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So, why is it that cosplayers are such straight edge debbie downer's? I understand most weebs are sheltered, autistic, and still think the D.A.R.E. program works...but they always seem so personally offended when it comes to drinking or smoking. Cosplayers will flip their shit if they find out you have brought weed to a convention. They will literally call you a junkie, say you don't ~need~ drugs to enjoy anime and list off a bunch of untrue facts about the dangers of marijuana that don't exist.

What the hell is wrong with you. I know you're 22 and still trying to make mom proud by following her rules, but accept the fact that a massive portion of the adult world enjoys drinking and or smoking cigarettes and weed, get your bloomers out of a bunch.
*~I don't need drugs to have a good time~* lol because a "good time" to you is sitting on your ass playing a video game, or having pretend yaoi butt-sex with your costumed female friend. Not all of us are out of control when we make these choices. No one is making you get fucked up. However, please discontinue whining about things you can't control and get rid of your pre-conceived notion of what being a stoner constitutes, because stoners are every day people who are 100% harmless. If someone is leaving used heroin needles in your hotel room, ok then you can get upset.
>Why isn't everyone like me?
Go be 12 somewhere else
I was just thinking this after seeing friends of mine complaining about people they know smoking weed.

It just seems so middle school to me to be offended by other people doing drugs.

I guess its because most con goers are young teens?
No, I'll be 12 right fucking here, implicating dickface.
Most of the cosplayers I know smoke and drink.
I've met very few drug/drink-free people who give a shit if other people drink or drug, yet nearly every stoner I've met is incredulous that someone could possibly not do it and insist on trying to 'convert' people.
Come to UK cons, pretty much everyone gets drunk at parties and only a few people look down on smoking weed.
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Wait...what? I'm pretty much drunk every second of every day of every convention I go to. I put rum in soda bottles and drink it from when I wake up until I go to bed. Then I throw parties in my room in the evenings and drink some more. My other friends don't drink quite as much as me but they certainly drink in the evenings. I don't generally smoke weed at conventions but that's because I'm retarded when I'm high and I can't hide it. I would with the right crowd but I wouldn't go into public.

Who the fuck are you hanging out with?
Every stoner I've met is the exact opposite. They offer it to people when they smoke as a favor and leave them alone if they say no. If someone gives you shit for not smoking weed with them, they're just a bad person in general. It isn't necessarily the fault of the drug, but the person using it.
That's fucking bullshit. I smoke weed everyday and never judge or give a shit if other people do. Where do you get that nonsense?
Don't know what DARE is, guessing it's a US thing
Only smoke occassionally myself, but don't care about people smoking weed, but if it's at mine I ask them to do it outside after one of my friends accidently set his carpet on fire. Other than that I don't have a problem with it.
Yeah, that's what I was thinking. I don't drink/smoke, but I don't really give a fuck if you do. On the other hand, though, a lot of my friends do drink and smoke, and they get so butthurt when I tell them that shit's not my style, and I'd much rather find other ways to enjoy myself.
Only time I really do get frustrated is if I'm having a good time, and then someone decides that they need to get shitfaced with everyone else there. It's annoying being the only sober person in a group.

>inb4 "then stop being a prude and drink"
DARE is an American school-based anti-drug curriculum which is notorious for being ineffective at best and increasing drug usage rates at worst.
Because weed is illegal and I don't want to get dragged down with you when the cops show up.
i hate drinking. the taste of alcohol is disgusting. i only do it socially and even then i'll have a cup just to appease my friends.

smoking, however, is great. random fact: those old commercials you've seen with the black lungs. those are coal miners'
Not illegal in some places. Thank god for California Med cards.
I smoke weed in every convention I go to, and apparently I'm the only one in my country that does it.

So besides being called a slut, I'm called a junkie and a drunk. Don't really care anymore, it's them that are missing the fun.
Also, one of my big dreams is to go on the masquerade stage on MDMA and sing with all my soul to "You are beautiful"
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I'm like this as well but I do drink. Can't smoke because of my asthma and I can't really be around people who are smoking as it still really bothers my lungs and I go into a coughing fit and can't breathe. Like, I really don't care if someone smokes or drinks or whatever as long as they don't smoke near me that's fine. Also agree with being the one sober person next to everyone who is hammered and having to take care of them. I usually take care of others after a night of going out even if I have been drinking but it's nice when they can take care of themselves..
I just want to hug you. You don't deserve that at all, you lovely free-spirited being <3
Can I say something as an ex-drug hating, weed curbstomping debbie downer?

I think my hatred for drugs used to stem from being around so many people who used them that were seriously retarded. I didn't know there were perfectly reasonable and normal people who used drugs every now and then. I thought drugs completely fucked you up because that's all I ever fucking saw.

I still hate smoking cigarettes because I have experienced those addictions within my own family and friends and have seen how devastating the consequences can be. I will never let go of cigarette hate. However, I'm much more friendly towards smoking weed (especially with vaporizers) and using softcore drugs in general. Even alcohol I'm more okay with so long as people don't drive and don't get fucking violent.
Where the hell do you live? Every 'con-goer I've met smokes or drinks. I've not really met one who gets horrendously offended by drugs or alcohol. Unless they're 12 or something.

Personally I'm not a fan of the smell of cigarette smoke, and I find it annoying when people are falling-down-drunk in a public place with lots of people, but whatever you suck it up. It's no big deal.
I do too and so do a lot of my friends. We have club cards.

People from out of state always freak out though because OMG ITS ILLEGAL U GUIZE.
Nevermind that half of them engage in underage drinking ..
> I understand most weebs are sheltered, autistic, and still think the D.A.R.E. program works

I can show you about 50 people from around my town who are complete Japanophobes who also fit that description. It's all a matter of personal preference.
While I personally don't care for weed or other drugs, I only passively oppose others using it. Alcohol is part of my upbringing, so it's more or less natural for myself and others around me to drink. Alcohol is for children to look cool and for sad people to feel good[spoiler], not saying that either of those two don't apply to the anime community,[/spoiler]

>cosplayers are such straight edge debbie downer's
Now you know that's not true. Fuck, every cosplayer has heard of the weird, kinky fetishes that've come from Japan, and a majority have tried dabbling in them.We're wild animals, given the right setting and topic.
In terms of sexual deviation, few can outclass us.
In terms of alcohol abuse, we've got tons of that, too, both in the fanbase and the production side - some of the most prominent figures are heavy drinkers (see: ZUN - God of Beer).
In terms of drug abuse, it's looked down upon, but never actively prevented or pursued as an issue.

tl;dr - you need to find some cosplayers from a different area, OP. Of all fanbases, cosplayers are among the least square you can list.
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I grew up surrounded by Junkies and Alcoholics. I've seen about the lowest low that anyone can get to doing those things consistently from a very young age. I don't need to forget what I was doing last night to feel like I had a good time. I'm not going to judge the people who do unless they do something to annoy the shit out of me while drunk/high.

Generally I try to find something else to do when my friends start to drink at cons. At our last Con I just waited for them to leave the room to go be drunk somewhere else so I could clean the fucking place before we had to leave the next morning. Then THEIR drunk friends came in looking for them and were all "Oh well we're too drunk to do anything so we're going to just hang out in here!". But by God I still managed to clean the damn place.
Please do this
>cleaning the hotel room
Why? That's what Mexicans are for.

Now, if they pulled that shit at your house, I could understand that.
I find this a lot in the Scottish cosplay scene. I'm friends with a large group of people and we go out most Saturdays clubbing and drinking, we get drunk at conventions and have a good time. We're all mature, have jobs and one of my friends even has a child and does a stand up job as a parent.
Yet at least once a month, you get a fellow cosplayer using the phrase "at least I don't spend my weekends out drinking" when a so called normal person ridicules them for cosplaying at weekends.
Why is that an insult? How are you any better than me? If anything, my friends and I are more mature due to our ability to separate our hobbies from our lives: a lot of the people guilty of this are 18-20, have never had a job and find an excuse to wear their cosplays everywhere (a favourite quote from one girl being that cosplay is her life and she'd rather die than give it up even if she has no job)
We were room stuffing and there was trash absolutely everywhere. Three of them had costumes that required body paint and they left stains all over the bathroom. Plus they left a large stack of cups and empty bottles right in front of the bathroom door which was just all kinds of "This won't end well".

Basically so my friend wouldn't be fined out the ass and would still be up for getting the room next time.
most of the cosplayers I know do drugs and drink a shitton at conventions.

it's like they only go to cons so they can get drunk.

then again most of the cosplayers i know are from cgl (or browse it) lol
everyone's different. newsflash, a lot of people, especially teenagers don't know shit about a lot of stuff, so when it comes up that they are supposed to have an opinion on something, instead of being real and saying they don't know and then analyzing the situation for the truth, they take whatever position they've randomly been assigned to internalize based on their life experiences and environment and present it as unequivocal truth. also, a lot of people are just plain stupid but like to hear themselves talk.

I won't even get into the Use Vs Abuse aspect of EVERYTHING from eating to drinking to smoking because it should be common sense to even toddlers by now.
>I still hate smoking cigarettes because I have experienced those addictions within my own family and friends and have seen how devastating the consequences can be. I will never let go of cigarette hate. However, I'm much more friendly towards smoking weed (especially with vaporizers) and using softcore drugs in general. Even alcohol I'm more okay with so long as people don't drive and don't get fucking violent.

this is just

makes no fucking sense

nicotine-addicted people can be awfully cranky at worst when they can't smoke. How the fuck is that more devastating than people who're addicted to alcohol and motherfucking DRUGS? Unless you're counting emphysema and lung cancer but if we take it that far then alcohol can destroy your liver and brain while making you overweight, and drugs fuck up your brain and cause severe withdrawal shit and psychotic episodes. Second hand smoking? Well, driving/killing under influence. The worst I've heard any of my smoking relatives has gotten from it is yellow teeth and occasional coughing in the mornings. And they smoke like a chimney.
uh, you DO realize that alcohol and tobacco are both DRUGS right?
I don't mind unless you make it my problem like smoking weed in my hotel room. Something that can get all of us in serious trouble.

I choose not to hang around people who can't have fun without drugs and booze because I don't fancy hanging around a bunch of losers.
I don't judge people for drinking/smoking at where ever you are but I do question people who HAVE to drink/smoke to have a good time.

are some of you really that boring...?
Meh. I don't like when someone in my room brings weed, because as I understand it, everyone in the room could get in trouble if we got busted.

Same reason I always ID at room parties.

For the record, my grandmother has been continuously high since 1969, and I have no problem with weed. I just don't think it's fair to other people in the room. If you can be low-key and smoke outside or something, whatever.
It's whatevs. You guys~
Ketamine is a great way to fuck hot girls at cons. I always carry some on me just incase.
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>Cosplayers will flip their shit if they find out you have brought weed to a convention

So.. you actually think that bringing weed to an event that's for people of all ages should be all right and accepted? What the fuck's wrong with you?

This is the fucking reason I hate potheads. I don't care that marijuana is less dangerous to my health than alcohol. I seriously don't give a shit. I hate potheads because they're trying to constantly convert people into accepting something as vain as weed smoking. They're the most annoying and irresponsible people who always whine about people judging them for smoking pot. No, I judge you because you're obnoxious as shit and your mind is not on the level of a normal, well-functioning person like you claim it is. Marijuana's effects don't wear out overnight, it isn't over with a simple hangover like after drinking. That shit stays in your system for days and it shows even though you think it doesn't.

In addition I hate the way they play down the port theory. Someone I know started with "harmless pot smoking" and now she's a fucking wreck shooting everything she can afford right in the veins. And she's not the only case.

Also people who don't even try to drink moderately during conventions. Sure you think everyone adores you when you can tell your drunken adventures to them, but they don't. They will think you're a social retard who wasn't popular in high school so you have to catch up now. I drink and smoke, but I hate drugs and people who can't control their drinking.
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as long as you're smart about it then i don't see why it would be a problem. i didn't think you could smoke cigarettes in hotel rooms though.
>In addition I hate the way they play down the port theory. Someone I know started with "harmless pot smoking" and now she's a fucking wreck shooting everything she can afford right in the veins. And she's not the only case.

Fucking THIS.
One of my friends started out smoking pot, ended up on harder shit, dropped out of school, got kicked out BECAUSE she dropped out, and ended up killing herself.

Weed may not be dangerous, but don't try to fucking play it off by saying that it's not a "gateway drug."
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>implying tobacco and illegal drugs are comparable

you're delusional. the world isn't as simple as you think. it's more likely that most people's gateway drug is a tall frosty glass of coca-cola. get real guys. pain pills and alcohol are more "gateway" drugs than weed ever was and you can get either easily anywhere in the country.
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Because everyone who cosplays is sheltered.

Generalizing stoners by saying they force weed on everyone isn't true, they offer because it would be rude not to, the same thing you would do with a beer, chips, etc.

I can't speak for people who smoke who actively try to get people around them to smoke even after they've declined, those people are assholes and shouldn't speak for the majority.
i cosplay, drink and do drugs. assumption proven false, op. your move.
People are idiots if they're willing to ingest a substance without recognizing the physiological, physical and psychological symptoms of using that particular substance.

Personally, yeah green way a gateway into heavier "psys" but I have the clarity to listen to my mind and body and recognize what is and isn't a good thing.

I'm not apologizing for idiot stoners, but don't blame a substance for the actions of a generally stupid person.
I don't know anyone who just offers beer or weed like that. I'd think it rude if someone did, honestly, unless they asked me first if I drank/smoked.
So addictions aren't real?
>In addition I hate the way they play down the port theory. Someone I know started with "harmless pot smoking" and now she's a fucking wreck shooting everything she can afford right in the veins. And she's not the only case.

This. The people who claim it's totally cool because they just have to have it every day but it's not addictive also piss me off. Physiologically addictive? Probably not. Psychologically addictive? Yes, plenty of people are addicted to that shit, just like gambling and shopping. Don't say it's impossible to become reliant on it when that shit does happen.
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And thus, the stereotype has been proven true.
Anyone who is "addicted" to green is of a generally weak willpower; it's only psychologically so. Addictions are real, but have some backbone.

Well, I wouldn't start smoking or drinking around you unless you were okay with it.

I've made the mistake of smoking at parties I shouldn't have and it became genuinely awkward. It's just the fact that people have this really biased stigma towards it, something that they've been taught for years and can't acknowledge the positive aspects, I won't argue the medicinal, of marijuana.

I remember being sheltered as shit and disliking people who smoked but I gained a different perspective by smoking.
Well, I know that seagulls in general love to party and have fun. Many anons and tripfags party all night and cosplay all day. For me, it adds to the crazy atmosphere of a con.
Did I SAY that people had to be "motherfucking addicted to illegal drugs?"
Did I SAY that people had to be "motherfucking alcoholics?"
No and no. Don't ASSume shit I didn't say.

Smoking pot ONCE every few months and getting drunk MAYBE a total of ten times a year ISN'T as devastating to your health as smoking a pack of cigarettes a day because you're addicted to the nicotine. Sorry, but it's true faggot.

And maybe if you think that isn't true, then maybe you can tell that to my dead friend who died at 22 from lung cancer from cigarettes after never doing drugs a day in his life. You tard.
>waah waah pot is harmless I'm completely immune to its unwanted effects
>is the most obnoxious fucking tripfag

never change, reddickies
>from never doing drugs a day in his life
And, OH SHIT, before you call me out on this, I should say "ILLEGAL" drugs.
Because I get the feeling you're just the type of anal person to do that too.
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it's a troll guys, nobody in their right mind actually gives a fuck one way or another if someone else is smoking or drinking or whatever they do. If they are all bent out of shape about SOMEONE ELSE smoking or drinking or whatever, then obviously their actions reveal their level of immaturity and they can't really be taken seriously. like a child repeating something it hears.
Sooo.. you're comparing "smoking pot once a month" instantly to "smoking two packs of cigarettes a day"? That's just as biased as comparing snorting cocaine every day to drinking a glass of wine every weekend. There's a middle ground to smoking as well, most people can manage with only a few cigarettes a day.
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>mfw this thread
So smoking "only a few cigarettes a day" is still comparable to smoking pot "once in awhile?"
No it isn't and you're obvious dumb if you think it is.
The question was why I'm so against cigarettes and not pot. There's your answer.
Obnoxious straightedgefags should keep their noses out of other people's stash and their opinions to themselves.

Obnoxious Drugfags should find a quiet tree to sit under while they toke and keep their opinions to themselves.

Seriously. If you're being retarded and doing drugs/drinking in an illegal place, or being stupid whilst doing ether, I have the right to call you an asshole. Just as you have the right to abuse whatever substance you love best.

I'm not going out of my way to start shit, though.
That's rude.
except I don't think that nicotine affects your psyche or behavior
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>MFW Drug Thread on /cgl/
I've known several people who have tried on numerous occasions to get me high. I don't like weed because I don't like smoking in general, it would be the same for me if it were cigarettes or cigars. But they always try to get you to do it regardless.

When I was in college, a friend kept trying to get me to smoke a bowl with him. I refused, telling him I had an exam the next day and wanted to stay sharp. He responded by telling me that "weed totally improves your concentration." I had another friend in high school who used to talk about how great marijuana made his life. He's now in his late 20s and still lives with his patents, blazing up between world of Warcraft sessions.
cigs are calming and give a bit of a headrush,
ive never rolled my own, so that may change things,
but the smoke is a lot harsher than weed smoke
Was this at Katsucon? I know a person who was sharing with Homestucks and there was a wine stain in the carpet among other things.
nicotine withdrawal has physical and psychological effects. I can't believe you don't know this. heavy smokers can't even function without smoking. the same with people addicted to caffeine.

caffeine and nicotine are serious drugs, guys right along with alcohol. and that's a fucking FACT. you can take it to the bank and cash it. ask your professors teachers and clergymen or whoever the fuck, because IT IS A FACT.

and get real while you're at it dude. there's Use and there's Abuse, and it can apply to everything from eating cheeseburgers to gambling at a casino
> "weed totally improves your concentration."

Seriously I think weed smokers would believe that it could heal AIDS if the internet said so.
Haha, they really do. I remember one of my pothead friends honestly thought weed could regenerate lost brain cells because of some bullshit "research" he had read on some pro-weed website.
Yea, but you really shouldn't apply that logic to other hard drugs. Some shit doesn't work that way.
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Fuck me, i have heard pot-heads repeat this shit to me over and over. An ex friend of mine got me to try weed, when i told her i did not like it after giving it a fare try she said it was because i am evil. oh and now she is into scientology. She was they type to really try to force it on people, she even tryed to get a mutual friend with asthma to smoke because she believed that weed cured asthma. fucking retard. I know not all pot heads are like this but shit man, way to many are.
Actually, all bullshit aside, the cannabinoids in cannabis have been found by multiple independent studies to inhibit the progress of lung cancer in particular. This is in addition to everything else that weed really actually helps with.

I recently did a major term paper on the subject and there is a lot of research going on around the world. in Israel and japan in particular there are many recent studies.

if any of you want to stop being dumbasses, get access to a database of peer reviewed scientific journals and see what the truth is yourselves instead of vomiting up the first bullshit you hear from someone who doesn't know shit because it appeals to your on some basic level.
certain cannibinoids have been proven to stimulate hippocampal neurogenesis in embryonic through adult mammalian brains. this is life-saving and life-sustaining research that can help people who would otherwise be paralyzed for life, lead better, richer lives.

shut the fuck up about something you don't know anything about.
[citation needed]
I don't understand why people are offended by others doing drugs around them.

If you don't like it, how about leaving? No one's forcing you to stay and act uncomfortable.

Getting all judgey over it though seems ridiculous and counter-productive. How about trying to hang out with like-minded people instead. I don't know it just seems like a lot of effort to spend on something that doesn't directly affect you. If you're worried about it being illegal and them getting busted by the cops that's their problem isn't it?
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Yeah I had a friend who *needed* weed to study because he said he had ADHD and it calmed him down. He never bothered to go to the doctors to see about other meds or ways of dealing with it.
I don't care if people smoke pot, but using lame excuses to justify it is kinda annoying.
The topic was about bringing drugs to a convention. I don't want to leave a convention.
I've never used any drugs or felt the desire to do so. Been around smoking so much when I lived with my parents. Every white costume I had came out of the house yellowed and stinking before I'd even get to wear it. Just... never saw the appeal. Though I'll admit, the only time I really drink and get drunk is at cons. I don't get stupid drunk, but it makes the evening at the con a little more fun. :)

People can do whatever they want though, it doesn't bother me unless you're in my room smoking weed and vomiting everywhere from being drunk off your ass.
And people bringing drugs to rooms and room parties.

Gee, I wonder why someone is mad that a guest brought along an illegal substance with a distinctive foul odor to a location they're responsible for? Must be some kind of stigma!
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>she even tryed to get a mutual friend with asthma to smoke because she believed that weed cured asthma.
>smoke because she believed that weed cured asthma
>weed cured asthma
>cured asthma
not to get all environmentalist on you but weed is natural. Its a plant. If weed helped him I can easily see why someone would prefer that to taking Ritalin or Adderall or other amphetamines.

just one of many dude. try growing the fuck up and learning about the truth before you just go around throwing around your half-ass opinion as truth.

There was also a study by the AHA in the 90's that showed that people who recently smoked cannabis are actually marginally better drivers than people who are completely sober, but they didn't publicize it because it was done to show that both weed and alcohol impair your ability.. but it didn't.

also guys, remember that even if it was a fuckin' elixir of life, there are always idiots that give something a bad name.. or even worse, blame something (anything but themselves) for their own personal failures at life.
Naturalistic fallacy/appeal to nature. Try again.
Best post in this thread.
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tin foil hat is a little tight buddy. Everyone knows that its bad to drink and drive, that fact was never hidden.
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looks like you need to work on your reading comprehension there, idiot.
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i find it amusing that the people arguing for weed in this thread need to chill just as much as those arguing against it
>So, why is it that cosplayers are such straight edge debbie downer's? I understand most weebs are sheltered, autistic, and still think the D.

Are you fucking kidding me?

Cosplaying has some of the sluttiest, most emotionally fucked up, drug addicted bitches I've ever met.

Tons of girls who used to be, or still are ravers are cosplayers for example. And girls who rave are basically begging for rape at those raves.
>So besides being called a slut, I'm called a junkie and a drunk.

That's because you ARE a slut.
I only flip shit about smoking cigarette/weed at cons if the smoker blows smoke in my face or gets ash on my cosplay. Other than that I couldnt give a shot what people destory their own bodies with
Try reading that again. It says that the study was trying to prove that driving under the influence of cannabis is just as dangerous as when driving under the influence of alcohol. This hypothesis was proven false.
So ask them to leave if its your room. Or leave the party if you're attending.
Yeah that's fair, still seems like a sensible idea to go to the doctors though, dunno much about ADHD but they might have general coping advice.
It's more that he would ring me up asking if I wanted to smoke with him since we lived in the same halls, if i needed to study I'd refuse, at which point I'd get a massive lecture on why he needed it to study. It was a bit wtf since I never brought it up. Plus I did occassionally smoke with him, so it's not like I was anti-weed and judging him.
How is that a fallacy?ADD/ADHD medication is basically legal speed. You'd prefer someone doing amphetamines over smoking weed just because its legal?

Weed can be prescribed by a doctor too you know.
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There are lots of people who spend hundreds of dollars to go to conventions every year, paying for things such as transport, hotel rooms, con badges and stuff in the the Dealer's room/Artists Alley.
If you get kicked out on the first day/night or the con, that's a lot of money wasted. You can have all the fun you want, drinking, smoking, toking, just not at the expense of others.
Since this thread has turned into "weed is good/bad general", I have a question. What concern is it to someone else if I decide to have a bowl at the end of the day when I get home? As long as all of my responsibilities for the day are done I don't see the big deal. If someone.e makes the argument that it's bad for me, the. they're using the same logic that people who hate fat people have: They just don't like it. My boyfriend and I are both stoners. He works at a software company making a decent living and I just graduated college. Neither of us smoke at school/work. We wait until we're home and settling in for the night. I just don't understand why how I choose to relax is anyone else's business. If you can handle your responsibilities and smoke, fantastic. If not, stop smoking, fix your priorities and get your life together.
I just always saw druggies as sloppy and rather smelly at high school that's the only impression I ever got of them.
>What concern is it to someone else if I decide to have a bowl at the end of the day when I get home?

The same reasons why people also have a "moral dilemma" with homosexuals having sex. People don't like what's foreign to them and they rationalize their hate by holding the principles they were spoonfed as children up as justification.
How many people who are anti-pot have regurgitated original D.A.R.E. ideas and content that they were told in middle and high school?

The sad truth is anti-weed people are probably thinking more about getting high than the people who actually smoke it.
Just like the people who hate homosexuals are probably thinking more about gay sex than the homosexuals themselves.
Just saying "something is better because it's natural/worse because it's artificial" is fallacious. Natural things can be good, neutral and bad. Cholesterol, for example. Used to keep your cell membranes flexible and synthesize hormones, but too much gives you CVD.
>cholesterol automatically equals CVD
You're aware that there's good and bad cholesterols, right? If you have a high level of good cholesterols, then you have a significantly lower chance of developing CVD than if you did bad ones.

There are different levels of good things and bad things both artificial and natural. The key is healthy moderation.
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CM Punk >>> you stupid drunk and drug /cgl/ers
Really? As a beer nerd, I consider offering you beer to be one of the most sincere gestures of friendship.
That's kind of the point I was trying to make? Nothing is inherently good or bad just based on its classification.
the only reason why i wouldn't get totally shitfaced in cosplay is because i wouldn't want to run the risk of puking on all my hard work.

but once the costume comes off? party time.
I know, I just made it better so it wouldn't get picked apart. You're welcome.
Wrestling? Really? All of this is fake and retarded beyond belief.
The only drug users I hate are the ones that build their whole identity around the drug. OH I HAVE TO BE HIGH TO FUNCTION!!! or OH I HAVE TO BE DRUNK TO DO ANYTHING!!! They are also the only ones that get pissy when they see others not getting high or drunk.
I also can't stand the implication that all people who smoke or drink need to for a good time. I smoke weed daily and drink once every few weeks, I don't need it to enjoy my life, it's simply an enhancement. I look and feel healthier than most people too because I exercise and watch what I eat.
Yeah this. This is what I do. I smoke about twice a week now but I used to every day in school when I got home. I usually smoke and play video games, I don't even really do it socially.

Most of my cosplay friends don't know this though. I don't talk about it because I'm afraid of a negative reaction even if all I'm doing when I'm high is sitting at home and eating cookies lol. For some reason the cosplay people I know have more of a problem with it than normalfags.
No no, read again. I never said it was better, I just said that it was understandable that someone would choose the natural option over amphetamines if they had the choice.
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I'm always drunk or high at conventions. I did get in an argument with an asspie about weed. He kept on saying that weed can kill you which resulted in a rip-roaring amount of laughter and lulz. Asspie got super butthurt.

Because it's "mainstream" yet at the same time we're constantly taught how bad it is to do. So they get angry that no one makes fun of drinkers/drug users the way cosplayers are made fun of.

We're not as bad as they arrrrre ACCEPT MEEEEEEEE.

It's an immature viewpoint especially when they use generalizations and stereotypes to back up their comments.

I saw one of the girls in the picture doing that on tumblr back when it first hit "OMG ALL PEOPLE WHO DRINK ARE LIKE THIS IT'S SO DISGUSTING". No, not all people who like to party on the weekends are drunken fratboys who "need alcohol to be happy". Just like not all cosplayers are lonely autistic weebs. Surprise!

Then again, most of these people have never been to cons where the average age is above 17. They'd be really surprised how often the party drinkers and the cosplayers are one and the same.
I'm late to this party.
OP I don't know quite what you're talking about, since I'm for legalizing weed (though I don't smoke it nearly everyone else in my family does) and I enjoy an occasional glass of wine or a lil' bit of vodka with my lemonade.
The only reason I wouldn't like such things are when people are all "OMG I GOT TOTALY WASTED LAST NIGHT LOL I AM SUCH A BADASS" and I don't know if only people around here do that, but I can't stand it when people think they're so fucking badass when they obviously aren't.
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I used to get so high and ride my bike around the neighborhood in Tokyo. It felt like I was in an anime. You jelly?
I'd only say something if someone brought weed into my hotel room. I don't have a problem with the people who smoke weed, but I also don't want to get in trouble if the person gets caught with it. As long as that shiz is still illegal, I don't want to take the risk of being brought down for someone else's activities. As far as alcohol and cigarettes go, I don't really care. I hate seeing people get shitfaced and then become annoying as fuck, but hey, it's their life. The only reason I'm "straight edge" is because I can't stand the taste of alcohol (beta as fuck) and I'm too fearful of the repercussions to try any illegal drugs (again, beta as fuck).
... Yes.
..That's a good way of looking at it. Never thought about it like that. I guess it kinda relates to how nerds can tend to shun a lot of mainstream activities like sports and what not?
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Too much ~~~
To be fair, I think that image was made more geared towards teenagers who spend their free time getting shit-faced and acting like jackasses and then tell cosplayers that their hobby is immature.

People who can't have fun without getting smashed ARE immature. But so are people who flip their shit and think you're an alcoholic if you like to enjoy a drink now and then. Both annoy me equally.
I don't have a problem with smoking or drinking at conventions unless people are roaming the con when they obviously are not in the right mind to be. Our city's con was actually kicked out of the best location its been in thus far because of obvious underage drinking, possession of illegal substances in the hotel, and significant damage done to hotel property due to drunken escapades. If you want to get high on whatever and go to the rave or have few drinks while at a con, i can't stop you. Just don't waste other people's money by having a "good time" at their expense.
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If you remember a convention you're doing it wrong
I don't remember a single con that didn't have drunk people. I don't remember a single con where a handful of cosplayers didn't smell of weed.
I get offered drinks left and right by others who partake. No drugs though.
Nah, CM Punk isn't Tendou Souji. Nice try though.
I´m tore about this topic. I and my group of friends occasionally smoke weed when in the mood and its sunny. and at raves we do pop but we do it in discretion. at cons we do both we use a vaporizer to minimize smell and we take the pills before heading out to raves but last year we get why people get annoyed as fuck with druggies at their con. Fanime was full of druggies obviously doing drugs, and my sentiment with this subject has become if you actually dont like anime don't come to the con to just party like a mad man and possibly OD.
at the rave a girl passed out bacause the inpostor honey badger though she could take 10 pills and be ok with no water. the rave was cancelled the cops showed up and the whole con mood was ruined for the night.
me and my friends also being on Drugzz decided to call it a nigh but before leaving we tried to revive her back by performing a prayer
inappropriate forever
I'd guess that the younger attendees are the ones still in mommy/daddy's pockets following the rules.

My group and I don't give a fuck what other people do as long as it doesn't interfere with things.

True story: stupid neighbors being high as fuck, burning popcorn in the microwave, setting off the alarms, and having to evacuate the entire hotel, not cool.

In most cases, people are not that stupid and are pretty discreet when it comes to their illegal substances. Still, do as you please as long as it doesn't fuck things over for everyone else. Hell, I used to smoke weed casually in college but grew out of it so it's not like I think people will burn in hell immediately.

My group tends to like having chill parties in our rooms with food and liquor [we don't smoke]. It's a good time and we're all over 21 so no danger of getting busted for anything bad. We're happy with that.

Pretty much. Everything mainstream sucks. Why won't people accept me for me! You could take the party drinker/drug doer argument and replace it with sports or American Idol, or other hobbies and it's the same.

"These people are weird/immature/etc too! Why is it okay for them and not me!"
I really don't care about weed and alcohol at cons. Do whatever you want.

I don't smoke weed anymore, but my last convention was saved by that (I had an anxiety attack, felt like shit, friend had weed, smoked it, relaxation. I've got medication for that now, so no need for weed anymore.)

As with alcohol... I've needed that to survive any convention I've attended ever since I turned 17. In the beginning I acted like an idiot, but I've learned how to stay calm now.
It's all about controlling yourself. So long as you don't overdo it so much that you're an annoyance to other people, then do it.
Often times the younger weebs are louder and more annoying that the drunk people.

Obviously, if you're attending a family convention, don't do neither in broad daylight. And if you do, don't overdo it.
But at 16 or 18+ conventions? FIne with me.
I cant socialize very easily. I find myself very uptight and I cant talk when around people. So before cons I usually will have a couple shots and I find it much easier to talk to people and ask questions or contribute to panels.

I dont want to have to drink to do that but its the only thing thats worked so far. I dont get drunk, but I get buzzed I guess.
>if you actually dont like anime don't come to the con to just party
That sounds like such a sad thing to do. Makes me wanna ask have you actually invested in so many plates of spaghetti that you can't attend a proper rave or party and instead attend something that, for the majority of time, you're not even interested in?
I wish this was a facebook post so I could likelikelike.
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>ITT special snowflake YOLO circlejerk
>ITT: retarded murricans

See, this is why my country and yours aren't getting along right now. You all need to chill out, lets all sit down and smoke a bowl, you'll feel better, eh?
I find it enraging when people involve me in illegal activities. If any of my friends, especially the ones in my hotel room/block brought weed, we'd be over.

I find it kind of pathetic people can't go without their weed for 3 days. It's illegal, but mainly it's disgusting, it's a fire hazard, and it's a health hazard for a lot of people, especially us nerdy neck beard asthmatics.

Pills I'm fine with, as long as you came by them legally.

I got to cons to get shitfaced drunk at night and nerd party all day. I always find it baffling when someone smugly tells me they paid $50 for a badge and $150 for a hotel room so they can do the same exact shit they do at home for free. Or they crap over everyone else's party by being annoying.

>fire hazard
>asthmatics, waaah

Cigarettes present the same problems, there's still smoking rooms in the hotel. Cry moar.
If I'm going to drink or do drugs I'll do it somewhere I'm not paying hundreds of dollars to be. You can get high or wasted any weekend at any club or bar, why spend the one week you're PAYING to be someplace so fucked up you can barely remember it.

I could give less of a shit if people drink or get high at cons, but whenever I see them I can only assume they're losers who have no IRL friends and were never cool/normal enough to go to a real club or party.
Do you not know anything about drug culture? Pretty much all you do is pay hundreds of dollars to get high some place. What makes an anime con so different?

Potheads fucking *reek* man. It's as bad as the people who don't bathe all weekend. It makes me want to vomit.

Why, why, why did you come to a crowded place of thousands and thousands of people, and making yourself fucking reek and then act butthurt other people find you offensive and disgusting?

If you want to smoke a bowl in your house, do it. I smoke occasionally, my friends smoke, and we all have a pleasant time. But don't come to a public place and say, "I'm going to make this room and everyone and everything in it smell like ass".

Cigarettes are nasty, but that funk isn't nearly as bad or as lingering as pot, and you know it.
you're trying to compare MEDICAL vs RECREATIONAL uses and saying it's bad that people are taking medications because they have legit medical reasons to do so

I don't give a shit if someone does weed for legit medical reasons
ex: cancer, any sort of pain that can't be helped via physical/massage therapy or exercise or any other method
>butthurt weedfag detected

no one cares what you do at home so long as
a)you don't live in an attached home/apartment as the smoke can bother your neighbors
b)you don't live with your parents, this is like ^ basic respect and courtesy
c)just other basic common courtesy shit

ex: I live in BC, almost everyone smokes weed. I find it a bit drab and annoying because it's so pretentious, but generally people don't do stupid shit unless your downtown (lol it's ok to be in a huge group smoking weed in a public place like the art gallery) it's as bad as people who get drunk in public. Have some fucking courtesy for others if you're in a public place.

As with conventions,
If it's a convention or rave that is adults only and drinking/getting high is permitted in a controlled area, fucking fine

don't act high and mighty "ur ruinin mai fun" when you're in a public place where there are young children and what you are doing is against the rules/law

do that shit in private or again, a place that allows it
I do, actually. I come from a place where pretty much everyone does pot recreationally.

People will pay lots of money for drugs, but they're not going to pay lots of money to do drugs someplace they can only be once a year and have shit they actually want to do or people to see unless they are total stoners. Clubs and bars and concerts, sure.

Most people I see drunk or high at anime cons honestly remind me of when kids in highschool go to their first party and end up overdoing it and puking all over the place because they're just so excited to be doing it at all never mind around other people.

People who don't think drinking or partying is anything special because they do it all the time with their real social lives don't give a fuck.
although I will add that B) is more so depending on whether or not your parents allow it and are willing to deal with any possible consequences whether they be legal or not
I feel as though there can be exceptions to number 1. I live in an apartment but I'm on a corner and use a lot of air fresheners. We're careful about the smell and try and be courteous. I think as long as you try and minimize the smell/smoke it can be okay.
I'll put it this way
"if the smoke won't reach your neighbors, you're doing it in a place that the smell won't stick to the furniture/living space go ahead"

though I'm even iffy with apartments and places people don't actually own
Being stoned at an anime convention actually makes me feel more at ease around everyone all hyped up acting crazy. Not that it makes me act like them, I'm just not as freaked out by kids dragging each other across the floor and tackling each other when I'm stoned.
I can agree to that. I think also there should be an exception for renting houses. Yeah, you don't own the place but you're far away from neighbors enough to not bug them. I was in that situation for a bit.
Speaking of apartments, my (former) neighbour would smoke every day atleast a couple times and do nothing to mask or remove the smell (weed i find to be one of the most disgusting smells ive experienced), anyway after a month or so of smelling this shit every day I went to his apartment and told him to do something about it. He literally blew the smoke in my face, we yelled back and forth for a bit. A week later i killed his dog with my car (it was actually an accident but he knew it was me and I just stared him down). I guess what it comes down to is do you love your animals? well then dont blow smoke in my face.
Blowing smoke in your face is a dick move regardless. If I had a neighbor come to me, I'd apologize and start using the dryer sheet/TP roll method to mask the smell. I'd prefer not to alter my lifestyle because I'm comfortable with it and it works for me, but I'd do my best to comply to my neighbors wishes. Just my 2 cents, though. I try and be a generally good person.

My boyfriend's little brother has one of those ingenious tubes with dryer sheets you blow into. No smell.

There's no excuse to smell up your neighbors, as far as I'm concerned. It's an afternoon's worth of work to construct something to solve the issue.
so long as you're not smoking so much that the smell sticks and lowers the value for the owners

then definitely

I dislike like weed/drugs/cigs/drinking in access on a regular basis

but fuck if I'm going to bother someone if they're not being a problem to anyone else in any sense
Exactly. And I'm just really picky about smell anyway. I have a cat and do my best to get rid of that iconic "cat house" smell. It seems to all work out in the end.
I know it was an accident, but killing animals is not a good solution

scaring the shit out of him or calling the cops/owner is
Weed smell doesn't stick to things the way cigarette smoke does. As long as you do it with a window open and don't hot box the place smoking anywhere is fine. It will clear out completely in a couple hours if you keep it ventilated.

It's more likely that their stash would reek if they didn't keep it sealed up tightly than the smoke smell sticking to anything.
I smoke weed about once or twice a day, but I'm usually with friends playing video games or yugioh.

I was super stoned at my last con while in costume and in some photos I looked so derpy... never again!

I never tried cigs, don't plan to.. and I dont really drink cause I'm a light weight and hate beer and wine (potato vodka or woodchuck <3) oh and I'm 23
Cosplay costs more then drugs .
That is why I never buy any.
I love every bit of this thread.
Oh god. Seriously, both of you, go fuck each other.

Gateway drugs. Just. All kinds of stupidity right there.

You could argue Caffeine is a gateway drug to more intense uppers. You could argue that cigarettes are a gateway drug to weed, because you smoke both of them.

Seriously just get your heads examined.

It's the dealer that's the gateway, and the person's peers. Not fucking weed.
dude i could never smoke at an anime convention. I think i'd get really freaked out by everything.

I wish I could find someone to sell me shrooms though, so I could go to the rave completely out of my mind. ID DO IT.
Cosplays or drugs?
pot is only a gateway drug because of the black market effect, not because there is anything wrong with pot itself.

holy shit, people are dumb.
I would beg to differ

that shit does stick
it takes a while, but it does stick to carpet and shit. it's smoke, smoke sticks

you can make weed brownies/cookies instead


Weed smell sticks to everything just as bad as regular cigarette smoke smell. When I worked in a local video game store that specialized in trade-ins, I can't tell you how many times we had to turn away potheads trying to trade in their systems & games because not only did they reek of old weed smoke, they were coated in resin. The shit would be unsellable.

Plus, buying vintage clothes on ebay, I got stuck with a few items advertised as from "a smoke free home", when they meant "cigarette smoke". The clothes would still reek of weed and fucking goddamn patchouli incense. What is it with pot smokers and that fucking incense, seriously?!

Personally, I don't give a shit what people do in the privacy of their own home/hotel room, as long as they aren't hurting someone else in the process. Staying inside a safe environment and getting blitzed or wasted? Go nuts, not my business. Getting seriously fucked up and deciding you need to go drive around town for a few hours? That's bullshit.
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Dude.. Con-goers are notorious party-animals.

Anime Central is notorious for its endless string of ambulances because there's someone, somewhere overdosing or getting alcohol poisoning or chugging something they shouldn't have chugged.

It's absolutely contrary to everything OP is rambling on about and it's a stark contrast to the introverted, pocket protector nerd image that a lot of people have for weebs and con-goers.

I've personally been ass-to-elbows with an entire hotel room of cosplayers, all drinking and singing like a ton of idiots on several different occasions.

But as for those straight edge, "drugs are bad mkay" faggots you seem to think we all are... Have you ever considered that your shit just stinks? I mean, seriously. Alcohol is an acquired taste. Most beer tastes like cold, watered down piss. Hard liquors are worse than the cough medicine you were force fed as a child. Weed stinks like vomit and skunks.

I mean, when you're the scummy fucker who is like, "No, for serious guys, this stuff is awesome!" you look like the lonely, depressed piece of shit who just wants everyone else to be as lonely, and depressed, and disgusting as he is.
Those are special cases. If they're smoking so much that their belongings are covered in resin they are not your average stoner.

It can stick if you hotboxed your room all day every day, which I'm sure some people do, but its not comparable in any way to cigarette smoke. I smoked every day in my apartment and smoke every day in my room now and it doesn't smell at all because I just leave the window open. It's that simple.

Oh and before anyone mentions it stoners smell if they just smoked because it can stay on your breath much like alcohol can.

I smoked a Jay on top of a parking garage outside to convention center LOL I don't think I'd ever do shrooms there... tried to go to DC to see cherry blossoms once very over whelming... but then again it was my 3rd time and a small amount..

I haven't been smoking very long (4 years) and I just don't like when it inhibits my speech as if I was drunk... and it's not like when I smoke I become "herp derp I'm high hahahaha". I'm quiet regardless.
>Alcohol is an acquired taste. Most beer tastes like cold, watered down piss. Hard liquors are worse than the cough medicine you were force fed as a child. Weed stinks like vomit and skunks.
Some people don't like garlic because it smells and tastes gross, so they must be lonely, smelly people. Same for anyone who eats sushi. Some people don't like the smell of fish, and people get sick and die from eating sushi. Saying that something is bad just because the route of administration isn't immediately pleasant is incredibly shortsighted and closeminded.
I've never experienced this smell sticking anywhere. But I leave my window open as well.

I'm also boggled how they were "coated in resin", unless they were cashing right on their game systems. In this case, yeah you'd smell it.
you read
>As with conventions,
If it's a convention or rave that is adults only and drinking/getting high is permitted in a controlled area, fucking fine

don't act high and mighty "ur ruinin mai fun" when you're in a public place where there are young children and what you are doing is against the rules/law

do that shit in private or again, a place that allows it

cons aren't the appropriate place to do this shit

don't act high and mighty if you can't follow some rules and be courteous in a public situation. Pot smoker and the like can be very self absorbed
as bad as those people who think it's ok to glomp people because they're at a con
Way to be pants on head retarded.
Eating garlic or sushi or whatever isn't nearly the same as imbibing mind-altering, potentially dangerous substances.
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> doing pot in a con
> everything starts getting like totally fine man
> suddenly getting these feels man
> tripping balls while high on pot acid and E
> see things that arent there man
> cosplayers become scary looking and much more real
> nope the fuck out man
> leave con

Like zoinks feels bad man
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>potentially dangerous

>Alcohol Poisoning
All my friends know I smoke pot. A bunch of strangers do too. I'm also pretty well known, and I've never gotten ANY shit for it. What kind of assholes are you hanging out with, OP?
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Alcohol can totally fuck you up side ways and it makes people angry. Yay alcohol. I'd smoke pot if I had place to grow it or a connection.
It makes me wonder if you had a personal experience being butthurt by your alcoholic parents or something. Not to mention, you flip-flop every sentence between being in ass to elbows in a room full of drunkards to describing anyone doing illegal substances as a disgusting wreck. What point are you trying to prove?
Here's a fun thing.

Usually when I meet someone from the cosplay community I always invite that person to go out with me and my friends. We go to my friend's pub and have fun. And we drink a lot and smoke a lot of weed. We offer the joint to the newcomer, because it would be rude not to.

So far even the most straight-edged person we've met in these encounters accepted the joint.

I suppose they want to do the group activity. There are a bunch of people in our group that don't smoke. They *know* they don't have to accept it to feel welcome. Yet they still do it.

I find it hilarious.
Alcohol just isn't my thing, I'm still just as introverted as always except I get really tired and want go to sleep. But also I'm a bit afraid of it because there's so many alcoholics in my family.
This whole thread is TL;DR for me at the moment but I wanted to say this.
I hate drugs. I hate the smell of weed and I hate the smell of cigarettes and most alcohol tastes disgusting to me.
HOWEVER. I think weed should be legalized. Because despite me not liking the smell I know it can do a lot of good- from calming people to helping those with medical pains. Just because I personally don't like it doesn't mean others should be bared from it. I wholly support legalizing it and treating it like we do cigarettes. If anything though, honestly, I believe alcohol and especially cigarettes do much more damage than weed ever could. I rather smell weed than cigarettes any day (cigarettes throw me into horrid coughing fits but weed just smells gross. I can tolerate the bad smell- but losing my ability to breath because of someone smoking near me? No thanks.)
Alcohol can do some really nasty things to your body. But again if people want to be idiots and not find out how much it stunts their mental development and drink themselves retarded then by all means. No wonder we have so many man children running about these days.

TL;DR- A totally vanilla girl that thinks weed should be legalized
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Thank you OP. You just reminded me to defriend one of those stuck ups from facebook. Been meaning to for the longest.

Sadly I know a few of the kind of people your talking about. I personally can't stand anyone who thinks that they are so special that they should dictate the lives of everyone around them.

Needless to say I don't stay friends with them for long.
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OP alot of cosplayers smoke and drink.

I don't and i don't do drugs but that's just me.

My friends are anime nerds and don't smoke or do drugs but sometimes drink but they don't cosplay.
haha yeh m8 420 blazin bluntz thes cunts cant losen up cuz their mums hahaaaaaa
Most of my cosplay friends drink.
Maybe not the few who are under 15 though.

But like, why does it matter?
I don't drink because I'm paranoied.
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I don't like weed most of my friends who do weed which is alot, have NO money and smoke weed all day long.

One girl doesn't pay rent and works full time and can't even afford gas.
Also she says it isn't addictive after smoking 10 joints that day.
My friend since i was little has been living with her mom the last 6 months and has no money in her bank (supose to be saving to move out)
Spent it all on weed, bongs, shit.

Also you might think they are doing something else, it sounds like it but no, just weed.

Cigs,Weed,Drinking, it's all a waste, i'd much rather buy something i can use or put the money towards something like my future.
Literally every person I know that does weed is a fucking lazy idiot with no goals in life, and who most of the time just talk and think about doing fucking weed.

OP, you don't seem to understand, it's probably because you are so unaware over how consumed your life is by these indulgent activities and how fucking annoying you are pestering with "OY MATE WANNA GET BLAZED, WANNA GET WASTED M8."

Eat fucking shit
I'm a teetotal and I guess most of my cosplayer friends may think I'm no fun. I don't have any problem with others drinking, smoking, or anything really. I just don't do it cause I use to drink too much when I was younger and do a lot of drugs and basically my life became a mess at some point because of it (I just ended up addicted to heroin for a few years). They obviously don't know any of this, they probably think that I've always been a goody-two-shoes.
I think there's a difference between stoners and people who casually partake on occasion.
I have no problem with people who just want to relax at a party. I don't think it's necessary, but whatever, I'm not your mom, or the cops. If you find yourself toking up or pregaming every time you go out, you might have a problem. It is possible to have fun without that stuff.
Which brings me to the stoners. They're smelly. They're apathetic. My boyfriend's roommates are stoners and they literally cannot function without pot and getting black-out drunk every weekend. They're always smoking. They have awful jobs, but they don't care. They spend all their money on weed and taco bell. And they stink. They don't really shower or brush their teeth or anything. That's who I have a problem with. I'm not going to tell them what to do, but I'll avoid them the best I can. I'm sure not every stoner's like that, but most of the ones I've met are.
My 2¢
I was critiquing their argument that basically amounted to "drugs and alcohol are bad because they are icky" by showing that sometimes things that seem immediately icky are just acquired tastes. You're also wrong, sushi actually is potentially dangerous as well, but that's besides the point.
I'd consider myself a stoner by your above definition...but I have a good job, work out, and I get out to socialize often. I take pretty good care of my hygiene too. Quit using the term "stoner" to label "losers".
This. There are successful stoners. Chances are that you have met a person in a white collar job that is a stoner.
I hate being called a stoner because of all the negative aspects and generilizations... I smoke pot big deal.

I own a bong a few bowls and my favorite the vaporizor! I don't smoke more than a couple grams a week which is about 50$ (which I mean is pocket change to some).

I work full-time and go to school full time and God damnit after a long freaking day with screaming pains down my neck/back I would just like to smoke and relax. I don't like taking pills and having herniated disks are a pain.

I bring my vape to cons 'cause who would like to go 3 days with no pain medication.. now if Maryland improved their medical marijuana program I would instantly qualify (along with my mother who has MS). No offence but I don't enjoy putting over 1.5g of acetaminophen for a headache and it not do anything besides destroy my liver, and don't get me started on pill addictions (scares the crap out of me)

This! I know many adults (40+) who own their own businesses, have family's and uphold that white collar appearance. BUT they all smoke weed, sure it might be 1/4 of what teenagers smoke cause they aren't used to the potent stuff that's floating around nowadays but they still do it and are responsible.. heck even my boss smokes and he runs a high end furniture store but no one gives a fuck.
yeah. I'm also a "stoner" by definition. no one ever suspects though because I'm very clean, I have a good job and a normal social life and I'm otherwise normal except for my bowl a day when I get home in the evening.

Those people aren't losers because they smoke weed - they were already losers and weed is unfortunately aggravating the situation.
meh, i'm straight-edgeish, i guess you could say. im a real lightweight when it comes to alcohol and don't enjoy how it makes me feel. i also have asthma, so i dont smoke or enjoy being around others who are just cause yeah, its hard to breathe. i dont have a problem with anyone that DOES, though, unless you're abusing a substance or heavily trashed and throwing up on me, groping me, falling down or constantly depending on me for a ride or something. thankfully, a lot of my friends who go to cons and do drink and smoke are responsible. agreed though, it does feel weird being the only one sober in a room.

as for the I DONT NEED X TO HAVE A GOOD TIME thing, eh, i can see where they're coming from, but being straight edge doesnt make you any better than someone else. you could still be a giant douchebag, and really fucking arrogant about your non-substance self too. i know a lot of people that are dependent on drugs and/or alcohol to have ANY fun, but they have a serious problem wheras a lot of other people don't.
that's a little bit of denial there
like an obese person saying they're healthy because they do some light exercise and claim to eat healthy

sure they're not constantly stuffing themselves with kfc, but they're still obese

there are people addicted to cigs that can still function, same with other drugs(probably not meth though)
I've known a few myself. It doesn't mean they aren't addictsIinb4 stoners aren't addicts, that's not what I'm saying, but don't bullshit saying people don't get an emotional dependence/addiction to them)
If you're toking it up on a regular basis or at least every time you go out, I'm sorry, you're a stoner. You smoke on a regular enough basis (or in the case of the second bit, you have an issue if you need to be high "to have fun").
and as I said above in the, stoners be aware of other people and be courteous which includes being high/toking up at a place that has rules against such. Lrn2follow basic rules
I don't need to be high to have fun. I -like- to smoke to relax after a long day at work and the gym, and it helps me sleep (have had horrible insomnia since I was 14)

I don't carry it around and toke up everywhere I go though. By your definition sure it might be a bit of an addiction, but no more than I'm addicted to prop making or addicted to gaming, or addicted to going to the gym.
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i'll admit that i'm just getting into the Con and Cosplay scene. but the idea of a bunch of drunk or high seagulls running around a con in cospaly sounds awful to me.
I don't see the part where you're proving your point

there are clear points to when gaming is an addiciton and same with exercise. You have to reach those points for those activities, and it's different for each activity
>running a con in cosplay

Most of the seagulls I've had the pleasure of drinking with were pretty fun people to drink and party with, but I haven't hung out with any big time hot shot trips.
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It is.

I've been to a seagull meet where everyone was wasted and/or high. It was awkward and boring as fuck. They sat or stood around like a bunch of zombies, an inch away from puking.

No one was wearing a costume because they were all too fucked up to even put one on, and the next day they were all so hungover they just slugged around in casual looking miserable.

MFW I watched these people bust their asses for weeks to finish costumes and then waste the entire weekend away sick and fucked up out of cosplay.
Nah dude, everyone drinks after once the con is closed for the day. Not many people "run around the con in cosplay" while fucked up.
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I can't believe I read this whole thread!!

I guess I also have personal opinions and anecdotes both for and against drugs (whatever form they take) at cons and elsewhere, but what are the words of one more anon worth in all this?
I treat illicit drugs the same way I do booze and cigarettes. I don't care what you do to YOURSELF, so long as it doesn't affect me. But don't expect me to want to hang out with you when you're super drunk or high. That shit stinks to high-heaven and I have a sensitive nose. I also think that people who use ANY drugs as an escape from reality are crippling themselves emotionally. But, I'm not going to lecture them unless it's affecting other people(like children/spouses).

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