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So mayst thou live, dear! many years,
In all the bliss that life endears,
Not without smiles, nor yet from tears
Too strictly kept:
When first thy mecha littleness
we folded in our fond caress,
The greatest proof of happiness
Was this - I wept.
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That french bitch is so hot.
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Roko is French?

Mon Dieu!
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I understood none of that!

Is it really your birthday?

>doesn't understand ye olde Englise
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it was yesterday
Did you talk about Lobi and how "close" you two were?
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nope! didn't even have time to go on 4chan yesterday, I was with my friends the whole time
Did Kafuka put out for you again or was she not drunk enough this time around?
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Happy Birthday Roko. Did Kafuka give you some birthday special??
this doesn't mean shit m8.
Roko was only joking.
Why... is Jim such a nice guy? Or what?
But anything uttered on /cgl/ is 100% true all the time forever
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Happy birthday Roko!
Roko <3
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Happy Birthday, have a teddy bear! :D
So how did it feel to have Roko betray your trust?
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Uh, that was not me.
When I post with my phone I still use my trip.
Anyway, happy birthday Roko, sorry I couldn't get online yesterday. I hope you had a great time.
But the question remains the same. Also, you don't have to wish this shitbag a happy birthday.
Haha its no prob, i really wasnt home at all yesterday anyway, and yeah it was super super fun! I hung out with a few cosplay friends and there was pinkie pie sing alongs, crossdressing, and jello filled water balloons
>still friends with Roko

I can't wait until he betrays you again.
^ this

If I'm not mistaken I think that situation was completely blown out of the water, lobi herself said seagulls took the situation too far.
When did she say this?
Roko stop dropping your trip.
why is there a whole thread dedicated to one person's birthday?
If you weren't such a tottal asshole jerkface enver, they would make threads about you.
Jim is Roko love rival. But he's better than Roko in every way.
>You see, its funny because that's coming from someone like me!
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Asshole means friend in hylian.
Isn't Jim just as creepy as Roko?
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>not praising our kawaii prince
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oh wow that got on here fast
>love rival
I thought they loved each other?
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Bump for proof of Roko and Lobi's true love. <3

There you go, haters.
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>mfw i dont even like game of thrones
don't go around trying to start fights anon
Yeah, Joffrey doesn't like to play the game neither.

He just wants to be on the Iron Throne, because, bawww, that's what he wants!

Just like you want Lobi in your dreams, despite having no rightful claim to her.
What the heck is this.
Roko selling out his masculinity, hoping it would get him laid.

And to think that all he really needed to do was pay Kafukachan one dollah for sucky sucky...
And he wonders why lobi will mever have sex with him.
Lobi is a pure virgin who won't have sex until marriage, fool!
Did Roko told you that?
Yes, he's my friend on Facebook, why?
>Implying Roko didn't shout out everything about Lobi's sex life.
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>cosplay friends
>pinkie pie sing alongs
>jello filled water balloons
Jesus Christ, how horrifying
So, does she enjoy doggy style?
>"wolf girl"
>not enjoying it from behind
Pick one.
What about blow jobs?
Them are exclusively for Roko-kun.
Anal? Titfucking?
Only for you, anon-kun!
Do pictures of Lobi's boyfriend exist?
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Picture unrelated.
I bet they fucked before and after that picture was taken.
Happy Birthday Roko!!

Most attractive /cgl/ male!
No, that's Jim.
Hi. How good is her with her tongue?
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>Implying mexicans are good at anything
>implying Mexican teens are not good at being pregnant out of wedlock
Is Lobi full mexican? She seems like a mix
Mexicans are a mixed people. Pure Mexicans get looked down upon because they're dark.
What is Roko's job? If he even has one.
>Implying Lobi doesn't photoshop herself to look white.
Forever 21.

But no, that's a troll joke. He's flipping burgers.
4chan poster and Lobi ass kisser and trust betrayer.
Actually, I thought she shooped herself to look more Asian.
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I lost my job at forever 21 cause I turned 22.
shit sucks
I thought she shopped herself to look black.
Oh, you kidder. Nobody wants to be black.
>Implying Roko will ever kiss lobi's ass
I bet he dreams of licking it every night.
You are such a pedo.
Go to Costco and work with PT, she might let you kiss her flabby ass.
He does but he's not even friendzoned. It's even worst that that. He's got acquaintancezoned.
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costco sounds nice
I should apply there
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Roko why were you working at forever 21? And why did you get fired for being 22?
Did he do anything else besides spilling out lobi's secret fetishes?
That's a troll, not Roko. He didn't work at F21, he's flipping burgers at some Kazakhstani shoddy fast food "restaurant".
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I had a feeling. Roko's name has changed a lot in the past week so I thought something was fishy.
I thought she shopped herself to look Hylian.
Yfw Roko took Lobi's virginity.
Nah, that's going to be King Matt of the Ironborn. Once he gets around to reaving and raping, like in the good old flavor of the month days.

I sure hope it will be deliciously filled with blood and salty tears. OMNOMNOM
Doesn't she live in Mexico though?
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they only allow you to work there if you're 21

lobitah is no virgin thats why she hates roko now because he spilt her secret
The thought of Matt braking apart the fragile body of lobi with rough sex makes me aroused.
matt likes women, not little girls.
You idiot. He never really said if she was a virgin or not.
>Implying he has eve been with a real "women"
How old is Lobi anyway?
That doesn't mean he's not going to fuck her. He'll pay the Iron price, so it's okay.
what the hell. i always see people post about roko spilling lobi's secrets but no one ever posts what they actually were.

/cgl/, are you trying to fool me?
Matt was actually talking about how similarly stupid my drama is to his, so thats another king allied with me i guess, what now thronefags? :3
>expecting /cgl/ not to be talking out of their collective ass
Your first mistake
She is a trap.
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>likening himself to Matt
Lol, nice try.

But other than that - once again - proof that GoT plot writes real life. Just like in the series, Balon (technically) allied himself with the Lannisters' incest king (you) by rejecting the alliance proposal from the Northmen. Instead, he attacked them. For no logical reason, as the incest king (once again, you) is hated by all, whilst the King in the North (Mell) is loved and held in very high regard by his men (his fangirls). Just like it is pure stupidity that Matt supports a shitposter like you in any way.

How mad are you?
sooo... that's why Jim stopped posting? got killed by shadowbaby?

[spoiler]good riddance [/spoiler]
Only anons seem to hate me, and with the amount of samfagging on this board it leads me to believe its just a bunch of no life hambeasts who are mad i post on the same imageboard as them. I've actually made a lot more tripfriends since this all started. Id post a smug reaction imsge right now but my phone is disagreeing with me.

Also comparing everything to a tv show indicates a loose grip on reality anon-chan~
Lots of people are Roko these days. Not sure if serious but he had plenty of haters even before the Lobi incident.
>Also comparing everything to a tv show indicates a loose grip on reality anon-chan~
Lel. That the best ad hominem you could come up with? You'd better stick with being a 'nice guy', virginboy.

And no, contrary to what you tell yourself at nights, pretty much every trip that isn't your "friend" on Facebook (since they would have to fear for their privacy if they did *not* support and whiteknight you) thinks you're a sham. Even Voldie herself has said it. You're a fake. And she's got quite the influence over /cgl/, what with all her fanboys and stuff.

All those weeks of trying hard with those Wednesday threads for nothing, bloo fucking hoo.
>only names off one trip
Your gonna have to do a little better than that dear

My name is Roko, for we are many
And the only major one was awkward, and we're buddies now
Well you dumbfuck, all of her friends think you're worth shit too. And really, everyone else does. You're a worthless drama queen, and the ones who keep supporting you do so only out of fear. Nobody wants you here - only the people you know personally (on paper).
Well, ladies and gentlemen.

Roko thinks we hate him because we all jelly of his swag and success with women.
Whatever you say anon-chan, I'm still prettier and more desirable than you according to the tastes of /cgl/ ~
Oh hey another clone
Dude, why would she get mad if she was a virgin? Seriously, think about it.
Would you get mad if someone started spilling your personal information?
Even if it was not that important the fact that someone you trusted started screaming out loud things you've told them in private would be pretty fucking annoying, right?
Are there any decent cosplays of Charlotte out there?
Fuck drama.
Nope, Charlotte's uniform is boring, unoriginal, and the whole cosplay's pretty much newbabby level - just buy a costume and a wig, and you're done.

And you obviously won't see female mecha battlesuit /whatever/ cosplayers...
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>And you obviously won't see female mecha battlesuit /whatever/ cosplayers...

Well, not among the amateurs, anyway...
Nope, ive looked many times, frankie said she was thinking about cosplaying her a while ago though
I thought Frankie was mentally insane?
Only on cgl, shes pretty chill when shes not spamming dolls or jb, i honestly think she could pull off char really well
I see, so she's your replacement goldfish then?
I bet she can't even move in that / shopped.
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Well I doubt it's the most ambulatory costume ever conceived it appears that she can move it in at least some ways. There are some other IS cosplays if you look for them on google images. This one just happened to stick out as obviously professionally done.
>obviously professionally done.
Why do you say that? Looks like it's all lionboard or EVA foam to me. It's very nice and cleanly done, but doesn't mean it can't be done by an amateur.
(I mean, I doubt it was done by the girl herself, but still)

I was just going by the professional photography watermark on it and overall quality of the suit.

Obviously I've seen some very very well done amateur cosplays, just that this one in particular looks like it's being worn by a professional model and professionally shot.
Roko's birthday all week?
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But a birthday is only once a year. That's why it's called a birthday.
And a very merry unbirthday to you, anon.

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