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>MEETUP: http://www.facebook.com/events/387177534662000/
>SLUTKIP may be attending: BEWARE
>This con is shit...
>Drinking away the boredom
>Carry on...
Slutkip got blue shit all over my artist alley table cloth last year. I hope she fucking dies.
Well after the meetup you can always walk down drunkenly in Dallas. They are having an A-Kon parade.
I'm down. I just hope we don't run into the hobo who loves 'red heads." Otherwise, we'll be stalked by him for sometime in downtown Dallas.
Hmmm, I may attend this but it would be my first ever seagull meet....
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This was on the front page and what the fuck is that?
Nah, drama should be the least of your worries.
>con sucks
>avoid slutkip
>get drunk

Sounds about right. Fancy horses shall be there.
I hope she doesn't show up.

But part of me just wants to rip her a new one HUEHUEHUEHEUHEUHUE about how awful a person she is. But I don't want to risk getting blue on my new suit.
That would be a photo worth taking.
What ever you say little Picaninny.
Is it perhaps too much to ask that we have an A-kon thread without tripfags bantering back-and-forth?

Maybe even talk about the con or, if we wanna get really crazy, cosplay?
Start it!

How is everyone's cosplay doing? I'm screwed on mine.

Sauce on slutkip plz.
Hooooooly shiiit you ignorant cunt. You may have not been here for any previous akon threads, and I know that's a sad thought, but keep in mind this on topic banter is what keeps the thread afloat in a sea of 15 pages of shit. So yes, let's talk about cosplay. "lol I finished all mine weeks ago!" or better yet the one used by everyone, "oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck!"

You wanna talk about the con? Slutkip and other Texas bitches might show. Oh wait, you're the antisocial one, so they closed down the hentai panel. Oh wait that was ecause everyone was so antisocial.

What kind of fucking discussion do you want? CHANGING HOTELS, PHOTOSHOOT MEET UPS, DRAMA has all been covered before or is on the akon forum, which just like akon, is the FUCKING SAME EVENT EVERY YEAR.
What I'm looking forward to
>meet up
>hanging out with bros
>artist alleys
>meeting cool new people

What I'm not looking forward to
>Slutkip (If she attends, God forbid she does)
>General pre-teen obnoxiousness

Feel free to add on the list.


Totally cool and fun! We should all go on the weaboo parade through downtown!
I think I remember seeing that last year. I felt so bad that someone would be that inconsiderate.

Cosplays are doing well, they should all be done, gotta make a few more garments, fix up some others, finishing touches on the props, find the extra pieces to the cosplays, re wash them all before packing and restock on make up.
A parade...seriously? So basically a group of weebs walk through downtown and "nyaaaaa" at strangers in poorly crafted Akatsuki cloaks with cat ears?

Also, I need to make repairs to small pieces. I'm reusing stuff from previous cons since I didn't finish my big cosplay in time.
Didn't want to rush it.
But I've been lazy and really unmotivated to get things done for A-kon this year.

Not sure if it's on the main site, but it's on Facebook A-Kon page. It's supposed to be a spirit walk with yokai to go with the theme. But yes it's essentially a weaboo parade
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It's only slightly more annoying than the game.
I shudder to think of what the parade will consist of. Poor Dallas populace.

I'm looking forward to seeing Magic Hat Guy again. He came up to our group, suuuper drunk, wearing a red top hat and said, "Want to see a magic trick?"
He took off his hat with a flourish and was wearing an identical miniature one underneath! We all applauded and he did it again, then staggered off.
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Holy fucking shit, nigger. Chill out, man.
Don't worry, it's just smoker being a whiney cunt like he usually is.
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Jealousy was never part of Aizen's plan...

>I'm cosplaying a hate crime
>I just need a watermelon and I have 2 costumes in one
Smoker is pretty cool guy and doesnt afraid of anything
except for dirty blue bitches ruining his suits.

It could be lack of sleep, but magic hat guy sounds amazing.
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Well this is happening.

He posted that on the 17th dumbass. Learn to read.
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D'oh, my bad

Not a pony fan but anon forgives you anyway.
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Just texted the CFO and CEO of A-Kon about Slutkip.

They're not happy.

If anything else bad is going on, tell me and I will relay information.

I promise you I am not lying. I'm not going to prove myself because of my relationship to the con and the owners. I act as sort of an ear for them and the people in con-ops though, such as trying to find some of the people who flash mobbed the center tower elevator and repeatedly jumped in unison on it until it broke.

PS: If you read this: Hi Jen
can someone give me the gist of what happened with this slutkip? what happened to make everyone dislike? get blue on stuff?
She got her name for humping a masq judge's bf backstage one year at onicon
;__; I'm so happy AX gets no AX idol, they took away their primary source of happiness.
Now, we can all rot together.
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>My face when I'm only going to AKON to violently beat people with foam weapons and pick up slutty women
Did anyone else go that swap meet last year?
I brought shit tons of sexy shit.
Then some drunk man slut tried getting everything for his fat dirty cosplay outfit.
Then I had a nice person who left give me a bunch of shit, then I left.
Oh btw, theres a thread on the a-kon forums about why 23 is such a shit fest regarding events, go there.
1000 Slutkipz > 1 Historian
Brb, ranting
It must've been pretty easy to his girlfriend to find out he humped on slutkip. His dick would be blue all week.
It seems blue balls is incurable.
moar dramu.
Make a new thread without all the slutkip.
I want to argue about more things, like that shit line up.
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It's mostly just one person and then staff replying as best they can. It's going to take more than one post to actually convince A-Kon to get relevant guests.
I bought fingerless gloves and ordered LEDs. Fuck I got a lot to do and I bought more things than I anticipated, half of which aren't even for cosplay. Fuck year.
self bump
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Finally got everything ready woo! Can't wait to get there Thursday morning ~
planning on going as /x/tan on friday and Ahri from League on Saturday. Yay for only having to pack one wig~
Thursday: Bear Stance Udyr
Friday some of the day and for the meetup: Cupcakes Pinkamena
The rest of the time: Kankuro
Friday: fancy ladysuit for meetup and old costume
Saturday: Dorothy Wayneright
Sunday: civi clothes or an old costume
Friday: Yoko (Timeskip version)

Saturday: FemShep (white armor, red accents) - Mass Effect 3
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Friday: horse
Saturday: horse
Sunday: horse

Oh also, I'll have those big foam hulk hands
Friday: An Asian
Saturday: An Asian
Sunday: Hm... I'll be Black this time.
Aww you're not doing a hate crime Saturday?
but...but we were going to be Ebony and Ivory
I've eaten that shit
Good shit
Yeah I went there. Come at me bro.
Friday: Red panda kigurumi
Saturday/Sunday: Raichu gijinka
5 days away bitches. You ready?
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I haven't decided what I'll wear/when yet!
I have /x/-tan, Matryoshka Gumi, and a Rilakkuma Kigurumi. Gonna be there Thurs-Sun, volunteering Fri-Sun. :> I just need to practice my makeup again .. so lazy ~
finishing up props for little sister from bioshock cosplay. Also waiting for my demon horns to arrive for my simi cosplay. Taking 2 con virgins with me. It will be fun.
If any of you are running panels there will be people attending making sure you stay on topic and making sure it's age appropriate for said panel.

Don't do stupid shit or you won't be coming back as a panelist.
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Me all night, every night.
Friday: Yokai
Saturday: STR
Sunday: Maid
what kind of contacts are you using for gumi?
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There is so much of a lack of hype for this con. I know its shit, but how is it that a con of equal size, AN, had a billion threads before it started and now it has a shit load more. Akon is gonna have 4 threads, maybe. Hell, there were more threads last year. Fuck this shit. GET HYPED.
Do we get to braid poolboy's hair?

Also dat image
I spat out my water, thank you smoker.

is dat skrillex?

also man I don't know, it just seems like it'll be so shitty this year.

anyways, buying a suit tomorrow after work.
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wait, why am i in this thread now?
protip: if you go to a con thinking it'll be shit then it probably will be; but if you go to a con thinking it'll be fun, it probably will be as well.
Woah, Slutkip gained some weight since two years ago. Anyone got a before and after pic?
Because it was the most relevant picture I had.

And I love you.


Yeah it'll be aight
So hyped, but still have to make 4 more costumes by Friday. Why does the general consensus on here seem to be that A-Kon is shit? I have gone the last two years and really enjoyed it.
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Because people get hyped at the thought of touching your hair.
We wish for them to transfer that hype to talk of the con itself

I'm still in the shit-I've-got-all-this-work-to-do phase. I won't hit the hype at least til I've got my bags packed and I'm on the road.
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im getting hyped and i dont even know whats going on
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Also, I'm just ready for thursday since it's the start of my 9 day vacation from work.
I poop pebbles
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Why would we get hyped for a mediocre con, that has the exact same boring as fuck panels and the exact same fucking guests, answering the exact same fucking questions every year? Plus there's too many fucking psychopaths that go to Akon now. Last time I went there was some autistic creep who kept trying to following with a fake security shirt on trying to tell me he could sneak me into stuff with him. As if I REALLY care about the backstage to a cosplay show.
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Akon's pretty much the best con ever. Get hyped.
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>triple dubs

Sounds like you don't have decent friends or are a very antisocial person with a complex I don't even want to try defining except for the term bitch comes to mind.
Im hyped for it, Ive done a lot of work for this con and Ive been waiting for this weekend to come.
I Make it fun when I go to a con, I don't let how shitty it may be ruin my weekend.
You make it what it is, and Im making it AAWWWWWWWEEESSOOOMMMMMEEEEE!!!!!
I hope they put the name I requested on my pass.

"Dragon Dildos"

Also, >>5885516 this
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>triple dubs

A Kon might very well explode this year.
Yes, it must be true. Also, smoker is fat.
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I'll be very hyped for it....next year.
I assumed he was the one with the goofy as fuck hair.
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You'll never know if I got a hair cut or if I'm the ugly one because I'll be looking like this!
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>that dity ass air vent

Do you live in a basement or something?
Not my house.
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>he doesn't live in a basement!
My body is ready!

Especially hanging out with Team4Star and possibly Chris Sabat.
So, what's the deal with Akon then? What makes it shit, exactly?

>i don't get to sit in a dark room and yell shit while watching hentai ;_;

It'll be fun, though I'll probably be drunk for 3 days straight
Lack of enthusiasm because it's "stale". It's the same thing every year. They never try anything surprising or different. Which in a way is good, they at least have their formula down.
I want to go to the meetup but I'll be in homestuck cosplay, so forget that.
Shit would be way too embarrassing.

There are faggots from /cgl/ that show up in naruto, leauge, moe, homosuck, and hell, last years meet up was ruined by a furry who was the girlfriend of some seagull.
And anyway, Generalivan will protect you from me.

I'll be in Homestuck shit to.
How old were you guys when you started cosplaying?
Can you guys please post your input in this thread on the official A-kon forums? I'm sure your rage will work, be as brutal as you want please.

Cosplay backstage is boring and is mostly storage. It's not exciting.
Hmm.....it looks like....their actually listening....
Too lazy to post, but bump so others will
Id have to make an account. Nah.

Its not like they wouldl get Bill Murray, no one would believe them.

Seriously post here. Staff has some awesome wonderful people, but they are VERY old school and VERY out of touch with current events and anime fandom in general. A lot of younger staff are trying to make a change, but they are younger and therefore aren't always listened to.

It's really up to attendees to really push. The talk-back panel is late on Sunday which sucks, but if you can make it you should go.

And yes there really are trying to implement a new system this year so they can get suggestions, comments, concerns etc. from attendees. Will it actually work? No idea.
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Lazy Beech
Oh hey those of you with plans for photoshoots outside on Thursday or Friday, might want to check the weather.

Scattered showers. Though it's A-Kon so showers actually happening...eh....
Showers > 8000 hungry weeaboos
Some weather thats not heat?

Thank the 9.
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I kind of want to go...but have pretty much nothing to cosplay as this year.

Not in shape enough for my previous cosplays and too lazy to make a new one.

I dont have a hotel room or con tickets, and I'm not too sure about the +4hr drive to Dallas.

Worse comes to worse, I suppose I can put on a hoodie with bloodstains and walk around holding skittles and ice tea for a Trayvone cosplay.

Anyone have any crash space? Like a 2x5ft area will do
If so, how much?

>Holy shit, just realized...the slutkip picture from OP is cropped from a picture from my camera.
>Worse comes to worse, I suppose I can put on a hoodie with bloodstains and walk around holding skittles and ice tea for a Trayvone cosplay.
I think you should stay home dear, 4 hour drive isn't worth it.
This would be a bad idea put into practice for many reasons, primarily the possibility of being thrown out of the con and getting into a fight or two with butthurt ppl.
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The fact you keep bitching about LoL makes me think you have a secret hard-on for it, and also who gives a fuck if I cosplay from Naruto? Seems really irrelevant what others cosplay from. If you don't like it than don't do it. Otherwise stop the fail -trolling LoL hate and get over it. Or I could just get slutkip to hug you in your new suit and see how well that goes
You a little butthurt? I wasn't explicitly talking about you. I didn't mention the itas or the other shit that shows up at cgl meets. And youre a ponyfag too? You are the culmination of most everything I hate. Go fuck yourself breh.
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3 days Yokai Busters...

Not enough time. Hell.
None, my eyes are too sensitive and I don't want pictures taken anyway :>
>implying thats enough time to do real work, cosplay work, organize, plan, appease family, appease friends, and appease females.
Fuck this shit. I have way too much to do.
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How did it sneak up so fast?! It feels like yesterday that we had a whole week to finish preparing.
No it won't. The people that run it are some have their head so far up their asses, that they won't change anything because it's THEIR con, and it's how THEY want it. I went to the Talk Back twice, and each time people raised the exact same concerns, and were met with the exact same half assed excuses that really didn't make any sense given the circumstances. A Kon, is just going keep moving down hill year after year, until eventually the only people that go are going to be old folks that all know each other, and spend their time circle jerking convincing themselves that they are actually accomplishing something with their little convention.
Well can you be rude or something, it works when your an asshole, not even kidding, already tried.

I really wish they would take the power away from the JPOP people when it comes to picking bands. That's who makes the calls. The damn Jpop room people. They are connected with a magazine. Who ever that magazine feels like promoting is what A-Kon gets. It's really infuriating.
I'm gonna put in the tint on the gas mask and make the bandage tonight. So much to do!
Hold the fuck up, audrey is this where you went after the tf2 raffles?
Any fat land whales wanna fuck?!
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Mmmm Mudkip guuurl
i'll squirtle on her face anyday
Man you guys are pussies. If Slutkip shows up at the meet up I bet none of you betas would do a thing.
Welp, just picked up a suit. The cashier asked if it was for graduation.

"n-no ma'am, I'm d-dressing up and walking around a hotel for 3 d-days"

Anyways, my shit is done, just need to pick up some more alcohol and I'm good
She's going to think you're an escort now.
ITT: insecure faggots who try to hook up with girls @ anime conventions
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Nah I just said it was for graduation


s-shut up b-baka
>Hooking up with girls @ anime conventions
I don't see the problem with this. I mean it's the ONLY reason I'm going to AKON
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>going to a con to pick up girls

Why? There are way better places to pick up girls.
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>be good looking guy in shape
>cosplay some piss easy character that's super mainstream
>A Kon girls always coming up to me
>pick one out
>talk with her
>ask her where she's from
>always say I'm from the same area
>bang her
>promise we'll start going out together
>block her number from my phone
>change my hair up for next year
>rinse cycle repeat

A Kon is like an instant lay. They might as well put up a sign that says, "Girls with daddy issues here." I don't even care about their age.
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I don't know....Just because I can.

also, probably your only chance of getting laid all year.
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I like your style
Mostof the con girls I smashed ranged from "kinda loose"-"very loose". Seriously, bitches be having saggy vaginas.
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Does anyone anticipate actually attending the cosplay contest this year? I haven't been going to any convention's for the past few years (unless I'm there with press.)

Do you think it'll ever improve?
I haven't attended for the last 3 years, mostly because I don't want to wait in line. From what I understand they have improved slightly in terms of running it, so now it has gone from absolutely atrocious to slightly less atrocious.
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I went to san japans last year.

I wanted to claw my eyes out. They wouldn't stop the god damn light show that blinded the entire audience and prob gave some people seizures. And then the cosplays started. They were either furfags or shittier anime and the more homosexual it was the more applause they got.

I had to leave or it would have got violent.
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>inb4 unoriginal

hulk hands not pictured, just ham hands
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Ill be sure to bring one of the two horse masks I have access to on saturday when Im in my suit to one up you in class.
They need to just make San Japan into a furry convention and be done with it. None of the people that go there, go there for the anime.

man i'm going to be with 2 other horses and a giraffe in suits, and a unicorn in a maid outfit.

Come at me, bro
that is quite the odd combination
the unicorn than?

>horse plus horn

c'mon brah
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What is this now?
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oops my body wasn't ready and everyone wanted to do a regular show group last minute so i am sewing like a fucking maniac.
it looks shitty to me but everyone seems happy.

also weh no cosplay except for margaret on saturday. or N if i can find a wig on friday lolol.
Mother fuck you have no idea what it's like to be the redhead in the group when that fucking guy walks by!

Anyways, I am hoping that the mudkip goes. I rejected her advances last A-kon and feel terrible about it.
Now, that extremely sarcastic statement being said, I have been given a mission concerning the mudkip and plan on acquiring my 3,500exp and 10 quest points for it's completion.
Due to the nature of this quest, I cannot share details, but upon completion, I will have the anti-whiteknight atom bomb.

Also, cosplays:
Friday: A drunk asshole with a shirt on.
Saturday: A hungover/drunk asshole with a cell phone in his pocket.
Sunday: A hungover asshole with an attitude.

Fair warning, things I will yell out you/insult you for:
Saying the words "butt" and/or "scratcher", ever.
Being a raver.
Playing guitar in the skybridge.
Cosplaying something badly.
Being under the age of 18.
Being a raver.
Not cleaning yourself.
Being fat.
Rave.(Seriously, I fucking hate raves and the people.)(Fucking. Seriously.)

That's your token Slendy post for this thread.
Fuck you guys.

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Oh hey, I was wondering if you were going to be there this year.

Not going to wear the green bodysuit/suit again?


>being fat

You're going to lose your voice the first day if you yell that
>Playing guitar in the skybridge.
Holy shit how could I forget these guys?! At one point there were three different guitarists trying to play in there, it was like a horrible spawn point.
Should've been aborted.
I never had a body suit. I had a party van last year, and a helicopter at Animefest. And yes, I probably will lose it with the fatties.

Believe me, I will make every single one feel like complete and utter garbage, like they fucking are.

Oh my bad, I'm thinking of the dude with the green bodysuit dressed as slenderman. I remember the partyvan now.

Also, I'll try not to get my fatness too close to you, bro
Your RoflCopter was epic, I was just short enuf to walk under it without bending over.
You're fun. I want to find you and yell butt scratcher at you from a you-can't-get-me-but-I-can-see-how-pissed-you-are-distance.

Do people ever go to these meetup pretending to be a certain trip?
Nope, that's magifag. I mean, fagicore. I mean faggot. Magicore.
Much appreciated. It was pretty fun.
I won't hesitate to track you down and make you literally shit on yourself from pain.

Yes, they do, mostly faggots.
Are any of you guys even friends with each other? Has the meet-up ever sparked any cool friendships? stories.
Why, whatcha gonna do? There are going to be an awful lot of witnesses...

There are plenty of stairwells, watch yo back

Speaking of stairwells, I still plan on getting on a roof at some point.
Yup, know 3 people that are pretty cool from it. One turned out to be friends with a bunch of people I already knew, small world. The other 2 have become absorbed into our close group of friends. On gets drunk and loses his fucking badge not even an hour after getting it at Ikkicon. Motherfucker.

You're right. Let's see how much of a fuck I give.
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I gleefully await yelling random things at you then.
I will be providing you with your weaponry oh man among men
Regardless of how drunk I am, which directly affects how much I feel like running down a more-than-likely, 15 year old little shit such as yourself, you will be verbally assaulted at some point by me.
Oh, I assure you, I am over 15 and am indeed old enough by far, to be here.
You seem to be getting angry by the way, what's wrong?
Someone pretended to be me once apparently.
Im playing dota with ivan RIGHT NOW.
No angrier than normal.
At Akon last year no less.
I thought that was at the other dallas con that i didnt go to.
I remember someone at Akon doing it, than someone at animefest did the same spy cosplay, I don't think Colby called himself smoker though.
But why?
Everyone wants to be you.
You're sugoi-desu Onee-san ^_^
I will be there this year, I am looking forward to the game room, the nice people there, and the conversations, with people who aren't actually there to cosplay. Akon while being the same every year is full of very interesting people. It can be fun to listen what they have to say.

I will be in my gaint pink dress again with my fake tits as I am every year. Looking forward to seeing you all there.
light show? What the hell did they do before the show started? I honestly have no idea because I was in the holding tank for 6 hours.

6 fucking hours in a panel room, longest cosplay show of my life.
>Worse comes to worse, I suppose I can put on a hoodie with bloodstains and walk around holding skittles and ice tea for a Trayvone cosplay.

You're not black enough. Just wear your Yusuke, that covers all the flab right?
Holy crap that "holding tank" from hell. What were they thinking? It got so hot in there and then they ran out of water, it was misery.
This is why I avoid panels, unless I really want to go to one.
my favorite part was when they tried to stream the show but had no sound so we just watched a silent show.

Maybe this year at the new venue they'll actually have space to seat us in the audience.
A private lighting company was paid 7k to blink lights far too bright at the audience for an hour before the show started. Everyone complained, but the light company was a private contract so they didnt do shit.
isnt the con in the same hotel as normal
No, San Japan moved to the convention center for this coming year.

A-kon is still at the sheraton, but this is their last year there.

Maybe for that moment it was actually better in the holding tank then...
why would akon move hotels, they don't really need to down size. San Japan on the other hand could use a bit more room. I went two years ago and it was PACKED. I have to say though, San Japan was really nice, I enjoyed meeting people there.
no a-kon is moving to a larger hotel

It is about time.

oh and last year one of the con staff got upset with me because my fake tits have speakers in them that play never gonna give you up. The hotel staff laughed their ass off. Why do the staff be hating.
Don't count on that. They'll probably still stick us in the back, I've seen and been in the room that the cosplay show will be held in this year. It's bigger, but not like "holy crap" bigger. I'm betting we'll still be stuck backstage somewhere.

There was a dude backstage who was supposed to be keeping track of things for the lighting company but was buzzed and talking about how he had broken one of the companies' $1,000 lights and how he was going to say it was one of SJ's staff that did it. Dude was such a total asshole.
"smoker" wanted me to read the thread. So I did
You are all faggots. I dread encountering any of you.
hey guys~! first time going here. Anyone know the cheapest way to get from the airport to the con?
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Hi nick. <3
But he was the best part. He sounded like Batman.
Woo! Gonna get drunk and meet people (hopefully awesome people)
Maybe flirt some.
Hang out with friends I haven't seen in awhile because of my new job.
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i'm ready for a-kon, 3rd one, ready to have some fun!

pic related, me in this years cosplay
Bumping for any advice on which panels to avoid and which ones are a must.
Going as Lupin on Saturday.

fuck badges

>Thursday: red pands kigurumi
>Friday: Aisha ClanClan then later Jim Hawking or Toon Link.
>Saturday: different versions of Gaara all day
>Sunday: I have no idea

I swear I am never prepared for A-kon. It just shows up and I have to spend all my time fixing/finishing things up a few days before.

Depends on what your interests are. Can you give a little more info on that?

Well the people who run it are nuts anyway. Refuse to listen to anyone. Have massive egos. Can't decide their own gender. Have major victim issues. Run a mediocre contest but think it's the best in Texas. Most cons have 'fired' them from running things because they are such a bitch to work with.Yeah. Not surprised about having to wait 6 hours.

No idea why you were biched at. Most of the staff wouldn't give a shit. They have other things to worry about than speaker tits or whatever.

Only issue might be if you're blasting it in an area that people had issue with noise. I know Artist Alley has strict noise rules.
Vendetta chan?
I'm aware of all of their issues and most of what you're saying is at least partially true but they do run one of the better shows in Texas. It was a 6 hour endeavor but it was legitimately scheduled for 5, we all knew we were in for a long day before signing up. They need to run pre-judging the way AM does it. That's the only way to alleviate the 2 hour prep time.

No vendetta. If you know the people on a personal level, then you would understand the frustration. It gets a bit old watching them treat people like shit. Also massive egos are NOT a good attribute.

Also that contest, while has it's good things, should not take five hours.

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