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ITT: cosplays you want to do but not sure if many people will recognize you

pic related- i want to cosplay aisling but i'm not sure if many people would know who i am
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I reeeeeeeeeally want to do this for Metrocon this summer. Would anybody recognize me?
I would love you!! Ive wanted to cosplay the fairy for along time.
I would OP... I would...

I think for simplistic character designs it helps if you go with a group who are cosplaying from the same series.
> fairy

I guess you can say that but I kinda tend to see her as some forest sprite or a Celtic pagan deity whom helps make a Christian Bible. Such irony in that movie.
I'd really want to do something from Harvest Moon, I love that game so much.
Its the story of how the book was made.
and she is a fae, fairy, sprite all of that falls under the celtic term fae. so yes she is one of the fairy folk.
I'd love to cosplay from either Okage Shadow King or Dark Cloud.
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I'd like to cosplay Billy from Dead Silence but most people will probably think I'm just a weirdo in a suit.
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I really want to do Chulip
but no one will recognize me without a giant group



That movie ruined me, sorry. A LOT of people would think you're Slappy from Goosebumps, probably.
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I'm afraid people will think I'm an unkempt school girl (eh, close enough) or Rukia with a bad wig.
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I'm planning one of this guy for October.
I'd know!
Is he from Horrible Histories?

Yep! I've been considering it for a while now, but I bounced the idea around a couple of friends and decided that it's going to be so much fun that I don't really care if I get recognised or not.
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I want to do Nautilus for Comic Con, but probably only one person would recognize me
what, just one of you? in the uniform? if you get the makeup right shades and carry round a reynard plush i think so.
My friends and I were thinking of doing a Suikoden III group...since every game has about 100 characters I'm sure only people who really loved the game would be able to recognize us...if that!
i plan to make a nautilus eventually, too. the second i saw her i fell in love with that character deisgn... stars in the wig!!
Ohhhh gosh, please do this cosplay! I seriously love Tomoko, and I will love you if you cosplay her, even if no one else recognizes you, I will!
If that. I recognized a Misty Knight cosplayer and she was happy because apparently I was the only one who knew who she was. People don't seem to recognize outside the immediate mainstream.

Wish I still had that picture.
Funny thing, when I was an obscure version of a popular character from a popular series (Shinigami version of Undertaker from black butler) I had a few people mention to me that I would make a good aisling because of my green contacts/white hair.
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I want to do some things like Artemis Fowl, Teahouse and Shark Teeth (actually, my Pepper cosplay is done except I can't figure out how to make fish gills) but after I did Cain from Starfighter, almost no one knew who I was, which was irritating.
Of course no one is gonna know who those gaylords are. I mean, maybe Artimis Fowl, but a super gay web comic that really lacks in plot and is basically just a big wank fest.
I'm making Tir McDohl/The Hero from Suikoden 1 at the moment, but since this is Sweden and everyone is all: "UGUUU, KINGDOM HEARTS IS MY FAVOURITE FINAL FANTASY GAME!!" and shit like that, I guess I won't be recognized, or I will be misstaken for someone from the Fire Nation in Avatar...

Brb, gonna go and cry in a corner.
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Forgot my pic of Tir.
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It's pretty popular so I was surprised. And it does have a plot, thank you very much.
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I'm thinking Xelha or Guillo at some point.
But, hell, just seeing these guys at AWA was enough to make me die a happy BK fan.
I'd love to do a couple cosplay of Atrus and Catherine, but I feel like people at cons are too young to have even played the series, let alone remember the characters and what they look like.
I would! I don't think many people would recognize you at an anime convention, but a comic convention, you'd probably get a few, devoted fans.
I've been trying to convince my friend to read the series, because I know she would want to cosplay Annie and Kat together. You aren't alone.
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I suck at magic
My friend and I are planning on cosplaying a genderbend of the angels from the book Good Omens. It seems to be getting more known, but I'm pretty sure most people won't know who we are.
I want to do Zoe Callisto from Dreamfall, but I can't even find a decent picture. Should I even bother?
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Sigurd Harcourt from Xenogears in his Elements uniform.

I know no one will ever recognize me but I'm going to do it anyway dammit.
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Who the fuck has even read this manga?
Who the FUCK would even recognize this as a cosplay and not some random hobo in a suit?
Yeah, nobody would, thats who.

All other obscure cosplays that I wanna do.. I'll do them eventually. This one is the only one that probably wont happen because it's just too obscure.

I would recognise all of these - although maybe not Homunclus, but I recommend the shit out of that manga to everyone I meet. I guess one person doesn't make it any less obscure though.
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I WOULD, though you'd have to do a good job with make-up for the face shape and really put in the effort for the small details.

I am not asian or a man, I have no hope of pulling this off never mind people recognizing me...

I read it. Freaky ending I can't believe how many years I waited following it for what the author pulled.

I think I'd recognize the cosplay if it was done well.
>Who the fuck has even read this manga?
80% of /a/

There were also three different versions of it published in the US
>There were also three different versions of it published in the US
Now I feel dumb. Although I'm glad that its not as unknown as I thought.

Still don't think I'll do the cosplay though. This is the sort of thing where you really need to look like the character, which I don't. Hopefully someone else will do it one day.

Yeah, for anyone who's been around since they were an underage b& like myself the freaky pictures of people with various bizarre compositions in homunculus used to get posted constantly.
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Would anyone recognise this if I cosplayed it? It's my favourite game.
OMG I would, though the N64 game brought me to rage induced tears multiple times in my childhood.
Oh, man, you're right. I don't like Slappy that much, haha. That would be more annoying than not being recognized at all.

Oh well! It's mostly for my enjoyment anyway.

I would love to see that! I've only seen one of Crowley but none of Aziraphale, male or female.
It'd be awesome to be part of a Litchi Hikari Club group cosplay, but I don't think they're easily recognized. It's just a bunch of guys in gakuran, and Zera has gloves. Not really unique or attention-getting as, say, Naruto orange...
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i mean if you did a really great job on the make up i'm sure people will recognize you.
if you had someone be litchi, that would help too.
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I would love to cosplay as any female from horizon in the middle of no where or chihaya from chihayafuru, or one of the maidens from sengoku collection..
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L85A1 from Upotte!!. Without a group or gun (which are banned in most cons in my area) she'd just look like a generic schoolgirl, and if I brought a British flag people may think some Hetalia alternate design.
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Most of the cosplays that I'd personally like to do are p. obscure.

However, I don't like repeating myself, so here's something new that came to mind mind right now - one of these fine gentlemen.

It's really a shame Ink didn't get popular enough for cosplay.
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I'd love to Cosplay Sofia from Rune Factory but I've never really seen anyone discuss the game outside of /a/.
/jp/ likes Rune Factory too if that makes you feel any better.
I'd love to do a cosplay of an original character of mine from a fan fiction I write on a fanfic tumbler. She's basically a Twilight vampire version of Coraline who lives in the Kingdom Hearts world and uses an original keyblade. I feel like I would have to be constatly explaining the character to everyone though, which would be so annoying.
if I saw you all at a con i would be scared and cry on the inside. I would know who you are ;A;
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I've wanted to do this for a long time...
But the likelyhood of being recognized is so low.

Might do on personal time, though.
Fucking iPod won't let me post pictures.
If I could, I would dress as Mr. R from Kichiku Megane.
Because I doubt more than ONE person would know who I am.
I want to do only one homestuck cosplay ever, as a kind of joke, and do Ms. Paint... but my friend says no one would ever know who i was bahaha
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I wanna cosplay Eris from Billy and Mandy but everyone would probably just think some random outfit
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Certainly not as obscure as others posted here, but I want to do Louisa Ferre from Shin Megami Tensei Bizarre Adventure.

What's holding me back? Everyone will mistake me for Tim Burton's Alice. Which is hilarious and awful.
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I... I love you, anon.
Do Guillo, you'll make me happy lol
I seriously forgot all about Baten Kaitos until that picture.
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I'm not really sure if W.I.T.C.H. counts as obscure, as I know some people know of it but a lot of people don't. But either way I really want to do a Cornelia cosplay and will sometime in my life. Just wish I could get a group to do it. I've been a fan since I was about ten or so, and I still love it. It's my biggest fandom/ series I love most in my life.
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I reaaaallly want to find a way to do this, but somehow differentiate from "generic skeleton with top hat" and make it more recognizable. Well, as recognizable as an obscure /v/ meme can be.

Uhm. Uhm. ;-;

Lately I've been struck by a desire to cosplay this. And I have the full intro song and I listen to it. A lot.

I'd love you if you did this! Which one is your favorite?

Derp. You answered that.

I'm hurr'ing over here.
Yes please
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Cornelia has always been my favourite! I like her more in the comics than the t.v. show though. Kinda thought she was a bitch at first, but she did get better. When I first got into it the show wasn't out yet and it the 'novels'. I was so excited when I heard they were making a show. I love it so much and wish they continued on, even if it doesn't really stick to the story line. I have a love for both in my heart haha. They are still making the comics in Italy! If your interested I can give you a link to all of them. They're translated by fans but I think they do a really good job!
How would you suggest the makeup be done? They still need to look like guys... right? Or would be ideal to do the kawaiibishie I-look-like-a-chick-but-I-have-a-dick look?
I wouldn't see you but know I'm cheering you on from really far away!! If you finish the cosplay, please post photos.
Hnff, yes please.

Have to keep this short, got to go. Email me the link?


If you'd be so kind. :3
we just had a huge thread here
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I love you too, Boris.
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I love that film OP but I probably wouldn't recognise you. The most distinct thing about her is the art style and unless you came up with a way to mimic that, you'll just look like an all white girl.

Also, in terms of what she actually is, she could be both a Celtic deity and a fairy. It looks like most Celtic legends ended up being "compressed" into fairy tales when the place got more and more Christian. There's an idea that Lugh Lamhfhada, the Celtic god of the Sun, eventually became known as "Leprechaun". And then of course, modern interpretations of what a Leprechaun is turned it into the Lucky Charms kind of image. This kind of shit makes reading into the original folklore VERY tricky.
If you look at it this way (and the old legends back this up); the old gods got their power from their followers. The more people who knew and respected them, the stronger they were. As a new faith system, Christianity, came in and people shifted their love and attention to God and Jesus, the Celtic gods grew weaker. Their power was sapped so much that they went from towering, immortal warriors to tiny, fairy creatures who live under hillsides. And now, even the fairies have no power.
That whole thing is what The Secret of Kells works around.
I dressed as Jane Lane once, but I don't think the show ever aired in the country I now live so no one knew who I was supposed to be.
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If I ever get the chance to cosplay, my first one would definitely be Zia from Bastion.

I cosplayed as McDohl for a big con. Only ONE person recognised me the whole day - but he had a major fangasm over it, so that was awesome.
Anyone from /a/ would recognize you.
I swear they are obsessed with Upotte!!...
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yessss more bastion cosplay
>that zulf
>that rucks
>that zia

o m g
I don't think I can compete.

If anyone knows what I'm talking about I love you.
I'd definitely get it, especially if you blacked out a little bit of your front teeth for dat gap
Oh gosh, I considered cosplaying her once too.
Dem demon skull combs.
OP, I would have so much love for you if you did this. Although I'd probably only recognise you if you got someone to cosplay as Brendan with you.
I've always wanted to cosplay Nao-Nao from TWEWY, but she's such a minor character, it seems kind of silly.
You have great taste, bro, but how would you cosplay that? Other than his character portrait, he looks like most human characters in the game. Recognizing his cosplay by face alone would be pretty difficult.
I've read it too!
I really wish there were more people who would display from the manga as opposed to the movie. Kiriyama is one of my favorites.
Do you really need to be recognized for you to cosplay? Is that validation really necessary?

If you like the character enough to WANT to dress up like them, why should it matter if anyone at the con/event recognizes you. It just makes it sweeter when the one person does or someone on the internet has a fangasm.

I don't get you sometimes /cgl/.
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>This scally cunt
Not that this game has a fandom whatsoever although I do have the height and build for it.
It's The Nameless One from Planescape: Torment in case anyone cares.
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Old thread 404'd so here's a new general thread for this Expo.
Thoughts, opinions, stories, anything? inb4 cancer, Homosuck, etc.
You dun goof'd
>worried about people not recognizing you
>when cosplaying is for fun. unless a woman makes it drama-y
well good job attention whore
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>cosplaying is for fun
>cosplaying for fun
>for fun

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I'd want to do one of the guys from Sengoku Rance.
If it becomes finished this year (I have financial problems at the moment because I can't find a job), I will definitely post it! (Sorry about my crappy english.) I've so far managed to get the red cloak done though, since I had dark-red and dark-yellow scraps of fabric at home~

Aaw. Well, it's good at least that one person recognized you! It's always nice to be regonized when you cosplay as a character, and not be misstaken for being from a complete other series. (...I'm terrified that McDohl will be taken for someone from Avatar: The Last Airbender.)
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Ugh, I wouldn't give a shit if anyone didn't recognize me, but I don't want to be shunned by everyone because the sane people think I'm a homosuck troll and the homosuck fans think I'm some oc or shit.

My friends also want to do a Cain Saga group, but last time I went as Riff I was continuously bum rushed by weebs calling me 'albino Sebastian'
The friend who wants to go as Merry is 4'8. I fear for her safety.
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to clarify, I'd be doing the grayscale version, because grayscale costumes are cool as fuck (pic related)
I would love you forever if you did this..
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I would totally recognize you any day.
The world needs more pretty-boy cosplays, so please do ittttt.

As long as you do a good job with the make-up and remember the hat, I'm sure lots of people would recognize you. I know I would, with or without a group :>
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One day...
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The uniform is recognizable, but if I don't have a Duck and Pike, I'm afraid people will just think I'm an OC.
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Satellaview games need more love.
I'd probably prefer a Shubibinman Zero character, though.

(Pic stoled from Pixiv is the closest to showing the idea)
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The world needs more Junji Ito cosplay in general.
I would also love to be Tomie or Souichi.
Souichi would be the easiest of the three, and less generic.
Tomie and Pretty-boy would be really hard to pull off right.
Oh my god, please do it. <3 Princess Tutu is pretty well known, and anybody who's seen the show will recognize you. And even if nobody does, at least you'll look adorable.
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Would Wakfu make it, say a Yugo cosplay? I know it is more of a /co/ thing, but would the anime community accept it?
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Amen. More people need to coplay from his stuff.
A Black Paradox group is one of my dream-groups, but unfortunately I don't think I could ever get enough people to do it, since it's so obscure and not quite one of his best works :c

Good news though, I'm cosplaying Souchi later this year! And you just absolutely must cosplay pretty-boy.
Tomie, in my opinion, is near impossible to cosplay, unless you put on an extra face on your body or something.
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I always thought this wasn't obscure, but since talking to friends about it it seems no one here grew up on the same magical girl animu I did.
I want to do lain in her bear suit..but I'm a guy and worried that i would either not be recognized or be confused as the pedo bear.
awwwwshit I love the fuck out of this game. Which character would you be going as?
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I really want to cosplay as her. But I'ts not fun if nobody knows who I am.
DO IT. It would be fucking amazing.
Always wanted to do a Creamy Mami cosplay.
I don't think it's that obscure!
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Haha, I will!
Easy, just carry some kind of picketing sign ala the old circuses with MR. BONES WILD RIDE done in the old Barnum & Bailey fonts.
Oh my god please do it, this manga was amazing and creepy and fantastic.
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Forgot to add, one I would love to do but feel like no one would know.
I'll end up doing it regardless...
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I would love to do a Black Paradox group.
That'd just be so much fun to do.

I wish I could style wigs, cause I'd love to be Kirie.
Medusa Kirie, that is... it's so freaky.
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I'm still considering it. I have the chainmail sleeves, wig, and fabric. But the bell bandolier scares me.
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Want to do this one really badly.
I will love you forever.
Xiao from Dark Cloud. Had this game for 10 years and I always adore this Catgirl!
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I would love you if you did this.
Can I ask where in the world you live?
I'm going to ALA in California next year, and a couple of conventions here in England, Germany and Denmark.
If you're in any of those places, maybe we could make a group work .__. Cause oh gosh that would be so cool.

And Medusa Kirie would be so cool to cosplay. I suck at wigs too though, so I feel your pain :c
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I've been wanting to cosplay this guy for years but I'm sure only a few people would recognize him.
Who cares about the numbers, it would be awesome as fuck and I'm pretty sure you'd be the first one to do it.

I myself would love to do a SMAC (or SMAX) character, Domai maybe, but I don't really look like any of them.
I hope you'd make a matching Steve to go with it.
Would recognize you in a fucking second, then I'd suck your cock.
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>The Illusionist


Also for everyone in this thread, Just do it. You'd actually be surprised how many people maybe know who you are.

Pic related. My cosplay that I did for motor city comic con.
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Tear (left) or Recette (right). From the pc game Recettear. It's not too uncommon of a game, but I find it troublesome to do like things at conventions because they're all into the mainstream.
A surprising number of people will recognize Recettear at gaming cons. Her outfit is pretty cute if you can pull it off, so you can get a good reception at anime cons as well
Too lazy to get a picture but: Adult Irabu from Trapeze, Akashi from The Tatami Galaxy, and anyone from Tekkonkinkreet.

Akashi might actually happen for Otakon though.
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I've been considering cosplaying a human version of this fellow, but I don't think that many people really played the video game, so not many people would really recognize me.
Anne from A Witch's Tale. Try and find a picture. Go ahead, use your google-fu, see what you come up with? Anyone? No? That's because not a goddamn picture of her exists anywhere in the bowels of the internet. She's an extremely little known character in a game that wasn't advertised or really known well. The only way you see Anne is if you play the same save file through a second time after you beat it. If anyone knows who I'm talking about (or even what game), please speak up. I've met 2 people who have played that game. It's cute and deserves more credit.
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This. I just love this outfit, even though it's from an eroge game that sexualizes historical figures.
Hnnngh, I love that outfit too. When did that one come out? I had an interest in playing it because I had no idea what the fuck it was about but it looks interesting.
What's the game called?
Ohhh shit it's been forever since I read that series. That outfit is totally badass, you should do it.
I cannot for the life of me remember, that's the problem.
Eiyu Senki is the game. My friend is planning a Beethoven, and I'm doing a Captain Cook sometime in the future.
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No one gives a shit about this movie anymore.
I never saw it, but I've been trying to remember what VHS I had that had the trailer for it.

I think a lot of people would recognize a good cobbler costume.
holy shit this RPG is so damn underrated and darkcloud 2 was even better.
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It's been done. Just do it right. The Thief and the Cobbler is one of my favorite animated movies. I think this was a valiant attempt, but lacked a lot. I would probably ask for a a lot of photos if you'd be willing.
Drawn to Life? My little brother played it. But short of a mascot costume I would never recognize you.
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Honestly - what I really want is for someone else to do it for me. I want to run around as this motherfucker.


Throw in some contact juggling for the golden balls (probably difficult with all of the rings, but whatever.)

As others have said, I've always wanted to do something from Junji Ito's work. I don't think it's that obscure, but, I think most people wouldn't recognize a lot of his characters in a cosplay while just glancing or whatever.

Most of the manga I'm into is in that horror-to-guro range genre (also think of Shintaro Kago and Suehiro Maruo) and I always feel like a dweeb at cons because it's not something people would cosplay/sell prints/talk about near strangers or whatever
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Oh yes, and get someone to cosplay Toan! It would be magnificent!
i love this movie!! an dat cosplays are amazing!

I would definitely be willing. In comparison to that photo, I'd probably want to go a little bit more monochrome. What would you have changed?
I live on the East coast of America.
So it's probably not going to happen.
But one day...
I swear we will do this shit.

Been wanting to cosplay Tack for YEARS.
I'm planning on it, and slowing working towards it.

When I cosplay his work it'll probably just photoshoot stuff.
Going to a con as something from his work would be strange.
Better to just back yard it out and get it on tumblr.

But if it's a very iconic character it'd be pretty easy.
That's why I'd like to do Medusa Kirie.
Because most everyone has heard of Uzumaki.

bEast coast buddy. I'm willing to be the ZigZag to your Tack.

I'm the opposite when it comes to con attendance. If Captain Crunch can get rancorous applause at my local con, then I assume everyone is pretty receptive.
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Stephanie Ferguson from Lost at Sea by Bryan Lee O'Malley
I know a lot of people know about Scott Pilgrim, but mostly because of the movie. Would anybody really recognize this if I was with a group?
Awww, what a shame :C One day we might cross paths, and if we do..
Black Paradox group fo sure.

Probably not, she looks and dresses pretty normal and I doubt any SP actually read his other works.

Do it anyways.
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Voloyal set. Or anything from PSU, really.
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This guy.
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Pretty much any Dragon Quest character.

Hasn't stopped me from cosplaying one, though.
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Yonah from NieR

How come I didn't notice this before.
I would love you forever.
Holy shit Oban Star Racers.
Please do this.
Yes! I've planned a Bianca cosplay for years, hopefully going to be reality in a couple of months.
I really wish more people cosplayed from dragon quest.

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