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Halt! I am searching for the Avatar! Where can I find him?!
You should find your honor first.
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Think you can take me, bitch?
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The Avatar's just a legend. I thought I saw your honor over on /co/ though. It's thattaway ==>
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>The Avatar's just a legend. I thought I saw your honor over on /a/ though. It's thattaway ==>

fixed it for you
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u funy
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Have you seen /co/? Every saturday morning at least 20 threads are murdered so the first few pages don't suffocate.
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Still waiting for that life changing field trip, Zuko.


You dropped something.
I think it might've been your honor.
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I saw your mom the other day, she was with your honor.
Been searching for fanfiction of that field trip. No luck. =.="

You know we're totally going to find out what happened to Ursa in Korra?

Todays episode was kind of lame/good.

>haha, you can never bend your way out of here! The walls are made of PURE PLATINUM

>floor is made from earth
>they do not use it to throw bigger rocks at the mechs
>they do not use it to bend a tunnel and escape
>they don't seem to notice this small detail right up until Mako and Bo'Lin escape with them
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I will not stand for your insolence, /cgl/!
Hand me the airbender!
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Shush, you steaming hunk of man meat.
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If you were from /co/ you would have seen us answer that.
Earthbenders are naturally agressive in nature and will not turn tail in a fight.
However Bolin, being raised on the streets and protected by his brother the whole time, has learned to make his defense his best stat. Defending himself and finding a quick escape are his main priorities.

>hence why he ran like a bitch when he saw Mako and Korra kissing instead of knocking Mako on his ass.
>captcha:equal orclatere

This thread is now Avatar.

>amon mind

I am from /co/, and...

>earthbenders are naturally agressive in nature and will not turn tail in a fight

I disagree, earthbending is all about defense and discipline, not aggression.
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dif anon, but the discipline is why the Metalbenders didn't leave. They came to arrest Sato. they couldn't leave until Lin told them to or they caught him.

Any Avatar/LOK cosplays in the make, so Mods don't get twathurt and delete this thread?
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Have some cosplay.
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I want to know what happened to this guy.
I know Avatar doesn't usually tie up every loose end but he wasn't on the airship afterwards and I have this horrible image in my mind of the gang just completely forgetting about him and leaving him for the Equalists to find haha
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Postin a Korra cosplayer, can't wait to find more! I saw a gorgeous one the other day but didn't think to save. I really want to see some Bolin cosplayers as well.

I have a few saved Avatar cosplays I can dump if anyone is interested c:
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Do you know who'd make a fucking awesome Bolin?


Hide the thread then.
You cannot come to 4chan, a cosplay board in particular, and then get butthurt when people accidentally spoil something for you.
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>mfw no more avatar cosplay pictures
I don't get why Korra cosplayers use their actual hair
I think I've only seen one with an actual wig

i cant deal with this it's way too fucking cute
yup, cosplaying mako with him.

Oh I get it..
Amon is just pissed and doing this whole Equalist thing because Korra broke his heart... everything makes sense now!

But today I saw some of the stupidest theories on /co/ today. One guy seriously suggesting that Mako is secretely Amon... despite, y'know, them having being been at the exact same place in the the exact same time.
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I actually think real hair works best in this case.
I think wigs would prove to be way to thick, and it's not like with Japanese anime where you need ridiculous amounts of hair to even get close to the character you're supposed to be portraying.
No, earthbending is all about neutral jing. Dat waiting and listening.
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LoK cosplay time? LoK cosplay time
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There are Seagulls that ship Amolin too?

I love everything.
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Dumpin' what I've got!
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I wish the equalist!Bolin fanart kept his real personality. He'd be the most gosh-darned adorable equalist in the bunch.
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Just to make a few more Avatar fans aware (because there is legitimately quite a lot of people who don't know about this), there's an official comic currently being released named The Promise which details what the old gang from season one did after the war and ended and how Republic City came to be.

So you should like... download it. Part two is being released on the 30th I believe.
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Who is this? She's absolutely gorgeous.
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>that feel when I'm not dark skinned enough to cosplay Korra

It's just I'm very hard on myself for perfection, and I'm way too pale. fhfjdk
Is The Promise considered 100% canon official, though? I know Bryke told the writer a few things that were definite about the characters (this happens to so-and-so, that happens to who-and-who) but the rest is creative licensing on a part of the writer.
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omg... tearing up here ;__;
God fucking damnit I love Avatar so much.
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That's.... a pretty smart idea for water bending.
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There are some white cosplayers of her already about. >>5857771
the mirror melts on deviantart

Well I would imagine so. I don't know why the writers and production team would allow somebody to go off and make a comic about what happens between Legend of Aang and Legend of Korra without it being even a little bit official; they could totes sue otherwise.
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I don't mean that he doesn't have the *rights* to do it... but I don't know if I would consider everything in the comic canon, because only some things were delegated by Bryke, the rest is just made up based on the writer's preferences.
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I love you, anon.

So here's a question...is anyone going to cosplay the Announcer? aka Shiro?
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Well, I don't know to be honest.
I'm just really hungry for more details though so I'm lapping this shit up like warm semen off a whores belly.
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interesting idea for firebending
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Well fuck that's clever.
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Are you fucking kidding me? Tons of Korra cosplayers have used uggs -- its a universal base shoe for that outfit. I've only seen about 4 people actually MAKE the shoe, from the ground up.
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Yeah I know, and honestly it just doesn't look right. I'm not upset that they did it, they can do whatever they want because cosplay is fun, but I probably won't cosplay her because I just wouldn't feel right. Perfectionist to the end I guess.

And you know what's sad? Those stupid shitty white washing tumblrs probably get all over those poor girls for that kind of shit.
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>>5857840 And you know what's sad? Those stupid shitty white washing tumblrs probably get all over those poor girls for that kind of shit.

welcome to what it is like being the black Sailor Moon, black Kasumi, black Sasami, black Yoko, black Haruhi, ect.

People can't just let you be some character, it has to be preceded by your color. I haven't ever seen anyone say stop that shit for those girls/guys. Now that people are calling out white Korras inappropriately, NOW something is wrong with it.

No there was always shit wrong with it. I just didn't mention it because as far as I know it's died down a bit. Like on tumblr all I hear is, ahem, "black people getting pissed because their race is being whitewashed", when it retrospect its all goddamn white tumblr social justice twats trying to 'make an impact on the world'. It's all fucking ridiculous. Sure some races fit characters better than others, but what does it matter? It's all for fun.

I agree, there was always something wrong with it. Only no one ever said anything about it. People just put up with it.
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Omg she's a regular ember island player.
What's even worse is the fact that no one from the Water Tribes is actually black. They're quite clearly Inuit, who are fairly dark skinned to begin with but get really tanned, as anyone who's being skiing will know, because snow is reflective as fuck.
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Well, rules are meant to be broken
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>Thread is starting to morph into Black cosplayer/White cosplayer bullshit
>No one in avatar is either

There is a whole world of brown people outside of Black people. I hate when you guys turn this into Black/White race shit when Avatar is mostly set in an Asian/SE Asian background. Just cosplay the damn series and try to look accurate. This thread is going to derail once you go down that path.
are you saying we need to go... outside the law?
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Just remember when you are breaking laws that you are FABULOUS!

>gif related
lol @ all these skinny, white Korras

But korra is skinny. She's got muscle, but she's skinny. Your jealous fatty is showing.
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>dem arms
My heart is pounding so hard I can't even think oh god what the fuck
>girlboner activate
Korra is built, dude.

Built =/= Not skinny.
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lemme help you out, since you seem to be retarded.
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Both of those woman would be considered "skinny" if you asked a random person on the street. Hurrp durrp.
Lol no. The one on the right has noodle arms and no definition at all. And try posting actual show art, instead of concept. Final design is what matters. And it makes more sense.
I mean seriously, look at the girl on the right then look at this picture. ARMS MAN. ARMS.
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I made a mad and posted without pic. :(

Okay, here's one from the show.
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She still doesn't look skinny there, albeit her arms are smaller because they're not flexed.

She's got an ass and thighs, and big arms.
korra is in shape with obvious muscle definition.
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After Fanime I'm going to make a cosplay of the foaming at the mouth guy, but I'm actually gonna buy the tablets that make you foam at the mouth, like for theatrical effects and whatnot

Right, but she's not built.
she's athletic, but she isn't holocaust mode.
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I can agree to this.

No one cares, they're having fun.
This is just the best!
More Avatar cosplays?
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Thats like honestly, the only one I have other than What I got from this thread. Have a gif instead.
It took me 3 times watching it to notice that Sokka was in there too..

Hey Draik, didn't you plan on cosplaying Vaati a while ago?
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I did, and still am. It's the only costume I have finished for Fanime, I'm just waiting for my make-up to arrive. I cant wait.
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I ship Amolin...
in fact, I'm the faggot that wrote that Mako/Amon/Bolin fic that's up on plus4chan
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Those dirty feet.
Every Toph cosplayer should have dirty feet.
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I love Korra's build, especially dem arms/shoulders.

Postin' two adorable avatar cosplayers from ConnectiCon 2010 to contribute c:
I want to cosplay Chief Bei-Fong but I am only like 5'4" is this okay
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Do cosplayers get very annoyed if the costume is not accurate at all save for a few elements? I have my first Con coming up and I'm planning to go sort of as Amon. The mask and a hooded long peacoat, are the only similar items (also the equalist symbol on my back if you count that). Will I receive many negative comments from cosplayers and other avatar fans?
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you'll get shit for it online, but no one's gonna say anything in person. Who cares though? If you're going to a con to have fun, then go have fun.
Sorry for replying so late, but that's awesome! I'm not sure if you remember me, but I still haven't even started on my Kina cosplay.

They both look so sweet! I especially really like that Toph.
Ofcourse I remember you, I was wondering about that. Youd look so cute as kina! I cant wait to see it.
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Thanks for remembering me and thank you for the compliments, I feel really flattered! I can't wait either, I'm really looking forward to cosplaying her. It's nice talking to you again~

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