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Updates from the party last night:
>Awesome dinner at Jack Astors
>Drinking games are hilarious
>Everyone is horribly hung over
>/fit/ x /diy/ is now a thing

Meeting times for today:
>1pm on the grass at the front, marked on the Anime North meet-up sheet.
someone from /fit/ fucked someone from /diy/?
makes sense

The board-tans
just woke up and chilling at the double tree.... five hours of glorious sleep!
Someone post the photos with them all together from yesterday?
You ALL look like dumb stupid faggots and it's no wonder you're into silly shit like drinking games

Please die under rocks
looks like everybodys having fun, oh wait no they dont.
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I guess so

Well it was more like 'lets play card games and also drink at the same time', there wasn't really any drinking games going on.
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Looks like a terrible place to hold a party.
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Meh, the place seemed cheery and there was a table long enough for all of us, I thought the food was delicious too.

Good thing they gave us crayons to tend to our childish needs.
Post more pictures of the atendees.
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Well here's just before Enver beat the shit out of Tenleid for insulting his bow tie.
well i typed inthe captcha i may as well fucking post
I'll be at the meeting today in an unenergetic demeanor
Anyone go to the "HOW TO GET A CON GIRLFRIEND AND BOYFRIEND" Panel? I tried to go with a buddy of mine but I didn't realize there's a huge line-up for it! We ended up going somewhere else. What went on my mind seeing such a huge line-up was:

>>everyone who lined up are desperate people.

What did they talk about exactly? I'm curious.
When I saw that panel listed I was like "....why don't the people there just hit on each other?"
Wow, you're all fat and ugly.
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>boo hoo, everyone is being so mean to us for cosplaying the board-tans badly
>"Wait, I have an idea! Let's make another thread on /cgl/ showing everyone our boring dinner and how we made up more board tan ships! Gee, I hope this doesn't draw anymore negative attention to ourselves!"
what the fuck is that thing next to the bald guy?!
where are you guys meeting upppp can't find any of you
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>We made a shitty attention mongering board tan group and posted it to every board there is!
>Everyone hated it and told us to go fuck ourselves, but hell we'll post even more!
>A retarded party photo with shitty inside humor will win them back!
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You guys sent a skinny DYEL asian faggot as a representative for /fit/?
I enjoyed it. I live vicariously through the exploits of people who post here.
>implying they were the ones cross posting it
They were AT the con when it was getting spread around.
Most of them haven't even checked into /cgl/ yet

I also want to know why everyone is mad since, aside from trolls, they're keeping their meetup threads out of the AN threads that say "don't post here."
/fit/ should take solace in the fact he managed to pick up.
>they were AT the con when these were posted!
Yet you won't out the person who posted these photos. The person who's posting these is obviously still at the con as well. You won't say anything to the person posting these photos to fucking quit, and they're obviously among you.
You say you don't want the drama yet you let it happen. You knew there would be a shitfest about these cosplays regardless, yet you said nothing. Just admit you like the attention.
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You can post via smartphones shittylator

also everyone is mad because voldie has been the most dramawhoring uptight wannabe troll bitch of cgl and then it turns out her costumes are as shitty as her attitude and she's only 5/10. same goes for piplup.
Forget the meetup, just post more of DerpQueen.
Uhm. trips already checked in to post photos earlier and post around. like those fags can go a day without cgl.
Enver posted the meet up photos. He doesn't even need to be outed, it's not like he trip-dropped when he did it.
I did say something about it.

I was referring more to all the cross posting.

As for the shitfest, of course I was expecting it. But not on this level. It's pretty fucking ridiculous as far as it goes.

I was going to say something to you but then your jelly levels showed the real point you were trying to make. And you can post via smartphone. But they still weren't.
I don't think you understand /fit/'s standards in men and women. The /diy/ person made me feel gross.
and you know how? are you there?

if you are there, you're posting right now aren't you? why can't anyone else?
>implying I'm remotely close to Canada
Protip: It's called knowing people and actually talking to them.

There's more to life than replying to a post.
>We did nothing wrong! Clearly we don't deserve the consequences for not thinking about our actions!

Ugh, the level of denial in here is worse than luvmonkeys. Look, enjoy the con and stop posting here. If people bring it up later then deny the fuck out of it. Telling people "oh look how much fun we're having!" and then watching you post here for more than two hours tells us that you're either bored, or aren't making your schedule busy enough. It makes you look pretty desperate. Just saying.
implying people don't lie about selfposting or causing shit on 4chan?

These are tripfags you're talking about, there isn't much more to their lives than posting.
I thought it was PAINFULLY OBVIOUS that the crossposting was the work of one or more trolls.

And of course people fell for it HARD.
guys can someone post more photos of /diy/ girl.

Only say one picture of her. Not sure if disgusting or not.
>that determination to hate

Speaking of /fit/

Can someone post the pictures here: >>>/fit/12796640
Awesome timing.
If there was EVER any proof of this it's this right here:
Me too, but at least the guy has realistic standards.
>>implying they were the ones cross posting it


you're only known among /r9k/ and /fit/ as the "girl board" where you go "hit on girls"

no one other than one of you whores would do it

and who else would have motivation other than the ever so self-centred bunch of cunts who think they *DESERVE* recognition for insulting 90% of 4chan?

I don't really know what point you're trying to make here.

We just want to see what the /diy/ girl looks like.
>this level of mad

it's is the fucking TRUTH

there isn't some "magical" hater troll from [insert your least favorite board here] who did that

It was YOU

all the time


Just stop posting. What are you trying to prove by whiteknighting and drawing more attention to what is already a clusterfuck?
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>You tiny piece of brown shit.
Aw shit :DD

dis is gunna burn
That the levels of hate are over 9000.
Disapproving the idea? Okay.
Thinking it's stupid? Okay.
Posting the same pics and making like seven threads on /cgl/? That's a little much.
Crosslinking to the other boards to incite further mad? Why would you do that?
Seriously, there's no need to be that upset.

/cgl/, even for as dramatic as it is, blew this thing sky high

Protip: crossboard posts are almost always intended to piss someone off
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>no /pol/ representative

and you don't think they caused it by being obnoxious, making FORTY NINE threads and rubbing this shit in peoples faces day after day?

Of course people are going to be mad. The blatant hypocrisy is disgusting. Shitting on other peoples costumes and acting all high and mighty when they put in less effort and look shittier than the average cosplayer they mock.
>blaming the tripfags for what the trolls did

Also how often have Voldie, tenlied, DerpQueen, Enver and others I don't recall/recognize shit on costumes? Or are you confusing criticism with shit?
/fit/ here, I just threw up my protein shake
thanks /cgl/
>the same two people still seeping with anger about being pointed in the wrong direction for the room party.
Really though most of them are busy enjoying their time.
Thanks to whoever posted the pictures, looks like fun, despite it being in an oversized land with an abundance of sub-par maple products.
Vermont out.
We need more pics of /e/
Kinda explains why they weren't wanted at said party
The trolls didn't make 49 Anime North threads and continue to post their stupid circle-jerk out of costume photos.

If you've never seen derpqueen, voldemort, or the rest of that group shit on other peoples costumes you must be partially blind. If you criticize other people you had better be able to accept criticism yourself.
Do you not know how to hide threads?

I'd rather have pre-con circlejerking than jnig jellyfat, Dakota, or stupid weeb bullying target of the moment threads.
So, what was the best panel?
Oh yeah, sure, someone's gonna whiteknight Violator, legit story.

I know it's you you tripdropping brown piece of shit.

And no, no one would make those threads, because no one cares other than the whores here.

I imagine it was executed swiftly and painlessly on the good boards, a bit less on the shitty ones (/v/ and /b/), and maybe even embrace on the ultra-Beta boards (/fit/).

Nonetheless the source is clear. It was one of yours making.
>he thinks I'm a tripfag and not just some jerk making fun of the overreaction this whole thing got

Sure would be nice if we had the IDs turned on
What's up with Vallelator always whiteknighting shitty tripfags?

oh right, because he's a shitty tripfag himself who takes pride in beating people and thinks being a violent asshole makes you cool
>beating people
what the fuck did i just read
where's the proof /fit/ and /diy/ hooked up?
Their tender butts.
Dumb newfag tripfaggot

IDs only work for this thread

so if anything, it would prove you're Violator.
Amazing how catty and cliquey nerds are.

This is what bringing females into our hobbies did.

Stop being fucking cliquey, you fucking losers.
not good enough, show us some proofs
>implying that the person who cross posted it everywhere wasn't female

Most of the males of /cgl/ are alright stand-up guys (pretty much everyone except Violator, Lobi's harem and the ones attending AN minus Todd). And since the guys there are too Beta to do such a thing, it had to be one of the cunts.

My money's on DerpQueen. She's a mentally handicapped sick attention whore.
Is DQ really that bad?
no ones that bad
this thread is nothing but vendetta
Imagine fucking DerpQueen so hard she starts crying.

I mean, she's fucking spamming drawfag threads with granny porn just because nobody draws her attention whoring face.

She's worse than bad. Really, I wish she'd just get thrown into a pit of her /fit/ Beta male fanboys and get fucked for the rest of her life. Her only merit as a human being is being a good slut.
Has she really slept with a lot of men?
she spams with unicorns if anything
she's also been banned for a while

>inb4 you say it was her tripping
it wasn't
someone just used her name with a tripcode
Its just these idiots thinking /fit/ and /diy/ would be perfect for each other when they barely even visit those boards.
Does anybody have pics of the /u/-tans?
>whiteknigting DerpQueen

Oh newfag you really got to be desperate...
What a mediocre pathetic shit con, pure circlejerk ugly bottom of the barrell tripfags.
Heard so many crazy things about Fanime parties and saw hnnnng worthy pictures of amazing cosplays.
I like how the people at the end of the table are not talking to each other awkwardly and just looking down at the other end.
Not sure how many she slept with considering she is really fucking dumb and all her boyfriends leave her why do you think she found a fucking online boyfriend? I'm just so amused because she thinks she has internet fame.
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I just want to take a brief moment to make an apology to todd I'm still a bit hung over but it by all means does not excuse my behavior for what I did with piplup. Sorry bro we were all a bit tipsy and there were no place for me on the ground, shit just happened.
was the fat midget asian kid actually with her?
Please be more specific "fat midget asian kid" fits the description of many. Was he staffing? If he was, then no he was not with her in romantic or sexual sense. If you are talking about the one who is friends with a big black guy, then yes they fucked.
So wait, wanting IDs that would prove you are being retarded means I'm said tripfag?

Were you dropped on your head as a child?
he had like a bowl cut or something
It's actually really sad how slutty DerpQueen is. Why did she fuck that guy?

Why do cons always end up like this? Why do they always have to turn into flirting and girls wanting to get their shit ploughed? Why can't they just be about playing dress up as japanese cartoon characters?

Women: Stop thinking about sex just for a few days :/

Wait what did you do with her and is Todd dating her or something?

It was nothing like that bro we had some clothes on but yea that's all I'm gonna say about that
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>see the board-tan thing
>think it's pretty cute
>sort of look forward to it
>really look forward to it because of /cgl/'s high standards so they must be great, right?
>see this shit
>/a/ isn't even trying to be a trap
>/g/ is just a guy with a keyboard
>the fuck is going on with /toy/
>/fit/ doesn't lift
>best one is todd
>he's just being his normal self

This is worse than closet L cosplay. And why do people keep posting about this shit? Make a fucking skype chat to circlejerk amongst yourselves, it's not like we care about your wonderful ~lives~.
Nothing happened. Nice try rumour mongering.
when girls get all dressed up they feel sexy and thus want to get fucked
>pretty basic shit brah
Most likely yes, her "boyfriend" was suppose to be at AN with her could have been him that you saw, I don't know what he looks like though.
>a pit of her /fit/ Beta male fanboys
frequent /fit/izen here, first time on /cgl/, i've never heard of her
So. Back to AN....
Post your pics! I saw awesome Cammy and R.Mika. By awesome, I mean dat_ass^2.
I'm from /fit/ and went to AN

not a single other person who lifts was seen that day
Including you.
Why would you go to an anime convention looking for body builder friends?

Did you try to go to the 24 Hour Fitness but get lost and wander into the convention center? Silly meat heads.
it was an observation you faggot

I think most of your... ... ...representatives... ...here tend to go under different nicknames (The Dude, Braindead) than the ones they use on your board.

Only ATIWAB stood tall and he's posting no more after he was gay shamed by honoraryottermode.
>he was gay shamed by honoraryottermode.
Elaborate please.
He ruined his reputation here, basically. For some time, he used to be pretty active, but then he had suddenly withdrawn from /cgl/ after he put his name in the Twisted Tripfag list of Trolling.


I don't really enjoy linking that, for I believe it is cancer, but... enjoy.

Sage for aff-tawpic.
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>awesome Cammy
Not the one you were thinking of I dont think because she wasnt with an R.Mika, but..
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here's the list of the board-tan
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fap time
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>mfw that list
>mfw the photos look like a quarter of that list only showed up to the meets, the panels, and especially dat dinner
Fucking Hooters...LMAO. Shitty restaurant for you shitty people.
Yeah, I bet you're all having so much "fun." That's why you guys seriously spent the entire time furiously checking your smartphones for /cgl/ dramu and posting as anonymous.
lolllll Beta males with no standards

she obviously doesn't even lift, that ass is made of gelatin, all droopy like my mother's when she wasn't fat and ugly

+butterface I bet

6/10, would fuck only if drunk maybe
Voldemort said they were the only ones with nice costumes, any pics yet?
One on the left is fucking hot, love me some pear shaped girls.
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I think I saw a few guys.
They dressed up as Kamina
any pics of that R.Mika?

Does anyone know what brand/kind of pantyhose Cammy is wearing? It's like it's invisible. I need a pair like that...
not sure if joking. shes not wearing any. when she turned around you could see red shaving bumps, it was unfortunate.
I think she is? what's the patch on her crotch then?
If you need a pair of tights that aren't visible then go for dancers tights, it's what most Cammy cosplayers do. However it doesn't look like this one was using any. I didn't use any either, it's not a necessity but it adds security.
She is!
Theres another picture out there, where you can see the shine.
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Seagulls, sorry I could not find any of your gatherings - I didn't lurk your board enough.

However, one of your number was kind enough to take me in for two nights despite being strangers before the con.

Oh really? Who was it, that was really nice. If you go to any other cons in the future (ConBravo, 3 days this year!!) you should definitely come meet up with us
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Thank you! I was the /a/non posting in the "looking for hotel for AN" in the AN threads a couple months back after my intended accommodations fell through.

Here is a picture of us; she put her trip on the page.
Where's your hover hand?
I am now ashamed that I didn't even think of it.

If it is any consolation I made some /a/ worthy awkward comments. ;_;
Did the kid playing /tg/ not show up in the end, Poolboy or something right?
Like what?

He did. See (>>5884467)
Here's a pic of Cammy from behind. You can see the shine on the right leg.
I haven't seen dancers tights so thin.
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After sharing a drink, saying "indirect kiss" was probably the worst.
Bitch isnt wearing shit.
You'd see a sheen regardless or a light glow from her legs. And her ass is flat.
Agreed, dancers tights are a lot more visible, also if she was her "skin tone" aka the tights would be even, but you can see her tan line.
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you can also so where the stockings hit her waist. Not dance tights, but def sheer to waist stockings.
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>indirect kiss
oh god, i miss going to /a/
Touching her ass? /a/lpha as fuck.
Sorry about that but they smelled so strongly of your foot sweat that I had to throw them in my fap material box.
You can also see it in the back of her knees. It's filled in and kinda smooth. There would be more dimples/cellulite if there was nothing there.
Hey I was at that dinner! :D
I'm kinda liking the bunny girl thing in front of her more. Cammy girl know's how to work angles with that..average white girl ass. I was a little disappointed when i saw this photo.
Well that's not creepy at all...
We were at at a con and it just happened to come to mind. She said I needed to spend less time on /a/.

No. That would have been rude.
The whole costume is pretty bad. Could also have been made more flattering to her figure enhancing her hips more.
When I bought sheer to waist, it still looked like it had a very slightly noticeable panty. It looked nothing like this one.
Granted, it was last minute and I got it from Shoppers. What's a good brand?
Welp, Borndead was right about this one. Really looks like his mother's ass.
Is it more important for a costume to look good or to make the cosplayer attractive?

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