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Luvmonkeys thread!

Last one:

>attempted to prove her cuts were real
>it's just a sad display of her make-up skills
>despite that, she insists that she DID try to cut half-way through, guys!
>major trolling on Ashley at menokata on tinychat
>she's gonna cosplay Scanty?!
Sadly the TC is dead now.
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Well, this video chat was horrifying. Scanty cosplay? Really, Ash?
Yeah. Are they still playing music?
oh my fuck
Nope. Just me and two other guests.
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Oh god no.
Oh wow, it looks like she's at least learning how to do her makeup.

I can only hope this is one of her ideas that she never gets around to actually doing.
i can't remember where i saw it, but i saw a picture of some eye make up she did and it wasn't half bad. if she would just wax her stache, clean up her brows, and continue with the decent eye makeup, she honestly would look decent.
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>dat eyeshadow
Her eyeshadow is better than a lot of other bitches out there.

She just needs to learn how colors work since it looks like she just bruised her eye sockets.
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I guess we're looking at different people, because she looks absolutely busted.
The only exception I've ever seen is this picture, but I get the feeling someone did her makeup.
Those brows...
here is another example of some decent eyeshadow
Busted? No, not at all. She just needs to know how her colors work and she'll look ten times better, but she obviously doesn't know that because she wanted bruised eye sockets.
Am I the only one that looked at that and thought "hey you could totally shoop a penis into her mouth in that picture"?
It looks like she's asking for it.
Damn, looks like the TC is completely dead now. Was hoping for more.Despite being in complete tears all day, she seemed upbeat and ecstatic all the while.
damn i would have liked to join that tc, being drunk and all makes this whole situation a bit more hilarious to me right now.
sage for no contribution
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I thought "hey, that could use a creepy /x/-style shoop". Here's a crappy one!
Someone should throw up any gems of information discovered from the tinychat event up on her ED article. I was working, so I missed it.
...That is actually pretty unsettling. Good job.
There wasn't anything noteworthy, imo, except maybe >>5847128
Haha, thanks. Literally took me about a minute of filters.
A hundred times better than anything she runs through filters.
Any more facebook or dA updates? Has she been called out yet for such a blurry image showing her suicide attempt?
If she fucking plucked her brows and wax dat lip she would be pretty damn decent. Some might even go so far as to call her pretty with a nice waxing.
She'll cut her wrist but apparently plucking is too painful to her.
damn i'll tie her down and pluck her brows for her
I seriously want her to come out of this ordeal with something other than a bunch of internet-war stories to tell people.
>check her dA
>journal about wrestling
Please god tell me she just watches and doesn't make shitty graphics or awful slash fics about the wrestlers.
oh, i have a story.
one time last year i think it was? a friend of mine had invited me to Nekocon. she said she'd be rooming with a whole bunch of other girls and it'd be all nice and whatnot. this friend said she'd have the person in charge of the room add me.

i bet ya'll can guess who that was.

so she adds me and went on about some godawful hetalia shit or something. i cosplayed hetalia when i was 13. it's been a couple years and i was uninterested in it by then.

i started to see how creepy and obnoxious she was and i told my friend i couldn't go due to financial reasons. thank god i avoided that. not much of a quality story, but still. she's older than me (not by much) and i could never, ever produce something so shitty and let people see that. it'd be awfully shameful. i dunno, i think she could be a nice person, but then i think about everything she's said and done.
She could just use a simple straight razor, no pain involved.

It's not perfect, but it's a start. Hell, I'm doing it to trim up stray hairs cause I don't want to fuck up and I don't have the money to get them done right now.
*been a couple years since i cosplayed hetalia.
>straight razor

Are you the type of gal to just run the razor between your eyebrows before you get them shaped up again?
Yes since I'd rather not fuck up my eyebrows so I look like some Mexican chica with a tattooed surprised look.

Prefer to have somebody else shape it, and I just touch up.
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You mean Chola? Gwen Stefani was a Chola for a while back in the day...

You know that got me thinking...we should have like a board dedicated to cholas and cholos. We can call it /ch/.
Oh god, that looks so painful my head is starting to hurt.
...Is that bad? I mean- my eyebrows are nothing close to bad, but I do have a few hairs that are between the brows, so I just shave them on off...
Do we have pics of her fake scars?
Found in the other thread. I think it's on her ED as well >>5845359
Thanks. Looks fake to me.
It's just amazing how she has this high power camera that can pick up the junk on her floor and her pictures are all clear but this one picture is blurry.
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Here's the zoomed in one. 'No you can't see anything because my hand is scrunched up!!'
I once burnt myself on an iron. It looked exactly like that.
From what I can see, anyway.
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Looks like Ashley had fun in photoshop. I wish they would of kept her ass in Tuckers. Fuck get out of my state ASHLEY GET OUT OF MY 35 MILE RADIUS.
It doesn't even look like there's an opening where the skin was broken.
It looks almost exactly like a burn. I've gotten similar marks from accidentally pressing my arm against frying pans and ovens when moving food around.
I'm glad you know your place.
Man. I have a deep cut in my leg (from an accident. Just myself being clumsy) and it definitely doesn't look like that. Even after a year it hasn't gone away and it does not look as clean (or pretty) as that.
Thinking about it, if it had been deep, wouldn't it have turned into a keloid?
That's because it's fake.
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>mfw if she just used a glue gun to give herself a scar just to get the haters off her back
Lol, she smudged a brick colored eyeshadow on her arm.
My arm looks that that after swatching makeup.

This is hilarious.
I know that much but it's just more of the thought, how does she expect anyone to believe it?

What people wouldn't do for attention.
>mfw the crease in her wrist from her fat folds looks more painful than her "cut wound"
Do you know this as a fact?
It's hard to believe considering the fact that plucking her eyebrows is "too painful".
Hence the 'if'. It looks more like a burn mark than a scratch mark, and it would explain the thin line next to it, since that'd just be 'omg no it hurts but i gotta do it' withdrawal.
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You guys need to relax....it is just a newly formed stretch mark.
Are you guys seriously trying to get CPS involved?

You're actually completely terrible.
Why not. If she's going to spend days talking about her abusive family, she should expect that eventually someone is going to take it seriously and try to get her help.
I really don't think you fully understand the gravity of doing such a thing.
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Okay, help me out here anons. This was just posted recently.
She said she was in the hospital for almost 4 days. I thought she was only in for two..? Am I wrong here?
Also, she's being really defensive. Why not just post a picture of it or some other legitimate proof and have it all over with?
Someone should ask for the phone number and ask her mum if she's aware that she claims her dad is abusive, that her house is falling apart, that they don't care about them being evicted and that Ashley's throwing all her personal details onto the internet. Preferably someone who knows her mom or has talked to Ashley on the phone to confirm it's not just her.
Not as though it matters, considering the CPS stuff was ages ago.
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Maybe if she stopped bragging about this we would stop hating on her, just a little bit.
I'm so furious man.
Sage for off-topic, but that reaction image brought back such fond memories. It made my day in a totally ridiculous way, thanks!
I just have no idea how to handle this. I had been worried because I have lost friends to suicide. The more and more I read everything, the more it seems that she used people's worry for her own personal gain of attention. This girl will upload a brooch that looks like a pile of shit and make it look crystal clear but the instant she tries to show proof of her 'actions' everything goes blurry? It just seems there are more and more excuses the more people uncover the false trails she's not smart enough to cover.

I want to believe there still is some good in her but seeing all the screen shot, I just can't understand this level of desperation for attention. My jimmies haven't been rustled. My jimmies have fucking exploded.
It looks so fake. I have a scar on my ankle from where my iceskate accidently cut me a few months ago, and it looks totally different.
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looks like the first layer of makup she puts on before the shitty latex attempts...imagine the latex isn't there and it looks the same
It looks like a friction burn, like she took a ruler and rubbed the edge of it back and forth, or one of those plastic chairs that they have in schools, the tops of the back of them. Otherwise, I have a cat scratch I got a few weeks before ashley "cut" herself, and it doesn't look nearly as healed.
Like other anons have said, that really really looks like a burn. My mom does a lot of cooking/baking and burns her forearms on the oven rack all the time, and it looks just like that...it was my first thought after seeing that photo.
Give it till tomorrow night- she'll be back in full force.
Somewhere she claimed that the one further down wasn't the cut but rather the mark on her wrist
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Oh, yeah, that was so horrible that she couldn't even stretch her wrist back 8 days after inflicting the horrifying wound.
Damn. I swear I'm done with Ashley and her drama and then she goes and does insanely stupid shit like this. Has anyone taken her up on her offer to let them phone her mother?
I can't really tell if it's makeup or a burn because it's so blurry, but it looks nothing like a cut. Google self-mutilation, it looks nothing like that at all.
Fuck off, Static

Ugly bitch
Fingernail burns, looks like. You pinch your finger and thumb together and scratch back and forth on your arm while saying the ABC's. I used to do it, they'd get badly infected if I didn't force myself to wash like twice a day.
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If i was in the states I would do it .. I would tell her about all the mean things she says about her family on the internet.
So...this is what she called halfway through her wrist?

I feel bad for the actual people who had a little remorse when they assumed she tried to kill herself. Yeah people seemed worried but now looking back on it, those who did seem to care were just lied to int he end.

Maybe she meant halfway down her wrist? Because no matter how you slice it, that's not a serious life-threatening cut even if it was real. And certainly nowhere near halfway through unless she was stabbing downwards.
iirc she kind of made it seem like she was halfway in to her wrist when the person she was talking to decided to call someone. Then had the gall to say she wanted to go to the nicer hospital.
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Ashley's claiming that the 'make-up smear' is a cut she made 4 months ago
She's pissed off at the fact that she woke up to 'hate mail'...At this point I'm not even mad at you guys anymore...I'm not saying that Ashley deserves it, but I do know that she isn't...consistent with what she says...and it's rather annoying....

I'll probably continue to talk to her, though I don't think I'll contribute too much here. But...you guys aren't half bad...she needed this rude awakening...
I just looked up Tuckers website and they stated this

>We treat general psychiatric disorders such as depression, panic disorder, anxiety disorder, bipolar disorder, attention deficit disorder, eating disorders, chronic mental illness, substance abuse and other psychiatric disorders.

Maybe she didnt cut herself but saw saw she was trying?

Or its probably from all the calls they got about a suicidal girl there, sot hey took her for mental help.

doesn't mean she did it though
I can't speak for all of us, but a good majority doesn't want to ruin her life. If there were a way to explain it at this point, it'd be kind of like the tough love treatment. She has the potential to move on from this and better herself if she would stop being so stubborn, but you know that much.
Does anyone know if she's going to Animazement still?
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>tfw all your cuts turned into keloids
>tfw you're going swimming with your new bf in a few days and he has no idea

Fuck why was I a stupid little bitch. Shoulda manned the fuck up.

Polite sage for off topic.
I do believe that she did go to the hospital, that she had intended to do self harm but only in the slightest amount- but when she did post it on the internet the cops really had to do what is right and take her in. I do think she has over exaggerated the story and I do think that she was doing it for the attention rather than wanting to off herself because of how she publicized the whole thing (facebook statuses, telling everyone) in which I believe if anyone was really on the intention of offing themselves they wouldn't tell anyone. Now out of the hospital she is, basically, bragging about her time in there and her dosage amount, etc., etc. rather than trying to get her life together. I feel like she is projecting this like the act of committing suicide is something as small as a gust of breeze and isn't something to be taken truly serious. I think everyone wants her to get her life together and stop whining for attention and taking things that are very serious and putting it into her life. With her track record how can anyone not be skeptical? From her stating her father abuses her family, that she has multiple personalities, and that a whole slew of things she says that are not true. I do believe that she really has aspergers - but with everything else I'm really skeptical
Come on, please, someone do this.
Haahaha nice one.
Didn't she say she doesn't have a house phone or something?
I don't know, she could have been lying aout it, but she mentioned something after the hospital drama.
can someone link me to her DA?
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Okay, I'm talking to her. All she's been saying is that she wont move forward because people wont forget her past and how she really tried killing herself. If there's anything cap-worthy I'll deff post though~
"People think I'm lying about this and I'm not!
What do I have to do to prove it to people!?
But it's why I'm only gonna give the number out to people that ask for it."

I love how she has everything to prove to the meanie internet. How stupid is she?
someone ask her WHY she has to prove herself to people she supposedly does not care about?
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>MFW she probably just lightly scratched her wrist and put fake blood all over it so she wouldn't get in trouble with the cops.
I love her line from her "professional tumblr"...
"But you fuckers stopped me" or something. Sorry for saving your life, Ash. We won't intervene next time.
She'd never go through with it anyways everyone knows that.
has no one considered that she might just give out her OWN phone number and pretend she's her mother? there's no way a rational human being would let their daughter give out a phone number to people on the internet.
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me too, lol. especially when you look at her crappy 'cut'. she totally would have died if not for you meddling seagulls.

also what is with her and her... dramatic pauses?
because.......................... shes really... serious... you guys.........
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Reminds me of Stevie from Malcolm in the Middle

I know people like this, I HATE when they are all like 'omg im depressed im gunna cut myself deep and die'

It's just for attention, they're still around.
I've always hated when people do that- all the time I'm like wtf
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I think she deleted this one too. She's totally not mad, you guys!
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You guys are just plain ignorant~ you're just ignorant ok~
How many times is she going to go from "OMG I HAVE GOT TO PROVE MYSELF" to "HATURS GONNA HATE HURR"?
It looks like she's disabled everything on her DA. Comments on art, page comments, journal comments, notes.. Eerythang.
Think she'll enable it again? She's got to eventually, right?
Most certainly.
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On another note.........
She has six fingers on her hand...
Her exact words;
>It's her knuckle dude.
It's just a knuckle guys!!

Though I don't know how the hell a knuckle would show up from that position.
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There's no way in fuck a knuckle could look like that.
She's complaining about people not taking her suicide attempt seriously on facebook
You can't disable comments on everything, only deviations/journals. She must have blocked you.
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She is weird to talk to. Kid has some smarts in the arts of escaping an argument, makes it a bit more fun. Now I'm very eager to corner her.
The two pictures of her "scars" don't even look like they are in the same position on her arm..
I just try not to engage her in conversations...its hard to get a word in when talking to her in person as well as online...
Which two pictures? I've seen the first, but what's the second?
can someone link me to her enciclopledia dramatica?
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>it's 4 months old guys
>that's why i covered my left arm in latex 3 months ago
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So... she had no contact with the outside world, yet she knew we were thinking about sending her flowers. Seems suspicious, unless we knew for sure she had a friend who lurked these threads. Someone confront her about it, maybe?
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I will vouch for her though, most hospitals do not allow outside contact unless family.
I tried to call my best friend when she got sent to one for cutting last year, the lady said she would transfer my message to her.
She never did though.
I know that Ashlee keeps saying "they wouldn't have taken me to the hospital and kept me there if I hadn't cut myself deeply." But that's a lie.

They would have kept her overnight, possibly for multiple nights simply for the suicide threat. Her being admitted to the hospital isn't proof that she actually tried to kill herself, so she should stop acting like it is.
That's kind of weird, because the hospital my boyfriend went in let me call him (on their phone, not his of course). I don't know if that's typical though.

He was otherwise without contact with the outside world, except when I was able to get to visiting hours.
No, Tuckers is where the self inflicted and crazy go. I know a few people who have went up there before when I was in high school who were into beating themselves and cutting.
Fuck yeah Tucker's! I used to go there all the time as a kid.
Yes, but I don't think her parents go on 4chan, let alone look at these threads. If they did, then I would be deeply concerned about their parenting skills.
Those blue marks is a shitty excuse for veins.
Her parents know nothing about what has happened...just what Ashley has been feeding them...So it's EXTREMELY biased.
what if it's the transformed version
just picture it you guys
ashley in scanty's bra and skirt
covered in red bodypaint
probably even more poorly applied than a shitty homestuck cosplayer
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It was a knuckle guys!
does she have ANY ability to admit fault?

Lol no hopefully when she turns 18 she'll admit how retarded she is happen to my friend like an epiphany of sorts but I'm not getting my hopes up.
Whoa, I checked and her birthday's on August the 1st! So quick, man. We should have a celebration.
lmao, i knew she was going to do that shit.
I hope she has a horrible day
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I feel bad for whoever this was a gift for...
Someone could have messaged her about it. I think it's pretty obvious right now she has friends that go here. Hell, I've even messaged her on facebook at one point, I was hoping to help stop her "fame" here before it got worse (didn't work, not that it would have made me a hero or some shit.) I got no response. Anywho, it's more than likely people are still looking out for her.
Well, she fixed it later. It's an obvious mistake why...why can't she just say she made a mistake?
What do you think would happen if I created these designs? Except better. Much better.

is it just me or is she getting better at some parts? the eyes on the second one are much better than normal and so is the hair on the first. either that or she's tracing again...
>ashley posts "scars"
>/cgl/: well my scars memememme i i i mine mememem ASHLEY IS A FAKE mmememememememmemem MY SCARS THIS my scars that ME ME ME!!!
never change /cgl/
I agree that no matter the amount of evidence she shows that she tried to hurt herself, seagulls will never be satisfied.
>The girl is too flawed
>seagulls will not be satisfied unless she answers to every flaw and stupid comment shes made
>never ending dramu fest
>evidence she shows that she tried to hurt herself
A blurry picture of a flat iron burn isn't exactly evidence of her trying to take her life.
>implying Ashley is any different
>not implying that Ashley is worse for pretending to have a severe mental disorder that apparently all seagulls suffer from as well
I'm gonna have to say that I think Ashley's stupid is slightly worse than /cgl/'s collective retardation.
Yea...yea. But, if she didn't cut herself...where was she for the period of time she was at Tuckers? You think she'd get submitted if she didn't physically hurt herself? I don't think doctors would keep her there without any bodily harm. They'd take her in for a night maybe...
Then again I have no idea how long she was "there" for.
I was looking for the six fingered man. He killed my father.

Do it, but alter it just a little because you were so inspired by her work, so it can't be called copying.
She could have cut herself, but I sincerely doubt it was very deep or even life-threatening. It's already been stated in this very thread, if you're admitted because you attempted suicide, they can keep you for overnight, or even longer just for observation depending on the hospital.
/cgl/ is attacking themselves
/cgl/ is the ashley

Yeah.... except the context for that is wrong. People were posting about their scars in comparison to hers and calling her a liar.
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We have the same birthday. It makes me happy when I learn people have the same birthday as me, but this makes me a little sad too.
hey can someone repost the zombie nails thing? did it show signs of scars or cuts or anything on it? When I first came across the pic on here, I was too distracted by her shitty work to even think to look at her wrist.
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Is there even any proof she was at Tucker's? Because I'm still fairly sure she was here claiming that /cgl/ tried to make her kill herself.
Give it a rest, babies.
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She just looks so much like a potato.
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Those nails look really uncomfortable,
imagine if you had an eyelash in your eye while wearing them
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>Someone tries to kill themself
>You guys try to stop it
>Keep harassing her about it

I can't believe how pathetic you cunts are. Who cares if you don't think it was a "LEGITIMATE SUICIDE ATTEMPT," provoking someone to that level and then demanding some form of proof that they really did want to kill themself is fucking disgusting.
You're all so desperate for some form of drama, go read a fucking celebrity magazine or something. However much of a bitch you think this girl is, there's no reason for you to keep harassing her like this. Grow up.
>provoking someone to that level
Provoking them to what level, because I'm fairly sure her faking a suicide attempt for attention was all her.
You guys are fucking pathetic, just stop it now. Your even lower in my eyes than fucking Ashley herself. Find someone new to stalk

inb4 : Hello Ashley
Mmhm. Just stop stalkin' Ashley so we can go stalk somebody else. Why? So we can provoke someone else? You do know that would just be an endless cycle, right?
Many seagulls (not all, but many) are trying to help this poor girl. She's attracting the drama to herself, saying she wants it to stop, when somebody tells her how by sending her a message, she flips the fuck out and tells them how awful they are and how she wants them to leave her the fuck alone.
I'm sticking around because I'm hoping she'll wake up and get her shit together instead of being the drama seeking attention whore that she's been up to now.
This. She's already evidently stopped bullying people into taking shit commissions, if she just gets rid of the moustache, grooms her brows and stops acting like the whole world should revolve around her because pity her she has every disease and disorder in the book, /cgl/ won't give a fuck any more.

Even if any of her disorders are true, you don't just throw them around like a wild card to be a cunt to everyone who doesn't kiss your ass.

who cares what she does, I don't know her ore ever will so why bother. Live and let life is my life philosophy so I really don't care what this girl says ore does.
Then what the fuck are you doing in /cgl/, or were you sent here by Ashley?

I come here to watch cosplay and lolita outfits. WTF are you doing here.

Anyway why do you care? Why don't you just hide the damn thread.

Problem solved now gtfo.
waiiit a second, where does she live? she looks strangely familiar to me.
Chesterfield, Virginia.

I'm sick and tired of seeing her face on the 1st page, I don't care about this bullshit. Sure I can hide this thread but every now and then one of you losers makes a new one.

Sure everything Ashley does is pure shit I admit but it's getting old leave the girl alone.
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>posted on a thread that was several pages back
>complains about seeing Ashley's face on the front page
>forgot to sage and bumped her back to the front page
> I don't like these Ashley threads so everyone should just cut it out for my convenience!
Oh boo hoo. I don't like PT threads but you don't see me in there bashing all of them.
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I have been blocked. That was fast, I couldn't cap, dammit. But I have the magic of copy and paste+paint.
But she has used her mother's name. We all know that.
I'm really sorry that any of those things happened to you.
I know it's like like you said- it's in the past. I just, well, shit.

More than anything, I'm shocked that she can completely overlook what you said you went through to go back to defending herself.
>I'm shocked that she can completely overlook what you said you went through to go back to defending herself.

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That we do anon, I was trying to get her to put more of a show though. Just as I was about to step it up.

I was a bit surprised, I mean, we all know how she is. I've just done that forgive and forget thing, so it doesn't bother me to mention it, especially to her. I wasn't expecting bowls of sympathy, but damn gurlll~
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It's a pony guise
the fuck is going on with those legs
One arm is so very dramatically bigger than the other...

Does she still get super defensive when people try to suggest ways of bettering her art?
I'm really annoyed she totally ignored that really terrible and personal thing you shared to go on about herself! How insensitive!
Its what happens when you have no idea how anatomy and the human body work, and you decide to draw your characters already wearing clothes, instead of naked body first until you're familiar with how body parts connect to each other.

Ash just draws like a weeaboo that copies their precious animu and has no interest in learning the basics to drawing humans. "It's my style" "I'm drawing anime not real life" etc

I can't understand why anybody would draw "anime" style without learning basic anatomy. You have to understand how to draw a person before you can start caricaturing them.
The amount of weeaboos in my art class who never ever managed to learn this are, unsurprisingly, the ones who failed spectacularly.
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Surprised Ashley saw something totally naturally about the head area. I did a quick shitty outline of hers. Red line indicates the maxium width/placement of the neck. Can't really tell where it ends because of the ribbon.
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I tried to sketch out some... improvements. Better?
much. much, much better.

For some reason, the bottom of that white thing on the skirt makes me think of how cool whip looks...
has anyone ready any of ashley's fanfiction?
I've read the foreskin = virgin one, yeah.
why the long face?
Not to mention the self-lubricating anus.
what? WHAT?! link plox. i have to see this.
The part about her not thinking about killing herself since she came home is bullshit.
I have been talking to her, and she has expressed to me that she still has "bad thoughts" etc.
The reason why she said she hasn't been suicidal to JustJoz-Period (sorry anon I don't know what else to call you) is because she knew she couldn't get away with telling her she did.
The reason why she told me she still has "bad thoughts" is because she wants sympathy and asspats from me.

This, my dear Seagulls, is how Ashley really works. She is a pathological liar and an attention whore. Any chance she can get to receive sympathy she will take. No matter what it means she'll have to say.
I hope all you whiteknights defending her really think about this and come to realize that she is indeed an attention whore and will likely never change.
Pretty sure this is the one:
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Yup, I'm surprised she was cautious with me, maybe 'cause she thought she was talking to a legit suicidal person thing? I'm actually thinking of making other accounts and coming at her with different "personalities". Like one's going to be all nice, then others that point out her bs, then a bargaining one... I feel like I'm experimenting on a lab mouse yo. btw you can just call me jaws
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Alright, Jaws. Keep us updated on how your experimenting goes. I am definitely eager to view the results.
awwwww that image. <3
I kind of want to talk to her, and get her side of the story. I've been lurking for a while in the Ashley dramu, and I think you guys are pushing a bit too far, but I want to know what she really has to say about it. Like what it was like in the hospital, how she's doing now, what her plans to get rid of the drama are.

I won't even go in doubting her, I just want to know her side you know? I want to see the real Ashley not the drama-spiked /cgl/ version.
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Ohohoho, now that would be quite interesting. Makes me want to try to converse with her a bit on my side account for the lulz....
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Hehe, I'll be starting maybe on monday. Since I want to make the account at least believable in case she bothers to check~! Gotta think of eeeeverything!

Do it son!
Ashley is going to be attending a con I'm going to next weekend, is there anything /cgl/ would like to know? Because I'm going for most of the days and i think maybe talking to her a bit the last day would be interesting. Maybe provide some info on her?
I'm pretty cautious about this whole thing regardless, so nothing that requires me getting too friendly with her [if she's the attention whore she's described as, learning about her cuts and suicide attempts shouldn't be that hard]
Make sure to look at her wrist and legitimately see if there is even a scar there. If at all possible, try taking a picture.
What con are you going to? I might be going to the same one.

I'll be at Animazement
I'll try my best to get a picture. Even accidentally-on-purpose if i have to. If I can't get a picture, i'll tell you if I see one or not
Maybe /cgl/ should collectively write a letter for you to give to her? I don't know if it'll help but who knows maybe it will.
Is the one in Philly?
Unlessshe changed her mind, I don't think she's going to AZ anymore. Believe me I was disappointed too
Since it's known that she lurks her threads sometimes, she'll probably have a shitty make-up slash on her wrist. Be prepared for that, Batty.
Oh man, I'm going there too. I'll try to track her down for a picture, as well.

If she's not going, thank the lords. I'd rather not get my friends involved with her. But if she is, I'm ready to get some info
heh, i know the difference between real and fake scars.
she's not going to animazment she's going to the comiccon in philly
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>He needed to make sure the boy was still a virgin.

He couldn't help but laugh childishly when he noticed the boy still had his foreskin.

I wouldn't be surprised if Ashley wrote these just so she had something to shlick to. Why did I let myself imagine such things!

Why anon, why would you give us that mental image?! Keep it to yourself!
>He needed to make sure the boy was still a virgin.
>He couldn't help but laugh childishly when he noticed the boy still had his foreskin.

Is it just me or does it sound like Ashley thinks males lose their foreskins when they have sex for the first time?
I'm slightly ashamed to say that I thought that when I was younger. I'd heard that it retracts from the head during arousal, so I assumed it was like the hymen and after the first time "broke" or stayed stretched out.
It is kind of understandable when you put it like that. But Ashley is 17. And writing sex stories. And I can't help but laugh.

I've heard worse. A 15 year old boy once asked me if my voice had broken yet. I am a girl and he knew that and was dead serious.
beat the shit out of her fat ugly ass.
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"He pulled his finger out and smirked at how his finger was coated with clear fluid."
But it's just an ass. I'd like to think her ass doesn't randomly leak clear fluid but what do I know.

What probably happened was she read a bunch of shitty yaois on fanfiction that were equally misinformed and used their work as the basis for her porn without having any idea whatsoever how sex works.
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Attempted to redraw this to the best of my ability. Better or worse?
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Whoops, forgot her glasses. Here we go!
It's obviously better.
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>mfw I live in NJ and I'm two hours away from Philly
So...what? You going to go see her or somethin? Are you having her come see you? Or are you needlessly sharing useless information?
Posts like these are annoying.
Ooommggg its sooo much betterrr. You should totaaallly show her that you redrew her art and that yours is waaaaaay betterrrrrr.
Seriously, why? Not white knighting but...why?
'Cause of attention? What other reason is there to post obviously better re-draws and ask "better or not" than to get attention and compliments anyway.
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This... I want this..
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I just


I drew shit like this when I was 11

Why is she


My brain is going to explode
It's not a merman, its Leviathan changing to human form? Wtf? Is this from some anime/manga I'm not familiar with?
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shes doing the head thing again guys
Did she just.. use a base for these? They look the same. Has she been using bases for all her latest work?
Why are all of her drawing coloured via what looks like gradient tool?
I'm not the only one bugged by that, right?
Now that the anon mentioned it.. They all havethe same weird head and pose..
Speaking as someone who has been in a mental hospital for a suicide attempt, her claim is absolute bullshit.
There is no way they would keep her for three days even if she hadn't laid a finger on herself, and CERTAINLY not if she had gotten "halfway through her wrist."
When I was admitted, I didn't have a single cut on my body, nor had I taken a single one of the pills I was planning to take. I simply said that I wanted to die, they bullied me into voluntary inpatient treatment, and I was stuck there for a full 7 days before my dad had to threaten legal action to get me out.
7 days without a single cut on my body and no police intervention, and I was lucky that it was that short.
Now if she had been escorted by police, they would have first taken her to a hospital to clean and assess/stitch/bandage/whatever the wound, and when she was in stable condition, they would have had her go to a mental facility for probable involuntary inpatient treatment.
From the people I met in the hospital I was staying at, those who landed there by slicing through their wrists were stuck there for an average of around 20-or-so days, and oftentimes continued treatment at other facilities after their stay there.
Absolutely no way in Hell she would have been released by her psychiatrist after 3 days. Fucking Hell, it takes them that long to start figuring out your medication and letting you see your case worker.

tl;dr: I was in a mental hospital for a suicide attempt. There is no way in fucking Hell her stay would have been 3 days if she was ever there, and especially if she cut herself.
She's a fucking disgrace for trying to pass off such a bullshit lie about suicide. Goddamn.
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what the fuck
This is cruel. You don't put make-up on a swine.
depends on the state. Certain states have 3, some have you stay until they're sure you're mentally capable enough to leave.
I know I saw on TV, NY is only 3 days. Who knows what Virginias standard is.

Confirmed for bullshit. I have a friend who works security in hospitals around VA, he says it's a load of shit. If she had harmed herself she'd be kept in for way longer.
Oh lord I can't stop laughing.
Marry me, anon?

Christ I didn't realize how much she actually looks like a pig. Not as an insult, an ACTUAL pig. Someone shoop her to look like a pig please.

No Ashley no one wants black on their wedding dress.
Unless their wedding is also a funeral.

Don't fucking use black for weddings asdfgghj
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>tfw no wf
You can't
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Off topic, but not everyone wants to have a white wedding.
When I tried to kill myself by overdosing I was only kept for less than a night in the ER, than they let me go home. maybe it was because I showed remorse for my actions.
I know Ashley personally, and she told ME she only stayed there ONE day. But she bragged about it, like Oh you didn't hear!? I tried to kill myself! She said this with a huge grin. She sleeps in her living room or something now because she just "can't" go back into her room. I hadn't see a damn thing on her wrist, so I don't know where this bullshit is coming from.
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I don't know what to be more /excited/ for
>the fact we get to see her shitty costume again
>we'll see her sister
>probably in a shitty costume too
>she thinks she's a fan of stan lee
>she thinks she'll actually get to see him
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Is she..is she trying to mimic M. Alice LeGrow's style?
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Please tell us more, Anon!
Oh dear god I friggin' hope not. But knowing her it's always a possibility. Sage because I just need to say that I love M. Alice's art and have the biggest ladyboner for her style.

Never again. Please.
Stay the fuck away from Stan Lee you crazy bitch! You'll give him a heart attack and kill him.
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>Wizarding World of Philly
What. No Ashley. That's not the name of the con. No. Just no.
>in b4 she says Stan Lee sis one of her favorite "artists"

dumbass drama cows always think he's an artist. Dollars to doughnuts she ends up saying exactly that.
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>ashley doing feferi
>actually wearing it in public
I felt the same way, anon ;_;
Dumbasses in general tend to.
My friend started getting into comics because she watched Batman the Animated Series with her husband, and loved Harley Quinn (I know, I know...)
Because Stan Lee's name is FUCKING EVERYWHERE, she thought he created all of this shit that sometimes wasn't even anything he even worked on.
We eventually straightened this out, and now she understands that its Paul Dini and Bruce Timm she should be thanking for her favorite DC girl.

TL;DR Ashley is going to a COMIC convention, and is simply name-dropping to act like she knows comics.
She could have at least used Homestuck (at the bare minimum, absolute bare minimum) as a reason to validate trying to know things at a comic con, but she didn't even read that
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LOL, Ashley's gonna be in for a big surprise when she wears her shitty webcomic outfit to a comic book convention -- I've heard they HATE Homestuck cosplayers with a passion.

also mfw the same exact thing happened when Krissy-chan went to her first comic convention rather than the usual weeaboo dribblecon....
Or any other fucking cartoons. Saying Stan Lee, without going into a tirade about how Kirby wasn't really that great of a guy/admitting that Stan has his faults, is just showing off how little you know about comics.

I'm not familiar with Krissy-chan, please tell me more. Also, Homestuck is frowned upon even at comic cons? Just a little bit surprised, but not much.
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I feel bad because I thought he was the artist for the longest time. Mostly because I don't read comics often so I didn't look too hard into it. Only when I learned he wrote Ultimo was when I realized he was just a writer.

Sage for offtopic and my young ignorance
Huh. Just got back from the Dallas Comic Con and got my Avengers #1 poster signed by Stan the Man. Bless his cottons, he had thousands of people lining up for him and he still looks up and smiles, acknowledging your presence.

She's probably going to think she's a special snowflake that deserves his attention/wants something that's not Stan Lee related at all signed.
But like you said, not really into comics. Its a pretty common mistake, because of how ubiquitous he is.
Like thinking Spider-Man and Batman are published by the same people, it just happens if you don't know and its totally ok if you don't know.
Unless you're pretending to know everything.
I hope she wants him to sign a copy of Justice League lol
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Is this true anon?
I had only planned on cosplaying Homestuck to comic conventions. Not even the trolls or kids, I wanted to cosplay one of the exiles.

Maybe I should do something from another webcomic so I won't be a huge target

Yeah... I would like to meet Stan Lee at some point, even if I'm not a big comics fan. He just seems like such a humble and nice guy for someone tripping over fame like he is.
The way /co/ treats Homestuck, pushing it just into the on HSG thread, is how it's treated at Cons. It's not accepted well at comic or anime cons and I'm sure Ashley will figure this out the Hard way.

Really you should cosplay what you want. I mean if it were a kid or troll, it would probably be best to lay low for a while on that, but an exile should be too bad. And try to stay away from large shitty loud groups of them. Most people are tired of seeing shitty gray paint+horns. That's all you need to worry about
I know at NYCC the crowd got pretty freaking huge, so I can understand that.

It's funny, WQ was actually going to be my last Homestuck cosplay I would ever wear to a con.
>*shouldn't hurf durf i'm retarded

Everyone usually does WV, so I say go ahead and go for him, since he's sorta under cosplayed.
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Oh no, I wasn't going to do WV, I was going to do WQ, Windswept Questant.
Either her exile form or her White Queen form.
I'm leaning on exile though because I don't want the tentacles that she has to be an annoyance to anyone else at the con
That, and I have a feeling someone might do something... creepy with them.
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I am retarded tonight. I thought you meant this dude, which is why I said he was under cosplayed. But her even moreso. White queen or her exile form would be neat honestly. I've seen one cosplay of the queen with the tentacles just simply stuffed pieces of fabric attached to her arms in rows with fishing wire. It was pretty cool.
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That's what I planned on doing, but I also need to take into account I'll be taking the train to New York, since I'll probably only be going one day.
>picture of Ashley stealing shit for some relevancy
Bump for drams. I'm sure someone has a fb update or something
/co/ tries to push ALL of their on-going topics into one thread, not just HSG
everyone is blowing a gasket over the 500 constant LoK threads
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I'm sure that'll go over well, Ashley.
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Oh yes! I would love a tutorial on how to do this! Pic related
this makeup reminds me a lot of one of michelle phan's videos? was it the fairy one she did for halloween or something? strange....
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>I was originally going to cut with the butcher knife in the kitchen, but that was taking too long.
Was she using the wrong edge of the blade or maybe the handle to do this?
>they're a month or two old
>claimed they were 3-4 months old before
>posted picture here of her using latex over the offended area 3 months ago
>time suddenly lessened by a month
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Lol nice save thurr Ashley.
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>Russia groaned as he forced a finger inside the boy. There was no way he'd had sex before. He definitely was too tight. "My goodness, Latvia. You're so tight and warm; I can barely get my finger in or out of you." He said with a smirk. He pulled his finger out and smirked at how his finger was coated with clear fluid. He pulled the scarf down from the boys mouth, smirking when he heard a heavy gasp and a large set of panting come from the boy.

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