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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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>mfw it looks like tentacle slithering up her vagoo
Class act.
I can't even tell what Pokemon that's supposed to be.
is that voldemort?
she looks so ugly
What pokemon is this?
It's not a Pokemon. She's cosplaying as /d/, the hentai/alternative board here on 4chan.
Also the other girl is /vp/.
>because walking around with a tentacle up your crotch is somehow socially justifiable
>"But it's from a hentai image board on the internet!"
Fuckin lol'd. Who thought this shit was a good idea? How embarrassing even by con standards.
>only tentacles
>no futa, vore, etc
>thinking /vp/ would be a girl
cosplaying a board is shitty and embarrassing but at least get it right
they're nothing but attention whores
I'm not saying I like the cosplay. Honestly, I don't really like the idea of cosplaying any of the board-tans, but thats just my opinion.

But all in all, the cosplay IS accurate.
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I really hope the people who did this aren't the same people who bitch about fags shouting memes at cons.
This is worse...way worse.
Oh shit it's Dawn!!!
MFW she could have at least worn a corset or vinyl or something and not just a fucking tanktop.

Also, wear some goddamn makeup.
voldemort gained 20 pounds or what?

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