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if spoony is so poor, why is she so fat?
Because she's a jew whore who just wants moneyz. She begs money from /cgl/ so she can keep udown her flopping whale arms, and of course never get a job. She couldn't get attention from /r9k/ back in time so she came here.
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>he correlates monetary status with body weight, without accounting for variables such as genetics, possible pregnancy, or massive onset of weight when she was in better financial status.

my friend.. thou hath gone full plebeian.
Hey Spoony! She has been on a "bad run with money" for the past year, wouldn't that make her, you know lose weight according to your logic? Genetics have nothing to do with calories in and calories out you fat fuck.
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because cheap food is bad for you. Go to any walmart and walk past the veggies and meat section and just look around.

$.98 this $.50 that. It's all canned/boxed/frozen shit. Carbs, high sodium, fried. Cheap cheap "filler" food.
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Being poor makes you fat because you can only afford cheap junk food and you drown your sorrows in cheap alcohol.
or you could buy small amounts of healthy food so you get slim, and cut the alcohol because its hypercaloric with 0 nutrition, the money you save goes into stuff you use to make you more pretty, or a pair of joggin shoes.
That way you fix your problem.

>/fit/ was here
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I'm not fat, I was just answering OPs question.
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>I'm not fat
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She said she gained weight because she lived at home and her mom gave her lots of delicious food.
>She said she gained weight because she has no self control


In that case, she's probably just a lazy fuck.
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I was just being polite - but yes.
Yeah, if you can't decline it it's not her mums fault. Would she have preferred a mum who expects her to have no skill to control herself and decide everything for her?
You can live extremely healthily on little money. Protip: It requires putting back the Nutella and chocolate milk as well.
She may be a fatass, but you can't deny her face is perty.
She still has a way better body than you do. I prefer a slightly chubby girl to one in auschwitz mode.

>/fit/ was here again
You haven't seen my nudes yet. :3
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Face is tastes, I don't like it personally, but how much effort she puts into her body is a good meter to gauge how much she loves herself, and if you dont love yourself you can't love anyone

chubby is just as unsighlty as auschwitz mode.

lidia mode on the other hand
Nobody wants to see those until you grow some muscles and healthy curves (ie- tits). Gain about 15lbs and then try try again.
Thank all gods that you're here to let us know that you can only love yourself if you're thin. If only those thin girls who hate themselves got your memo!!
I've always had bee stings, even when I was a (chubbier) little kid. It's just how my body developed.
Working on the exercise though. I've got a nice proper bum but it needs tightening.
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You have to be trolling.
Not to worry, not all men desire large breasts, I myself am a fan of small, firm, well shaped ones.
Its not that big of a deal, a good firm bubble butt is much more important, I'd say globally.
The advantage is less sag, anyways.
Butts have such a longer shelf life, and you can fix them up naturally. Breasts are a one-way trip unless you cut into them.
If you're the person I replied to: no, your point was just that stupid.
Will you fuck off? This thread isn't even about you for fucks sake.
BAM, and now it is.
I'm not even talking about myself. Your butthurt is showing.
Don't be ridiculous.
Being thin doesnt mean you're healthy, just like being chubby doesnt mean you're healthy. Anorexic people are very thin, yet they are not healthy, obese people are very chubby, yet they are not healthy.

Being healthy means having healthy balanced nutrition, the correct caloric intake and adequate physical activity, that "creates" a "toned body", you can call that thin if you want, but really the word you should be using is "toned" (that means there is a decent amount of muscle mass, and a low-ish amount of bodyfat, don't use the word toned on /fit/).

And thats just a healthy body, if it looks "thin" to you, then thats just a byproduct of being healthy.

If someone doesnt have a healthy body, to me, she either has a condition (wether its legitimate or not, its another issue), or she just doesnt take care of herself, its that simple.
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..f-fucking /cgl/

Someone not having your standard of a healthy body may have perfectly valid reasons for it while at the same time loving themselves. Rearing children, a job on the road, and an extremely limited food budget are just a few of them. Therefore, your point was stupid. I smoke weed like a mad women, it's crazy bad for my lungs, but I couldn't give two shits. By your stupid logic I don't love myself, which is again, stupid.
>Someone not having your standard of a healthy body
Not my standards, its just what medicine agrees upon.

>Rearing children, a job on the road, and an extremely limited food budget are just a few of them.
Of course, there are exceptions, If you just had a baby etc. Of course theres extremes, if you're a beggar etc. that falls very much beyond the scope of this discussion, its curious that you have to cling to these very extremes just to have a leg to stand on.

>Therefore, your point was stupid.
fair en-
>I smoke weed like a mad women, it's crazy bad for my lungs, but I couldn't give two shits.
thats has nothing to do wi-
>By your stupid logic I don't love myself, which is again, stupid.

Listen, its clear you've lost focus of the discussion, lets uh.. agree to disagree?
She's fat?

Her "above breasts" are looks slim D:
Wtf, looks slim, no are.
I can't type for shit.
Sucks that we have to disagree that people can be raging fatasses and still love themselves =\ Feels like another reason to write off fat people as "less than" everyone else. Don't get me wrong, I think obesity is disgusting and I can't fathom how people let themselves get like that, but to accuse them of not loving themselves is beyond stupid to me, and reeks with this modern pathology that only being thin makes you worth anything. I'm pretty sure Donald Trump loves himself and he's certainly not the pillar if a healthy lifestyle.
What happened to Spoony? It seems like once she made friends with Miyu she BAM left the internet. First PT and now Spoony.

I mean I will probably actually gain some respect for her if she's offline fixing her life but then again I never wanted to respect her.
You wouldn't have breasts when you're a little kid unless you're fat as fatass anyway. You're a dumb shit; learn how hormones work. Or, better yet, do the whole planet a favor and kill yourself.
Oh well, she has a bit of an odd body shape, sort of cool though. She's not really that fat though, like, she doesn't have a wrinkled belly and shit.
Her anatomy reminds me of a teacher from high school my classmates would refer to as "The T-Rex" because of the way the lower half of their body was shaped
>You wouldn't have breasts when you're a little kid

Eh, depends on when you start puberty.
I think the way she's got the sides of her pants pulled up so high it's made her belly look huge and her hips look out of proportion. If she wore them at a normal height, it'd be okay.
Urr hurr, I'll sound like a whiteknight ;-;
But whatever, I think she's pretty either way!
She could get a bit more into shape though, and then she'd look like a goddes [:
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It's too early for whiteknighting. Fuck off, OP.
You mean you didn't pick up that I was just dropping you because its impossible to have a discussion with you? I gave you too much credit.

>clever underwear tilt, and hid the front abdomen fold under it also.
>clever elbow posture to tuck away love handles
>clever leg posture to stack them one on top of the other
>whole, and expecially left side of her body has a weird aura, looks someoned crudely fidgeted with photoshop

its all clever, but thats 50lbs over chubby (if the image is shopped, more otherwise), deep in obese territory as far as I'm concerned.
I welcome her over to >>>/fit/ should she chose to change her lifestyle.
I think she's fat from all of the plain pasta she's been eating. When she was asking how to use her neighbor's password protected wifi on /g/ due to her lack of money, she posted pics of a large bowl of white pasta she was eating. You can get a box for $1-2.

I don't think they're saying you can't live healthily with a small budget, it's just easy to get fat on a low budget with cheap shit like ramen and TV dinners. On a side note, Nutella is like $7 USD for the small jars where I live. Not so cheap.
Pretty sure she was 170lbs and 5'6. It's not landwhale mode but it's fat.
That's a way old picture, she's been losing weight.

Why would you make this thread, OP?
I thought her weight was fine until I saw this. Even though she's in a weird position, her stomach is obviously very large, to an unhealthy degree. I think she could lose 40lbs at the time when that photo was taken.
Luckily I didn't give you too much credit; you're still stupid. Don't open your mouth if you don't want to be called on the diarrhea that spews from it.
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since that picture was posted, spoony you going to have another break down?

>baawww baawwww bawwww
>170lbs and 5'6
in your dreams, thats pushing 200.

Pasta is very inexpensive and healthy (0.60eur for 500g here), just 70-100g are more than enough for a meal (plain with nothing else), and thats already 350kcal and around 60g carbs.
Now that I'm cutting I can't eat that much pasta/carbs, but that would normally already fill me up, and I'm a male.

just add a pinch of oil, some parmesan cheese, and you've already ate a near 500kcal meal, just have some veggies on the side with no seasoning, and a black coffee with no sugar.

I think the main reason why TV dinners\fastfood flourished is because its relatively cheap, extremely calorie dense (addicting, in a sense), and because you dont have to cook anything, so its lazy friendly.
Thats to say, I can understand bums eating fastfood, but thats about it.
It is fat, 170lbs is a UK size 16 which is considered in the heftier side of overweight territory.


No wonder you women have issues with your weight
someone probably hates the girl?


If its true she lost weight and thats an old picture that no longer represents her image, why would she have a breakdown?
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Pasta is pretty healthy, cook it al dente, its a fairly complex carb, I personally prefer brown rice though.

Simple carbs like white bread, sugar etc. are the no-no.
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Last month there was a thread up with almost all of her pictures, including nudes. She was upset.
Which is why you shouldn't whore on the internet.
I don't even come to /cgl/ often and I was sick of seeing her self post everywhere.
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Damn.. thats terrible..

I hope they caught the bandit that sneaked into her room at night, undressed her and took all those naked pictures and uploaded them here.

People can be so twisted..
She's not even online, this is a waste of time. Go make another ban static thread. I'll bawlete and everything. <3
Why is such a negative thread even around?
Because its disappointing when someone is so attractive from the waist up, along with her history, oh and did I mention THIS IS FUCKING /cgl/, BITCHES GONNA BE CRAZY
Spony said she actually lost weight. Not sure how much though. But why do we care?
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Take some pictures of you with a corset on. You'll look lovely, yes.
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Yeah, I swear the safety in UK is so bad these days! I mean Spoony is such a sweet girl, she never whores drama, never whores herself out, never tries to get in to drama or beg for money!
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You're damn right I will. I don't own one though.
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She never begged for money, faggot.
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>don't own one
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I'm poorfag. I have two cami's though.
If Static is so ugly, why does she keep self-posting?
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I'm not ugly.
I stood next to Static in a line for cosplay competition once. She smelled of old ramen noodles and yeasty vag. Her hair was greasy and she has a screechy voice--it's like someone merged a parrot squawk with a queef.
Yes you are, inside and out. <3
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We all know that's total bullshit. I can't enter the competitions.

>mfw Ramen
Lol, Static, you are pathetic. Making a troll thread so you can some in and whiteknight so Spoony will see it later. Of course in the end you couldn't resist making it all about you. Do you even have a job? It's the middle of the day.
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Should I refresh your mind, don't have the screencap but
>moved to new apartment
>I have no money /cgl/ bawwww I needs foods
Considering I saw you replying to her comment in a thread yesterday where she admitted the ordeal.. Geee... That seems very legit to say. Also funny
Damn dude. She aint gonna give you pussy for beign a whiteknight, hate to break it to you!
What about all those awards you claimed to have won?

>oh right they don't exist
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I don't think shes ugly from the pictures iv seen. She'll look good in a corset; i like women in corsets, so nice.

Just ain't the same. Buy yourself a corset!
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nothing about that is true

Static's an ugly yeast-infected lesbian. She takes a shower every other month and never washes her clothes. She's a disgusting person with a bad personality who is not important to anyone.
>make a troll thread just to white knight someone
Either you have done this before, or someone else has, or you're some kind of conspiracy theorist.
Except all of it is true, you shit brained newfag.
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They weren't shitty rigged con competitions, dumbass. I never claimed they were.
Why does everyone address static as female when its painfully obvious hes a male?

Just curious.
You know the pictures in the thread are Spoony, not Static, right? Static is ugly as turd-stained toilet paper.

>implying this isn't Static samefagging to beg herself for self posts
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>not even talking about myself.
>"You haven't seen my nudes yet. :3"
>"I've always had bee stings, even when I was a (chubbier) little kid. It's just how my body developed. Working on the exercise though. I've got a nice proper bum but it needs tightening."

What the fuck do you consider 'talking about yourself' to be then? You utter retard.

Flan that is ALL YOU EVER DO, since you are completely fucking irrelevant here. It's funny this is in a Spoony thread because this is what Spoony used to be like. I'd hazard to say you're even slightly worse.

Static is fucking annoying also but she does at least cosplay (I think). Annoying tripfags who cosplay/lolita are one thing, fucking irrelevant /soc type tripfags are another. GET OUT.
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I ask myself this every day.
>shitty rigged con competitions

Now you're starting to sound like Lily. "BAWWWW I DIDN'T WIN SO IT WAS OBVIOUSLY RIGGED BECAUSE THEY'RE JELUS!!!!!"

The only awards you /might/ have won would have been for Participation, you cunt faced crap-for-brains.
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Because she's posted her ugly face here enough
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Eh, I'm just repeating what I hear in every Masq thread. I literally can't enter. I don't sew.
What the fuck is that nose?
And why do pale bitches always think dark lipstick looks flattering on them? It never does.
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I know the pictures posted here are spoony.

You take that back!
id fuck spoonz

plus poor english chicks with heavy accents are awesome.
But you've claimed to win awards before, so how is that possible, you bile-spewing retard-fucker?
God vomited into a baby's skull and that's what became Static's brain. She's the waste product of the universe. She's too stupid to understand how little she matters.




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Damn static really is ugly, you have horrid eyebrows, you can't aply makeup worth shit... Your nose is huge, your mouth looks like Venus's sphincter mouth.. Small eyes....+ Fat... I think we found the reason why you whiteknight spoony, you are just as fat and ugly as her and want to feel better!
>omg spoony is pretty rite guys, rite? ;_;
>pls call spoony pretty
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There's competitions online, you stupid fuck.

Only you wouldn't know that because you're too busy shitting up /cgl/ to spend time in the actual cosplay community.
>Outed for tripdropping as well as being a newfag underagre fug face
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I'm so glad I don't need approval from strangers on the internet.
>online competitions


You've been prancing around acting like some big bad "AWARD WINNING COSPLAYER!" but you just won some crappy online competition? Honey, the standards for online comps are so low I could cover myself in duct tape, call it Voldo, and win best in show. Damn, you are stupider and more pathetic than I thought. Ho-leee shit.
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But im not static. Would be nice having static here though. Mmm, both spoony and static in a corset/stockings. Lovely
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>implying I'd ever use that reaction image.
Then why do you self-post, use a trip code, start vendetta threads, use shitty gifs, whiteknight other tripfags, and brag about "winning" online competitions?

Dumb bitch.
because $100, free wigs and being in a magazine count for nothing.

you jelly
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Are you mad and jelly because I don't like you anon? So cute.
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From your mom because she was misguidedly proud of you

>free wigs

Christmas tinsel purchased from the dollar store


Your friend's fanzine doesn't count, ass licker
>Static's imaginary boyfriend.
Why would you reply again here:


Oh right because you are Static and you're retardedly samefagging, you ugly cunt
I'll never be jelly of you, Static. I'm not ugly and terrible. Anything I've won has been in the real world, and due to hard work, and I don't feel the need to constantly post my face on 4chan for a dingleberry's worth of attention like you do.
>you ugly cunt
Now, now. That's a little hypocritical, no? If he weren't imaginary, I'm sure he'd make a lot of panties wet. /cgl/ likes manboys right?
Only if they're Azn.

And it'snot hypocritical because I'm not an ugly cunt. :3
you are so cute when you're jealous.
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>16 year olds
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hey there bbyboy, how are you today?
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>jealous of a horse face who's "won" online competitions

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>jealous of a fat ugly cunt
Not the one you're replying to but being jealous of you would be like being jealous of a crackwhore for her life experiences.
she would be cute if she repaired the split ends, changed her style (but that will change when she's older/old enough to be fucked) and tossed the circle lenses and makeup in the garbage
already have. Seagulls are awesome at posting old shitty photos. Compare the ones here to the one she posted yesterday.
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Just leaving this here......
*spoony posted here
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>rest of the jelly beasts
Sure she might post in almost every thread. But she ain't ugly because of it. Shes beautiful.
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SOMEONE FORGOT TURN OFF THEIR TRIP. saved before you try to delete it.
She's not beautiful. She's mediocre looks-wise, and her personality is boring, unfunny, and mean-spirited. A good personality can put a 4/10 up to an 8, but in Static's case it makes her a 1.
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I corrected it, dumbfuck. I meant, look at the one SPOONY posted yesterday. She's like a 10/10 and these photos do her no justice.
thats not spoony thats just some tween girl i was judging for no apparent reason
How could anyone call her beautiful when dat nose.
Things like hooknoses, bumchins, sphincter lips and snaggletooth really fuck up a face beyond anything that makeup can fix.
You're trolling me, I can feel it in my fingers, I can feel it in my bones. Trolling all around me. Gotta let it go.
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why is she so ugly?
it's her dirty soul trying to portrude through her face features.
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why is so lesbian yeast infection shitty faggot internet sensation and
She's not. They didn't choose the nice photos of her.
all the photos where she looks marginally good she has photoshopped to hell and back.

I'm not saying she's ugly, but she's really plain
>be fellow fitizen
>try to help some lost seagulls
>be called rude and insulting
>go out
>come home
>thread exploded in bitching

Whats wrong with you? Why can't you just be polite, considerate, good looking and interesting?
y-y-you...you should probably stay out of this
This is /cgl/, motherfucker!
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>Why can't you just be polite

alright then

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