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ITT: Babby’s First Make Up/Grooming/Hygiene Guide
We post advice for makeup, hygiene, skin care, grooming, flattering clothing etc.

I’ve been a dork my entire life so I never learned how to do BASIC things like apply makeup or wear clothes that flatter me. I don’t know how to use a flat iron or a blow dryer. My head explodes every time I walk past a makeup counter. I tried plucking my eyebrows once and ended up with uneven brows. I want to buy a good quality natural looking wig but I’m afraid of messing it up after wearing it once. I don’t have much practice shaving or removing body hair.

I’ll start off by posting some helpful advice/links.
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Basic make up advice from an old cgl thread.

Products Reccomended by CGL that I haven't tried yet:
-Queen Helene Mint Julep Masque
-Tree Oil
-Mario Badescu
-Olay facial cream for sensitive skin
-Boots Brand Conditioning Clay Mask
-Milk of Magnesia as a primer
-Ambi fade cream
-Vitamins: zinc, vitamin e and vitamin a
Okay, I'm just going to ask if anyone has advice on how to get away redness in the face?
I'll pitch in if I people need help with stuff I know about though.
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Make Up Kit Basics
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Youtube Channels For Tutorials:
1. pixiwoo
2. lisaelridge
3. gossmakeupartist
4. petrilude
5. JoshCollierMUA
6. xsparkage
7. manwomanfilm/sasakiasahi

Beauty Blogs
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Products Reccomended by CGL that I haven't tried yet

-Queen Helene Mint Julep Masque
-Tea Tree Oil
-Mario Badescu
-Olay facial cream for sensitive skin
-Boots Brand Conditioning Clay Mask
-Milk of Magnesia as a primer
-Ambi fade cream for facial scars
-Vitamins: zinc, vitamin e and vitamin a
I swear by LUSH face masks. I've been using the BB seaweed mask for a week and my skin improved dramatically.
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I don't wear bathing suits or shorts because I have tons of stretchmarks from puberty that look like tiger stripes. They haven't faded much in the 8 years that I have them.
I've seen these products recommended on cgl. Will they work on really old stretch marks like mine?

-Bio Oil
-Cocoa Butter
-Miderma for Scars
I need help on this too.
I only know how to cover it up and that is with a foundation that has a green undertone, or something else with a green undertone, since the colours will cancel each other out.
For makeup artist favorites (both affordable and luxury) : inmykit.com
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As once I saw on /b/.. "If you colour them blue, they will look like the magic marks from Fable".
It made me feel better about mine.

Also, I don't do jack shit about them. You CAN get some injections into them (I've heard) that supposedly make them less apparent. Also, I don't think those oils will work since the skin is already stretched. I don't suppose it's dry either.
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Photo: Make up guide for people with acne and acne scars

Treatments for back and shoulder acne:
bio oil for sure, anything that has caffine in it will help tighten that up, things with collogen or shae will also work. They'll never go away, but there are lotions with protine in them that'll reduce the appearance, the other things just help temporarily.
Micro Needles.

Google/Amazon that shit. I'd call it a miracle if it weren't based on logic.
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Looks painful but I'm willing to try it. Do you recommend any specific brands or sizes?
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If anyone's looking for a good moisturizer for your face, I recommend Cetaphil. You can buy it regular, but I get the kind with a bit of SPF in it.
I have hypoallergenic skin, so if you're like me then this is perfect. There's no scents, it's gentle, and it doesn't leave your face looking like a grease pan.

This. Best of the very best.
Help acne...

- Wash your pillow cases and sheets often. If you have a quilt, buy a cover so you can wash that too. Use gentle detergent that has little to no scent/perfume (some can get away with this, but it can irritate some skin types).
- After cleaning your face, splash it with cold water, this closes your pores.
- Drink lots of water
- Stop eating shitty/junk food
- Don't touch your face
- Keep your hair out of your face as much as possible (when you're at home use head bands)
- Use gentle soap when washing your face
- Did I already say drink lots of water? Yeah, so do it!

Meh, actually didn't do anything for me and actually made me break out more. I guess it depends on the skin type. I've heard it's good though (hence why I bought it), so maybe I'm an exception.
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Also as a face wash, try not to get anything that has too many abrasive cleansing agents in it. Sometimes that does more harm then good. Ever since I got off of my chemical face wash regimen , I've been swearing by Aveeno face washes. I also have a St. Ives apricot scrub, but I only use that when the black heads on my nose need to go.
holy shit agreed. As soon as I got out of school I started avoiding all soda and shit like that like the plague. I only really drank it while I was there because I needed the quick caffeine fix.
Honestly I feel that the best way to quickly dry up a little bit of acne, is just go outside on a nice day and spend some time in the sun.
Don't feel bad. You know that Proactive shit everyone uses? Made my acne worse. And my face smell like sulfur uuugh
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Anyone besides me regularly visit a dermatologist? I'm prescribed a day cream and a night cream that I put on after I wash my face.
This. I work at lush, and I know some products aren't worth having, but the fresh face masks are amazing, and the mask of magnamity if you want something that won't spoil in two weeks. Brazened honey works wonders on most everyone's skin, and when you wash the masks off, scrub it into your skin to exfoliate.

Also the trichtomania shampoo. The shampoos really help depending on your hair type.

also if you turn 5 pots back in when you're done (and wash them) you get a free fresh face mask. Awesome, right?
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