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300+ obese girl has a hot boyfriend

How does this make you feel /cgl/

How does it make OP feel?
It makes me feel like I really want to rifle through their bookshelf.
Not surprised she has a cute face and obvious confidence. Why the new thread?
like killing myself
Hopeful lol
Is that pearchan?
Happy for them. A little jel because he is physically my ideal guy. And happy that guys like him aren't all completely shallow.
They're both really cute.
there's a programme on tuesday (I think) about these fat fetishists. i'm watching because I saw a cute guy on the ad. I want to understand it better.
Contrary to usual 4chan/r9k belief, looks aren't always important
>Average 4chan user
>Knowing anything about personality
>hot boyfriend
looks like a disgusting greasy hipster to me.
she's pretty

doesnt bug me at all, dont project OP
>I want to understand it better.

Western men being raised to not have standards because standards are sexist means even ugly fatties can get decent boyfriends.
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I bet she is an awesome person and they will make an awesome couple because looks are just a plus it does not make who a person is. If you think that you are shallow and going to be foreveralone.Pic related its me and my bitch.
A bit exaggerated (to me) but true.

There's been a kick of everyone is beautiful and shit so now fatties have come to the conclusion that cellulite = BBW.

That and the fact that whiteknights whiteknight hardcore.
why does he look like he wants to kill himself?
That's more normal than the other way around these days.
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They have matching nose piercings
Actually, standards on what is considered beautiful tend to differ from time to time and culture to culture. In the olden days, fatter girls (not sure if as fat as these though) were considered beautiful since that means her family had means and she was well nourished and can produce stronger children as opposed to the commoner with stringy hair and fallen teeth.
why do their expressions always look like they're stoned or something?
disgusting landwhale
I see this shit all the time irl. Ugly fatty with a decent looking guy. Not surprising at all, considering that tons of guys lower their standards, especially if they have low self-esteem. They'll take what they can get, not realizing that plenty of more attractive girls would love to date them (maybe).
and that's why all these kind of couples have a disgrace feeling on their face expressions. they're both revolved by the fact they have to be together and have sex with someone they really don't like at all.
She's got a hot bf because she is beautiful. Her facial features are nearly perfect. If she wasn't fat she'd probably have a career as a model.

99% of women do not look anything like that when they are at that weight.

Sage for not cosplay.
They're both pretty cute, actually. Guy needs to shave his stubble, but whatever. They're different sizes, what's the big deal?
It's not lowering his standard if that was what he was looking for all along. Perhaps he just likes fatter chicks.
Ew, hipsters.
Is that rly her boyfriend tho? I know at one point she was dating a fate neckbearded guy
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>fatter girls (not sure if as fat as these though) were considered beautiful

Stop spreading this bullshit myth

Pic related its botticelli's birth of venus/aphrodite which represents the ideal women

Notice how her 6 pack is visible?
What happened in the past is irrelevant because we're in 2012 now and only women can effectively marry for money anymore.
Or perhaps he's like every other man on earth and just wants to get laid.

You think guys are only willing to get with hot chicks? If there's food on the table, you eat it.
I read somewhere that the whole "fat used to be beautiful" thing is a bunch of bullshit, and people were just as disgusted with fat people then as they are now. Anyone else know what article I'm talking about? I can't remember where it was and I want to read it again.

I mean, obviously scrawny with stringy hair and no teeth wasn't attractive either. But I think what was considered most attractive then, as well as now, is curvy (not fat with rolls, actually curvy, like ass and tits and a soft body but not lumpy or rollish or fat).
says the hambeast, suddenly filled with hope.
Well, that's true too.
He looks like a emo faggot.
Well like they say the more the cushion the more the pushin
yeah, I've studied art history myself, and besides prehistoric times with willendorf's venus, each and all women representing the ideal of beauty have been fit, thin or normal weight.
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Yeah, someone drew them a picture
What I mean by "fat" is basically chubby. I don't mean the obese.
>and people were just as disgusted with fat people then as they are now

You don't really need an article; gluttony was generally considered a negative characteristic by most culture and obviously obesity goes along with it

Though needless to say the bony, curveless frame most modern women aspire to and call "thin" wasn't preferred either.
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No offence bro but that aint no pack that's chub. Look at the line under her belly button.
But look at her arms as well, clearly they're chunky. I don't think obese was ever something that was considered ~beautiful~ but I don't think emancipated, skinny was either. Venus in this picture is fit, healthy, but she also has curves and a bit of a plump to her. If a model with that same body typed modeled nude we'd probably all be like "why the hell would they let HER model" because it isn't our beauty standard. Or at least the magazine standard for beauty.
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But this Venus is fat.
That guy is so lucky. If it turns out that she's into animu, I'll fight him for her.
he's ugly as sin. they look resigned, like they had no other option besides being alone for the rest of their life.
Out of sheer curiosity, wasn't it also if you were fatter, it was a public symbol that you ate well / could sustain yourself?

I'm not talking morbidly obese, or royalty, but if you were a peasant and on the fatter side, I mean. Might not be attractive, or the ideal person. I'm just curious.

Girl in OP's pic has an unbelievably pretty face. If she lost weight, she'd be amazing.
>claims to study art history
>knows nothing about art history

nice lie.
That is embarrassing.
He's into that obviously.

I ain't even.
they're both at normal weight.
Boyfriend is only average, looks scrawny and has dopey face and unflattering haircut. Girlfriend has cute face, nice hair. He's a chubby chaser.
Oh he's cute.
Dunno about what it makes me feel.
I usually reject guys due to their personality sucking.
So you know, I don't care.
Why are there two naked adults kissing when there's naked children around? If this was painted today the artist would be called a pedo
normal weight again. being at normal weight =/= fat.
Holy Shit... I saw this topic from the front page of 4chan and thought it'd be funny...

I'm never coming back to /cgl/ again. I'm going back to /fit/-/pol/
They're gods. Gods do weird shit.

>but I don't think emancipated, skinny was either.

Fuck you guys are retarded.
the heck you're spitting. her arms and legs are fucking thin and her belly is fit as hell. the same with >>5860382
thin =/= anorexic.
"Normal" weight. They were painted fatter because rich people are fatter and that was desirable.
There are 4 kids in the picture.
She's probably birthed them all.
Ofc she's "fat".
>implying I didn't study art history because you're buttmad cause I proved the "fat used to be beautifu" is bullshit.
nice try, hambeast. fat was NEVER considered beautiful. I even doubt you know who Willendorf's Venus was.
No, they're chunky. And I never said thin = anorexic. But the fact is when it comes to magazines, the beauty standard is stick thin. I think we are FINALLY emerging out of that standard though, it's not as bad as was in the early 2000s or late 90s. But Venus in that painting is not what people would consider "omg beautiful' in this day and age if they saw her on a magazine.

I think she is, as well as all the other women in art posted in this thread. But I'm talking about a general beauty standard that seems to be run by magazines.
Did you know anorexia has been existing since centuries? Women wanted to be thin/fit before too. If you studied art history you should know better about this.
>Thinking gods give birth the human way
Yeah, anorexia caused by lack of food.
a thin waist was aristocratic
huurrrrr there's a reason corsets were used for fashions sake
What period of art history have you studied?
>don't know shit about roman and greek mythology, full of examples of gods giving birth the human way, as well as others.
Artemis hated men because she remembered her mother suffering when she gave birth to her and apollo. Male gods were the ones who used to give birth in a really weird manners, because they didn't have a vagina.
they're not chunky. they all have normal weight for their height.
>And I never said thin = anorexic. But the fact is when it comes to magazines, the beauty standard is stick thin.
Stick thin = anorexic. Any weight below your minimum weight according to your height is considered anorexia (both physical and mental condition of anorexia). Nice contradiction there.
They're chunky, chubby, plump, whatever. Which is how WE would describe them today. Back when these paintings were painted they probably were normal weight. But to us they are chubby.
A large hip to waist ratio is the most desirable in women

Just like women have always liked muscles

Men have always liked women with large hip to waist ratio which can only be achieved by being thin and thus having a small waist
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Wasn't the due to French influence? Just because you can wear a corset doesn't mean they wanted anorexics.
>Just like women have always liked muscles

modern society is here to throw a wrench into your generalization
No it's not you fucktard. You just grouped everyone who is naturally skinny and underweight to be an anorexic.

Way to be an asshole.
>Any weight below your minimum weight according to your height is considered anorexia (both physical and mental condition of anorexia)
different anon
but no it isn't

to be clinically anorexic your body fat and weight has to be under a certain%
if you're a few lbs underweight it's not considered anorexia

if you're say 10+lbs underweight, you'll probably have hit the mark
Women still prefer muscles.
NO. Wealthy women forced themselves to be sickly thin because it actually was considered beautiful. It was the same shit from nowadays. Have you heard about delicate women faiting? They were delicate and fainting because they choose to starve themselves. A noble woman eating in public was considered disgusting, and most noble and aristocrat women ate once a day, even though they were rich and had food.
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>thin waist=/=anorexic
You do realize this is why so many girls have ideas way above their station now right?

You've got 4/10 girls and LOWER fucking 6/10 guys and HIGHER.

There's no fucking way any 4/10 girl is going to want to settle down after being with a cute guy even if it was only for a few months.

This is part of the problem.

Backing this up. You have to be 90% of your minimum body weight in DSMIV, if my memory serves me correctly.
While I'm not agreeing with the fatties

aristocrats only ate once a day because the meal they had was huge with many courses since it was all about throwing eloborate dinner parties to show off how rich you are

Uh, they fainted because their corsets were too tight. Learn2history
How is it a problem? It's only a problem if you're a pathetic 0/10 man who shouldn't reproduce anyway.
But were talking about anorexics. Do follow the quotes.
Isn't he only dating her because she's his fetish? Kinda seems that way when I see hot/not obese guys with obese girls.
I'm not anorexic.
My BMI is 15.
I am completely fine.

Not getting the nutrition you need is something though, like vitamins etc.
I know one guy.
He had no friends.
My fat friend got to know him, hung out all the time.
Started dating.
He suddenly got friends, dumped her, and now says she is gross.

no it's thin vs fat being attractive in the past
She might have been skinny before this, and some guys like bbw, just because he is a good looking man it doesn't mean he's lowering his standards, he just likes that their's more cushion for the pushin' ;D.
>not losing weight to keep boyfriend
No, somebody said it was normal to be an anorexic in the past. Again, read up.
from prehistoric times until XX century. only willendorf's venus was actually fat, and she was a prehistoric goddess. the rest have been fit, thin or had a normal weight, but none of them were overweight. and thinking about obese women depicted as desirable at any history time is laughable. this thread is filled with hambeast hoping that weight is something you can be delusional about so they can be considered beautiful or desirable. they're not. that's a fetish.

being fat or thin isn't a thing changeable with fashion or over times. it's a mathematical thing. you have a range of weight for your height, considered normal weight. if you pass that limit over, you're fat, and if your weight is too less for the minimum weight you need, you're anorexic. it's as simple as that. but people nowadays think their own delusions can turn obvious facts into whatever they want to so they can be considered beautiful, intelligent, sexy or whatever possitive trait, when they painfully know they aren't.
most people before shitty modern food existed was at their normal weight and underweight because they didn't had unnatural food to eat, they wanted to starve themselves to be beautiful, or they were poor (depending on their wealth).
So you're saying that yes, there was point in time where fatter chicks were desirable? That's what we've been saying. I mean just look at the goddesses of fertility in other cultures. It's mostly a fat chick with with big boobs and wide hips.
Is that Pear-chan?

Just putting in my two cents. I don't think most people were arguing that obesity was beautiful, but simply that being at your minimum healthy weight wasn't beautiful. All the art used as examples showed Venus' that, while not obese, weren't particularly thin either. A little muscle here, a little chub there - resoundingly average. Definitely not "fit", but not overweight either.
It's a problem because sub-standard women are getting above-standard men, which cements the belief in their heads that they're actually really beautiful and special and shouldn't settle for anyone their equivalent in looks.

It creates a buttload of social problems in effect, since men tend to place a greater emphasis on a woman's character and personality, whereas women place the greatest emphasis on a man's looks.
once again I say, some people are fat, some people are skinny, some people in between. Some people like fat partners, some skinny partners, some in between. Don't like the way you look? change it. Don't like the way someone else looks? Keep it to yourself.
Also people's standarts of beauty and fitness were so high before XIX century that they literally killed, mocked off withouth pity, battered or kicked out of society those who didn't met a certain minimum in the beauty, skill or intelligent department, like people with deformities or even one imperfect feature (if you were perfect with a big nose, you were screwed for the rest of your life).

People had no rights at all, and even a slightly off the norm thing could condemn a person to ostracism. Most "burned witches and mages" from middle ages were killed by their neighbours because they were considered ugly or socially inept, not by Inquisition (Inquisition killed a few hundreds due to heresy, not witchtcraft. cristianity doesn't belive in pagan things like those). And those were literally thousands of women (judged more harshly than men) and men.
meh. She's got a super cute face and she probably has a good personality. I feel indifferent, she probably deserves a cute boyfriend.
It makes me feel that that dude probably has a fatty fetish. So what lol.
>since men tend to place a greater emphasis on a woman's character and personality, whereas women place the greatest emphasis on a man's looks.

...You know that's not true, right? There have been a ton of scientific studies on the subject, and for long term relationships women and men actually are about equally superficial, equally interested in personality. I can look them up if you like.
Inner beauty with outer beauty. Perhaps even have children who have both. Not a bad thing really.
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People, when we say that fat has been desirable in the past, we don't mean 300lbs.
We mean this. She's definitely chubs, probably overweight, but not obese.
As for the person saying that women being fit used to be attractive, that is definitely not true. Riding and walking were usually the only acceptable forms of exercise among high class women, which doesn't allow for any kind of muscle definition. A woman was supposed to have a soft, frail, skinnyfat-leaning-on-fat body.
Waif-thin has been considered attractive to and fro since the late 1800s and fit since the mid 1900s.
Sounds awesome, like there was real selection pressure against ugly women.

Women need to look pleasing for men. You need to please us and make us happy.
no, you miss read due to your high desire to be considered beautiful even in prehistoric times. I said willendorf's venus was considered beautiful because she was a goddess (the goddess of pregnancy, that's why that sculpture was fat), in a certain little place in earth, for a short time in prehistoric times.

so no, unless you were pregnant in that time, you've would be considered as disgusting as you are nowadays.
Tell that to the Samoans.
She isn't fat, can't see the rolls there. OP is fat.
You need to take civ 101 bro. Ever heard of the Spartans? Their women were badass as fuck.

Don't even bother. These people probably took one general art history class in collage to fill in a credit, passed with a C+, and now think they're art history masters.

Have a read of this.

It debunks the myth that fat women were considered attractive in the past.

Fat acceptance is the bottom of the barrel of identity politics, which is a shit filled barrel to begin with.
Different cultures have had different standards of beauty, this is nothing new. I was referring to more modern times, and Europe, because I thought that was what we were talking about.


So whats wrong with him?
I'll say this once again.
The reason women are (and biologically should be) more picky when it comes to partners than men are is because sex represents a much larger investment.
All a man loses is some sperm which he has bucketloads of. Theoretically, there's hardly even an upper limit to how many children a man can have.
Pregnancy presents a large investment for a woman - she can't produce more than one child a year and rarely more than ten in her lifetime. Therefore she must be certain her partner is of good quality.
I swear to god if she calls herself chubby I with start throwing shit. She is fat as fatass. If he wants to date someone with no self control then go for it, he wouldn't be worth dating then.

tdlr She's a fat fuck and he's disgusting for dating her.
You femanons are trash, you're shit on my shoe.
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>linking to a site that blames stick thin fashion models on "homosexual designers"
>All a man loses is some sperm which he has bucketloads of.

And the entirety of his income.

Calm your tits. Pearchan/Beccabae is funny, cute, and knows she's fat as fuck. She likes it. While she's not a purposeful gainer, she doesn't exactly try to stop putting on weight. I've been following her on tumblr for a bit and she's not the sort of fat person I could hate (and I hate a lot of sloppy fat fucks, I strongly believe in taking care of your body and monitoring your bodyfat percentage so it doesn't get out of hand). I'm horribly confused by her inability to give a fuck about her massive weight gain, which is probably 100lb since her original Pearchan photos, but her personality and cute face make up for it.

Ohyeah and she met her boyfriend on tumblr. He's a fat fetishist.
You are not prepared to settle for a man your equivalent in attractiveness.
>poisoning the well

Do you want me to do the same with your sociology/left wing interpretations of history?
I'm talking about biology, honey.
The female chooses the male, not the other way around, with all animals that have internal reproduction. It makes biological sense. I'm not talking about whether it's morally right or politically correct.
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Why shouldn't they pay? Society doesn't want to pay for your kids?
Everyone in this thread is retarded.

1. Not every "good looking" man dates fatties because they're "not shallow." It's usually because they like fat chicks (OMG HOLY SHIT!!! SOMEONE FINDS THAT ATTRACTIVE? HURRR)

2. She is a model. It's Pear-chan. She does fat fetish modelling and does pretty well for herself. Not all models are skinny.

3. She does not think of herself as just 'chubby'. She is well aware she is fat. Jesus christ.
How many men have used you?
>being fit was never attractive!
>but I wasn't talking about the time when fit women were attractive.

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Brah, your site is full of shit.
Is /soc/ trolling /cgl/ again?
And after each one I do a little dance and insult a random man for having a penis.
as a guy i feel sorry for him, look at those arms god damn
I amdont more surprised he is ok with her being a bbw porn star.
>I'm talking about biology, honey.

Life needs are biology. Whether you like it or not, money is a life need for the overwhelming majority of humans.

18 years of funding a child who will be raised to hate you dwarfs 9 months of BAWWW IM FAT NO DONT LOOK AT ME
Have you funded a baby yet?
She isn't a pornstar. She's an adult model. She just takes picture sets. Nothing hardcore.
I want to watch them fuck. Do you think he puts his dick in between her stomach rolls and fucks the stomach?
Except it isn't.

Are you seriously trying to fucking argue that Rubens type women were considered attractive by mainstream society at any point in European History?

Fat left wing wing whinging whore.
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It's funny how you try to laugh it off, but if a good looking guy came up to you and smooth talked you, you'd suck his dick pretty quickly and swallow his cum.
Once again, biology.
Not sociology.
These are instincts that have been around since the early reptilians. Not fifty years old divorce and alimony laws.
lol, umad.
Not shocked, if you go by /soc/ youll find more bbw /chub/fat/big girl threads then thin/normal sized threads.
Why is this even being brought up? If they're happy leave them alone. Different people have different concepts of beauty.

Also, iirc during the renaissance period and before it was desirable for women to have chub because it meant they would be good child bearers or something.
No, you're mad.

You're the one who is trying to convince yourself that a few Rubens paintings represents some kind of hidden preference for fat women that everyone has covered up for the past two thousand years.

How fat have you go to be to actually believe something like that? 300lbs?
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I'm not quite sure what my political standing has anything to do with this. You do realize that republicans can be pro-gay as well.

Resorting to that type of name calling just makes me think you're retarded and have no idea what you're talking about.
But attractive are attractive to both genders. Surely, you wouldn't bother getting to know the woman either if she was pretty and wanted you.
If I did, that would confirm what I've been saying.
I would fuck the attractive guy, but not the unattractive one, because his genes are superior, and that is vital for the survival of my child.
The attractive man on the other hand would fuck a hundred other chicks beside me, because none of the women really matter since he has 99 others who could produce a better child.
Then again if you go to /a/ you see more DFC lovers while in general men tend to like big breasts. I wouldn't use a board on 4chan as a trustworthy source.
You're sluts.


What logic? You think Venus from The Birth of Venus was fat? Renaissance beauty was pale skin, light hair, delicate etc.
Pearchan kind of has tiny tits. Maybe I'm on to something.
oh my god your posts can barely even contain your rage
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All of you mad fuckers need to chill out. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Who's to say he isn't a chubby chaser? Maybe fat chics get him hard? It has nothing to do with historical beauty standards, militant feminism, or the "fall of the patriarchy." Is all about personal taste.

I don't understand the attraction to fatties myself, but who am I, and who are any of you, to judge them over it? She probably likes scrubby hipsters with glasses, he likes fatties and maybe redheads or something. Deal with it.

The only people here crying about them are mad faggots who can't find someone so they become enraged to see someone they feel less attractive than themselves getting a relationship, regardless of gender.

>Baw she's fat so she doesn't deserve anything but a fat/ugly guy!
>Baw he's just with her because he's desperate to get laid!

STFU and work on your self-esteem, you're embarrassing yourselves.
So it's acceptable for women to act as they do because "it's instinct, they can't help themselves"?

So why do women get mad at rape?
Let's go back up a few posts and read what I said earlier.
I quote: "I'm not talking about whether it's morally right or politically correct."
Well DFC fetish has nothing to do with this BBW fetish, fatty lovers are mentally sick.
But you're the one that doesn't want to pay for your child. Why are you so irresponsible?
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>I'm not talking about whether it's morally right or politically correct, but I'm going to continue justifying and defending it
becca bae is the only obese woman i have ever found attractive
thank you based anon
I'm explaining the reasons behind why women are more picky than men when it comes to sex.
I'm not saying it's necessarily morally right in a monogamous relationship where both are equally invested. However it makes perfect sense in a polygamous (lack of a) relationship.
what the fuck are you talking about? shes more attractive than him
Sad. I have only been asked out twice in my life so far, despite being fairly average and not fat:

I just found out that my boyfriend is actually 30 (10 year age difference) and is going on trial for statuary rape.
Makes me feel like this board is becoming like /soc/. Please stop.
OMG it's a mod!

Please please us you're going to get /r9k/ to stop harassing /cgl/.
Omg you exist! Thank you! Please delete the dakota threads too! She doesnt cosplay or wear lolita
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It's nice to see the mods haven't completely forsaken us
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what the....
We want it to but literally everyday there is /soc/ shit and then postings of actual shit on here. Just come here once a day, dude. That's all we ask for.
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>>>/cgl/5861410 Ban the OP of this thread too, and the VA threads, that shit ain't rori.

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