Old thread!>>5867097
How do you guys make detached sleeves? I'm thinking of making some sort of giant tube and attaching a small elastic circle about 1/5th of the way down so that it'll look big and loose but I'm curious on how others do it.
I think I really want to start cosplaying some Touhous. Probably starting with Youmu.
which 2hu wud u fuk?
>>5868307I kissed mokou in a dream once. So what's that? first base?
>>5868390It was a trap bro.
>>5868307None because none of them attract me in that way. And I don't have a favorite because I like most of them too much.
>>5868436Yeah I really don't view any of the cast that way either. The whole setting reminds me of my rural youth.
>>5868191For my Sanae I used cotton belting and D-Rings. I attached them only on one end so I could have the end closest to my arm hang free like Sanae is drawn with, rather than having it all bunched up there. The only downside is the belting lost it's friction after washing it a bunch, but that was easily solvable by applying plenty of rosin to it.I'm making Suwako right now. Anyone have anything they'd like to see (or hate seeing) on it? Is there an easy way to make the giant iron ring? inb4 hula hoop
>>5868470Oh my Goodness thank you so much!
>mfw I can't crossplay a touhou if it's not a joke crossplayBulky hairy men is no little girl physique.
>>5868509Genderbent? I'd love to see some manly male Kanako, Yuugi, etc etc.
>>5868509Just remember, its about fun more than anything else.
>>5868525I could make myself a goal to acquire Yuugi physique in a year...
>>5868509>>5868542My face when I still find something appropriate.
>>5869278I can't see your face. There's pants in the way.
>>5869278Yeah really. It doesn't have to be perfect
>>5869592magic pants. "Form of Sausage!"
>>5870206Why does it seem like the Touhou fanbase is so much more accepting of men in shitty costumes with minimal female appearance attempts than of women, period?It's really putting me off from cosplaying more Touhous.
>>5872169after all those affected I want to say, we are deeply sorrywe're sorry...we're.... sorryyyyyy
>>5872169eh I really don't hold anyone to any standard. I just post images I think people might want to see. It's really hard for most guys to look good in these things anyway and I don't think girls would appreciate people them in bad cosplay. Personally I think he looks alright for a guy but then again I'm a Math/Compsci major so this really isn't my area.
>>5872169Does people cosplaying for fun and not for attention bother you?
>>5872169>Why does it seem like the Touhou fanbase is so much more accepting of men... than of women, period?A lot of Touhou fans have the /a/ mentality, mostly.I haven't really seen that much criticism of female Touhou cosplay though, when you do filter the general misogyny.>>5872508I don't think that's quite what they meant.
>>5872522>I don't think that's quite what they meant.But that is. She's basically complaining that they aren't cosplaying "right" and they aren't taking it seriously enough or treating it like a fashion pageant like all the other female cosplayers.
Well for most guys it's impossible to look good as a girl so you might as well make it funny.
>>5872522Yeah the "hurr girls couldn't possibly enjoy the games themselves enough to want to cosplay, they just want attention" thing is stupidWhy would you cosplay from touhou if you wanted attention when you could cosplay whatever the flavor of the month thing is?
Yay touhou thread!Golem your awesome for always find these good pics
>>5872588Sure thing. I usually just pillage cure.com
>>5872593dem filenames, man
>>5872522>>A lot touhou fans have the /a/ mentality.It really depends on where your are who you are taking too most touhou fan just love to see people doing the cosplay in the first place and having fun. If you pull it off well that's even better but it's mostly having fun with it.also /a/ and /jp/ touhou fan-bases are widely different. But hay this is 4-chan hate is everywhere.
>>5872597Oh you
>>5872169Really, it's more of an acknowledgement of how skewed the male/female character ratio is and how the fanbase compensates for it through self-deprecation and its sense of humor. Every bit of my experience over 5 years of fandom tells me that we really do appreciate the female presence if my venting in the previous thread wasn't evidence enough.
>>5872649I think we should just go back to assuming everyone is a guy.
>>5872668What're you talkin' about? We got balls all over the place here.
>>5872883yeah right bb
>>5872883HAHA. That made me laugh. Here's more Toehoes.
>>5872522>>5872169Speaking as someone who's gotten a fair amount of shit for cosplaying Touhou, I think the hate is really just concentrated to a few places online. At cons, the atmosphere is vastly different. Every Touhou fan I meet is excited to see people cosplaying and drawing fanart for the games, even if they don't necessarily like my style. I've never been dissed to my face about not being a true fan, or doing it just for attention, or being a disgrace to the Touhou fandom because I'm a 3DPD whore. Sure, this could all be happening behind my back, but I doubt it. It's only on the internet that I really get torn apart.That being said, online there really is a double standard against girls cosplaying Touhou, especially western girls. Usually the comparisons of western vs. Japanese cosplayers are done using a nicely shot DSLR photoshoot-quality shot of the Japanese cosplayer, and a shitty cellphone con hallway photo of the western cosplayer. It's a false dichotomy, and it's not a fair comparison.Overall my Touhou cosplaying experience has been positive, and I'd like to spread some of that attitude to others who are feeling discouraged. Yeah, you might get shit online, but haters gonna hate and all that. As long as you're having fun, give no fucks and move on with your life./soapbox
Sorry if I post repeats. Not checking above.
>>5872930If you think that cosing touhou is bad, you should see the amount of shit my friends get when they cross touhou. Like you said, no one disses you in person, but you can sense the strange looks and "eeew gross" mentality from more conservative con-goers.that being said, if you do end up at cons in asia, you'll realize that many photogs then to gravitate naturally to take pictures of the pretty cosers at cons, neglecting like the other 80% of the con cosers... In a sense its unfair, cause there already is a process of filtering, and so maybe the majority of photos floating online of asian cosers look better... i dunno, i never liked the distinction of asian and western... tbh one of my fav koumajou cosers is the Meiling from Russia
>>5876294>tbh one of my fav koumajou cosers is the Meiling from RussiaOh lord. Pics? I loves me some KD Meiling
>>5872930I haven't seem much hate for cosplayers
>>5885025Augh, I really really liked this picture until I saw the sword.Why am I so incredibly unforgiving with Touhou cosplay weaponry... ;_;
just let it be. Not everyones perfect, especially with touhou cosplays. Everyone play around with the outfits, why would weapons be any different.i'd be nice to have everything perfect.... but not so much in everybody's perfect view.
>>5877807here lol
and moar at her Deviantart...so, lol. what 2hu are you guise cosing next? : 3
>>5885813Just take it easy, man.>>5886025I don't know anymore. I've been in a huge cosplay rut ESPECIALLY with Touhou and just ajsghdbsn. I have the wig for Sanae and materials for Heart Throbbing Koishi but just can't bring myself to finish them... aaaaa. I've been thinking a lot about maybe doing Toyohime too since she's one of my favorites.I think my dislike of my Mamizou cosplay left me really discouraged. Bleh.
>>5885813Well of course it's the autism. Could you appreciate touhou with out it?>>5886025Probably yuyuko. I'm 193 cm so it's going to look extremely silly. I might try some ghost white face paint to make it look even more ridiculous.
>>5886198The best Touhous are the silly Touhous.
>>5886025Thanks. And Shou's next since I stopped being wishy-washy like I was last thread.>>5886171Really, the best possible idea may be just to move on. My Brogasa outfit was effectively done twice due to mistakes/bad decisions/various other shenanigans. My previous two costumes were not only more complicated, but both came out better and I only did them once. I think the nature of the thing just caused enough problems for me to be unsatisfied with things. Still, it's done and I don't want to dwell on it, so I'm forcing a new project on myself and I'm looking forward to it as a result. Might work for you, too.
>>5886198you're a large tree, and there is so much potential in cosplaying Yuyuko. she is a beautiful character and you can too.
>>5886500Well thank you for that. I'll try my best to make it look good.
>>5886857and then I will be your youmu, xoxo
>>5887296lol sure thing. I'm rtngolem on cure.com if you want to friend up.
>>5886319Thank you for the advice, but it's more than that. Whenever I think "hey, maybe i should go work on cosplay" I just immediately feel uninspired and do nothing. The only cosplays I want to do are like, zero effort ones. Which Touhou has none of. It's frustrating and I sorta wanna give up on trying anymore and maybe start buying all of my outfits and dhdgdhd. Maybe I'll get over it soon.
>>5887356together we'll defend the ancient tree, Saigyou Ayakashi from threatening easy modo noobs such as Keine & the rest of those moon people.
HEAVEN OR HELL, LET'S ROCK(Yes, I know my Sakuya looks like shit. I only had a day to sew it all.)
>>5886200Precisely!>>5887507Yeah you'll go forward and i'll butterfly nuke from behind.>>588757210/10 would hire
>>5887600Sorry, I think you're looking at the good Sakuya, I'm the one on the right. (Or, in this pic, the far left.)
>>5887619It still looks alright for a day job. Maybe it could have been a bit longer?
>>5887639The shortness of the skirt was, um, intentional. But I would have liked the shoulder trim to be more ruffled, the waist sash to be longer and have a bow in the back, the headband to not look so small and weird, etc.
Beep beep, I'm a jeep. Man, I'm hurting for pics from the Fanime photoshoot. I might not be west coast, but I have a couple friends who went to Fanime, including one I've been giving some costume advice. Real anxious to see the whole thing.>>5887396There ARE a couple Touhou borderline closet cosplays like Koakuma and Reisen. There are also a few simple ones like Youmu, whose basic outfit consists of a vest and a skirt. Surely, I can empathize with being unmotivated or wanting to do simple costumes, but the tougher ones have been far more rewarding than the ones that are easy street. Hang in there!
>>5888085Thank you Anon. You're honestly helping me a lot- I'll keep those girls in ind. Maybe Koakuma, if I can find a wig. And I had friends at Fanime, too! There's a video of the shoot on YouTube.
>>5888115Other less complex touhous i can think of are:Rumia, Tewi, Yuuka, Nitori, Wriggle and Kyoko
Nitori's costume isnt complex... but making the bag and hat and other stuff will be murder if you're rushed on time or not used to making stuff...i know cause my nitori is in progress atm lol
No love for Orange? It's a fairly simple outfit.
>>5888842Heh, I tried Nitori. Then I realized I was only doing it because a close friend I really liked liked the character and I really don't care much about her, realized that's not the right mindset for cosplay, and gave it up. Still have her skirt and wig though, trying to get rid of the wig...>>5888142I think I'm going to consider Koakuma and Rumia, as I do like them. Thank you so much!And I don't have Orange but I have a similar youkai.
I'm doing an Eirin cosplay soon, anybody got any tips on how to make the constellations on her dress?
>>5876294I think that Touhou in general has a bit of a reputation for being odd, particularly because of the high percentage of crossplayers. Someone outside the fandom isn't really going to understand why there's a dude in a dress, whereas someone who knows Touhou will be all like "fuck yeah, brohous."Like I said, I've never gotten hate in person from a Touhou fan, and the brohous in particular are usually awesome. It's just the internet Touhou fans that seem to have a hateboner for Touhou cosplayers.I think it takes a lot of guts for a brohou to put on that frilly dress for the first time, and I commend that. What I don't understand is the automatic assumption that a girl wearing the same frilly dress isn't a real fan and she's only doing it for attention.>>5890676What I did for my constellations was get silver cord, star gems, and buttons, and sew the cord in the shape of the constellations by using the buttons as anchor points. Then I glued the star gems over the buttons, and voila. I used hot glue, and I wouldn't recommend it- use E6000 or something stronger, because I lost stars right and left. You can also see at the bottom where the silver cord has frayed a little over time, so you might want to use something else. Overall, though, it worked pretty well. You can also use silver puff paint if you feel like you'll be able to paint the lines straight enough.
>>5891259Group think probably. Just look at >>>/r9k/. Group thought galore.
>>5891485Most likely. It just makes me sad because all the negativity discourages people from cosplaying Touhou.
>>5891709 eh I don't think anybody should let anything people on this site effect them. They might not even mean it and if they do it's inconsequential.
>>5891259BROHOUS UNITEBy the way, I'm sorry for not buying anything at your booth. I had misplaced my money in my hotel room and was afraid I lost it. By the time I found it on Monday, my friend had to leave and he was the one giving me a ride.
>>5892704what is It like to be at a Touhou MeetUp?
>>5892810Totally awesome. You feel like you are among your people.
>>5892704hahaha.>be beta>but then into female clothing>suddenly swagswagswagswag
>>5892704Aww, don't be sorry! I'm just glad you stopped by and said hi so I got to see your latest duct tape creation. Are you going to AX?>>5892810Depends on the crowd and who's running it. If you've got a good crowd of people and it's well-organized, then people will hang around and bro it up for hours. The downside is that if the organizer doesn't know how to handle the crowd and/or people don't behave themselves (this can be a problem with some Touhou fans, unfortunately), people tend to disperse pretty quickly. Speaking from experience, it's good to establish ground rules about behavior and personal space and whatnot.
>>5892847I am in question as to wether I shouldd ever to a touhou meet up.ever. if i ever ever cosplay touhou ever..
>>5892874Where do you live, Anon? Most of the US Touhou scenes are pretty good.
>>5892878west coast.
>>5892864Not going to AX, unfortunately. It'll take me at least a month just for my finances to recover from Fanime.
>>5894770thats a interesting turn of event, pooor marisa </3
mfw i don't live in the US TTwTTsounds fun though, you guys are alot more chill than the people in sg (besides the other broho cosers)
/cgl/ i would love to cosplay touhou, being a male gender hinders me from being that character I want to cosplay T^TI don't want to look like a brohou, aiming a whole nother level.inb4trap.WHY WAS I BORN IN A MALE BODY
>>5895142What's the matter bro? Don't wanna brohou it up?
>>5895179of course I do bro, just in a more convincing way then normal brohous.
>>5895205This is for you. Good luck!
>>5895210thank you, this guide can help a lot. there is sumthing missing though... my voice,btw are you and Golem brohous?
>>5895230I am a girl but I have lots of brohou friends.I assure you, you need not worry about your voice! It's not a big deal at all.
it would feel really strange and embarrassing to me as a first time cosplayer going as touhou character... >>5895236I might be a loner brohou walking around. not sure If I feel like going to touhou gatherings, and photographers, massive anxiety! runnnnnn~
>>5895230Eh work in progress. I might do some pictures like this though. Yeah don't worry about the voice thing.
>>5895283Yeah you should probably go with friends or something. I'm just going to post some pictures online. I wouldn't want to go to a con by myself either.
>>5895283A lot of people think they'll be alone when they cosplay Touhou, but usually there's at least one other, and if not cosplayers then fans!Where do you live? I'm sure there are Touhous wherever you are.
>>5895324Oh man there are a ton of California Touhous. You have nothing to worry about! c:
>>5895324>>5895283California? Shiiiiit, don't even worry about it, bro. There are shitloads of us.Pic related, last year's Fanime Touhou gathering.
>>5895365Wait no, I derped, this is two years ago. But you get my point. Here's AX two years ago.
>>5895365Wait, was there another Touhou gathering that year? I know I went to one of them but I don't recall that one at all.
and there will happen to be a touhou meet up at AX this year?anyone know the which day?
>>5895593Er, never mind. I must have skipped over that post somehow. I wish I could've gone, 2010 was the year I missed Fanime.
You guys are really fueling my pet theory that /cgl/ Touhous are primarily west coasters. There's a mob or two of us on the east coast, but we rarely if ever show up 'round these parts.
>>5896114That's because most of the east coast Touhous are shitty poolswiming drama mongers.
>>5896114I'm in the southeast, and there's usually a pretty big Otakon group.
>>5896148That's a pretty impressive feat considering how many won't touch the place or jumped ship a long time ago. I think the only two left at poosh were genetically engineered to frustrate them.>>5896228Oh really? Northeast/mid-Atlantic group has a few friends down there. Were you at Otakon last year?
>>5896148>>5896440East Coast Brohous are pretty cool in my book. They managed to invite Mizuki Hitoshi to Anime Boston this year and I am forever jelly.
>>5896440Nah, I'm stuck at Georgia conventions. I may know some of you guys though, I used to be a member of a Touhou forum, and know people that go to AB.
>>5896566how many cans are there in Georgia?
>>5896440I just sort of abandoned poosh, I felt like I never got any useful feedback on my art (mostly it was "this is shit") and it moved too slow to really be fun. The cosplay threads were nice at first, but again, things pretty much descended into "this is shit, you're shit" territory and I just stopped going.I dunno. Maybe it's better now (sounds like it's not), but my time is at too much of a premium these days.I say this as I post on 4chan. I am aware of the irony of this.>>5895597I'm sure there's going to be one but I don't know when or where- check the AX forums.>>5896114I kind of have that pet theory, too...but my data is based primarily on cosplayers. I'm sure there are a lot more Touhou fans out there beyond the west coast, it's just that maybe there aren't enough cons for people to congregate at.
>>5896663DragonCon, AWA, MomoCon, and SeishunCon, then a few little one day ones.Oh, West coast people- I remember a somewhat long time ago, maybe 2 years, there was some sort of California Touhou gathering day or something? How did that go?