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Which of you whore put me here?

I demand you excuse yourself and put whole thing down.

Or else I will cut off hands.


I am not racist, you are racist.

If I find who did that, he gonna get hand cut off, no mercy.
wow, this whole fucking document is garbage. /cgl/ has the worst type of people, christ...
>moonrunes everywhere
Change "hl=ar_LB" to "hl=en_US".
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No you are racist. I enjoy being white and fat thank you.
Report submitted! This window will close in 5 seconds...
das raisist!
Omglolwhat I didn't think I posted enough to be listed. Though I'm not sure how my photos ended up there???
Shouldn't you be more worried about that civil war that's probably going to spread across your border?
That's odd, I thought you posted the second photo yourself. I have never seen you post it on /cgl/.

Congratulations, you have a personal stalker!
By the way, it doesn't say you're racist, it says DerpQueen is racist. So why are you complaining, dumbfuck?
>did not allow
Are you like, new to everything OP?
Why are you so racist to sand people Enver? >:|
Who is in charge of updating the spreadsheet?
Glad my trip isn't on here.
No trip cause I don't want it to be.
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Pic related.
Oh lol.

Chico's picture...


Pikachu. RIP
I think it's some guy who doesn't visit /cgl/
Yeak, Pikachu. He's /fa/.
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Can we not have the worst pictures ever under my name? kthx.

lold at the nudes
>implying you're not thoroughly enjoying the attention you get there
being treated as animals in ZOO - still attention, no matter how bad the rep.
yikes I didn't think I would ever be on this thing.
who updated it?
Nah I really don't self post that often on 4chan..Guess they got it form my DA or tumblr..Oh well~ As long as there isn't blood on my doorstep I'm ok with this I guess lmao
Most tripfags that have been here for more than two months are there. It gets updated a lot since honoraryottermode said he wants to keep it up to date. He removes some oldfags who don't post anymore too.
They're hardly the worst, you can barely even see the length of your nose.
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They're completely awful. I liked the one with me blowing bubbles
A good description of cosplay.
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I still don't understand ka-san's description
>roomies with Shannon
>or so she wishes

I'm masturbating to them jailbaits until my dick is sore.
Please die.
Ewww, get out of here hajji.
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>Would put out for Zyzz (RIP)

W-what?! I didn't expect to see my name up there, and certainly not with a description that implies something like that. I hope people know I would never do that sort of thing..
The fuck is a hajji?
I am already dead inside.
You would be the one to attention whore in an attention whore thread.
Fuck yah.. Now In case any of you bitches try to troll me again I'll fucking find you on here and show that your a bunch of insecure asshats. I know some of you where there that night, I am so going to get you faggots.
One of you thinks so highly of your self, that you've dubbed your self the only one that can troll this board. Think again; I know it was you Hermit. I know Luvmonkeys was there too. You can't fool me.
Hiya Volde * Is the New 32 inche chan* Suck it
>Been tripping for over a year, helping out and avoiding drama threads.
>feel now like I'll never see my trip one on of these ever.
*sigh* oh well..
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Ohh, you're pretending to be 32" forehead chan! In that case, haha
But that's the point.

The fastest way on the sheet is having good, solid, tasty drama around you.

Or being pretty. Are you pretty?

Or did you post your pictures at all? Because no one really cares if you're Mother Teresa if you don't provide pics to fap to, or to laugh at.

Nah, she's not pretending. She's the successor. You should've seen the drama that one whipped up in the Homestuck relationship drama thread. It was on par with 32 inch chan. Including claiming "I TWOLL U."
pft~ I can't get famous might as well be infamous. Also I have nasty anger issues. When I'm board I like to come here under various names and get the trolls to come out. I know Ash was fucking with me on DA because I fucked with her; so when my DA stuff came out on here I know it was her. She goes to pretty much the same cons as me. I do see her; so next time she thinks she's safe on the net and wants to fuck with me she'll have another thing coming. I have a creme pie with her name on it.
;Pa bored*
Oh uhh.... great. I don't really have much to do with Ashley anymore, I only talk to her sometimes on DA. Quick question though, are you 12?
Nah man.. I'm old, 28. I just have a really fucked up life. I'm so bored with everything.

Good thing you have nothing to do with her. Ruining her face with a prank is all I can do to her legally. So whatever.. she earned it.
>Voldemort derailing the thread with samefagging an imaginary friend / Static
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>Derailing an off topic thread
I... what?
I was trolling; I like getting angry. If that makes any sense. I'm such a doormat in real life, that I gotta find some sorta way to vent. All my friends think I'm a sweet heart, until I stand up from myself. Then.. they usually rip me apart and dump me. Sad ain't it. I do everything for them, then bam..'no I'm not gonna do it any more'. Then they're like.. Fuck you you betrayed me!!.. Jeesh. Nah.. This is the only way I can act out.
It's always on topic when you terrible Canadians are being racist to poor poor sand people.

It shows your disgusting character.
Decent amount of pics yes, have been told I' quite pretty when I do post, but hey, maybe I'll be recognized for my cosplays some day?

It'll happen when it happens and tbh I'd rather not be known at all than known for drama hah.
You know you never see Israelis acting like giant sand babies do you?
How many dicks did you suck today voldi? 6<x<54?
>he's never seen You Don't Mess With The Zohan
No one sucks as many dicks as you do, Smoker. ;P

Oh snap.. I answered for someone else.
>Decent amount of pics yes, have been told I' quite pretty when I do post
Okay, let's face it baby, if you hadn't been tripping more at least three times a week in the last two months, and you're not there, you're trolling.
None, I'm saving myself for you Smokie-chan
Dont post a pic of me every week though, just once in a while when a proper thread arises. Maybe I just post at the wrong times?
Oh it don't matter how often you post pics. It matter how often you post with trip. And I ain't gonna believe you that you trip enough and not be there.

Well, there may be one exception.

You male?
>>so Voldie likes asshole guys like smoker?
>>from this day on, I will be like smoker too!
>>I shall put on weight (at least ~40 pounds since I'm kind of skinny / ottermode right now)
>>I shall be an asshole to women
>>I shall stop playing LoL and start playing DotA and call all my female friends dumb bitches for playing the former
It must be done.

I already did the Seto Kaiba gig, it didn't seem to work, it surely will this time.
Nope, Eh I dunno, I post something with my trip on once a day at least, its ok though I wont cry about it, just finding it strange.
Male< They said they where pretty? I'm thinking not. Unless it's a trap. If that's the case they should be on there. Obviously, I haven't created enough drama to get placed on there. :/ whatever, I'm not going away any time soon.
I calls bullshit then. I gots all them hoes that trip daily and be female and done posted some jizzy pics covered. You ain't one if I don't know you. And if I know you, your pics already be there, ho.
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If you stay Anon, your really gonna stay Anon. I've lurked around here enough to know that much. Then again, I'm not gonna put nudes of myself up on the net like some of these dumb bitches. But I do put pictures of myself up on the net.
I'm only anoning here since I prefer to not come off as a whiny bitch lol.
Well I am a whiny bitch. :} Obviously. Good for you Anon, that's why your not on the list.
So, is it a good or a bad thing if you're on this list?
It depends what it says about you? I mean hell, if your attention whoring you want to be on it. Then again, whoever made this list and keeps up with it, has to be batshit crazy. I'm always seeing tripfag threads.
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>That feel when you still aren't cool enough to make it on this list

I know i'll get made fun of, I just want to be included

Easily my favourite rap group of all time
Most of the trips there are the loudest, not the more useful ones, so it depends on wether you like the attention or not.

>check list
>not there anymore

Make no mistake. All the tripfags that are complaining, they still like the attention. No matter what shit you write about them.

And for the rest of us, well, at least we get to laugh at them. You have to admit, some of ottermode's comments are solid gold. Some of the photos too.

But Das Racist suck.
'sup Zahirus.
My trip still isn't up. Score!
>implying you're not crying inside
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But Cloaked, you shouldn't care so much. No one really looks at the spreadsheet, and most of it is either inaccurate or meant to be funny anyway. Don't worry, be happy, man.
>No one really looks at the spreadsheet
From what I've heard, the spreadsheet gets more than a hundred hits per week. And by that I mean weeks when it's not posted on /cg/.

So, yeah. By the way, them new pictures you got, omnomnom-nomnom. (I can say so without feeling bad because you're 18, technically, otherwise I couldn't talk to you.)
>Posted /cgl/'s nudes on /mu/.

You're a disgusting Beta male.
He's an insecure fuglette. Haha
>flan's description

Something is amiss here.
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"She knew it was better to be the trip sheet, hating life, than to not be in at all."
I told you. ottermode has quite the sense of humor.

>implying i dont know that


an insecure what now?
So who's your favorite girl Dizzy? Anything to match the beauties of Bulgaria that be lining up their pussi to get laid with you?

i cant really say i have a 'favourite' girl. i havent really looked through the spreadsheet because i dont even know who these people are.

>Anything to match the beauties of Bulgaria that be lining up their pussi to get laid with you?

lel. though it would have been funnier if i'd ever implied that in any way. no one has ever been interested in me.
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Oh, wow, haha. I really didn't think anyone really paid attention to it enough that it would get 100+ views a week. I stand corrected!

Also, on the new pictures, I really laughed when I noticed one of mine was changed to the twintails picture and labeled "nudes". I like the sense of humor the person behind the spreadsheet seems to have~
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Welcome to /cgl/

Do we know who's doing it?
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I have no idea. Anyone else?
Yeah, well, before it used to be just called "Alternative Picture". ottermode changed it to nudes just a month ago or so. I agree, he deserves a comedy medal for some of the stuff there.

honoraryottermode. He isn't the hero /cgl/ needs, but the hero /cgl/ deserves. Bringing tripfags who think way too much of themselves back to Earth. Also, the ratings that about half of the trips have, they were done by Pikachu, a buddy of his, who knows Todd.
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Oh, okay then. Thanks for the information!
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I just realized I've never seen you cosplay, just posting Yui and on waywt threads.
>Hi Tim

Oh gosh oh gosh hi spreadsheet maker! This makes me warm and fuzzy whenever I read it.
No shit nigga, most cons in USA are 18+.

At least she's posting pictures we can masturbate over.
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My last cosplays were in April, and I haven't gone to any conventions or finished any new projects since then. However, my dA is hiki-kun.deviantart.com if you'd like proof I do cosplay!

I don't usually post my cosplays on /cgl/ unless I have a W.I.P. because I have only home-made two and don't have much to share yet.
>most cons in USA are 18+.
The only two I can think of are Yaoi-con and Dragon*Con.

It makes me giggle too.
If I won't be removed, then I wish mine said something stupid or amusing at least. I'm pretty boring.

Weren't you planning on cosplaying Yui?
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I did her Don't Say Lazy! outfit. I don't have any pictures, however. Not that impressive anyway, though, since I just bought all of it. Still was super fun cosplaying my favorite character, though!
So, what kind of guys do you like Claudie? Not just Masao, right?
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Watched the movie yet?
Was it as good as the Haruhi movie was to the Haruhi moeshit series?
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Ahhh... I don't have a type, I guess. I just like people who are kind in general, and it's a plus if they like anime, videogames, or science like I do.

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We'll have to wait for the release, then the rip and finally the fansubs.

I'd like to buy it but it wouldn't make much sense since I'd barely understand any of it. The special edition comes with some pretty cool stuff.
I heard Komeiji learned Japanese just so that he could see his beloved Azunyan in the movie. Why can't you?

Why are you not as dedicated as Sheldon?
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Dat special edition merchandise! All my money, take it now!
Well, I'm sorry that someone decided to try to make an ass out f you. If it makes you feel better, I have trouble believing anything that I don't see you posting here yourself.
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I think he already knew a bit, he used to scanlate if I'm not mistaken.

I'd like to know if there will be one with english subs later on, I have to check if that usually happens. But even then, I hardly think we'd get a special edition like that.
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>feeling sorry
>for an Arab
>shitposter nonetheless
>who hates our motherland
>probably a terrorist too

Are you sick? Or just one of them Obama's communists?
So why isn't SamuraiGreen the king of /cgl/ anymore? I went through the list and most of the males look like pathetic losers compared to him. Who dared do dethrone our king?
Wahahaha I checked Mika's nudes link and it was a photo I shooped of him with Kim Jong Un in the kitchen.

Also wow I'm on the spreadsheet now? Best description though so I won't complain.
Yes, as I pointed out before, the spreadsheet is to be taken with some humor. The "Nudes" use to be "Alternate Pictures", the only people with actual nudes there are Voldie flashing titties and Buu.

It really shows which trips are the most narcissistic ones when they're bothered by their description so much (e.g. >>5896261 ).
Or he's being legit. I post a lot of nice things outside of drama threads.
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All of Mika's description is glorious. Including his main photo.
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WOW, I haven't seen that nude picture of myself in months. Those were better times.
If anyone should be bothered by their description it's you bby.
because he's a manlet
and no matter how good looking a manlet it, he's still a manlet
Nope! I quite like it. It's better than saying negative things.
And it's true too.
My favorite vendettas:

1. Matt
2. ValleLator
3. Chico (>dat picture)
4. Jim
5. Maguma

Comedy gold.
Pfft, it should mention your fat butt.
totally feel the same about mine. I don't think /cgl/ really needs to know anything more.

Also I lol'd hard at the description for my rating.

Right? hmm your description should also include "has a bitchin waifu harem"
You've seen mine, you know what you were getting yourself into.
All of the squat butts. And lady abs.
omg it should. I need to make a list of my /cgl/ waifu harem. It just keeps growing.

Also the redhead thing...hmmm.
Is that spreadsheet's chat a secret meeting place of awkward & co? I sweat to god, everytime I look at the chat, it's either him, the nigger, Chico, Roko or Frankie there.
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i've only ever talked to davos there.

never any of the other people you mentioned.

>I sweat to god
i know what you were trying to say, but this made me laugh.
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>Likes to date poorfags dumber than her.

Whoever added this to my description, where the hell did you get that from?
I prefer guys who can pay for their own shit, and who can think for themselves.
I do tolerate a guy who is dumb and poor though, but it doesn't mean I prefer them. :|

And I am not single. I am still married to my 2D husbando.
Get your shit straight.
See? What the fuck did I just say >>5898609 .

Denmark confirmed for narcissistic special snowflake.

Not that it's much of a surprise.
I am narcissistic yes. Not even going to deny it.
Wow wow, I just lurk on /cgl/ and I'm baffled that someone has the time and interest to make that kind of list of all tripfags etc.

Looks like someone is jealous and hatred virgin bitch.
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Tripfags deserve it.

Oh look, another buttfrustrated special snowflake.

Do you know what humor is? Sarcasm? Irony? It isn't meant personal, if you're seriously worried about what people say about your tripcode on the Internet, you need fucking therapy.
>I trip. Secure, I might add.
>Not on the list.

Confirmed for flying under the radar.
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>Oh look, another buttfrustrated special snowflake.
>Implying you are not buttfrustated about those comment
Defamation lawsuit, y/y?
>gets butthurt over bad people calling her bad things on the Internet
If you don't like it, don't trip, tripcancer.
If that were applicable on the Internet, even fucking Voldie herself would be in jail by now, earning herself some of dat dyke Daddy love.
"Well what was that that about?"
"Ya know. Maintenance needs..."
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>Voldie flashing titties
Goodness me, I can't believe he found those!
I was like, what the fuck you found my nudes?
Then I saw the picture and I lol'd.
Don't see Voldie on the spreadsheet.
>Found them.
>Implying they exist.
I am so disappointed, Todd.

Because she's greener than grass.
This list is for people who live vicariously through the lives of others. I didn't have to do anything and here I am again. I think I was off the list too.

If you really want to be on the list, just wear a tripcode and have fun. Eventually someone is going to take issue with you having fun in any way (there is always someone to disagree with here) and lobby to put you on the spreadsheet with their vendetta.

The newer generation is even less accomplished and shittier than the last. At least my generation has WCS entrants and winners of masquerades and shit. None of which was me of course, but at least people actually cared about cosplay.
Oh, look out, oldfart up in this bitch.

If /cgl/ didn't have it's DRAMU it would turn into a shit weeb site with enforced "happiness for everyone". It's things like PT, Miyu and Luvmonkeys that make this board unique. If cosplay is the only thing you're interested - you're in the wrong neighborhood cholo. The same goes for every other board on 4chan.

If I want to seriously get fit - I won't go asking /fit/ for advice. Sure, some of it might work, but I'd prefer more professional opinions.

If I want to talk about vidiya - well fuck, 4chan is the last place I would consider. It's either /v/, which is /b/ lite, or /vg/, where they repeat the same shit over and over again, every single day. Nothing constructive gets ever said, it's just the same titles getting mentioned 24/7, same opinions and
over and over again.

Or fashion advice? /fa/? Come the fuck on.

And boards like /g/, /sci/ or /lit/ - that doesn't even warrant a comment.

I guess the only boards that have no superior equivalents on the Internet are /b/ and /r9k/.
I was kidding. Duh.
Calm down, Soni.
I'm not your Sonic. I hate Sonic.
It was Frankie, I can tell you her home address if you promise you'll suicide bomb her house.

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