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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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Panty and Stocking cosplay thread go~

Also anyone have the picture of all of Stockings outfits?
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Delivering fresh pizza.
Do you have it in a bigger file?
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Some more.
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I'm going to be cosplaying as Stocking at Sydney Supanova this year in her school outfit. Everything is pretty much done, I'm just need to trim my wig a bit (I'm uncomfortable having it reach past my arse as trying to handle it beyond that point makes me feel like I'm wrestling with a spider web).

Oh, and my boyfriend is going with me as Panty in her school uniform. Sexy times shall be had. But I believe I already said that in another thread here.

Pic related: Shit as fuck attempt at making a honekoneko.
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>mfw most of those outfits aren't accurate to what she actually wears in the show.
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Hey, i have a friend who loves cosplay (it's the greatest cosplayer who i know), and she makes this cosplay.

She says me: "Put that photos in /cgl/ and some links of my blog (spanish blog) and the Cosplay Idol link."

She also says: "A lot of kisses for all <3"

The 2 links bellow.

http://shadycosplay.blogspot.com/ (Spanish Blog, Shady the Sexy Cosplayer)

om-fairy-tail/ (Erza Cosplay, she wants points to win, please, my balls will thaks)
>my balls will thaks
Ew that face
everybody can have a mistake
>so sexy face
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Best Stocking ever.
>dat white eyeliner
It ruins everything.
Why is that, exactly? Genuinely intrigued as most make-up tutorials I come across praise white eyeliner (in context to making your eyes look bigger and the like).
Too harsh, and in most photos your eyes won't actually look as large as advertised. Personally, whenever I see photos like that Stocking's it looks tacky and glue-ish for some reason.
A peach-ish color would be much better, but nobody seems to realize this.

Thanks! Good response. I'll keep that in mind for the Stocking cosplay that I'm working on. I don't know much about make-up but at the same time I'm really finicky about final results.

Speaking of which, does anyone here know of any good Stocking make-up tutorials?
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does anyone have the equivelant of this for Panty?
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