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So what's the deal with this asshole?
>sleeps with different sluts from socal then dumps them 'cause he has self esteem and relationship issues
>gets called out for being a faggot, can't back his shit up
>easier to shit on a woman than to face a man
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Did matt insult one of your cosplays OP?
I always see this picture but I never take the time to figure out who it is. Matt is his name? Is that his trip?
He's the guy every girl in this board wants to fuck.
I have no desire to fuck him.
he's gross
I think you're talking about Maguma there.

Matt's been pretty chill since I met him at last year's Fanime. And how has he been someone that doesn't back his shit up; I don't get that.

I think he's intelligent enough to realize that tripping on this board yields no good results. Ever.

Except for maybe Hatsuu or Volpin since they're helpful

No I'm not dick riding I don't know either of them
I still find it hilarious that powergirl friendzoned him.
lol they have a brother-sister relationship.
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Powergirl just has some retarded concept of love and is one of those girls that put sex on a pedestal.

Why are there so many of those in the cosplay community?

They are either sluts or saints.
This pretty much.
Says the virgin.
Oh right, I forgot, cause I'm a 12 year old neckbeard virgin. My bad.
Thanks for adding nil.
You're forgetting the wealth of other tripfags who have carved names for themselves for being helpful, non drama mongering and likable people
Back before I met him, I though he might be a dick because of the shitposting he used to do. However, after hanging out with him, and eventually rooming with him, I can say he is legitimately a good guy. Shit only really started because breakups+internet=drama. It happens. Breakups are always messy. So yeah, calm down anon.
wow, that's a terrible bro strider costume... it's totally innaccurate in like every possible way... why would someone ever do this?
Most people manage to have them without contracting acute diarrhea of the keyboard.
I agree. Hanging out with him showed me a really cool side to him. I thought it was pretty cool how he was always watching out for his friends. I lol'd at watching him carry Reddickies back to their hotel.

>Not knowing Kamina
>Really terrible trolling

I shiggy diggy
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one does not simply walk into a tripfag drama thread and attempt to troll it
The good:
-He's generally a nice guy. I like talking to him about comics
-He's gotten a lot better about posting on /cgl/, i.e- he does it infrequently

The bad:
-Once you get him started, he will write long posts that are kind of redundant and give off that "LOLINTERNETTOUGHGUY" attitude. Because of that he can come off as fake and obnoxious because he writes a lot more than he should, but like I said, he's put a harness on that recently. Also he has more people to call him out on it.
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I'm sorry if this seems dickish, but I have to say it. I post every now and again because it entertains me; nothing more.

I've been posting less and less because /cgl/ has gone more downhill in the past few months than usual...that and well...it's not as entertaining as it used to be. The constant drama and behind-the-back talking is insane and people readily adhere to that as a lifestyle...and I'm really not ok with that.

I'm not done posting by any means, and I still lurk like crazy; but really, I don't have any interest in drama or any of that nonsense. I just want to have a good time with good people and just have a memorable con experience.

The. End.
Way to sound exactly like the narcissistic cunt they needed you to be.

This is why you or RedDickies will always be inferior to God.
No, no, no. Almost 20 year old virgin. Male Betas don't understand that a girl can tell simply from the look in his eyes if he's a loser or not.
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I agree with thee, tripfag.
I now venture to /y/ and /a/ because /cgl/ is full of pointless whining and shitposting. I mean, drama is fun to some extent but we don't need a new thread every time Dakota wipes her ass, J-Nig sneezes or Lily bends and snaps.

No entertainment anywhere.
>complains about how much /cgl/ suxxxx
/a/ isnt any better
I'm with this anon. Your "I'm too good for this place" rebuttal there just made you look worse, tbh
>no drama
>tripfags are treated as worthless shit, compared to demi-gods here
Way better than /cgl/.
Also because God posts an exorbitant amount of cute animals on tumblr. It's hard to compete with that.

>no drama
What is your definition of drama? In /a/ its the constant same shit posting with little to no variety with actual anime and genre. Once in a blue moon I find something thats actually different.

Even when you try to bring up your favorite old anime, they generally shit post the thread and derail it.

Come on, even /v/ is better than this.

>tripfags are treated as worthless shit, compared to demi-gods here
I do have to say by my short time here that I see this.
Yet again most tripfags in /a/ are generally annoying also.
Every board has its own culture. I go to other boards, but this is the only one I trip on. Besides, its kind of justified here because people from this board regularly meet in real life, unlike most other boards.
yes there is a lot of decent people who only trip here

people who use the same trip everywhere on 4chan have severe mental problems and illusions of grandeur
/soc/ is better than /cgl/ and that says something.
lol do you like Lancer? He's such a faggot little bitch.
I cringed when you said /soc/

If you want to talk about circle jerking, /soc/ is THE place to be.

If you want to go to a board where there are decent tripfags, that'll be /vg/.

But /soc/ being better than /cgl/?
I met pretty awesome bros at /soc/long time ago but the negative far outweighs the positive.
>Even when you try to bring up your favorite old anime, they generally shit post the thread and derail it.
Typical nostalgiafag who gets mad when /a/ doesn't wanna talk about Cowboy bebop.
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Vaguely knew about dramu but couldn't remember well enough for it to be important.
Met him in person at Fanime.
Super chill and super kind.

The past is the past etc etc.
I sort've misphrased it, yet I dont know how to explain it exactly. Cause i'll try to bring up Needless, Rainbow, and some other shows that was on couple years ago but it just boils down to, nothing.

Im actually not a big fan of Cowboy Bebop, and never understood the mass appeal. I liked the movie but not the series as a whole.
>hurr /soc/ is better than /cgl/ and that says something.

Then why are all the /soc/ fags coming to /cgl/ and shitposting?
Those shows were discussed when they were aired, nobody wants to discuss them anymore when there's new content to be discussed.
I can understand to an agree but its not a reason to blow it off completely and shits on OP for making the thread. Hell they talk a lot more about K-On than the shows I mentioned combined.

The only threads that keeps my interest would be the Fate Night threads. 90% is just waifus and loli drama shows (which I hate generalizing that way).
>The past is the past etc etc.
But the past is the only reason why people whiteknight Matt. Were there a guy just like him, looked like a clone of his, nobody would like him because he's not *Matt*.
>he thinks someone like Matt would watch FZ, or even read up on Lancer on wikipedia
bitch pls

I would be fucking surprised if he at least watched TTGL

Matt is not the kind of cosplayer who cosplays characters he loves
he cosplays characters that get him the pussy

that's the golden rule

>in b4 butthurt
you know it's true
who is this guy?
He's a weenie with a blender
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A male butterface that for some reason the women of this board get wet over.
Oh I thought from the pic it was Piratetoaster's new squeeze
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>I would be fucking surprised if he at least watched TTGL

lol you should ask Hanyaan if I love Gurren Lagann as much as she loves JoJo. Ooooooor Reddickies and B-O-Y how much I love Fate/Zero and how similar the parallels are between Diarmuid's death in history and the show truly are. I've argued countless times on my hate for the Bleach storyline but my love for Tite Kubo's character design. I've also gone as far as to argue why the Alter abilities in s-CRY-ed are so varied and why I love Straight Cougar; as well the factors of why I enjoy reading Nightwing.

This isn't a an E-Penis measurement, it's a statement that you're so very wrong.

>Matt is not the kind of cosplayer who cosplays characters he loves
>he cosplays characters that get him the pussy

As stated above, I only cosplay what I love. Kamina and Nightwing are my favorite characters, shortly followed up by Lancer, Grimmjow, Straight Cougar, Crow, and Dante.

>that's the golden rule

First time I've heard of such an absurd golden rule.

>you know it's true

But that's wrong and your standards aren't raising or lower the bar in this case.


;) Matts Dick!
>ask my friends and let them tell you how much I like these things! i-it's not like I could not p-prove it here or a-anything
how come you were hitting on so many girls at fanime?
If I attempt to prove anything on /cgl/, I get called a tryhard~ That being said, how does one prove they enjoy something to a faceless anon without looking as if flaunting?

I don't require justification for things I enjoy; especially not from the anonymous masses.

Lol I wasn't. If friendly conversation is hitting on someone, then I'm a damn womanizer.
why would that be a bad thing if it were the case?

>oh noes a guy is interested in girls
I had a pretty fucking A+ response to this post, but, OF COURSE, it had to be eaten up by the retarded posting problems.
I guess fate doesn't favor anons fighting against tripfags.
I'd wreck him. I'd wreck him hard.
Wow. I just got here and this Matt guy seems like a fag. Beta male posting from his phone at work here.
Does your fugly "girlfriend" care that you slept around at Fanime?? I bet she did it too shes a huge slut

he slept with his ex zal
the two were inseparable
Thought Zal was dating that faggot with the Kamina tattoos.
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fucking summerfags

no u
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>ITT: Million "Scorned Sluts That Matt Didn't Wife" March
>my face after you guys find out about Matt and me flip-fucking at ALA2013 as Superboy & Robin
Just like my yaois. Tell me more.
>If I attempt to prove anything on /cgl/, I get called a tryhard~
Cheap excuse.
>That being said, how does one prove they enjoy something to a faceless anon without looking as if flaunting?
If you can't think of anything, then you truly did not watch/read/whatever any of those.
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Matts a pretty cool guy, people just getting mad over nothing
This is the worst troll I've ever seen. You're not even giving him things to prove and the very idea of making someone prove something is really elementary.
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>mfw waifus all in spandex around me
>mfw Mika as Nightwing
>mfw this whole group
Wait, so I'm a troll because I wrote one post against your favorite tripcancer of all time? Good to know.

>the very idea of making someone prove something is really elementary.
That's exactly what I meant. If he read/watched those things, he should be able to prove it.

But no, instead his whining about how impossible it is.

If you asked me to prove that I truly liked and played the games I like and play, I could do so, without any problem at all.
ok guys, seriously? We're still on about matt?

I know matt.....kinda....

And yeah he can be a douche, he can even be mean spirited, but can't we just leave the guy alone?

I know that's asking a lot out of /cgl/ but i've seen 4 threads about this guy and they all say the same shit. But the guy has to work for his pay and upkeep just like everyone else.

Give the guy a break...
sup Matt
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ITT Everybody
I dated Matt before hes a pretty chill guy even though he could be kind of a dick sometimes
Alright, who's the worst Fate girl then. Say nothing but the name and why.
Its not
>hey I was friends with this guy once
>I dated matt before

Its interesting how casual that is. Erryone gets their icecream.
You're clearly new here

I lol'd. Probably because it came from you. I'm not sure if I'd find it funny if it was from someone else.

agreed. point's been made. some anon will always find something wrong with some tripfag. it's kinda how it goes. That's the internet for you. you just gotta take your lumps.
Will keep bumping until you man up.
Remember when he talked shit about Don to HER friends on HER computer than tried to deny it when she caught him and called him out on it?

Matt's a faggot

How long is his penis?
see >>5941985
Jesus, he looks like he's 60
who is matt?
Isn't he the guy who dated that slut Zal who fucked that one guy and his gf went missing for awhile because they fucked in her house?
Some of you kids here with that attitude, haha, good luck finding a decent photographer
As I said...

come out coward.

Oh man that shitstorm was hilarious, and I respect Don a buttfuck ton more for calling him out on it. Matt was super apologetic about it afterwards too, and then he was like "but yeah she was a crazy bitch." Which apparently is also true (that she's crazy). Tripfag drama, the best kind of drama.
But she's probably one of the first to admit she's some sort of crazy, which honestly doesn't make her that crazy at all.

If she's crazy, why doesn't she change that then? Last I heard she was still a crazy jealous insecure girlfriend.

Because some people fucking like Elliot from Scrubs
idklol. I don't know her extremely well, but every time I've hung out with her or talked to her, she's been pretty chill. If she actually is "crazy," then she does a damn good job at keeping a lid on it.
Come out, come out, wherever you aaaaaaare
That looks like Kamina OP, he isn't an asshole you fag.
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I'm a chick who speaks her mind and doesn't take shit from others, of course I'm cray-cray. I'm a slut too, don't forget that.
Oh you, cuggle.

You're a BITCH, Mas. I'll fight you.
Look who came out of her cave! Did you find a lull in your gorillian episodes of shonin shit to say hello when your name was called?
Bitch wears bonnets in public, that's about all I have to say on the matter.
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>obsessive over gurren lagann
>doesn't even know what getter robo is

fuck this weaboo.
More like she just puts her trip back on when people start giving her attention.
Except he doesn't even know what getter robo is and yet claims to be obsessed with super robots like gurren lagann, which was a copy of it in the first place.
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he knows what Getter Robo is, pretty sure it was the first damn thing I asked him about ever

not sure if hes ever seen or read any of it though
I talked to him about 2 years ago and I asked him about it, thinking he would be happy to talk about it, and he had no idea what it was.
He wasn't that special, I guess he ignored me because I wasn't a girl or something.
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I don't watch that shit, nigga. I ain't got time and why the fuck would I want to be a year behind on shit? Stay current; read manga, negros.

Do you really want me to beat you up in front of your friends again?

You seem miffed. Might be a result of all the mad sand in your cooch, lady.
Inb4 I'm a doode. Suuuuuuure you are.
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I bet Jim hits harder than you.
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I bet Kyle hits harder than you.
And I bet that's saying something.

... Sorry, Kyle.
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Poor Kyle.

To settle this, I propose we have a duel. I bet my girlfriend can knock your girlfriend the fuck out.
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>which was a copy of it in the first place
actually its more of a homage, the director of GL was a huge fan of Getter Robo, he even spoke at the authors funeral, and sadly 90% GLs fanbase doesn't even know what a super robot is sadly, at least in the US

I asked him about it a little less than a year ago, seemed to know what it was, which is a lot more of a reaction than i get from most people.

and to keep this from becoming a GL vs Getter derail let's take a page from Banprestos book, Kamina and Ryoma are bros in Z2 regardless of which series better, more popular, or whose fanbase is worse and are arguably one of the best cross series team ups in the game.

We don't have time to bicker amongst each other.
There's evil to smash, get in your robot.
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I don't make bets I know I'll lose :>

... Sorry, Jim.
Didn't he hook up with powergirl at ALA?
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No, that was me.
Powergirl, ilu, bby.
Lol, Didnt she stop tripping here because people didnt give her enough attention?
Dayum guuuuuuurrrl.

Lol she still trips here.

Words right out of my mouth. Also. I FUCKING LOVE GETTER ROBO <3
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You know me. Big fat slut.

Thanks, Poolboy :D
Don/Kailee is easily the most annoying active tripfag nowadays. She tries way too hard to be one of the bros when she's just another speshul snowflake attentionwhore who creams her panties everytime she's mentioned on here. She probably needs to change her panties right now. Matt tries a little too hard sometimes but like everyone else has said, he has good intentions and he's a bro. Don is actually really fucking crazy (have stories but shouldn't say) and desperate to rub elbows with other tripfags. She constantly talks about /cgl/ drama on her Facebook and annoyingly namedrops other trips. She also sucks up to them in person in the most awkward fashion.
I wish we had more pics of matt in sexy poses shirtless.
Sadly, this has been the most entertaining thread this week.
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