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Old thread died. >>5847326
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Her new signature is worse than the old ones.
So mature xD
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Oh good time for a new thread, I have a bunch of new fb caps.
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Ashley in a ballerina outfit is a no. Knowing her she'd break her ankles trying to pose on her toes.
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Well, she can always cosplay this.
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>Princess Tutu
I don't want her ruining any of my lovable characters.
She might as well wear anime because apparently wearing Homestuck will be worse.
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>Black Widow
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I have something I'd like to post but I'm unsure if I should. Personally I'm to the point where I don't care but I don't want to upset anyone and I don't want anyone to know who I am but I can't censor the message.
Oh... I'm guessing this is about me. I didn't send her hatemail. I did say however she disgusted me and I meant it.
Why can't you censor the message?
Because I'd be censoring probably 3/4th of what I said and I'm not ashamed of what I said, I just don't want it to upset anyone.
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dear god she needs to stay away from highschool of the dead....I have just the worst mental image of her soon to be shitty uniform with her trying to look sexy in her shitty makeup.
Censor up names and throw it out here. I doubt any fucks will be given.
Okay. I'll post in a few minutes. Normally I wouldn't bother but it's just, I can't believe her.
then don't. or wait til you decided.
Didn't someone in a former thread say she would cosplay Black Widow?

Good call, /cgl/.
... Is she dumb? That tiara the character wears is similar to a Sailormoon tiara. There must be a tutorial somewhere that doesn't involve plastic against your skin. (Craft foam?)

I suspect I can explain Homestuck better and I haven't even read the damn thing.
Just censor your name and whatnot
>i'm not a weeaboo
well ashley hasn't even read it either
>I haven't even read the damn thing.
Neither has she, apparently. Which is one of the things that annoy me most about her. Fuck people who don't have a genuine interest in what they cosplay!

But that's a different thread altogether. Bring on Ashley's crazy shenanigans!
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Not really sure what to say on my behalf about this. I don't regret it, I don't even really feel ashamed of posting it even though I'm afraid enough that I had to censor some of it just to avoid anyone knowing who I am. I don't want my friends to worry about me and I don't want strangers online pitying me but if I had censored all of it then it wouldn't really have made much sense to post it. As much as I hate to have anyone worrying or finding out who I am, I hate Ashley even more. I'm willing to deal with whatever happens because I posted this if it means Ashley is exposed for what she really is. I only wish I had her friended on Facebook so I could show her friends what she's really like.

Sorry about your story, anon D:

>taking me off my medication would destroy me
Bitch, you already told the internet your doctor refused to write you another prescription when the first one supposedly ran out. GET YOUR FUCKING LIES STRAIGHT.
I completely get where you're coming from, even if we have different circumstances. I feel the same way about Ashley.
Fucking hell anon, you almost had me bawling my eyes out. I hope you exaggerated to try and knock some sense into her, I really hope you don't feel the way you've expressed here.

I can't offer any advice, I can't even pretend to emphasize. I'm just some randomer from /cgl/, but if you think it may help in any way at all I can put my email in a post and you can talk to me?
oh anon ;n; your whole story just made me have so many sads
don't want to believe ashley just disregarded the whole thing and called you a dipshit, but it's not exactly something she wouldn't do. And she still claims she's suicidal and has depression.
god, I didn't really have anything against her until now.
>taking me off my medication would destroy me in a sense
Isn't she only on like, 10 mg? And didn't she already say they're not giving her a refill or something? the bullshit is strong in this one.
Actually I didn't. I feel terrible, I've slept more in the past two days than I have in weeks and I feel like an old woman when I have to get out of bed because every muscle in my body hurts. Ashley doesn't know how any of this feels. I remember her posting a few weeks ago about how depressed she was and wanting people to come over and hang out. I know I'm depressed right now and if any of my friends came by, I'd probably burst into tears just seeing them out of how guilty I feel. Thank you for wanting to help but I think posting all this was as far as I'm willing to go. If I didn't despise Ashley so much I wouldn't even have gone this far. I didn't expect her to apologize, or confess, or anything like that but it just pissed me off that I said all of that, everything I couldn't say to my family and friends, and that's the response I got. We all know she's a fake but she's so wrapped up in her lies and refuses to just admit they were all lies. It pisses me off.
My heart goes out to you anon (dif anon here then before) and I can emphasize a bit; I know what it feels like to not want to get up and feeling awful all over when you try. Not wanting to see anyone because of the shame clearly written all over you... I only sort of got out of it because I was pushed into getting a shit job (which pushed me into getting back into school) and it's a struggle to not regress back. I hope you find something that makes morning seem less shitty. I'm still working on that myself.

I hate this about Ashley the most, other then the fact she just never wants to improve anything.

I have this feeling in my gut that Ashley didn't even read your text. She doesn't want to admit she's actually doing quite well.

All my hugs and love to you, girl.
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>Princess Tutu
Also, I said this in the last thread
What if she did Saeko's apron outfit, or Scanty's transformed outfit
Can you picture Ashley trying to cover herself in red bodypaint, of course not fucking sealing that shit
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Why did you say that.
I'm about to eat dinner soon. Fuck you Anon.
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Just picture it
Agreed to this
I think she just skimmed over it, untill the part you told her she isn't depressed.

Her reaction makes me want to rob a bank, book a flight to her house and punch her in the face.
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Aw man, why would you post that!?
Ashley in a thong and no bra
of course she wouldn't even be smart enough to use boob tape so we would have to deal with her probably saggy breasts
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Jesus, anon.. I'm sorry. Truly.
I honestly don't know how that feels, I may not ever know how that feels, but I can only imagine the pain you feel all the time. I am sorry. But I commend you for being so brave as to post this. You're a really brave, courageous person.
Also, I'm sorry for what Ashley said to you. I can't believe she still has the balls to claim her suicide and depression after reading that. Hell, I nearly broke down reading that.
Before this was posted, I thought Ashley was a just a sad, misunderstood girl going through some teenage crisis. But now I know she's just a fucking cunt with no care for anybody but herself, and doesn't deserve any of the sympathy that she is given.
tl;dr Ashley's a fucking bitch.
Anon, I wish you the best. If you want to talk to me or anything, I can give you my deviantART or my email or something.
I have officially given up on Ashley from reading this. She is the brattiest cunt I have ever seen and I hope she dies a horribly painful death; but now I just give up trying
to help her. Can any of you anons honestly look at this and still feel the want to help her? She deserves what she gets.
Sometimes, I can't help but wonder if Ashley isn't just the most diehard troll ever.
I find it hard to believe that someone like her exists.
I'm shocked she would say that to you. Just... dismissing what you said, and going straight to how you don't understand her. What.
I am in a very similar situation (been in my room all the time, too ashamed and tired to go out and face anyone, depressed and considering suicide) I just wanted to say I understand what you're going through, and I'm still trying to believe that things can get better.
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That's how I feel sometimes.
What if Ashley's just an elaborate troll and all her 'friends' are played by her? And all the anons that know her are actually her?
Hey anon, I know we are from /cgl/ and stuff but if you do want to talk, I'm sure any of us in this thread would be more than happy to help. We're not all emotionless witches that feed off drama. We're people too, and we care about others.

Here's my e-mail. If you ever want to talk, vent or just have a general conversation, feel free to do so.

Anon- please don't hurt yourself okay. Your story has really hit a point in my heart.
I meant more along the lines of her having a facade up all the time, which I guess is farfetched.
Still nicer than thinking someone is actually that... Vapid. Self centered. Arrogant with no right to be.
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Damn, anon. I really really really wish that you get better hun. What a piggy cunt. I just, really want to hug you, want to help out in any way possible hun. I'll include my e-mail in that field i.. if you want to talk. You deserve a good life hun.

-- Also, experiment is underway now. The way I'm approaching her: make her think I'm a friend, that I legitimately want to know her side of the story, and will even provide asspats. I'm really going to put my short fuse at test here. After it's gone on long enough, I'll slowly start shoving what she has said on her face. I'm giving this "persona" about a week or so in action.
... forgot to give e-mail, typical. xphilechick@live.com . We're all here for you anon!
I have the exact same social anxiety and depression symptoms as you and for a long time I've wanted to tell her how bad a real mental health disorder is. So thank you and I'm sorry you have to go through this but please know you're not alone.
So this is what we know:
>Ashley was only in tuckers for a day.
>She doesn't really know what a mental institute is like.
>Lies for attention (saying she has multiple personalities)
>Tried to prove to everyone that she did try to commit suicide by taking the picture of the one she got 2-3 months ago instead of the one on her wrist in which she claims is the cut. (also if anyone has any pictures of her arms 2-3 months ago we can see if that one is there at that time)
>States that VA officials only take people in if there is a wound (Not true- if you have an intention they will take you in)
>Doesn't know shit about depression and no one would be smiling if they told someone that they tried to kill their self.
Dearest Depressed Anon, feel free to eMail me whenever you like if you ever want to talk:


I understand how you feel. My Mum died last year, which was pretty traumatising. I will be perfectly honest, though; I don't think I'm feeling anywhere near as horrible as you are, but I at least understand partially, if that helps you any.
Hey anons, just wanted to tell you I suffer from depression and anxiety disorder, up until a few months ago I was unable to function, suicidal, I isolated myself from everyone.

Now I'm living a more or less normal life, I am still unable to go back to school because I am too tired all the time but looking forward to maybe going back in the fall. I am no longer suicidal and am generally optimistic about my future and enjoy my life now that I know the worst of the disorders is behind me. Don't give up, things can change!
Am I the only one who thinks you sound like a self pitying bitch? Why did you think your special baw story would change her outlook on life?
Shut the fuck up Ashley.
You guys should really just leave her alone. I don't see much that's exceptional about her except that she's terrible at cosplay and is whiny as hell. It's starting to get really old.
Even if Anon was lying, her story's more believable than anything Ashley can string together.
No, it's not. You don't like it, hide the thread.
I'm not saying the girl is lying, she just sounds like 'how dare you be sad when i'm rly poor!!'.
Did you just skim over it like ashy did there?
Considering the stupid shit she posts daily, no, it isn't getting old. Everyday there is some new journal entry or facebook status because Ashley doesn't know when to shut her mouth.
On that note, you know what is getting old? Ashley and her dumbfuck friends posting here like no one can tell it's obviously them.
Sorry, I forgot to mention how she's afraid to go outside or answer phones. Poor girl..... and she only sees her friends once a year!!!
Thank you anon, that's really great to hear. I have highs and lows, hopefully one day I'll manage to live reasonably normally but I've been fighting it for 7 years. Can I ask what helped you?
After reading >>5861216 I'm throwing my hands up at all of this. I'll probably keep reading as long as you guys keep dealing with her, because let's be real this shit is HILARIOUSLY pathetic, but I'm done trying to talk sense into her.

I wish her irl "friends" that can't stand her would do the same. Assuming you're all around the same age means you guys are near 18, so you are or are close to being adults. If you're still friends because you're scared of her fucking mom, tell her adults don't need their mommies to bully people into being your friends.
You guys are kind of the worst part of this. "Ohh I can't stand Ashley, but I'm her only ride"
Fuck that. Teach her that assholes don't get rides from friends.
Her post was about how Ashley shouldn't bitch about depression when Anon has it far worse.
Anon was telling her what depression really is, pointing out that Ashley is just being whiny.
Wow. You're just a lovely little asswipe, aren't you? I bet you assume that everyone who claims to have depression is a liar and a whiner.
I believe this person, she seems much more real than Ashley did. She seems genuine, and even if she may not be, hell, at least she put in the effort to sound like it.
I don't believe Ashley because of her long track record of lying and stupidity, and the way she shoves her self-proclaimed depression in the faces of everyone who points out her obvious bullshit.
This girl sounds like she's just being honest. She doesn't sound like the whiny pretentious bitch that Ashley is.
My friends and family made me socialise.
They started coming over to my house, dragging me outside (I hated them for that at the time and I had no willpower to actually fight them). But after some time it became bearable and then enjoyable. Now time with my friends is what helps me get up in the morning, when I'm having a bad day I just think about how much they have done to help me even though I was constantly pushing them away

I force myself to talk with someone face to face at least every other day and go outside everyday (even if for a 10min walk around my apartment block) even if feel like I would rather kill myself than do it. Spending time in nature also helps me a lot.

Like you said, some days are managable ,some are worse. It got better for me, I'm sure it will get better for you.
That's not really a good approach to someone who thinks they're depressed. Like I said, ';_; I'm poor!! I have it worse than you so you can't complain!!'
She might as well have told Ashley that there are people in Africa starving so she should shut up because no one can feel their pain!
You make it sound as though there is actually anything wrong with Ashley other than her being a cunt.
I don't know Ashley, I don't know that much about this drama either, I just saw that girl's wah post :3
She doesn't sound poor. She said her friend has it was worse than her was given money to make sure both of them could get food on a trip. The whole thing to me just sounded like she was telling Luvmonkeys how it really was to feel depressed. Luvmonkeys bitches about how poor she is and how horrible her family is and then in the same breath brags about going to conventions when others pay for her travel/room costs and family members that pay for her costumes. She feels no remorse for calling her mother all sorts of names and her father an abuser up until they shell out the money to buy her makeup and books and then suddenly she loves them oh so much and they're the best parents ever.
> :3
Go. Just get out.
Once again, fuck off Ashley.
Hey ashley. You should shut the fuck up.
You guys caught me... Well, off to go wait at that convention so I can see depressed-chan jump off the parking garage... Do you think her friends will see her splattered on the ground like an egg?
>doesn't know Ashley
>doesn't know much about the drama
>somehow knows which girl in the OP picture is Ashley
>somehow knows Ashley is a bad cosplayer despite only one image of her in cosplay being posted and that's a group photo

Hello Ashly. Is it nice to know that you've basically killed someone? You must be used to it after your pets.
Her argument wasn't even that she was poor. What anon actually stated was that she is so depressed and has so much social anxiety that she has to depends on her father for all her basic needs because she can't go out and get a job due to a psychological block. Not to mention anon probably feels absolute shame for even needing to depend on someone else for anything that it just digs herself into a deeper hole that she can't get out of because she's already pretty deep in to begin with. it's something that's hard to empathize with unless you've felt it yourself. It's a cycle that's hard to break, especially when it's become the norm (also, anon mentioned parental abandonment which is never easy to deal with either.)

Ashley has no job because she's too lazy to get one. She makes shit costumes and has to beg for commissions and never gets a return customer and she probably wonders why. Her parents provide for her, buy her things like convention tickets which are getting more and more expensive, take her to the movies but claims they are abusive and that her parents themselves are poor, yet they spend all this money on her and she doesn't even feel bad.

I know what anon feels because I've felt it and continue to feel it if I don't keep myself occupied.
Do you know ashley irl anon?
Maybe I do...
No, I said I don't know her.

When did you say you don't know her?
Right there!
I sent Ashley a message on my old da account calling her out on her bullshit
now we wait for her stupid reply
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Am I missing something or does books and movies of these characters not imply that they already have looks for the characters? How much different can her concepts possibly be?
What did you tell her?

To be fair, fairytails and shit have different adaptations all the time. Like Alice McGee's Alice game, Alice in Wonderland from Disney, that new shitty Alice movie, etc.

I'm not sure if you're in the thread, but I thought I'd jump in and say this for any other depressed anons out there.

I was diagnosed with panic disorder and insomnia a few years ago. My high school life was hell on earth, because of it. I'm doing much better now, but I can relate to nearly every emotional thing that anon said in her post. My family is middle class and money isn't much of a problem, however my brother abused me the entire time I lived at home. So give or take, I was in a very similar position.

I was on every medication you can imagine, I saw both a psychiatrist and a psychologist for cognital behavioral therapy, I was on suicide watch, I was in and out of the hospital for suicide attempts endless times... which by the way is an incredibly flawed system and a very traumatic experience. They don't even let you have underwear in case you try to choke yourself with them.

The only thing that helped me was exercise and eating right. I did 2 hours of martial arts a day and didn't eat any processed food or refined sugar. I still to this day have some serious mental blocks and debilitating panic attacks, but they're controllable thanks to the influx of side-effect free chemicals due to exercise. It helps hugely with the fatigue and soreness and even though it doesn't fix my sleeping pattern, it makes a difference.

Although now I have to go back to the doctor for a follow up blood test because he suspects I have a thyroid problem. It always helps to eliminate possible physical causes to deteriorating mental health.

I still struggle with this shit daily and nothing will ever make it go away, but there are always things you can do to fight it. If anyone in this thread wants to talk, hit me up on skype (tomatobisque).
Isn't Ashley, you guys. If it was she would have put an apostrophe in there because she is a dumbshit.
Doesn't change the fact that whoever this is is a cunt, though. And probably one of Ashley's few remaining whitenights. (Most likely just lying about not knowing her irl)
I basically called her a cunt for what she said to that anon, said we were sick of her bullshit and most of us are through with helping her, told her if she actually wanted us to believe she's depressed or cut herself, to provide some solid fucking evidence, oh and I told her I hope any of her cosplays get the rage of /a/ or /mlp/
>lists only fairytales that HAVE adaptations
this bitch hasn't read any fairytales she can't even read homestuck
it's just a troll w/e
most main characters in fairy tales are generic physically perfect little girls who face some moral conquest that's meant to teach patience, kindness, etc. and discourage vanity anger and selfishness
which is ironic considering ashley obviously learned nothing from her shallow little german tales
post pics when she replies

Calm the fuck down. THE POINT OF THE POST WAS that why are you getting so mad over things that have multiple adaptations? What's keeping people from making more in the future? You might want to learn how to make your arguments stronger, instead of being a whiny cunt
she was listing her favorite stories
there are like millions of fairy tales and all of her favorite ones have adaptations
she aint read shit
she just saw the damn movies
I doubt very seriously she knows how pointe ballet shoes fit, how to wear them, and how unfuckingcomfortable they are. Also, she's just going to break all her toes or ankles.
Your odd capitalization to make your point reminds me of somebody..
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didn't she say it was much higher than that before?
Like somewhere in the 8,000 range?
and then she got off with medicare or something?

Okay guys it's fine to give her shit at cons now
nah in the original tales niggas be gettin raped and tortured and eaten and turned into donkeys n shit.
LAte to the party hardy but what happened at Zenkaicon or whatever that made her pissed off?
That was ginsing tea cat
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>Dr. Buxton
Aw look guise, it's totes legit - she namedropped!

I'd say leave this dumb fucking kid alone already, but she's really asking for it - continue with the harassment guise, this is keeping me entertained. Ashley if you're reading this I hope you know people you've never even met before HATE you for all the bullshit you've been causing about real-world issues. Suicide isn't something to fucking joke about. Do the world a fucking favor and off yourself already -- either fucking do it already or just stop, all the lies you've been saying about the whole situation are getting jumbled around -- we've caught you.
Ah sorry I thoughtthey were the same person. My bad.
Wow, nice, did she block you afterwards, anon?

Is she actually cosplaying characters with revealing costumes?
I do think Ashely does need to do some growing up, but all these threats are empty.... because actually going through with them would mean jail time. Do you want jail time over some kid?
she did, and she said she was going to cosplay scanty, princess tutu, and someone from hotd
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Capping started! But I wont drop any caps until the end of this round. It's getting juicy, very very juicy.
love you for doing this, anon, i really do.
> "it's none of your business wah wah"
well, ashley, seeing how you never fail to rub in people's faces that you're OMG SO DEPRESSED it certainly is, you dumb cunt.

if i ever ran into her (which is, unfortunately, really unlikely since i'm overseas - i'd love to beat the living shit out of her) i'd simply provoke her until she lost it and started physically attacking me first. that way it'd be self defense and no judge could give you shit for it. seeing the tantrums she throws on fb this really shouldn't be too hard to accomplish.
Man, I hope Ashley tries to stand en pointe in those shoes. I can just see the sob story on dA and facebook about how she's seriously injured and that it's just soooooooo bad that she may loose her foot or something retarded like that.
So, just egging a kid on til she goes for your throat/balls/whatever you have?

Sounds like someone has a high maturity level.
Now who is Ashley attacking? You forgot pic.
Interesting. I just googled Dr. Buxton.

It seems that he worked Tucker's last year.

Currently he working at the Southlake Office
Family Counseling Center for Recovery as the Medical Director.

Also if you go to tucker's website, he's not listed as a staff member.

But if you google him, he pops up alot as working at Tucker's since he did really work there. I think Ashley tried googling random doctors so she could name drop, then chose a doctor who actually doesn't seem to work there anymore.
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I'm not frequent on CGL, so I don't know how to do that "quote post" thing.

Hasn't CGL found a shiney new toy yet?
Go away, Ashley.
Not Ashley, but someone who knows her.
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He doesn't even work there anymore? Jesus Ashley, could you be anymore of a fuck-up?
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Just another piece of solid evidence that says that Ashley's 'suicide attempt' is bullshit. How can she still think it's believable anymore?
Someone should post this on her deviantart.
Are you one of those few genuine whiteknights on FB?
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can someone please call her out on this?

> mfw none of her fairy tale designs will be remotely historically accurate at all
> mfw they'll all probably look like shitty tim burton rip offs
>Not Ashley but someone that knows her
>Ashley's DA status is 'currently online'

Sure, ashley.

I'm honestly not 100% sure. But from what I found he for sure worked there in 2009-2011 and he was a medical director there. I would think if he still worked there he would have been listed as a staff member!
Well, when one person talks to a someone, both people are usually online. LOL, common sense much?

Plus, if I were her, would I be calming expressing my opinion? You all say she a whiney, raging little bitch.
Oh God, I can't stop laughing. This shit is golden. She's so fucking stupid, it's unbelievable. Someone please call her out on it, I don't have an account on deviantArt.
GTFO Ashley.
Well, when one person talks to a someone, both people are usually online. LOL, common sense much?

Plus, if I were her, would I be calming expressing my opinion? You all say she a whiney, raging little bitch.

Please then, explain this is you're so keen on defending her (even though you're probably Ashley):
Because I can. Knowing what it's like to be bullied and threatened to the point of near suicide isn't a walk in the park.
What are you even trying to do here?
Fucking confirmed for Ashley. You were threatening suicide and bullshit long before /cgl/ showed up.
Except she didn't get anywhere near suicide. She said she hid a razor in a bag of chips and then claimed she was half-way through her left wrist while still typing full sentences on Deviantart.
I bet it isn't, Ashley.
Now that Ashley's here let's pull up that photo with the dragon dildos photoshoped in her bathroom

Ah, the wall of the internet hides my true identity. You shits make me smile.
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>ignoring the obvious bullshit pointed out in >>5862432
>not knowing that Ashley's faking her depression, suicide attempts and a list of other conditions
>being insulted by Ashley and not knowing it
how much you guys want to bet its this spaniel chick
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That's exactly what I was thinking. That chick is a fucking psycho when it comes to Ashley. I remember once she was threatening people if they so much as looked at Ashley at a convention.
Spaniel chick? I don't keep up with her friends (aside from Amy), who's that?
some major whiteknight for ashley on da
Please cheer up, anon!
I know what it's like to be depressed, and it takes such a long time just to even feel the strength to even want to bother with life.
What I experienced was no where near what you seem to be going through, but I'm sure one day you'll find it in you to have the strength to keep on going. I can't say I understand what you're going though, since that would just be insulting you and all of the pain you've felt.
However you should know that pain, and all of the sadness it's brought you has made you stronger on the very fact that you're still here today.
Everything that you've experienced is part of what makes you "you." Please don't forget that, because as terrible as it sounds, you've become a much better person through it all.
It won't happen over night, but eventually you will be able to find it in you grin and bear all of life's hardships. People do care for you, and you seem to be building a health support group.
I just want you to know anon, that I don't pity you, because despite any incapabilities you find yourself having, you don't seem to need any sort of pity, and you're not asking for any. You're merely stating your life's story.

Polite sage for this mini novel I just typed, but our board is a community, and I feel that sometime's it's necessary to remind each other that.
And I know it's horribly cheesy, but it's so over the top that it always brings a smile to my face:
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Yess, that's who I was thinking this was, I couldn't remem.ber, all I remembered was some sort of dog
It's funny how as soon as we mention spaniel the whiteknight vanishes

I googled Adolescent Psychiatry in richmond va then clicked the first link which was find a doctor on google. His name was at the top of the list.
No wonder she picked that one then.
Some send this to her and send the other thing about him not working at the hospital anymore

if it really wasn't any of our business, then she wouldn't have name dropped
I know you're not going to listen to me, but I'm going to say this anyway. Yes Ashley is a raging bitch, but you don't have to right to threaten her. In my eyes, you're every bit as bad as her, telling people to go after her at cons.
I understand you were upset, but now you've sunk to her level of stupidity. Congratulations.
>telling people to go after her at cons.

This has been brought up dozens of times, and every time it's been pretty much declared a 'bad idea.' Anon's not ordering people to do anything. She saying that it's now okay to do what everyone wanted to do in the first place.

Stole this reply due to phone app being crapped up completely (every post is no. 0 baw).

You seem like an awesome person, and any person would be lucky to have you as a friend.

I currently experience moments where I've just stopped giving a fuck about my units at Uni half way and end up failing it because I just want to lay down in bed all the time.
It's definitely not as bad as your condition, but I hope you do get out of it. I want to be able to get up one morning and be able to do work without just procrastinating and either laying in bed or pretending to be busy with something else.

Keep strong, Anon.

At the end of the day, be happy you're not Ashley. I think I'm going to use her as inspiration to not be a fuck up in life.
Didn't say she was ordering people to, but in her message to Ashley she was saying 'watch your back' and the like, then said to us it's 'okay' to go after her now.

Um no, it's not okay...
I kind of doubt that anyone will actually 'go after' her. There might be snide comments behind her back (because face it, seagulls are Mean Girls), and a 'brave' one or two might 'accidentally' bump into her or step on her costume or something, but it's not like someone's going to push the bitch down the up escalator.

It'll be more funny to see more Katsucon-like journals and facebook posts, with her talking about everyone glaring at her, and whispering about her, and how this horrible person 'TOTALLY TRIED TO BREAK HER ARM OMFG' because someone bumped into her in a crowded hallway.

Of course, if someone actually does push her down the up escalator... Make sure that there aren't any civilian casualties, please. And take pictures. Lots of pictures.
Oh for fucks sake, stop acting as if someone will crucify her at a convention. The worst that will happen is that someone will laugh and point at her and we all know that's more than enough to send her into a fit and threaten to leave the con.
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>mfw huge ashley meltdown a'brewing

her reaction when someone tells her about the doctor ..
Why do people this insufferable have to like the same things that I do
Her DA says she's online now. Someone she hasn't blocked yet should tell her in her latest journal.
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does she have aspergers
I think anons should just...just stop trying to contact this girl. Shell think
>its a troll, they just want screen shots of my personal information or anything I tell them
Ill be honest, I don't blame her for not taking any seagull seriously. Messaging her won't change her, forcing your help on her won't change her, you all should know this one by now
>you can only help those who truly want to help themselves
What's telling her she's an awful person gona do? Make her put her hands over her ears and go lalalalalala
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Christ Ashley, could you be any stupider? I don't even.
Stupid cunt.
Yeah you better feel fucking bad you dumb ass
Welp, I'm fucking bored as hell. Looks like it is time for me to go try my hand at getting some fun info for us. Wish me luck!
We all know she probably browses here. With posts like these, its no wonder she can't take your "help" seriously and laughs it off.
I'm not defending her, I just hope you all have some understanding as to why she won't take you all seriously.
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So she thinks her depression is hereditary ...
I don't understand why you think anyone at this point believes she will really take their advice and change. The only ones who have even a sliver of hope are the ones who are just finding all this dramu or those who have been incredibly patient up to this point.

I have a feeling she confuses depression with 'being sad'.
Yeah Ashley, your Grandmother has depression. But that's because HER FUCKING HUSBAND DIED.
It probably doesn't help that she has such a snotty little granddaughter who is doesn't like being around her because 'she cries a lot and it makes her uncomfortable!'
Patience for what? Even with all the information what will it be used for? To tell her more of what's been said? As for her not changing, its been said again and again yet anons still contact her in hopes of accomplishing something. Whether its just to screenshot, help or combative attempt to change her. Not like this post will change anything but...damnn
I guess I'm confused why people still bother with her if nothing more than to circlejerk.
>flagged for spam

Damn, there should be a documented list of things that confirm her bullshit.
This girl is actually making me feel sick. How can she claim depression and suicide then completely ignore someone who actually seriously contemplates killing themselves? I hope she does get pushed down a fucking escalator for being such a selfish, cold little bitch.
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>I guess I'm confused why people still bother with her if nothing more than to circlejerk.

One word: drama. Sit back and get your popcorn out.
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She exaggerated, guys, it's 4 weeks old now. /eyeroll
Because that doesn't smell like bullshit at all! Seriously, why is this kid so fucked up?
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I'm literally amazed at how this girl continues to keep lying out of her ass.
Her grandmother has depression because her husband died. Ashley has depression because of what, no one will buy her costumes? She didn't get the whole Hunger Games book set? She didn't get to see this one movie she really wanted to see?
This girl is starting to remind me of some of the little shits I'd push into trashcans back in high school.
Just saying.
>Look how badass I am by telling this person off and calling them a dipshit!
>Oh.. well I didn't read it all, just the parts about me, so don't blame me for what I said.
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Figure I should say something since I'm looking back on the thread now and realizing how many of you were concerned for me. As much as I tried to not reveal who I was, my best friend who lurks here knew it was me and we ended up talking about it. I'm feeling a lot better, more than a little embarrassed actually, but feeling better. I really didn't expect Ashley to take me serious or even read anything in that note that wasn't relevant to her but to have her actually make fun of me and brag about what she had said to her friends on Facebook, that pisses me off. It pisses me off even more than after someone pointed it out she gets defensive and makes it my fault that she replied like that. Because I'm totally the one to blame because you wanted to act like you're the big tough girl telling haters to fuck off.

Ashley, things are already starting to come around to bite you in your ass. You're driving yourself to your own ruin. No matter how depressed I get, at least I'll be cheered up by the thought that I'm not you.
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>Ashley in a nutshell
I'm glad you're feeling a lot better, anon! I really do hope you find some way to get money for that convention pass so you can see your friends.
And try not to let ashley's dumbassery get to you, she can be a raging bitch sometimes but she's definitely not even worth the rage
someone should pose as a guy and start hitting on ashley and maybe she'll fall for it and be in love

now THAT would be something
I feel like everyone should pretty much point out the doctor thing to her

just sayin
Someone pointed it out to her already, and she just marked it as spam
she just posted a journal on dA
i'd do it. but does she like men or women more?
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>So, when it's been a week, it feels like it's been 3. When it's been a month it...feels like it's been 4.

Okay Ashley, sure.
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That whole journal, oh my fucking god
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So then where are the cuts from when she DID supposedly go to Tucker's? I'm so confused.
I was depressed around a month ago and when I was depressed time felt slow as fuck, and a week didn't feel like 3 weeks.

Now I'm on depression medication, fuck you Ashley.
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>It's maybe...3 or 4 weeks older then my one when I went to Tuckers for.

Only you've never cut yourself. Or went to Tuckers.
Well, she's been going on about how her dad will kick her out if she comes out to him, so I would say women.
Look at the very end of that journal. How can you hurt yourself again at an earlier date?
hmm, okay. this should be doable. i wonder how i should go about starting it? she's got to have her guard up at least a little bit.
>It had been done it april, and I hurt myself again in march.
what am i reading
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>I accidentally lied
Just start by commenting on a couple pictures that she looks pretty, cute, etc.
just start casually complimenting her. im sure shell eat that shit up.
>accidental lie
You don't accidentally lie. You make mistakes, yes. But if you defend your mistake until you can't anymore, then that's not a mistake, it's a lie.

No, that would be a bad idea. I mean i love ashley-drama as much as the next person, but it's much funnier if she just destroys herself.
I'm really tempted to start a Tumblr where we can collect all the caps and proof for her lies. Something like all the Dakota-truth-blogs. I just hate how she fucks everyone over, hurts people on purpose, even the ones who're defending her, and doesn't think for one second before opening her damn mouth.

Would you seagulls be supporting of an idea like that and participate by sending in caps and/or your opinion regarding all of this, or do you think it's a bad idea?
Agreed. That'd be too cruel, even for /cgl/.
And something tells me that she's no stranger to having her heart crushed because she seems like the type of person that has crushes easily.
I called her out on how she said she hurt herself in April, then March. Waiting for a response.
I think that's going too far.

Think about it, already any employer will see her ED before anything else on her. She's already screwed on the internet.
Just leave it be.
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I'll support you, anon! The ED isn't really a great documentary source, anyway.
speaking of the ed, someone should update it with all of this. i'd do it but i don't have an account herpderp
More hilarity for he fairy tales thing...uh. Her favorite stories are from Grimm's yet only one of the stories she lists by name is a Grimm's fairy tale and only then just barely.

Rapunzel's an adaption of an older tale. Beauty and the Beast is French and Thumbelina is Hans Christian Anderson.

Wouldn't someone so into reading know that?
MTE when I read that journal entry, lol.
It's so sad how hard she fails everytime she tries to be intelligent or witty.
I'll do it, but may someone else type up whatever and I'll edit/copy+paste it? Sorry, my mind isn't up to the task right now.
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I told my friend I would at least be nice and honor Ashley's wishes and not post this until I saw what her response was. Needless to say, I don't feel bad for posting her.
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I dunno about her, but in middle school I went to the library and took out a collection of Grimm tales. That book was HUGE. I couldn't even finish it before it was due!

IIRC, the common fairy tales were few and between. I think I managed to find only one or two, and even then other stories were way more interesting. So if Ashley ~loves~ the Grimm tales so much, why would she choose those, out of hundreds or others?
I don't understand why she wouldn't even do a google search if she was going to lie.
If she wasn't lying about Dr.Buxton then should have no reason to hide that comment someone posted on her journal about him.
>Last time I try doing the right thing for someone I don't even know.
>mfw she thinks she is being a good hearted person by apologizing for telling you to fuck off
>mfw i have no face
Good call, anon. I don't think she's genuine, either.
She's too fucking lazy.
Same here, anon. I sent you a message on deviantart but it looks like that's just a dummy account.
I see where you're coming from. I just think that the ED is always kind of behind and only covering up some of the shit she pulled in a very superficial way, you know? A tumblr with multiple participators who send in caps could be more detailed and also more diverse as I'd also publish asks and submits by people who want to defend Ashley. For whatever reason.

Thank you, kind anon!

Any other opinions?
Anon here that googled Dr. Buxton. I googled the Martin Buxton she is referring to in this journal

I did state in a later post that he might still be at Tuckers, since there is no solid proof that states he doesn't work there. But he was listed a Medical director in all the sources that state he was at Tucker. I highly doubt the Tucker's website wouldn't have their Medical Director listed in their staff list, especially since he was the Medical director for a few years. Even then, Medical Directors, from my understanding, don't take on patients.
I think a tumblr for ONLY submitting proof of her lies is good. But not a tumblr for general bashing of her. Not that I am trying to protect her (because god knows I love a good Ashley drama thread), it's just that a tumblr wouldn't be anonymous and could probably be considered "harassment" or some shit.

You notice how in the DA response she goes off to describe him so vaugely? well grey hair would be appropriate. the google search I mentioned earlier said he graduated 40 years ago. easily making him at least 60. chalk another one up for google.
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I'm done. I've never been so angry in my life. I can't believe her, at all. Here, I screen capped it for you.
I noticed I had messages and just replied to them in the past hour or so, sorry. As much as I appreciate everyone offering to talk, I think I'm actually okay now. My best friend in the world and I talked for a few hours about it and I think I just had a breakdown from everything I was suppressing and all the stress I was feeling with the convention coming up and situations at home. I'm not good at expressing that side of myself since everyone that knows me knows that I'm a joker and I'm always there when they need someone to cheer them up. I don't like being emotional or talking about my problems one-on-one or if people know who I am, just because it really does make me feel like Ashley. Even now I feel sort of bad that I've cheered up a bit and I'm looking forward to going to a free museum with my friends instead of awkwardly sitting in the hotel by myself because I don't have a badge. I feel like I should still be depressed and because for the moment I'm not, that I'm some sort of fake that was looking for attention when I wasn't. I was scared like crazy when my friend told me she knew it was me, I really didn't want her to but it's just a big relief that she knows and that she's okay and I'm okay. I think that's all I needed, for someone I knew to understand. I cried a bunch and right now I'm emotionally drained but it feels better. So thank you everyone that offered me someone that would listen to me, I hope the other anons that are also going through tough times contact you and please don't take it personally that I'm not, I just felt really awkward enough posting this out for everyone to see but one-on-one is just a little bit too much to handle because I think other people need it more than I do. I was lucky that my friend realized who I was and talked me out of it, but others aren't that lucky.
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My christ this bitch...

SAanon, I hope you read all the things people are saying here and reach out for help, I think a lot of us here have experienced depression to some extent. Just know you're not alone and it seems from your note you've got people that love you. I truly hope you can find something that helps you.
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I've been following all this drama for a while now. All I can say is that she makes herself look dumber every time she opens her goddamn mouth. I feel embarrassed for her because she is such a fucking idiot and is so plainly getting caught in her lies and deceit. She is a disgusting excuse for a human being for lying left and right and attempting to garner pity out of every moving thing within her field of vision. I don't think she will ever change. She will always be a self-centered, attention-seeking and foolish girl bending over backwards for everyone to focus on her, and it is disgusting. When I see how she whines about personal matters on facebook or on deviantart, I am ashamed for her. When something bad/personal happens to someone, people generally try to keep it to themselves, or tell only their closest friends. Ashley tells the world because she wants the world to be concerned, not because it has anything to do with them, but because she just wants everyone to goddamn know all her personal affairs. 'Everyone, stop living: Ashley has announced more family drama on facebook. Please direct yourselves to the comment box and proceed with pity, false love and caution.' After reading the caps in the thread, which unfortunately she will never see in the light we see them because she is too busy being self-obsessed and drowning in her own sorrow, I really understand what a shameful person she is. To the depressed anon(s), make Ashley your inspiration and delight in the fact that you are not and never will be as bad as she is. I don't know very much about how depression feels, but surely the fact that you are not Ashley is something to celebrate, possibly with the establishment of a national holiday. This post honestly was just to vent my feelings on all of this, I'll continue to follow her excessive lies and eventual blunders.
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Holy f-
If she doesn't respond to that, well then I'll be damned..
But then again you're telling her to kill herself which isn't good.
Actually I can't even read all that because it has a lot of hate in it.
I doubt she will reply.. Probably just block you.
Tumblr-anon again.
I totally agree with you and I should've included in my first post that I don't have the intention to post things that are mocking her looks or cosplay "skills". I'd rather post things that point out the contradictions in her stories as well as how malicious and bitchy she gets whenever someone raises the smallest point of criticism, even when it's done in a friendly way.
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holy shit you just knocked her outta the park.
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I love you, Anon. I saw some of your posts on her shit and noticed that you were always defending her, so reading this from you makes me a million times more happy.
I am glad you've finally come around to see the real Ashley.

I'm so glad that you're better. Listen, I know you may or may not need to talk about this anymore but my deviantart has been posted in these threads a couple of times. It's 0000985, you can ALWAYS talk to me. Seriously if you feel like you need to talk, even if you're like, "I have nobody to talk to" you can write out every single thought and emotion you're having to that deviantart. I will listen, okay. I love you, understand? If I had the funds, I'd pay for everything for you anonymously. Please, I hope you get some help, dear.
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I can't wait to see if she flips her shit over this.
Unfortunately, I get the feeling she'll just hide it like the little shit she is.
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Ten bucks she hides the comment within the hour. Also, lol at her thinking no one saw the cap of her 'apology'.
> Unfortunately, I get the feeling she'll just hide it like the little shit she is.
Not without BAWWWWWWing on FB about all the meaniepants and cgl-bullies who're out to get her even though she's so terribly suicidal and omgosh making her want to kill herself!!1oneeleven.

I seriously think this is the most hilarious drama since Pixyteri and I enjoy every fucking second of it, not even going to lie.
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But... wasn't she saying how lonely she was not two weeks ago?
who has her FB cap where she said she wants to be a relationship or something along those lines? I swore I saw something like that
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Gah! You're making me tear up. Jeebus I've already cried enough today to last me the rest of the year. Thank you so much anon, all you anons, I really mean that. No matter what anyone says about /cgl/, you all really are the best. Really, it was a silly thing to be so upset about with the convention pass but it was sort of the straw that broke the camel's back sort of situation because I knew I'd feel so embarrassed and ashamed coming all this way for a convention and then I can't even afford to go in. Even now one of my friends (not the one that saw me posting here) is sort of rubbing salt in the wound without realizing it, asking me what panels we should go to and stuff like that. I honestly don't know what I'll do once I get there but now that I've had time to calm down, I realize it's not the end of the world and I can actually make fun of the situation. The hotel has a really nice pool and fitness area, so maybe I'll just spend the whole weekend making /fit/ friday's usual posters proud. Either that or I'll just explore the local area and have my own little adventure. I'll feel embarrassed, yeah, but I can just act like I don't give a shit and then everything will be fine. I'll just be a hipster from the hotel lobby drinking my Starbucks and people watching.
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I'm really sorry. Not about what I said, but the fact you couldn't read it all. I haven't been that angry since I was about thirteen, and I think telling her to kill herself was out of line, but that's how I feel.


I love you too, deary. But seriously, I thought she could have been a good person, and I thought maybe we could help her. We can't, she's a lost cause. Honestly, after this though I'm going back to lurking because fuck this shit.

Someone send this to Ashley: WAH WAH I'M SO MATURE, LOOK AT ME, SO MATURE. I CAN'T HAVE A PROPER ARGUMENT WITHOUT BLOCKING SOMEONE. Fuck you, Ashley. Seriously, suck my dick. By the way, sweetheart, you posted and deleted a journal whining about how lonely you are. Guess what, honey. I've got a girlfriend AND a boyfriend. Too bad you'll never find anyone who wants to deal with your fatfolds and rotting vagina. I bet you have a couple of dead roaches in there.

Seriously, tell her that for me.
she RESPONDED! I can't cap! Quick someone do it for me!
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Called it! Here's 5 minutes after DA-anon posted her rant.
Hell, if you give me your skype, you and I can stream a couple of movies and stuff online! You don't have to be bored or anything. Heck, we can all make a day out of it! If you're okay with it. But I understand, sometimes it's just really little things that build up into big things and then suddenly you're like "it's time to end it", but you're a good person. The world needs more people like you, honey. You seem like an absolute sweetie pie, and you've been very nice in your replies.
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i have work in the morning but all this drama i just can't go to bed now
I know what you're talking about. Hold on, lemme see if I have it.
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I mean it's fine, what said is said until she hides it. Do you know her in real life? It would make more sense if you did to make such a huge comment.
Honestly this girl needs to realize what shes doing and grow up. She needs help.
My boyfriends sister is somewhat like her. Likes to start shit, with anyone and takes meds out the butthole. I think she's been put in a mental home once..
I really hope this girl gets the help she needs or just gets off the internet. Her parents should cancel their internet if they are so in debt.

You're not the only one! i was supposed to be in bed about 45 min ago. BUT IT JUST KEEPS GETTING BETTER.
I'm not responsible for anything in my life! I've done nothing wrong, why are people so mean ;_;
Can we make it a /cgl/ stream night for SAanon? I'll gladly stream for her and any other ladies who'd like to join us.
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Nah, to be honest I've just been hanging around these threads for about three months, defending her from people and on deviantart. I get waaay too emotional about these kinds of things. Anyway, the comment would have been shorter if I hadn;t read what she said to SAanon. That literally made me break down and cry. Anyway, I just think she needs to be put in a mental institute for a few years. Maybe she'll man the fuck up when she realizes nobody cares for her and that the attention she's getting is from people being decent human beings.


I can stream some stuff too! Heck, we can have a tinychat or skype or google + call for her! It all depends on her though.
Don't actually have a skype. Hell, I'd get it just for movies because I have a big rifftrax collection but the hotel charges $10 a day for internet and I'd rather just play offline mode of Angry Birds and watch stuff off my computer than pay that. Shit's highway robbery! I'm hoping somewhere will have some free wifi though, I had hoped Starbucks would but they're in the hotel so I'm not gonna hold my breath.
Damn, don't have it. I'm not gonna search through her cesspool, though.

I remember it was something along the lines of "I waaant a boyfriend!" or something.

Oh, well I'd send you 20 bucks, but I only have 80 cents to my name. If you hold out though, we can make plans and do the stream when you get home.
If I get there and I do manage to find some free wifi that doesn't have a horrible signal, I'll definitely come on /cgl/ and post in the Ashley thread so you all will know. If I don't, just have one without me as some big awesome party and I'll be there mentally while I'm shaking my laptop in frustration over not getting past levels on Angry Birds. I do know that the train I'm taking up there has wifi so I'll at least be able to check in for a hour or so on the way there and on the way back.
Actually, I really like the sound of that. I'll be home Sunday afternoon so if you all don't mind waiting until then, I'm all yours on Sunday night or whenever. Seriously though, you all should just have an awesome movie night/party/hootananny anyway just to celebrate the utter fail that Ashley has become in the past few hours.
shes telling me some pretty deep stuff guys.
i'm not gonna post b/c i'm scared she might be lurking through this thread and stop talking to me.

Okay, I'm going to make a thread about the stream. So we can plan out everything we're watching. If you have any recommendations you should tell me!
damnit anon! Don't tease us. Also is it deep. or "deep"

well since you're probably the only one she's telling 'deep stuff' right now, she has probably already figured you out if she lurks. might as well post em'.
on a scale from 1-10 of deepness, it's like a 6.5
its mostly embarrassing than deep
sorry to get your hopes up guys
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I really wanted to tell her the roach thing.
We're not doing it without you! Even if the time you spent there was utter shit, I at least want to have /something/ you could look forward to.
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OO OO! Can we watch some Korra? I missed the past two episodes.

We'll be awaiting your caps, anon. Godspeed.
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Shit, I have a 6 page paper to write and I should be in bed already... This is getting so good though, I can't leave it for 1 second!
I posted the thread, so you guys should go post what you want to watch in it.

I was on board with constructive criticism and trying to help her improve. If all we're doing now is throwing out insults and cruelty like petty children and stepping down to (or lower than) her level, I'm out.
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It's a downright guilty pleasure but I'm a huge fan of Hot Fuzz, it's just so over the top. Dunno if anyone else likes it though. I'm pretty much just going to go along for the ride, whatever you all want to watch. I have Hot Fuzz on my computer anyway.

Believe me, the only way it could be utter shit was if I was tethered to a 12 year old yaoi fan who kept spotting her OTPs. I don't tend to do much at conventions anyway and I'm lucky that this one our group of friends usually camp out in the hotel lobby anyway just to relax since it's connected to the convention center.
Bragging about being mature isn't mature, and direct insults aren't mature. No offense, but if you want to make a point stooping to childish insults just hinders your cause.
It's gotten to the point where that's the only thing she'll respond to. I don't blame them.
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Yeah, Ashley, I wonder why we question your honesty.

You can still give her constructive criticism. I don't really think what I say represents all of /cgl/'s efforts or yours. Anyway, I won't try to defend myself because what I said was really immature but I honestly don't take it back. I simply wanted to hurt her feelings.
jesus christ fellas shes a slow typer

it takes her like 20 minutes to type 2 sentences

and ashley, if you're reading this, fuck you i'm not really on your side
That's disgusting. We learn at a very young age it's not okay to hurt others just because they hurt you. You could take some of the advice you dish, grow up.
Gah! SAnon here. As much as I really want to stay up and see where all this drama goes, it's nearly 4am here and I really need to sleep. Once again, even if I sound like a broken record, thank you to everyone and to the anons that still need someone to talk to, please contact the emails posted. Seriously, they're wonderful and they're more than willing to listen.

Anon, I'm positive when I'm less angry I will reflect and most likely follow your advice.
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Fuck this bitch, seriously.

Here's a conversation I had with her long ago.
Wasn't ever gonna post it here, but this bitch has gone too fucking far.

It doesn't contain anything juicy, just...
I get the feeling that she is addicted to arguments or something, since she tried to end this somewhat positive conversation as soon as possible.
But what you say DOES represent her detractors and critiques, whether you like it or not. Anyone who says something negative to her is in the same boat, and you're here making comments about her getting licked out by a dog. That shit is disgusting, and the fact that you know better and are clearly intelligent and reasonable but decided to go ahead anyway and say something like that is even more disgusting. You've got no right telling Ashley she's a bad person for being self-centred, egocentric and dense. You're downright cruel and out to make her worse. People only get more and more defensive the more they're attacked, and you should feel ashamed of typing out paragraph upon paragraph about how she's worthless and should kill herself. NOBODY deserves to be told something like that, no matter what they've done. And especially that this is just some silly little girl on deviantart, of all places. Get some perspective and control yourself better in the future, for the love of god.
Hoo boy this thread sure exploded today.
Here's my two bits.
I'm glad to hear that you're doing a lot better, Anon. I can't say that I can truly sympathize with your pain, even though I've had bouts of depression in the past. But I reiterate, I'm glad to hear that you're doing better.

As for Ashley, Well. I've given up on her completely. I'll still check out these threads to hear about her latest bullshit, but I don't think she's worth the effort if she's going to be this self-centered and bitchy.

One last thing, do we have a date and time for this livestream I heard about? I wouldn't mind chilling out with some of you folk and watching some cool stuff.
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there's more to come guys
Don't think there's a definite time but the anon running said either next weekend or the Monday after.

Thanks for the link! I look forward to the future stream.
jfc this

Oh for fucks sake, Ashley, stop trying to claim you have every fucking disease ever. Just give up. Yes, I mad.
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>Gives helpful advice
>Replies with "Yeah"

I'm surprised you kept your patience with her blunt-unless-it's-praise-and-sympathy and me-me-me replies.
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part two out of 5
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just saying guys i was lying the whole time. i don't give two shits about her.

part three.

Oh my god I HAVE to go to bed, and since this thread is already at almost 300 posts anyway it's gonna be long gone before I get up tomorrow morning

PLEASE JUST PROMISE YOU'LL REPOST ALL THIS KIND OF STUFF IN THE NEXT THREAD. I hate asking for shit I missed cause I worry it would be annoying but oh my god I cannot miss any of this. I just can't. Please repost all the juicy caps you can.

Night Gulls
If anyone wants to post something on ED that doesn't have an account there, I could post it for you. As I'm not natively English, I don't trust myself to type up long messages (my writing is fine except for in long paragraphs trying to sum up situations), but I've been posting and stringing together caps that prove how much she lies there.

Same for if anyone has any caps that aren't there yet from Facebook or her Luvmonkeys account.
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>just some silly little girl on deviantart

This has been months in the making, each time getting worse and worse.

I'm not saying rant-anon's totally exempt because of that, but don't go assuming that Ashley hasn't pissed off a whole lot of people here and IRL, or that she's just "some girl" that rant-anon randomly decided to let her frustrations out on. That's not the case at all.
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part 4
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and that's the end for now guys. she hasn't responded yet.

fuck you ashley.
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You haven't replied to this yet, so I'm hoping that you're having a sincere think over your actions. I've taken a moment to redline your comments. I have been suicidal in the past and still struggle with the urge, so I've pointed out everything here that I normally use as justification for offing myself. I'm worthless, I make mistakes, I'm ugly, I have no friends and people only hate me, I create nothing worthwhile, I will never improve, my very existence is a burden on my parents and others around me. That shit cuts deep and it's lucky chance that none of my attempts have reduced me to a corpse yet. It rustled me something fucking fierce to see this kind of shit levelled against another person. Not okay, not cool, not the kind of thing you should ever, EVER do no matter how mad you get. Next time take a step back from your keyboard and deal with your anger without potentially harming other people.
Something really is wrong with this girl.
When she replied "Yeah" I just decided to leave her alone and never try to help her again.
Seriously, who the fuck does that.

Also, as much as I hate to defend some of her lies;
I've just finished reading this whole thread, and I just want to say that depression and other illnesses are hereditary.
Half of my family, including myself doesn't produce enough of the nervecells (whose name I can never remember) that "causes happiness."

So, technically, she could be telling the truth about the depression, but I sincerely doubt it.
And if the depression is true, everything else is most probably a lie. Noone with real problems would brag about this kind of thing.
Googling around for Dr. Buxton shows he works at a place called Insight Physicians, and that they do contract some of their doctors to Tuckers as consultants, so its possible he wrote the scrip for Asheley, if he's still consulting there. He's definitely not full time, and she might have just been taken to Insight--it seems to be a place for psychiatric patients, rather than Tuckers, as she claims.

He is the co-founder/president of Insights. And looking deeper, I have found he still works at Tucker's, but he is a Medical Director there. I highly doubt a medical director who is contracted out dealt with her.
Guise... we need a new thread.
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Okay I officially feel terrible for saying those things. I can't defend what I've said, and I can't exactly make up excuses or anything. I sat and thought about the worst things I could possibly say to Ashley to hurt her feelings because what she said earlier made me so mad. That honestly was an outburst of a lot of repressed anger that I directed at her because she is an easy target. I can't take back what I said, nor the tears she may have cried because of it. I usually have someone to vent to without exploding like that. I recently found on my best friend was suicidal, and so maybe I projected her into saanon or something but that doesn't excuse what I said at all. I just feel horrible, especially when I switched accounts because I honestly could have let it go then.

I'm honestly sorry that you've ever considered killing yourself. I'm also sorry that those are the things that make you want to kill yourself. I hope you don't kill yourself because you seem like a very mature and nice person.
The only reason I haven't killed myself this month is that I know my parents love me and would be saddled with grief and thousands of dollars in funeral debt. Please don't tell anyone they're worthless and deserve death, because some actually believe it and you may be the last straw on a burdened back.
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Flanders anon here.

I believe some mental illnesses can be hereditary. My grandmother had anxiety, my mother does, both my brothers, one of my sister's do and I haven't really left my house for about two years now due to my social anxiety.

Also, I'm more than sure she's lying about her suicide attempt. I read a screencap that said something along the lines of Ashley pretty much bragging with a smile: "Oh, you haven't heard that I tried to kill myself?" not a verbatim, of course. Who does that? She acts like she got a new puppy and has to show it off to everyone.
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I wouldn't give two shits if she killed herself tbh, but then I think anyone who uses suicide, self-harm and disorders as an attention gainer should just off themselves since it lessens the validity of those who do have something.
I don't wish harm on her in any way. I just wish she would smarten up. I really do.

Being another anon with work in the morning, I'm going to sleep. Tonight was pretty interesting though.
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I'm sorry you've tried to kill yourself. I can't really offer any advice, but I hear it gets better. I don't know your situation at all, and you may not even want to talk to me about anything because of my outbursts but if you need to talk about it at all, I'd listen.

Anyway, I'd never tell someone to actually to kill themselves. I told Ashley that out of anger, and I can't take it back, nor do I know what she's going through but it doesn't seem like she'd actually kill herself at all. If anything she may use this to gain pity from her friends. I don't know, but I honestly hope she doesn't commit suicide.
I don't want to talk about it, and I don't want your pity or apologies. I'm glad that you don't actually want her to die, and I encourage you to go and tell her that and apologise for your messages. She seems to have been seriously affected by them judging by the other anon's caps, and even if she's rude or aggressive when replying to you, at the very least you can try to take that stuff off of her mind.
She's not upset and she doesn't care. You're wasting your time trying to defend her. She lies about everything, being suicidal is just one of those things.
Jesus, you wanted the person to feel bad for saying those things, and now they do. You're preaching about being nice to everyone, but you don't exactly sound nice yourself.
I don't care if she's lying or not. If someone has the potential for self-harm and you have the potential to help them stop, you do the right thing. The boy who cried wolf may have been an irritating little shit but you still don't want him to be torn apart by your negligence. Those anons who called the health services on her last suicide threat deserve praise, and whether she was actually cutting or not is irrelevant.
If she was a decent human being, sure. Ashley is not.
You really think she deserves death for making some shitty props, vaguely racist remarks and refusing to take criticism? You think she doesn't have the ability to improve and become a better person?
No, she doesn't, and that's not all she did. She bullied people, she's making a joke of suicide, mental disorders and diseases, she puts all the blame for all the crap she pulled on everyone else.
I don't see how she's making a joke of suicide or depression. You can't tell anyone's complete circumstances from the internet, and you can't just assume that somebody is lying and completely fine. What is she, 20 years old? Less than that? She's only lived 1/4 of her life, or nature willing, down to a fifth. There's so much potential and so much room for improvement in every person on earth, as grossly hippie as that sounds. Ashley needs help more than anything else at this point, if not for real depression/suicide, then helping her to snap out of thinking that she's ill and to guide her away from appropriating issues and to take responsibility and improve herself. Ignoring her issues or making them worse is /b/-level behaviour, and I'd like to think that /cgl/ is a slightly better community than that.
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But she doesn't have the ability to become a better person, have you not fucking learned anything?
I don't care that you wanted to kill yourself. I don't give a shit that you're sensitive to suicide. We're not talking about you, we're talking about Ashley. Ashley doesn't give a shit about people telling her to off herself because she honestly won't do it anyway. She's faking it for attention, and anything she can use to get that attention is fair game in her book.
Are you new to these threads? She doesn't want help. So many seagulls have legitimately offered to help her. No trolling. No kidding.
All she does is whine and make excuses about how even though she asks for help, she either is completely incapable of following through with a suggestion or just blatantly doesn't want to. She likes things the way they are. She likes being the helpless little puppy she likes to pretend to be so that she can gain all sorts of asspats and sympathy. She doesn't want to change. She thrives on the attention.
You can't possibly know any of that. If you don't want to listen to me, fine. But nobody is worthless and there is always a possiblity of change if the right encouragement is given. Others managed to concrit Pixyteri hard enough that she's snapped out of it and stopped wasting her time making herself a bad internet reputation. Drama is fun and all, but when someone genuinely needs help, you're foolish not to give it.
You are failing to grasp the fact that people have LEGITIMATELY tried to help her. They gave her genuine advice with genuine concern and all she did was make up excuses and turn every conversation into a pity party for her.
She doesn't want to change.
She doesn't want help.
She doesn't give a fuck about anyone but Ashley. The proof is right here in black and white, but you don't want to see that, do you? You just want to live in a magic bubble where everyone is perfect and no one can better or worse than anyone else.
No, I don't want to live in a magic fairy land of rainbows and happiness. I'm just saiyan that it's irresponsible to deliberately damage somebody who potentially already has issues. If she doesn't want to change and she's a lost cause, then ignore her. There's no need to have all these threads and to keep sending cruel comments or try to weasel something out of her in screencaps so you can all have a good giggle at what is, I've just checked on her deviantart, a seventeen year old. I'm aware that me saying this is pointless and /cgl/ will most likely resume business as usual in the next thread. But I think this kind of shitstirring and drama mongering speaks more to the maturity and mental state of the seagulls perpetrating it than some naive kid with a bit of an ego and a devart account.
About four years ago, I was Ashley.

I'm ashamed to admit it, but all the histrionic behaviours she exhibits are things I used to do. Reading her arguments is like reading things my past-self wrote, even. But, I was also genuinely depressed due to a shitty home life. I think Ashley is the same, I think she's genuinely sad about the state of her life, and her family, but too embarrassed and ashamed to complain about what actually upsets her. Or scared it might get them into trouble. So she makes shit up and exaggerates to get attention to compensate. She probably is sad, frustrated and lonely.
Is it wrong that I'm envious of Ashley? She says she's suicidal, whether that's true or not, and so many people flock to try and help her. I've been struggling with depression and suicide urges for two years now, and I don't even have anyone to talk to.

Sage for irrelevancy and bitching about my life
Oh it's autosaging. Derp'd
You should take it as the cue that people do genuinely care about these issues and help is at hand if you need it. I'd encourage you to seek help from a medical professional rather than post about it on deviantart, though.

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