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How did you like Anime North? Anime north stories.

We went to the anime north, full of nerds and pasty fat lumps, and it's just an infestation of nerds; I didn't feel any home anymore. That's when I realized I grew up of anime - but my friend is still there, having this hobby for more then 6 years. He's a loser, but what can you do?
Hmmm, AN stories... Tenleid and I saw a car with poorly drawn homestuck characters painted on it in acrylic paint. We took pics, but I don't have them.
>he has a hoby that gives him joy and doesn't irritate him
>What a loser
Youm, sir, are the real loser here.
No sight of yaoi box girl, thankfully.
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Hey did anyone ever find Lyper?

Posting this Entei because I couldn't stop laughing. If I had seen him at the con I don't think I would have been able to breathe.
There was a lot more recreational drug and alcohol at the convention this year compared to previous years. Personally, I'm not complaining about people giving me free rum/coke and weed but when some dudes were offering me acid and I saw this one girl tripping out of her mind and being passed around by a bunch of ravers to suck on her face I wasn't impressed
>feel any home anymore
>grew up of anime
>more then 6

Waited in line for nearly 3hrs (2 of them in the sun) on Friday to pick up pre-ordered online tickets. I don't know how people in costumes could stand it.
Yaoi box wasn't there. WTF
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That Entei had me in stitches whenever I saw him.
Saw Todd; what a faggot.

Anyone got laid at AN?
the sailormoon with the blue hair is a strong old fag, perhaps she's in her late 20s
The trick is to come in and get your ticket ... late.
What a baka

It's okay Todd, you're not a loser like my friend who's like, 26 years old and still dresses up
I did a photo shoot with Todd on Sunday; in return he gave me a blow job :)
So guys, did anyone notice the chick doing the con BF/GF panel's breasts?
someone said /fit/ did
They are F cups, for the 200th time.

Really? I did notice the smell of weed going around Saturday Night. But I don't remember seeing that since I was inside the dance.

I've got one story. I was in on Sunday to watch my friend DJ around 2PM. He did an alright job for his first time. But it sucks when the DJ after him had a crowd going on for him. He had to start somewhere.
It was great, except for staying at the Doubletree. Room was too small for six, card redistribution, etc. Praying we get the Rad before it fills this year.

I did a few new things this year: went to a photoshoot for the first time and helped my friend at her comic market table. One of my new cosplays was insanely comfortable to wear and got good reception so I'll definitely improve it and wear it again next year.
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AN continues to be amazing. So much goddamn fun.
Aah! That's my friend <3 She looks adorable!
ahahaha, I felt kinda guilty asking for the lescue back from her, she thought I was giving it to her!

One person did manage to wander off with one without me noticing, though. RIP Lesque #4.
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I went to see the Pinku Project concert after most of the people in the AN threads didn't really like them. It was cute, nothing amazingly special. They were throwing stuffed animals into the crowd afterwards though and Peach was about to throw one to me, and some fat weeaboo football-tackled me from the side and threw us both into the stairs, ripping my costume and causing a lot of pain as well.

Just for a fucking rabbit stuffed animal.
I got a shit ton of stuff for cheap, mostly $2-5/volume.
Some Japanese language manga and artbooks for a fraction of their price without playing shipping or tax.
Someone at nominoichi sold me Soul Eater 1 in Japanese for 25 cents. And I got the first Haruhi LN in Japanese for $4.
I doubled my collection.

The only panel I went to was 4chan, I also saw the 404s late night show. Went swimming at the DT by borrowing a friend of a friends card key.
Went to an all you can eat sushi for Saturday lunch, it was the only meal I had that day.
Overall a good weekend.
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>Had to get security involved 3 times this year

But other then that it was really awesome! :D
>from montreal
>money has been spent to get to AN
>arrive at AN
>feel autistic more than I already am
>everyone's ugly as fuck
>everyone's autistic as fuck
>low power levels
>i want to cry, i begin to drink
>i rave, im not sober, but the rest of the people are
>was hungry the whole time
>did my wife few times at the hotel
>felt cool
>felt like air was being stolen by the more.. bigger people at the con
>called deadpool spiderman a lot, grew old
>way too many homestuck cosplayers
>call homestuck fuckers, homestick, housestuck, housestick, housetrapped, etc
>everythings getting old pretty fast
>result to failtrolling
>atleast im having fun
>return to montreal, i feel the layer of sweat and gay disspitate
Pinku project. Man....
I wanted to see their concert. I went up to them and they saw this fairly attractive male and got all excited even though one is gay. I missed their concert. I wish they were like a band and made their own songs and dances. I wanted to ask them if I could join their group.
>be at shitty mini rave Friday night
>sitting on the curb with friends watching a 50+ man with cat ears and tail jump up and down
>friend notices a boy drag some asian girl away from the rave and into the parking lot
>she looks like she's going to cry
>watch as they lay on the curb
>police come
>medical team comes
>couple tries to escape
>asian girl runs back to the rave
>white boy can barely walk
>old cat boy does a cartwheel

probably the most interesting things to happen at AN
>complaining about powerlevels at an anime convention
>people in the mosh making out and being ugly
>people on the outskirts jamming like retards
>cant even dance
>looks like they are animated maggots
>see 4 goodlooking people sitting on a curb
>wanted to go comment on their good looks
>decide to dance
>feel gay
>Go to out door rave Friday
>Friend gets punched in face for no reason by a crack head
>crack head gets arrested

>Sunday morning wake up not sober
>See Dakari king in Caf he asks for seat
>I move my body pillow husbando for him to sit down
>He sends me on mad trip with his stories and we read his book.
>Gets in sword fight with one of my friends.
>Best experience ever.
I got free chicken wings from some con-goers.

>Chat up 2 strangers in the hotel hallway
>I was wearing a suit
>Strangers: "Are you here for some kind of event?"
>Me: "Not really. Like what?"
>Strangers: "Didn't you see all the people that dressed up?"
>Me: "Oh yeah. Why's that?"
>Strangers: "It's Anime North. It's an anime convention."
>Me: "Oh that's funny..."
>Show them my badge
>Me: "Because I'm here for that too."
>They laugh
>They give me free chicken wings
>be Toronto
>notice influx of people coming in
>i'm feeling weighed down
>big gathering by the airport
>oh no not this again
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>hosting room party on Saturday after Jack Astors dinner
>drunk, just chilling, playing Never Have I Ever
>Todd vanishes and returns with chicken wings, offering them to everyone
>ask him "where did you get those"
>"oh, some random people in the hallway gave them to me"
>random people...
>internally panic, Todd is going to kill everyone with his drugged chicken wings
>drink more
>everything went better than expected
Story 1
>See a group of lolitas
>About to compliment their coords and ask for a photo
>Weeb runs up to them
>She's wearing a mega ita dress and chii headphones

Story 2 (to deliberate on >>5884894)
>See van parked outside hotel for dinner
>Come back a few hours later
>The van is in the same spot but it's covered in Homestuck shit, painted on with acrylic paint
>I'm not sure if the owner of the van was a homefucker
Tenleid has a picture of it, I'll see if I can get it later

Story 3
>Be Barney
>Girl comes up to me
>You can't be wearing that, Barney isn't anime
>She's dressed as an invader zim character

Story 4
>Go with Todd and Piplup back to their hotel
>Todd changes into his Kingdom Hearts pjs
>We get into a conversation about musical tastes
>Crimson is there
>Crimson says "Hey Todd, do you listen to X?"
>Todd looks her dead in the eyes
>No you baka, I don't torture my kawaii ears with your western music. I only listen to stuff by vocaloid and SHINee.
>He goes on, "JongKey is my OTP desu, don't you dare make fun of my sugoi KPOP"
you put more than chicken and booze in your mouth that night, some tiny /fit/ dick maybe?
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>want a kigurumi bad
>only got $60 for friday
>kigurumi is $65
>it's only $5 less, they shouldn't mind
>first guy is ok with it, asks other girl
>girl throws down the kigu she was getting for me and yells about how it's non negotiable
>we look at each other like wtf

cactus mafia are expensive motherfuckers and I will forever hold a grudge against this woman.
Oh yeah, had some left over Jack Astors, spilled some, too. How did you know, anon?

>board tan photoshoot
>all of us in a group photo
>suddenly, random girl comes and poses with us
>we all point at her with wtf faces til she leaves
Really wish someone had a pic of that.
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Girl 1
>This girl in a Fairy Tail cosplay keep following me around ALL DAY asking me to do yaoi poses with her male friends and she honestly like wouldn't stop...
>So I got security to make her leave me alone

Girl 2
>This girl, in yet another Fairy Tail cosplay honestly kept trying to take my clothes off... in public and she wouldn't stop
>So I got security to tell her to GTFO

Girl 3
>This girl in a vocalid cosplay keep feeling my ass and awkwardly followed me around all on Saturday and kept asking for hugs, and on each hug she would feel my ass and then like went in front and grabbed my junk... Like it was so weird...
>Finally got security to have a talk with her

With that being said AN was still awesome and a blast... Just some creepy girls this yeah haha

... Also that is a pic of me in my cosplay I was Natsu from Fairy Tail! :D
>moaning lescue guy is on /cgl/

bro, you made me and my girlfriend's day with that cosplay. i was the redhead guy taking photos on the blackberry. you and the QWOP guy were fucking perfect
>accidently dropped my chicken wings on the ground
>see some guy in the hallway obviously cosplaying
>bitch pretends he doesn't know what the con is
>give him the dirty chicken wings
>laugh as the asshole walks off
>that fat fuck who never stops talking even during panels

I've had to suffer this faggotry at every single convention I've ever gone to. I wonder if his sole purpose in life is to irritate the shit out of me.
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>male cosplayers: fit
>female cosplayers: why
I know that feel, OP. I really have no interest at all in anime but I went because I felt like doing something nice for my little brother; if I went, he could go for a second day. It was still pretty neat seeing the TF2 group. It was a shame that I didn't really see any of the board tans.
>be chicken
>fed nothing but shit
>shipped improperly to toronto
>undercooked and infested with salmonella
>some guy buys me
>drops me on the ground
>gives me to some guy in a suit
>he eats me

Now I wait in him for my time to strike
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OHH, and I'm the Natsu with the scarf on my head btw... :D
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Thanks! Everyone at AN was awesome. Especially the people in line for the Saturday dance-thing. We were all just yellin' stuff with maximum BARNING SPIRIT. Good times.
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>wearing L
>Misa cosplayer runs up to me and we talk for a bit
>Misa tells me when and where the Death Note photoshoot is that day and that I should come.
Nothing against her though, I just hate photoshoots with fandoms I hate.

That said the Sonic photoshoot on Sunday went better than expected ( I do hate the fandom for that, but I met half the cosplayers going beforehand and they are all chill). We had some good shots and WE ACTUALLY HAD AN E-102! All of the costumes were great and the people there we nice. My Eggwoman and I kinda jumped out once they started singing and dancing along to Sonic music though. But still, we had no really scary Sonic furfags or anything. It was... nice.

Here's a shot of the rave. We came in at the end of DJ Shimomura and we didn't like him, but the DJ after didn't know where the fuck he was going with his set so we walked out.
>headed to AN, super excited
>go to pick up Todd
>he comes out of his house to the car
>manage to get a glimpse inside his house
>anime posters everywhere
>figurines on the floor and on the stairs
>pretty sure I saw a pile of those hentai body pillows
>poker face and mention nothing
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Fucking saved that reaction image. Who was /fa/? I want his babies.
>trips here
>doesn't know other trips
Stupid bitch if you weren't so busy begging for attention you might learn something
You're confirmed biggest tryhard to look old newfag on this board.

It's Todd.
>doesn't know Todd
Newfag gonna new.

And he's never gonna touch a 4/10 like you, he has Piplup.
Please die.
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When will you guys learn that I don't care about the other trips? I know who Todd is, I just didn't know what he looked like.

~call me toddy desu~~~
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Oh what did everyone buy at AN?

This is my small haul. I came only for the Code:Breaker, Del Rey stopped releasing the series so I figured I'd buy all they had asap. Might have volume 3 by 2013 lol... But I love Akimine Kamijyo so I will buy all her shit.

Oh and I bought the Deadpool hardcover because it was $20 and the cover price was $45. It's probably a shitty arc (the first issue in this so far was kinda not very Deadpool funny) but meh I have all of Cable and Deadpool now I'm just buying whatever.
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>saging in the name field
Actually that's my name from a previous thread. Like you can criticize anyone on fucking things up, anyway.
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I didn't buy anything. The only thing I would've bought were guitar picks but I didn't see any.

Also, the DR was really crowded.
>pic related
I only bought a gas mask. I also found a bunch of records but they weren't original masters.
I thought that was spiderman?

Anyway, I bought some buttons from corky, magnets from bambi, and some of the digimon keychains. Oh and some earrings. Spent a little but didn't want to blow all of my money
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Just made this one.
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excuse me
That ain't shoe.
>I can't believe how new you are

in all seriousness.
all complete seriousness, as in: no more memes or witty comebacks.
all of that shit aside, completely serious right now.
if I had a gun with one bullet, and you were standing in front of me.
but next to you, was Hitler, alive again and ready to kill another 7 million or so Jews.
Honestly, I would shoot you. I really would. Why you're even on /cgl/ is something I really would like to know. I want to know how you managed to stumble into this place, and who told you about this secret place of the internet.

Honestly, you're the sole reason /cgl/ is full of fail nowadays. It would give me great pleasure to know that before I left, I could at least convince one idiot to leave this place for those with a positive IQ.

So please, in all seriousness, just leave this place and never return
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Here's the picture of the van. Next time, you take it. Drunk shaky hands in the dark dont make for good photos.
Are you the same anon who posted that yesterday or did you just copy paste that from someone else?
I got two things I have been meaning to buy for years and constantly forgetting to buy for years: the Baccano! complete series DVD and Tales of Legendia.

I also got two F/SN Nendo Petits (Saber with the lion car, Sakura with plate) and one Raildex trading fig (Itsuwa with the joke face, the one I least wanted).

Did anyone see the vendor selling the Godoka Nendo Petit for $50? That is the first time I have literally laughed in a vendor's face.
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Not this again.
Don't say another Goddamn word. Up until now, I've been polite. If you say ANYTHING else - ONE word - I will kill myself. And when my tainted spirit finds its destination, I will topple the Master of that dark place. From my black throne, I will lash together a machine of bone and blood, and fueled by my hatred for you this Fear Engine will bore a hole between this world and that one. When it begins, you will hear the sound of children screaming -as though from a great distance. A smoking orb of NOTHING will grow above your bed, and from it will emerge a thousand starving crows. As I slip through the widening maw in my new form, you will catch only a glimpse of my radiance before you are incinerated. Then, as tears of bubbling pitch stream down my face, my dark world will begin. I will open one of my six mouths, and I will sing the song that ends the Earth.
You're right.
I re-purchased the Azu Manga Daioh omnibus since my ex-girlfriend kept my last copy. I wanted to read it on the drive home but ended up having to drive the whole way because everyone else was incapable.
are you me?
Anyone have the video/pictures of the 4chan panel?
It was funny the first time, but this is annoying. Are you going to do this every time I post?

Nope, no Shoe. That's "Maho-Chan"(cosplay name) . Some french dudette from Montreal
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Ive got both!
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>tfw a 15 year old is creeping on your boyfriend
ahahahaaaa oh god I'm 24 and what is this

I really wanted to see her.
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Why are you such an idiot? You jaundiced jumped up, vercordiously pusillanimous piffle. Your vileseome existence nauseates me beyond compare. It is politically correct when discussing your faults to use certain words to denote your humanness above your disability. But in your case, there is nothing human. You are just challenged, you are just different. Given a choice of stepping in something nasty on the sidewalk, or bidding you good morning, I would happily choose the former. Single-handedly, you have wrenched all meaning out of life. Congratulations. As I write this I try vainly to think of something, anything, which redeems in some small way your utterly pointless existence. The only thing that comes to mind is that you have taught me hate. Pure, unmitigated hate. I have had fantasies about attacking you with a machete, but I dare not. I once cut up a starfish, which was so neurologically simple that each piece grew into a clone of the original. Your coleopteron brain no doubt shares certain appalling similarities with such creatures. You, misguided as you are, might be asking yourself what you have done to deserve such a letter as this. Your misdeeds and villainous vampings can be described in just two words: you exist. And believe me, there is no reason on earth why you should. How do you justify to yourself waking up each morning and ruining yet another day? If everything in this world has some purpose, some grand plan behind its existence, then yours surely is to show everything else, whether it be a slops bucket in a fried chicken stand, or the gunk behind the fridge, how fortunate it is not to be you. I have tried, but clearly, I have failed. I must stand firm to the realisation that mere words cannot express my utmost and profound contempt and loathing for your person, your being and your existence. You are a blight against nature.
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All I'm doing is scanning for keywords that are going to make me laugh and I'm seeing nothing so far.

But please, go on, everyone wants to see your copy pasta.
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i love you
Naw, dude, Static, that was a good one.
WOW SON, U BUT ANGREY. I hav neer seen sum1 so pooper peeved, u ned to tak chilpil and stop raping your ownasswit with husband. you are the gayest fgt in fgtopia, no u r the mayor. lol u troled so fukin hard u wan sum ice for the ASSBURN? U cry tears of blud and cum ur mom's penis out your angry butthole. gb2 pussybaby land where u git own3d by dick "omg i love sukn dicks and crying to link park" - You. ur butt is evaporating cum bcuz it is steaming wit angr. SUMBUDY IS ANALLY ANGUISHED its lik u r seeding wit raeg
You have the copypasta about graduating at the top of your marine class? That was makes me laugh every time.

>thinks those words make you smart
>doesn't even use some of the correctly (see piffle)
>probably from /lit/
>good luck ever contributing to society
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.
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Read this
you feel like punching me in the face? bring it on you faggot. I know multiple fighting styles, and I also carry a switchblade with me at all times. Something fucking tells me that you'd be better off keeping your arms down at your sides. If you can't fucking put "cause" and "effect" together in that pathetic brain of yours, I'll help you out here. You'll be standing face to face with me, and let me fucking tell you, it'll already be too fucking late to back down at that point. You might decide "well shit, I might as well stay true to my word and throw a fucking punch". This is where you will go wrong. I hope you don't have a job that requires two fucking hands, because you're going to be missing one after I'm done with you. I'll casually divert your fist off to the side, as you suddenly realize you may have gotten yourself into something you can't back up. You'll try to regroup and pull your arm back, but that wont be easy when I jab my spear-pointed Benchmade switchblade straight through the bone in your forearm, and proceed to rip your entire fucking forearm and hand off in one quick pull. At this point, you'll probably spend 2 seconds in shock. I say 2 seconds, because thats the amount of time you'll have before I reverse the knife in my hand, and uppercut it straight through your throat. You'll spend your last few seconds gurgling blood, and wondering where you went wrong. After that, I'll be forced to take care of any witnesses who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Nothing a few quick choke slams can't fix, followed by a nice gentle slice across the jugular with the Benchmade.
Now, motherfucker, you sure you want to go through with that punch?
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And now I remember why I gave up trying to read threads in /cgl/!
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I no longer fight. I follow the bees.
You're all right Static unlike flan.
Go fuck yourself, worthless kid. Whenever something happens you go up to your little ・supernatural folder・ pick up exploding misha.gif and post it here, thinking you are the best, laughing behind your screen, flapping these adipous cheeks of yours while your wawa chocolate milk drips all overy your XXXL t-shirt. Fucking pederast. You rotten, disgusting slug, bucephalus leech. I hate you and your entire body smells like feces. Do you have any idea of how long you have been there, sitting on this same chair that because of some unknown miracle managed to withstand your massive weight? You have been there for weeks, months, locked up in your room that smells like Doritos and Wawa milk, jacking off to your Destiel wallpaper and posting i'll just wait here misha.gif・on this fucking imageboard. I don't even know how you manage to type with your thick, greasy fingers, or how you still manage to find your tiny penis among all the fat flaps on your belly and groin area. You pile of shit, bipedal sperm-whale!!!
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You posted that last night. Get more creative.
Is that David the Gnome?!
Like you can talk Static, you just post spn gifs all the time.
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You are so visibly upset, that you need to create shitpost on our glorious board in an attempt to raise your self worth.

Come at me you plebian. I am the fucking pinnacle of man, both body and mind. I attend an Ivy league university, completely payed off by scholarships, with the leftover money used to buy myself a luxury vehicle. My grade point average is perfect point O. After I finish my dual bachelors I will be accepted straight away into the doctorate program. I will have two doctorate degree's by age twenty-five, owe zero debts, and make more money a year than you will in a lifetime. The funny thing is, this is the average /cgl/ browser. There are many who far surpass me.

Of course, knowing this, you figure the only way to attack me is the only way you know how, using words of which the meaning escapes you, insult some genre of game no one on this board plays, and using our own image macros to mock yourself.

You forgot your "My face when" by the way, the text suits you perfectly.

Go ahead and reply, doing so only proves my point to such an extent that you might as well just beg to suck my dick and eat my bodily waste, so that maybe an iota of my greatness could pass onto you.
>general good time, valve shoot was great, got some cute tf2 and adventure time buttons in the artist alley, some prints and 2 pairs of lenses
>need to learn to bring more money for artist alley stuff, dont care much for dealer's room overpriced knockoff nendoroids
>lines were ridiculous, need better organization
>no, really. cannot even look on tumblr without every page being filled with homestuck cosplayers.
>zelda panel wait was ridiculous
>montanas has shit service
>otherwise a good day
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Zelda wallscroll, a bottle of vodka that I gave away after managing to only get half of it, the candy box from graves of fireflies ( not even going to eat it so kawaii desu and makes me cry evrytiem), and a body pillow of which I have been cuddling with since I got home.
Well, let's see... I insulted /soc/ sometime on friday because she was /soc/. It was a majorly neckbeardy thing to do, and I feel really bad about it. Especially because I think she took it seriously.

Otherwise, my only friend ditched me and I ended up dragging my heels around the con like some kind of depressed mule.

The only consolation (and relief) for my depression was the bitchin' Proto Man hat/helmet that I bought. I didn't wear it as much as I would have liked, though. Too hot.

My first Anime North... Not sure if I'll live long enough to see the next one. At least I had SOME fun.

Back to lurking for me... Bye!

P.S: Even though I only talked to you for like two minutes, you're a good man OkGold (caps?). Was a pleasure.
You're a dumbass. Off topic, but stop fucking updating your twitter, nobody gives a shit how uninteresting your life is.

YES. I'm seriously curious now about that truck.
homestucks, homestucks everywhere.

Was generally able to avoid all the tomfuckery, got some good pics, especially of the reboot photoshoot. glad with the turn out of it, and ran into an Enzo later on that missed it.

Met my boyfriend last year at Anime North through a friend, and we're still going, so this acted kind of as our ~*~*~* one year anniversary *~*~*~, and it was pretty good.

Best AN to date, for me, but it helped going with somebody who values planning ahead, and is also my boyfriend, and not being stuck with flakey friends who ditch me part way through.
Why do you hate Static, my love?
seriously? who
I've never been to Anime North before but I'm planning on trying to go next year. Do you have any advice as to which hotel is the best for a low-budget and when I should book it?
Cause she's fucking annoying, the same reason everyone else hates her

I stayed at the Days Hotel (240 Belfield), it's about a 15 minute walk down one street, but among 4 people it only cost us 45 dollars each (tax included) for 2 nights. It was actually pretty nice, I think it was even nicer than the Radisson.
But flan is even more annoying.
Overall, I really enjoyed Anime North this year, lots of HS and MLP, but never had problems with them. /Cgl/ pajama party was great, plus your board-tan outfits were awesome, see you guys next year.
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Are you really Voldy?

Leave my Twitter out of this, thanks.
But flan doesn't post in every thread and she doesn't ask questions that out her as new as fuck every five minutes. I'm starting to think this is static dropping trip or something.
I don't post in every thread and I'm not newfag for the hundredth fucking time. If you were really Voldy, you'd remember me from back last summer.
Yeah, I am, you're really fucking annoying. Now gtfo of the AN thread.

Yeah and then you suddenly stopped posting for 9 months and came back and didn't know a single fucking thing about this board. Besides, being here for a year doesn't make you an old fag

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I really thought you were a nice girl after that talk we had. I liked you a lot for the longest time. I'm actually pretty sad that you turned out to be a cunt.
>calling voldemort a cunt

seriously? no, seriously? you wonder why everyone hates you
Come on now, Static. You know you ask a ton of newfag questions.
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Hey, I felt the same, but this is the last straw. There's no need to be so rude to me.
Name one.
>girl calls you annoying
that must mean she's a cunt, because, of course there's no way she's right.
I came here from /fit/ a few days ago during the /fit/ x /diy/ drama, and I must say, its like being in highschool all over again
yeah there actually is. I'm not even a voldyfag but I know shes pretty nice. I'm shocked shes even lasted this long. she has given you advice before on how not to be an annoying little brat
>not from the board
>doesn't know who either of us are
>thinks he can give his two cents

Just leave.
Who is Todd?
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I haven't done a goddamn thing.
I didn't say who is Todd, dumbshit. I said, who is the guy in the photo. I'm familar with him as a poster, but I don't care enough about the other trips on the board to know what they all look like.
Your anger and insults hurts my feelings.
>actually from this board
>still doesnt know who anyone is
>thinks he can add his two cents
Then imagine how I feel hearing newfag every five seconds for the past few months.
Dont act like one, and no one will be the wiser
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Why did I think /cgl/ would do anything but twist words and make their own truths? Static out because you people are the worst type of people I have ever come across.
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What an eventful AN! Lots of photos and lots of panels. This year I decided to completely ignore the Sheridan and it was the best choice i've ever made. Anyways, some shit I did:

• UTENA • My ~significant other~ came to AN with me for the first time, and when I saw Revolutionary Girl Utena was on I knew she'd love it. I had to leave after the second episode to make the board-tan meetup, but she stayed and finished the 3rd. It's resulted in me & her making our way through it together, should be nice.

• Board-tan Meetup • All of my spaghetti, my backpack computer melted in the car, so it completely fell apart the second I put it on. I spent a bunch of my time working on it when I should have been meeting new people, which i'm pretty bad at already. Despite that everyone was really darn swell, especially Enver, Takumi, Todd & Tenlied, thanks for being so welcoming guys!

• Refighting WW2 • A panel I attended, the guy hosting it is my absolute Panelist crush. He's this really old UofT prof. that loves all this war stuff and has a heavy English accent, he also did a panel on the nuclear disaster in Japan and the future of war (pic related), I attended both. Re-fighting WW2 was basically 'LOGISTICS LOGISTICS LOGISTICS LOGISTICS' which I freaking love, and just talking about how unique Japan's role in the war.
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• 4chan Panel • So I wanted to be there early, I get to the Hamilton room, a little disappointed there's no line, I thought this was going to be popular? So I wait until the panel before is done, go in and sit down, that's when another panelist walks in and tells me this is a gundam panel, 4chan is in Halton. The actual 4chan panel was real swell, even though I was a bit late. Last years 4chan panel I felt like I didn't say much, so I was glad to get a few good words in here. The crowd was an absolute delight, I can't wait to do something similar next year, or even at Lollipop? maybe something specific like 'Trolling 4chan for an hour' if we could get AV?

• UNICO • An anime about a kawaii little unicorn THAT WRECKS EVERYTHING, so fucking good, jesus christ. Me and my gf just wandered into this one and were pleasantly surprised.

• Retro Vidya Panel • I was hosting this with some other AN guys that I didn't know too well. For having no plan at all it went absolutely amazingly, we just discussed everyone favourite games and had some great tangents. I dressed up like Cheif Arino from the Japanese television show 'GameCenter CX' for Saturday, and 4 people actually recognized me, which was a huge feat.

• Bootleg Anime • If you've ever been to Anime Hell, the guy who hosts it always does some panels in the daytime AND THEY'RE ALLLWAYS BETTER. This video panel was on Korean anime that was direct rip off's of other shows, thiss is a great example, you won't regret watching it: youtu.be/2WTcxywuOMw?t=5m
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• Mechanical Keyboards • My first panel I hosted alone! Gosh was it nerve racking, just having to keep that many people entertained on my own. My bigest concern is that I just sort of kept talking, and having someone else to throw to for little tidbits would have broken it up better. Everyone said they really loved it, and would come again next year, so I suppose I have to consider it a success! I loved doing this, everyone enjoyed trying out all the different keyboards.

• KPOP panel • Jesus, what a mess. So the girl running this was doing three other panels over the weekend, and all three were about kpop boy bands, I could already tell over email she was a little nutty but WOW, she had no interest in running an interesting panel. We spent the entire thing trying to get her music videos to work, and her insisting we shouldn't be talking about things until we got it working. When we finally gave up on the video, we sat in silence and sung along to a few boyband songs. There was actually a good ammount of boys there that obviously wanted to talk about SNSD/IU/etc.. It all left a terrible taste in my mouth, and I'll be trying to do an AV-less KPOP discussion panel at Lollipop if I can

• 4chan Sunday Meet • Getting more comfy with some of the /cgl/ people, you guys are so nice! I'd love to spend some more time with all of you~

• Fasion Show • I wanted to go, but avoided it because reasons. Though I'm told it's pretty corny?

• Unpopular Opinions Panel • What a great group of people, basically a solid hour of people saying things they do or don't like, and they think no one else feels the same way. Everyone kept going back to Johnny Depp, which was easily the most heated debate of the hour.

Thanks protobro! sorry your friend ditched you, I gave a shoutout to you here >>5885193
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ah man I bought too much
>2 yotsuba manga
>a pith helmet I just had to have for some reason, pic related
>a couple posters from artist alley
>pins and whatnot from artist alley friends
>a piranha flower container thingy for the gf
>a Durarara t-shirt
>nerdy looking headphones
>2 wigs
>other small nick-knacks

I spent a lot of money, a good chunk of it being on food
I wanted that helmet also but I couldnt impulse myself into buying it lol
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Sharing what we bought?

>Madoka volume 1
>Original YGO volume 4
>Several copic markers
>5-14 of chibi vampire (off DerpQueen)
>Madoka poster
>Dolly eye contacts for Ranmao, Kaiba, and Mami (pic related)
>Raikou plushie so people can actually tell who I am when I cosplay her
>For concussed friend, badass Squirtle poster and Boba Fett piggy bank
Oh wow, at the 4chan panel the lady in the green cosplay was smoking hot, spoke to her earlier and she told me her friends made up a cosplay. I was gonna ask her out but I got too scared LOL
You'd make a good sniper, but tf2 fan base is as bad as most others and I would not want to put you through that my dear sweet enver.
nice contacts, but gurl... your eyeliner.
Haha actually that's my false lashes, I suck at putting them on (took the photo before I washed my Ranmao makeup off) But thanks!
I was lost in the wild, lost the list of when the meetings were and nobody answered my wild calls on facebook.

I ended up staying with my little group. It made me sad... next year I guess. I'll probably come to Atomic Lollipop and I def go to Otakuthon in Montreal.
thats my fetish.jpg
how is that dress called?i would love to buy my gf one of these.
I have my suspicions that most of the tf2 fanbase doesn't play or thinks instaspawn 2fort is anything other than an abomination.

2fort barely works on default settings because it wasn't changed enough from the TFC version.

Its more stalemate prone than FUCKING HYDRO

It's called a chipao/qipao
just wanted to say that I think you're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen.

>start reading the thread
>some tripshit derailing

Other than that, I just fail miserably at doing anything fun when I'm with a bunch of non-drunk people.

It's a terrible feel, I wish I would have been drinking with you drinkers. Being from Quebec is suffering.
You were there in spirit, we talked about you.
>where is lyper?
>what is he cosplaying?
>I want to hear his accent
>maybe he will teach us French
I was wondering where you were at or if you were coming to party
Are you trying to make up for calling her a cunt?
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Well, the fact that I asked 1-2 times where the fuck it actually was at, or where I could find anyone and nobody answered, I just went all "welp, guess they don't give 2 shits, let's just drink more with my friends that don't drink".

C'est sure! Also I was not cosplaying, but I finally decided, it's Anti-Mage from DotA2.

I feel fucking bad that people actually wanted to see me, even a little, and I didn't see anyone.
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>Go to Homestuck photoshoot on Sunbday
>Holy shit so much cancer
>other than that, organized well and people actually got shitloads of photos taken
>Meet a cool girl cosplaying as Roxy
>She picks me up
>I have no face

Here's a pic, I love the prints and charms from Corky and Bambi~
>Not pictured: Miku Nendo, Shawn of the Dead shirt, FLCL shirt.
>where I could find anyone and nobody answered
;_; , I only had facebook on my shitty phone and didnt see this (or atleast I dont think I did). Next year!
A lot of us couldn't get internet/WiFi at the con, only at hotels. By the time we would get the message everyone had split up and whatnot. Sorry.
Are you going to Atomic Lollipop? Is it better than FanExpo?
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I didn't even have free internet at mine. Fuck Westin.

No internet and it was 150$ a night, no breakfast, nothing. Fuck this.
Never been to AL, maybe ill go but its not likely at this point. Some people in the facebook group said they are going. If you want to travel down again try and get a room with a /cgl/er so youre instantly in the group lol
It's not like that's the first time I told her that.
This weekend was amazing. I had a ton of fun, especially at the 4chan panel. The audience was the best we've had so far, and the co-panelists were all pretty swell.

Board-tans was a lot of fun, I'm sorry I couldn't get more photos with you guys.
Swag-wise, I got a bunch of little things, but I'm mostly happy with the Kotobukiya Darth Maul figure I got on sunday, oh bby <3
Also, I don't want to start a fucking wave of drama, but what happened to the 4chan panel with the board tans? I heard there was some fuss...

I don't want any names, just what happened?
Fuss? I didn't see/hear any, it went surprisingly well.
Okay then! It's all good, it's better this way. It's just I heard some bitching on facebook, I wanted to know.

You guys planning on doing one next year too?
Were you at the KS panel, Mic?
I scanned the /cgl/ group's posts, I only found one from you when you asked where we were. Crimson replied that we were lining up for the 4chan panel.

I may have missed anything else you posted, but that's all I see. We also had a thread on there where we all exchanged phone numbers just in case and yours wasn't in there. We all legit wanted to meet you, so it's not like it was a personal thing.

Communication was the issue, and seeing that we were at a convention with limited access to the internet, I can understand why this happened. Hell, I only really found people if I was fortunate enough to be able to text them.
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Unfortunately not, it would've been too tight to go to it and then change into my fancy clothes for the Jack Astors dinner, sorry ;_;

Even though I forgot my suit's pants, throwing on my jeans and my converse shoes made me look like Doctor Who, bonus!
do you have any more pics of your cosplay.... because of reasons........................
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This year's AN went by so fast, seriously.

Thanks to everyone who stopped by my table and said hi and even bought stuffs, you guys are bros! Thanks to AN I've made enough cash to fund my plane ticket to my friends wedding in Japan this October :D

Thursday: question sanity while waiting in line for pre-reg. 2 hours to get my ticket? I remember going around the corner where the table usually is and seeing the lineup go up the stairs.

Friday: See old table buddies in the AA and meet a bunch of seagulls over the day. Buy some pony magnets from Bambi <3 Seriously, that's all I bought over the weekend other than fud. I love them so much Bambi!

Friday night: rush to my first ever panel on Anime Figure and Statues. Get there right on time and get so nervous. To anyone who came, thank you so much, and I'm sorry if I derped a lot and if the panel sucked. Went to 4chan panel and board tan photoshoot afterwards. I'm so relieved you guys liked the banana bread and cookies! Being /ck/ makes baking a little more nerve racking, haha.

Saturday: stay in the AA all day to avoid sunburn. People watch for a while after Artist Alley closes and eat some ice cream. Get home late.

Sunday: try to get rid of all my artist stock. Meet a couple more awesome Toronto seagulls, say bye to everyone. Regret not going into the Dealers Room once.
I removed like all my post on the facebook page on sunday out of shame of no one replying, no seriously.

It's fine haha. I had someone's phone and I just remembered, just now.

Fuck. Anyway it's not like the weeaboo in me is going away, I'll def meet people in the next ones. I plan on going to a few con in the USA next year or maybe this summer because I'll be close to the borders too.
Also, I'm getting even more excited for Atomic Lollipop now that a bunch of seagulls are coming along too :D
Awww, what did you sell? Also good luck for the Wedding.

Too bad I couldn't be there in time for the Figure panel.
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Pity, you missed out on many feels, pic related. Another Kenji showed up though, so we had at least one cosplay. How was the dinner anyway?>>5887858
>missing out on homemade banana bread
I'm sure she doesn't really care what some underaged fuck has to say to her
wait static is underage?
anyone know the chick on the extreme right? She refuses to acknowledge the immaturity going on a few feet from her, and that adds 1 or 2 to her 6/10.
I sold mainly ds skins/cases. Sold out of 3DS cases by mid Saturday, wished I bought more now. I also sold keychains, buttons, and prints.

Thanks for the kind wishes. I wish I had a camera that could have filmed the entire panel. My boyfriends camera can only do about 5 min of video at a time :/

I promise I'll make more for the next meetup :)
I doubt that
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There was a line, and they clearly crossed it
Friend got married on the Friday. It was cool beans
Honestly, I toned my "free food" sense a long time ago.
shes totally not responding because it's so true
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>mfw I shook hands with a guy dressed as Arino
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>Static hitting on Voldie
Was that the one person hosting the panel a guy or a girl, I could not tell.
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Nope, but here's another pic of her.

2fort is my guilty pleasure map.
ooooooooooo, thanks!
not bad, 6/10 was an understatement
thank you guys ;; i'm glad you liked my things!!
Look at me being a faggot in my 'hippy' shirt. That panel was pretty shitty though......... The board-tan was nice though.
Oh that was you? Did you happen to be wearing a shirt on sunday with a bunch of cats on it? If so you have some cool-ass shirts
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I..I'm really sorry I didn't have any business cards
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TOM! Sup dude!
>1000 pixels on the longest side

you have done well young one
voldemort wasn't at the panel? why?
It was midnight, passed her bedtime.
And this is why I saw the /cgl/ board-tan group and decided to walk in the other direction. Some of you seem like decent people but the group of you contains more drama than any sane person would want to burden themselves with (that's not even including the hate that has spawned out of the spamming of the board-tan threads though I suppose regardless of whether they were good or bad they'd still be reviled).

It was great speaking and hanging out with some of you individually for photos but this thread is proof that hanging around in a group of 4channers at a convention is just asking for a shitstorm.
She sat right next to me. Some dude is in the way so you can't see her.
Yeah I only wear the best apparel. duh.
Dat corky
Shit man, where on earth did you get the cat shirt, I would wear that all the time
Ahh I'm sorry if I offended you with that comment about your shirt. I was flipping between "tiedyedude" "stonerdude" or "hippie" and I decided hippie was best, sometimes I try to think of amusing names to call on people with and I'm not very funny.
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>sorry if i offended you
>4chan panel
It's by ripndip only 40 were made and i snabbed one they sold out in like a minute. They might be makig more in the summer they're handmade and nice. $70 though (it's a dress shirt).
I've been told I'm way too nice for 4chan but whatever
Thanks for coming out to the panel btw!
Was that person talking about how "I wouldn't talk about Starcraft 1 at this panel" a chick, or a dude?
pic of shirt?
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So, uhhh

Any idea what happened here?
Yeah i was gonna come like two years ago but i wasn't 18 so I figured i couldn't go, and went to the all ages. Yeah it was pretty gay but still fun:3 moar av next year
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Also, sorry for so many seperate replies i'm dumb and don't see everything and reply in one post.
Hot damn, thanks man. I will do whatever it takes to get that shirt
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Someone said there was also a fire at the doubletree and the holiday Inn. I also saw an ambulance beside the doubletree on somedaythatIforget. What happened?
Don't do it, girl.
Had a total blast at AN this year, lines were ridiculous though, I must have spent at least 6 hours total in lines. Didn't buy too much stuff though, just art.
Didn't make it to the 4chan panel, went to pony panel instead, the people who planned the scheduling probably didnt want the rest of 4chan invading lol.
Met up with poolboy for like 2 seconds but then had to dip with roomates.

Now its time to run away back to ponychan till next year.
> Go to art auction, see Epic giant and framed Eveelutions pic with no bids, bid on for $50.
> Go back for last 10 min of auctions
> FUCKING 5 MINUTES TO GO, Giant Nigger comes up and bids $55, and tries to fucking hold the bid card.
> Calmly ask for card and counter bid with 2 min left to go.
> However, that counterbid meant the piece reached enough bids to go to live auction sunday morning
> Wait an hour for a piece to come up, and cry inside as it goes for $140
> Go get artist contact info so I can custom order large print for myself :3
>complains about other worthless posters

stay shitty, tripfriend.
sup 'mort
Please do
There was a car accident in front of the double tree around 2PM on the Friday. One of the cars caught fire.

An ambulance came because an older (50ish?) con goer seemed to be having some difficulties; I saw them helping her in the double tree, she was conscious and seemed fine so I didn't stick around beyond that.
on Saturday as well in the TCC parking lot somebody was taken away in an ambulance. Don't know more than it was a male, and they put a neck brace on him. Must not have been super serious because the ambulance was there for quite a while.
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That sounds familiar VERY familiar.
Went to the 4chan panel this year. ALOT better In my opinion. The only problem I found was the guy standing in the corner yelling out ISHYGDDT 2012 at every given moment. Everything went swell.

What I hope to see is that there will be more people going to Atomic Lolipop now that the outdoors event was a total success.

Saturday Night? I remember passing by the indoor rave entrance and I saw a cop interrogating a white kid on the wall. Pretty serious stuff when I saw it.
it was still light out.

But I wouldn't be surprised, even others in this thread have said there was a lot of drug use, so
Hey, why.
>be on /cgl/
>complain about tripfags

Go back to /v/.

Must be the ravers who came for the outdoors event and aren't into anime. Fucking assholes, I don't want them ruin my Anime North and become another woodstock. Its bad enough I've seen young children walking near the stage.
As if every AN hasn't had a few dozen obvious normalfags at the dance trying to fuck 15 year olds.
There was an ambulance outside the DT on friday morning around 9:30, as soon as I was walking in through the front lobby, the guy was being taken out on the stretcher by the paramedics, completely out of it, could've been drugs.
this was probably my last AN

i feel like i've outgrown the con, age wise at least (i'm 24), just feel out of place

in b4 hipster
I missed last year but came back this year (at age 25).

Two of my friends from school also came out, both a couple years older than me. All three of us are employed as lawyers. If you enjoy something, you can keep at it (within reason) through your adult life.

This year made that problem more prevalent than any other year thanks to a huge outdoor stage. I don't care if 15-year-olds want to hook up and fuck. If they cry rape be my guest. What I care is if AN gets the axe from legal groups and unwanted attention from the media because a bunch of fuckheads decided to dope up and ended the con with someone seriously injured or dead.

This is only a worse-case-scenario, but those people don't belong here.

Find other activities you can do during the convention. Strike up a conversation with a stranger when you can. It always helps.
but then you seem like a creepy faggot and everyone is like get away
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Story 1

>be in dealers room looking for good stuff
>see Voldemort, my favorite trip, buying something from shady looking dealer
>Decide to go introduce myselfand ask for a picture
>begin to move trough crowd only to find that she slipped away
>Spend the next ten minutes looking for her wondering how someone in a giant purple dinosaur suit can disappear so fast
>never did get my picture
>mfw I realized she had escaped

Story 2
>be saturday
>arrive at J-pop dance thingy after 404 show
>little kids, little kids erry where
>fell creepy and leave few minutes later

Does anyone else feel like there is a much younger crowd for the saturday dance than for the friday one?
was there a car fire on friday? I witnessed a fender-bender that didn't look like it resulted in any injuries, but that's it. It was right in the main intersection, too. Everyone saw it and face palmed because it was one of those accidents that was clearly one of the driver's fault.
I think that is because you are socially awkward
There are always a couple of those. People become impatient with the huge traffic back up, then when they finally see the cause they are either gawking at some of the costumes or staring at some underage cleavage.
Oh seriously? What time was that? I was running all over the place on Saturday, so sorry about that!
My car was parked right beside that for Sunday. There were a bunch of stoners sitting on the grass nearby laughing at it while my group just chilled in our car.
>be cosplaying Hawke
>took off all the pointy parts so I won't stab anyone at the rave
>be in the moshpit bouncing up and down with the crowd
>suddenly hands grab my waist and feel something grinding against my backside
>look to my friend who was grinding with a girl next to me
>he gazes at me in horror and pulls me away while pushing the other girl away
>apparently it was some fat, sweaty dude who looked underaged
>I laughed about it later until I see stains on my jeans where he was touching me
>take a bath for a long time afterwards

I have such bros.
>running around in costume, run into people I knew from last year
>managed to not hang out with any of them


The only person I did ask to hang out with (it was the end of the con) was all like "NOPE!"
AN 2012 was my first anime convention and I was awe-struck pretty much the entire time.

First thing I did was go to the /cgl/ meet-up. Wow. So many friendly and normal (i.e. not socially awkward) people! It was great put faces to the board-tans on OKGolds list. Here is my impression on some of them:

/d/ and /e/ - Solid 7/10s
/y/ - Fabulous. Mai husbando
/sp/, /vg/, /g/, /b/, and /v/ - Total bros
/o/ - This know his shit, funny as fuck
/fa/ - Effay as fuck, met at cosplay picnic before and a total bro as well
poolboy - See above, minus effay part
/co/ - See above, plus you are so tall man and I was afraid to talk to you because you might punch me
/cgl/ - You are so cute man and I was afraid to talk to you because HNNNGGGGGGHHHHH
/an/ - Talked with her while waiting for 4chan panel, I know "cool" is such a generic and broad term to describe someone, but she was "cool" in the most awesome way possible
/ck/ - I love you Cooking Mama!
/k/ - So nice and welcoming
/diy/ - Hey ;)
You were /r9k/-tan, right?
I don't think I remember seeing you at any of the meets...?

you've somehow become more beautiful
No that was /fit/ you dumbfuck. Not prestigious enough for you to remember and ciclejerk?
Not showing up and going outside to a social event is a total /r9k/ thing to do.
Still on Friday, the 4chan panel. The panelists were very professional about it. All in all a great experience. Except, you know when there's always 'THAT GUY' there? The obnoxious neckbeard guy that gets way too into it? I'm sure Badr knows what I'm talking about.

Saturday was the /cgl/ dinner. Met the /u/-tans that we missed on Friday and Lindsay. Great experience, everyone was awesome. Want to apologize again to Enver because he was on my left, I eat left-handed, he's right-handed, and we were pretty much eating our food like retards.
Wow calm down, it's not easy to match trips to their costumes bro.

Anyway, we need mooore stories.
Grow a fucking spine please.
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you were afraid I'd punch you?
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This is way too fun
fuckin' saved
No just intimidated because you're so tall. Sage for off-topic.
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Don't fucking save pictures of me you creepy bitch
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>hanging out at Todd's
>bored, ask if he has any vidya games to play
>he goes and gets his laptop
>starts up game
>Katana Shoujen or something like that
>hunter asks "isn't this hentai? Don't you have any multiplayer games?"
>Todd makes a disgusted noise "i don't need to play with other people when I have my kawaii waifu, all that matters is that her and I are together, you stupid white baka"

>making dinner at Todd's
>microwave Asian food cause lazy
>Todd stops me as I put food in the microwave
>"the Japanese don't use the microwave, we must do it the kawaii way"
>spend 20 minutes to boil water because it's 'kawaii'
Oh it must have been around lunch time on saturday. Im not sure what you were buying but the dude that was working was selling a bunch of DS games so it might have been that. Hopefully I can meet you at another event
Where's the part where /fit/ bones you? He must've been small if you didn't remember.
Still believe those rumors?
Yes. If not, did you go for /a/ instead? HE IS HOT!
0/10. He's barely above /v/ and /vg/. Which should be technically accurate but they still managed to ruin it.
I got with everyone. Except I have herpes. Joke's on them.
I thought you was a guy?
wow way to make it obvious micnax
Only in the pants.
really? dammit.
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Who are you and why are you trying to look like me samefagging, I'm trying to make dinner over here.

It's the law that British people can't be hot anyway.
I made a quick little montage acksonl-type video that sucks ass for AN. But you should all watch it and laugh at my horrible shaky cam.


Brah, did I spy you on fitocracy or am I completely mistaken?
I liked that, good jorb!
Never been on fitocracy.

p.s. for those wondering I am 3" penis master race
not surprised she denies it
Not surprised you believe it. Do you also believe the daddy-long-leg is the most poisonous spider in the world and humans eat 8 spiders a year while sleeping?
>got some steak for dinner
>Todd prepping it for the grill
>asks us if seasoned salt works for flavor
>"and what about soy sauce as a marinade"
>we all pokerface him

At first I was making these up but this JUST happened...
>be on staff
>event gets stuck in the motherfucking crowne plaza
>attendance like less than half of usual

Also, does anyone actually have any pictures of a board-tan meetup?
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Oh god, you've done it now

>Be dressed as Barney
>Security guards run up to me
>There's like, 9 of them
>Oh shit what did I do
>They all want pics with me

I've been on staff for years and my event runs like the whole time, I never get to really see anything any more so I want pixplz.
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There ya go

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