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I believe I found someone who has the potential to be the next PT.
More details anon?
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facebook.com/ BubblegumPinku
Jane "Bubblegum Pinku" Rayner, 21 years old, wants to be part of "Pinku! Project," fat, extremely ita and can't dress herself.
Have a picture of her "lolita meetup" outfit.
Is ... Is she Canadian ...?
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'Bubblegum Desu!'
She has the gross looks down, but is she as delusional and crazy as our PT?

Maybe not AS crazy, but I'm sure we can induce those delusions.
From her Twitter:

'I want someone to teach me Japanese. :O O: @Yukaponchuu Will you teach me Japanese??'

'It's Halloween today~ Yaaaaaay. I can't wait until later tonight when I go ToT'ing. <3 <3 Happy Halloween Peach, Babi, Berry, & Cotton!!'

She's a self proclaimed 'Pinku Project Otaku'. Jesus Christ.
Oh thank god.

From her Twitter, a Tweet directed at Peachu Pinku AKA Robin Joobin: 'I am so blessed to have you all as friends! Pinku-Otaku FoReVeR!!!<3'

The crazy is so far moderate with this one.
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Kawaii bubbledoublechin, desu~
Is she dedicated on top of being delusional? It's a much more fun target that way, when the person seriously believes in something and puts in some effort toward 'achieving' it.
From her facebook:
"Konnichiwa! Hello. My name is Jane and my dream is to move to Toronto, Canada and become apart of Pinku Project! ♥ Peach Pinku, Babi Pinku, Cotton Pinku, Berry Pinku, & Dolldelight are my idols. As Unni says I'm an awesome Pinku-Otaku!! Yaaaaaaay! I hope to meet Pinku! Project at Anime North 2012. ♥ And until then I shall do my best and be #1 Pinku-otaku!!!! darlings. :D"
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She's not quite there yet, but I think she has potential to be the next PT. Also, I love the lack of enthusiasm on the lolita's face while they're taking this picture.

That skirt is adorable, though.
It's from Pinku Project's fashion line, I think it's called Pinkly Ever After? For sale on their Etsy.
she seems like one of those girls who would be quite pretty if she wasn't so delusional and obese

aka. she has a pretty decent face underneath the morbid amounts of fat
>look up Pinku Project

Wow, those girls are...hideous...or at least below average with all that make up caked on. I really hope they have actual talents instead of just parading themselves as kawaii uguu aidoru desu~
One of the reasons PT is our crazy, delusional, endearing queen is the fact that she's almost 30 and acts like an immature 15 year old weaboo. At her age, this girl is a dime a dozen.
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Just...just let me leave this here for you guys...
She's, um.. She's gonna be at AN?
Where can I get a multi colored tutu skirt like that?? O.o
They do, actually --- They recently released their first album, which is actually really good.
Get out.

Thanks! So much cute stuff there
The girl on the right looks like she can be my aunt by a decade. She's not aging well.
Found a video of them performing: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7R4hDalKpvw
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might be a dumb question, but what does "free size" mean?
unless you're a giant/midget/obese
it should fit
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I'm assuming thats the size of the skirt? Then it probably has an elastic waistband that should fit. It's like, "one size fits all."
You mean to tell me you ladies aren't done with Luvmonkey?
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$185 for this monstrosity.
that picture... i can't even
I'm not that fat but I'm afraid to wear fairy kei because I'll probably look something like this.
That's Chinese, isn't it
I... just can't get into this kind of stuff. The fake cuteness, the put on voices.. I get it's an act, but urgh. It's hard to watch and the english makes it even worse. Still, the pinkuproject girls are really cute, except for the one that looks like a mongoloid.
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note the "hand made bloomers" sticking from under her skirt
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I don't know OP, just seems more vendetta than anything. What makes her so cray-cray?
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Pinku magic is increased 10 times in the bathroom desu.
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That wig...
Her hair is sticking out! Did she even try to put it on or did she just plop it ontop her her head....without a wig cap!!!

OH GOD IT FUCKING TALKS. Fucking vlog. Full of Herro Kitty
Is this girl retarded? Seriously /cgl/ this just makes me sad.
Nah, we've been following PT since she was 19 or so. Besides, 21 is more than old enough to stop fucking acting like a 12 year old with ADHD.

Have you looked at her facebook/twitter/youtube/blog or seen the pictures?
She's 21 and wants to be a kawaii aidoru desu. She basically stalks the Pinku Project girls. Isn't that basically what PT started out as? (except this girl is younger, of course, but still old enough to be delusional)
By the way she talks and her face...this isn't much evidence but it just seems like she has down syndrome.
her voice…she just sounds so stupid
What did she do to the bangs of that wig!
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She mumble and chews like a downer. Holy shit son. I cannot believe she is 21. Is she a NEET that lives at home?
now you guys are being retarded

kids with downs look like they have downs to some degree
it's always pretty fucking obvious

autistic? possibly
downs? no

This is too painful to watch

>So many feelings..
I -- I just can't
I think this girl has mental instabilities...I'd feel mean. Hell, seagulls...when was the last time you saw a topic about peacock feather?
I see how this girl is cray-cray now OP ...but... I can't bring myself to even want to make fun of her. I just feel bad..
>you guys are being retarded
>talking about retarded girl
> maybe we should just potato
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which language is it gonna be, girl?
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Just because she talks like that doesn't mean that she's mentally disabled. She could just be awkward like 98% of weeaboos.
The audio on her video is crappy and makes her sound more retarded than she probably does IRL. Still doesn't mean there isn't something off here. The random kawaiinese is evidence enough.
>Pinku Project

She sounds much better in this video. Just sayin.

She doesn't sound Downsy here, but lawdy. Her room is like mine was at 14.
Its not just her voice, its her face..something just seems so off. Maybe its just her fat? Ehhhh...
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Downs syndrome has very specific features. Using the term to describe this weeaboo is an insult to all those who have it.
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She isn't downs. She just.... I don't know. I feel like she's struggling between sassy fat girl and kawai~ desu ne and can't pick a voice. Or maybe it's just pure obnoxious ham beast.
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Now may I proceed in making fun of her?
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>Ever Drank: Once. | I Was 3.
I cant get into pinku project..
At least one of the members a uni student right?
My inner pedobear rejects such old age wannabe imouto aidorus. D:<
I think in the two videos that she sounds stupid, she's trying to do a fake accent.
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she wasn't as bad before she got into this whole pinku thing

this is probably the most decent picture of her though, and it's a shame it's the smallest
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Well, she has PT's attitude towards life, that's for sure.

>excuses, excuses everywhere!
sooo much secondhand embarrassment right now
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jfc WHY
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There's something called getting up an hour or two before you work and biking there if needed.
Y'know, adult things. Putting the puzzle pieces togeting
wow together* computer stop
so much nigga dat ain't kawaii
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I am very rustled now
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>future cosplay's

>10 minute drive, can't bike.

I walked a 10 minute drive to get to highschool, it takes about 40 minutes to walk.

I wish it took me 40 minutes to get to work. (1.5 hours, public transit)
I love this reaction image, anon, I'm definitely going to save that.

On-topic, why do these weeaboos never get jobs? There are plenty of kawaii shoujo series about people getting jobs, haven't any of those messages sunk in? At all?

She stupid.
Why the fuck does she even like the pinku project? They dont do anything except badly dance to animuthe music and they arent from japan or famous in japan.
That's silly, clearly the job will drop out of the sky onto her lap after words of encouragement from her friends and the boy she's always pined after suddenly confesses to her. That's how the shojo world works.
Because they're her BEST FRIENDS, DUH.
But, for realsies though, I have no clue.

what the fuck is this
She's trying to talk like the Pinku girls, ffs.
I MISS PT SO FUCKING MUCH. This retard doesnt seem that bad...she could be fix and she has a small upper body compared to her fat lower body.
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>future cosplay's

Why the fuck does every crazy weeb do that? Luvmonkeys does that all the damn time, it's like a requirement to be a crazy shithead or something. It's not that hard to learn the rules of an apostrophe.
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I'd never really payed attention to what pinku project was, But my god they are just as bad as yukapon.

All the fake cuteness is just way too much.
So the pinku project talk like they have the downs?
My dad lives in the same building as Robin.
>so much awkward and horrible weeb music

this makes my kokoro go ouchie

I can't stop fucking laughing at 0:20-0:24
Her face
Her hands...

Just...oh my sides.
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This won't do. This wont do at all. The main appeal of PT was that she managed to look like everything was serious business, that girl looks like she is having fun.
She doesn't have dreams of becoming an Idol in Japan, and we have no proof she is rude/unable to take a criticism.
This girl is just having fun, she obviously doesn't believe she is a sex goddess.
Being PT is far more than being fat and crazy, these are all over the internet.

Link me to this PT person. I don't browse /cgl/, because I don't cosplay. but I want to see who is crazier than OP girl.

Because there AZN and desu and pinku everything she wants to be.
But Pixyteri progressively got worse the more and more we fucked with her.

Read on, my friend.
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True suffering is not known.

Her arm is as hairy as my leg. I'm a dude.
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>dat arm hair
Why does she not wax/shave/get rid of that? ; - ;
I have less and I use an epilator to get it away.
I remember when Pinku Project first posted on the local comm, we were all kinda "Erm...yeah, good for you...?"

We're pretty content to ignore them.
her wigs is about to fall off and her bloomers sticking out. HOT MESS
Is this chick...English? Wha-huh?
I have a ton of arm hair, and I simply can't be fucked getting rid of it.
Ew, what's up yeti?
>dat hair, all dat hair
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Michigan lolita, any stories of her meets? Looking at her lolita wishlist she got into lolita world lol
Reasons why she won't replace PT

>Not Amurrican
>No matter what anyone says PT was actually somewhat attractive
>No nudes
>Not enough drama-cow
Oh god. The second hand embarrassment is so painful.

Oh, thanks. She is crazy.

OP girl is ugly as fuck but comparing her to Pixyteri is way overboard I think.
It's called a razor. Use it on your arms to shave them.

She surprisingly looks the best out of everyone in that group picture.

>dat sourfaced Asian obaa-chan
Yeah, I was going to say this. The only one smiling/not doing duckface.
This girl has dreams of moving to Canada to become a member of the Pinku Project, an all AZN kawaii idol group.

The only thing more realistic about her than PT is Canada is closer.
the bitch on the far left is killing me

Canada doesn't want her.
>of course we do.
we're all about dem immigrants.
oh man her Japanese..... I don't know, maybe it's just because I speak it, but I will never understand how people can butcher it so badly.
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left very gentle criticism on her video. How she responds will determine whether or not she is truly the next PT.

sockpuppet channel named after a comic character.
Fuck it! let's just screw with her for the lulz she clearly deserves it for being such an idiot weeb who can't even put on a wig cap.
>>5840788 Secondhand embarrasment achievement unlocked
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this gon b gud
Anon you're such a lame ass why not sound more aggresive?
Is what shes wearing really lolita? OR just..a cosplay?
Why don't you leave a comment being the combative twat that you are instead of expecting someone else to do it?

I was thinking the exact same thing looks like an Alice cosplay to me does she count as lolita?
>>5841161 NO
Fattie chan here is just an idiot
don't want to scare her away

I can't handle losing another one

Ah okay I thought as much.
I actually feel kinda bad for her... Like she's so awkward and wants to belong, but she's so oblivious to the reality of how impossible it is for her to be like these Pinku girls.

Idk. Maybe I'm just being nice today.

I thought she was my best friend for a second
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Wait, so luvmonkeys isn't our PT now?
Damnit, oh well.
I refuse to believe that anyone but Ashley is new PT.
Ashley is just as delusional and terrible and hideous as PT.
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>mfw i was recently told it was the opposite, and had been training myself not to put the apostrophe for "it is" for the last several months.

Thank you, kind anon.
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Agreed. I mean, look at the amount of threads we have on her! And the complete obliviousness of how bad she looks. That's totally PT-tier.
Wait she wants to be a pink
Project member! Holly fuck way to aim low! Does she not realize no one actually produces or manage that dumb ass group and that there basically doing this from their own basement and just half ass making shit up or begging people to pay attention or help them? The only "" they've made are at two fan-run convention run by the same people!!!!

Theyre not idols they just said they were and people went with it because they're somewhat cute
Apostrophes confuse people because we use them in contractions, but also with possesives.
This is the dog's bone
This is its bone

"It" is referring to the dog, and since you put an apostrophe in "dog's" it seems like you should put an apostrophe in "its"

But then you get people that put them all over the fucking place for no reason
>> 5840886
Peach is more than a uni graduate she's fucken done and 25
Babi also around that age!

But off course they claim to be 17! They also claim they are releasing a cd in Japan! They claim they're idolu! They claim a lot of things and weaboos gobble it up
But she doesn't have that stank of almost being 30 years old. She is still young and has a chance to change (which we know probably won't happen)
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>konnichiwar, onii-chawns
oh lord her youtube videos are fucking good
This. Part of what makes PT so great is that she's so damn old, there's practically no hope for her. Ashley is what 18? She could easily become just as hopeless as PT but for now she still has a, minute and slim, chance.
Ashley has much more 'realistic' goals tho; she just wants to be a good propmaker/seamstress/designer and if she'd spend the same amount of time working on it that PT did on doing shoots and the like, she'd improve.

PT's brand of crazy is unique and beautiful.

This woman just seems to enjoy herself and doesn't take herself too seriously, so why spoil her fun?
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No one can replace our queen, but its possible new dramu. So i'll sit here and enjoy
Even if she's not the next PT she's still pretty bad.
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Don't get sucked in to their fake 'act crap. They aren't that great. They use to just clutter the hallways on AN and dance around where people where chilling.....no one gives a shit like this picture shows
i´ve been wondering if i was the only noticing her because there was no drama about her so far. I didn´t want to spread some but as i click through her pics it´s just "you´re doing it wrong" popping up in my head
I agree. Pinku Project isn't good at doing anything than believing they are anime moeshits. Their ~album~ isn't even that good. So what it was released in Japan, making an album is one of the simplest things you can do in the "music" industry. Inb4 I'm just jelly. I have no reason to be.
Eh, there are a few people watching. But yeah, that's pretty lame.

HAHAH Holy shit
Is she going to AN? I wanna take a picture with her.
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No. Too young she is. Batshit insane enough she is not. More time to fester on deviantart she needs. Ready for PT idoru status she then will be...Unless trains her someone does, then ready sooner she will be.
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Apparently not.
"Hello everyone. I'm quite new to EGL, GLL, and so please don't be afraid to give me advice. I've never used livejournal before. :)

My name is Jane, but I am called Bubble♥gum Pinku.
My age: 21 years.
Location: Clarksville, Mi.
Gender: Female.

What do you do in your free time?
In my free time I like to read, and sew. I also obsess over my Idols from Pinku! Project. I adore taking care of children, and I like to dabble in photography. Board games are fun, and I'm all right at video games. Dance Dance Revolution I <3 to play!! It's so much fun. Most of the time in my free time I craft. :D

What are your favorite bands?
My favorite bands include SNDS Girls Generation, AKB48, C-ute, YukaPon, Kyary Pamyu Pamyu, BerryZ, Buono, S/milage, Morning Musume, 2NE1.

What are your favorite brands?

My favorite brand is Pinkly Ever After. <3 I also adore Angelic Pretty, Baby and the Stars Shine Bright. Most of my shopping experiences have been with hand made items. Like for instance my sewing Idol happens to be one miss Cy aka Dolldelight! She's becoming so famous on me! Recently she was an open liner in PMX!!!!"
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This girl looks like my mother-in-law. Which is sad because I absolutely love my mother in law.

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>Angelic Pretty, Baby and the Stars Shine Bright.
>Baby and the Stars Shine Bright
Dear god...
I.... I'm just going to post this here.

Crazy, dedicated, and cosplay.



Oh, also, she believes she is friends/bonded with vidya characters.
Im sorry. This was supposed to be a new thread. Although, this thread did inspire me.
>favorite band - yukapon
>mother of god
Her hand-made shit is horrible. Not just bad, but straight up uggh. This is why hand-made gets such a bad rep, especially with lolitas. Lrn2hem.
that is totally not kawaii desu. im shitting myself over my career route and these women are playing aidorus?
>that must look amazing on a resume
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My favourite part is when she calls Yukapon an 'akibeer idol'
She seems to got a tiny liiitle bit better. In a few years she'll be as good as that Pinkzombie girl.
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lol I read it in his voice


Damn Casper why you got to be all cute and shit. I want to tap that tight little ass of his and blow my load in his mout. Ghosts eat it all damn right you better eat it all!

This reminds me of being 8 years old with the tape recorder playing "TV show" and "radio".
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what happened to old PT?
>those bangs
>that hair sticking out
She died

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