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Well I tried posting this on the appropriate board several times and got absolutely no meaningful or helpful response.

Since /cgl/ has the highest female population, I decided I should ask here.

Do you gals know of any dating sims or anything similar worth checking out?
Katawa Shoujo .
Hatoful motherfucking Boyfriend.

Hakuoki: Demon of the Fleeting Blossom, if you want something a little sappier.
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Those are the board for pathetic neckbeards who can't get real girlfriends. Not /cgl/.
I'm not a neckbeard, I'm an underweight tranny.
You're still pathetic. Go bother those boards. with your need for escapism
Girls don't play these games because they can easily get boyfriends anyway.
You can come to my arms.
The fun part isn't having a boyfriend, the fun part is getting one.

I like flirting with fictional characters.
Why would /cgl/ know? Does this look like a board that has difficulty making real relationships?
there's almost always a VN thread with a bunch of VNs and their translation statuses. while you won't get the hurr time to grind stats part of things done you will still get the flirty oh I've got to pick a girl's route part.
I think Racecar drivers are allowed to play Racing Games

and people who play the guitar in their band can play Guitar Hero

and marines can play Call of Duty
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>Hatoful motherfucking Boyfriend.

That's the only dating sim you'll ever need.

would be the best board for this- just lurking a bit will get you lots of results. If you're looking for a specific type, just make a thread asking for them.

Sorry, 2D love is real love
/jp/ is not good for anything, trust me.
/cgl/ are so slutty.

Do you realize how many girls on here have had sex with more than 5 men?
...where can I get it?
>2D love is real love
OH GOD that's fucking hilarious
Yeah, no. Fake characters = fake love.
Tokimeki memorial girl's side

Play it.
Ones I've played: Hatoful Boyfriend and Hakuouki: Demon of the Fleeting Blossom
Both are pretty good. Hakuouki had a tendency to piss me off though... stop dying on my people!

One's I've only seen the anime based of the game: Starry Sky and Uta no Prince-sama
I've heard the Starry Sky games are rather boring and the Utapri game is weird but I thought the animes were decent?

>I have a boyfriend and I still play these games.
>I need a life

But are there any other otome games that got translated? I need a new game before I go play thru Hatoful Boyfriend BBL route a third time...
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You can check out this site for some games - http://www.otome-games.com/

And don't feel bad anon. I had a boyfriend until I realised he would never be as good as any of my 2d husbandos.
I think we both need a life.

And finally, I recommend Hakuouki.


ooh!~ I'm so loving this site!! Thank you so much~

>Told him that Otome games are to me what porn is to him.
I have a pretty decent guy but I only get to see him maybe four times a month due to badly meshing schedules. The otome games help with my need for romance when I can't see him and keep me from bugging the crap out of him.

Least cosplay makes me get out of the house I suppose lol
Generic google search of

SimGirl and Naruto Dating Game.

Those are my sister's favorite sim hentai games that she blatantly played in front of nuns at the Catholic school we are forced to attend and haven't been called out on it because we would play the race card.
Hatoful Boyfriend is great for a laugh and Katawa Shoujo has amazing storylines.
>playing dating sims
>not just talking to a stranger in complete both way anonimity and build year long false relationship where you use each other as a crutch

are you even trying?
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As Hatoful has already been said, go play some older ones too.
Yo-Jin-Bo and Silver Chaos (for the yaoi lovers) are both pretty amazing. Yo-Jin-Bo is my guilty pleasure, though. It's really bad, but it's fucking amazing. If you are a fan of references (or just like to laugh), you should definitely give it a try.
>Hatoful motherfucking Boyfriend.

gakuen hansamu
Thirded. I love this game.

Animamundi: Dark Alchemist (アニマ・ムンディ 終わりなき闇の舞踏 Anima Mundi: Owarinaki Yami no Butou) is a Japanese gothic horror visual novel developed by Karin Entertainment and distributed by Hirameki International in the United States.

Many years have passed since Count Georik Zaberisk, once famed as the brilliant Royal Physician of the King of Hardland, relinquished his title and moved to the country to care for his frail sister, Lillith. His life since that time has been that of a normal aristocrat, with little out of the ordinary befalling him. So when one day the King offers Georik a new position as doctor in the capital, he jumps at the chance. However, while he is away from his manor, things take a horrifying turn for his sister when the villagers suspect her of witchcraft and as a result behead her and burn her body. Devastated by the death of his sister, Georik is grief-stricken until he realizes with shock that Lillith's severed head is still alive. Knowing that she cannot live like this forever, Georik tries to restore Lillith's body by transplanting the head from one body to the next, but despite his medical genius, he cannot make her whole again. In the depths of desperation, he stumbles across the secrets of alchemy, secrets long ago forbidden. Seeing no other way to save his sister, Georik has no choice but to start his journey down this dark and dangerous path...

Several female-focused gaming websites reviewed the novel and were generally supportive, but not everyone was pleased with the fact that some of the artwork from the game had been edited or replaced; primarily the gore and soft yaoi.
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Iso-anon agrees on Hatoful Boyfriend.
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Fourthed. This was my first dating sim, and is still somewhere around the house.

Also, boyfriends really shouldn't take this stuff seriously. The guy I'm committed to doesn't mind that I play them, he does too, and we both have a waifu.

Mind if I turn this /cgl/ relevant, OP, and give some dating sim cosplays?
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OP here. I posted this thread because I tried out Magical Diary on a whim and I'm enjoying it.

It's made in RenPy by some Deviantart girl obsessed with magical girls, but despite that it's actually still pretty enjoyable.

I don't just want VNs though, I want a game that actually has me managing my time, stats, relationships, etc. in a meaningful way.
...play Slavemaker. For a sex based dating game thing... it's actually really into stats and stuff. It's basically a fan-made parody of Princessmaker where you can choose from male or female anime/game characters.
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That's pretty much a perfect description of Tokimeki Memorial.
Never heard of it before, but I'll definitely look into it!

I really don't want to play an H game. I mean, I'm fine if the game has H scenes, but I'm not in this for porn.
This thread... made me stay up still 4am last night reading about Hatoful.
I'm so happy this thread is here. I was high last night trying to find decent dating sims....
I have a boyfriend and I play them. No big deal. He knows and just thinks it's funny.
a dating sim with pigeons?? really?!

Normalfag detected.
I love dating sims, but it just seems like there aren't many of them.
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Wanko to Kurasou

Now get to work, those feels arn't gonna feel themselves.

OP is a faggot?

You should go hunt down the Sha Kim chronicles from /v/ in archives. I love Tokimeki Memorial to death, but they had some god damn fun with it on /v/. It was like when they were flipping their shit over Princess Debut (which is also an Ouendan variation Otome game for little girls, but still fun to play bcause everyone is kind of a prick.)
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Girls Love Revo

You play a fat bitch that has to lose weight and get the guys at the same time. It's basically /cgl/ the game. And English patch came out a month ago for the Korean version of the rom.
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Where can I download this at and can I get it for free *_*

>please please please respond
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i'm making a dating sim... but it's not done. It's more visual novel type with you going through a party, and depending on who you hang out with and what you say, you end up with a love interest. There's a lolita who's a gossipy bitch with a teapot for a head, a rabbit with a complex about being a rabbit so she hides her ears, a shy girl (aptly named Shy) who seems to know what's going on, a spunky girl with huge boobs, a cross dresser, a gay guy, a dog who's trying to get laid... there are more I'm just tired.
The character designs are similar to John Tenniel's illustrations in that there are people, then there are animals with some people qualities (but not furry-like), and inanimate objects with human attributes.
Pic related, it's one of the older backgrounds. Whole things in black and white.

polite sage for off topic. I'm releasing it on Ren'Py next month.

Follow along, the English patch can be found here:


It's kind of sad that they totally can't release a game like this stateside, granted all of the butthurt landwhales that would have a goddamn riot in every Gamestop in the country.

[spoiler]You didn't hear it from me. Emuparadise- look up "Girlish Love Revolution." (KS)[/spoiler]
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You are a angel.
As for dating sims for YOU op, hakuoki, tokimeki memorial girl's side, La Corda d'Oro, Katawa Shoujo, Clannad, Ever17: The Out of Infinity, Cross Channel
(The last three you can find on hentaigames for free or pirate bay.)

Cross Channel: You're stuck in a school for people who supposedly could never adapt to society. It makes fun of all the anime archetypes (yandere, shy girl, etc) with a darker more believable twist.

Ever17 The Out of Infinity: You're stuck in an underwater theme park with 5 other girls, and have to go through each one of their routes to get the true ending.

Clannad: Basically just go play it.

Katawa Shoujo: made in Ren'py, I only liked 2 of the endings, and it gets a little dull unless you play it with H scenes on.

As for Stat-based- la corda d'oro, hakuoki, tokimeki memorial girl's side would be your best bets. Simgirl is always fun until the end.
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>that nigger hair

i hate it when people who make visual novels for free online make them about white people, and then it's done in anime style. because then they all have the same fuking face with a difference of color of skin and hair.

Umm... isn't that what anime is?
They just don't know how to draw.

Nah nigga check out Lupin the 3rd. Everyone looks different. The artist in that simulator game lacks talent to have defined characters.
Can I not be fat?

And are lesbian romances an option?
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Is there sex scenes in it?
If yes, are they fappable?
If no, will you go fuck yourself?
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/r/-ing links of PC-version and translated patch
You are fucking blind

This looks pretty cute... gonna download it, and buy it if I like it!

LOVE THIS FUCKING GAME. Every arc but Shizune's is amazing.

Everyone agrees at least on one thing in the game - Shizune suuuuuuuuuuuuuucks. Fucking SoL bullshit.
On the topic of Hatoful Boyfriend would any girls like to dress up as pigeons while I sex them?
I'm currently playing Lilly's path, after that I only have Rin's path left. Are they any good?
Just passing by to say in all honesty, Rin's gave me dem feels. Her arc is absolutely crazy and convoluted and makes no sense but gives you so many more feels because of it. Lilly's hit me hard, too. I didn't like Shizune's at all. A lot of people I've talked to didn't like Rin's though. I think you kind of have to be "an artist at heart" to understand, as cliche as that sounds.
Rin's path has the best writing (read: above fan fic level / the writer has probably read some books in his life) and a lot of people who finish it don't bother with the rest of the game anymore. Same in my case, was my second play through after Lily's and I just couldn't give a fuck anymore about the other girls. Fuck Hanako and her lotus pod face, fuck Shizune, fuck that Loli who likes to take it up the ass for popularity. And fuck Lily too, made me want to puke, vanilla romance fanfic, bleh.
Persona 3 Portable - Play as the girl MC to date guys, play as the dude MC to date girls. PSP game, so extremely easy to get for free. Play with a walkthrough if you want to get all the social links on your first playthrough.

Re: Alistair - OEN, so no worrying about translations. It's short, but it'll keep you entertained for a bit.

Starry Sky - Last I checked, Spring was the only one translated. A bit boring (no stat grinding, just picking options occasionally), but some of the routes are fun.

Hakuouki - As a dating game, this is insanely boring and most ends are bad ends. I do not recommend it unless you care more about the main story than the romance bits. Best guy isn't even an option.

TokiMemo GS - Fun. I liked 2 more than 1 because of the lower bomb frequency. Play this on a flashcart instead of on an emulator if you don't want fucked up sound and a horrible chocolate minigame.
I like Hanako... :( I just found out about this game and spent hours playing it to get her good ending. I want to do the other endings but I'll feel bad because I liked her.
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ikr? when I was doing the other routes, it felt bad, like I was cheating on her
I'm in such a weak emotional state right now due to my boyfriend breaking up with me after years together so I don't think I can do it anytime soon. I also can't get some of the sadder music out of my head from the game.

Agreed, I cried so hard.

She's a bit too big to be an orange.
Best endings in order
1)Rin good and bad
2) Hanako good
3) Shizune bad (because Misha)
4) Kenji manly picnic
5) I guess Emi
6) Lilly both
7) Shizune good
8) Any Hanako ending that isn't the best

Lilly's SUCKED unless you just want to see blonde with big boobs. Then go ahead, no plot, nothing.
Rin's was by far the best.
I did Shizune's first because I love girls with glasses, only to feel terrible b/c the first ending I got was the bad ending b/c I liked Misha.
And of course karmic retribution with Misha being lezzy.

Basically if you haven't done Rin's, you have been playing a much shittier game and I pity you.
I loved playing tokimeki in Japanese.... but that fucking chocolate mini game.
Motherfucking chocolate mini game. There are scratches in swirl patterns on my DS's touch screen now.
fatmind wwwwwwww
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That fucking feel when I try to do another character's route but I'm too attached to Ellen and it feels like cheating
Same here, I did hers first and after accidently getting the bad ending I had so many sad feels
Retried for good ending though, and after that I tried one more route and dropped the game.
Never got a bad ending on Katawa. Hmmm.
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Can you actually end up with Kenji in Katawa Shoujo? My exams finish tomorrow so I might do the other endings then. But... I don't want to cheat on Hanako. I felt like she needed the affection most.

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