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Old thread hit the bump limit
Discuss the amount of asspatting in this fandom
How if Cancerously brings a fucking megaphone to Otakon someone will slap the shit out of her
Other fandom related cosplay drama
I've been in two of her shoots, and honestly for her own sake she really /should/ have a megaphone, but I'm totally okay with her not. I have a bit of personal beef with her so I try to forget she exists.
Is her megaphone thing confirmed though? She's been a rather nice girl in my knowledge and a megaphone at Otakon seems too, too obviously obnoxious... Like Otakon has it in the back of the 4th floor why the fuck do you need a megaphone?
can't say that without sharing the beef, tell us.
Elitist cosplay fan Homestuck reader here. I'd like to see more like >>5834670 (Homestucks with non Homestuck cosplay skill).

Also, drama. I can't fucking stand Lindzar and her group. I don't agree with many of their interpretations and she always comes off as so damn shallow and attention seeking. Plus her poses are recycled (and widely copied) and she can't present male body language to save her life. She is so overrated that it kills any of her outfits for me.
I've hated her since her Hetalia stuff. Always looks super shooped too.
It just bothers me how she handles things like her shoots and panels. I sent her an anonymous message once asking why she has panels where she just instantly puts her friends on and she was kind of a bitch with it. It's the same with all of the panels (particularly East Coast ones). I wanted to be on the panel at Katsucon with my friend, but my spot was filled by someone who is more known in the fandom just because they kind of vaguely wanted it. It just wasn't fair.
I hate shit like this
Don't fucking vie it to your friend, give it someone who fits the fucking role
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Not drama, but I fucking hate when people give Dirk super huge glasses.
Also, I don't get the fucking freckles thing
Overshooped and bandwagony. I wonder if she's mad that she can't do sexy topless Dirk or Dave photos with that black blotch on her back without using tons of makeup or even more poorly applied photoshop?

I don't think I've ever seen her show passion for any series that isn't overpopular and full of slashfic. It's like she has no personality except "look at me!!!!"
To the Fef anon! In the last thread I know you seemed down about the 'popular' one getting tons of attention[I gotta agree, cancerously would look BAD in Fef's outfit] and you being overshadowed for you hard work. Well, I'm gonna be at Otakon [not sure what I am wearing yet], and I will keep my eye out for all the feferis so I can say hi and check out your costume. Don't be discouraged just because these people act like they're in high school. You will be great.
I'm going to Otafest in calgary, and Im hoping there wont be anyone bad. I just heard that edmonton was horrible at "a taste of animethon"
I've met a few calgarystucks in person, and follow them on tumblr, so it should be fine.
Were you the Equius that was passed over for Katsucon?
Fucking freckles. I don't get it either unless the cosplayer already has them, especially since nobody can do it right so it just looks like marker dots to the face. Why?
Let me just clear up that I know she wasn't in charge of AaH at Katsu, but it basically goes the same for any panel.
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Freckles on anyone make them adorable.
The wig for the person in the related pic, isn't very dirk-like, but I still love her face in general
I only have one question.
Why the fuck are all the lesbians in this fandom turning into yaoishit fakeboi transfags?
No. And iirc, the person who was Equius at the panel was someone who I am friends with (I think? I didn't actually get to go to the panel because we got to Gaylord after it started)
Because some of them are good at it?

she makes a great john, AND Jane.
Yeah, but those freckles look really fake, sort of cute, but fake as shit. Better than the rash-Feferi in the other thread.

And on panels, fuck ensemble ask panels, why don't you guys try something more creative. I know a couple Hetalia namefags got annoyed last summer and decided to try a discussion panel on history and hetalia why can't people think of better stuff than 'lol ask us questions'.
But Dirk doesn't have freckles in canon. What you posted:
>girl with noncanon extra makeup on, a bit better than most I'll give you that
>wig is innacurate
>cannot see most of costume
>no real attempt to look like an actual male


You need to try extra hard to look like a boy as Dirk or Jake. They're 16. The whole moe androgyny thing normally goes away by that age in boys.
It was Tim. I was just curious because there was an Equius or something who got mad he got it when his costume wasn't done.

I was passed over for one even though the person chosen wasn't planning on it anyway so I get you. When cancerously was like 'It's not my fault you aren't running your own panels!' she was so full of shit, her pleading with the Otakon thing shows that she knows cons dont want a dozen ask panels.
Because it's popular on tumblr
everyone knows that if you're straight, cis, white, or christian, no one will give a shit about you.
Hell even if you're straight and cis no one will like you.
Fucking dumbass logic.
>that url tho
I know, but the face is just
*melts into buckets of kawaii*
I never said it was a good dirk cosplay, but

At Otafest, they're apparently doing a "What would this character do?", and handing out betty crocker, and whatpumpkin merchandise, so it shouldnt be bad.
Theres going to be about 20~50 homestuck cosplayers, and ive seen a lot of their progress, and its good
Oh she's cancerous alright
she's giving me eye cancer
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Ashley/ LUVMONKEYS detected>>5834791
You already have a thread
get out of this one she doesn't even read the fucking comic
Dont turn this into a luvmonkeys thread, take it somewhere else
Yeah, Tim and I are cool.

I actually wanted to Vriska but if I recall correctly, Dave got it, right? And I know that Rel didn't have the version of Aradia that she was doing done when the casting was put out.

I have no issues with any of these people, but I just don't really see how it's fair.
So what's the story on mostflogged again?
That sounds like it might be an interesting game-panel and the treats'll be a crowd pleaser.

Like, the thing with Ask-A-Whatevers is that they make concessions to audience participation but only a tiny bit. They only really allow interaction of one-audience-member-to-panelist[s] and there's nothing interesting about that.
I really like Tim as a person but since I am friends with him I saw just how much of that outfit was made by flailing around asking his friends for how to do absolutely everything. I would be mad too if I were passed over.
She doesn't, but shes still cosplaying from it and she is causing Homestuck drama. Just saying, she's most likely the Fefanon.. before you encourage someone, that they're gonna be great; don't say so unless you know who your talking too. Just a word of advice.
Yea I can dig up the cast list to doublecheck but I think it was Dave as Vriska and Rel as Aradia like at AUSA. I love these people, and I love Tim and most everyone else except a couple, but holding 'auditions' and then choosing basically everyone you already had seems stupid. Either make it your set cast or have full, fair auditions.
Pretty great Kanaya and a few other outfits. Takes pretty pictures and can actually sew really well. Also throwing histrionic fits on tumblr about cosplaying a fanart of homestuck bunny girls where the artist specifically wants only her group to make those outfits.
The only thing Im worried about is that there will be too much people, or not enough time, but Otafest was great last year when there wasnt even a panel, and I didnt know what homestuck was...Im just looking at it as a "oh cool, i guess ill go there at 12pm"
Yeah I agree with both of you. I mean, one of my best friends was on the panel too as a last-minute because they simply didn't have anyone for her role, and she was added after having been on AUSA as well.
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>cosplaying fanart or any type of au
why does the artist want that?

I was away... I'm Fefanon, I am definitely not this luvmonkeys girl. I live in a different state and still need to make my horns for Feferi[(hers are huge, don't see why she doesn't see that! ugh).
I know a lot of people who are REALLY GOOD friends with cancerously, that's why I'm kinda bummed over it
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Is that a rash on Cancerously's arm?
To be fair with Homestuck it gets to a point where you get bored and quit, cosplay the whole cast, or do some of the more interesting au or fanart outfits for variety, and it's like touhouvania where the fan designs are sometimes cooler than the originals. That being said, I can't stand lazy au like 4chords or humanstuck or anything else super low effort. Make it worth the time to look at if you must make noncanon outfits.

Can we talk about what a whiny bitch dave is
Looks like a Sunburn from a bad tanning booth.
If you say so, but still..all anon's need to be more careful in what they say. At least I think so.
I met Dave earlier this year
Nothing seemed whiny about him, he seemed pretty chill if anything
Care to elaborate?
I was a part of the infamous Homestuck Dramatic Readings on Skype (sigh, dark days) and Dave and I seemed cool and at Katsu I went up and was like "Hey" and Dave was just like "Um..."

I got as much of the cast list as I could recall but I forgot who Rose and Jade were.

John Brenda
Dave lindzar
aradia Rel
Tavros adam
sollux alyssa
karkat vikki
Nepeta Marisol
Kanaya katie
Terezi Alex
Vriska Dave
Equius Tim
Gamzee Laura
Eridan Sara
Feferi Alexa

why do I know all these people godamn
Don't worry. I'll post WIP pics when I get to work on her horns! I understand your cautiousness though.
Things I don't get why people love: Hanyaan as Gamzee. It's quieted down with more murder clowns out there but
>those shitty inaccurate horns
>wrong color shoes
>pants look messy
>wrong clubs for over a year
>wrong color god tier

I don't fucking get it.
What Dave are we talking about here??

he is part of the phillystuck group and some of his worst stuff is either there or on his tumblr. completely milks the dave thing and tries to impress people by being the dave whose name is dave. so you picked your own name bfd
What was wrong with the readings? I was part of them, and I would get kinda nervous or left-out feeling a little bit, but they were mostly good.
Everytime I look at amazinghomestuckcosplays blog I weep because it sucks 99% of the time
it's run by one of those people who asspat
Dog, I wanna know who you are, because it seems like we may be a part of the same social group, online at least, because I know most of them, too.
Dude, he cosplays Dave but its also his name, he just uses that as a tag for people to get his attention with as like a joke. You are so mad.
Nothing wrong with the readings, I got some new friends out of it and I did have a lot of fun, but among some of my other friends it seems to have a bit of a bad rep.
Okay, not to be ruse, but here's how you reply
you see the number by "No."
click that, it should automatically be in the comment box, then reply
Asspats and throws huge tumblr fits about that qualityhomestuckcosplay blog being too strict. She's not experienced enough to run a blog about good costumes, can't be objective.
we could trade emails?
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>go to that blog
>fucking cancerously is on it
You could just give me your Tumblr, I'd probably know who you are. And unless you're someone too "popular" you might know me too.

Because the artist is her friend and also in the group. It was a commission by her in the first place.
I remember a few days ago there was this huge fucking thing over this Tinkerbull cosplayer who didn't specifically state that it was a female Tinkerbull
so the asshole who runs UHO started this whole big thing
not saying he was in the wrong
but he's still a dick

Just want to point out that if you look at someone and can TELL THEY ARE FEMALE when they are dressed as a guy. They are, in fact, not good at it.
But she looked so great why would people care D:

Also UHO? The opinion blog?
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Doesn't he take commissions on horns?
Isn't that illegal according to the MSPA team?
Ah, you silly goose. I messaged you.

Oh god now everything I've said is incriminating because WE ARE ALREADY FRIENDS.
Yes. That blog.
He looks like a rapist.....
Giving off that JF Bibeau vibe
who are all these names on this list

these are pretty common names
do they have tumblrs?
This fandom has some pretty delicious drama.
Is there anymore?
Wasn't terminallyfapricious the one who threw a huge whaaaaambulance ride over how they sold homestuck commissions to pay for their transition and it's unfair to have that taken away?
The only ones I know are
Rel: relissoawesome
Alex: cancerously
Dave: boxed-hobo
Tim: buttpilgrim
Laura: silencedrowns
Alexa: br8kspider
If I remember sheepy was a part of it too
Of course he's just a fucking hypocrite because he submitted his Karkat to nudestuck with his tits hang out
yes his
he goes by male pronouns yet he doesn't bind and has his tits out
silencedrowns is Hanyaan, not Laura.

If you're talking about partriotsheep, aka Alexai, she's not even really trans or gender anything. She's just an attention whore.
Haha oops I'm retarded. I met a Gamzee cosplayer the day of, and I thought it was the same one. Like I said, I wasn't even at the panel.

Also, I was tipsy when I met her, so that didn't help at all.
I got the rest (Laura is different Laura though)

John burrenbari
Tavros mohawkdandy
Sollux friendleaderp
Karkat derpderpmotherfuckets
Nepeta ??? I THINK it is redwhitefruitseeds
Kanaya KTJayne
Gamzee terminallyxsadistic
Eridan everyonesahero

the useless information I store in my brain.
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I'm talking about gog tier/ vault 13
This one
I see so many shitty Homestuck cosplays when I go on omegle
I've been a part of the cosplaying Omegle adventures. I've seen some shit ones, but I've seen some nice ones too.
Who is the Kanaya in the first two posts?
It's... They're linked in the description of the posts........

Does she have any drama?
How many of you know tumblr user heyitspj?
I see him bitch and whine all the fucking time and whenever he puts a picture of some half assed cosplay up he gets asspats from everyone
i remember he put some thing up of him wearing shitty vriska glasses and when someone pointed out it was shit on anon, he got a 1000 people rush to his side to say "oh peej, don't listen to that anon, you're just precious abubububu"
no they were shit
The fact this fanbase revolves around tumblr tells it's shit tier. That place is full of "so quirky" girls with their shitty opinions about feminism or gender and it's like 50% of them are transgender. I guess this is the power of the internet, you didn't see shit like this 10 years ago.
Could any of you please help me find out who this girl is?
She's cosplayed from Homestuck before, as Karkat I think, but as a version that had him dress all colourfully, lots of green and purple (sorry I don't know the specific term, I'm not a fan, haven't read it). I think she may be, or already has, lead a panel before. Someone posted her once in an Ashley thread as vendetta, trying to stir shit up, but everyone told anon to piss off because she's actually quite a cool person. Quite tubby, but holds it well. In the picture posted she was with a Tavros (big horns?) who had a really sweet smile and freckles, apparently her boyfriend. And on the left was some girl in red.

Sorry if this seems a little odd, it's just I've been meaning to find out her DA for a while..
That's Laura, she was doing a Trickster Gamzee. I don't think she has a deviantArt but her tumblr is terminallyxsadistic.tumblr.com.

fun fact the nuderstuck Kanaya is the red thing in that photo and it is a genderbent grimdark trickster Rose.
I'm assuming you're talking about a Trickster cosplay. I'm not getting anything right now, but I'll keep looking. You sure it was Karkat?
>Black blotch on her back

What is this?
I know him personally; I spent a lot of time hanging out with him at AB and he's honestly one of the sweetest people in the world once you get to know him, and he really hasn't done much otherwise?
where's the averyniceprince drama at
if you mean the trickster gamzee at katsucon that looked like an easter egg threw up on them, avoid. they're part of cancerously's crew and just as fake
Oh, that's Laura, terminallysadistic or something like that? They seem ok enough, honestly, and her boyfriend is a really lovely tavros. I've never talked to her though, so I really can't judge.
what the fuck, the red thing told me at a previous con that genderbends sucked and were awful[while i was in one so wow is she polite or what]
Thank you very much!
Pft, nope. I was wrong. She was cosplaying Gamzee
I'd really rather not base someone off of someone else's drama and whatnot. Either way, I'm in England, so I doubt I'd ever meet her anyways. Cheers for the heads up though.
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>mfw someone's hosting a Homestuck panel at AX
>all of the fucking vendettas in this thread
Other than her art is samefaces, she hasn't really improved, and whenever someone gives her advice or a critique she flips her shit
Any cosplay related drama?
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So which one is your friend?
When Lindzar was in Hetalia fandom, she got a gigantic shitty black tattoo of a Prussian eagle that takes up most of one shoulder blade. It isn't easily hidden unless you're wearing a shirt.
None of them? I'm in the fandom, yet I've never heard half of these names before.
The Homestuck shipping Olympics apparently just started up, so I'm just gonna hang here for a few days.
Is there any other drama besides cancerously, lindzar, mostflogged, etc?
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I'm waiting for the day that she gets a tattoo of the authors face on the other shoulder.
You really DON'T get those tattoos unless you are committed... Removing that would be near impossible depending on how large and complex it is but... Oy

I know a guy who got a family crest on his back but seriously, why would you get a tattoo of the Prussian eagle like that... Without being committed for a good reason...?
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>look up lindzar
>look in her hetalia folder
>see this
oh shit nigga what are you doing
The shipping olympics were an absolute trainwreck last year, I'm eager to see what kind of shitstorm they're gonna cause this time.
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What's the Southeast Homestuck community like? Just got into Homestuck and not sure if I should cosplay it in public or not, all I know is that they were everywhere at MomoCon, pic related
why would you do this
wow that really looks TERRIBLE.

It's not a bad stencil but it doesn't look good on her at all and come on she's not a Hetalian anymore I don't think what a waste

I know somebody with a Assassin's symbol on their arm, but it's much smaller, like that is huge.
Just don't cosplay it
You'll save yourself so much trouble in the end
unless you're popular or do some type of cosplay stunt no one will even care about you
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Wow, jade does not flatter cancerously at all. She makes a nice terezi at the most, but dogtier really doesn't suit her.
But also I think it's because the gray makeup hides her flaws
and probably a shitton of photoshopping.
>captcha: character arses
going to Otakon as the Signless, hope I don't get overshadowed by the tumblr brigade.

That Tavros, like every other male homestuck cosplayer, doesn't actually have a cock.
Bump for more delicious drama.
proof or you're a faggot
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ah, so much drama in this fandom
Sup guys, guess what just showed up on my dashboard.

A new blog called homestuckcosplaycritique.

Guess who's in the picture on the sidebar.
East Coast Homestucker here. Only cosplayed once.

I can't stand how cliquish it all is (which is why I only did it once). A friend of mine has done two HS cosplays which got a lot of attention and she hated how everyone latched onto her afterwards (in that sycophantic way) and yeah, I saw that happen at cons.

I also went to school with Hussie's gf and christ, is she two faced.
Who even is seerofsarcasm though and why are they using cancerously

Also why haven't they realized those blogs don't work

Do tell, everyone I know adores softowl.

ugh, why? I'll never understand why people like her so much--I don't hate her, but she's always come off as so pretentious and full of herself to me. I'm sure she takes a lot of unfair shit for being hussie's gd, but god.
That's just it

I have NO idea why they love her so
seerofsarcasm runs homestuckcosplayhelp which is half helpful, half bullshit. (They let a goddamn post linking to Milanoo through recently.) She refers to Alex as "her" Terezi in posts about her cosplay techniques.
I have known her a little, and though she's pretty nice in person she's also really boring and unfunny and way too obsessed with social justice.
I have no idea what Hussie sees in her, maybe it's an opposites attract thing?
If we're talking about Homestuck drama, does anybody know why the Homestuck panel at Sakuracon was cancelled?
I've used it before but it seems to be a little lazily run

wow you let milanoo through how are you talking about cosplay without knowing their shittiness

Oh great, sjw that's always promising.
It's kinda awkward I have a couple friends who know Mr. Hussie well or work with him and so I can't make critiques of his stuff very well [one person compared the messy mixed-up style of Homestuck to Gertrude Stein which made me gag].
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Amen to the glasses thing. Throws off the costume by a long shot. I don't mind the freckles really, as long as you're putting in the effort to make them look somewhat natural I guess.

op here.

I knew her and had some mutual friends with her. They won't talk about it a whole lot (don't want to stir up too much drama), but she talked real shit about some of them for no reason. I remember specifically that she aired out a friend's very personal business to a bunch of dudes flirting with her just for attention at a party once--a really sweet dude that no one has quarrel with. I don't want to go into too much detail because it might bring shit back to the people I know, but it wasn't good.

In my personal dealings with her, she was...very off/on. Sometimes she was fun and nice to be around, sometimes she was....really fucking dour. Like, unhappy and wanted everyone around her to know it, kind of I'm-gonna-suck-all-the-attention-out-of-the-room-hmph. Which was frustrating, because when she was in a good mood, she really WAS the kind of person you wanted to be around.

She threw tantrums when things didn't go her way, too. Like when she was after Hussie, she threw a Q&A with him at the school and got REALLY huffy when people were excited to meet him--she accused everyone of being obnoxious fanboys/girls when nothing of the sort really happened. The evening just didn't go *exactly* the way she wanted it too, and she complained about it A LOT afterward (and seemed unaware of everyone rolling their eyes whenever she brought it up).

She burned all her bridges her pretty quickly and seems to have just become Mrs. Andrew Hussie. She's always been kind of ambitonless though.

She finished school halfway through the year, but I might see her at graduation in a week. We'll see.

Decent artist, though. But her senior thesis was REALLY lazy.
Man, I hope I don't encounter any of this shit at the A-Kon and Otakon meet ups.
I agree, but I think it's supposed to up-play the whole weeabro thing. And while I like weeabro to an extent, too-large glasses are dumb.
I don't understand why weeabro has endured past Dirk's actual introduction and character development. Why the fuck are people still drawing him yelling SUGOI and shit when that has literally no canon support anymore? Well, actually, no, I can understand why it still endures because lol fandom--but why do I never see anyone pointing out that it's been completely jossed?

Also, just putting in my two cents on mostflogged: I think I missed the bunny drama, but from what I can tell she's a damn good cosplayer and a nice person. I talked with her for a few minutes at AB and she was really humble and nice. I think people are being unnecessarily critical here--she's talented and not too up her own ass unless I'm missing something huge.

Really nice to see people calling cancerously on her bullshit, though. She's not a terrible person, but holy shit I can never hear a goddamn word she's saying at photoshoots. And her photoshoots run WAY TOO GODDAMN LONG. Do we really need a shot of EVERY SINGLE FUCKING PAIRING? The NYCC shoot ran like three fucking hours. I didn't even bother with the katsu one.
I'm just gonna hide during the Otakon meetup just go up when they call my character.

Thinking about just wearing wounded rainbowdrinker for a private shoot and not taking it to a full shoot proper.

Man now that's pretty shitty.
What was the thesis about?


have fun

She's an art student and had a gallery show, and so much of it was just like...photocopied sketches taped to a wall. Or like doodles from her sketchbook. She's not untalented, but it was weak. You get a whole YEAR to work on this shit, it needs to reflect that.
Man, that is such a shame. If you get a chance to do that, effort should be put out.
I like asktheheiress, but I HATE HATE HATE HATE cutesy-wootesy Eridan/Feferi shipping.

Also, I've always found it weird that seerofsarcasm and cancerously have ended up as these big time cosplayers in the HS fandom when they both have like, two HS cosplays to their name and aren't...super ultra amazing at it. I mean, I think they're a pretty good Vriska and Terezi duo, but for the level of attention they get, I'd expect at least one ancestor costume each or something.

I think homestuckcosplayhelp was actually pretty good for a while, though. Not so much any longer, but I can understand that it involved a level of maintenance that just ended up being impractical.
I actually think quite a bit of their following is from the Hetalia days! They were both involved in a rather well known APH cosplay group.

>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TLTg2SBEIuA&feature=fvwrel (cancerously at 3:31 in this one)

Cancerously is the N. Italy and Seerofsarcasm is the Spain. I was actually quite surprised when I found this out.
Oh my god
I'm cosplaying Homestuck to NYCC
Should I be afraid?
If you mean op of this thread, then no
you're not
I did a shitty casual Homestuck at the last NYCC, and it wasn't terrible. I've seen worse Homestuck groups at cons.
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What the fuck am I watching
I don't think cancerously is a terrible cosplayers, but I wish she would learn that you need to wear (non troll paint) makeup if you're going to cosplay. Even if you have nice skin. Your face will look completely washed out without it.
was meant as a reply to
I wanted to cosplay Jane for this year
Weren't there like a 1000 of us last year though?

No, no, I meant I was the person who originally posted about knowing softowl. Sorry.
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More of Lindzar's tattoo
Is Lindzar a boy, or a girl, or a fake boi?
Unpopular opinion time here, at least from tumblr's viewpoint
Shipping photoshoots are fucking retarded
It would cut the time of meetups in half to make room for other cosplayers.
if you see someone you want to take a photo with, do it at another time
don't take 2 fucking hours just to do ALLLLL THE SHIPS
pan/bi cis girl, i think she has a boyfriend rn...
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this trickster gamzee?
Someone who isn't completely gay or trans popular in the Homestuck fandom on tumblr?
No way
I guess that's not surprising, I've met him irl and would have sworn on my mother's life he was gay

so this explains it


The HS photoshoots I've been to have run two-three hours because of the people running them making time for EVERY FUCKING SHIP. Even weird, esoteric ones. It takes up WAY too much time and it's unwieldy and awful. Really, if you're a huge fan of, I don't know, Gamzee/Nepeta, can't you just find two to take pictures of on your goddamn own without taking up everyone's time?

I think cancerously organizes photoshoots pretty well except for this--she allows ANY suggested ship onto the list. So you get tons and tons of photos because one or two people requested it and it takes so goddamn long. I didn't even bother going to the katsu photoshoots, it was such a headache.

The AB shoot was a little messy, but it was so much shorter and SO much nicer. I liked how they had people come up by blood color, so you had ALL the tyrian bloods up at once, which took care of the Feferis, the Meenahs, AND the Condesces. It saved so much time.
Thoughts on the Homestuck crowd at AB? Any drama there? Cosplayers that stood out to you in particular for being bad/good? I got really sick right after the con and missed out on discussion, so fill me in.

especially because for most pairing ships most of the people who go up don't even interact with eachother, let alone do anything "shippy"

wow look at this nice picture of dave and jade standing next to each other, otp
the only problem i see with homestuck is that some of the artists/cosplayers/etc are overrated and people idolize them for god knows what reason, and the 'fame' gets to their heads and they start to believe they're so glorious

i also dislike how avnp said in 4chords that vriska 'is mean because shes chinese xD' or some bullshit like that.

i dont really have a problem with any of the big name fans, i've distanced myself from homestuck so i left the drama.
The blood color idea sounds like a good idea.
Shit man, this thread makes me want to stop cosplaying Homestuck all together. Between the time it takes to do a god damn photoshoot and the fact if you're not doing something special, you won't get any attention, I don't think it's worth cosplaying
>mean because she's chinese
okay avnp is taiwanese how much you want to bet it has something to do with that
it was a clusterfuck, and a Dolorosa's cosplay was damaged by some weeaboos because they didn't like HS
She said she was okay though
and it was fixable
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I was there on Saturday, it was honestly really ok from what I saw. The homestuck gathering was HUGE though, but the photoshoot for the most part went rather smoothly.
There were so many more troll cosplayers than kids though, and adding on to that, the quality of the trolls was basically half and half from what I saw.
I guess I can dump some pictures if anybody would like?
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oh man so pairing

and none of them even look any good

The people who ran it did a decent job from what I could tell, but the all-twelve-ancestors group was really disappointing.
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This was a really cute highlight of AB.
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Gonna dump a few good AB pics.
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Loved this Jake.
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That's it, commence the dump, if it's ok with OP? I got a picture of this little casey as well; he was really the cutest, gosh,
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this Condesce was absolutely amazing; I believe she's thighhighs on tumblr?
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the wv on the far right always cracks me up
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Doc Mau5 was a really cool idea, actually.
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I was cracking up at all the glowing genitals and grey Photoshopped skin but then I felt like it might be underaged so I left.
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this was before godtier Gamzee's canon design was introduced.
>I realized weeks after the con that the person on the side is mookie000 from tumblr

Agreed, I thought it was very well done.
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Yes, definitely! When ideas like that are well done and aren't over the top like many other AUs, I think that they're acceptable for the most part.
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Please stop.

Go buy some regular pants and stop putting your fat legs in unappealing pants.

Can I just say that I have nothing against Mookie as a person, but I really dislike her art? It's all kind of samefacey (those angular snake nose faces) and her fancy outfits are waaaaay overworked, in my opinion.
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The con-air!Nic Cage was really into the act and overall just very funny.
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I wish I had gotten a better picture of these two; they were really lovely!
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I was really thankful to be so far in the front of the crowd during the photoshoot, or I wouldn't have gotten to take pictures of moments like this.

anyways, I have do go do some other things for a little while, so that's it for my dump for now!
Oops! To clear things up, the Katsucon panel was pretty much first come first serve up until the last character casted because the person running the panel (not even cancerously) didn't know how to do "auditions" the right way. They were given a one and a half weeks notice that they GOT the panel and they were in a panic to pick people, so they picked a few people they knew did the parts. Dave and Rel were two of them. Also, Rel had a second Aradia costume that she had for backup, so I don't get why anyone's mad about that.

Dave doesn't actually think he's Dave hahaha are you crazy?
Can we get back to the drama?
Did anything bad happen?
At any of the major cons?
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>homestuck drama thread

You guys aren't welcome here in the first place, yet you insist on perpetuating drama amongst yourselves. Go somewhere else to bawww about your shitty fandom.
Hide the thread if it bothers you so much
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Oh god, cancerously is going to be wearing a swimsuit while in her Feferi cosplay
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She cosplayed Homestuck to the Sakura Matsuri
and it doesn't even make sense
why would Jade wear that kimono
why would she be wearing any kimono
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What you're saying makes way too much sense. So I'm just going to continue to post.
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I'm going to let you guys take a guess on this one.
Hint: she combined characters
That pic is actually Terezi from an AU so dont hate yo
I dunno, I have my issues with cancerously, but I actually think she handles her weight well. There are more worthy things to take issue with.

Like the fact that only twenty people could hear her giving instruction at Katsucon. Honestly, I know she wants to be tumblr famous, but I wish she would just let someone else yell shit out at photoshoots. I can NEVER hear her.
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Fucking homestuck fandoms and their fucking aus
>don't hate
pick one
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Also this gif
I think she's trying a bit to hard to be one of those "kawaii Jade doggy cosplayers"
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Casual god tier Jade
are you shitting me
I think Cancerously is an okay person, except for the fact that she counts things like her fancystuck and thighhighstuck outfits as separate, completed cosplays. No. You wore your Terezi wig and glasses with a prom dress you already had/thrifted.

I understand she's new to sewing (at least I'm pretty sure that's the case), but...learn. Experiment with things within your range. Or get better at props, armor making, etc. Don't try to squeeze completed costumes out of your closet.
If you're so buttmad at these people why don't you grow a pair, stop complaining on 4chan anonymously, and tell them what you think yourself? You won't because you're all complacent cowards. All you homestucks are equally terrible, accept it.

ps: Why don't you faggots go do something constructive and go spit in a bucket or whatever you stupid grey fucks do?
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>complaining on 4chan anonymously
thats what everyone here fucking does are you shitting me
Maybe that's why she wants to bring a fucking megaphone to Otakon
it's gonna get her slapped, I just know it
I have three options right now if something hs cosplay irks me.

1) seethe in silence
2) confront the person about what is really just a minor annoyance that I'll probably be over pretty soon, causing buckets of drama
3) bitch here, get it off my chest, and resume internetting rage free, also feeling better that I'm not the only one who gets annoyed

Option 3 is the best. Someone earlier said this thread series makes them feel sick of homestuck cosplay. For me though, I feel better knowing that it really isn't the massive hugbox everybody pretends, getting annoyed is normal, and there's probably more of us than are in this thread.

Now how to find the rest of you at a con in the seas of gray...
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I found a picture of cancerously in her first cosplay
It's Kairi
I think Vic Mangina just takes the cake
A few people said they were sick of it/ never wanted to cosplay from it again
I was one of those people
So I guess these threads are slowly getting rid of "the cancer at anime cons"
Are you autistic? I'm completely aware that's what everyone in here is doing, but it's still shit posting. I already made my point saying you're fucking pussies for doing so, but apparently you can't read.
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as much as she is annoying, I honestly don't think she deserves the all-out cgl-treatment. Maybe if things get worse, but just not yet.
Who remembers when Peacock Feather tried to do Handmaid makeup?
oh god.
I don't.
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I wish I was kidding you
she said this was the handmaid
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Okay, I don't really want to add to the cancerously drama, but I was going through her cosplay tag I saw a certain post.
You know those panties from charlotte rouse that have the zodiac on them with an expression like "sassy" or "passionate"
She said if there was a Libra pair, she would do a pantless picture with them
anon I should let you know I laughed really really hard at your picture
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In case any of you thought I was lying
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for some reason everyone wanks over her, because shes short and cosplays nepeta.
>dat filename
who is she exactly?
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>with no pants on
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Panorama from Katsucon.

Wow, you guys are horrible. I'd like to see your amazing homestuck cosplays.

I actually think the Sailorstuck girls are pretty cute. I like that Homestuck fandom allows for a little more creative freedom in cosplay--yeah, it leads to a lot of laziness and shit cosplay, but it livens it up a little and sometimes you get well-done stuff. It's fun.
newfag detected
Too many trolls

I hate that the trolls get so much more attention than the actual MAIN CHARACTERS
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that shot is of just the trolls that were at the meetup
What the hell is that eridan on the far left wearing
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Okay I'm just retarded then

What was the ratio of trolls:others then?

Another abysmal Sufferer cosplay. I don't think I've ever seen one that's even remotely good. Ditto to the Grand Highblood. Needs more quality ancestors!
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that shot is from friday when the group was smaller, but this was the kid portion of it

Dat Redglare, though.
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i thought he was good

I take that back.


Dat Redglare.
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look at all this mediocrity
vriska and kanaya were really well done, rel's aradia was a hot mess
I saw him at MangaNEXT!
He was pretty nice and funny.
what con was this?
That's where it was taken!
Sailorstuck is fucking stupid. It's just another way for those girls to attention whore.

Speaking of attention whoring, Cancerously requests a photoshoot for her ugly dog tier Jade cosplay nearly every con she goes to. I'm friends with the photographer, and this photographer recently got really popular and swamped, but Cancerously always has to get her repeat shoot in. There's no point to it, why does she keep taking pictures of the same outfit over and over?
some tiny college con

and yet, infinite homestucks, and no quality
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So she can act like a moe doggy island girl
see >>5836344


that isn't how that fucking works
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that john. my eyes.
ikr let's be real rel's sailor aries was basically the amy winehouse of cosplays
a hot. fucking. mess.
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>john isn't binding
>no wig
>tight fitting shirt
>skinny jeans
honestly, shes setting herself up for failure when shes cosplaying with GOOD cosplayers. look at her. she's trying so hard to be popular and liked, but i don't think anyone buys that shit.
I can't see it too well from the picture.
How did it look at the con?

>implying anyone in this picture other than the Vriska looks even passably good
yup, those sailorstucks are just doing it all for the attention. they should just cosplay the fuckin' Dolorosa or something, jeez.
>Sollux Alyssa

This entire thread and no one mentions what a bitch this chick is?
How she ditches people when she finds someone more popular just to move herself up the pyramid or how she talks out both sides of her mouth?
"Everyone should behave. Except for my friends who should get so drunk that they can't stand up."
It's really funny since I'm sure she led a herd of Hetaliafags into homestuck.
If you're unfortunate enough to meet her avoid her and her whiteknights at all costs. It's a headache you'll be happy to avoid.
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>dat jade on the far left
>blonde hair
> black ears
it looked like a piece of barf rolled up inside of another, even grosser piece of barf
are you implying people can actually pull that off well? I've never seen a good dolorosa
Who is Rel?
Some wannabe?
Girl who thinks she's hot shit?
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just really sloppy and poorly applied make up

iirc she "finished" it just before the con/at the con and it just looked pathetic next to the vriska and kanaya, which were well done
rel should just stop
apparently she does because she calls herself awesome all the time. she needs to stop cosplaying. did you see her roxy? ugh.

That Vriska is the best Mindfang around, imho.
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Forgot my pic.
thats cause rel is awesome i dont understand all the hate going on here
idk what youre talking about i met rel once or twice she seems pretty chill
rel is the 8est
I'd like to see her Roxy.

Also, I know this was discussed in the last thread, but what do you think of the idea of Roxy's with pink lipstick to match her symbol colour
black lipstick looks like total shit on most people
wow how can you guys hate on rel, she may not have had the best sailorstuck outfit, but she's a really nice person!
smells like samefag in here

Much, much better idea than black lipstick.
Honestly I prefer the black lipstick!
Try to space out your asspatting samefag.
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i dunno there are just no good dolorosas out there
Isn't she the one that did it with latex and PVC? Fuck PVC, seriously. Mindfang is a fucking pirate, not a bondage queen. I hate any and all ancestors who use that shit, it always looks awful.
absolutely none
I'm sorry, but that Dolorosa was just flat out ugly
especially when you got close up shots of her and her false lashes were falling off her face
nope, she was the one with the picture posted a little bit above you
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No that was Mookie. She wore it to NYCC and looked like a fucking joke trying to be edgy and original.
those fucking horns
ITT: decent homestucks getting bashed for no apparent reason

There are way worse homestucks than anyone named in this thread. You're all fucking dumb and petty as shit.
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No comment on the false lashes, but I just went looking for pics and...she's not ugly.
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Ignore the Mindfang, but this Dolorosa is the best I've seen.
uh, are we looking at the same person here? She's gorgeous!
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Yeah okay whatever you say
ohgod she looks so pretty. Does anyone know where people get the sheer striped fabric she has? I'd love to make the Dolorosa.
that is a lovely dolorosa, do you have her tumblr? o:
Yes yes yes cgl we realize you like attacking every cosplayer ever
This tell me more.
She's not been a flat out jerk but she acted pretty briskly and I have heard a little good and bad

Tell me more.
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the fuck is with this lace

Okay, her false lashes are too big and weird and falling off. She still isn't ugly...? And she clearly realized they were a bad idea and took them off for her nice pics.

I've seen her take some shit on tumblr, is there something I missed? Because she seems nice enough to me, and she's one of the few good Dolorosas.
I think she may have modified it herself
fancy tier
making an outfit fancy to show off

I'm curious too--she's always been very nice to me, but I've wondered if it's because I have a few HS cosplays that got a lot of attention.

The Rose looks fine, the John looks retarded.
90% she did the design on the sheer fabric herself, but my memory is kinda shoddy right now.
I'd like to hear more about this and that Rel girl
*90% sure
same, well, not about the cosplays that have gotten attention, but Alyssa is really sweet

Holy crap--she's an A+ Dolorosa and an A++++ artist.
She's a typical cliquey snob and treats anyone who's not famous like shit. Her cosplays are unimpressive and her makeup sucks. I try to avoid her two-faced ass as best I can but she's never not around.

Not sure why people are attacking Rel except I suppose her outfit was a bit untidy for sailorstuck? Mostly she looks really cute like in her God Tier Aradia and all. She also does Artist Alley at conventions so she's not in a Cosplay Arms Race like a lot of homestucks. Her stuff isn't perfect but it is still pretty good or great, and as somebody who commissioned a costume piece from her she can make good stuff. She might have had to rush sailor Aradia.
Overall she is harmless and very nice.
Okay thank you for clearing this up
I want you all to picture something
Peacockfeather cosplaying the Handmaid
just picture it
the sloppy paint, the fucked up dress
oh you can just imagine the horns
Oh man she was John at the AUSA panel right?
Ah, you beat me to it friend.
She did it when she cosplayed Vocaloid, Hetalia and now Homestuck. I'm sure the next place for her to move her poor treatment of her "friends" is in the /co/ direction since everyone is trying to be the hipster Western comic cosplayer.
If you don't follow her into her next fandom invasion or cosplay at a level where you're not better than her but still make her look good, you're as good as dead to her.
She'll say hi to you in public to save face, but she's quick to cut you out of a conversation and move on to someone who's attention she'd prefer.
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I see nothing wrong with her makeup here.
Yep. Does anyone know why she insists on standing up at every panel she's in and blocking everyone else the entire time?
She's always one of the main speakers, like a host.
It was much too dark. Also, wtf are those boots?
Just swinging by but besides the hooker boots that Makeup looks really blotchy. Higher resolution?
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I know for AUSA, it was because they wanted the "leader" of the humans and the "leader" of the trolls to be hosts.

I think it was a fan design before the Psiionic's official design was out.
Yeah she's always the host. I don't know much about her myself. I've only spoken a few words to her, so drama aside I think she does really well with the panels she's in?

She gets everyone settled, she's pretty decent at improv and has the characterization for her characters more solid than most people.
Didn't the ancestors come out before Katsu?
Yes, but she probably had the costume done before then.

Also the thread is autosaging in case no one noticed.
They did, but I know a lot of nice fan designs that people like more than the official. I personally like the one she did, as well as others I've seen around on Tumblr.
Someone should make a new thread
sum up the drama of what's happened
This Alyssa chick's costumes are better than the half-assed shit you see most Homestuck cosplayers wear, I don't see what the problem is.

Although I have not been acquainted with her, so I can't say much about her personality.
Actually, it's her friend's costume, and her friend had designed it that way in order to make the Psiioniic's design look less stupid.
^ New thread ^
whoops, dismiss >>5836906
go to >>5836903

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