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Are you a gamer girl?
Are you a horse?
Go back to bed, Blue.
It's like 6:41am, as if he'd be up
>gamer girl
Why yes I am.
Fuck no.
"don't hit on me XDDD" "gurlz play games too lolo"
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yes I play games! Lol I'm such nerd xD!
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Of course not. I am a cat. I don't even have thumbs.

It's a miracle I'm even typing. Captchas are always difficult when you are a cat.
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>being a gamer girl
>not being a gamer cat
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I always say I'm a male and behave as such when I play online games. If I must use team speak and similar shit I usually say I'm just an underdeveloped male. Not sure if they believe it or not, but no one ever asked.
Technically speaking, yes.
No, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night.
I'm a gamer and I happen to be female but I hate "oh em gee I'm a gamer gurl lookatmelookatme I play games and I'm a girl!!!!1!!!!!!" types.
Stop shitting up my hobby by using it to attract men!
I hear you.
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I play some games. I would never call my self a "gamer girl", though. They're worse than those nigger nerds, so full of themselves.
The only game franchise I'm really into is Touhou, and even then the only games I've been able to 1cc on normal difficulty or above are Ten Desires and Imperishable Night (and with homing bullets Reimu, of course.) I like a few other franchises very casually but I don't think that's enough to even qualify me as a gamer, gurl or not. I'm just a really shitty Touhou fan.
It just happens to be that I'm a female and I love competitive games, maybe because they make me feel better about myself everytime I get a self-ego boost from pubstomping scrubs, or maybe it's because I love the adrenaline rush going through my head when I'm multitasking in a team fight or just trying to survive, or maybe I enjoy simple escapism because I can't deal with real world problems and the things that are expected of me.

Whatever the reason, I still love playing games foremost, and that's all there ever was to being a "gamer". A point which most of girlies out there - misinterpret.
Uhh. Technically.
...I play alot of mmo's. (vanilla wow was the best)
I dont type like Im retarded though. No ones ever guesses it till I go on voice chat. The reaction can be pretty funny.
Even though all my characters are female.. with female names.. Idk. Someone is always like, "What!? ___ is a girl?!" then they get over it and its back to normal. I personally never bring it up, ever.
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I play MTG and DnD a lot. Also lots of games, but I just enjoy the games and my gender isn't important; it's all about the games.
Damn Britfags... getting posted more and more frequently in /cgl/.
Spotting girls in mmos is the worst.

>holy fuck shes a girl
>I-I guess... I can be nice and shit to her
>OK t-try to i-impress h-her
>Do some absolutely idiotic things that you would never expect someone to do
>You say you like it either out of pity or just politeness
>Oh yeah, s-she's my bitch now, I-I mean gf
>couple of AIM chats and months later he actually becomes your bf because of aforementioned circumstances
>worst time of your life
>good thing it's all online and you sent only a couple photos
>that picture
Nice try, I'll just have you discard it and Extirpate.

Obviously made by a woman who thought it was cute when it's actually imbalanced as fuck.
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if i was a gamer girl id be able to beat amnesia QQ
But Amnesia is a game for girls anyway.
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still cant beat it ;~;
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Yeah, it's pretty girly. Found it on a custom card thread on /tg/. But I do like MTG it's really fun, though I just go to Friday Night Magic and play with friends. Traditional games are just as fun as video games.
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But that game is so easy.
Well, I suppose if you get scared by it, it would be hard. Fucking water monsters, so easy to escape but so hard not to panic when they are there..
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no, i just lost a pipe and i cant move on til i find it -_-
not that i dont do my fair share of screaming
Exactly. The water monster was the only good part of the entire fucking game.

The grunts and shit are just pathetic. I mean, they simply disappear if you hide and aren't looking at them. Retarded as fuck.
I had a few online bfs...
Oh gosh, the memories.
NEVER again. So stupid.
I think that's the joke, it's hard to get rid of. Except it's not. It cost 1 and it works in most colors. Just legendary rule it. Herp derp.
I mean it doesn't even need to be indestructible for the most part.

Or that sacrifice part, that's pure stupidity.
I don't consider myself a gamer girl because it has such a huge stigma with it. I like video games ever since I got an atari when I was little. I'm casual as fuck these days. I haven't even bothered setting up my own psn, I just sign in on my husband's. I guess it makes trophy collecting easier.
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Ugh...if you're a gamer you're a gamer. Not a gamer gurrrrrrrrrrl. Guys don't do that shit so neither should you women.
>mfw I go into a hobby shop
>mfw I'm not dressed like the stores usual customers. Obviously I looked like I didn't fit in
>some gamer gurrrrrl starts flirting with my fiance and yammers on about how she plays CoD and Halo to impress him
>his face when he didn't give a shit and wanted to look at Dnd books uninterrupted by her shit.
I'm a girl, yes. I'm a gamer, yes. But I don't put those two term together because only attention whores do that.
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>Beautiful soernet
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BA-dum *TSH*
Yes but I don't tell people. People are retarded. Also no1 curr online anyway.
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>Legend of Zelda
>Using an xbox controller
>Not realising that emulators are a thing
I am female, and I enjoy playing video games, but I'm not a girl gamer/slut with her brother's controller.
I like how the supposed gamer girl is still drawn like massive hotness. Whereas the stereotypical male gamer is a fat neckbeard who rapes women.

Stay classy.
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Sure am! I play the bestest game ever CoD!! OMG! i also like God of war! Gosh that game gives me a girl boner. xD!! And here i am posting on 4chan, im such a nerd! LOL :3
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You girls like to go into contests, so here you go! Remember to dye your hair pink or purple! Some piercing will help as well. OH STRIPED KNEE SOCKS is a must!
I know so many girls like this, when you try to talk to them about the actual game; "Lol omg is so gud though, I like that part :3"
I don't play a lot of games, but the ones I do play take me ages because I want to do ALL the things. Usually a RPG / Action games kinda gal, played all Fables and getting into TES now, playing Skyrim and hoping to buy the older ones when I get some cash. I also liked Bayonetta a lot, and Dante's Inferno. I wish more *gamer girls* would play actual games. Sometimes I'm so excited when someone goes all YOU WOULDN'T EXPECT IT BUT I'M A GAMUR HUR, and when you start talking to them about games they have no idea what you're talking about.
> Student gamedesign
> Talk about E3
> Female colleague: WHAT'S THE E3?
> Bang head, lathe, rinse, repeat
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Pic related E3
I wish I didn't know what E3 was, that shit is disappointing.
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If you're going to do this all fucking summer, Flan, I want to see you in cosplay or lolita.
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I'm a female who plays video games, yes (2D fighters mostly). It shouldn't matter what gender you are, especially when half of the guys heckling in Cock on Dooty have a bigger chest than I. Gamur Gurls are the proverbial dumb blonde in the bar, wherein the only thing good that'll come from them is a few laughs and pictures that will never go away.
I mad
May I hit on you?
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every time i look at this i get angry.
I just beat Amnesia last night.
It is a good spooky game, but there are a couple realizations that will make the game much easier for you.
1 - Monster appearances are scripted. They will only spawn and show up in certain situations and no where else for the most part.
2 - After you complete the main objective in an area, Monsters stop spawning.

That said, fuck that game. Too many of their puzzles are too fucking obtuse and are purposely that way to fuck with you and make you run back and forth through that dark corridor full of jammed doors so you waste your lantern oil and spend half the game with the gamma turned up.
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>with the gamma turned up.
Don't hit on me, silly boy~ :3
>1 - Monster appearances are scripted
>2 - After you complete the main objective in an area, Monsters stop spawning
That's what I meant >>5940348

And one more thing - the grunt monsters? They're just too human. Humans just aren't scary.
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Most women who enjoy video games don't out ourselves on the internet.

While excuse me while I play Mount & Blade and drink myself to an early grave.
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My life for a girl that plays S.T.A.L.K.E.R.
It only gets scary if you are playing with headphones on and you are running from one of those fuckers. The music starts blaring, you hear the heartbeat pounding.. It generally just fucks with you.

Amnesia is a game that does light and sound design fantastically. It is goddamn masterful when you get down to it.. but that game is still full of bullshit.
My life for a girl that at least knows what a vidogame is.

>you know what quake is? quake 3 arena?
>hurr u meen like earf quack?
>no no its a video game, you said you were a nerd right? its a fps game
>ef pee es? what are you brazilian? XDDDD I play wii !!! WEEEEEEEEEEEE :DDDDDDDDD
>just kill me now...

And thats the cream of the crop as far as nerdiness goes.
Fucking sigh.
And you can't even talk with girls that actually play games because if you try to find them, they'll deny being girls, and if you try to approach them, they'll call you a beta loser creep.
Fuck everything.
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Somehow most of the gamer girls I've seen on Facebook gravitate towards this game.
Yes but if I can't get the notion that it's a human-like, stupid, frog-faced being chasing me, it just doesn't get scary. It's just frustration, that's all. "oh gee, another one of those spawning-out-of-thin air motherfuckers, wait lemme just stare at the wall for three seconds brb"

The water monster was great though.
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>actually read her profile
>Ohai ^____^ I'm Danielle
>Xbox controller
fuck yeah alien husbandos
What do you expect, a woman drew that picture.

>hasn't seen the Wii U Pro controller

she gets off scott free for that drawing
As everyone else has said, I'm a female who happens to like playing video games. My gender has nothing to do with how I enjoy wasting my spare time after class/work.

I feel so ashamed of my gender.
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The thing about Amnesia is that the soundtrack, voice-acting and scenery is stunning.
I don't really see it as a horror-game anymore, save for the water-level. I see it as a sci-fi game with a hint of creepy.
I know its meant to be an actual horror-game. And it was, the first time around. When you figure out the locations of the monsters, you can finally sit back and enjoy the beauty that is Brennenburg Castle. It's fantastic.
I am so psyched for A Machine for Pigs that is coming out in october. Not that I believe the next maincharacter can surpass Daniel in greatness and stupidity, but I'm sure it'll be amazing anyway.
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But no, really. What kind of games are you into? Assuming from your posts, at least PC multiplayer.. Baldur's Gate/Diablo II/Dukems 3D type? We're going to work on finding you a real video game playing female!

She just confirmed that any chance she had with a guy as dead.
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I'm outwardly a girly girl and hide my power levels pretty well, and honestly women seem to be more "shocked" by my gaming habits than guys do when they ask what I do for fun.

i play a little bit of everything, but rpgs and simulators are my favorite. league of legends has consumed a lot of my time though recently
Speaking of E3, did anyone cringe when they brought out those 3 gamer gurls?

If anything, I feel like it's not always solely the girls fault for making the rest of us look bad. A lot of men include women in these things, anything from E3 booth babes to SC2 hosts.
not really.

i dont mind playing them. I love video games, but Im a huge normal fag.

I play visual novels though. If that counts?
>The thing about Amnesia is that the soundtrack, voice-acting and scenery is stunning.
Time out please.

What other horror games have you played?

No need to get angry and call me a neckbeard, just answer the question, would you kindly.
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Sorry, was too busy raging at Ubisoft for the new Soul Calibur candidate. Do you have a recap/youtube of it?
I blame some of my fellow Y chromosome owners for falling for the OBVIOUS attention whoring.

The idiots that automatically hit on anything that sounds female on voice chat are just as bad as the " tee hee don't hit on me silly boys" girls
That was embarrassing. I don't know why they decided that was a good idea at all. i feel like they could have showcased it better than a "girls vs boys" match. I thought it was kinda funny that the majority of them were Russian.
Ah, I can't find anything on Youtube, but some in-game play.

Basically, they just brought out three girls in, what was basically, 'hurrr watch these sexy gamer gurls play COD'.
Its cool man. I mostly play weaboo games, so I'm used to people getting upset about my comments on everything else haha.

I've played the Corpse Party, Hell Night, the Penumbra games, Nightmare House 2, the PSX Resident Evil games and the first Silent Hill. There may have been others, but those are the only ones I can think of right now.
I guess I could change my statement to:
I think the soundtrack, voice-acting and scenery is stunning.

This isn't just compared to every horror-game I've played though, it's compared to every game I've ever played in my life. There are a few soundtracks I like as much as Amnesia, but it's generally one of my favorites.

To each their own.

>Didn't play original alone in the dark

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Aside from CoD making it an instant fail.. that's just embarrassing overall.
Yeah, that's what I thought too.
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Nah, I watched my dad play that one. :<
I'm a giant pussy, so I haven't really braved myself through that many horror games.
Here is an example:
The Myst games scare the living hell out of me.

I'm a pussy.
Any girls play the greatest game of all? Go.
I'm a casual gamer. I own something like 40+ games and two consoles, plus I emulate handhelds but I'm kinda bad at most games and I really only play for fun and for the stories, as gay as that sounds. I'm not competitive so I only play online games with friends and even then kinda rarely.
I like variety of games but I play most of my games on easy because, like I said I'm kinda bad at games in general and I always have so many games to play that I just want to get the one I'm playing done relatively swiftly so I can move on to the next game. I do try to 100% the games I really like though!
guess not. I only play japanese stuff: jrpgs (my faves being .hack and tales of series), vn, otome, touhou (but not competitive) and that's it
>plus I emulate handhelds but I'm kinda bad at most games and I really only play for fun and for the stories, as gay as that sounds
Heh, same here anon
Earthbound and/or Super Mario RPG? yes i have, several times and i own both
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Why does the "actual gamer girl" look ugly and gross and not shower?

You can be pretty and take care of yourself and still be a nerd or gamer or what the fuck ever we call it. I see comics like this all the time where the "real girl" has be be unfeminine. I consider myself a gamer and most of my interests make me a nerd, but I'm still very girly.

Those are good, but I'm going with Arcanum as my favorite RPG.

>Go and chess are still god tier
no, i don't have a private island nor do i own or known how to shoot a hunting rifle. my tracking sucks too.

i do like to play katamari though

>tfw I link to the wrong post
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I play a lot of games, have a nightmare tier backlog, and don't advertise the female part. I also bitch about games almost more than I play them. I work with a gamer gurl who nonstop takes pictures of herself in gaming tees and holding gaming shit. She also gets angry as fuck when her boyfriend and I talk about a game she's never heard of (which is 80% of them).
Honestly, half the gaming market these days is female.

It's not a special thing anymore.
Because you can't look like the enemy, duh. Apparently that image is for high schoolers.

That aside, I've always enjoyed playing games but more RPGs than FPS. I grew up watching my Dad play Quake and Unreal and I didn't like it. I also like logic/puzzle games along with visual otome novels.

I'm pretty casual though so I'm not in on the latest games, though I started playing ME2 just to see what's up and it was a bit boring due to obvious fight set ups and I'm horrible at shooting. I did get a bit better but there wasn't much room for tactics like I'm used to in my other games.
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>tfw people don't know the game Go and think I'm asking them for their favorites
>Feels okay actually
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Hunh. I see a lot of that on my facebook.
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Yeah I figured it was a fun little test and you were ready to spew /v/ hate on every answer. Maybe if you included a picture on the post it woulda gone the way you wanted. Most weebs know of Go. There's even that anime/manga, Hikaru no Go.

That said, I know shit all about how to play Go.
I tried Chrono Trigger but I couldn't get into it
>To each their own.
Exactly. Except you didn't have much of yours.
i stopped at the very final boss and youtubed the endings. i have done this with a few other games. i rush so fast to the boss that i am underleveled and dont want to take the time to grind. i am a bad gamer
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I can play Harvest Moon for hours. Am I a gamer girl?
Im really enjoying it. I couldn't get into Harvest Moon or its variants but I like Animal Crossing. Likewise I couldn't get into Dragon Quest or Disgaea even though I like RPGs.
divintysentcbe Report submitted! This window will close in 5 seconds...
Name some you like.
I am a girl, and I play video games. But, I am not a gamer girl. I've been playing Elder Scrolls games for over a decade and been playing Sonic games for nearly twenty years. However, I don't go around wearing "geeky" things, and I cannot stand the Legend of Zelda series (old Nintendo rivalry). So, all those triforces and such are meaningless to me. I dress and act like a normal adult, but when I get home, I fire up steam or my 360 and play for a couple hours.

Plus, gamer girls seem to forget that gaming isn't extremely male dominated anymore (I graduated with a game degree, so they kept me up to date with trends, and right now the most profitable demographic is 40-something moms on facebook making micro transactions). Many, many girls are in on it now, with things like Dance Central and Farmville.
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haha the joke of the picture was the description for the game. Gamestop legit had that description posted on their site when the game came out.

I never played Chrono Trigger. I'm probably in the minority, but I really dislike Akira Toriyama's artstyle to the point it makes it hard to enjoy whatever he's in. I'm ok with DBZ though I guess. I can't imagine it drawn another way.

The only Harvest Moon I ever played a retarded amount of hours was HM64. I have both the Gamecube ones and well... A Wonderful Life is TERRIBLE and Magical Melody is alright but lolframerate issues when too many cows and grass.
I don't like the style either, honestly. My boyfriend plays Dragon Quest a lot and I just can't get into it like he does because I find the art style distracting. It sounds stupid, I know, but it's just how it sticks in my head for some reason.
I like games, but I'm not a whore about it. Hell, I have no friends and I barely leave my house. Best games: Age of Empires, Roller coaster Tycoon, Godhand, Suikoden, Mother, Shadow of the Colossus.
Stop bumping this shitty thread
I love playing video games, tcg, tabletop and d&d.

I used to play a lot of the Sims games, AOE, and tycoon games. Played ragbarok online for a while I private servers, tried WOW and GW, I also loved playing mmorpgs, mabinogi, a lot of Korean ones I can't remember.

I love handheld games like; harvestmoon, animal crossing, elite beat agents, pkm, ace attorney, final fantasy etc.

I had a ps2 and a Sega dreamcast, finally got an xbox360 but sold it 6mo later since my Bf has a ps3.
(Which I love to watch him play his games like cod, RDD, skyrim, fallout)

Currently I'm playing MTG, PKMTCG and munchkin, while my bbfalso plays YGO.
i'm a girl. I happen to play video games. I used to have a headset. I tried to be helpful and say things like."look out there is a guy behind you. Maybe we should work together?"but i the response of letting people know your a girl playing a video game is sexual harassment. So now i pretend to be a guy and a mute.
As a guy, voice chat ruined online. Every game now eventually turns into a circle jerk of stupid. Nothing is more embarrassing than listening to some guy ask out a girl via a game.
In what game do you get harassed? I know in Halo girls receive endless harassment. But in COD I never seen any, since girls are so common. There's always at least one in every match.
eh, i only play comp tf2, l4d, oblivion/skyrim, and assy creed, so not that big of a gamer, really
>I'm a girl that plays video games
>list games and shit
>seems about the same as girls who go "Im a gamer guuurrl and I know all these things!"
If you're a gamer, you don't need to say "I'm a girl who plays games " and explain yourself to the world. You're just a gamer. That's it. Stop this nonsense.
This happened to me all the goddamn time in WoW. Playing a human priest was easily the worst experience I've ever had online, and I can't imagine why anyone would actually ask for that sort of abuse.
>I never played Chrono Trigger.

What are you waiting for?
Fucking awkward video of some creepy guy asking out some girl on TF2. on a 2fort server. i don't.
what the fuck i meant to type 'relevant' not 'related'
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I'm waiting for a different art style. Maybe next long trip I take I'll get the DS remake. Maybe. But as I said the art is the biggest turn off. It's pretty important considering I have to look at it pretty much the whole time.
I just don't get these people. Do they honestly expect that they are gonna get a girlfriend/laid from a game?
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I try so hard to not come off a one of those girls. Actually, I don't even tell people I play them. I'm scared of being called one of those girls. I admit I'm horrible at video games but, I still play them. I can't even call myself a gamer so I feel awkward talking about video games with people. They always ask "Have you played COD/Skyrim?" Always those two.... So I keep it to myself until someone brings up a game I actually know.
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Her name is toxinangel she was pretty much advertising she was female.
I get that, too. I have never played COD (unless you count being 13 and playing for five minutes before grabbing a copy of Spyro), but when they ask about Skyrim, I have to give them the "Are you serious" look. That game's way too new for people to consider it a standard, it's not even a year old. If they said Elder Scrolls, I might ignore it, but Skyrim isn't even the best game in that series. It's just a fad right now.

I personally hate it when people are like "You haven't played [x]!? How can you call yourself a gamer!?" People like different things, it's normal.
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I am totally a gamer girl

I almost have 3 stars on every Angry Birds level
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get out of my head
I fucking spent ALL NIGHT playing goddamn Animal Parade
Why are these games so addictive
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>I can play Harvest Moon for hours.
I know that feel sis, I love that game (even if the music gets repetitive after a while, thank goodness for rainy days), but I kind of lost interest after I got married and had a kid...

>Animal Crossing
I've spent so much time on that game .. I'm a bit afraid of going back to my town again (there would be so many weeds to get rid of)

>I love handheld games like; harvestmoon, animal crossing, elite beat agents, pkm, ace attorney, final fantasy etc.
I love every game you listed right there, but I'm stuck at (P. W. A. A.) Justice for All, I could search the answer on internet but I don't want to cheat)

I like Trauma Center Under the Knife 2 (even if the whole alien disease thing is silly)and I was starting to like The world ends with you but my file magically deleted itself and I'm not that motivated to restart the game.
I could never call myself a gamer girl tho, I like playing video games every now and then but that's it really
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>Ash Crimson
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My boyfriend has told that I should go to tournaments and try to get "e-famous" in the Street Fighter community because hurr hurr lolita gurl playing vidya games.

I don't think he understands that I'm A) Not that great and B) the street fighter community doesn't need another grrrl gamer.

So I'll just play at home, no tournaments

I recently attended ECT4 and there were a few girls who participated. They didn't get famous, but they did get respect like all other players. As long as you go in without the whole "DON'T HIT ON ME, SILLY BOYS" attitude, no one will judge you. At least no one in that tournament. The stream watches, on the other hand..
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get out
I don't care that you're a male gamer, just don't flaunt in in public, kthx :-)
I want to play vidya, not be interrupted by your testosterone level. At least try to change your voice during teamspeak, your weird low voices interrupt my hardxc0re gaming!
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I wish I could have gone to that, actually.

I guess I've been kind of shy to participate because I'm not NEARLY as great as other people and also the fact that there is one prevelant gurrl gamer in the DMV community and I'd rather not get lumped in with her (she's the only female gamer I know in my area).

Thank you for atleast telling me that though, perhaps I'll go to that event next year!
Better question, who in here avoids multiplauers games? Who doesn't need an audience when playing said games?
>with a WIRELESS 360 controller

I don't think you've ever tried to use one of those with a PC, if you had, you wouldn't be talking out of your ass on this one.

I'm from the DMV area and I attended. I was the second girl to participate in the SC5 tournament. While I didn't do too well, it was still a lot of fun. You should definitely come to Summer Jam in August (in Philly)! You get to meet tons of good players.

Hell, go in a lolita outfit! I think that'd be awesome.
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Gaming died in 1999 bro. Who cares anymore? Yeah, we occasionally get stuff like Journey but the medium is dead.

And no I am not a gamer, I am someone who occasionally plays video games. This "video game playing is a lifestyle" mantra needs to disappear.
Has Summer Jam gotten any better? I went a year or two ago and the turn out was super ballz and sort of a waste of my time since I wasn't playing SF.

WB and NEC are always fantastic though. Especailly if you are into 'anime' games, NEC is like anime EVO.
Nope I'm casual as fuck. I really enjoy video games but don't play them to often. The only game I really play a lot is Pokemon. Otherwise I play here and there, mostly RPGs and Platformers. Not a big fan of FPS but there are a few I like but I'm horrible at them.

Thanks! And I think in one of the streams I saw a girl cosplaying Sakura (you wouldn't happen to be her would you?)
Why do people act like girls who play videogames are rare? A FUCKTON of girls play videogames, just as many as guys.

I'm not sure. I attended for SSF4 last year. My only issue with the tournament was that a lot of the games and pools were held back because the games before them got extended for a period of time (not finished, other players playing other games, etc.). I don't think they have much control over it, though. I've stopped participating in SSF4 because I didn't want to stay at the venue from noon until midnight :/
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The death of the console (which will come soon) will be the beginning of vidya's rebirth. Just wait, daybreak is coming.

The bros and IMSUCHANERD girls will soon grow bored of Gears of War 8, Gaylo, Grand Theft Casual and Call of Doody: Please Join The US Military Edition. Sales will drop. And only the imaginative small profit yield games will remain. Just wait.
>Xbox Controller

I did see that Sakura cosplayer, but that wasn't me lol.
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What kind of neanderthal defines their self as a "gamer"? For fucks sake, a hobby is a lifestyle now?

I heard about that girl, she keeps hitting on guys left and right. Tried to sleep with some girl's boyfriend too
They have wireless receptors that you plug in via USB, they even take up to four controllers. They're more common among devs, though, so I'm pretty sure the comic's error is just a fuck-up.
No. I call myself a gamer but to be honest I'm more casual than anything else, mainly Halo, Pokemon, and a couple of RPGs like Skyrim and Borderlands. I've played videogames as far back as crash bandicoot when I was younger, but nowadays I just tend to play FPS and RPGs on my 360 and RTS/MMOs on my computer. I don't have a gaming rig or anything either.
Halo is a fucking nightmare. The few times I've tried voice chat have devolved the game into idiots arguing over mic chat and people teamkilling each other and generally dicking around.
Even now that I don't use a mic ever, I still get spammed with friend requests and retarded messages constantly even in the matchmaking screens. I can't complain too much because I have quite a girly gamertag and my spartan has black and pastel pink armour, but it's fucking annoying that I can't play a game how everyone else can (as in, have my character how I want them) without it causing problems online.
It is as much the pathetic guys who hit on "gamer girls" as the girls themselves, if they didn't get the attention they wanted they'd get bored and go away. Not that I'm defending them, I'm just pissed off that between the combined efforts of the two, people automatically assume I'm whoring for attention whenever I try to discuss games with them IRL. I overheard two guys I vaguely know from uni talking about the E3 halo trailer and went over to talk to them and they spent the whole five minutes I tried to talk trying to trip me up by asking obscure questions about the older games and saying stuff like "oh I bet you'd have struggled with the original".
>Implying I haven't beaten all the halo games including halo wars on legendary despite my hatred for console RTS...
It's a pretty comfortable controller, and wired versions are easy to use for PC games. The only other modern options are Sony's decade-old controller that felt great when I had child hands, but is tiny now, the Wiimote which is... awful... or you can plug your Kinect into your PC and make an MMD.

Or get a third-party gamepad, and most of them lack a weighty feel.
People call themselves "readers" and "movie geeks".
The xbox controller is the most glorious controller ever to grace the hands of the human race. The new WiiU controller being similar pleases me immensely.
It means "fan of games" essentially. I'm also a gardener, dancer, and programmer.
I have never once heard someone define themselves as a "reader"
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so who is reggie for persona 5?
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Eh I play video games, but never online or anything. Recently I've been playing a lot more, but it's always stuff that I've heard the name of or have been recommended + nintendo stuff (I'm a guilty nintenyearold) but I would never call myself a gamer girl. It's like how I enjoy anime but wouldn't call myself an "otaku" or I watch MLP but would never think of myself as a "brony"
>Eh I play video games, but never online or anything
So you stopped playing LoL then?

>+1 approval rating
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sage for not /cgl
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>this whole thread
>all this good taste in games

you guys are cool, we should all play an MMO together sometime /cgl/ like the other boards do
>I would never call myself a gamer girl. It's like how I enjoy anime but wouldn't call myself an "otaku" or I watch MLP but would never think of myself as a "brony"
But roko! if we did that the GMs would b& you in no time for creeping on other girls =(
>(I'm a guilty nintenyearold)

This was even stupider, more attention seeking than saying you're a gamer girl or girl gamer. It's like you people don't even realise your hypocrisy.

Please, please get some self perception.
>I'm stuck at (P. W. A. A.) Justice for All, I could search the answer on internet but I don't want to cheat)
If I may ask, which case are you stuck in?
JfA is in general considered the weak link of the series (not counting the spin-offs). Plus, there's only one case that has any meaningful impact on the series' canon and only one case that's truly remarkable. If it's the circus one, then it's understandable. I mean, AA's never been big on that whole "subtlety" thing, but Turnabout Big Top just throws it out of the window and runs it over with an ice-cream truck. Takes some serious leaps of logic to solve the case, and it turns the court part into an unbelievable farce. Sure, it has one or two good moments, a few really funny ones too, but in the end it's not worth giving up on the whole series because of it. The canon-important case was right before that, the best one, unfortunately, right after that.
More importantly, the third game (Trials & Tribulations) is almost unanimously positively received and it certainly deserves many "best ofs" of the series. My personal favorite too, even the "filler" cases are top notch, everything is filled with memorable moments (and >feels) and the soundtrack is a significant improvement over Kimura's somewhat disappointing work in JfA.
Eh? I guess Im a gamer girl. Mostly stick to my DS and browser games. There is one browser game that I have been playing for a good four years...

Used to be a facebook addict when it came to those games. But they were taking up too much of my time.
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Yeah, it bothers me a little because people want to talk about video games with me but, all they ever talk about are those 2 games. I have so many games I haven't finished that I'm still working on. Plus, I don't really enjoy games like COD. I mean I'd try it if I was at a friends and they wanted to play. but, I'm not going out to spend money on it.

One more thing I hate, on a website on my profile I list what games I play so people would stop asking "What games do you play?" Not that it stopped them. Anyways, I get tired of the messages I get from guys saying "Oh my god! A girl that plays video games! Marry me!" It makes me feel awkward.
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When I played mmorpgs years ago there was some girl in our guild that pretended she was a guy for over a year. I dunno why the hell she did that, we were all nice guys who just wanted to play the game, when we found out we didn't even get mad at her or anything like that. She was incredible nice too, before and after the gender exchange.
We also had a real prostitute in our guild, nobody ever bothered her too.

Good times.
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>It makes me feel awkward.
Because you don't wanna get married, right?

Back when I used to play World of Warcraft Mia Rose (pornography actress) was a Horded player on my server (Mal'ganis)

I don't know what it was like for her, she advertised openly who she was, but I know that my guild and everyone I knew basically ignored her aside from a laugh about having the "World Of Whorecraft" girl playing WoW on our server.
Who wants to marry some loser who proposes to random girls in the internet?
What if they're Jim?
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>World Of Whorecraft
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Well, yeah. I don't think I'll ever do that.
Jim is an alpha male though.
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That was a good one, lad.

I'm not kidding... look it up.
best quote
"looks like you're about to get your shivers timbered"
or something like that. They are fun to watch if you want to laugh.
Girls who call themselves gamer girls need to get the fuck over themselves.
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Here you go, a presento for you.
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Oh my! I think that's a bad decision on your half! You now have a wife that doesn't know how to cook,clean, and figure out how to use washing machines. Oh and one that has to be watched. I almost get hit by cars a lot. Have I convinced you that I'm not marriage material!?
Nah it's cool, I dunno how to do any of that either. Once I was almost hit by a train too so it's ok.
It's non stop bullshit if you tell people that you're female in an online game, so I just don't tell anyone. This is why you guys wanting a "gamer girl" will never find a sane, decent one. The ones who are good at gaming and just want to game won't tell anyone and the ones who are annoying and terrible make sure everyone knows that they're female.

Trolls gon' be trolls.
I'm not great at games, but I like playing them casually and if a bunch of guys are playing at a party I'll most likely join them over the people chatting in the corner.

I'm always up for recommendations, anyone got any good casual gamer friendly games?
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>gutar hero
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Games that aren't TF2, Halo, Guitar Hero, etc.

Indie games preferred
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omg I've played this.
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>be female
>playing tf2, talk on teamspeak


>trip up once


>too busy plotting my next attack to give a shit
>knife him in the goddamn ass
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If you take pictures of yourself just holding a controller you aren't a gamer. You're an attention whore. You play video games just to show men that you play video games to try to impress them.
I cant stop thinking about some neckbeard posing with his mouse and keyboard unplugged.
Ill do that for you but Im not a neck beard
I am or maybe I am not ... anyways I'm not going to brag about it... jeeezz
do it
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the thing is, taking care of yourself "aka keeping yourself pretty" takes a lot of time and money that takes away from gaming, unless of course you are one of those fer naturally beautiful girls but anyway most of the time you can either be really good at games and ugly or not so good at games and really attractive, theres always the few girls who actually are the medium but there arent many
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ohshit get Puzzle Quest 1. It's pretty casual but it has enough shit in it to make you feel like it's not. It's like Bejeweled but if it was an RPG and the gems you destroy give you mana for spells to win in Bejeweled battles against giant rats. Has secret items, spells to learn from monsters, and a fairly long stupid story.

I agree with this statement.
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The reason ugly girls are better at games is because they have more testosterone, which has been directly linked to faster reaction times and hand-eye coordination.
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See that's the thing. My coworker constantly talks about how much money she spends at salons and shit. She was saying she spends like $60 every 2 weeks on like gel manicures or some shit. And like $90 face creams or something. I've never had a manicure and at $60 there is no way I'd choose it over a game.
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>Ouendan cosplay
Awwww yeah, that hit the spot
But thats just priorities, not nessisarrily women.

I had a friend who would never have money on him when we would all go out on the town. No food, no gas, bumming everything off of us. But guess what he did have? The five newest 60$ titles all pre-ordered and paid off.
Fucking hated that guy.
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that poor guy, sweet jesus I feel so sorry for him.

Usually its only kids in the 12-15 range that do the whole "Are you a girl?!" usually followed by "Are you hot?"
Older guys are usually just being playful. Often I will comment if a guys voice pleasant. "hey, nice voice." its just a compliment. Played with one guy, started asked my age, I asked back - he was 13 and sounded like fucking Tay Zonday. I thought Chris Henson was gonna ask me to take a seat.
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By the way, the guy asking her to be her friend is a well known troll on Youtube that is quite popular and does this for fun and entertainment.

Much like Francis:
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>tfw whiteknights step in whenever guy starts hinting on you/flirting with you.

Fuck yeah, forever in another castle mario
This nigga is so fucking fat
Well I just took it but I cant find the memory card.
>Not posting the greatest Francis video
Mari!!! :D
I don't even consider myself to be a gamer, I'm just a casualfag.
although the few games I do play I get addicted to and I feel the need to complete it 100% before I put it down.
right now I'm stuck on the new Harvest Moon game, and I'm not even halfway done and i'm in year 2 fall or something.
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Personally I prefer the style of EBA, but eh

Well yeah it is priorities and if you claim to be a gamer your priorities should be able to back that up. But it is telling if a gamer girl wants a useless fancy manicure over a game she won't shutup about.
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which sucks, since that fatness is going to get him killed

I love horror video games like Amnesia or Dead Space. I also like funny video games like Portal or Metal Gear Solid.
>I like movies like portal or MGS

I just play it for the difficulty. Holy fuck Ouendan 2 can break your wrist.

>Metal Gear Solid
>video game
>ugly girls
>better at games
>forgetting most(all) of the girls who are pro gamers are attractive
>"pro" gaming females
So lack of testosterone is the reason girls suck at games?

Implying I'm only taking about Halo/COD/GENERIC SHOOTER games.
But they're always bad. I honestly can't think of any "professional" game where the women are at all good.

Lack of testosterone and poor spatial awareness, yes.

I'm talking outside of shooters. Kayane recently made 2nd place at MLG, and Chocoblanka beat out tons of 2D gods in Japan. Both really attractive girls.
>Both really attractive girls.

>Kayane 5/10
>Chocoblanka 7/10
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Kind of a stupid thing to complain about, but when you're a pretty girl who takes care of how she looks and dresses very girly, not shoving the fact that you're a nerd in everyone's face AND play videogames, everyone assumes you're an attention whore who has no idea what she's talking about.

Feels...stupid man.
>feelinyour pain anon
To people saying they hate when people ask if they've played COD/Skyrim: Think of it this way. They're trying to find a common connection and those games are popular now. It's kind of like how everyone asked about Portal when it came out. Give them a break. I ask people about Skyrim because I'm playing it again, it's fun and it's usually common ground. I'll then ask if they played more of TES and move on from there. Don't be so quick to judge, they may just be too shy to bust out and yell their favorite game is Culdcept Saga or Tales of the Abyss.
Get out. And take that shitty game with you. It should have died and they just keep reviving it.
>not just asking if they play dota, system shock, or DotT

Fucking pleb.

4/10 would not game
When you have woman likes these >>5940741>>5940778
>>5941137 and the rest of the youtube bitches, it cant be helped. I hide my power lvl, i don't need the harassment.
Anyone playing Soul Calibur V?
I don't have a PC that is strong enough to run games. I have a shitty laptop for school and internet browsing, that's it. I play in console and I don't give a fuck.
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>not dreamcast
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>don't have a PC that is strong enough to run games.
>system shock
I don't know who you are, and this thread is stupid, but I saw this post and thought you should know that that sentiment makes you one of most attractive people in the world.
I only play old jRPGs (pre-2003) and fighting games. Sometimes I take up an MMO, but mostly I hate PC gaming. So I guess I'm not a gamer anymore as much as I was back in middle school, and if I was, I'd call myself a fucking gamer, not a goddamn girl gamer. I'm a cosplayer, not a GURRLLL COSPLAYER. I'm a tech geek, not a GURRLLL TECH GEEK LAWL. What the fuck is wrong with these bitches making a huge deal out of something they have between their legs?
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>Animal Crossing

>buy game for my 6 year old niece
>see her playing the game
>she has to go somewhere, so I tell her
>try to turn the thing off
>the fuck did I just listen to

games these days...

I miss the times when pacman was the hot shit
I find a lot of girls who play games, even if they are not GAMER GURRRLS tend to know how to use their sex in MMOs and such.

And the problem with getting girls into PC games rather than slumming it on consoles is pretty much patience, i mean, i get kinda ticked off about it myself. Waiting, sometimes up to several days if your connection is bad, for a game to download is really boring. I know half the time i have my computer on, doing 'nothing' is because it's taking forever to download a title via steam.

At least a console lets you pop it in and go, right? Way more attractive proposition. to "hey, lets play X together... in 3 days"
I hate the gamer gurrrrrrrl bullshit. I know it's stupid but I try so hard not to seem like I play games (or do anything deemed 'geeky') just so guys don't group me with them. Although it's not hard now since I barely have time for them anymore (I cry everytiem i remember my high school shut-in years. fuck).

Also I'm surprised that most you guys like RPGs.
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Hey motherfucker, What did I tell you about resetting?
I lie and say im a guy when discussing games online .it makes for a better conversation i think.

>discussion moves onto 'which girl character is the hottest'
>say you dont find any of them hot
>get called a fag

better to be a gay boy than a gamer gurrl..
Maybe you've only met shemales?
I'm a girl and although I always pick female characters I never get boys hitting on me, or offering me stuff (things I see them doing to shemales). Even though I'd decline it, I've never even got the chance to get good stuff just for being a girl.
Maybe because I grew up on /b/ and learned how to behave like a male? Maybe because I'm a shut-in who doesn't know how to talk to people even online?
All I know is: shemales get more stuff than I do. They probably behave more femine. Or it's just like the way it is with moe characters: men know what other men want.

Anywho, I play stuff on PC too, but mainly indie games and the ocasional Half-Life.
Gotta feel awesome to like consoles better because you live in a good place such as the US. I live in a 3rd world country and have to import all my games or resort to piracy because stuff sell here for over five times their original price. So downloading is actually faster than buying games.

Maybe you just need less shitty Internet. I've never had a game take more than two hours, even on my shitty college network.
Late, but:

Holy shit another comp TF2 player! Our community is so small. Who are you? What teams do/did you play on?
>always play female characters but I don't pretend I'm a girl though
> I've got so much free stuff that would make any attention-whore mad jelly
So why do you get free stuff?
I find it hilarious when I see girls complaining about men calling them bros and dudes on online games. There's this girl in my guild with a "Don't DUDE me, I'm a girl" title.

And no I'm not talking about it in a passive-agressive hateful way, I actually find it funny as shit.

By the way, I've got so much free stuff that would make any attention-whore mad jelly. I always play female characters but I don't pretend I'm a girl.
I always play with the strongest and richest people so I end up with very powerful friends.
No need to post 4 times.

You mean you join the top guilds and such?
I fucked up pretty bad when posting.

Yeah, top guilds.
If betas want to give me stuff, I'm all for it.

No shame.
I like Final Fantasy: 3,4,7,10 and Tactics. I'd like to play 5 and 6 but I haven't had time. Tales Of, Xenogears, Star Ocean, Persona, Riviera: The Promised Land, Knights In the Nightmare, The Wold Ends with You are a few of my faves. I also like the older game boy games like Kirby and Links Awakening and Tetris.

I'm always looking for an interesting story or gameplay, or something like the old school Genesis games. A cute style or older graphics I find charming. I also enjoy midi music and I'm not a fan of say the super detailed games like what Final Fantasy has become.

Sorry for the late reply, my internet was messing up.
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It's not that we're all desperate betas crazy for an e-girlfriend, sometimes we just feel a bit generous. Everybody knows women suck at games so even something really small can make them really happy. Hell sometimes I'd give my female friends free money just to see their reactions.

>her: hey anon I finally got the 1 billion I needed for that item I told you about, I'm so happy! Took me two weeks to get the money!
>me: nice, I got some spare money on my alt, you can have it
>her: no, don't worry about it, I'm fine
>me: nah, it's ok I don't really need it
>give her 100 billion
>she faints
>old jRPGs (pre-2003) and fighting games
my nigga

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