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Maguma thread. Drama, pictures, the whole nine yards. Show some love for /cgl/'s favorite black cosplayer.
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Look at dat side ass, ladies. You know you want that.
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I wouldn't mind taking him for a beard ride.
I...I really want to try on those poofy pants...
Hes a pretty cool guy, eh, is black, and doesn't afraid of anything.
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He seems to be doing more leather work recently. Maybe he's into the leather scene now?
His cock is probably made out of cardboard.
about the only ones that would fit you.
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My god.
God, I am going to do terrible things to your face.
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Manly men doing manly things.
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I hope this is what he looks like under all of his wigs.
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Whoops, dropped my pic.
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Now imagining those big black lips wrapped around my cock.
He needs more/better photos of that Father Pucci costume. I think it was the most he's ever resembled a character.
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Seriously, how much shit does he have strewn around his room?
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Why are the majority of his pictures self-taken? I thought /cgl/ had a huge hard on for this kid and stalked him at cons.
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Oh my God both of those wigs.
I heard he makes sacrifices to the dark lord Satan, controls the weather, and wrote the screenplay for Glitter.
Agreed. There are a few masq pictures, but I want some actual professional photos of him in that costume. It couldn't have been comfortable bleaching his hair the first time considering how tempermental afro hair is.
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Isn't he still single? I'd like to try my hand at turning him to the gay side.
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That poor wig.
There's a rumor going around that he posted pics of himself fucking some other cosplayer. Proof?
>using a rubber
there's a few backstage photos of him and Hanyaan together, but they aren't as good as they could have been. The two of them with his hair done better with professional (or good amateur) photography with a good setting? Swoon.
Again, Beta fatty trying to convince us he's not a virgin.

>I think I'll stick with being a Beta virgin for the rest of my life QQ
Son, quit compensating for using a rubber.
He doesn't use condoms? Damn, I feel sorry for whatever cosplayer he tricks into letting him stick his dick into. That's how you make little Magumas.
I will once you post that hot (pfffft) blondie you done fucked, "son".
Straight to the fap bin. Any more?
What happens if he cut the tip of the condom and kept the elastic ring. Maybe he enjoys the visual appeal of the condom ring on his dick?

Just saying.
Who on God's green earth has that fetish?
South Koreans.
We must assume ALL possibilities, but Maguma could be one.
>red hair
Which would explain his interest in 50.
But its all about the stimulation, and even if it were just the base wrapped up, it would still be much less pleasurable. And that is a very very strange fettish of half rubbers.

If I post a pic of her and her face, she will get buttmad
If I post a pic of just her body, you'll say its just random porn
If I post a pic of her and me, you'll say we aren't fucking
If I post a pic of her and me fucking, thats just fucking retarded on my part.
I'm inclined to say this isn't them. Maguma doesn't seem the type to take pictures during sex and while Ikuy does have DAT ASS, so do a fair amount of other ladies who are willing to have their pictures taken while getting reamed.
>If I post a pic of her and her face, she will get buttmad
>If I post a pic of just her body, you'll say its just random porn
because it would be a random porn pic anyway, you wouldn't want us to know you're fucking a landhwale
>If I post a pic of her and me, you'll say we aren't fucking
from the description so far, I would hope you're not that desperate
>If I post a pic of her and me fucking, thats just fucking retarded on my part.
yeah I guess it would be retarded to post a picture of you jerking off

Beta fatty gonna Beta and get fatter. Oh lawd, my sides...

Face it bro. Pantsu is inapproachable perfection to you. The best you could do is drunk landwhales. But you too Beta to drink, you admitted yourself.
Willing to agree with you there. Also, Mags is black and has a serious case of afro going on. It's fair to assume that it's the same for the rest of his body hair. That don't look like no afro pubes.
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Anon, youve lost your luster. Before your posts were witty and rusttled my jimmies a bit, but this post is far to over the top. 4/10, best I can do.
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This is one of my favorite pictures in existence.
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admit it, you want to suck chocolate milk from these titties
Wasn't there an anon who was going to rape him in a bathtub filled with Hershey's chocolate syrup at a con?
Nigger, you're the one who lost his magic. What the fuck was >>5857283 supposed to mean? It really sounds like you're desperate to hide something. If you were fucking someone, you wouldn't get so rustled and all tryhard to convince people otherwise when they say you don't.
No she doesn't, she's just a fatty with a FAT ASS.
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Yup, lost my magic. I'll never be a wizard now.
Hope you're all having fun~
Nah, just wait 14 more years. All virgins become wizards at 30.
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So im 16 now too? Yippie! Can I be the little girl?
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No, because:
a) you have a penis (it is small, but hey, at least it smells like a big one);
b) you're too fat to be considered little.

But don't worry, one day Pantsu will take pity on you and take your V-card.
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215 aint fat for 6'3 breh.
That photos from 4 years ago.
And I would make the perfect little girl. Look how kawaii my hair is.
Actually, yes, according to your BMI, you're overweight. If your score was 1.5 higher, you'd be obese.
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And if it were 2pts lower it would be normal weight! Woop woop! BMI doesn't mean shit.
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wow, someone saved my pic.
I second this motion. All in favor?
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But that means you saved mine.
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>implying i don't have an entire folder dedicated to you.
i want to lick ebony's genial wart covered, UTI infected pussy just to say i did
>using a rubber

doesn't count as a fuck
Thats what I said.
No, it needs be at least 4 pts lower.

It "don't mean shit" when you work out. For average people like you, with 0 muscle mass, it applies perfectly.
I do work out, but just in case you failed algebra, 26.9-24.9=2.
Except yours is 28.9, buttmunch.

You have to also aggregate the results, round down the "one extra inch" and the "10 less pounds".

Women tend to lie about their weight a lot, you know.

And you don't work out, for Christ's sake. You have about as much testosterone in you as InLucidReverie.
>trying to convince people he's not a virgin
>now trying to convince people he's not fat
Oh come the fuck on. Next thing, you'll try to convince us you're not a whiteboy.
I'm closer to 6'4 than 6'3 and I just weighed myself an hour ago. If anything, it should be lower than 26.9
I've had black people call me "mah nigga," does that count?

I don't even understand, why is being a virgin such an awful thing?
Because it's a sign that you're still a boy and not a man.
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that doesn't make you a man at all.
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I think the other God already took care of that.
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ur mad because im prettier than you.
its ok
Not sure if this is a troll thread or not. But he's nothing more than a pimply subpar cosplayer.
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He's still got an ass that won't quit and a pretty face.
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>Favorite Black cosplayer
>Not Misa or Honeybunny
Awww thank you~
isWes still homeless?
i wanna cosplay k' but probably couldn't do it as good as that guy =/
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Sup, Celestia.
he is so hot
So hot it makes me want to cry

I don't even know why but kfgj;hjs;df just. yes.
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Mags is awesome.

Oh boy, looks like the underclasses are starting to get desperate.

I have nothing against the fact he's a virgin - it just rustles my jimmies to hear an obvious virgin like him talk about his sexual adventures, how he can get all them "bitches", pretending to be all Alpha and shit - when in fact he's got Roko levels of Betaness, sucks up to every pretty girl, then gets promptly friendzoned, and his descriptions of how relationships work is about as detailed as that of a 13 year old Internet tough guy.

The fact that he's now desperately trying to convince us he's not almost obese (something you can blatantly see just by looking at him) is just rubbing salt in the wounds.
Do it anyway! Do it for the fun and plus that you want to :3
That's my sign. Going to bed now.
I want to do unspeakable things to him. Is it a bad thing that I would love to have raunchy cosplay sex with him and ride him like a wild stallion?
it dose according to hollywood
I love him, but EVERY SINGLE ONE OF HIS WIGS looks like shit
His wigs, his skin, his coplays, his girlfriends - ex or otherwise and the list goes on and on.

since when does Hollywood accurately depict real life?
Rule #1 of being a young black man:

It's not about depicting. It's the fact that Hollywood defines what young men perceive as manhood. You are not a man, unless you're badass, unless you can suck it up and be the man, and unless you get to fuck the hot chick. Fail any of those and you're the loser.
Also defines what is a woman hence all the sluts.
Not really, women are lately depicted as beautiful, super intelligent and superior to men in every aspect - other than not being the damsel in distress that still has to be saved by the gruff manly hero, who often risks his life - or even sacrifices it - in the progress.

So if anything, it teaches young men that women are also superior, and if they can't be the manly men (who should give his life for her, with no questions asked) - they have to stick with being the comedic sidekick, the butt of every joke, the incompetent loser who's there to prove how better women are.

Just look at any elementary school anywhere - young boys are treated as if they had some sort of "disease", as if they should be sorry for being born male to begin with.

It's sad, yes, but I'm not blaming women for this.
Do we have a comprehensive list of all of his girlfriends/chicks he's boned?

these are both archetypes in movies, but they both still don't' have anything to do with being a virgin. the often the protagonist doesn't even have sex in movies.
And as most horror movies will be quick to point out, people having sex are always the first to die.
You're still not getting it, spaghetti gurgler?

Those movies shape our perception of what's manly. Just because you have mental issues and can't see it doesn't mean the sheep don't.
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those movies can shape your perception, not mine.you probably buy into that alpha beta stuff too. i don't think most things in life are that black and white.

>doesn't mean the sheep don't.
since when is being a sheep a good thing?
Are you a complete imbecile? I never said that my opinion is the same as theirs.

>since when is being a sheep a good thing?
The point is that THEY'RE in majority, and THEY judge what's manly. You can never be perceived as a man, if you're a virgin, because the sheep believe so. The popular opinion is formed by numbers, not by intelligence.
>Those movies shape our perception
>our perception
yeah, i can't imagine how i mixed your opinion in there too.

i don't care what most people think about me. there's people close to me who's opinion's consciously affect my actions. That's only because their good people and i know what they think counts for something.

if someone is so judgmental like it's their problem not mine, and i don't care how many of them there are.
I wish there was a way to ban all virgins from posting on /cgl/

Just imagine this place without all these creeps.
"Our" as in "human" you cretin.

Seriously, you must have hardcore Assburgers.

i feel bad for people like you.

>virgin logic

>butthurt virgin aka Smoker trip dropping

If you can't tell that he's exactly what I described, then it can only be because you're just like him. He's not fooling any females here. Or any male poster that's somehow got laid in his life. The only ones who say otherwise are his Facebook BFFs, who always come here and say shit like "nowaiii, he's fucking three girls at once all the time, we so Beta compared to him!" (e.g. RedDickies).
Oh just fuck it. You really can't understand that you're not the only special snowflake in the world, can you?

The numbers matter because they're the ones who ultimately decide your fate. I'm sure you could give some very educated arguments as to why it's alright for you to be a pedophile, and that the age of consent should be lowered - but that won't make the masses any less likely to flay you alive and eat your eyes when they get to you, filthy, unmanly pedo.

i don't even know where your taking this anymore, im sure you're not a bad person in real life, but as anon you sound like a piece of shit. Another thingdon't insult people blindly, then tell them they have "assburgers."
>Another thingdon't insult people blindly, then tell them they have "assburgers."
I'll call an Asspie an Asspie, whether you like it or not, Asspie. Your perception of the world is like that of a 9 year old kid.

The one irrefutable point that I've made ITT is that you cannot, and *will not* be perceived as a man if you're a virgin. It doesn't matter how *you* feel about it. Your manhood is not decided by your feelings, but by the feelings of society. They are the judges, not you. And they're dumb sheep, slaves to all what I've described above.


I am tripdropping, but I'm not Smoker. As if you're an accurate judge of character, you don't decide who gets laid. It's not really a secret that a goofy but well meaning young man that has a heavy interest in nerd things is bound to get laid. At an anime convention, or other like minded people. It's not rocket science to get laid.

Just because you don't get laid doesn't mean you understand how it works; if anything it proves how much you don't get it. Typically any faggot that has to use the crutch of "ANY MALE POSTER WOULD AGREE" in vague terms just screams you just graduated High School. Keep treating women as commodities, I'm sure that'll help with your social interactions you socially awkward fuck.
>I am tripdropping
Lol, stopped reading there. Since you're arguing me, you're obviously male. And since you're tripdropping, you've pretty much admitted you're the buttfrustrated Beta virgin that I thought you were.

Cry mich ein River, Schlampe.
>I'll call an Asspie an Asspie, whether you like it or not, Asspie. Your perception of the world is like that of a 9 year old kid.

if you think smoker is an obvious virgin, then you obviously have aspergers.

anyways, no one cares about the opinions of some faux intellectual anon, who also has asperguers i might add.
Oh, I see. So you're the tripdropping cunt.

Also, your anus is bleeding, you might want to do something about that.

sorry, but i don't have a trip to drop. i also noticed you don't want to comment on the context of my post? stay pleb.

Maguma's not a virgin since I fucked him like a God damned tiger the other day, being a virgin isn't a bad thing, and the pissing contest in this thread is monumentally stupid. Other people's sexual status is their business and ONLY their business unless they wish to make it public. Y'all be some gossipy bitches.
Trip also stands for tripname, cretin.

>comment on the context of my post
>context of my post
Lol, Aspie thinks he knows what context means. Cute.

And it is obviously you, since the buttfrustrator hasn't commented back yet. Only you did. Because you're the same person.

>Maguma's not a virgin
ADHD much? This thread isn't about Maguma. It's about buttfrustrated virgins, Smoker and aspiekward.
The same logic applies. It's great that you're so concerned about another person's sex life, but it's their choice as to whether or not they want to be sexually active and it should be respected. Would you feel the same about a physically fit and attractive stranger walking down the street if someone suggested he might be a virgin? I sure as hell hope not, because that'd be pretty fucking sad.
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>type context instead of content

big gulps huh?

stop using words like cretin and imbecile. you just look like an idiot.
That's your fail, you autistic mongrel. Are your fingers so fat that you have trouble hitting N and X separately?

The point is, I have nothing against virgins per se - just virgins who pretend on the Internet they're not. It is sickening how hard Smoker tries to maintain his facade. No non-virgin would fight tooth and nail like that, just to convince the other party they're something they're not. He should accept his place, lose some pounds, and stop trying so hard.
How disgusting. You do know Maguma is black, right? That's not dirt, that's his skin.
Nah...it kinda is.

I'm letting you have a chance at me without the name. I don't think you're in any position to be calling
anyone a beta lol.

I like how you're desperately responding for attention. All it's doing is making you lose credibility, so I welcome your hate.

You're not even that smart or funny, but we'll pretend we're listening.
where is he anyways?
where is he lately anyway? did he quit cgl?
One can only hope.
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>I welcome your hate
I'd assume you're asking about me. Girlfriend, I'm getting ready for Fanime, school, work, a show at the theater just ended. I'm really busy atm.
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bales of hay
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My blessing to you and your travels this fanime.
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Thank you good sir. I hope I see you there, or at least sometime soon. It's been far too long.

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I still need to see your Yang and Bang okay!
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Most def :3
Ohwai- so the fact that you're tripdropping like a cowardly cunt means you're at a disadvantage?

Think again, cholo.

>implying I'm trying to be witty
Yep, you're the spaghetti gurgler. Still offended, still bleeding from the anus.

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