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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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Dumping the rest of my pics
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Yeah, that picture ttly reflects /jp/. No really, I'm glad you did that.
>wearing passes in front

Why would they do this? You always pin it to the side, or move it out of the way during photos.
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The Yui is adorable, but the Ritsu looks a bit odd, probably due to the wig. Mio isn't horrible, and I love the prop accuracy as far as having the right bass goes.
what happened to /soc/ did you guys ditch her fat ass because she was embarrassing to be around with?
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Yeah, one of the best k-on group I've seen.
Todd pls go
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These two yelled "contain your boners, guys." when I took their picture. My jimmies were rustled.
I have wondered, if I wanted to hook up and have some casual sex at the con what would be my best approach?
they had pretty faces and the yuki had a nice ass, but that's about all i can say about these girls
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Any of the videos uploaded yet?

"contain your boners, guys"


Supposedly they've been coming to AN for the last 3 years in those same costumes. I'm not really surprised, but I wish they'd invest in some that don't look like cotton swimwear.
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Yeah, I was glad that I picked up my badge Thursday.
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That's kinda annoying. But whatever, it's none of my business.
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i wanted to see their faces

i swear next year i'll pull their helmets off, or at least tell them to roll things around
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Yeah I wanted to see the 4chan panel.
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I bet she bought this costume off taobao. What an attention whore.
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seriously though it's an awesome costume
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Fat arse and no tits boner not achived
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Package is on it's way
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agreed, they aren't even that hot compared to some of the girls i saw. would have told them to pls go
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I hope and pray that you're going to make another thread about it once that's done.

I mean, there had been only like 6 threads about AN so far, in the last three days, that's not good enough, no Sir!
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Don't know if sarcasm

I'll upload the 4chan panel in 2 parts and then upload the Barney dancing to Bubble Pop. The other videos I'll put as unlisted for those who came along to the parties~

Also, here's a taste at what the c̶a̶n̶c̶e̶r̶s̶t̶u̶c̶k̶ Homestuck photoshoot on Sunday looked like, that's only 1/3rd of the cosplayers.
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last one as i'm a faggot and tired of resizing
anime north is one of the biggest cons nowadays, if we aren't actually posting pictures from a big con that just happened what else is gonna happen? "lets talk meetup plans for fanexpo/otakon/aniwhatever" come on man
You are an honest faggot. I salute you.
stfu faggot i'll rape your face

i'll spam AN all i want
Use what I used?
I'm a girl, you spineless dumbfuck.

Not so tough now, aintcha.
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Sachie looks annoyed.
Best picture ever.
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i will still rape your face if i get the chance
>Nega!Micnax (when dropped trip)
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looking back at my pics, i took a ton like this. i like these more cause it seems like they capture more of of a feel for the con

look at all dem costumes crossing the street
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Crossing the street on Saturday was crazy, some of the times we were overflowing off the sidewalk.

>free shrugs
>doesn't give free shrugs
i drove through that, at some point i thought. with a push of a pedal i can kill like 20 weeaboos

then i remembered i am one of them and felt ashamed
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it's alwats the skinny guy wearing the beater

daat package.. im totally straight bro

>Nurse Akali
>No mouth-mask.
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medli. there we go fuck
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she doesn't have one with that skin.....
Dude, i'm gonna type as sober as possible, that honestly looks fucking pathetic and digusting compared to my pics. and I'm being one hundred percent serious. Sorry we dont take pictures with cameras from the 40s. you're a fuking joke dude, and im dead fuking serious. gert areal camera that takes good pics, has a flash and memory and photos and has a good fuking time, and has a milliondollar lens for the beach, im seriously.. dont eever potst your fuking cameras poverty pics on these boards ever the fuk again bro, and by bro i mean never my bro, fuking faggot.

boner. i sense the anal rape incoming.

you can tell because while amumu's tears say no, his body is saying yes, please lets go.

you can tell by reading his body language (legs apart, one slightly raised over the other. looks away but doesn't turn his body away.) it's like he is terrified and turned on at the same time.

yes, i sense it coming.
Is this pasta?
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would do horrible things to that yuffie and rikku
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These scare the shit out of me

step your game up, son. get on my level, son. son.
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Was that Entei supposed to be terrifying? Cause I am totally never going to sleep again.

Also, I'm totally only here to brag about tenleid's AMAZZZZZZING editing skills
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This wizard was cool and she was in that acksonl video.
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Almost there
So why was poolboy holding a D&D book. Does he play?

The Entei is fine. It's what's to the left of it that is freaking me right the fuck out.
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Anime North 2012! Me in my Natsu Cosplay! :D
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Probably one of my more liked cosplays during the weekend.
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i do play,
but its because i was /tg/ tan
so you were the sole in shape male there. my guy friends were mirin you.
do you even lift?
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also panel picture
Looks good standing still- but moving... he could hardly walk and I watched him do this awful foot shuffle to get around. :(
I told him that's why HL3 is taking so long to come out and we all shared a good laugh
Hahaha... I feel like a newfag... whats "Mirin" over something?
A fair bit, I'm in training to work as a volunteer Fire Fighter! :D
mirin is a play on admiring. it's /fit/ lingo
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welp lurk moar
No homo, but I wish I had a body like yours. What's your routine? I'm in training to join the police and I want to get a head start- whatever you're doing is clearly right. Share your secrets.

Oh, and my GF wanted to lick your abs when she saw you in the crowd. I had to physically restrain her from doing so.
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While all you fags were 4channing and being cool and having fun i had a horrible time with my friend who wanted to go to a reddit meetup that was a complete disaster!11!!
not sure if srs, here is a step by step routine to look like that

1. dont eat
2. smoke cigarettes
3. dont eat
4. never go to a gym
>Reddit meetup
Jesus christ how horrifying
Haha umm I do this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9tDZRogSbbU for my abs and as for everything else we do so many different routines it be hard to say everything. Just I do vertical bench press a lot and use the lat pull down machine a fair bit! :D

ALSO LOL, your girlfriend sounds funny XD
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>using emoticons on 4chan

>using pony images and being a worthless druggy waste of space
Kill yourself.
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Hahaha sounds like we got a negative Nancy up in here!
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Haha if it is the proper etiquette to not use smilies when posting I shall not use them anymore!
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but seriously, dont fuck up another thread with your random hate
>random hate
Pretty sure everyone hates ponies and worthless drug addicts, fag.
The fuck is wrong with you?
dude you started the fucking up with >>5893063
i think you started it by existing......fucking shitposters
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>thread derailed out of control
He's not even the right shade of purple. Fail. 0/10
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>mfw 'he'
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So not trying to drag old shit up, but this man is a rapist. I'm making it known to any/all female board-tans who came in contact with him. He knows exactly what he did and it was rape. If I had been a much smarter 18 year old I would have gone straight to the police but I was too afraid and too stupid to know what it was. Please be safe, seagulls.
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are you dumping battle axe barney pics now?
i hope so
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Oh, might as well.
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oh god my face.
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You're a ghost.
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4chan panel video has 5 mins left until it's done!
moar barney rape
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>Upload complete! Your video will be live at: http://youtu.be/9zFIuGt9eRg
>This video has been removed because it is too long.
Vimeo dat shit. Max is like 10min on youtubes
i think you need a director account bro
Psst, upload the video of voldemort dancing
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It said my account was allowed for more than 15 mins a while ago... maybe they removed that because of some copyright claim that happened a week or two ago, goddamnit.

I'll encode + upload it tomorrow, I'm too tired tonight.
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>he can't upload longer videos on youtube
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What package?
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The gumbee in this photo is freaking me out
poolboy just got cooler, IMO
uh, why?

dick move bro
got any chariot

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found on danny choo's shitty site
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Oh dear god what the fuck?!
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this gurl was a nice zelda
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also this
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Not sure if anyone was still wondering, but this costume is supposed to be megachu. I know I saw photos of it before with people discussing what it could be.
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Enver took this one. I love it.
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"How to get a con bf/gf panel."

It was awful.
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It kind of sounds like you're trying to drag old shit up

that said, that sounds unfortunate
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Sooooo cheesed that we missed this. Last team nap I ever take.
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Nah, that's cool. It was really good though; you missed out.
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that dude is ugly and fat how could you even let yourself be in a rape possible situation with him?
she's got F-cups boys, and everyone should know

and I don't know what kind of videos of the con anyone here is looking for, but I filmed a vloggy-style (heheh) sort of video, so if anyone's interested in the link, I can post it and you can laugh at me
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>that dude
I agree he doesnt look fat, but he does look like a rapist lol
>I don't know what kind of videos of the con anyone here is looking for
we want to see the dance videos. I was informed there was a barney bubble pop
oh yeah, Micnax filmed that. I don't have my version uploaded anywhere atm
Where's your m65 from? I'm looking for one that doesn't fit like a tent.
post it here
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I really liked everyone's vlogs

but for real guys

hold your camera still, yall making me sick

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I posted all my pics here:
Hopefully that link works...

I had a lot of fun, bought a bunch of manga, and made some new friends. ^ ^ It sucks I didn't make it to the meet-ups or panel, but hopefully next year I can meet up with you guys.
alright, most of it is kind of awkward-talking-to-camera-style, but if you want just a montage of the cosplay, skip to 2:05

Lol Tenleid, shes funny i like her

Is it just me or does that Misty have psoriasis?
Oh wow... I didn't even notice that in person. I only noticed all her henna.

Her costume isn't the best, quite bad to be honest, but I have to give her the props that she's confident enough to walk around without covering her patches, and the one in her other leg isn't the smallest!
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i love that you used sonic 2 special stage music
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Here's another angle
>resting elbows on asphalt
All my ouch.
>People cosplaying as 4chan boards in public

Why do you guys stand for this garbage?
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I know right
Because it's funny...?
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>It's funny

I bet you think wearing guy fawkes masks is "cool" too.
i took that one you loser

i am just going to keep calling you a loser until you get things right come ON MAN
Those are two totally different things. Fuck off.
i missed out on all the fun this year

are you guys going to fan expo?
I probably will
I'll be there for sure! As shitty as hobby star is, im more into comics than anime, so i wouldnt miss it
I'm definitely going, but I'm not sure if I'm gonna buy a ticket. I'm hoping to cosplay as Nightmare Moon, Weevil Underwood, and Rocket from Suckerpunch. That's gonna be a busy summer!
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My bad, 4chanX is saving my anon from when I posted on /vp/
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>go to bath & body works for new moisturiser
>ask Todd to help me choose a scent
>he goes straight for the "Japanese Cherry Blossom"

>eating fancy dim sum
>waiter says something in Cantonese to Todd
>they lol
>I ask what he said
>He said I look like I'm from an anime
>Todd adds that's why he's dating me
>Be at Jack Astors for group dinner
>Todd asks the waiter what the most asian food they have is
>It's some noodle shit
>He orders it even though he's allergic to one of the ingredients
>It arrives
>"Where are my chopsticks"
>"Waiter, do you have any soy sauce"
>All night long.

>He makes us eat at this over-priced sushi place the next night
>He sings all the anime themes that play while we eat
>He orders in broken Japanese

>I'm getting ready to do the bubble pop flash mob
>Todd runs up to me
>OMG Voldie, can I do this mega sugoi dance with you guys?!
>Uhhh sure Todd
>He knew the dance off by heart.
>at the mall with Todd
>point out a bubble tea vendor
>he plows through a crowd of small children getting to the vendor
>I order after him
>he makes fun of me for not getting exactly what he ordered

>getting alcohol for later
>looking at beers
>Todd goes to the Sopporo or whatever the Japanese beer is called
>gets all of it
>refuses to share or even try my 'western baka' liquor
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Oh shit. More, PLEASE.
There are more in the AN story thread, wherever it is.
Never miss FEX
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what was with all the people in cat ears and tails

no costume, just cat ears and a tail. is it some cult?
it's like furry-lite.
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It's the neko-chan cult.
It's an anime thing. Cat ears make you feel cute.
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i don't get it, i'm just scared :s
who's in middle?
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That k-on girl.
it's a monkey, you don't like the moneky?
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I thought it was a jew with dat nose
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i like the cut of your jib
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>Sunday, mid-day
>it's freaking hot out
>take refuge in dealer's room
>Spot Todd, he's perusing manga
>notice he's looking at the yaoi section
>point it out
>"oh, my mistake!" sheepishly moves to the hentai section
>figure I'll just let him be
>see him later. He ran out of money, and is asking to borrow some yen for more anny-may and mangah

>later that day
>at tim hortons getting ice cream
>Todd orders 2 large cones
>One for himself and one for his new Rei bodypillow
>Rei bodypillow
2/10 terrible waifu

I'm disappointed, Todd
A hahahaha we're watching evangelion right now actually. He has a boner for the mass production Eva units though, none of the humans/clones/angels.
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I guess I can forgive him then
Which tripfags are those agian?

I'm still new here and need to be enlightened
I dont like todd, I was eating ramen in front of the TCC and he walked up and hit me in the face with his Naruto headband and said Anata wa baka desu and spit in my ramen :(
Raep Barney is Voldie. Don't care about the other person.
Hey Micnax, you ever get those videos uploaded?
Need to reupload the 4chan Panel onto Vimeo as it's 55 mins long, but I can do Voldie's dancing tonight.
I seen you all from a distance at your boardtan meeting thing, i was too intimidated to come over as an anon and thought you would all tell me to go away since you were all tripfags. Now I realize I could have came and had fun =[
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Uploading now

You should've come over dude, it was really fun and we're all kind.
I don't remember that...
I really wish I had have gotten a photo of Todd's pile of ramen in the hotel.

[spoiler]It's funny because this one is actually true[/spoiler]
I said my trip once and when we did introductions I pretty much was like "first names. No trips. We are all friends." So it was all good. Had a random anon at the PJ party and he was awesome. Wish he chilled with us more. Never worry, anon, Canadian trips are total bros.
Probably were drunk on Sake and on a pocky sugar rush or something
lol the introductions where we all yelled our name at once we super effective

Canadians are awesomer per capita
Bubble Pop time!

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Awe Yeee Canadians
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Yeah I like the first name thing better. Screen names are kinda awkward irl.

Would be great if not for fucking TODD's tripname being another REAL NAME. His name and trip just have to BOTH be one syllable simple names. It fucks me up all the time!
Happened to me plenty too, don't worry

Now time to upload the Bohemian Rhapsody video...
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we hang out in waterloo, and i ask him which he prefers me to refer to him as, and he says he doesnt care,
so i have friends who refer to him as todd and dont know his real name.

i just switch between the two randomly
love it! haven't laughed that good in a long time
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this can only end in sadness
Oh my sides, they hurt so much from laughing. I needed that laugh, I was having a pretty off day today.
Is that a popular song?
Why do I always learn about the popular Asian songs on here...?
This same shit happened with PONPONPON
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I forgot peoples names quite a bit and i felt really bad. Im terrible with names especially when im drunk and learning them for the first time. They take a couple days to fully sink in, so if I got your name wrong im sorry lol
it's funny because voldy is the only one who can actually do the dance
>mfw voldie is the only reason why I could actually enjoy a Hyuna song
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Fuck yeah!

I was literally just coming on here to ask if you had posted the photos you took of me on Sunday yet, Todd, haha.

I wish there had've been more time on Sunday to hang out/meet up with everyone, I felt so rushed, ugh. Picture related!

The entire weekend felt crazy rushed, actually ... Going for the full three days is so stressful! I'm totally not used to it, haha.
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that guy on the right. He is fucking hilarious. He introduced himself to me but I forgot his name. Goddammit.

I'm not too worried about it, lol, it's just me driving myself crazy. I'll be talking to my friends and be like
"Ok now we're gonna go find Todd."
"I mean shit- John!"
Welp, half thanks.

Still need the other half.
That's my best friend, she doesn't into 4chan
honestly everytime i've met people IRL we give eachother our real names, use them for about 15 minutes and go right back to screennames
His name was Vinay, he was a funny guy
I just call him JohnTodd now.
my mother does that too,
but she says it jean-todd...
like he is french.

its irritating
Actually we've decided on just referring to him as "the Man"
I try to make an effort of using real names. I mean, when you can't remember and you have to use the screen name, it's not a big deal, but by the end of a meeting or visit/con, I try to learn the real name.

And I want to see a new choreographed dance for Atomic Lollipop
I'm tempted to try to learn something, but I wont be dressed in anything funny for that con. I wonder if PONPONPON has an official dance...
i vote b4-4 get down
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please this.
Oh god, this is the worst song ever made
yes yes yes please.
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the band is from toronto...its fate
And you like ponies so that's why you're an obnoxious shitposting faggot
Get a job
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And now time for the best part of the day

i'm just a poolboy
i need no sympathy
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>poolboy likes this post
Kill yourself.
where is the video of the 4chan pannel?`
...right, I meant, when is it going to be uploaded/status?
Sometime today, don't worry.
I need to start playing video game music on my electric again to pay for my weekend pass and actually go to this again. It's been several years and I haven't been able to muster the desire to go back.

No one appreciates my musical genius.
Who was /e/-chan, anyway?

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