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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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those are just kids. Let them have their fun.
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Yes. Yes it is.
This is now a Vocaloid cosplay thread.
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God damn, /cgl/ are you really sinking so low to mock twelve year olds?

Haven't most people who make their own costumes admitted to how bad they were at it on here?
Summer vendetta.
Girls are cute.
did you ever go on that date with valle
I think OP just want a Vocaloid thread and started with a couple of cute girls.
That's what I thought too, they look fine to me. That Miku wig is really nice, much better looked after than most I see!
I was gonna say, holy shit.
Wow either she got a really nice Miku wig, or she's very short.

Either way she's on her way to looking like a pretty great Miku.

>u vendetta

I am not, but there are glaring problems with her cosplay. Not terrible though, if she actually is 12-16.
can this be a kid cosplay thread since we already have a general vocaloid one floating around? there was an adorable mini-miku walking around with her mom at anime north last year.
here's a 3 year old as miku, rin and kyary
This, holy shit, dat Miku wig. Where does it end?
the miku looks nice although rin should've worked more on the haistyle and use he white hairgrips. or wearing the meltdown dress, where she has her hair lying down and longer. well, at least she's blonde.
They're just kids and they seriously don't look that bad.
The Rin's face is so shooped it's not funny
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Thread resurrection!
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Pretty sure we already have a Vocaloid thread.
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Is it photodumping time now?
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Show me the thread link then I'll move this dump there.
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Okay, looks like it 404'd, you're clear.
The kids in OP are absolutely adorable. I'd like to see more cute characters cosplayed by kids that age.

I'd lure them back to my hotel room, if you know what I mean.

Nah, that last part was a joke but the rest of my post is 4 srs.
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Any requests for more of a particular girl in this picture? I have a bunch of all of them except the regular Miku.
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I ask because I'm afraid of annoying anyone if I just dump all of them. I can, of course, just post one of each though.

My Miku collection is huge.
I'll take the ordinary-looking kids over these freaky shooped asians any day.
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>implying the Rin in OP's pic isn't shooped
Look at her face. Compare the size of everything to the Miku next to her. Look at the lighting. That whole thing just screams shoop.
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Okay I'm just gonna post them unless asked to stop, this thread seems to be Miku-friendly anyways.
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Well, more than "seems to." But you get it.
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Different anon from the one whinging about shoop, but this is the only one that doesn't freak me the fuck out.
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Sauce on these outfits?
Colorful Melody, I believe.
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