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Have you ever done drugs at a con before?
How do you find a good smoking spot where you won't draw attention despite being dressed as a fucking animu character?
What does it feel like tripping while surrounded by people who look like fucking animu characters?
How strong was the urge to touch people? I have the feeling most girls at cons wouldn't be very cool with that.
You find people who live near by and go there to consume your drugs.
I want someone to cosplay OP's picture.

That is all.
>implying friends
I did bath salts at a con once. Best zombie cosplay ever imho.
I've never been to a Con (I'm 33yo guy)

Weed: nobody cares smoke it in plain sight

Entheogens: are not for Anime Cons which is already a strange environment

I've taken e's too but don't do them there either, do them in a dance club.
weed: int he car

usually I just drink alcohol though, I don't care for harder drugs or anything.. would prefer not to have a bad trip at someplace I don't know very well.
I've done a jamaican shower in the hotel room before (bad idea). now I just go on the roof or in my car.
Have you ever done drugs at a con before?
How do you find a good smoking spot where you won't draw attention despite being dressed as a fucking animu character?
What does it feel like tripping while surrounded by people who look like fucking animu characters?
>Alcohol just makes me tired.
How strong was the urge to touch people? Nil, just a strong urge to sleep.

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