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>P4 cosplay porn

Took them long enough
Talk about maximizing your S links.
My body is ready.
Those are actually some good costumes.
Chie is stacked
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Why are Japanese porn stars so unattractive, yet there are so many good looking Japanese women?

the only good looking JAV star is Maria Ozawa
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But she drank piss
This, best JAV cosplay I've ever seen.
/cgl/ is slow with Goro JAV news damn.
Goro thread? Goro thread now.
>he fucked your waifu
She doesn't have the pancake face the rest of them do. Also most women do disgusting shit behind closed doors, they will only do it for certain dudes. So the piss drinking isn't that extreme compared to the rest of womankind.
Most JAV actresses have, or something equally as bad. I've even seen some piss enema stuff. Japan is all kinds of fucking weird.
And you pick the one who's half white.

On the subject of Maria and piss, I like how her career path went gangbangs -> piss drinking -> black guys. As though that's Japan's hierarchy of degradation.
No thats a womans heirarchy. Females dream of being gangbanged and lots do it in highschool
You know what I'd love? If a JAV had a girl who didn't fucking scream rape. It's so annoying to have the video start with the girl being the aggressor, and then all of a sudden she sounds like she's being raped. You can't name shit "slut begs for cock" or whatever, and then have the girl cry in the video. God damn it Japan.
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I laughed hard
That's me out, off to bed, enjoy baiting /cgl/ with blatent sexism

Are you seriously defending drinking piss?
I did find some femdom JAVs. Oh dear god it was glorious.
We aren't, we are just saying it isn't as egregious as it was made out to be. Women can be made to do a lot of things.
Is that suppose to be a yaoi scene? If so then I hope its not like the Tiger and Bunny JAV that TMA did...
Girl gamer spotted.
No, just saying she's hardly the only one to have done it.
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Is that supposed to be Souji grabbing her? Damn that's one ugly Souji.
But the majority people here on /cgl/ are girls
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Only qualm is that Naoto's hat's the wrong color. And Chie's wig is the wrong color, but close enough.
Was I the only one that was hoping for a ChieXYukiko scene somewhere in there? All I see is Goro molesting everybody. :/
care to share?
There are plenty of hot JAV actresses...but I swear to god, they get the most butterfaced ones for cosplay porn. Feels bad.

Really? She's so damn average. Boring during sex too.
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Give Goro a couple more years and he will be able to afford better whores.
Link to this?
I find Japanese porn to be pretty damn meh. Western porn with asians in it can be hot, but porn of asian origins is usually full of a lot of meh specimens and baby squeals.

Does the cosplay porno industry sell well over there? I feel like generic maid/school girl fetish stuff would be more popular.
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>enter thread to ask if Goro's in it
>already see that he's in it
Awwwwwwww yeaaaaah
time to add to my sexy Goro collection
Download it from CosplayJAV when it comes out there.
What's Persona even about? I haven't gotten around to watching it yet, looks boring
It's a video game series, part of the Shin Megami Tensei franchise. Persona 3+4 have you spend your days either in school, hanging out with people trying to max your social links so you can create more powerful Personae, or exploring the game's dungeon. 3 is about death and the end of the world, 4 is about a group of teenagers trying to solve a murder mystery and is a lot more light-hearted.
Oh it's a game?
Thought it was a anime, don't really care then I don't care for games
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I like small games, but not big ones like that that take up a lot of time, those are boring
There's an anime that's based off the game. It's called Persona 4: The Animation

Just search around and you're bound to find a site that you can download or watch it off of.

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