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It's the eleventh hour, one contestant has met the challenge set out before her so far.

Princess Amai's video is up at idolin.tumblr.com

If any of the other contestants manage to get a competing video up tonight (Uguu, Alice, Alpaca) there will be a vote tomorrow for the winner of the first Seagull Idol competition.
Couldn't you wait until all the videos are up and the voting starts before making a new thread? I mean, what is there to talk about until then?
About the fact that:

>Pedolin thinks /cgl/ wants an idol.

>Pedolin may be one of the contestants. Heard of forcedmeme? Welcome to forcedidol.

The shitposting can continue here.

Amai's future as our new /cgl/ idoru.
One clearly you've never heard of. Even the spreadsheet shows the difference between flan and these girls. flan shouldn't want your guys' love (at least I hope not).
sage for trip

Copied and pasted from last thread. Tripping so you fags don't think I'm flan.

You are aware Idolin didn't create this contest, right? I mean, how new are you?

Seriously? I probably wouldn't hate this thing as much if you two didn't fucking bicker so much. And by "you two" I mean flan and you. Seriously you both need to STFU, it's not even entertaining.
>winner of the first Seagull Idol competition
>first Seagull Idol competition

Ugh, do you seriously mean that you want there to be MORE competitions in the future? I fucking hope not, because this is fucking stupid and should never be allowed to exist ever again.

That, too. Thanks for pointing that out, Anon.

Instead of a seagull idol, you would have a queen, not dark but beautiful and terrible as the dawn! Tempestuous as the sea, and stronger than the foundations of the earth! All shall love her and despair!
It was going to die but he continued it. Now we have some little cunt who can't cosplay or dress like a loli thinking she's some idol. And worse is that a few people on /cgl/ support her.
my video is almost done.
but it's an impressions video so I want to find clips f the impressions I'm doing to splice in <: so it should be up tonight ~
> <:
So smiley faces are okay now? ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?

The clips aren't needed, just get it done and up. Link to the clips instead if you want.
Confused - why are there photos of me from 1+2 years ago? I didn't submit them and haven't used that old Facebook for as long. Why not recent shots?

Hey, I sage now.

It was never going to die. We were going to bitch until we found a poor sap to use for our idoru wishes. Remember, /cgl/ started this all on their own.

For every reply you make, sage or not, Idolin is just gonna reply with a non-sage post.
It's honoraryottermode. You can ask him to change the pictures, but ask for anything more and he'll shitpost you forever. This is how you know /some/ of the descriptions are serious, because he doesn't take to this tripfag circlejerking bullshit.
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Now I see why she hates the seagull princesses so much. She looks like an unfinished version of keek kannibal.
They thought it was a funny idea. I remember it and I thought it was hilarious. Then it started to become serious and people were all confused and thought it was a joke. Now we can't wait for it to die.

Well, that's not necessarily true. I will do it this time for you, though since you posted the mark of the beast.
She hates the contest just as much as any other trip, anon, or lurker alike. Don't try to use her looks an excuse for her hatred. It has nothing to do with that.
Can we change the name at least? When I think seagull/cgl idol, I wanna see a COSPLAYER or a LOLITA, not some random camera whore. If there is going to be another of these contests, can it be a requirement to cosplay or wear Lolita? And not just one or two shitty closet cosplay or loli dress, someone who's actually interested in these thing.
Pedolin's going to reply either way. I don't even think their reasoning for this contest is for it to be about the idols.

How do I find him?

I was 16. Problem?
Bottom, there's a suggestions part.

There were plenty. But /cgl/ decided not to vote for them. They decided to vote for the prettiest faces, who happened to only mildly be interested in cosplay and lolita. Blame the masses of /cgl/ for making the wrong choice, if you want to blame anyone at all.
How shameless can you guys be?
make your own, then wait for flan and her alt anons to show up to call you a pedo :D

That's even worse because you look old.
There were two....Unless I'm missing some? Shaynii (she's underaged) Hitzune, Star, and...?
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This whole thing is fucking ridiculous. It's Gaia on 4chan and I don't like it one fucking bit.

This contest was a joke to begin with. I can't believe it's even gotten this far. Do any of you girls really think /cgl/ is going to help you on your way to fame? If you really want to be a kawaii idoru, keep on chugging along and make more videos and promote yourself as hard as you can.

Starting out on 4chan of all places is not the way to go if you're serious about this.
Why is flan going all fired up on Idolin's ass?
Wasn't she one of the contestants?
What did Idolin do to gain this much hate.
someone fill me in quick!
Again, 16. I was a tomboy and had no idea how to do makeup. Of course I'm going to look shit. Anything else?

Alright, will do. Thanks!
>Why is flan going all fired up on Idolin's ass?
She is one of the many people who hate this contest. But because she has a name and trip, people single her out and make all these other anons into her tripdropping.

>Wasn't she one of the contestants?
That I don't know.

>What did Idolin do to gain this much hate.
Host this contest that everyone hates.

I've got a trip code. Raging at anonymous just makes you look like a complete retard. If you rage at a tripper people will wonder why so buttmad rather than assuming aspergers.
This isn't /r9k/ or /b/. /cgl/ assumes drama, fucktard. How new are you? Does summer start early where you live?
I submitted a photo way back when it looked like actual fun, but it turned out that entry closed the day before that or something. Not a contestant, and glad because it's just beyond creepy.
Even his tripcode is annoying.

Ohhhhhhhh so that's why you're trying to ruin it.
Seriously, Idolin, as a by stander I think you need to put a price up for the winner. Something like a tumblr page for the contestant is a good start. They are like interview panel, and help to get their names out. But I feel like to make this more legit, you should at least make a compilation video for the winner. Online article, etc etc. You don't really need to spend money but at least reward the people somehow. After all they put a lot of effort in this.
This contest is possibly the most stupid and worthless fucking thing that has come out of /cgl/. and that's saying something. I hope you all get crotchrot.

Also, it doesn't matter who "wins" Everyone is just going to forget about you stupid cunts a day later along with this stupid as shit contest and thank fucking God for that.
>trying to ruin this
You can't really ruin a steaming turd, can you?

Thank you for the suggestions.


flan, I'm sorry I had forgotten about that. You're very lovely and I'm sorry you submitted too late and didn't get a chance to be voted on. The picture of you with the huge candy bar was darling.
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All of these posts and more were all by me. Forgot my trip.
Don't claim my comment as yours, you fucking worthless ugly piece of internet trash.


I thought this contest was completely arse on head retarded. I still do. But watching Amai's video, oh god, it was so adorable! I laughed, I gasped, I admit, I even actually teared up a little! I feel as though the good fairy touched my heart and that the world is now beautiful and pure. She's seems incredibly innocent and sweet to the point I actually don't want her to win (or anyone, really) because whoever wins this thing will be made less of an idol, and more of a target for seagull shit. Like, y'know when you go on holiday, and your B&B isn't quite as close to the coast as you hoped it would be, so you end up driving to the beach and park there for the day, and once you're done tanning and playing in the sea and eating ice cream you go back to your car and it's smothered, absolutely plastered within an inch of its life in seagull feces- That's what the winner will be! I'm sure none of these girls deserve that.

Anyway, I'll round off this comment by very stalkerishly asking you, Amai, if you go to any cons? YT tells me you live in the UK and I so, so want to meet you and have you tell me stories irl (and I wanna pinch dem cheeks!). Stay kawaii gurl, whenever I somewhat lose faith in humanity I'll think of you.
Dude, I'm not saying it seriously...lol. I'm poking fun at the accusations I got of samefagging.
you look like kiki kannibal ffs die >:|
Hey now, I am me.
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Have some /b/ style cancer.
I kid, I kid! I'm poking fun at cries of samefag.
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idolin i'm your fangirl ;3;. i think you're sweet. huggies to you :3
Flan, I was on your side for a bit. For the first time, actually. I agreed with you that this contest stuff is a steaming pile of shit.

But then you had to go and self post and attentionwhore and be a dumb bimbo as always.
I'm Flan and I wanna suck on idolin's c0cs.
Nice dubs.
I'm not doing it to whore myself. I'm doing it to play with the angry anons.

I apologise if your opinion of me will fluctuate because of it. But the drama's what I come for, yknow?
look at flan posting her pictures on the idols thread. after she got booted off the contest... this girl is delusional
I wasn't in the contest to begin with.

Double posts?
For real. Are you really for real right now.
Idgi. I missed the deadline.
Your post number.
But...why? D;
They're talking about your dubs, Flan. The post that ended in 44. They're shocked you don't get the concept of dubs.
look at flan posting her pictures on the idols thread. after she never could MAKE IT IN THE CONTEST... THIS GIRL IS DELUSIONAL
>implying she had the chance to win
-__-''' all these idol threads SUCK because this girl starts posting, and thinks she is the center of the world
gurl PLEASE take a break of /cgl/
I've completely forgotten the concept. Is it lucky?

It had attention every so often years ago, but only as 'post ending in...'.

They sucked before me, I was just the first one to openly express a common opinion under a name.
I can't leave cgl! :o! It works brilliantly and therapeutically for killing time.
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I bet if flan had the chance to participate she wouldn't be throwing a tantrum in all of these damn threads

she eventually would because she's not pretty and she would lose the contest with her long horse face and shitty personality, then the rage would begin all over again

just like a stupid spoiled child
Idk if she is REALLY delusional and thinks she is important enough to keep posting, if she's a generic attention whore or what

i wish she would just leave, the contest isn't about her
I'm not posting my face for myself. It's because it gets to you, and you display just how much it does. I get a kick out of knowing that's all it takes, and seeing it unfold.

I wanted to be in the contest originally, yes, but I'm glad I missed the deadline because of the stuff surrounding Pedolin. I would have ended up dropping out because of that.

I'm being a bitch because I can, not because I want you all to love me. Otherwise, I'd be kissing everyone's ass.
it would be quite fun if it wasn't for your trips in half of the posts, including your pictures that you post when no one cares about you, where you have nothing to do with the posts. you say the guy is a pedo and you post your pictures all over his threads pretending you know it all. bitch you even tried to join the contest you are now throwing rocks at. unfortunately you're not part of it so why are you posting your pictures. i'm sorry this is the real world and you're not that pretty, maybe if you were a supermodel people would let you sneak in even if you missed the submissions. you are obviously an attention whore trying to make yourself relevant even when it has nothing to do with you. and your face isn't even beautiful, making it even worse to everyone.

but it's ugly. =/
Did you even READ >>5850953 ? Like, seriously.
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You're not funny
And age has nothing to do with it, [spoiler]you're still ugly[/toobadcgldoesnthavespoilers]

so what if i read or not, it doesn't make you pretty =\
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Bbl, lunch time.
Good news, seagull idol fans, Uguudoll completed the challenge and submitted a video, I'll get a vote set up soon.
yes... completed...
scraped together at the last second more like haha.
amai definitely seems more fitted to this than I ^^ lol
I'm too derpy.

I haven't looked at it yet, but I'm sure it will have its own charm, Uguu. Thanks for showing the challenge can be completed.
HOLY FUCK, after watching Amai's video I'm now convinced that her mother drank heavily when she was in the womb. Dat face.
Why is uguudoll in the final round if she didn't even make it? How is this fair at all?
Have nothing to do with fetal alcohol syndrome. If you are born with a bit of an overbite, it can get worse as you grow up, because it's the pressure of teeth from the upper jaw, that signals the lower jaw to grow. Thus the lower jaw never get's fully formed. Braces won't fix it, because it's the lower jaw that's physically to small. You can get surgery done, but only when you are older, and it's quite extensive, usually involving surgery on both lower and upper jaw, where they are sawed over, angled/extended and cobbled together again. Source: I have this myself to a lesser degree, and has had eight teeth removed and is wearing braces prepping me for surgery this summer. This is probably a moot plea, but if you are going to pick on amai, don't pick on something she can't help. I assure you, she is aware of how her chin looks, but she still manages to be charming and cute. Why do you want her to feel ashamed?
She should feel ashamed.

Because Shaynii dropped out last week.


Very charming, Uguu! I just adore your and Amai's voices. Such cute accents.
You're really not making it easy for those who try to not call you a paedophille, you know that?
I think it is totally unfair that Uguudoll should still be allowed to enter over 12 hours after the deadline. What's the point in having a deadline if the contestants and Idolin isn't going to abide by it? It's almost as if Amai is at no advantage for submitting on time and that the crown has literally been held out of reach while you say 'oh just 5 more minutes' and now Uguu has an equal chance. It's wrong.

Team Amai!
Poll is up, seagulls.


Actually she submitted it hours ago. It was a little late, but this way we get the enjoyment of a poll.

Vote here http://poll.pollcode.com/tyqo
voted for Amai because she's one of the ugliest girls I've ever seen on /cgl/, and I hope that winning the contest will raise her ego, so that someone can break her ratface later on

if she survives being raped by you, that is
Both videos are terrible. There's nothing to choose between the two contestants.

Then vote based on whatever criteria you feel is relevant. This is the third round.

I'm sure Amai will win regardless. She's always been more popular than me in the votes ~

You're neck and neck so far.
Oh, also, for everyone voting, be sure to go to


to see the videos if you haven't yet. It's well worth the five or six minutes it takes to watch them before voting.
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It's because Pedolin is creepy and trying to extract whatever he can from the girls. He's said in other threads, I shit you not, 'Upload/submit anything! Even if it's just segments and parts! I'd love to see anything you've got!'

Why is this shit still going here? It's like having the next US president campaigning in Russia for votes from US Citizens. Not doing anything to benefit Russia, but just blatantly sticking 'VOTE 4 ME' posters on every billboard.
>First time bothering to look at these threads
>See finalists

Thanks for the laugh.
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>mfw I see Amai's video
Uguu is getting my vote. I thought Seagulls had discriminating taste, jeez!

Don't worry, flan. You're pretty, too. If there's another seagull idol contest one day I'm sure you'll have a good chance in it. For now can't you gracefully just let the ladies participating enjoy it?

http://idolin.tumblr.com for videos and voting link.
You've already asked me for nudes when I said I was underage in another thread. Don't try that sick shit again. Leave the shitty contest off of this board.
Like I said, US president in Russia.

You'd think everyone would remember something like that being posted out in the open on 4chan.

http://idolin.tumblr.com for videos and voting.
Omg Uguu made a swear in her video. That's pretty unkawaii.
lol@that bitter, bitter butthurt
They may, or may not.

Yknow, I'm kinda fascinated now. What will you do to these girls after the contest ends? Will you take it upon yourself to become that creepy manager every starting talent has?

Uh, no. If you haven't noticed I only even trip in the cgl idol threads. Once this is over I'll most likely go back to being another anonymous seagull and though I'll sing the praises of all those who entered, it won't be as anything personally close to the contestants.

http://idolin.tumblr.com/ for videos and voting.
Jesus Motherfucking Christ.

I am at a loss of words. I mean, the first one was cringe-worthy as fuck, but the other one... I feel violated just from watching that.
Welp, seeing Amai's video sure helps you understand who the people fighting for the continuation of this cancer are.


There isn't any other way to call this. Pedophilia incarnate. Just thinking how furiously OP and his /jp/ friends must have masturbated to that... it makes me want to puke.

IDOLIN, you're the sickest person on this board. And THAT, is quite an achievement.
What are you?
Wait, maybe I'm a bit slow on this, but IDOLIN's a guy?
I'd like to thank the girls who made videos for helping me to realise exactly whom I am sharing this board with and for providing me with the motivation to leave.

That question is so open ended I'm not sure what you're asking.

http://idolin.tumblr.com/ for videos and final voting.
Exactly that, what ARE you?

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