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So, how accurate?
I get so annoying when I see that list. That was ONE post by some /fit/fag. /cgl/ already had a poll and /a/ came out the winner.
very inaccurate

>op that's a guy in your picture
>/a/ was actually ranked 1st
>you are so late & stupid for just now posting this

You missed the epic raid that occurred back then, so posting this now is a lost cause
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It's a girl who says she's a guy
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>/a/ came out the winner

You mean the guys who obsess over cartoons starring little girls?
>implying /cgl/ on average is below 150 lbs.
What's wrong with period blood? I drink as much of mine as I can. It's rich with good healthy stuff.
It's funny that no one realizes that the response post in that picture is so obviously trolling. Derp.
>girls who dress as anime characters like men who obsess over anime characters

Shit, /v/ and /jp/ probably rated lower because they aren't retarded cunt worshipers.
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lol /a/
That's one fine gentleman.
But /fit/ is full of fat people and /fa/ can't dress themselves.
Too bad he won't fuck a 3DPD.
And this board is full of horny creeps, seriously.
I want a cute /jp/boi to roleplay my yuri touhou fanfiction with.
Why is /jp/ the 6th choice? As a gundam, 2D boob and loli girl loving lolita girl with awkward social graces my /jp/ boyfriend is fucking amazing!
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It is like you are mentioning all boards on 4chan.
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No, it's just that im on every single one of them.
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That list was made by some retarded tripfag. This one was a survey we had.
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i dont blame them, who wouldn't want to fuck this
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Good luck finding boyfriend from /a/. They only likes 2d girls.
Is this seriously the first time you guys have seen this list? The amount of crappy threads we had after this was made was ridiculous.

>summer has arrived
No, no. There are quite many douches in there for some reason.
They're even more autistic than /g/ sometimes.
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/a/ was only first because they voted for themselves.

Let's be honest, most people would rather be alone than with a misogynistic beta pemavirgin who fantasizes about relationships with fictional characters.
This list is bullshit, /a/ is the worst board on 4chan.

>want to talk about old anime
>hurrdurr we only talk about new anime

>dubbed anime
>hurrdurr subs only

>post some anime screenshot
>hurrdurr you aren't using the right media player

>watch streams
>hurrdurr streaming faggot

>ask the name of some character or the name of some anime
>hurrdurr you must know every anime ever

>ask for recommendations
>hurrdurr boku no pico

The worst part is their stupid mod dumping toonami threads on fucking /vg/, like /vg/ is /a/'s trash or something.
>average newfag who doesn't know what lurking is
Sorry, /a/ and /v/ are /cgl/'s true loves.
Why? Surely they can do better than the most pathetic boards on 4chan.

It seems they have all the boards they don't understand on the very bottom.
you forgot
>endless threads about anime X while its on air praising it
>show ends

>accelspammer keeping threads that would have died long ago on the front page
>praised for it

Don't hate us for having standards.
>most pathetic boards on 4chan

You haven't seen /mlp/, /r9k/ and /soc/.

Sounds like you are new on 4chan.
Those boards are full of less virgins and are less pathetic shut-ins than /a/.

People on /a/ eventually become the people on /jp/.
They're not all fat, some of them are good looking autistic guys who
invest too much time in one single subject.
These guys are typically good liars, knows several languages and might
even have a chance at becoming something.

Exactly, unfriendly.. a bit like /g/, some of them hang there too.
But /g/ also have normal neck beards who tell the autistic ones to fuck off
when they become too obvious.
More like /a/ needs to get off their high horse, but that will never happen since they even got the mods to back them up.

>/a/: bawww they're making anime threads on /a/
>Mod: let's send them to /vg/!
Love don't make any sense. Fujoshi going for Hikikomori, yo!
Every other anime forum looks like Gaia because /a/ is so elitist they scare off the casuals and people like you.
>/v/: bawww there's too many on topic threads taking up our deceased equine tenderizing space
You could say the same about /mlp/.
Hell. We all might as well make /korra/ and /Homestuck/ while we're at it.
Can't they go after people who are at least interested in them?
Most cute/hot guys on /a/ (atleast that I know) have sugarmamas, that pay for their living expenses so that they can obsess without having to worry about cash.
Well /a/ is quite tsundere even thought /a/ says all that things about 3DPD when niconico does con broadcasts you can observe this.
better idea
make /BANDWAGON/ and just throw /vp/, /mlp/, korra, homestuck, EUROPE VS USA threads and whatever the fuck else is clogging any given board at the moment in there
But that would require serious moderation, and that's something we don't have here.
Seriosly, STOP this shit.
There will always be shitposts somewhere. Doesn't matter what you do.
I...I d'aww so bad.
Fuck they can't keep it at one tonami thread that is why mods banned then to /vg/
>implying men are whores in that way
No. what I'm saying is they prolly don't want to be in a relationship with a 3D girl who can't give them money for their efforts and "wasted time". btw I'm talking about people I know IRL
Who would seriously want to fuck the nasty bitch in the picture anyway.
I just saw the thread on /v/, it's dead, but this image OP posted kept me wondering anyway.
Fuck off permavirgin faggotl
"He" is a fakeboi from DA and one of many lolcows /cgl/ has prodded, he doesn't actually come here.
Me as long as her thighs aren't fat
Wham, bam, thank you ma'm.
I would.
Why does /cgl/ act like they're too good for the other boards?

Let's face it; if you were as attractive and good-natured as you act like you are you wouldn't be on 4chan or cosplaying,.

The board itself is shit, but these cunts need to leech attention from some source, and the internet is very efficient.
>/mu/ never ranks well in any survey ever
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ahahah YES! This board is great for when you want to laugh at dumb drama and fat girls that think that they are choosers. It's like jersey shore in here ahahahah
It's because you guys like dubstep.
>liking dubstep
You're shitting me, the only board on here that doesn't act like they're too good for another board is /co/ and /ck/ . Every other board is prude and sits on a million mile high horse.
Lets also be honest here, nothing that is said here is going to change anything. I will forget about this conversation in a week.

Admittedly I've noticed most boards on 4chan can be almost anti-whatever they're for. /cgl/ is hurrdurr your cosplay is stupid and I hate you, lolitas suck etc.
Thinking the reason /cgl may like /a/ is the lack of interest it has for /cgl/. /a/ threads where /cgl/ is even bought up, turns into a 3DPG/ bitches and whores general. Maybe that's why some people on here have a thing for /a/nons. Wanting something you can't have or the challenge in it.

Of course I don't visit here often and I could be completely wrong. Just throwing out an idea.
Not really. It's just that /cgl/ in general likes anime.
There are guys who like anime and aren't shut-in failures who hate women.
lots of them actually.

but you probably won't start meeting them until at least college.
>Maybe that's why some people on here have a thing for /a/nons. Wanting something you can't have or the challenge in it.

that's fucking retarded
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I completely forgot a mutual liking of anime.
That's fine. /cgl/ doesn't hate them. On the contrary, /a/spies like to come here on occasion and start up 3DPD and such.
Which is where most of /cgl/ presumably is, if not working.

Needless to say, I doubt "likes anime", makes up for /a/ being absolutely godawful people otherwise.
Yeah. Some of us are shut in failures who like women.
Now you're just stereotyping (which /a/ does but still). Some /a/nons have jobs and act like normal people. Just to prevent /a/ from turning into /gaia/, /a/ acts or are assholes to people that even gives off a vibe of a newfag. May not like it, but it works.
What is wrong with wanting a board to be as elite and knowledgeable as possible?
Some is the key word. By your own polls, the majority is exactly like I described.
I'm curious. How many of you guys visit and browse /a/? Do you post a lot? When you do, do you try not revealing you gender as much as possible?
I avoid revealing my gender at all costs on every board besides /cgl/. Most should, unless they want to be attacked for being attention whores.
Knowledge is fine. Elitism leads to dumb shit, general jackassery, and the inability to enjoy anything.
I don't reveal my gender there, or anywhere, for obvious reasons, but I do go there often. I've been off of there lately since I haven't been keeping up with the seasons, but I used to spend hours on there daily.
These polls are absolutely worthless, want to know which boards are the most successful with women? See the percentage of virgins on the board.

/a/ is like 80% virgin, they're everything women hate.
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Guy from /jp/ and /a/ here.

I only come to /cgl/ to see the cute outfits. I hope to make one of you mine one day.
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Attention man-whore.
Only doing my job. Deal with it.
Faggot. /cgl/ is just a bundle of attention whores.
Same could be said for pretty much any board.
Not true.
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>want to be strong agaisnt 3DPD
>see a picture like this
>lewd thouths crossing my mind
>those legs
>that Mio
I wish I was stronger.
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Cgl is by far one of the worst and weirdest/grossest fucking boards. I mean /b/ is in it's own thing, no one likes /b/, but cgl is just shallow and angry. They're like /v/ only the video games are girls dressing up.
Except /vg/ was originally made so that there'd be a videogaming board NOT flooded with off-topic posts. Moving a Toonami thread to /vg/ just because /a/ doesn't like it is similar to, well, most of Bush's post-9/11 political actions. Targeting the unrelated because you can't actually deal with the problem.
If a Toonami discussion would be moved anywhere outside of /a/ it'd be /tv/ or /co/, because at least Toonami used to actually air Western Animation in it's old days.
If that happens again may as well try to enjoy /vg/'s sacrificing to the /a/ssholes.
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Not really true, I joke about not having one.
But I have a crush that I'm going to pursue when school's finished.
So, soon I'll hopefully be set for a while.
Oh also, I wouldn't date /fa/ people.
I prefer guys from /v/ or just guys who play videogames and/or MTG and such.
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You really don't wanna date a guy from /v/, unless your favourite food is spaghetti
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/tg/ was here, have fun missing out on a broad spectrum of awesome, guys with TONS of disposable income and time, and our next session of Adeptus Evangelion.

>/v/ 5th place

oh.... gosh! there's hope for me

I'm still too shy for my own good...
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/a/ and /jp/ here
I visit /cgl/ for the cute girls and idoru drama
I know you would date us, don't be shy
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I enjoy these cross-board bitch fights, they entertain my sides.As a /v/ man, I can safely say I love and hate all of you equally.

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