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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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I like how the skinny as fuck asian twig represents /fit/

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when and where was this?
I'm amused, Great job guys.

who's the fatty with the dildo sword supposed to be
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need moar pics of /d/, /e/, /x/.

holy shit it's perfect. not even mad, just impressed.
does anyone have a pic of what /vp/ is actually supposed to look like?
This is the Voldemort girl who everyone says is so hot? Wut???? She's average. Damn CGL, your standards are low.
k is the hottest girl there

/cgl/ is adorbs
/i/ looks like she sucks a lot of dicks.
/fa/ looks perfect
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Seriously, though...I need more pics of these women, sans /soc/.
Voldermorts cosplay is fucking shit!
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Why is /fit/ not doing the /fit/ pose?
Wow piplup is actually pretty ugly. No wonder she doesn't like to post her face.
Hit and miss, a few are sub-par (I mean, /b/ isn't even fat...), but a good effort. Altough, I feel like there would need to be a certain level of in-character behavior for this to work... I know I'd be disappointed if /cgl/ didn't call me fat at least once during a conversation.
Which one is piplup?
Voldemort fanboys and people who listed piplup as most attractive girl on /cgl/ .. Where is your god now?
Which one is voldemort?
I think she's /cgl/, actually!
wait, oh my GOD is she holding a picture of PT

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da fuq

maybe the photography is terrible (and it's not doing anyone any favors either way) but coming from cgl that bitches endlessly about bad cosplay, I was expecting something a little more put together
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>see this posted on every board I visit
I am... stunned. I thought they would be uber goddesses. They're nothing but 5/10s. I'm more than willing to admit to seeing a beautiful girl, but they are noooooot it.

Of course, CGL is full of jelly. Anybody actually attractive gets attacked. Seagulls are more than happy to admit someone average looking is the "best".
/d/ is the only one with an actual costume. Great job guys.
[spoiler]/e/ you're not sexy. Stop it[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Yes my jimmies are quite rustled[/spoiler]

the only girl in any of those pics that is above 5/10 is /x/. who is that anyway?
back to /v/ faggot.

and of course /e/ and /d/ are the best.
Notice how this thread is practically all anon because the trips don't want to hurt their friend's feelings over their awful cosplay.
which one is voldemort
>not sexy
Girl detected

you can't even see /x/ in this picture. what.
Trashy taste in women detected.
lol and you ugly cunts think you have a chance with /fit/ guys.

Sorry but you can never have this, only mire

/x/ is seen here
it's funny because they both were on one of /cgl/'s many circlejerk most attractive trips crap lists, piplup being first and Voldemort not so far behind.
I think that Voldemort is prettier than Piplup (in some photos she actually looks kinda cute), but I wasn't expecting her to be so.. pudgy (not "fat" but still), these are the first non-blurred pictures I've seen of Piplup and so far I'm really not impressed, If I saw a picture of her outside of cosplay then maybe I'll change my mind.
So where the fuck is /mu/?
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/e/ slutty is always because she got no other skills still dumb as brick
I'd cum in her ass.
tripfags who spend all their time on cgl or chatting about it.

only two have mediocre costumes.

priorities guys.
Or maybe, you know, because it fits with the fucking board.
I think /cgl/ is very attractive.
Go away Todd
You do know what the board /e/ is right?
What is with all the mad in here, it's not like this was some collective effort among /cgl/ (or the other boards) as a whole. AN seagulls just did this for fun, what were you folks expecting? I mean looking at the drawings I really hope you weren't expecting much.
That list is godawful. It's circulated by the same tripfags, who ignore the newer or less popular people who are much better looking, because they don't want to lose their crowns.

Voldie is cute in a way that a geeky girl can be cute, but not hot or sexy or gorgeous. Piplup just looks average to me. I would never pick her out from a crowd, or notice her at all in any way.

I'm scratching my head about this. I've never seen good pics of them until now. No offence to them, of course, unless they started the whole "I'm the best looking" charade.
wow. people sure are mad to expect decent costumes from people who live/eat/breathe the cosplay board.
>/fit9k/ finally stops its embarrassing hamfisted attempts to get laid on /cgl/ because of this

>That list is godawful. It's circulated by the same tripfags, who ignore the newer or less popular people who are much better looking, because they don't want to lose their crowns.
The fact that there was always a thread for this on page 0 for like 2 months gave high expectations.
/sp/ will return
/sp/ comes back then.
>few people bitch and moan in the AN thread
>some don't agree with them, they want more attention
>make a new thread to post the same 3 pictures
>try to start up another shitfest
I told you man, they didn't mean to send you to the wrong room.
It was an accident, I'm sure they'd be down to chill with you tonight.
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>but /d/ and /e/ are only cosplaying from their boards, tee hee!

Because there was a scarcity of other boards to cosplay, right? Please. I better not EVER hear any of these people ever bitch about someone else being "attention whores" or weeaboos ever again. They complain about how weeaboos act and justify their behaviors with their shows? Well gee, look at /e/ dry hump and try to seduce anything she touches, and then we got /d/ walking around with a tentacle in her ass. As someone said, this shit is embarrassing. Same shit tier as people who yell and cosplay memes.
/cgl/ cosplaying boards they don't even visit.
What happened? A butthurt seagull posting pics because no one talked to them
somebody is a mister grumpy today!
>implying the trips in this group are the ones that call people attention whores
>implying anons aren't the ones that call each other attention whores
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Didn't they have a thread for this for months? The majority of them look like closet cosplay at best.
They'll be too busy jerking off over the Olympics
Because they can't fucking resist USA vs EUROPE wankery
haha holy fuck, there's d/ic/k

Too bad he ain't a ginger (was d/ic/k a ginger? forgot), but he looks accurate
>mfw people are this mad over cosplay they had no say so in
>mfw this is exactly how I knew this was going to end
>mfw they're off at con having fun and we're bitching about cosplay (but that's nothing new)
>having fun
What is that?
This is so bad!! The next time there's a 'post your bad cosplay' this is number 1! It's like no effort as put into it at all...
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Wow. She's not horribly fat, but she is chubby. I don't know why I thought she was a twig. She's average.
Has the photos from /o/ being revealed yet?
We're 'sorta' working on it.
All the newfaggotry. I can't even. Half of those are inaccurate as fuck.
Whats up with that girl in the black dresses arm?
what about a bit more information? where was this made? who got the idea and such? what else did you do?
/e/ and /d/ are by far the sexiest. names anyone?
Why don't you tell us?

/tv/ here. You /cgl/ are the ones responsible for this.
pretty sure her skirt is covering the bottom part of it.

why does /cgl/ have so much trouble identifying physics and the laws of the universe when presented in a still frame?
They aren't even hot one looks like a trap.
seriously? get out of the basement
/e/ is Derpqueen

/d/ and /x/ I dunno

Would like to know to, hot damn.
Are they cosplaying a typical user from each board or are they cosplaying the content of the board?
I thought /x/ was Dill?
Okay, /jp/ fucking killed me. That's hilarious.
/d/ isn't hot but /e/ is.
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Awe I think they all look great! I'm really happy to see photos since I couldn't make it this year! /cgl/ will hate as they please but I think they look cute.
I think /d/ is hotter than /e/
look at the indoor picture of her.
Attention: Please stop coming to /e/ to ask who the girl is. We don't know her.
she's definitely the best in that indoor picture. tall is sexy
I think Piplup is cute enough--not any great beauty, but all right, would bang. However, she has the best personality of any of the tripfags, which automatically makes her the hottest.
canon and non-canon board-tans, you're welcome
Everyone is pale as fuck.
another board here, why did you do this shit?
Stop it.
They are cosplaying 4chan, after all.
>cosplaying outdated board-tans the rest of 4chan long since stopped caring about

Why are women so retarded and desperate for attention?
/sp/ should've used a more symbolic football shirt

Like Messi's or Torres'
If no one cared, why is there a thread on every fucking board?
Because you did it and offended the rest of 4chan with your ignorance.
>implying there aren't men in that cosplay
I agree that the dozen threads are stupid and shit, but using any excuse to spout misogynist shit is starting to look really sad.
The people cosplaying probably don't even have a clue about the board they're going as. It's a mockery. What whores.
It's for fun, they're not trying to impress anyone, your hate is dumb.
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Is this really the best /cgl/ has too offer

Please never cosplay again, in fact, please leave 4chan, you've shown how little you know about boards outside your own
Most of the things they're cosplaying as are from art drawn by members of said boards. Your newfag is showing.
That doesn't mean they did it well.
I think you guys did a pretty good job!
Needs moar boards imo.
are these people upset because they didn't get to participate in the fun, or because there are a couple of girls who look good and people are posting about it?
Fuck. That.

Many of these tripfags are guilty of ragging on other cosplayers for their costume quality whether or not said costume is 'lol jsut 4 fun u guizzz'

Knock off the cosplay.com-esque sunshine brigade shit.

These costumes are terrible. This shit was on the front page for months, all that hype and it's a bunch of crudely thrown together closet cosplay shit?
>says the newfags trying to defend the horde of newfags in op pic

apparently not, because most of those are innacurate.
I hope you weren't trying
This. I wouldn't be so mad if not for this.
Wahaha, pathetic. I'm a little jealous people left their house and got to meet other people, but yeah, I'm only a little jealous at that...
>calling me a newfag
>calling piplup a newfag

Naw. Plus, there's not that many inaccuracies.
I think they did a good job, I'm more happy with the fact (some) seagulls can get together and do something fun.

Really? Isn't it funny that had this been anyone BUT a bunch of circle jerking tripfags they would have been torn apart for their shit-ass costumes just like anyone else who posts shit cosplay on this board.
But because they're kawaii uguu tripfaguuu~ the excuse 'it's just for fun' suddenly holds merit when it never has before on this board?
piplups a tripfag, they don't count

and yes. there are.
Why is /d/ wearing some shitty shorts and a wal mart tank top? What the fuck am I seeing?
You sound like a mad bitch.
you sound like an ass-kissing special snowflake trip, like the rest of these douchebags.
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You are so mad. Are you jealous that people had fun?
And here's the part where all the butthurt tripfags come pouring out of the woodwork to pat each others asses and white knight.
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Pretty much this. "Just for fun" is a bullshit excuse that seagulls rip on all the time. NO EXCEPTIONS, especially not for hypocritical tripfaggots.

holy fucking shit, do you have any relation with SA or /r/ShitRedditSays?? Because you are getting butthurt over the same shit they get butthurt about, and you are using their exact vocabulary.

Get the fuck out of here.
They can have all the fun they want, but they look like bags of ass and I find that hilarious considering how vocal a lot of them are about cosplay quality.
No they're not.
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Some of the people look good while others look like complete ass. Yet, I would bet that they had more fun in that day they were together than you have in a month. Are you so upset that you couldn't go? You need to lash out at people because of your inferiority complex and the fact you're so lonely and miserable.

>Implying I care.
Why would I be jealous? I have fun at conventions, and I actually make real costumes too.

It's no wonder these people need to trip for attention, they certainly can't get by on talent or looks.
I've never been to either but maybe they get butthurt over the same shit because it's legit.
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>mfw seagulls rip on people like PT and luvmonkies for shitty costumes
>mfw their costumes suck just as hard
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They had fun at the convention either. Difference is, they have pictures of them together having fun while you just sit here and bitch about how much gunk comes out of your ass due to your poor diet of being so fat, fatty.
>assumptions assumptions assumptions assumptions assumptions

Just throw in a 'bet yer a jelly fatty XD' and it's perfect.
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OK. You're fat. You'll never know the feeling of being able to enjoy things with other people due to being so bitter about being so very, very fat.
Wow. Trips people.


The blatant hypocrisy and white knighting know no equal
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No idea what you mean. I didn't get trip, but you can always see if I'm a baka.
Your tempertantrum like responses have destroyed any chance of you being taken even remotely seriously. The fact that you're a tripfag whiteknighting other tripfags just makes it all the more perfect.

Maybe derpqueen will throw a pity fuck your way for all your trouble.
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I couldn't name one tripfag on this board, fatty. Except you assume that I know this board's culture, fatty. I don't know why you think that, fatty. You just see a trip and assume they're like you, fatty. For one, I am not fat, fatty.
I can almost guarantee that if the people in the photo weren't mainly trips the amount of mad would greatly decrease in this thread. Get real folks the only reason why you're bashing them isn't so much the cosplay, it's because they're trips and ones you don't like.

I like it and looking at the amount of mad this produced I demand that at every major/ minor con a group of seagulls get-together and cosplay the board tans just to piss everybody off.

>has nothing of merit to say
>spams 'fatty' as a means to make a point

I think you need to take a little break kiddo, you're obviously upset and need to calm down. Come back when you've actually got something to say.



That is the reason behind my mad. If the trips weren't so damn hypocritical and hadn't talked this up and made it a big deal FOR MONTHS, I wouldn't have had any expectations.
lol if they weren't trips, the trips and this entire board would be tearing into them over inaccuracies and last minute closet cosplay
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I have something to say now. You're so fat that when you wear a blue shirt, everyone thinks the sky is falling. You're so fat that when you wear a black shirt and enter a room, people want to know who turned the lights out. You're so fat that when you put an apple in your mouth, people try to roast you.

Why are you so fat? You're like some kind of horrible Kyoko /cgl/. So mad at the superior people like Sayaka-chan.

The only opinions that matter are from trips. Nobody cares what anon has to say, anon are not people.

I wouldn't be, I don't give a fuck about accuracy or how a costume was made or bought. The ONLY thing that matters is having fun.
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Holy shit your grammar suck.
Tell that to the rest of them who spent 24/hrs a day cunting around about other people not being able to make shit themselves.
Why no /tg/ Neckbear bro?
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This. Voldie is the most fucking dramawhoring trip on this board constantly trying to troll and make fun of other cosplayers, then it turns out she's a pudgy 5/10 with poor costuming skills. It didn't surprise me though, she always gave me that vibe.

Also piplup you need to fucking spend less time in /cgl/ tripfagging and more time working on your skills.

I do on a regular basis.

This. It's ridiculous how much time they spend here tearing other people apart when they produce shit like this.

Get off the internet, learn how to sew and stop calling the kettle black.
Outside of one bad picture she looks the same as all her self posts. She's cute enough to be 6-7.

Again in one bad picture she looks that way. Look at her in the indoor picture. Does look pudgy at all.
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Who was the one that decided to post these on every board? A whole lot of this shitstorm could have been prevented if someone didn't feel the need to show a thousand people who don't care.
Still doesn't make up for the lack of cosplay skills.

I'm not an elitist prick, I could care less about "cosplay skill"

>implying ability to cosplay effects someones physical attractiveness.
>has the audacity to harshly criticize and nit pick penus and kooter
Both of them pissed themselves laughing.
Probably someone who wanted to cause a shitstorm
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I'd say she's an 8 in this picture and a 5 at best in every other picture I've seen.
Who the fuck would advertise they come to this site
So /cgl/ doesn't even have a single waifu material girl? How sad.
I like how the skinny as fuck asian twig representing /fit/ is skinniest in the picture
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> mfw
Have you ever been to a con?
I'm honestly surprised that a gangfight has never broken out between the 4channers and Redditors
Why no /y/
Yes but not an American one. I've seen a video with a tumblr cosplayers who was running away from an Anonymous cosplayer. Shit is weird and embarrassing, I hope I don't ever have to see this in real life.
That's dawn. Not /vp/tan, moron.
The only girls into animu and video games are the ones that are so ugly and terrible they couldn't fit into any other social group.
because the only fag on cgl is already wearing a skirt
>ba dam tsss
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/sp/ here. even we have our waifu worthy trip (manchester, pic related)

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Who iz /d/ T_T
She looks good in the thumbnail...
Cute girl, she looks very pure and kind too unlike the /cgl/ sluts who are ugly both inside and outside.
> dat mustache
>/cgl/ angry they're bottom of the barrel as far as 4chan women
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can't forget COM. she has no tits though
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/a/ has Park Ranger.
omgggg shes adorable
Who is that /e/ she's trashy as fuck. That's not erotic, that's just trailer trash tier.
Is that really Pork Ranger?
wait. hot girls actually post on /sp/?
Porky moved to /mu/. They tried to give it back but /a/ refused.
that's the best part of her. DFC ftw.
No. Kevin is just functionally retarded.
The best confirmation I can get on that is her bitching whenever I post that picture. I actually like the picture. The only other picture of her I know of are the ones where she's with friends and she has blonde hair.

For good reason too.
Unfortunately many fem/a/nons are actually from /cgl/ so we're screwed too.
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Why won't they just leave and their their disgusting landwhale bodies with them
I don't think so, fem/a/nons seem to actually watch some anime instead /cgl/ whores. They might not be very attractive but at least they have other passions in their life than ageplay clothes and having sex with as many men as possible.
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I suppose, but honestly, how many fem/a/nons do you know? They don't really trip and there's not many that stick out in my mind that can really ruin a thread. There's only two besides Park Ranger that I can think of that actually can ruin a thread and I haven't seen one of them in a long time.
it's the fact that people can't admit that the media is dominated by a male-centric point of view.

They still have hilariously low powerlevels and belong more here than on /a/.
>desperately trying to defend their fem/a/nons
>makes baseless assumptions to declare superiority
Oh /a/non, you make me laugh.
She look the same to me in all her pictures.

you act as if the /cgl/ whores actually post on /cgl/. most of them are too busy sucking dicks to be using the internets. the average /cgl/er is no different than a fem/a/non, aka fat and out of shape.

moar pl0x
Then who makes all these posts here?
Two men. The OP and the person who responds to OP. It's all one large samefag.
I'm not trying to defend them. I still think they're 3DPD hambeast and they most often have shit taste except the occasional Kaiji fans. But I wouldn't say they're as low as /cgl/, I honestly think this board is worse than /v/.
Lobi was the closest thing we had to a waifu but Roko messed everything up, as usual.
How do you have so many fucks to give?
At least /v/ watched entry-level anime. It's debatable whether anyone on /cgl/ watches anime at all.
Being a Toonamifag isn't any better though but you have a point. But /v/ has awful taste too.
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> the average /cgl/er is no different than a fem/a/non, aka fat and out of shape.
No no no, don't try to bring fem/a/nons to your level.
the average powerlevel has been on a pretty steady decline for some time now.

Less and less discussion of anything but the current season and increasing levels of STOP LIKING WHAT I DONT LIKE
>It's debatable whether anyone on /cgl/ watches anime at all

There goes those baseless assumptions again! You're really reaching.
/cgl/ doesn't, we just look at the pretty outfits >>5881083
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Have you ever met a good fem/a/non? Sure, I enjoy maybe one, but can you really name a good one that's well liked by all?
Panty & Stocking isn't anime
They're at the same level of shittiness and repulsiveness.

It's not baseless.
They're ANONS for a reason you shitty tripfag. There's no need to name them since /a/ doesn't encourage tripfaggotry that has no real purpose like scanlating etc.
She's still waifu material to me. And Roko is a little bitch.
I think most of them are good because they don't attention-whore(atleast not like women from other boards).
It is baseless, because thus far you haven't given any instances that show "the majority of /cgl/ doesn't watch anime".

In fact /cgl/ is pretty bitchy toward people who cosplay a character from an anime they haven't watched, and just want to cosplay because of the pretty outfit.
>because they don't attention-whore

>take every chance to bring up their gender and talk about how they're GIRL ANIME WATCHERS and how /a/ needs to check their privilege and stop hating women
>not attention whores
>so much mad in this post
go do some cardio fatty
I've, seen more osamu tezuka here than on /a/ the last few months

>panty and stocking isn't Anime

>thread after thread while its airing
>ends,now /a/ hates it
Where have you seen posts like that? Very rare I'd say, do you even go to /a/?
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Bullshit, take your blind hate for women to /r9k/
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>In fact /cgl/ is pretty bitchy toward people who cosplay a character from an anime they haven't watched

Of course they are.
>Waifu material
>Mexican slut
Oh hahaha, no.
moot should get rid of this board since it doesn't serve any good purpose and the people who go here don't belong to this kind of site at all. Then again you would all migrate to other boards and I wouldn't like that. Maybe you should just go to tumblr?
No relevance

Having sex with someone =/= slut
To be perfectly honest, I thought /cgl/ was only open during cosplay season. Maybe that was the cosplay board or something. I just remember a board only being opened during the con seasons.
No, I don't know where you got that impression about /cgl/.
And there are cons year round nowadays, so I don't even know how you could go about pinning down one main "cosplay season".
Maybe you should kill yourself?
Who is this bitch you guys are talking about?
>BAWWW Moot should delete this board because the people who go on it don't *belong* on *this kind* of site!
lol what an elitist little bitch. Do you still think it makes you *special* to go on 4chan or something?
We used to get a con board but really when planning meetups and shit it helps to have a permanent board

Plus its not like we dont have other semi pointless boards like /vg/ which really only exists because /v/ whined about having too many on topic threads taking up the first page hahaha
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Lobitah. She's currently fucking Sheldon, AKA Komeiji. Pic related, her.
>lol what an elitist little bitch.

It's not elitist. You simply don't belong here, you're completely different from the rest of the site. Go back to tumblr, it's more too your tastes I'm sure, and there are less of the beta permavirgin pedos you hate yo much.
>implying everyone on 4chan is supposed to be the same
Let me guess, youre the type who calls everyone a normalfag, who has friends, doesn't save CP and is a well adjusted human being right?
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Impossible, Sheldon is too beautiful to fornicate with a 3D pig disgusting!
This nigger is MAD to the max.
Shouldn't you be reading The Giver or something while you're on break?
Yes they are, at least they're not supposed to be normalfags but unfortunately moot got blinded by money and made /soc/.
>you simply don't belong here
>go back to tumblr
Confirmed for elitist newfag.
It's really cute that you think 4chan is some exclusive club that only a certain *type* of person can be on, though. Real cute.
I'm not talking about "the same", I'm talking about how this board isn't remotely similar to the res tof 4chan.

Please explain how a board for dressing up as anime characters is any less relevant to 4chan than a board about watching anime.
>thinks people who go on 4chan are not normalfags
This is too priceless, go on, I'm sure you have more incredible insights regarding your infallible knowledge of the 4chan population
There's something wrong with a person who doesn't get off on loli and shota but thinks that casual sex isn't disgusting at all.
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I got that impression when they used to have a board only for cons that would open up for the summer months and then disappear. Later I remember /cgl/ opening. I don't know how much of this is true because I can promise you that I didn't go to those boards.

/vg/ makes sense and it's done /v/ some wonders. I'm glad I never have to see an LoL thread.

No she is not.
She has mentioned before she doesn't even know who Komeiji is.
Besides she has complete alphas like Awkward and Jim, Komeiji doesn't stand a chance.
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Wait, you don't know about their relationship? How fucking new are you?
>isn't remotely similar to the rest of 4chan
You clearly haven't been on many 4chan boards.
not kawaii in full view.
First of all you dress up as anime characters you don't even know though after watching Sakuracon livestream it seemed like most people were cosplaying as ponies, Homosuck, vidya characters or lolita(yes it's cosplay). Second it's just the general attitude on this board. You pretty much hate the typical anon so what's the point to even be here.
>May 26th
>asking if someone's new
>It's really cute that you think 4chan is some exclusive club that only a certain *type* of person can be on, though.

Yes, it is. The only people who disagree are normalfags who swarmed in after /b/'s antics and got upset that the original inhabits don't want to hear about their >that feels when know gf and their ew you're all pedophiles for liking loli and actually using "virgin" as an insult.

Please leave. You don;'t belong here.
Sheldon isn't a part of 4chan, he's just an attention whoring tripfag. That's the only thing anyone should know about him.
You really need to shut the fuck up and get out.
I don't understand why she could be waifu material.
Do you know anything about her? Besides her shitty cosplay and the secrets Roko spilled out for us?
Her hands and nose are too big. Sheldon would never accept her as Azusa. No one cares about him though, you shouldn't pay attention to tripfags.
>dress up as anime characters you don't even know
>dem incorrect assumptions
>hate the typical anon
>more assumptions
Please just take your stupidity and flawed perception of what 4chan is elsewhere newfag.
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Do you people have to put up with these whinning /r9k/ faggots everyday?
Can't come up with any arguments? It's because deep down you know you're wrong.
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>shitty cosplay
She's a great cosplayer
She's also very sweet and friendly.
The only thing bad about her is that she's a ponyfag.
Because we leave the house and try to interact with people in the real world?
Or maybe its the lack of psychotic hate directed at tripfags who haven't done anything warranting hate?

I'm not even the person you were talking to. I just agree with them and think you sound fucking retarded.
Maybe you should get some mods and janitors and get rid of all the threads that aren't cosplay or lolita fashion related. That includes every single drama thread and whoever "internet celebrity" you like to gossip about. Do you really want that?
Kind of.
It fluctuates.
That and she's boring.

Because she is beautiful. And from per posts, is a very nice person.
>enormous public board is an exclusive club only for "non-normalfags"
Awww sounds like someone's butthurt that their super private club is now known by "normalfags".
You leave, you obviously don't belong here if you have such idiotic ideas about what 4chan should be.
Boring is better than being a bitch.
Being a tripfag for no reason is good enough reason to at least filter them. This is an anonymous board. Go attention whore on your Facebook or something.
Who is she cosplaying as?
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Of course she would say that she doesn't know who Komeiji is. It's due to the fact that he denied her so hard that she's been anal pained ever since.
Not really, it's because deep down we know you're a sad faggot who wants to feel special.
Chizuru from Kanokon.
Are you upset that you refuse to realize you really don't belong on 4chan?

4chan is a board moot made for him and his loser friends to talk about anime and other bullshit. If you aren't a man in the mold of our former fearless leader you need to get the fuck out.

This has nothing to do with "secret club". It's not a secret club because we don't want new people, it's because we don't want people like you here, people who aren't like us at all.

4chan has only suffered for it.
Yep. Its remarkably mild today actually

>fucking Sheldon
And what arguments have you given, exactly? All you've said is "Waaaaah I think everyone on 4chan should be like me and no one who doesn't like kiddie porn and isn't a virgin shouldn't be on here because they *don't belong*."
The internet is srs bsnss
I know why Moot made 4chan.

>people who aren't like us at all
Fuckers like you who have this "I am so proud to be apart of something, ooh I feel so special! 4chan rocks XD" are the ones who really need to leave.
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Why don't you just do your part and go complain about women on /r9k/? Hell even on /a/ we don't admit endless bitching about women.
But it's the truth
She's not a furry.
>thinks he is like Moot
Confirmed for retard. You were good for a laugh, but really get out.
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>filters all of the tripfags
Ahhh, that's better! Now let me see...

Oh! Would you look at that! Most anons agree that these costumes are shitastic and the people that are doing them are attention whores! As it turns out, being a circle jerking tripfaggot and having a legion of whiteknights who would defend by saying that "they were only doing it for fun" doesn't suddenly make reasonable people go blind.

These costumes are shit and reek of "Look at me." No excuse. If it were anyone else then they'd be here to fry too.
>cat girl
Wait, where did I complain about women? I just gave an advice how to improve this board as it obviously doesn't have any janitors.
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She's a fox, not a cat.
>but it's the truth
I don't think that word means what you think it means. The "truth" isn't the opinion of one anon who wants desperately to be special that he declares everyone who isn't like him should be excluded.
>Fuckers like you who have this "I am so proud to be apart of something, ooh I feel so special! 4chan rocks XD"

There's nothing special or remarkable about 4chan or being on it. That's the entire point. it's a board full of unremarkable people. People like /cgl/ are the ones who think they're unique and special for being on 4chan; remind me which board it was that went to a con cosplaying as boards?

I'm only interested in keeping more board for descending into normalfag bullshit like /soc/, /r9k/, /v/, and /cgl/. 4chan is great because it isn't just another shitty place for normals to blog about their lives like most place son the internet are becoming thanks to Web 2.0 nonsense.
>walking around with cat ears and a tail
>not a furry
Oh come on.
All boards are different. Stop wanting them to be the same. Don't like it? Then stay off the boards that bother. Fucking simple.
Where are the nudes?
>nothing special about 4chan or about being on it
>yet says the people who *belong* on 4chan are are a unique type of people
Good job on self-destructing your own argument. Now really, please just get off 4chan you idiot.
So did anyone have a rundown on who's who?
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Kemonomimi =/= furry
There are tons of characters with animal ears and tails, but they aren't furries. A furry would have FUR all over their body and actually resemble an animal. Learn your shit. And those aren't cat ears.
Pretty sure there aren't any.
lurker here. why are people on here so mean to women?
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I actually liked the idea of cosplaying the 4chan boards - it could have been so much better than what it was. The people who cosplayed this look like shit (most of them) and i've got so much second hand embarrasment
Because this thread is full of ignorant virgins from other boards.
One thing I don't understand, why are you people so obsessed with stupid drama? Do you really enjoy talking about other people's lives that much?
Stop kissing Lobi's ass, that's Roko's job.
Besides, how do you know it's actually her who posts here?
It might as well be a fat man stealing all her pictures.
I think they all look pretty good, actually. I don't see why you fags are bitching. I wish I could've participated.
yeah really. for all that people are saying the designs are simple... that shit is still a hot lazy mess. they have been planning this for MONTHS.
I'm talking about all boards being a carbon copy of each other, I'm talking about all boards being full of people who can relate to each other on some level. Something that's becoming rarer.

Unique as in "not normalfags", sure.

Like here. Using virgin as an insult was something brought by normalfags and crying about "misogyny" was brought by tumblr carebears.
Some of them evidently do. I agree with you that it's stupid, however what do man. If people are determined to stir up shit, there will be drama.
The girl in black mini dress was probably planning how many cocks she can suck in such a little time.
How old is she?
>still thinks 4chan is a special exclusive club
>I'm talking about all boards being a carbon copy of each other, I'm talking about all boards being full of people who can relate to each other on some level. Something that's becoming rarer.

Why would you want that? Are you a fucking idiot?
>implying you're not a normalfag who just wants to feel special by pretending to be a "non-normalfag" on 4chan and is raging because other normalfags because they're not special enough
Well then she didn't do a good job, they still look like cat ears.
Stop trying to force me into your furry shit.
I can't believe how mad everyone is.
>kissing Lobi's ass

>Besides, how do you know it's actually her who posts here?
I'll never meet or know her so it doesn't matter.
The secret club argument is a shitty argument only pushed by the people upset no one wants them. Guess what? Generally, people et annoyed when people who don't share your culture and beliefs show up and started forcing theirs on you. It has nothing to do with secret club, it's the fact you refuse to adapt to the environment you're in and demand people accept you and your normalfaggotry and try to become more like you.

Why would I want the people on 4chan to have? Probably because I'm not from tumblr and don't believe in attaching as many useless, stupid titles to myself as possible so I'm more unique.
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Dunno, but pretty sure she's underageb&
No, they don't. There's a difference. Watch more anime.
>implying I've ever been on Tumblr
If you don't believe in attaching titles, then why would you want everyone to be the same? Labled the same? "one of us?"
You clearly don't know what you're talking about. Get out of here. You've lost.
>lobi likes pure fanservice anime
>cosplaying black rock shooter
>zipped up jacket
Are you fucking kidding me. Why did she even bother cosplaying her at all?
>shitty argument

Keep raging, keep insisting that everyone is normalfag but you. That'll definitely keep the normalfags away.
>then why would you want everyone to be the same?

Where did I say I want everyone to be the same? I said I DON'T want everyone to be a carbon copy of each other.

>I've never been on tumblr

And yet you seem to be fodn of their obsession with competing to be the most unique of all.
Are you serious? I'm grateful that she didn't go full slut. Cosplaying BRS with everything exposed is just begging for attention from males.
It's refreshing to see her cosplay compared to all the slutty ones.
Maybe she didn't want to show off her skin. Believe this or not but no every cosplayer wants to look like a prostitute.
You lost. Give up. We don't want you here. Run along, kiddo.
I, with the esteemed title of Anon, officially declare this anon to be the winner.

Sorry other Anon, but you've lost.
Whats wrong with being slutty?
Any proof of Lobi being a legit tripfag?
I'm curious now.
A LOT. It gives us cosplayers a bad rep.
Sluts are gross. And this is coming from a guy.
>competing to be the most unique
Where the hell did this even come into the conversation?
The only person who even mentioned that a unique type of person belongs here is you.

You've backtracked and contradicted yourself into a corner. You've lost. Just leave.
She posts from time to time, avatarfagging as Rainbow Dash.
I wish girls in skimpy cosplays would get brutally drugged, raped in impregnated by some fat neckbeard with bad hygiene. It's my fantasy and I'm sure many of you would like to have this kind of experience since you dress up like that.
Things like this make me happy I've never cosplayed anything revealing.
So people will associate you with slutty women even though you're a guy? the fuck
Nothing I guess if you don't want to be treated as a human being
Then she should have cosplayed as some other character with black twin tails.
If she wasn't going to cosplay as BRS and make it look accurate she shouldn't have wasted her money and time on it.
Accuracy, idiots.

I think he/she is asking if Lobi has ever proven to be the actual person posting, and not an imposter.
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/b/ should have been John and his bitch
This whole board smells like jealousy. Only fat and ugly losers feel that way about attractive women.
>Keep raging, keep insisting that everyone is normalfag but you.

I'm not the only non-normalfag, when did I claim that? That would be delusional.

And yes. The only thing that will keep normalfags away is fighting the things they've already done to ruin 4chan.

>I can';t argue anymore so let me just repeat "I lost" because that will make it true.

Why not call me a pedophile, racist, or misogynist as normalfags are wont to do when they lose an argument but need to destroy their opponent?

Your anger at people implying that the denizens of a board should share common characteristics that make them at home there. You probably believe 4chan would benefit from diversity and multiculturalism, too? That normalfags are good for the board and their lvoe of epik memes xD and turning 4chan into Facebook is good?
It looks accurate to me. Are you implying BRS doesn't get cold and occasionally zip up her jacket? Let's be realistic, buddy.
The way you dress doesn't make you slutty. That's just an excuse for stupid men.
People make slutty version of their costumes all the time(like cosplaying as genderswapped characters) and they're not accurate either. It's just cosplay, who cares if her jacket is zipped up. Dressing up as a cartoon character isn't that serious business you know?
>Believe this or not but no every cosplayer wants to look like a prostitute.

But they do. it's why the most popular cosplays are the most evealing.,
This. Actual proof please.
Are you implying that being a slut makes you attractive?
We keep telling you you've lost because you're pathetic. We can tell you're getting desperate. It's sad to watch you try to come up with witty arguments, and we're being nice by saying to give it a rest. Go back to playing on Gaia or Runescape or whatever it is you kids are doing nowadays. This is over.
I just want more of /e/ and /d/. Especially /d/.
The way you dress is a representative of you.
Stop blaming men for everything
Yes, most of the women you people call "sluts" are very attractive. And its not "UR ONLY ATTRACTED TO SLUTS". Im sure many other people feel the same.

Those gronka lonkas need to get their asses back to the factory.
>you lost you lost you're pathetic you lost

I guess I made a mistake arguing on /cgl/ of all places.

Also, nice throwing in of "go back to Gaia" to make it seem like you're an oldfag whose been here all summer.
Dressing like a slut doesn't make you slut? Maybe not but it will cause some misunderstandings. If I see a person wearing a shit with a Metallica shirt I assume he's a Metallica fan. When I see a girl in slutty clothes I assume she's a slut.
>talking about an anime character
It would still look a lot better if it wasn't zipped up.
Not because of her body or tits, but because she would look more like the character.
Cool story bro
So there's more of /d/ somewhere, right?
>shit with a Metallica shirt
I don't know what I'm trying to say here. You get the point.
>not blaming men for everything

This is a board of misandrists.
>ruin 4chan
>implying there was anything to ruin
The only anger here is you, kiddo. You're the one raging at the fact that 4chan isn't exclusive enough anymore.

The rest of us are perfectly content with the way the board is, with its misogyny, pedophilia, and rape porn.
The only one protesting against ANYTHING is you.

So, good job defeating your own argument. Once again.
What are you waiting to fuck Lobi on all fours?
If you don't hurry up Roko might slap your shit.
>The rest of us are perfectly content with the way the board is, with its misogyny, pedophilia, and rape porn.

Of course, the same board that constantly whines about misogyny and pedophiles supports them. I sure believe you there!
I can't wait for moot to get post IDs here.
> fuck Lobi on all fours
A man can dream....a man can dream.
She's underage you sick fuck.
Stop having wet dreams with my waifu.
how underage? Anything above 14 is fine.
Underage is the best. 17 is good. Once a girl turns 18 the meat is ruined. I want a girlfriend who stays eternally 17 years old.
1. I'm just fucking around.

2. Underage only by modern western standards, assuming she actually is under 18.
Falcone is now fighting for the Iron Throne.
If blood comes out of her vagoo she's ready to mate and get impregnated
>implying you wouldn't have sex with her is she was down to it.
She says she is 19 but we all think she is 16-17

You got me.
It's okay bro. I wouldn't mind joining you both.
that actually is my fantasy... sigh.
This thread was successfully hijacked and plunged into the depths.
Well, shes probably 19.
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You guys made a mockery of /k/.
Should of told us you were having this.
Some of us might of actually came by with our CCW

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