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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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>Boardtan Shoot
Time: 6pm
Location: TCC Loading Docks
Description: Boardtan photoshoot. Everyone's welcomed to come hang out.

>/cgl/ picnic
Time: 7pm
Location: Grass near the TCC (pic related)
Description: Everyone should come with their food, whether homemade or purchased. It is directly after the photoshoot so we can be more organized.

>/cgl/ Meetup
Time: 10pm
Location: Back of the DoubleTree
Description: /cgl/ meetup

>4chan panel
Time: Midnight
Location: Halton Room (DoubleTree)
Description: Stick around after the panel for photos!

>/cgl/ Dinner
Time: 10pm
Location: Jack Astors
Description: Dinner with /cgl/ friends (Wear fancy clothes?)

>/cgl/ meetup
Time: 1pm
Location: TCC grass by Tims
Description: /cgl/ meetup
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>4 days
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>4 days
Too excited for it!

I brought over a third bag of chocolate with even more chocolate in it, rather than just Dairy Milks, I hope you guys will enjoy them~
Are we still taking Micnax to Wonderland, or did that fall through?
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>4 days
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Planning to include as many diuretic foods as possible in my diet this week to try to slim down just a tiny bit for AN. I'm also gonna use that sonofabitch weighted hula-hoop twice daily to aid my get-skinny-quick scheme. YAY FOR LAST MINUTE WEIGHT LOSS!

>4 days
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I don't think he's staying in Canada long enough
That fell through ages ago, we don't have any time for it. I wish I was staying longer though.

Oh well, maybe next year.
>diuretic foods

Unfortunately, Voldemort will be missing the Sunday meetup due to dehydration.
Psh, I'm only gonna stick to it until Friday (so not very long) I plan to eat normally at the actual convention... Not sure how that'll affect me though.
I leave in less than 48 hours!
You should definitely try for next year. I was just at Wonderland today (just got back about 5 min ago), and their new ride, Leviathan is unbelievably fun!
Almost a 2 hour wait to get on it, but lots of fun!
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I just, JUST finished cutting all my DS skins. I'm ready artist alley wise for AN! Now to paint a cupcake on my /ck/ apron!
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Just a heads up guys, you need to tell me if you're going to Jack Astor's. I need to call them back with the exact number, so far about 9 people have told me they're going.

Anon (confirmed through phone)

If you haven't confirmed yet, and you want to go, tell me, and if you already told me but you're not on the list, tell me again.
I'm going
Does anyone know if Dim Sum is any good at the Grand Chinese Cuisine?
I want to go but I don't want to be reserved in case I have to bail for any reason.
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Okay, I'll put you down.
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I'm going too!
I'm wearing a suit to that. Y'all should wear suits/dresses if you can.
+/- 1 or 2 is fine, but I'm more worried about it being +/- 5. Should I put you down just for now?
Also, no Anons except the ones I know in person have confirmed, so if you're an Anon and you're going, either text me or reply on the facebook group.
Courtney's going to Jack Astor's too but she's banned and can't post.
Yeah put me and Hunter down, he said he's willing to go.

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>How close are you to being done with your cosplays?
I still need to put together my /g/ computer backpack, but all the parts are ready, just waiting to be tied together. Maybe make some accessories for it? we'll see. I suppose i'm doing a second 'cosplay' on Sunday for my Retro Games panel, i'm dressing up like cheif Arino from Game Centre CX. I already have the tacky pants and dress shirt, I just need a plain neck tie and those crazy migraine pads.

>Which hotel are you staying at?
Maison Corky

>Biggest fear for the /cgl/ meetup?
Hmmm, I've met up with Internet people before, so there are plenty of concerns. That said everything I'm worried about is social. Things getting awkward, being too shy to break into someone's circle of friends? things like that. The last time I met with a group of people from ~the internet~ the stress from not knowing where to sit was enough to make me feel like spaghetti pockets 3000.

>Will you be ready for that blaring heat?
I will be! I'd rather it be hot then raining. That said, i'd rather be cool then either
­>Didn't finish my cosplay
>Doing crazy hours at work...
>8 Hours of drive away

Im going to have to go to fabricland tomorrow way north of the city and pray they have the right green fabric. ive gone to every place along Queen West, as well as the few warehouses I know of, and cant find the right color ANYWHERE. Ugh.
It doesn't have to be that exact color, does it? :/
I'd go to all your meetups, but I highly doubt my friend will wanna go. Plus i'd just be akward being there, I know no one plus I have no costume, busy as fuck working forever so I barely had time to even book a hotel/get train ticket
but anyways will be there, can't wait as I've never been to a con before.
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I'll come be a jack ass

err, I mean I'll come eat at Jack Astor's

and since we're talking about plans, is the schedule in OP the absolute last final frontier gameplan?
We look forward to meeting you! And don't worry, for a lot of us this is our first meetup.
Maybe anyways, I'm just pretty shy meeting new people.
And yeah getting my friend to go might be a pain in the ass, he never goes to /cgl/.
but thanks, because of that I might just show up
You made it sound like you're not coming?
Well I'm going to the con, yes. Not sure about the meetups though, atleast I know where they are taking place anyways
Also that schedule is missing the hangout on thursday when we pick up badges. It was supposed to be a pyjama party, but I'm just gonna wear normal clothes
You should come anyway just to say hi. The photoshoot or the picnic on Friday will probably be the one where everyone is getting to meet each other. Does your friend still go on 4chan? He is still welcome to join, I know a lot of people go to different boards so it's not like he should feel left out or anything.
I support this as the super final frontier plan, i'll publish an info-graphic with these times as soon as no one complains about it
oh ok. I think you should come! We are nice
Yours has a ton of info, please post it along with OP's info. That will be the finalized thing.
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It's going to be a hot weekend

We should have a pool party
I would come to the /cgl/ meetup, so I can see what you losers look like, socially awkard losers and land whales.
This is Canada, not Texas. Silly Anon.
Still losers, especially a skinny faggot like todd.
Yes, it's final.

Oh right, the PJ party. Where's that at?
Not sure, the facebook doesn't have a location. Is the DT the only place we can pick up badges? We can meet there.
Hey man .... I'm sorry, thought you weren't in this thread. In any case, whoever attends /cgl/ meetup are losers; I'll stick to the more ... popular kids.
Maybe then. I'll try to convince him. He still does it just took me a bit to convince him to go to the con altogether. I really would like to see the board cosplays. x-tan is my favorite
tenleid is a fat shit, she's a nasty little Jew girl.
Dont think i'll be coming to the PJ party, ill be too busy at home freaking out trying to get stuff done

oh well, you tried
You should get your insults together, troll.
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I can't tell if you're purposely trolling bad as a troll itself
going! as is my friend!
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Tenleid got fat? Sorry girl, but I can't have a fat person rooming with me. You might try to eat me while I sleep.
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Okay fine.. I guess you can still stay with us... But you have to sleep on the floor, we don't want to break the beds or anything.
>my sides
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Thats very brave of you
I cannot eat chocochoco on account of the fact I'm insanely sensitive to caffeine in any form, so if you offer it to me and I refuse, you know why. ._.
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Umm, I'm in for Jack Astor's, also. I don't know if that was taken note of
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So did I get everyone?
we need to figure out a way to secure those. Perhaps safety pins?
super glue
Just bring whatever you think you'll need to attach them.
Yes, I wrote you down, don't worry.
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just putting the final ver. of the /cgl/ guide. Any problem with making the red circle
our meetup spot for the whole weekend? for the fri/sun meetups and whatnot?

where do the Jack Astor's people want to meet?

Anything else to add the the tiny events? can I put DQ's mob on there? or is that cancelled?

any more people we know with AA booths?

We need a common location inside for rainchecks, can anyone think of some good places that aren't usually too busy that we can try to converge? We don't need to stay there, just organize

I'm thinking either:
• Back of DT, by the tiny elevator and the twin stairs
• The unused entrance of the DT (facing the Sheridan)
I'm going!!!
>our meetup spot for the whole weekend? for the fri/sun meetups and whatnot?


>I'm thinking either:
>• Back of DT, by the tiny elevator and the twin stairs
>• The unused entrance of the DT (facing the Sheridan)

You can pick. Either one works.
>where do the Jack Astor's people want to meet?

We can just meet at Jack Astor's?
can you write so on the facebook page?
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Okay, final info graphic, assuming I didn't fuck too much up. I suppose it's a little cluttered.

In the end, just try and get someone's cell number who's going, and no one should miss out on much from our weird ass locations.

Add my cell for info during the weekend, (519 - IS - MY - VAN)
dat feel when you've been exercising your buns off so you can look like a kawaii princess for AN. Manage to not get a sunburn for weeks.
Only a few days away, sun burn on nose and skin starts peeling. WHY, SUN SCREEN, WHY DID YOU FAIL ME?
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>exercising your buns off

Goddamn sun, why does it have to be so shitty at the wrong times?
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>95 hours to AN
>realize I've fucked up the patterns
>already cut material
>no way to salvage
>no time to redo patterns
>sudden crushing depression
>can't think of alternatives
>decide on shower
>get brilliant fucking idea
>my god damn face
Good question.
Now I just look funny in my cosplay. -__-
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the best ideas come while bathing
Is that why I keep getting nosebleeds in the shower?
So aside from all the board-tans, what other are some of the other cosplays you all will be wearing this weekend?
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Shadow Yukiko - Persona 4
Momoka - Fakku
Either a maid variation of Momoka, or Chie Satonaka - Persona 4
It's kinda of a shitty thing for me. I somehow can't think in my room.

But going for a walk or taking a shower = brain reactivates.

Coupled to that is that when I get back to my room most of the time the motivation just drains away somewhere....
Pinkie Pie!

And wow I leave in less than 24 hours. I've packed ~5 times and unpacked it all each time due to forgetting something or needing something I've packed. Hopefully this will be the last time and I won't forget anything. Pretty sure I won't sleep at all tonight due to excitement.
I almost stopped going to this con due to the memespouting shitheads at it.

I beg of you anons, don't be memespouting faggots. Don't wear a free hugs sign. Don't scream "THE GAME". Oh yeah and if one of you shitheads even mentions jimmies I will find you, and I will do something unpleasant to you.
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Green haired Seto Kaiba
Barney suit

And then scattered throughout a bunch of switches... I've gotta change into /vp/-tan twice on Friday and Ranmao once on Saturday. I've also gotta change into something fancy for dinner on Saturday.
contest!Yosuke from Persona 4
Kenji from Katawa Shoujo
Ruby from Pokémon Adventures
Jake English from Homestuck
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Having one's jimmies rustled can be pretty frustrating, I'll agree with you on that.
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no one here does that

in fact, no one that's been on boards outside of /b/ for more than a few seconds does that
I don't think it's people from 4chan who do that. It's when the memes spread to other places on the internet (Facebook, Gaia) is when people do that. I've met some /b/tards and we rage together when people start screaming about the Game and other shit.
Guys, we should attend the "Black kids like anime too" panel.
I thought the Jack Astor's dinnner was at 10pm.
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>mfw i saw that thread too
It is.
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oh god, my bad

FINAL FINAL SCHEDULE! Jack Astors is at 10:00 guys!
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yooo I'm pretty much ready for this shit. Shoes and ring repainted, wigs redone and fixed up and shit. It helps that my cosplays are fucking lazy this year, but it feels good being ready for a con for once.

Once again, if you're an anon and you want to go, either text me or reply on the Facebook group, it's rather hard to keep track of anons, so it's easier this way.

Number is in the first post.

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Well there is just no pleasing you.
>no dreamcast
why doesnt anyone love the dreamcast? =[
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>>5867395 I love it man its just hard to get ahold of. That and I needa spend $50 buying a new snes. Mine somehow broke and no game store I know of will repair it. And if they would it'd probably be comparable to the $50 price anyway. My friend bought a Dreamcast at AN 2 years ago. He opened it up when we got to the hotel and there was Sonic Adventure in it. Fucking awesome.

I do have a sega master system and 2 genesis though.
>I love it man its just hard to get ahold of. That and I needa spend $50 buying a new snes
ok ok you're forgiven for not having a dreamcast
>He opened it up when we got to the hotel and there was Sonic Adventure in it.
I love nice little surprises like that.
So, I used to live a 5 min drive from the double tree hotel and i didnt even know that is where anime north takes place. I remember seeing people dressed up in costumes in the summer and i would be so confused. Anyway, now its like a longer 15 min drive

Anyway, is Anime North focused on new animes or does it have a lot of old popular animes like dragonball z and inu yasha? Also, is it only about anime or do they have video games and western cartoon stuff there too? Would there be avatar stuff?
>Anime North focused on new animes or does it have a lot of old popular animes like dragonball z and inu yasha?
It has both old and new. Mostly new but there is always cosplays of older animes as well as merch.
>Also, is it only about anime or do they have video games and western cartoon stuff there too?
Yup, tons of western stuff and video games.
>Would there be avatar stuff?
More than likely, especially with the Korra fanbase.
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mfw looking at train schedule
>How to get a con girlfriend/boyfriend panel
>4chan panel
>Anything Yaoi related
>Final Fantasy 7 symbolism
>Pokemon Cooking/Biology

Dont go to those
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I'm doing my first homemade cosplay ever this con and I picked something easy (well I thought it would be). Nothings really working they way I wanted it too...and the main attraction of my outfit (the horns) are just issue after issue.... I try not to get upset about as I know it's my first time but god I really wanted it to work out the way I wanted it to.

Doing Tavros from homosuck btw.
I know right? Though pokemon cooking might be fun.
The weird thing is, pokemon biology is EXTREMELY popular. A friend of mine went last year and when I went to meet up with him just as the panel was (suppose) to end, and there was a huge line with security at the door not letting people in because they hit capacity, even with the biggest panel room AN had.
Last minute cosplay ideas?
Time traveller from terminator ;)
List so far:
Anon (confirmed through phone)
Anon (")
Anon (")
Badr's friend

If you're not on this list by Thursday morning you can't come.
Finished all the -tans I was working on~~
How does Anime North compare to Fan Expo?
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LOTS more cosplayers. Less famous guests, more panels. A shit ton more panels. Younger crowd.
So what's the deal with the flash mob?
I believe it's at 3PM to this dance http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bw9CALKOvAI
Hurr, on Saturday at 3PM.
>bubble pop
Someone better record this.
My friend will be recording it for me
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Dinner at Jack Astors on Saturday? My girlfriend and I would be delighted to join.
Any spots open for Jack Astors?
Well thats stupid
Anyone here going to be affected by the possible via train strike?
I'm coming from montreal and its making it look like I am gonna miss the whole first day more than likely
why not take the bus? i'm travelling from montreal as well.

everything in montreal is on strike.
I am trying to get to the place by train from Niagara Falls, but I can't fucking understand the train schedule
With the bus the earliest you can get there is 4:35 pm. well 2:25 pm but there is no way I can get to the station for 6 am.
I have no choice but to leave the friday due to work so I'll miss some stuff for sure
I believe so. Though you'll have to text/call the Anon setting it up. >>5865416
Dyeing my shorts now! That god for Michaels
I think a better thread name would be "ANIME OF THE FUCKING NORTH STAR"
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Trust me, its a shit show to get to the actual convention center by bus/train from the falls. It will probably take you around 4 hours to get to the con. Use the google trip planner, http://gotransitnlb.gotransit.com/public/en/schedules/google.aspx it will show you were you need to walk/take the bus/train.
Weekend Closure - Subway replaced by buses between Bloor-Yonge Station and Union Station. Effective Saturday and Sunday, May 26-27, 2012.
3 more days.

Had a fun day out with OmenMachine at least.
You're getting here tomorrow night! We can have a pillow fight.
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Pillow fights, British chocolate (there's plenty left), Truth or Dare and motherfucking movies. Best plan ever.
And then we'll have a huge home cook lunch Thursday.
He is.
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>mfw the road trip to Toronto
Im not even going to an, you just left the fb group open to everyone so i was stalking it~
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Its supposed to... go transit is shit if you need alot of transfers. Check out megabus.com you can take the bus from the Niagara falls terminal right to toronto without any transfers. But then once you're in toronto you need to take the city service to the airport.

I dont know the TTC schedule and how to get from downtown to the airport but maybe someone else can help with that. But anyway maybe the bus is a better idea then the GO service.
Seriously, who is this?
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fanexpo is way more boring than AN.
for super serious, AN is just a ton of fun. forever.
Im being serious...
Better question

Which is better, Fanime or Anime North?
leaving thread naow~ you may wanna make the group private
Probably Fanime, honestly. That's why Ackson goes to it every year instead of AN/
It's a Closed Group, means only members can see posts.
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What the hell is this nonsense? I was the one who was confused. (I'm so gullible, my bad) Trip was off because I just posted on /vp/
I will be wearing a CHINESE CARTOONS t-shirt. Please say hi to me, I won't bite.
seconded. Only me and tenleid can add people. Otherwise, it's private
Im going to lick your face
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Is there a Facebook group or anything for events occurring during the con?
Yes, there are still spots available.
Indeed there is, ask Enver to add you.
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Perhaps there is some sort of medium I can contact you through, other than posting my Facebook on 4Chan, eh?
search 'toronto /cgl/ community' on facebook
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Worst case buddy they can chip in some gas money and I can give em a ride, down side we only have room in the trunk
prostate rape
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I had the sudden urge to play where's waldo with that picture
HAHAHA very nice. I really like that picture of toronto, its one of the more photogenic skylines for sure.
Finally have everything packed correctly. Pretty sure I'm not forgetting anything, either. Sleeping now and in ~8 hours I'll be on the road to Canada. I'll be on my phone and AIM and hopefully 4chan on the long drive. Feel free to contact me if you get bored. I'm so excited to meet you all!
Give me a last minute costume suggestion
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Same goes! I'm looking forward to meeting everyone! It's sure to be a successful meetup(s) and con :D
get a big cardboard box, cut a hole for your head and write GUNDAM on it
TF2 scout
Pokemon gijinka
Death Note character

I've got such a big suitcase, I may be able to fit most of my Barney stuff in it!
Where are you driving from?
late to the party, but Bad Girl - No More Heroes all weekend, probably.

10 hours to Windsor > Pick me up > 3 hours 30 mins to Waterloo > Stay the night > 30 mins to Toronto > PARTY
More like 100 mins to Toronto
>30 mins to Toronto
From waterloo? you guys are SPEEEEDING
From Cambridge its 30 minutes, going 125km the whole way
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We're using Canadian rotor technology
Welp, it was nice knowing you
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> Look in mirror
> Oh god my hair looks creepy as fuck
> Leave a message with my cool ass english accent hairdresser from India
> He can fit me in on Wednesday

I just want to be perfect for you guys ; u ; you all seem so nice
> That feel when driving down the DVP and the skyline comes into view. Best sight in town
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Best look at the skyline I can get without driving the hour to get there
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Here's the best I got...
this thread survived the night
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Anyone here going to be at any of the Homestuck photoshoots? I could use a few more bros to hang out with, and as weabootarded as it sounds, a cuddle buddy or something. Shit's been rough lately.

Sorry if this is the wrong thread to just talk about general Anime North stuff, I'm new to /cgl/.
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Yeah knock yourself out, I think a few of us could come by and see whats up.
Ooh, holy shit, wasn't expecting that. Awesome!~
Micnax is cosplaying from Homestuck, I'm sure he would join.

He means Iowa. It's okay, even Americans get confused with Iowa.

Pokemon or Digimon gijinka, like Voldemort said.
I've read of clever ways to make a homemade Mortal Combat Scorpion or SubZero outfits
Ninja! Be a tshirt ninja then all black
Or do something clever like dress up like a pig and carry a sign that says "swine flu".
A suit and Guy Fawkes mask. Or a suit in general would be good.
I'm out of ideas.

Anyway, off to driving! See you guys soon!
I can't wait to see you all! AN is only a few hours away~

Also, what's this I hear about a flash mob?
Shorts: Dyed pink
Boots: Dyed pink
Scarf: Dyed pink

Next up
Hair: Dyed pink

Pics tonight of the finished /vp/-tan costume

Derpqueen organized a flash mob to the song Bubble Pop
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that street in the middle looks long enough to be yonge street, but it's too far east...

I hope there's not much traffic between Waterloo and Toronto. Cuz Toronto traffic can be really bad.
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Stay on the 401 to at least Mississuaga, worst case scenario get off at the Mississuaga Road exit and pop onto Steeles just one intersection North and you can ride in slower, but less traffic.

I know far too many ways in and out of the city without the highway since I was always scared to use it when I got my first car and would drive in every weekend from Cambridge.
been to /cgl/ like 3 times but figure i might as well make a stop by now that anime north is in like 2 days. spend most of my time there just getting pictures of the rockin cosplays. if you see someone taking pics at the friday photo shoot with some big fancy dslr's that's probably me.
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Hey tenleid, I hope you like Queen, because you're gonna learn just how much I like them.
I'm up for joining ya, I'm doing Jake English for one of the days, so I can fit it in whenever~

I'm packing my case and ready to leave with Rahne tonight, so I'll see you guys in Toronto!
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> big fancy dslr's
> fancy dslr's
> dslr's
> 's

Yeah, i'm sure you'll be the only guy there with a camera. We'll keep an eye out for someone who hates capitol letters.
What are we gonna do Friday for the board-tan shoot if it rains?
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Yelling is not a good way to go.
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I'm seeing this as a good game to play. Still working on a drink of the night.
looks interesting enough, might have to partake
So what time do the doors actually open for people who have their badges/are waiting to get their badges.

Is it 4pm?
I definitely want to play that

I believe so, usually friday is line-up-for-passes-day so I know a lot of people will be in the pre-reg line, mostly it will be a lot of people milling around outside up until 4
Are any anon's going to the dinner Saturday night? I don't want to go if it's just trips.
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well, if it makes you feel any better, I haven't been to a meetup in a long time thanks to work conflicting with meetups. So I only know a couple trips, and I'd love to meet new people and to chat with you.

(plus I have cookies/banana bread that I want to give everyone)
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Ultimate AN drinking game. (I stole most of it from the internet)
so...do we all just carry around a flask all weekend?
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there isn't a flask big enough in the world.

i'll just pull pic behind me
Lol I dunno, I figured it would be something to do at the picnic or instead of a drinking game it could be a scavenger hunt or something
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>chug if someone yells the game

i don't think non-drinkers are allowed to make drinking games.
That's the point. It would be so fun to see everyone play this.
I'm trying to figure out a plan of attack for when to wear my /jp/ board-tan... I might have to have on a Touhou cosplay underneath the bedsheet thing so I don't have to deal with actually changing, but I guess that sorta works out to be something that /jp/ might do anyways.
also, uh, does anyone know where I can find those circle harry potter/nerd glasses anywhere in the next day or so
Joke shop
Amazon w/express shipping
I was considering going, but I'm not sure I want to text the person organizing it.
Did you try the jalapeño poppers?
No but I had the Manchester burger
>Manchester burger
>from england
why didnt you just have it there
She's chill, don't worry about her being a troll or anything.
Got lunch and more fuel and back on the Interstate. I think its another 3 or 4 hours til we get Micnax. Radio stations are horrid to cycle through.
Hunter and I are down for any drinking games. Or sober games. Or games in general...
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new version, actually. much better.
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I want to be the very best and I plan to be just that.
I had to judge how accurate it was, of course.

It was well worth the $11
What day are you cosplaying Jake?~
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I hope I'm not a super downer at any of the meetups or anything, 'cause I don't drink! Is it gonna be awkward ...?
It's one of my extra costumes so I can do any day, which would be best for you?~
That's totally cool! Most of us won't be drunk anyway.
This will be my fourth time at AN, and thus far, something in the planning has gone horribly wrong every year. So, being as how I'll actually be at the centre/my hotel by around 1/1:30, and can get my badge at a decent time, what kind of lines should I expect (for pre-reg)? Do a lot of folks have the same idea to get there when the line is early, or do more show up around 4/5 when the con gets going or...?

I can either get them at around 1:30 when I get there, or wait until whenever, so

tl;dr best time to get in pre-reg line, based on past experience?

on a semi-related note, horrible con experiences?
I'm fine with any day, but I guess Friday or Saturday would be more convenient. Friday more than Saturday. On Sunday I'm co-hosting the 4PM Homestuck panel, so I probably won't be around much on Sunday.
Umm, I'd personally say that those times work. The lines at Anime North are never too long.
I have mine made up, I'll bring it if we wanna play, but it is the lesser of the two posted
I'll do it Friday then, and then put on my /a/-tan for the panel and dinner and such.

I'm so excited! I wonder what you guys will think of an actual english Jake English called Jake...
Have you had a chance to try Nanaimo bars yet?
Never heard of them, what are they like?

They're delicious.
On Friday, go before 3-4pm, as that's when the flood of hs kids get off school and head down to AN. The pre-reg line should be a lot longer this yr, as it's the first time they been sold out before the con.
I would marry you on the spot if I could.
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I'd like to join you guys for some events, but I mostly lurk this board and don't really post. You guys don't mind, right? I promise I'm not a cannibal.
You might not be a canniBAL, but will you bring canniBUS?
I'll answer op's questions from /a/.
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No. I don't smoke.
You can still come :)
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I'll probably join you guys either at the /cgl/ meetup and/or the /cgl/ dinner, even though I just started browsing /cgl/ like yesterday.
Anyone going to the Rave? Check out Shinamura, he's playing for this year's rave. He also happen to play at an event a week ago for Nocturnal Comissions. Give his soundcloud list a listen, I suggest you listen to
>>DieTRAX - KI-KI-KI-SS ME MORE (DJ Shimamura's Pure Raveologic Amen Mix)


I'm not too sure on the dinner, though. Because I probably won't buy food, but it'd be nice to hang out with you guys.
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Thanks. I'll be fun to meet other people that cosplay in my area!
Doesnt sound too bad ill try and check it out

He's also done a number of remixes for Panty and Stocking. Here's a video of one his remixes. He happened to play this song while I was at Nocturnal Comission's "Touched by his Noodly Apendage". One of my favorites personally. Expect much from him.

Is the rave free?
No clue
Yes, the inside one has a huge line though
Yeah, the indoor rave is free, I do believe there is a fee for bag/coat check. Last time I went it was $2.
And yes, the indoor rave I believe starts at 8, but you'll want to get in line as soon as you can. I think the longest I've waited in line to get in was an hour and a half. Any longer than that, and it's really not worth it.
>Spends Wednesday rushing around finishing up all my cosplay related stuff as I have work on Thursday and wouldn't have time to make anything
>Completely finish
>Sit down in relief
>Brrrrngg (that's the phone)
>"Voldie, you can have the week off work, we overbooked"
Oh christ, that must've sucked. But did you get everything you wanted done as well as you wanted?
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Haha well it's more of a blessing than a curse. I got everything done, but I still have to learn that goddamn bubble pop dance (apparently I'm in charge of the flash mob now? Oh lord) And I do have time to add extra things to my /vp/ costume
Damn, you only have a few days to work on that?! Maybe I'm just bad at dancing, but that looks pretty damn hard.
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Does anyone smoke? I need a cigarette for my Shizuo costume. I don't intend to light it, as I don't smoke. Alternately, where could I get a prop cigarette, or what could I make as a facsimile?

I've just been planning to use a sucker, but if I can get something more accurate, that would be ideal
I got some, I'll go toss a pack in my suitcase now so I don't forget. Which day do you need it for?
saturday, thanks!
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So as soon as I took this picture I realized how cracked up my boots are. I'm gonna try to buy some sealant tomorrow, and I added more hairspray to the bottom which apparently continues to be sticky. I also attempted to iron my shorts which did not go well, I need to google how to iron dyed clothes
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i'll make up for those that don't

also, i got the other one made up. sorry, i didn't really notice that you had made one when i started working on it...
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scale is about 2.5x2.5 ft^2
printer is shit, so it looks like hell, but it's a drinking game, so... yeah. and i get points for effort.
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Prepare to Battle.
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you will drink liquor enough to blot out the sun
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Dude Dawn?
No, /vp/-tan.
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AN thread?


Generally browse /a/ but I'll be going. Last minute shit Hanten Shiranui getup is what I'll be going in.

I plan on actually planning something out for next year.

If you see someone with this jersey and blue duct tape trim, gimme a shout!

Might I be welcome to one of the meetups and see some of the awesome work some have put into their outfits?
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I'm not gonna be cosplaying and I usually browse /a/ more often than /cgl/, but there's never any threads over there. I hope all of you have fun over the weekend. I'll be there in the light blue Nichijou OBK shirt, but I'm certain there will be tons others wearing it too.
I have a huge craving for spaghetti and garlic bread. Anyone know which nearby restaurant has the best? I'd prefer somewhere that's not gonna be fucking packed all weekend (like the restaurant cluster by the TCC always is).
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the pan bread from jack astors will blow your mind
The food at Jack Astor's is amazing. Enough said.

Also I feel bad for the nearby Burger King. Every AN is during it's free burger weekend. Ouch.
>free burger weekend

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finished Shizuo's sign.

>inb4 shave you scruffy bastard
Yup. I don't remember if it's all weekend or just Saturday or Sunday, but I feel bad for the staff there. Thousands of hungry geeks surrounding them trying to get free food.
Holy christ, you're a pretty good Shizuo.
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I thought that was at the Harveys?
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Wait, it is, my mind just blew up. I think it's because I personally think the burgers from Harvey's and Burger King taste the same.
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I think it is at the Harvey's, but I thought it was closer to father's day...?

I might just eat like 3 pan breads for dinner. WITH CHEESE MUFFUGGA
Wow, fuck you. BK > Harveys all day everyday.
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just because you got into harvard, doesnt mean you get to be sarcastic
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Just a friendly reminder that If you haven't given me your name for the Jack Astor's list by tomorrow morning at 10:00 am, you can't come.

Anon (confirmed through phone)
Anon (")
Anon (")
Badr's friend
Dill's friend
The Heavy Weapons Guy Fellow
THWGF's girlfriend

Once again if I've forgotten you, I apologize, just let me know you want to come again.

And yes spaces are still available, If you're an anon and you want to come, drop a line at either the facebook group, the event page or give me a call/text.
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>Harvey's and Burger King taste the same
They're not even in the same league
Psh, you know I'm just kidding man. And hey, you know I go to Princeton not Harvard.

I've never eaten at either.
Umm, would I be able to come, even though I probably won't order anything?

Hey, that's just me. My tastebuds are probably broken.
would you be willing to at least order a drink or something?
Okay~ I'm just not sure how hungry I'll be at that time, but knowing me I might be starving.

You wouldn't mind if some foreigner from another board were to [make arrangements to] show up, would you?

Just wondering.
that's fine, as long as you order at least a drink. I'll write you down.
the dress code is fancy.

I feel strange because I kind of feel like the odd one out (I lurk /a/ and /jp/ and /b/), but it'd be nice to meet new people! Everyone in this thread seems pretty awesome so far.
So when do we get shitfaced and where?

Also do they search bags if I bring my already mixed good during the con for refreshments? I'm 21, but fuck, my hotel is 30min walk away.
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we are shitfaced all of the time brah.
and not that i am aware,
sprinklz had mana bottles filled with vodka last year nbd.
so long as you dont act like a raging faggot you shouldnt have any troubles

They don't search bags in any con area in my experience. But don't bring anything into the jpop dance/rave if you were thinking about going. They are hardcore with that event.
so is there a finalized plan for badge pick-up? Where is this pyjama party? I don't want to wear pyjamas, but I might just dress as weebish as possible to make up for it.
Yo tenleid, are you picking up your badge tomorrow? If not wanna be line buddies?
Noted, I shall bring some cocktail. Also, hmmm... Hmmmm... I dropped my trip because I am starting to feel anxious about this thing(never went to such a big con) but I'm up to host something at my room... but it's a Weston Bristol.

Is there a secret meeting only cool people are allowed?
What kind of restaurant is that?
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Always and Everywhere my friend. I wasnt stopped or searched at all in any of my escapades. As >>5872529 said, dont run around screaming and raping people and you will be fine.

I went into the rave last year with alcohol, but i had a media pass so i guess they dont care, they didnt even search me at all at security, just let me right through.
A bar and grill.
Yeah but I mean, is there any late night party or some shit?

Is there a dress code? I might be interested, but fuck me if there's a dress code because I can't be bothered to bring one of my decent looking suit there.
Pretty standard bar/grill food. Hamburgers, pasta, chicken strips, salads, pizza, and they are have few asian styled stir fry dishes. Something for everyone probably. Average cost is probably around $20-30 including drink + tip.

I didn't sign up to go because I have a group of non-cgl friends that probably wouldn't wanna come, but I love Jack Astors even though all I eat is chicken strips. Their Jackarita's are delicious slushie alcohol.
Apparently just fanciness, but I can't be assed with that considering I don't have much fancy clothing, so I'm just coming in my Vriska cosplay.
There are room parties everywhere, last year i met up with people I never seen before and partied there all night. So yeah there will be things going on but I dont know if anyone on here is having a hotel room party. Join the facebook group and something might pop up
What's the facebook group's name? Anime North?
Toronto /cgl/ Community
>closed group

So how the fuck do I ... like... join? It's not like I fucking use facebook.
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>mfw I just saw the button

Sometimes, there's days like that.
good job
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My prom is tomorrow and my costumes aren't done

I swear I'm going to be spending my prom sewing
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How much time until he accepts usually?
Anyhow, is the opening ceremony this "AMAZING THING YOU HAVE TO SEE" or it's meh? I have ~11 hours of car to do (900km) so I have to plan accordingly, and I will most likely get some shit thrown at me, traffic and whatnot. I don't really want to leave my home at 2am, because I'm the only driver.
I think the fanciness is optional.
never been...been going since 2007.
cant be that great
900km? where are you coming from? thats a long drive. Ive never been to the opening since ive heard its nothing fancy, there are other things to do.
is is bad that i'm excited the most to get a milkshake at Jack Astors, those things are delicious
It seems a bit silly, but each to their own. I'm just excited about socializing, as dumb as that sounds.
I don't think I will be able to finish /w/-tan outfit, original outfit is taking longer than I thought it would...what do?
inb4 rape
new thread?
...Still no new thread or replies?
I come from deep inside French Canada. Like, in the North of Quebec.

Yes, it's hell of a ride.
That's quite a long trek just for a con, but it's worth it!
Yeah, I went to just another con before, Otakuthon. It was still 650km ride...

I'm moving in Montreal however for next semester, I'll be wayyyy closer.
Ooh, I've never been to Montreal. I wanna go there one day, though.
I say it`s a lovely city because I can in both French and English(French being my first language)...

I hate the fact that some people just can`t speak english because the school system regarding ESL is awful as shit... and old folks often just don't give a single shit.

But all around, it`s a really welcoming place with tons of stuff to do. You're from Canada?
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Yup, born and raised in Toronto! I haven't really been out of Ontario much, besides a few family trips to Germany.

I'd love to visit Montreal, but I'm absolutely awful at speaking French.
Heh. I`ll see you around tomorrow in AN thread in you're there, ... if you come. Would be nice to know some people before I actually get here other than 2 persons I go with.

What are you going to cosplay, if you do so?
I'm cosplaying all Homestuck characters, and I probably shouldn't say that considering /cgl/ seems to dislike Homestuck a bit. On Friday I'm cosplaying Female!Hussie, on Saturday I'm cosplaying Human!Vriska, and on Sunday I'm cosplaying Dave Strider.

Female!Fancy!Hussie, whoops. Too many AU's at the same time.
>/v/-board-tan status update
I got shorts. My horrible black hair will shine on because my friend still hasn't messaged me back about borrowing a wig, Haven't shaved for two weeks, but due to my slow follices, I've just got a dirty, stupid looking chin hairs and moustace, so perfect. Still looking for a pair of sandals, how can zellers AND goodwill not have any sandals?
Has anyone had a chance to make those Bingo Cards?
Old navy has shitloads of sandals
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I assumed that the party would be hosted by myself, Poolboy, and Nails

We'll have a bunch of liquor, so it'll be kinda hard to move place to place anyway. I also have the drinking game.
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bingo cards?
Hmmmm, is that every night omitting sunday?
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Aww, fuck.
> Rain on Monday
> outside all day
> fuck.
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... Monday isn't even a con day, though, what does that matter?
I've checked other weather sites for the forecast, and I've gotten mixed results. A few said that it looked clear, slightly cloudy on the weekend and that the rain was happening tonight (Thurs), but I mean, the Weather Network is like... The Oprah of weather networks, so I don't know how reliable my other sources are.
Anyone in TO heard a forecast?

Also just rechecking TWN, Friday is showing the rain in the morning/afternoon, so hopefully we're good for the con that day. Saturday is still showing sun, and 'light rain' on Sunday.
Some people are leaving early Monday instead of late Sunday. It gives them time to organize things and rest and whatnot.

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