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File: 1338006348745.png-(207 KB, 400x586, Terriermon.png)
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Was hoping that the awesome people of /cgl could recommend a place to get a full costume made up of Terriermon from Digimon.

I want it mascot style, similar to the picture of the red Digimon in the photo, Shoutmon.

Need it in a hurry, but still want something @!#@!##$ awesome. I know that's asking a lot though. =\

Any help is appreciated guys!
How many thousands of dollars are you willing to drop?

(That shoutmon is fucking great, official mascot I guess?)
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I never noticed how much that looks like Kyubey before...
Any of the costumers who make mascot costumes usually won't touch copyrighted stuff. That being said, this would probably cost around $5,000 easy for a really good, professional one that has the correct proportions. What is your budget?
Yeah, that Shoutmon is official.

Well, I'm not looking for absolute perfect, but something that looks good. I take it that a budget around $500+ is too little?
The heads alone are usually $500 and up...

Then I have greatly under estimated the price.
You might could find someone who is just starting out who could make you the entire suit for around $800-$1000, but it most likely won't be as nice as the official stuff.
Yeah, that's about what you'd get if you gave me $500.
I'd love to take it on for real, but I think I'd quote ya about $2500 not including shipping.
OP can you not settle for a kigurumi? They're a lot cuter looking~
I could, just depends on how it looks in the end. I want to avoid something flimsy that's all just fabric... if that makes sense. XD
http://shatchi.deviantart.com/art/terriermon-kigurumi-215702548 Something like this?
Yes, I could go for that. Is that your handy work?
I could do that for you.
(My handywork in the same vein: http://teh-oshi.deviantart.com/gallery/#/d4ide7l)
another person here but woooooooooooo nice

ill probably get something from you :)
OK, let's talk! Can I contact you on your deviant account?
Sure. I'm heading to bed now, but I'll respond in the morning.
Cool, thanks. =D

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