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So at the last con I was at some girl was wearing a hooters girl uniform.

I thought it was fun and cute but I found out a lot of people were complaining about it.

what does cgl think?
Stupid, it has nothing to do with anime.
working at hooters is terrible
degrading and horrible pay
why the fuck would you support such a place by wearing its uniform to a con?
Stupid as hell, or did she just work at Hooters and come there during her break?
It's cosplay so it's not a big deal.
neither does fucking homestuck but you fags still wear it to cons

>irelevent argument
>irelevent argument
Two wrongs don't make one right.
>implying women don't enjoy being degraded

you guys wear fucking ponies, comic charaters, memes and other shit with nothing to do with anime to the anome con.....
but you fucking shit your pants when someone wears those leg avenue costumes.
wtf cgl
It's just... kind... of....stupid..... Why cosplay something you can go see dozens of chicks wearing at the sports bar? It's like buying that shitty slutty harry potter costume and wearing it. Or any shity halloween costume and wearing it.
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One day...
so we cant wear homestuck cosplays to anime cons?

wow cgl you are that strict? Do you have a stick stuck in your ass or something?
I'm not strict, I just find it dumb. OP asked our opinion and this is mine.
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ITT jelly fatty chans
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I wish they had cons for homestuck, so that people could get out the homestuck cosplays out of there systems before cons. Pic related look in the background.
oh here we go...
Dear homestucks of /cgl/ it's not that you can't cosplay homestuck it's that you shouldn't because the only people who find it funny or good in anyway (and yes I have ligitmatly tried to read it several times) are dumb fuck little "XD (random eg. CHEESE LAMA)" cunts, and little fucking XD randoms are fucking idiots and cancer, the only people I know who can ligitimatly sit through that crap are weeaboos and one retarded kid at my school who thinks everything is funny and can barely read.
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at anime con
see cosplay from:
western comic books
video games
internet memes
western cartoons

all of a sudden a hooters girl cosplay


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dont forget annoing bitches who cosplay gir
The creator has banned the creation of a con in his comics name or image. So that won't happen.
I think he knows about InvaderCon.
what the fuck is it?

I tried lookking it up and Im confused

i think i tried sitting through the first chapter but I was confused as fuck

Welcome to Homestuck
>Homestuck freaks getting butthurt
Why'd he do that?
Just a fucking retarded MS Paint comic about trolls or something. It's so undeserving of its popularity it isn't even funny.

Requesting video of Homestuck cosplayers spitting in a bucket at a restaurant

Let me fix this

>It has nothing to do with sci-fi, anime, webcomics, or anything that those kinds of conventions are about.
>It's a uniform used to pander to men on football nights that go along with terrible hot wings.

Why is this an issue
What happened to InvaderCon?

It was probably filled with 13 year olds screaming about how awesome tacos are at each other
Hooters costumes are hot because its a uniform specifically made to say women are simply meatbags for men to look/touch/fuck. Sometimes I'll see girls wears hooters shirts as casual clothes, and I think, "Aw yeah". I'm pretty sure there is a picture of a feminist (ugly) protesting the hooter girls (sexy).
>People even bitching about anything related to this.

I wish people who even cared about this shit would just have a giant CUNT stamp on their foreheads so I know who not to bother talking to.
>terrible hot wings
I will fight you, you dirty monkey
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Which side are you on?
maybe look..but touch and fuck?

do you feel the same way about a dominatrix?
you can be in control, in charge and confident and still be sexy.

Im not gonna sit and be jelly and admit that hooters girls are fine. its not like they let men TOUCH them let alone have sex with them.
Even if we did have MSPAcons, people would still cosplay Homestuck at the other cons they go to. Having cons specific to western works doesn't stop people from doing western cosplays at anime conventions, why would that work for Homestuck
Isn't that a rule at Hooters anyway; that you can't touch them? (I've never been to a Hooters so I have no idea what they're like.)
the girl with the sgin is cgl
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My god, an evidence of evolution~!

Women in general.
>implying cgl girls are ugly nerdy /a/ women .

have you seen some of these trip fags here? They are pretty hot
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Those girls are the epitome of 3DPD.

Plastic skanks who look like blow up dolls.
They all look 6/10
Besides if you were gonna compare the ugly ones, the women on /co/ are your average dyke feminists, jesus.

Do you even know how rare it is to even find a measly C cup on here? Anything bigger just doesn't exist. And even if you like petite girls, none of them are shorter than 5'3.
It's just a parade of horribly average whores.
i guess its a rule just like at any other restaurant

like what do you mean, did you honestly think that you were allowed to grab the waitresses boobs at hooters?
>did you honestly think that you were allowed to grab the waitresses boobs at hooters?

Well yes, actually. I figured thats why guys were so crazy about it.

Hooters is a family restaurant, actually. They just so happen to dress up their waitresses like whores and charge $20 for a burger meal. They even follow regular hiring standards of "not EVERY girl has to have big knockers" and they'll have a few token members of the itty bitty titty committee who must have some pretty bad self-esteem issues or something.

Now there are some ACTUAL strip clubs where the girls dress a lot more whorish, the food is more shittier/expensive, but at least you can give 'em a pinch when they walk by.
has anyone on this board even worked at hooters at all
Too ugly, wouldn't hire.
Okay... So why would anyone bother going there? I assumed it was like the strip clubs here where you could touch them anywhere external.
Surely it couldn't be hard to just find another place with reasonable prices and attractive staff.
>making that argument as a cosplayer
Holy fuck this board is full of stupid
the tripfag Hatsuu has.

She no longer does though, but she has some hilarious stories from when she did.
It's true, just go to cathouse for actual fun, and you spend about the same, considering how spendy the food and how much of a tip is expected at a Hooters.
My Girlfriend does. Basic pay is so-so but the tips are fantastic.

I'm still figuring out how some people think they're purist.
Hooters = Slutty whores - People who think this are people who have no lives away from their computers/internet. (or 13 yr olds with big imaginations.
Anime Cosplayers = not slutty - WHAT?

I once dressed up as a Wcdonalds crew member (so many anime has Wcdonalds) using my old McDs uniforms (by reattaching the logo patch upside down)
It was somewhat a failure because people kept asking me where was my booth...
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Is this acceptable?
I've never been allowed to touch the women at a strip club either, so I don't know where you're coming from.
To help you understand. At a strip club, you get to watch, you don't get to touch. You get a lap dance but you can't grope her.
> slutty genderbend /tv/ costume is ok
> hooters uniform isn't, because its pandering to horny old men
This actually isn't that bad.
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It depends on the location to find attractive Hooters waitresses.

NOTE: Do not go to Hooters in Hillbilly County
This. Homestuck has nothing to do with anime or manga. I don't know why the fuck it's at a con, or why Homestuck have the nerves to even talk shit about other cosplayers. Fuck, at least Hetalia was acceptable because as annoying as that fandom was it had something to do with anime and manga. Take that shit to comic/sci-fi/general conventions.
That still seems pretty pointless. Might as well just watch porn.
Hell, like i said, here (QLD) you can grope as much as you want when getting a lapdance, and they get fully naked. Hell, once, one of the girls i was with ended up making out with the stripper giving her a lapdance.
Seems like you guys are getting ripped off.
In terms of sluttiness, yea, their argument doesn't hold water. But as relevance to cosplaying? Naw, it'd be like wearing a white shirt and tie, then saying you're cosplaying an office worker (unless you were going as D-Fens). Pretty darn pointless.
Isn't it more of a fact it has nothing to do with "nerdy" things unlike all the other shit people have brought up (homesuck and MLP etc)? Not just "OMG N0t AnIMez!!" Unless it's a character in a Hooters outfit, it looks rather out of place at a convention.
I can't say I'd hate or think badly of someone wearing something like that, just wondering why they'd wear it to a nerd fest.
>subject has nothing to do with anime
Jesus fucking Christ, the day that the 4chan firefox add-on gets updated cannot come soon enough. It's enough to make me want to switch to Chrome.
Can I wear my Ralph's uniform and call it cosplay?
A Hooter's uniform isn't cosplay.
>doesn't know what it's about
>claims that it's undeserving of it's popularity
I read the whole thing TWICE for the sake of science
It's hard to get through the first act, but after you get into the rhythm of it and figure out what's going on, it's an enjoyable story. However, because there are so many seemingly pointless details that come back in big ways later in the story, it's recommended that you go through the whole thing twice in order to grasp the whole story. It's a classic case of good story, horrible fanbase. And while the story isn't mindblowing and fantastic, it is in my opinion a good read even if just for the sake of understanding the obsession.

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Am I the only person that thinks it'd be adorable to cosplay a character with big tits and/or skimpy outfits in a hooters outfit?

I agree an outfit alone isn't a cosplay, but I feel like if someone did, say, Tsunade, or Yoko, and put the right accessories with it, it'd be cute and funny.
You're not the only one. I want to see an entire group of characters famous for their tits in the Hooters uniform.

I just think it'd be cheeky.

Now see this would be fine, as it would correspond with the fucking convention.
Sort of off-topic, but this thread reminded me of a story my friend told me.

She and her two friends were dressed up as Haruhi, Mikuru and Yuki in the bunny suits and some girl literally started screaming at them from nowhere, saying they were degrading themselves and telling them Playboy isn't anime. Friend told her they were from Haruhi Suzumiya and the girl shouted, "DO YOU THINK I'M STUPID?! THERE IS NO ANIME CALLED THAT."
Last time I went to a convention I had lunch at hooters in full out OTT sweet lolita. Was terrified the sloppy waitresses would splash me with the beer they seemed obsessed with spilling bits of on the floor... NEVER AGAIN.

Possibly she worked there and was at the con before/after work?

Hey! You just proved yourself a liar! You have never been to a strip club and your 12. Who told you that happens there? Your brother? TV? I bet you don't even know the standard rate for a lap dance. Not even a ladies drink.
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>trying to defend a uniform that isn't related to anime, manga, vidya, or ANYTHING and make it acceptable to wear to cons
>gets mad at Homestuck, a CARTOONY WEBCOMIC, or shit like Darth Vaders at cons.

Never change /cgl/
Protip: Love & Rockets, The Caberet Club, and Showgirls are exactly like i said (Fortitude Valley and the CBD).
Also, lapdances are $55 for 10min, but you can get $5 "preview" ones on the stage floor, and for $10 they'll get full naked.
Why would someone make that up, anyhow...?
Eh I hate them both.

Hooters girl --> sloppy waitress who may spill beer on my precious dress
Homestuck --> lousy cosplayer who may leave grey bodypaint on my precious dress.
In Santa Monica you can touch the strippers.
And some places in San Diego.
Never been to one that does full nude except Vegas where you can touch.

>for 10 minutes
What the ever loving fuck.
I have NEVER been to strip club that charges more than $20 for a two song lap dance.

...Except maybe Vegas but that was a Bachelor Party and I was REALLY fucking drunk so I don't remember a lot of that.
$55au, bro. We get overcharged for everything, though. And it isn't too bad when you pay for like half an hour ($100 i think, haven't been in a while).

I miss Sydney now....
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San Francisco strippers on the Broadway touch you and go full-on naked.
But are you allowed to grope them? Because apparently alot of places frown on that...
The seedy ones let you. The ones with secondary/third health clearances. The good ones won't let you grope them.
And you can tell the difference:
Sluts let you grope them and charge you for it.
Performers won't let you touch them.

I've been to Miami and I went to a club where the ex of Marilyn manson (name escapes me but I keep thinking Von Tease) was performing. Club Smelled real nice (does not smell like an overpriced buffet) and it was very captivating.
>Why would someone make that up, anyhow...?

to pretend they've been to one and act all worldly and wisdomic.
If what you say is true, you've been had. Strippers will strip for no matter how much. It's part of the stage act.
Huh, that's kinda funny. It's the complete opposite here, where the nice ones that smell and look nice are full contact, but the seedy as hell ones where you're probably going to be shivved don't. Then again, in those ones, you probably don't want to get within the infection zone of the girls anyhow...
>Club Smelled real nice (does not smell like an overpriced buffet) and it was very captivating.

Sorry! I meant just watching her and the others perform was captivating.
Yea, no shit bro. But lap dances aren't free. You can sit and watch the stage as long as you want without paying, but if you want anything more personal you need to get out the wallet.

Aight... But if i wanted to appear more wisdomous and embiggened, i don't think i'd be bragging about knowledge of strip clubs instead of nice places with pomp and class.
Question. Was this not about "cosplaying" a Hooters waitress?
It *was*, yes.
Hey! It was my first time to a clean club. Give me a break. Living in east LA...
You get the point.

No one will bother trying to respond to this because /cgl/ ignores all good responses.

It's a loss when it comes to /cgl/ logic.

If you want to dress up as something, do it! People who complain? Get over it. You don't like it? Don't look at it, it's not a con for you, it's a con for EVERYONE!

>>inb4 omg you are such a newfag for having positive outlooks on something
I agree with you on some accounts, but to me there's a difference between wearing a shitty fanbase (because they ARE /co/ or /a/ related) some Legs Avenue get up, or a Hooters uniform.

With Legs Avenue they at least TRIED to make the effort for it to be con-related.

The Hooters thing is just such a desperate plea for attention.


Cosplaying is a costume!

Saying hooters isn't one is like saying dressing as a sexy Doctor for a con isn't cosplay. Both are professions! Unless it's a kids convention, there should be no hate towards provocative costumes. Comic book characters are almost always dressed provactively. Same goes for anime, not everything is moe..for that I'd look more in kawaii cons direction.

Thanks for being cool about that tho. Was totally expecting some extremely twisted logic response.
I wouldn't call that appropriate con-wear either.
It may not be in the rules, but the point of cosplaying at cons is to dress up as a specific, fictional character. I wouldn't dress up as a princess at a con, but I would dress up as Cinderella. I wouldn't dress up like a pirate, but I would dress up like Jack Sparrow.
Do you see the difference?

And yes, I realize I can't stop people from dressing up however they want, but they can't stop me from having opinions about it either.
Hooters has some decent chicken wings. I'd probably eat there more often if I didn't live across from a Roosters which is basically the same thing but better. I can't give a fuck what the waitresses look like.
>Hooters has some decent chicken wings
Stopped reading right there.
Their food is trite.

Sorry but that sounds really crazy Ha.

Both are exactly the same, just one is noticeable because of it being something. There is nothing wrong with being something that someone else made that isn't a big title. "I made this gorgeous princess costume, so ima sell it."

"Oh! This is so beautiful and elaborate! I'd love to wear this at a con."

I see nothing wrong with doing it. Just because it's a 'princess' and not your Cinderella. Doesn't mean it will be dull. Cons are just a giant Halloween for dressing up as something you aren't.

/Cgl/ has taken conventions from simple and fun, to some crazy-intricate thing that needs to follow these crazy standards.

If I made some weird typos sorry I'm really tired.
Dita. Dita is hot and classy.
Haha well we all have different tastes so guess it helps that I like greasy food.
Honestly, it doesn't bother me because it's not anime, it bothers me because there's nothing geeky or niche about it. We've got enough people coming to cons just to get laid, we don't need more incentive. Cons are supposed to be geeky gatherings for people to show their weird side, not just parties for the local frats and guidos.

I mean, this is kinda on-par with Jersey Shore cosplay, isn't it?
I disagree.
Halloween parties are Halloween parties and cons are cons.
They are not the same things, nor should they be.
Cons are made for nerd culture (sci-fi, gaming, anime, comics, fantasy, etc), and not just a dress-up party. If it's just a dress up party you want, you should try going to one.
I was trying to find a way to say this same point without sounding like an asshole.

Con's aren't just "I wanna wear this cause it's pretty" they're... themed for lack of a better word.

But I'm the asshole that will occasionally wear an /a/ costume to a /co/n so, whatev's.
I kind of agree and kind of don't. I think that this sums it up nicely:

Going to a convention and wearing a non-specific costume or outfit that fits into the theme makes sense (fashion cultures that pull from nerd cultures; lolita, steampunk, outfits based on references or injokes), but rocking up as a non-media "persona" is rather weird. Then again, I still get a bit skeeved by skimpy rave girls at conventions when they're not in the actual rave, but just wandering around the halls in their furry boots and nipple tape.
I agree with what you're saying, but lolita,steampunk and all that stuff isn't cosplay, adn it's not trying to pass as it. You can attend cons without cosplaying just fine.
I kind of chose a bad example for my parenthetical; what I mean is that because lolita stems from Japan, Steampunk from literary/comic themes, etc. that the same could be stretched for fantasy conventions to apply to original fair maiden/princess outfits or random aliens at sci fi.

Does that make more sense?

Basically, it's a gathering of nerds with a theme, right? As long as their choice of clothing fits the theme, even if it's a non-specific character, it doesn't really bother me.
Yeah, those are their own cultures with their own cons.

I can see mixing it with other /a/ and /co/ stuff (Holy shit, I would LOVE to see a Lolita Birds of Prey group) IF you do it right.

...that first isn't meaning to say that every culture should stick its own cons - that's just rude.
>as long as their choice of clothing fits the theme
So how does the Hooters "costume" fit into the theme?
It doesn't. And I'm not defending them, either.

I'm talking about girls in random princess outfits/generic "character" outfits, which was something someone else brought up.
>wearing Hooters uniform in public

You can do that? I would think Hooters would be pissed if they saw some random chick out in a uniform who doesn't work there flaunting about in their uniform, especially at a anime convention.
They actually sell the outfits to the public, soooooo ... somehow, I doubt they care about who wears them in the end.
For the reason you're looking for - advertisement.

Free advertisement.
>Meido costumes (and McDonald's gijinkas) are accepted and complimented at anime cons
>Absolutely no craftsmanship or hard work required to make a cute maid costume, you can buy one off the net easy as shit
>No real anime influence at all, either
>But wearing a Hooters uniform causes a shitstorm and "doesn't belong"

Kind of? ~*Kawaii meido-chan*~ definitely caters to the same appetites, just with a different means of expressing them. I think that the big difference is that Hooter's is so associated with redneck, super-manly American culture, which most nerds have been excluded from their entire lives.

I guess it'd be like cosplaying your favourite football player or something. It's a massively fan-based culture, but it's not the right fan culture for the occasion.
>didn't read the thread
>jumping into conclusions
I guess you could argue that meido stuff is part of the nerd and/or Japanese culture. Lots of anime characters dress like maids.

And gijinkas are gijinkas. A Hooters gijinka would be dressing up like the actual owl.
Cons have Maid-Cafe's (which is big in Japan) not Hooter's Cafe's.

I would give you the Ginjinka thing but there are portions of Japan that are FASCINATED by American Culture.
If it's any kind of well-known con, then who gives a fuck.
If it's a small con that is truly a haven for "nerd" culture, then fuck them.
How about a cosplay of hatsune miku in a hooters uniform?
Would it be a good cosplay? No.
Would it be cosplay? Yes.
So, if for some stupid reason the creators put Miku in one of their uniforms for an advertisement ploy, it would be acceptable?

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