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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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>Being Cis scum

How it feel to be so entitled and coddled by society you straight white male you?

Disgusting racist sexist straight white male pigdogs!
Stop raping women with your eyes!

That's a nice chainsaw. Any more pics of that specifically?
or that pseudo-indiana jones in the background?
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Yes you cis scum
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from the thumbnail it looks like the face was photoshopped onto a bulky body. HAHAHA
Skirts like this are really unflattering when you wear them so low and have no hips.
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Feels good, man.
Pic related, it's my Sterling Archer cosplay.
I think you replied to the wrong post, but anyways, good jorb! Did you have a gun?
This thread is now about this guy.

Do Xander Crews next.
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Dumb slut is asking for it
Try massive hips. My measurements are something like 110cm-80cm-110cm and then there's this pinch between the bottom of my hips and the tops of my thighs. Shit looks like my lower body is being strangled by an anaconda.

Point being that larger hips look worse in such low hanging skirts.

I don't really care what /cgl/ says, JNig is pretty as hell.

Also, does it count if a woman is staring at another woman's boobs?
everyone has that
not me. my hips have a perfect curve.

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