How do you get a cute /cgl/ girlfriend with good taste and a decent head on her shoulders? I've met so many girls like that at cons but they're always already taken... ;_;
You can't either >they're always already taken>lesbian>they don't like you
you dont
Don't look for her, wait.
Pure dumb luck. Girls like that generally don't spend much time single for what should be obvious reasons. Want to increase your chances? Be friends with them but DON'T try to get in their pants and DON'T be a creeper under any circumstances; just be a bro. Then if their relationship goes south you'll have a better shot at catching the rebound.Alternately, go to more cons and possibly lower your standards
>that feel when no gf
>>5898143I know that feel.
>>5898233That's because you have raep face.
Y'know what, Anon? You honestly need to stop worrying about that sort of thing. You know what's really attractive to the opposite gender? It's a level head that has compassion yet knows that it's not going to be walked on. The person that is and isn't the asshole at the same time. Stop worrying about getting the girl and just live life. The girl (or guy, if you're into that) will come eventually. But you'll never be enough without enjoying yourself at first.Ironically, my captcha has "courage" in it.
>mfw I got my ex when I was skinny and now I have to lose weight to get up to the same caliber again
>>5898253But I'm already doing that. Still ronery.
Haven't you ever heard that you should never ask girls advice on getting girls? It's a numbers game brah. As long as you're pursuing the types of girls you're looking for, you'll eventually find one who is single. At least you should... statistically speaking... or not.
>>5898253I thought you got itaqueen because you're her sugardaddy?
>>5898277>Haven't you ever heard that you should never ask girls advice on getting girls?I haven't actually. Why? I assume they would know better than most guys (or at least most guys on 4chan).
It depends on the types of girls you want. If you go for vain girls, don't complain that they take too much time getting ready or don't pay attention to you. If you go for nerdy girls, don't complain that they aren't supermodels or cool If you yourself are a 6/10 and can't get a 10/10, you have to ask yourself if your standards are too high or your personality is too low. As cliche as it sounds, personality does make up the difference in physical attractiveness. Hey, maybe that quiet and plain nerd girl who is neither slut nor stupid ain't so bad afterall.
>>5898253Not worrying too much about it is a good idea, but western society has instilled upon us the idea that we are shit if we don't have a boy/girlfriend, so you should understand its a bit hard to mentally get something that is constantly reinforced out of your head.also saying that they will come eventually sort of gives off a vibe of entitlement to a girl/boyfriend. They're not, nor do I think you were trying to imply that, but you need to remind them they do need to work a little.
>>5898143That feel when you have a gf but she's not as pretty, smart, or talented as her friends and you end up falling for them instead but you know will never have a chance with any of them so you have to just settle for what you already have
>>5898309Just throwing this out,I found my ex much more physically attractive the more I was emotionally attracted to her. I'm not sure if this was a normal thing though.
>>5898318THIS THIS THIS. As a boyfriend-free girl (lol) who actually wants to stay single for a while, it's really hard to get out of the 'I don't have a boyfriend so something must be wrong with me' mentality. Saying that- it's not impossible. You just have to build up a kind of confidence and happiness that comes from yourself, not from other people.
>>5898328I think that's pretty universal. I've been totally head over heels for girls before and thought they were straight up 10/10s, and then when things went sour later I couldn't see what I saw in them at all.
I just want a pleasant looking girl who's able to do the figurative "women's work" of making costumes. She doesn't even have to be my girlfriend, I just don't want to have to pay for that shit.I'd much rather take a girl out on a date in return for getting shit sewn together than do it myself or pay for it to be sewn up. Plus I want to be able to oversee it, and I'd trust a girl I had a more mutual, beneficial agreement with than an old Chinese lady in Kansas.Shame that'll probably never happen. Oh well.
>>5898327YeahDon't.Just leave, you'll be happier in the long run.
OP: serious talk here.You date a bunch of them briefly until you just happen to end up with the one you want.Don't get hung up on your harem-show-main-character purity. Fuck your moe purity, it's not a realistic concept. Everyone dates a lot before they end up with who they love.If this seems like slutty behavior to you, I don't know what to say besides "fine, keep doing what you're doing".
>>5897949OP, the secret is you need a good pile of "negs." That is when you insult girls in a small way to show them that you are the alpha mail. It intrigues women and also they respect that you aren't a pushover. Secondly you need to "peacock." That is when you wear a Fedora everywhere you go, including the beach.
>>5898372I wish I could, actually. Unfortunately it gets more complicated when you're poor and living together.
>>5898367Guys still pay when their girlfriends make their costumes. It just might not be in money.Just sayin'.
>>5898419I'm well aware of that.I'd rather not pay in money, either way.
Send them maybe 300-400 emails a day so they know you're interested.
>>5898415Do you know how awful you sound?In any case, have you told her your feelings changed? Do her a favor and leave her so she can find a guy who likes her more, and doesn't compare her to her friends, and doesn't fall for her friends. You ass.
>>5897949Don't go to cons to meet girls.
>>5898367>Doesn't want to sew costumes>But also doesn't want to pay>Wants somebody with stereotypical feminine traits>Doesn't have to be a girlfriendDude, I found the perfect woman for you....she's your grandmother.
>>5898433>don't go to cons to meet girls>don't go to cons to meet girls >don't go to cons to meet girls >don't go to cons to meet girls >don't go to cons to meet girls pls pls pls let the whole world just come to this realization by the time i wake up tomorrow and i'll never press my thumbs onto the fragile throat of an infant ever again
Duralath pretty much said it right. Live life and it will place people in front of you. Focusing too much on that stuff takes you out of the situation.Women love men who enjoy life and know how to have fun. Clean up, dress nice, smile, and just have those personal boundaries like you do at work. As long as you're pursuing some life goal and you're having fun along the way you're set. The rest is just choosing and spotting a good opportune moment. Be smart, don't try to move too fast, if she's genuinely worth it she probably won't have sex straight up right away. That's fine; studies show the longer a couple holds off on having sex in the beginning by a month or two, the longer a couple is expected to stay together. If you're a right fit for each other, it's almost like you don't really have to do anything, it was bound to happen. Just chill.
>>5898433If this rule was followed all year long this year, you would only find homosexual males there.
>>5898433actually, according to official studies, Comic con is considered one of the top 5 places to hook up.
>>5898253Truer words have never been spoken.Speaking from a lady's perspective, confidence, kindness and knowing how to hold a good conversation is key.Captcha: Electricity regurua [yeah captcha get that spark going]
>>5898453>Comic con is considered one of the top 5 places to hook upNo shit, thank you for that illumination. So that's where the giant fucking tumor on the anus of fandom is. Thank you for that insight.This is why cons of all persuasions have been sucking for years.My question is always "why are you here, dude with no shirt and a headband? Oh really, you don't actually like anime, you just paid $50 and drove two hours out of town to strike out with a bunch of girls in costumes? That's cool, glad you came".
>>5898433>Don't go to cons to meet attractive girls.ftfy
>>5898448>>5898448Awesome advice. I would really listen to this anon.
>>5898431Yes, I do, and no, I haven't and don't intend to, because if we were to break up in our present situation we would both literally be homeless. I wish things were different.
>>5898526No chance you can just downgrade to roommate level? Not every breakup has to be dramatic or angry.
Looks like OP rustled some jimmies.
>>5898501Haha, I'm a work in progress though. Still single, but I'm not really looking. Take that with a grain of salt.
>>5898542What the fuck is up this bitch's ass? She isn't even that hot. Got some thick legs and shit.
>>5898253That's now how it works in any other area of life. You can sit around your basement waiting for a good job to come along on its own. For the lucky, one will. But a lot of people are going to be waiting a long, long, long time. You have to go out and look.Or be a woman.
>>5898285Women give notoriously awful dating advice.
>>5898575You need to take a step back from the internet and regrow your sense of humor anon...
>>5898460>Speaking from a lady's perspective, confidence, kindness and knowing how to hold a good conversation is key.Speaking from a man's perspective, get fucked. Girls are none and do none of these things and most girls are ATROCIOUSLY boring in conversations and cannot hold one to save the universe. Why should it be all on our shoulders? Enjoy your stay in the 21st century dear, time to pick up some of the slack and give us a break with this "CONFIDENCE IS KEY" bullshit.>>5898587Absolutely a hundred thousand percentAs for that dick-head telling people not to go to cons to meet girls, lmao. Don't even joke. Three quarters the reason you guys go to cons in the first place is to hook up. I've never been to cons but I lurk here from time to time and have friends that DO go, and there's always some element of people getting together and fucking. I love how you want to pretend this isn't the case.Although if you were saying it as in, "Don't go to cons to meet girls cause anime girls are mostly ass-backwards retarded", then yeah I get it.
>>5898611What a stupid post. Unless you're saying you date said atrociously boring girls (which would be retarded) you're just admitting that you have the same standards reasonable girls do. And then bitching about it. :|
>>5898575>She isn't even that hot.gooby pls
>>5898611>Girls are none and do none of these things and most girls are ATROCIOUSLY boring in conversations and cannot hold one to save the universe.I think you need to meet some more girls.
>>5898665Holy shit anon. If you are going to defend someone do it with a flattering picture. Not only is she chubby, that girls face is way more unfortunate in this picture than in her Ramona picture, in which she looks really good.
>>5898670Oh look, opinions. Also, healthy not chubby.
>>5898665>>5898708>bad teeth>flabby arms>fat ankles>t-rex legs2/10, would not bang