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New drawfag thread?
Bump because I'm getting sick of the porn in the last drawthread.
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24 KB
The OP image is gorgeous, who drew that?
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22 KB
Can we have a 'draw on request thing'?

Like, I dunno, a horse riding a horse?
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109 KB
taking requests
I don't remember, I got it a couple weeks ago in here. I wish I knew, it's really nice.
A seagull (the animal kind) using Photoshop, sitting in front of a computer and shopping herself to make her look more uguu.

All my pennies for that.
I'm both mildly amused and grossed out by the porn and trolling. Talk about motivation to get back to work on sewing. I'll be back in 12 hours to see how this thread progresses.
File: 1337366389208.png-(34 KB, 167x142, Kamon 103.png)
34 KB
>Come back to check the last thread
>Drama drama drama spam spam spam
Well alright then.

I'll probably check back on this thread later, like when I should be going asleep instead of opening Photoshop.
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300 KB
I'm totally aware I can't draw, but I tried.
Hard to tell whether it's a seagull or a black man sitting there.
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322 KB
Perhaps it's both.
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331 KB
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651 KB
Awesome incarnate!
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243 KB
girl from last thread
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75 KB
Draw me for a kiss?
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9 KB
I wish to be kowaiii
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71 KB
Way to fail copying my trip.

Thanks for the pic, it was amazing!
Hey mang, don't be hating the playa, hate the game. ~

I just wanted to try out myself, master-sama. You're my personal inspiration, you know.
File: 1337372217166.png-(32 KB, 586x576, puuucaaaa.png)
32 KB
Here you go.
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28 KB
Oh I do apologize, I did not notice the fraud. I hope you are okay with the drawing.
Enzo, can you post more pictures of yourself please?
>troll AW
>not disliking getting attention
You're new here, aren't you?

Here's a handbook / manual for discerning posters to avoid.

>>not disliking getting attention
>implying I know how double negatives work
Yes, I know.

I know.
File: 1337372655694.png-(20 KB, 122x134, 43534534634.png)
20 KB
I am not new here, just trying to be polite.
He's better than !nobody though, I'll give him that much.

There's a reason these threads are considered off-topic on /cgl/. This thread is a pretty good example.
Good, I'm just saying you should be careful around some people (pretty much everyone listed as a "troll" there). Respond to the likes of awkward, DerpQueen or Frankie and, whatever thread you're in, it's gonna go downhill very fast. Don't even get me started on the Asian ones...
File: 1337372887185.png-(29 KB, 147x200, 2345678746.png)
29 KB
I know
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28 KB
Not that anon, but you're German, female, right?
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20 KB
But this is a drawthread, so if we could get back on topic that would be A++
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153 KB
Could you draw this? Preferably just a black and white sketch, but kind off... badass.

Just me and the statue as we're sitting opposite each other, no need for the scenery.
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112 KB
Badass? Err.
oh my god arcana time, is it possible to be any more irritating
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31 KB
She wants to have sex with you, I think.
File: 1337375524774.jpg-(48 KB, 640x480, ghkasgdhjasgd.jpg)
48 KB
Oh you have nothing to apologize for, that's an amazing skill you've got kid, thanks! Pic very related.

Sure thing bro. Disregard wet hair.
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43 KB
Your Google hashed IP, a.k.a. Anonymous user [number] is 917. In case you're wondering. I'll keep the IP for myself, don't worry, son.
Aw yay you make me happy!
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282 KB
I love these threads. I still have one of the drawings from a previous thread as my Tumblr header haha
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1.02 MB
Since no one fulfilled my fantasies of Marty McFly in lolita, can someone please draw me?
saging, but how do I go about changing my description? It's not right at all.
fuck you u just dropped trip
Is your supervisor asleep again?




File: 1337376473731.jpg-(24 KB, 456x574, awkward shopped.jpg)
24 KB
>using a piece of paper
>not a binary timestamp

How do you think I made this, trollbabby?
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93 KB
Yeah, it fell off because I was doing other things. Problem?
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127 KB
I am SO sorry about this.
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54 KB
>Marty McFly in lolita
"Once this drama hits 88 posts a second, we're gonna see some serious shit"

I wonder how kawaii you can make a panda look.
If I told you, on my deathbed, that I have one wish and one wish only

and that would that you'd stop posting that particular photo, forever

would you do that for me? Please? With my dying breath?

Because I sure as hell would (almost) kill myself right now if that were the case.
File: 1337377024853.png-(235 KB, 452x493, shaynii.png)
235 KB
Quick doodle! You have the prettiest face, gosh!
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36 KB
it looks nothing like you but I guess that's what I get from drawing anime ahh
Unf, I am dying, your art style is so lovely.
Thank you so very much, I wish to repay you for this someday via cookies and a hug.
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36 KB
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67 KB
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98 KB
I love your style.
I present to you a challenge.
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156 KB
Here you go, I really like your hair!
You too. >>5853469
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111 KB
Might try out drawing some people if I don't get distracted.
I wish I wan't so awful at drawing, though.
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94 KB

>dat filename
Fuck, I've been caught.

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12 KB
>waiting for "that one person" to come and request
>get no response
one of these days
Zombie Tay Zonday!
That's a bit mean, Anon.
It would be mean if you'd deny my dying wish...
File: 1337379108391.jpg-(26 KB, 315x380, cutehair.jpg)
26 KB
Thank you so much anons!
Do you mind if I use it for my fb and tumblr?
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41 KB
ugh shaynii you're SO cute ;A;
I love your hair in this picture ESPECIALLY
For you Voldy <3

Sure go ahead!!!!
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152 KB
In a bit of a rush, so here's a quick one.
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38 KB
forgot the image
EEEE like a carttooon ♥♥♥
Thank you so much.
If you ever start your own comic that would be so cool since your art style is adorable.

Thank you so much Anon, your drawing is very realistic while still having it's own style. I like this a lot.
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14 KB
Thank you for the picture in the other thread and I love how you draw!
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212 KB
Trying again but with a better photo this time.
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23 KB
less swag, more romanticism. Great draw
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31 KB
oh wow thanks! I'm actually working on one right now so that gives me some more hope that it'll do okay!

>pic related it's the main character
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32 KB
Here chu go~ n u n

Sorry all my drawlings have to be taken with my crappy phone ; n ;
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65 KB
Draw me and my friend.

Also. Do you think we could make a good Mordecai and Rigby?
no one cares about you faggot
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30 KB
you are naturally very kawaii
Am~I kawaii~ enough to ~be kawaii~fied?~n
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46 KB
forgot my~ picture~~

~grocery sesxam

I'm groce~
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30 KB
Will someone draw me, onegai~?
YES, that looks so cute! I can't wait until you are done, I'd love to see it.

Thank you, and thank you for the art. Such a charming drawing ♥
why are you mad about me, Anonymous?

you afraid I will steal your wife with good looks?

isn't my fault I have better virility....
you say woman has right to choose who she want, remember? haha
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94 KB
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132 KB
Reposting from last thread since no one drew me and porn took over
DerpQueen talks to me and thinks I'm cool.
u jelly?
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55 KB
I gave you a different shirt but I think it's pretty good.
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59 KB
>DerpQueen talks to me and thinks I'm cool.

lol@you white people

 >implying talk to woman matter
I will just fuck her, you can keep talking to her lol

white woman isn't for serious relationship
Oh my god. All of my friends say this too.
>implying we don't fuck
Yeah u jelly
File: 1337383200952.gif-(274 KB, 900x500, 905243584.gif)
274 KB
It's soooo cute!~
Thank you => u <=
lol yeah you fuck

her in your dream

with her being your hand, lol!
post picture or no proof
DQ lets me touch her boobs when we hang out

Gah thanks so much! I love this!
Awesome, thanks! You actually made me look cute!
Oh my god this is perfect! It captures my personality! And make sure to tell me when you have pages from your comic released!
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52 KB
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84 KB
I apologize for any emotional scarring my drawing style may have caused you.

Thanks a lot! they're really cute
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56 KB
got lazy on this one aahhhh sorry
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14 KB
kneesocks, c-could I please request you draw me ?
sorry for shit quality picture
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29 KB
You are lovely~ Sorry my drawling came out too light > n <;;

Thankies so much~
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27 KB
ugh I'm jealous of all you guys' long hair;;
I regret cutting mine now.
>regret cutting
Short hair is best hair
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88 KB
I guess I'll jump in here this way too?
Thank youuu <3
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55 KB
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1.69 MB
can somebody do meee (`・ω・´)”
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36 KB
hey guys, can I drawfag too? I'm not incredibly good tho D: nor do I have a scanner ;_;

My pictures would be darker, of course.
Gosh are you cute. Why aren't you in for the cgl aidoru?
Aw it's fine! Thank you
File: 1337385354569.jpg-(98 KB, 640x480, selfpostanwhiskey.jpg)
98 KB
Draw me like one of your french girls, /cgl/
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38 KB
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28 KB
I was told that I have an alien facial structure in the last thread.

Not so cool this time, I know.
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54 KB
Oh, how nice, Trollzo called his /soc/ buttbuddies ITT.

>in b4 another fake "timestamp"
File: 1337385739156.jpg-(25 KB, 429x410, bawww.jpg)
25 KB
>please respond
~I got tripsies (´・ω・`)

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172 KB
File: 1337385979585.jpg-(23 KB, 501x297, kami-sama-no-memo-chou-3.jpg)
23 KB
I was! but I didn't really have the time to finish my video.

hahah oh my goodness you're the best!! ♥
:V I mean whatever man, but /cgl/ is practically the only board I go to. Why do you have to be a dick?
I-I'll draw you too! though im not amazing...
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29 KB
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185 KB
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29 KB
I guess I need a bigger size drawing :Y
Will you draw me?~ I would greatly appreciate it ; u ;

tis me~
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178 KB
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25 KB
sorry that you only get my crappy art.

you remind me of myself during my sophomore year of hs, except you are much cuter.
Don't call your stuff crappy. You've gotta great natural sense of shape and design :V
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46 KB
I-I'm sorry, I'm awful at this, i'll prolly redraw in a few, these glasses ;_;
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14 KB
haha aww thank you, your writing is adorable!
so cute, thank you!!
it's lovely anyway hehe, thank you ♥
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997 KB
goofing off on our whiteboard at work....
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25 KB

Hope you like it, Jaesun-kun~
I wub it!~ > u <

Thankies n u n
I feel like my writing looks like
*looks like chicken scratch > n <;;;
File: 1337388189308.jpg-(41 KB, 640x480, 295193_3654104632213_126246241(...).jpg)
41 KB
Draw us?
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40 KB
much better I think :c

I'll try, I'm not good at couples though
File: 1337388876729.jpg-(33 KB, 562x873, 292540_2999513997229_154365546(...).jpg)
33 KB
could I have one
File: 1337389028725.jpg-(42 KB, 800x480, 32424637.jpg)
42 KB
So kawaii~
Thank you so much~ Both your drawings are lovely n u n
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70 KB
I couldnt do it <:c

here :o
File: 1337389994184.gif-(718 KB, 290x198, eheeheehe.gif)
718 KB
>mfw I drew OP

>captcha: ARTISTS), hadstra
Thanks :)
File: 1337392573517.jpg-(47 KB, 480x640, 2780614500474.jpg)
47 KB
Draw my face on a fat person's body
File: 1337396127371.png-(853 KB, 1345x1295, 12.png)
853 KB
here ya go
>but you're probably gone by now
/a/ has better drawfags.
File: 1337396885266.jpg-(243 KB, 640x480, Photo on 2012-05-18 at 21.36 #(...).jpg)
243 KB
late reply but u bet gurl
File: 1337398652580.jpg-(102 KB, 579x564, I drew this for something a re(...).jpg)
102 KB
Did somebody say drawfag thread? Because I'm pretty sure I heard drawfag thread.
File: 1337401361549.jpg-(230 KB, 640x480, Meru I...jpg)
230 KB
>better drawfags
You have great taste and I love you.

Pic related, couldn't think of any jokes for this one so just added revo-heika and elizabeth (´・ω・`)

Doing these next, prepare you're asses for a shitload of uguuness
File: 1337405378663.png-(141 KB, 650x479, photoanon.png)
141 KB
I have this vague feeling that I've already drawn you before so if that's the case then hey here have another one.

Oh hey, I'm glad you like it! Drawing more than one person in the same picture is always an adventure and a half for me.
File: 1337407696196.png-(157 KB, 650x500, 1335409799186.png)
157 KB
I think you have, thank you none the less.
File: 1337408437825.gif-(354 KB, 250x130, tumblr_lqwj545eHG1qfdf1w.gif)
354 KB
I can never draw this well on whiteboards haha! thank you ♥
This is just so cute and pretty and I can't even. Thank yooouuu!!
File: 1337408569654.jpg-(228 KB, 640x480, HENSHIN KAMEN KUMA.jpg)
228 KB
Here you go Kamen Kuma.
yes i love you
File: 1337409084844.png-(167 KB, 282x328, Kamon 58.png)
167 KB
Yep, and you know, it's actually quite an interesting look at how my style has changed since then.
I have half a mind to draw every single person ITT as a centaur.
I wish I could draw
it's always nice to see growth :)
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36 KB
File: 1337416375364.jpg-(22 KB, 212x204, kawaii.jpg)
22 KB

Than~nk you sooo much~!

They jelly~
File: 1337420235240.jpg-(710 KB, 750x1000, decodolly3.jpg)
710 KB
Someone who wants to draw me, pretty pretty please? ;u;
File: 1337420334323.jpg-(2.74 MB, 3037x3235, Loli seagull being erio.jpg)
2.74 MB
Oh god I'm sorry sorry this is crap, it looked better in my head.
I'd be the Servo to you're Crow if you know what I mean.
File: 1337451796287.jpg-(39 KB, 1226x215, don't be evil.jpg)
39 KB
Do you even remember your OATH?
draw me pls

I need
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97 KB
Here you go. Enough swag?
>paying attention to one of /cgl/s faggiest trolls
fucking newfag
but Cloak Figure is so kawaii uguu~ ;_;
File: 1337458762938.jpg-(98 KB, 540x720, 2 sleeoy.jpg)
98 KB
Far too sleepy.

But please?
File: 1337458968172.jpg-(7 KB, 203x222, 1310428192251.jpg)
7 KB
I think it needs less swag...





...and more romanticism.
File: 1337459007976.jpg-(184 KB, 1920x1080, japan.jpg)
184 KB
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198 KB
Can you draw me like Rin from Fate/Stay Night?
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67 KB
Here you go because it's a saturday night and I got no social life.
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34 KB
Ah thanks man. Looks good!
File: 1337460402746.jpg-(35 KB, 457x481, deer.jpg)
35 KB
here, this one is better
File: 1337460782407.jpg-(176 KB, 728x938, derpqueen.jpg)
176 KB
Your welcome bro!
I made one of you too :3
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30 KB
right. could someone please draw me? but with.. ya know. Extra added kawaii~
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442 KB
Hey gaiz, can I join in?
Why did you spam the last thread with granny porn, you dumb slut?
File: 1337462419273.jpg-(121 KB, 520x1061, scan0015.jpg)
121 KB
what is my life
She was banned when that happened faggot.
>implying DerpQueen doesn't ban evade all the time

And, by the way, she's the only one who spams threads like that on /cgl/. No other sick person has a granny porn folder like here. This is a small community, you know.
File: 1337465922704.jpg-(697 KB, 1200x1800, KAWAII UGUU DESU.jpg)
697 KB
I forgot to include kawaii while I was drawing so I just added it on top
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100 KB
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391 KB
I drew this girl a couple weeks ago.
Haven't gotten around finishing coloring it though..
Working on that now.
File: 1337496326224.png-(895 KB, 745x751, asdsad.png)
895 KB
This is probably the first time I posted my shit doodle here
Thank you so much~ QwQ
Both look really cute ;u;
Pls respond girls. For a kiss maybe? ~
sorry I only draw cute kawaii girls, not creepy mustache guys.

File: 1337537110316.jpg-(35 KB, 275x412, prophet mohamemd.jpg)
35 KB
Here you go, I hope you like it!

You are annoying.
haha aww thank you! it looks a little Miyazaki-esque!
File: 1337638087459.jpg-(54 KB, 512x768, XXH8I.jpg)
54 KB
Here, try drawing this. See what you can do.
Oh look, one of Idolin's cumdumpsters.
Go away you whore.
Yay this is still alive! Still drawing if anyone wants me to.
You can start with me.
File: 1337638967475.jpg-(18 KB, 320x240, Picture355.jpg)
18 KB
Draw m-me, perhaps?
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