shit out of that weirdo.
Not even minutes after I told her "welp, talk to you later" and blocked her, I got a new MSN friend-request.
It was her again.
And I blocked her. Again.
This continued for a few days until my friend added her and pretended to be my boyfriend. Finally she left me alone.

If I was less shy and more awesome, this could have ended horribly or hilariously. Instead, I ended it the boring way.
The bad thing is that this happened again some months later, except it was a guy who added me.
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Sit down kiddies its time for a murder documentary.

This dude was a /co/splayer and actually murdered someone. He got arrested while working on a costume at his mothers house.

(I forwarded to the part where they mention the cosplay, watch from the beginning for the full story)

well that was a nice waste of time
bamp for more
I have a con horror story that doesn't involve any weeaboos or annoying people, just awful luck. Also Denny's.

>Fly down from Portland to attend ALA 2012
>Having a great time so far- good roomies, we somehow got a balcony room, con is fun, costumes going over well
>There is no inexpensive food nearby except for Burger King
>Find out there's a Denny's a few blocks away
>Group of friends do a late-night Denny's trip
>Realize at the last second I can afford a hamburger, so I order one
>Eat, have fun, go back to the room and go to sleep
>5 am of Day 2
>Suddenly realize I am going to throw up
>Throw up in toilet, get back in bed
>"Huh that was weird"
>Fifteen minutes later do the same thing
>Half an hour later do the same thing
>Continue until 8 am when I give up and just sit on the floor of the bathroom
>Sit on the floor as my friends get ready for the con
>"Okay I'll just sleep for a while, that should help and I'll probably feel better afterwards"
>Friends all leave the room

Part 2 in just a second, it actually got worse.

>Ten minutes later there is suddenly POUNDING RAVE MUSIC coming from the room next door
>Person next door is a DJ for the dance and decided to play music for the people outside in the pool area
>Lay in bed as the wall is literally shaking from the bass
>Music continues for something like 4 hours
>Can't sleep, can't even sit up without feeling sick
>Try to drink water, just end up throwing up more
>Eventually the music stops
>Throw up one last time and suddenly feel so much better
>Throw on costume, go down to con
>In the elevator start to feel sick again
>Find friends and then lay on the floor in a hallway with them
>Eventually they take me back to my room
>Getting a headache, and my face feels super hot
>Oh I have a fever because I haven't had any liquids in my body since the night before
>Drink a whole glass of water
>Flop down on bed and suddenly I am asleep
>Wake up
>2 am, we have to go to the airport at 5 am
>Feel perfectly fine

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