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some photos from fanime 2012

1/10 - I don't always collect panties, but when do ...
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Did you just look for you the youngest kids you could find?
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6/10 [ mai waifu ]
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7/10 yes, I believe
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9/10 hot ! sorry for bad photo
These girls look like 9 years old. I can't believe that the Panty was able to leave her house like that.

Starting early, I guess.
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10/10 pimping for Animegacon in August at Las Vegas

...more photos to come from my other camera later tonight or tomorrow...
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5 more photos from camera-2

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12/15 sorry you can't see it, but Haruko does have bright red contact lenses
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i'm quite worried for them
they're going to get creeped on so hard
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14/15 one of my favorite - Princess Kraehe
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15/15 I am Sailor Moon, the champion of justice. In the name of the moon, I will right wrong and triumph over evil... and that means you!

Peace Out.
That's not creepy.

What's creepy is that the girls' parents decided that Panty & Stocking is totally appropriate for their age and those costumes are okay for what they represent. Or the parents don't know/don't care. Either way, that's sad.
Given the quality of the costumes, their parents gave them enough money to get at least semi-decent ones or made the costumes for them. The Stocking is even holding the official Medicom Toy replica plush, so someone knew what they were doing.

I don't know what to say; the girls have resources/potential to pull off decent costumes, but this is a horrible choice for the first step.
I'm proud of those girls. They have really good Panty and Stocking cosplays. I wonder how old they are.
Hey, it's me. Which person took these pictures?
Honestly they don't look older than 12...or the start of puberty.
I really doubt the parents knew what the fuck they were cosplaying. They were probably like LOL RED DRESS.
It doesn't really surprise me that they got away with it without their parents knowing though. Me and a quite a few of my friends started reading/looking at some hardcore porn and cybering at 12 and I know this one underage girl who does Catherine and her mom doesn't even know she owns the cosplay.

So yeah, I guess it sort of is creepy that girls this young are cosplaying them, but I bet it was easy to slide by their parents.
Aren't kids under 13 supposed to have a guardian accompanying them at cons? So there was probably some adult walking around with them and fine with the girls flaunting lacy things.
lol is laika at fanime right now. cause i thought i saw her today and she looks like SHIT. she has such a fat ass for a tiny azn girl.

> capcha: see Manley
yeah captcha she does look pretty fucking manley
>Which person took these pictures?
You make a fine Wolfwood by the way.
Well you're a fucking pedophile Static, so it's no surprise you have no qualms about this.
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S-she's so cute!
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Um. I'm really confused. What is that supposed to mean?
According to Fanime's policies "The parent or legal guardian is not required to purchase a badge and does not need to accompany the attendee at all times, but they will still be responsible for the attendee’s action." As far as picking the badge up goes you just need a state ID or if you only have a school ID (although you can probably get a state ID card at any age) your parents can fill out consent forms.
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How old are these girls? Well since the other one is cosplaying as Panty I don't think she would mind getting raped. I want to impregnate her.
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OP here - thank you to the non-anime cosplayers who help bring more variety to fanime

Thank you. I'm extremely proud of it.
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I don't want to sound rude but what the hell is up with this attitude. It's a goddamn anime convention so of course there's people cosplaying as ANIME characters. If anything the anime costumes are getting rare since there's ponyshit and Homestuck everywhere. Sorry I just don't get the whole "wow that's so unique not to cosplay as an anime character in anime convention!" thing.
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Reposting OP's photo makes me a pedo how?
I don't really get it myself. Are there people that go to Star Trek conventions dressed as Naruto characters?
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No because they get butthurt when they see weeaboos at THEIR cons but they think anime conventions should have all kinds of Homestuck and science fiction panels.
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This seems to be very personal to you.
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I may post a few,
Super Cute Peach!

proper name for her mind you.
No idea who she is outside of being the Cute Peach
A jew?
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dont know her ethnicity, sorry.

this Thor was nice, and a flatter king.
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They look about 13 to me. Either way, their day couldn't have been too fun with all the creepers.
>guy takes pictures of girls at con
this is why no one loves you
Not to mention that these girls are just asking for it... Dressing up as Panty pretty much implies she wants some tender loving.
omg more who is she :3
It's not the fact that they're girls.
It's the fact that they're like 10 and cosplaying Panty and Stocking.

You don't find that a LITTLE "what the fuck" ?
Not at all. Anyone with a brain can tell that Panty & Stocking is a really cartoonish cartoon aimed at little kids. They're not stupid retards like you who think it's inappropriate to dress like that. GTFO you worthless pathetic prude.
>Panty and Stocking
>aimed at kids
wtf am I reading. Confirmed for never having watched P&S
You haven't watched the show.
>judging a show based off its animation style alone
Check it. I've never watched the show, but from lurking alone know the sexual connotations behind it.

To prove my point:
>Panty is a blonde-haired girl whose only interest is looking for men to sleep with. She does not take her ghost-hunting duties as seriously as her sister Stocking, instead preferring to fulfill her personal goal of having sex with one thousand men on Earth before returning to Heaven

>The series also has many sexual themes in every episode

Now, whatever, kids are going to watch what they'll watch.
But you seriously think it's okay for pre-teens to act as those characters?
So... no more fanime2012 photos or is this just an irrelevant debate now?
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OP is still around, and this is a picture board, not a make other people feel shame because they had an unhappy childhood board - amiright ?

16/19 fanime photos continue...
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19/19 done with my Saturday photos

I'd be happy if someone could post photos from Sunday mornings Princess TuTu cosplay gathering. -- Thanks
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>I'd be happy if someone could post photos from Sunday mornings Princess TuTu cosplay gathering. -- Thanks

Anyone have pics of an Alice in Wonderland on Fri/Sat? Classic Disney version, no wig/real blonde hair?
I haven't looked at western cosplay in a long time.... and actually, it's really good. Some of them are waaaay good. I feel like such a dick for assuming the only cosplayers we had were fat and bad at sewing now.
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bump please post more princess tutu
Wow and not ONE attendee or staff asked "How old are you" to the people in OPs picture.
When the village refuses to raise a child...

Someone, anyone could have asked, found out they were 13,12,11,ect and sat them down in a room until they gave up a phone number or the guardian returned. Then explained to the parent that their child was dressed inappropriately for their age and why. Then the parent can decide if it is ok, and let them continue with their con, or to take them home and punish them.

You excuse that behavior and you let those kids know that it is A-OK to be all "I do what I want"
Everyone knows well all like people like that, don't we?
I nerdgasmed. <3 Trigun.

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