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Seagull Idol is winding down, and we're in the final round, waiting for video submissions. Voting will take place once final videos are up.

In the mean time post here on progress and opinions.
My opinion is that you're creepy and no one cares about this contest any more.
The contest started out interesting, but now it's so in-depth as if it'll achieve something when it won't. Like, it's just so false-hope wishy-washy and kinda...well, pathetic. It blows my mind that people are going shopping for actual outfits for this as well.

THIRDING THIS. I suspect the people who dropped out of this realized this to and made their excuses.

Thank you for sharing.
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>i didn't get any votes and i'm a bitter bitch

It doesn't look like any videos are coming. Maybe it's a case of the girls not being satisfied enough with what they're capturing, or maybe just the overall lack of activity compounding into apathy. The contest really isn't anything without princess candidate participation.
I love you both
I hope Sage-san sends more e-mails to moot and you go to prison.
All this contest did was bring out more tripfags and attention whores to /cgl/. Way to fucking go, OP, this shit sucks. And half of them are underaged, too.
Fuck this shit.
This contest stopped being interesting when Shiny decided to leave. She was the only one with potential.
It was interesting when people like Ophelia were involved now it's just boring.
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>I only come here for drama and nothing else
She was interesting to look at I don't care for drama.
Everyone who participated is a stupid slutty cunt who needs to die.
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Well aren't you just a bundle of joy.
It seems appropriate, on the day that marks one month since I took up the gauntlet of maintaining the tumblr and threads for this little contest to see if the ones I took that gauntlet up for feel it's been carried far enough.

Alice, Alleechan, Princess Amai, Uguudoll, and Bandage-tan, I'd appreciate it if you'd let your feelings on continuing be known here in the thread. Any of you not responding will be presumed as a vote not to continue with this round.

Excelsior, seagulls.
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These threads are fun. But if the public at large believes it's course to be run, then I will cede to the majority.

Just to be clear, Lily, I'm asking whether you ladies want to continue, not whether trolls post that they don't like the contest.

I took this up for all of you, and as last vote shows, a lot of seagulls still are interested in the contest even if the hundreds of them don't normally post in the threads. I'll see it through in spite of trolling if you five (or the majority of you) want to see it all the way through.

If YOU don't want to continue that's fine, I'd appreciate you simply voicing your own desire rather than acquiescing to the desires of others.
If the opinion of a random anon means something, I think the contest is a cute idea but I hope none of the girls have it in their head that there's a prize more than just some seagulls applauding. I would hate for a girl to get her hopes up on becoming the next Yuka and Penus and then has them dashed because they didn't understand what was going on.
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Alright, my own voice. The likelihood of me continuing and managing to cobble together a video is somewhat remote. Not impossible, but given my all consuming laziness, remote.
However, I rather selfishly want this competition to continue, because I really enjoy watching it. I've enjoyed participating in it.
That being said, I am worried that due to the lacklustre response in recent days, that more and more of the girls are loosing interest.

I wish somehow more hype could be drummed up. I had an idea or two as to how to renew interest, but like you, I don't want to kick a dead horse.

Even if this ends without a Princess, I'll still be thankful for these threads in part for the fond memories and friends I have made, and also because they did accomplish part of their mission, which was to stem the flow of Dakota shitposting.

I salute you idol contest. And special thank to MC Idolin.
Do you even know what a troll is? Just because the majority of people here think this is a pathetic waste of time, doesn't make them trolls, so quit throwing that word around everytime your precious time in the spotlight lording it over some clueless girls is threatened.

>I took this up for all of you

Oh wow, martyr complex much? Get over yourself, seriously.
I just saw this now. I'm fine whether it continues or not! I have my video recorded and only a little edited, and have admittedly been waiting on a due date or an idea of whether or not this is still continuing. It seems like most people are no longer interested so I'm not sure if this project still has the point it once had. Maybe once the videos are posted, interest will be piqued once more though, and people will want to continue with it. If most of us actually have videos, and a date we need to finish them by, I'd say we should go on with it since it's already come this far. It's okay if nothing happens after that.

I think alleechan's idea of a due date would be good. That might be stopping a lot of girls. Maybe they're just messing around since there's no real end date. The whole contest up until now has been pretty strict and things were great and then all of a sudden it was just "eh, you know, whenever" and that's when things fell apart.

He kind of did, though. The first tumblr-chan just.. disappeared before we were even halfway through the first round and everyone was left wondering what to do, and he just took upon himself to take care of it. So I give up props for that. No one else was seeming to have the balls to do anything but whine, cry and bitch.
there..will be no purincesu amai video? ;-; think of your fans princesseeeeeeeeeesssssssss pls
No, he used it as an excuse to get close to these girls, especially the underaged ones. He's doing it to foster drama amongst those on /cgl/ as well as give himself fame. Don't act like it's anything but that. This contest has done nothing but harm to /cgl/ and it needs to stop. No one except a select few in this thread give a fuck about it. Everyone else on /cgl/ could care less and they don't want some "idoru" running around with a trip shitting up threads.
Pretty sure none of these girls cosplay or do lolita, anyway.
I agree with allee.
It works better with some form of structure. I think we work better with deadlines so the contestants know what the go is & others that still have interest in the comp know when they can expect something.
I'm willing to keep going with the videos. I'm interested to see what everyone comes up with ^^
that said, it's not like I would become crippled with despair or something if the contest stopped due to lack of involvement.
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Honestly, I agree with Uguu and Allechan, IDOLIN the girls need a deadline so they can work on their projects. Im still interested, Ill keep coming and voting...P.S people claiming OP is a rapist, pedo and whatever, youre so retarded, GTFO the internet, seriously.
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>used it as an excuse to get close to these girls
By having a trip? Have any of the contestants even contacted the organizer outside of the tumblr and cgl threads? Where is the proof other than your own crazy accusations?

>He's doing it to foster drama amongst those on /cgl/
I've never seen the drama spill out of their own threads. And more often than not they were actually some of the nicer thread on cgl- maybe not so much as content goes but people were nice to each other instead of trying to get at one another's throats. Again... some threads were derailed. But overall? Nice.

>as well as give himself fame
I don't even know who the hell the main person is outside of "idolin" and I've been watching this from the start- did I miss something that big?

>contest has done nothing but harm to /cgl/
I'm sure you've realized by now that 4chan is like pissing in a sea of piss- cgl is no different. I don't see how this has harmed cgl in any way.

>No one except a select few in this thread give a fuck about it.
I read the threads and never post (this is my first time doing so in one of these threads other than to say whom I voted for- congrats anon.) I was still there to cheer the girls on though... so yeah. I care.

>Everyone else on /cgl/ could care less
So why are you here being all buttmad? Just curious. Because you seem to care quite a bit about it.

>and they don't want some "idoru" running around with a trip shitting up threads.
I highly doubt this would happen. It's not like the girls would let something like that go to their head. And they already have trips for themselves so what's any different than "hated" tripfags from posting as it is?

>Pretty sure none of these girls cosplay or do lolita, anyway.
Quite a few do so, and they -are- on CGL you know...

Accusations... accusations everywhere.
It's pretty creepy that he's now on first name terms with the finalists. Smells like Mr Yan in here.

Having said that, anyone who genuinely "cares" about these dumbass threads needs to take a pair of scissors to their internet cable, for their own good.
I've been saying it from the start. OP is a disgusting paedophille cunt who's soliciting underage girls into taking lewd pictures for his sexual pleasure.

No one cares if some of them are 17. They're still (OPENLY) underage, they don't belong here, and they cannot consent to be treated like sex objects by a creepy neckbeard who's abusing their immaturity.

Every day, I hope and pray that OP gets a heart attack from all the abundant fat in his double chin (and everywhere else).
>Quite a few do so, and they -are- on CGL you know...
None of the finalists are. Alice, Alechunt, PrincessRatface - none of them had EVER posted here before.

The only /cgl/ girl in the finals was shaynii and she was forced to drop out because she OP wanted to molest here in person but she resisted so he held her family hostage and said he'd kill them if she wouldn't give up.
Haven't been following this for a while, but shaynii dropped out? Confirmed then, all the votable girls got forced out by the ugly girls shitposting them.
no1curr nemore

Okay. If Alice or Amai posts saying they want to finish this up then we'll finish it up, the deadline would be Thursday evening.

It's one of two things. Either it's just trolling (the most likely case) or it's massive projection.

I'm hoping it's just trolling, because if it's not then we've possibly got a real sicko hanging around the threads projecting his own (possibly subconscious) issues onto me.
So... What do you win?
>I'm hoping it's just trolling

You are an autist of epic proportions. There is no one, no fucking one, on the entirety of /cgl/ (other than the AWs in the contest themselves) who cares about YOUR retarded, circlejerkory and offensively off-topic contest. All those who pretend to care have nothing to do with this board, and probably just come here to masturbate to their camwhore favorite, from God knows what neckbeard virgin filled shithole (my guess it's mostly your /jp/ or /r9k/ buttbuddies and their samefags).

The fact that ultimately this whole cancerous monstrosity means absolutely NOTHING is just further fuel to the fire.


the right to spam your kawaii bullshit on /cgl/
oh wait, any person can do that, anytime.

Seriously, if these girls are serious about this, they should probably drop out of this contest and do it on their own. /cgl/ will give you criticism (read: advice) no matter what, you don't have to be in a contest.

if you do win, /cgl/ isn't going to promote you. they're going to be annoyed by your bullshit.

if you let this die and go back to being regular posters but do idol-type things on your devarts/tumblrs/whatever then anons will start to notice and follow you...

just sayin'
Seriously, dude, you've been checking out Ashley's DeviantART too much, just sayin'.
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The contest!


For someone who doesn't care you sure have a lot to say.
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zomg you so witty and so Alpha all the girls r gonna put out for you son xD

how could they resist, picture related

Except back then it was just for fun, between girls. Then this obsessive-compulsive 'sperger came out of nowhere and ruined it for everyone.
I don't even know who ashley is?
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Goodness, is that what you look like? I'm starting to understand your off the charts levels of mad and buttfrustration.

Don't worry, though, Anon. The contest will be over soon one way or another.
What's the point of this contest? Do you even know anymore?
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>thinks I'm male

Talk about projecting. It shows how sexist and misogynist you are that you can't accept that a girl can speak up against neckbeard woman haters and have a clever and witty tongue.
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>convinced I'm a male

You're projecting again, angryanon.

>clever and witty tongue.
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I've been following this from day one, even when the original tumblr-chan was running it. (how could you abandon us tumblr-chan! -sob-) I just want to say, to all the contestants and to IDOLIN for standing up to the plate when we needed someone to take over, thank you all! This has been so much fun. I really hope we can see this to the finish line. Everyone's worked so hard and it would be a real bummer not to complete it. We're so close!

Why do all the people who are 'for' this contest always sound the same?
Always with the anime-style "do your best!" bullshit, reaction images, hearts and emotes.
>inb4 I'm neckbeard anon because no one else in the world is bored with this shit.
I'd seriously still be watching these threads if the interesting characters were still involved, now it's all just picspam trash. The girls left over have no depth, they're just kawaii desu clones.
>Why do all the people who are 'for' this contest always sound the same?
Because they're all IDOLIN.
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Riiiight. Cus I totally type like him. And act like him. No, all you need to know about me is that I'm a big supporter of Princess Amai! And that this contest is fun. I support everyone who entered, whether they made it to the last round or only the first!

I don't really support the haters, though ...

Also, anon... I haven't noticed any similiarities? I've noticed everyone genuinely caring about one another! It seems what bothers you is.. er.. "do your best!" ? Well that's what we want them to do. That's a kind gesture that's common courtesy to say in a contest. Reaction images? ... Does that surprise you in a forum that's overflowing with reaction images? And hearts, honestly, I barely notice anyone using hearts besides myself, Amai, and maybe a couple others! Most people frown upon here, actually.. haha.
Hey faggot. You told us yourselves that you were male. Stop trying to backpeddle. Claiming we're "projecting" is just a strawman and you're quickly running out of witty comebacks.

>yfw I use "we" because there is clearly more than 3 people hating on you.
>I've never seen the drama spill out of their own threads.
Oh, so you missed the whole Ophelia fiasco? Please don't play innocent, it won't work.

>I don't see how this has harmed cgl in any way.
We are not /b/. Bringing out underaged tripfags to run around and act like attention whores is damage. It's not even summer yet the whole board acts like it's mid-July. The faggotry and cancer on this board are overwhelming and it won't help us get janitors anytime soon.

>I read the threads and never post. I was still there to cheer the girls on though... so yeah. I care
Way to prove my point.

>And they already have trips for themselves
Only after this contest. Hitzwhateverhername is has always been an Anon. And now, after this contest, she has a fucking trip. No big deal since she actually cosplays, but these other girls don't do shit.

>Quite a few do so, and they -are- on CGL you know...
Hi, you must be new here. Take a look at all the entries and very, VERY few of them have any cosplay/lolita pictures. You said you've been following along, but clearly you are blind to shit. So please, fuck off and stop whiteknighting this pedo.

>Hey faggot. You told us yourselves that you were male.

I definitely didn't. However, that's really beside the point. I was quoting you and your projection of your decision that I'm a male onto me. (presuming that I'd even guess at your gender. However, I can see how it might be hard to understand that, I probably should have said >thinks I'd even care if s/he's fe/male.)

>and you're quickly running out of witty comebacks.

Still better than never having had a witty comeback in the first place. Don't worry, though, I've barely had to even use wit so far to help you look ridiculous. You're mostly taking care of it all on your own.


Don't worry about the troll(s). The contest has always had some element of the buttmad lurking about, it's just that in the past we had more ladies still posting regular content and updates so the signal to noise ratio was higher then than it is now.

Hopefully Amai or Alice show up and say they want to finish this up and we can be done with it voting and all by the end of the week. If not then what we've done so far was a fun diversion for the board and some feedback and experience for the ladies.
There, there, pumpkin. Everything will be okay. Shh.
>implying I'm the same anon harping on you earlier
No, you definitely did.
"I'm just a guy who picked up the contest after the last Anon left"
I remember you being male, and you haven't tried denying it until now.
>I was quoting you and your projection of your decision that I'm a male onto me
That guy wasn't even me you misogynist neckbeard fuck.

You hate women so much that you don't even allow them to have an opinion in your mind, don't you?

Actually I've never denied or confirmed either way. I don't recall what you think you're quoting, but where I come from guy can refer to a woman or a man. Not that it really matters. If you want to picture me as Robert Pattinson then I'm fine with it. If you want to picture me as Kristen Stewart then I'm also fine with that.
I just remember you said you were a dude. Which is where the whole you being a pedo thing came from..

Plus, if you were a woman, you'd said so a lot

The fact that you're hiding your gender means you're ashamed to admit you're a neckbeard virgin. Which, by the way, is one thing that I definitely remember you admitting. That you're a virgin.

I'm trying so hard not to type text emotes into this. I'm seriously confused at this point, are you guys trying to troll me or just give me the giggles? Or are you three different anons than the one that wants to toss gay slurs around?
No, the point is there isn't a single seagull who supports this thread. It isn't cosplay. It isn't lolita.

This shit belongs on your home planet, Neckbeardia 9, aka /jp/. Of course, you wouldn't get any underage girls there to solicit, so what's the point, right? If you can't molest anyone why bother making a contest...
>No, the point is there isn't a single seagull who supports this thread. It isn't cosplay. It isn't lolita.

Sorry, that's not correct.

>This shit belongs on your home planet, Neckbeardia 9, aka /jp/

but you can still make me laugh, Anon.

>If you can't molest anyone why bother making a contest...

But why are you so obsessed with molesting people? Seriously, if you're just trolling then okay. If there's some chance that you really perceive this whole thing that way then you really should talk to someone about it. You might need help.
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>Sorry, that's not correct.
YES it is you 'sperger pig-head. There's exactly 0 cosplayers or lolitas participating in the final round. None of them had ever even posted here before. Shaynii was the only ray of hope this excrement had, and we were at least willing to tolerate it so that she can win and feel good about herself, now it just went full shit.

>If there's some chance that you really perceive this whole thing that way then you really should talk to someone about it. You might need help.
You're still trying hard and failing. No one laughs at your wannabe funny responses, instead they cringe, because you keep repeating the same, keep ignoring every bit of reason thrown at you, keep masurbating in front of our faces - it just feels uncomfortable for everyone you know? Everytime you post, you make us cringe.
>You're still trying hard and failing. No one laughs at your wannabe funny responses

I'm not trying to be funny. I'm being serious. If you're seriously thinking some anon posting threads on 4chan and running a tumblr to reblog contest entries is molestation, or something that looks like molestation then you may have some kind of psychopathy.

I'm being serious here. If you're not just trolling then you might want to talk to a psychiatric professional.
Again, you're incapable of arguing like a non-autist, so you must project a man out of me. You're the one that needs therapy, you sicko.

There is nothing wrong about protecting immature girls from neckbeard molesters like you. When I was younger, I was also once assaulted by your kind, however my friends were there and helped me - but the sicko managed to run away and I've never seen him since.

Do you understand now why I dislike pedophiles like you?
>I was also once assaulted

It seems you still need more time with your therapist.

I forgive you for lashing out at me.
So much this.

All your responses are like this. Passive, beta, weak, only amusing to yourself.

Well if you're looking for some amusement specifically for yourself I suppose we could talk about booking my act for your next party or Bat Mitzvah.
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Why do all the people who are 'against' this contest always sound the same?
Always with the 'foreveralone' NOBODY GIVES A FUCK bullshit (when they clearly do as they post about not caring nonstop), no reaction images, complete lack of hearts.
>inb4 I'm IDOLIN
I'd seriously try to see your sides if it wasn't for the fact that these girls are all genuine and interesting. It's not like they're just 'kawaii desu clones', they're true idorus.
I need therapy because one of you almost abducted me and I became a child slave?





Even if something terrible like that did happen to you, why wouldn't you need therapy for something like that? You think people just wake up and get over it? Now it seems like you're just making shit up otherwise you'd know it fucks people's mental state up and they go through therapy for YEARS.
>one of you almost abducted me

If this isn't a really disturbing troll then you definitely need more therapy.

If you go through life tossing around accusations of molester at every turn you'll end up in jail or committed. Better to talk to a shrink for a while now than end up in jail or a sanitarium later.
>If you go through life tossing around accusations of molester at every turn you'll end up in jail or committed. Better to talk to a shrink for a while now than end up in jail or a sanitarium later.
>implying a woman can go to jail for that
>implying the person she calls a molesters won't immediately go to jail instead
Have you ever been outside in the last 10 years?
i'm sad these threads are dying. They were really cute at the start, when more girls participated and posted a lot more content. I would love to see more threads on idol culture/ making yourself cuter advice threads but i think the contest is dead at this point.

Google it. People are convicted of and sent to jail or psychiatric care for lying about things like that to authorities on a regular basis. Either way if this Anon really does have such mental problems I hope they find the help they need. If they don't then they're really pretty sad. Pretending to be a victim for a troll cheapens what actual victims have gone through.
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>Google it
Are you even of age?

You're really grasping at straws here, man, hardcore.
Who gives a fuck anyway, none of the "idols" have bothered to come back. Hopefully they've realised they can make real friends off the internet and they're out having happy, productive lives.
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Alleechan hasn't left us for a second, should we call her our true idoru now? ♥
No, gtfo Allechunt.
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I get a nickname for being an Alleechan follower now? Well that's cool! Thanks anon!
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Don't cancel the contest! We're so close! You'd be letting everyone's hard work go to waste just for a few stupid haters, who are most likely just people that lost in previous rounds and are bitter.
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Every single time I see one of these threads, I think it's an iDOLM@STER thread and get really excited.
There is literally an idolmaster thread on /a/ always
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It's even better.
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Okay, seagulls, since we had a tepid response from two participants, a no from one, and two that never weighed in I'm considering round three of this contest cancelled.

Now, that leaves one final question. Does /cgl/ want to simply stop right here with no idol crowned, or do the seagulls want to vote to crown an idol based upon what was already submitted in previous rounds?
Yes. STOP. FFS moran


Are you crazy? How could you cancel it when some of the idols have already worked on the videos? You lost a lot of my respect.
Fucking sluts

Have you not been following the thread?
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Wow, I can't believe you guys are actually letting the haters get to you. Lame.
I think we should just stop and never try this again. It's a hassle that causes way too many problems and too much drama.
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Here is a kawaii pic of amai chan the true kawaii desu idoru desuu
I think it's more that they're busy with their own lives, or bored, or have lost their enthusiasm. The novelty has worn off. There are people in the thread saying No, don't cancel it! But the girls themselves are nowhere to be seen, it's cancelled no matter what Idolin says.
also; it was more fun for them when cgl was backing it. Now they know they're irritating at least 80/90% of the board and whoever wins, they'll all be branded annoying attention whores.
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Does this mean I win by default?
... no.
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What a disappointment.

No way in hell am I voting without a damn video. That's a dumb idea.
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This contest was stupid the moment it was posted.
Every time I see it, I instantly hide it.
Really, is /cgl/ going to make you japan famous and send you there? No.
Excuse me if I'm wrong about that last part, but really this contest is dumb.
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i don't know about the other girls, but i'll be posting mine anyway (on youtube, not cgl obviously). i actually already did this video before all of this, and just re-recorded a better/different version for the contest, so i was going to do it anyway. if anything the contest just made me try a little harder. i'm sure the other girls will keep doing what they're doing too. i'll post my video on tumblr for anyone who's curious.

i'm a little disappointed since this was all quite fun, but maybe it's for the best.
Shut up, I clearly do.
No one wants it, you stupid cunt.
Don't upload it.
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Why don't we put a stop to all this fighting and just crown me winner to speed things up?

If you like, I can even do a 5 minutes makeup toot on my cameraphone.
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the only cgl idoru is the pixxx

don't do this flan, i just started to like you
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>implying she wasn't joking
So you're the Alpha tryhard camwhore then.
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>started to like

That's very dangerous.

(I only come here for the drama, and it's been way too dry lately, yknow?)
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i'm only here for drama myself.
this thread is dead.
alleechan wins cause she made a vid
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Everyone involved in this contest is dumb and should feel bad. We all know who the idol queen of cgl is anyways.

Send me the link and I'll put it on the tumblr, plus I'd like to get to see it myself.

In any case we'll have a seagull idol out of this. I'm going to put up a poll tomorrow morning.

The last question is who should be in the poll.

Obviously Alleechan, Amai, and Alice since they actually were voted into round three. The only questions are should Shaynii since she was in round three, too, and should Bandage-tan and Uguudoll be included since they were vaguely participatory?

Also, for all of you vendetta chans, you'll have your own voting option, so don't worry and smile a bit. You look so much better when you smile.
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I don't think you're getting the points being made in this thread.

>plus I'd like to get to see it myself

can be interpreted as very creepy. Are you creepy, stalker-san?

Captcha: 'yaoi(nst) some'.
If that's the case, shouldn't Shaynii win by defaults? She did get the most votes in the last round. Since there's no new content I think we can safely assume nobody's opinion has changed.
It's a real shame and pretty sad that the contest seems to have died, but if it gets revived in some way or more people back it then I'm happy to continue since I have my video/s almost ready. c: But since it's looking like the contest really won't continue, I'll just pop my soon to be finished video on youtube since I enjoyed making it anyway.

Even though it seems over, I've really enjoyed taking part. Thank you to everyone who has given me tips & advice and supported me; it has meant a lot.^u^

Amai, I wish you'd have posted that earlier. My plan was to keep going if three of you (you're the third) wanted to finish this up.

Anyway, if you have your video done submit it to the tumblr when you get a chance. If you ladies submit your videos we can have a real round three vote.
It doesn't get much creepier than calling people you've never met, you don't even know online, by their first names, like as if you were their boyfriend or something.

OP is just a paedo. His tiny balls should be set on fire.
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Why aren't people just ignoring the voting if none of the girls are from here (and looks like most of the girls are not wanted here but are keeping up a false sense of belonging and being adored?). Like, how is it 'seagull' idol if they don't even come here.

Coming to 4chan for votes is as retarded as voting for yourself 40 times.

Wow, step down off the high horse you cunt. She's not posting it for you or anyone on /cgl/. CLEARLY, as the contest is pretty nonexistent now. She's posting it on youtube and tumblr, and she has plenty of interested willing followers on both.

Some people, I swear.

Even though it's over, as a personal fan of your youtube, I think you should continue with your idea of storytelling! Just a friendly suggestion for your vlogging. ♥
Wow talk about a anti climactic ending, this whole idol thing started out in full force. But I guess with all the drama that really affected people (Ophelia) it really took the fun out. Just goes to show that seagulls really can't have fun on here.

Seagulls only want drama. If it's not drama, they're not enjoying themselves and no one else should be either.

It's sad.

OMG this whole thread is so retarded. Please IDOLIN dont cancel the third round, like I said before I do care, and you know what? Haters are gonna hate! And about that girl who was molested well let me tell you something, I was raped, and Im not even joking and still Im not acussing every guy on earth on being a pedo rapist, so shut up and get some therapy, geezus.
>I was raped

Why are you so desperate to samefag OP?

I say go for round three. In this thread alone there are at least a handful of supporters. Some girls have their videos near finished and you presented a deadline. Why not? If people don't like it, they don't have to view it or support it.

>    Plural form of supporter.


>     Consisting of or containing more than one of something.

I believe you wanted to say this thread has "a supporter".


...and then I got tired of scrolling through the thread.

In case you decide to tell me "ah, but some of them are the same person posting multiple times" or "samefag on all accounts" -- at least myself and one other person would suffice to prove my point.
Honestly, is there any reason for this contest to go on? The plan was to help the winner become a true idol. All this contest ever brought was drama and underage tripfags to our board. No one supports this joke of a contest except a handful of people, including the contestants.

i was also thinking this.. i thought the winning idol was going to try to actually become one? with support from cgl or something? wasnt it to show how simple it is to achieve 15 minute fame (i.e. dakota, venus, etc.) if you fit the bill and play the part?
Look Anon, I could care less if you think Im a troll, but Im not going into that, my point is, shit happens, but not every person in the world is evil and want to rape underage girls, so yeah, I just want this contest to keep on going, simple as that.
But the point is that OP is exactly the kind of evil pedophile person.

As far as I remember, that was the idea. None of the contestants are cosplayers or lolitas. They shouldn't even be on 4chan in the first place. If you're going to crown /cgl/'s idol, shouldn't she have /cgl/'s full support?
dakota isn't a cosplayer or a lolita.
& venus barely is either.

I'd love to see round three finish up, the problem is that I'm just running the tumblr and posting threads here. It's the idol candidates who make this work, and though they've voiced the desire to do videos in the past when they were asked earlier on in this thread if they wanted to cancel this round or continue on none of them answered that they definitely wanted to finish this round. A few of them answered in uncertain ways, but no one said "Don't stop, I definitely want to do this video, I just need a little more time."

So, to put it simply, it's not the trolling that caused me to say round three is basically over, it was the fact that these threads have been virtually empty aside from vendetta chan for the last week or so.

And it doesn't look like that's going to change.

Like I said last night, the only question left is who should be in the final vote for the cgl idol. Obviously Amai, Alleechan, and Alice. Should Uguu and Alpaca be included or even Shaynii (she didn't have time to make a video, but that doesn't mean the seagulls can't still consider her their idol if no one finished a video, right?)

Post something on the Tumblr stating that there's an official deadline and that only the idols who turn in their videos by that point will make it to the fourth/final round? If no one posts videos, it died a valiant death. If one or two girls do, they can proceed. Give it a shot?

Well technically this was the final round. Either way there was going to be a tiara awarded (metaphorically speaking) after the vote in this round.

In that case... hell, it's the final round. Post up their videos, take a vote, and crown a princess. You're two feet away from the finish line, don't give up now. Even if there are only a dozen people who give a shit - at least make them happy.
Uguu,Amai and Alleechan should keep on going, I mean theyre still posting, Shaynii drop out of the competition so give it a rest.

I'd post up videos if it were within my power to do so. It's the candidates who have to complete the videos.

Believe me, I want to see this thing finished, too. I'll make a tumblr post on it.

That's the spirit. (:
Just give up and let it die, OP. Fuck this shit. You can't "crown a victor" if only 5 people vote for her. Fuck that, that's not the voice of /cgl/, that's the voice of her and her tumblr following.

>implying the girls in the contest cosplay or do lolita
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Yes! I think you made the right decision, Idolin.

Girls, do your best! The videos don't need to be perfect, we're all well aware that this last round has been a little shaky for you. And may the best /cgl/ idoru win!

(And the haters weren't gonna be voting for any of you anyways, ya know, so don't pay them any mind.)
Looking to have any videos up by around this time tomorrow. Any Idol candidates who are around let's get this done.
This is a bad idea and you need to stop NOW, you disgusting pedophile freak.

Now it all makes sense.
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The point is they're calling it -/cgl/-'s/-seagull- idol.

These girls aren't from here, and the fact that they dont have interest in this place aside from trying to get support from trolls is what the issue is. I don't think cgl would have had as much of a problem if it was actual cgl contestants. But it's just ridiculous to relate it to this place.

A name like 'Next Idol' or something else generic may have gotten more support, and wouldn't have been as irrelevant to the rest of the internet as well.

It's called seagull idol because /cgl/ is who does the voting. Never mind the fact that all of the participants are regular 4chan browsers.
By why does cgl do the voting? Like, why force a silly tumblr contest down our throats? It's been said by a lot of people that these girls aren't from here.

I don't know man, I just don't get why you'd continue a contest that people don't want to see here. The majority looks against it, and the unhealthy obsession to continue it is, as said before, really creepy.

Like, there's literally no point - /cgl/ isn't going to bother trying to push someone regular to fame. At least Dakota and Venus and etc had really unique things about them, and that's why they got famous effortlessly. The girls here can't even get one video together, so I don't see how they'll have time and effort to do more and become an aidoru.

>inb4 jelly

>I don't know man, I just don't get why you'd continue a contest that people don't want to see here. The majority looks against it, and the unhealthy obsession to continue it is, as said before, really creepy.

You know what's REALLY creepy? Obsessing over the harmless things other people do on 4chan when you could just as easily have hidden the thread and moved on to paying attention to the things you actually like.

>Like, there's literally no point

Everything that happens on 4chan doesn't require a point you recognize as reasonable, much less any actual point at all.
inb4 idolin rapes all participants
Is that your final answer?
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>thinks 4chan answers to her
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>thinks I think that

So, you're no longer denying that you're a creep preying on young girls, then?

So you're not denying that you've got an unhealthy and frankly creepy obsession with the contest, myself, or both?
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Because I came onto a thread about it and posted like 3% of the stuff here? I honestly can't tell if you're trolling, or just fucked up.
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>Flan's 4chan obituary: Martyr of cgl, trolled to death after coming to thread and shitposting her unneeded troll opinion.
Are you that upset about being called out as a pedo?

Just change names, lie low for a few months, rinse, repeat. Next contest, you'll know what parts of your creepiness to hide better.
Some of the contestants were anons. Do they not count? I would think an anon would curry more favour than a trip even.
Most of the contestants are from /cgl/. Most of them either cosplay, are into lolita, or do the whole 'doll' thing. And that's the point of this.

It's like you guys are blinded by your hatred of this contest. I don't think you've even looked at a single one of their entries.
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I don't know if anyone is even making a video anymore, so I'm not sure if I should finish mine? Any of the other girls around?
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even if you don't win you will be mai kawaii idoru purinsesu!! <33333333333333333333
No they don't. Look back at the contestants. the girls in round 2, only 2 had cosplay/lolita pics. One didn't make it, and the other made it to round 3 but dropped.

The majority of pictures in the first round weren't even cosplay.
Check again. I see photos that qualify in all entries.
Frilly dresses are not lolita. There is maybe 1 lolita coord in the whole first entry and then ~5ish cosplayers. Everything else is "oh hey this is a cute outfit teehe". But keep trying.
Well, I'll give you that. We do appear to have different opinions as too what qualifies. My definition seems to be a bit broader.
Agree to disagree?
I am personally a cosplayer. But if you dare bring up to Lolitas that a skirt with frills and some knee high socks is the Lolita fashion they will burn you alive.
Flan >>>> you; you worthless neckbeard virgin pedo.
I didn't state that all included both cosplay and lolita. Or at least, I didn't mean to. What I meant to express was that all had either one or the other. In my opinion.
My apologies for the misunderstanding.
No that is what I meant as well. It just seemed with most of these contestants that they showed up from nowhere with no previous cosplay or lolita experience and just wanted attention and e-fame.
So we are having a discussion about semantics on the internet? I feel silly now. Welp, time for me to put the keyboard away.
No. I think that's just why everyone is angry at OP and this contest.

flan < my poop
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idolin. could the final call for the deadline of this round be this friday?
I think that would be fair for everyone to edit etc.
& it's soon enough to wrap it all up for good.

also ,everyone calling idolin a pedo. I can't speak for all the contestants but I've never spoken to idolin outside of these threads & as far as I've seen. there's been no questionable interaction between idolin & anyone (anon or contestant) within these threads.
As soon as the Ophelia stuff happened the contest went to shit she had a big fan base and it helped the contest along but then when the threads started to be drama people took less interest and since she wasn't involved some of her fans went and the general numbers of people who cared began to dwindle.

Oh please. Oph wasn't the driving force of this contest. Her drama might have caused a shitstorm, but that didn't kill the contest. There were other girls who were just as popular.

inb4 Annie
Don't so so naive you saw the threads the other girls even got upset with the amount of attention she got and after that fell so did everything else.

I supported Ophelia and Shaynii. They were both equally popular in terms of votes. A lot of people were turned off by Ophelia's drama, even me.
No Ophelia beat Alleechan by 10 votes and Allechan beat Shaynii by 10 votes so Ophelia beat Shaynii by 20 votes.

I'd really like to just see whatever you guys can get done uploaded and voted on. If it's a bit on the raw side that's fine.

>also ,everyone calling idolin a pedo. I can't speak for all the contestants but I've never spoken to idolin outside of these threads & as far as I've seen. there's been no questionable interaction between idolin & anyone (anon or contestant) within these threads.

It's all obviously just been a prolonged and offensive troll. None of you ladies could even qualify as pædobait to start with.
>None of you ladies could even qualify as pædobait to start with.
>justifying his paedophilliac urges despite attraction to most of them being blatantly against the law
Sick pedo is sick.

I hope the FBI gets to you and shoots you.
Wow, way to be in denial. Most of us actually think you're a pedo, dude. It's unfortunate that the girls competing are too blinded by promises of fame and sweettalk to realise your reasons for keeping this creepfest going.
What amuses me the most about these threads is that people don't seem to realize it's just dildoes trying to make himself relevant to a new batch of newfags.
>It's unfortunate that the girls competing are too blinded by promises of fame and sweettalk to realise your reasons for keeping this creepfest going.

>Flan confirmed for best poster on /cgl/, the only one who isn't afraid to tell a neckbeard what he is.
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Give it a rest, Flendetta chan.

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