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Serious time.

So I'm in my 20s and I have that maternal clock ticking. Some days I think of how great babies are and how cute they are. Other times I ask myself why the fuck anyone wants a baby. They cost a bunch, they take soo much time, they wreck everything. How am I suppose to travel, and shop for myself if I have one? But I also don't want to get to be 50, and live in regret of never having one.

What are your thoughts on babies? Think they'll ruin your cosplay or lolita life? Do you have kids? Be honest about how they affect your cosplay or lolita life because a lot of people try to act like it's way better than it obviously seems. Any of you 35+ and don't have kids? Tell me how you're feeling on the idea.
Not cosplay
>Think they'll ruin your cosplay or lolita life?
>how they affect your cosplay or lolita life
It's about cosplayers and lolitas opinions on babies.
My opinion, after knowing a lot of kids whose parents didn't really want them, is don't have kids if you don't want them.
Babies are not cosplay take it to /soc/.
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>implying you actually created this thread for advice instead of the perfect storm of drama and misogyny that it's going to become in t-minus ten seconds

If you're stupid enough to actually ask for serious life advice on 4chan, please take a knife to your ovaries immediately.
Kids are for when you have an emotionally and financially stable home. Raising a kid and balancing your own interests is difficult no matter what, but it's hell of a lot easier to do so when you have financial and emotional support. Don't have a child unless you're ready. The fact that you doubt the decision indicates that you're probably not ready. That's fine and normal.

Don't listen to the teenage mommies who tell you parenting is a joy all the time because they're deluded and probably get a lot of help.
However don't listen to dried up hags who have never had kids and want people to suffer the same regret because of their indecision.
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you'd need to take care of yourself if you go through the process of conception/giving birth. You will gain weight. Maybe you won't fit into the cosplays you own now? Maybe you'll lose the figure to do other characters? Also the emotional toll on the pregnant person can be pretty high. So if you can commit to losing the baby weight, there ya go. Then you have a small baby to cosplay with. Win win.
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I'm in my 20's and have been in a stable relationship for about seven and a half years. Sometimes I can feel my bio-clock ticking, however... The idea of having a child scares the living shit out of me. I know I'd be a loving and capable mother and I do like children - however, my profession has very long hours and is quite stressful at times. Juggling a relationship, bills and a draining job is hard enough as it is... I feel as though I'd rather not have a screaming child at home.
>Let him rot.

Way to be misogynistic there.
>implying trolls can't be female

First off, don't have one until you're married.

Second off, don't get married because you want a baby. You'll just end up one of those stupid bitches you see at bars/on dating sites trying hard to look like they're hot enough for a man to put up with some other man's cuckoo egg hanging around.

Basically don't have a kid unless you're sure you're with a man of such quality and stability that there's no chance he'll leave you when that brat ruins your abs and turns your vagina into a loose bag.

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