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Drama's bad, how bout some some of you pretty mammas start posting your pictures for some sweet loving.
And now we all know who Johnny Bravo was.

[spoiler]Roko.[/spoilers don't work on /cgl/]
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Wrong. Wrong and Wrong.
I love how everyone who "knows" who Johnny Bravo is comes to a different conclusion such as Roko, God, Matt and Cary Grant.

Even if you were "right" in your guesses there's no way you can prove that fact.

Just let people post and let the good vibes roll.
Johnny! We haven't seen you in so long!
Yes, but now we have proof. Johnny hadn't posted for months. Roko returned yesterday from his "exile". He considered leaving /cgl/ forever, because he was disgusted with all the drama. That could not have been just due to that one time he told everyone how he knew every personal info there's to know about Lobi. It makes perfect sense - before that, he was forced to give up his previous trollwork that was Johnny, all the effort he put into it wasted, etc. Not to mention they both started posting around the same time to begin with.

Sage for not contributing with my picture in a /soc/ thread.
Your "proof" is just circumstantial evidence and are you implying that roko has the same wit that Johnny does?

>Sage for not contributing with my picture in a /soc/ thread.

Is it really a /soc/ thread or "trollwork" if Johnny asks for cosplay photos and gives out compliments?
>Highly doubt Johnny Bravo is Roko. Highly doubt it.
Roko needs all the attention he can get from seagulls. Hence he trips in all his how is your day threads. He needs to be credited for his posts.
Do you see the word "cosplay" mentioned anywhere in his post? On the other hand, every /soc/ thread that's been plaguing /cgl/ for the last few weeks had "your pictures" in it.

And Johnny had no wit at all. Where were all the funny, sarcastic yet unoffensive responses when his last thread got heckler-ed by Sage-san?
>And Johnny had no wit at all. Where were all the funny, sarcastic yet unoffensive responses when his last thread got heckler-ed by Sage-san?

Cause Johnny doesn't reply to drama, he developed a reputation for not starting shit or causing drama which the board was grateful for.
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Holy SHIT do you know how to derail a thread or what
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RIP Johnny Threads...the drama finally caught up to you
>people hating a Johnny Bravo thread
I won't even stand for this.

Ladies, post for Johnny.
You know it will end well.
>Violator posts in the thread
Yeah. Now you put the final nail in the coffin, most def.
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wow...is this the state of cgl, to target a JB thread before any pictures surface?
is the girl in the middle the one who is in those pictures with pooboy
Johnny was here way before Roko.
Stop being a faggot, sagesan.
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Hey Johnny, it's been a while :>
December 2008. Roko came here in 2009.
:[ I like JB.

Fuck you /cgl/ you don't even deserve him.
hey, nice legs


Would not bang.
10/10 would fuse.


Seriously, people, get your maths right...
I'd fuse with you with the force of a thousand suns. When will you post some nudes?
Does it really matter who Johnny really is? He's just someone that cheers up /cgl/ by giving positive remarks to any girl that posts, no matter what they look like. Johnny boosts a lot of self-confidence and makes girls that are usually too shy to post out of fear of being picked on or mocked feel good for even a few minutes. I've never posted myself on /cgl/ before out of that fear but I sucked it up for a Johnny post a few months ago and it was worth it.

So those hating on Johnny, get bent.
Haha thanks


ehy bby we can fuse all night long <3

mackin' on mai woman, we gonna hafta fight?
'sup Johnny.

I mean. Roko. I mean... uh yeah it's pretty confusing.
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Haha no, i just like asking people how their day is, i dont have johnnys smooth moves with the ladies
>i dont have johnnys smooth moves with the ladies

you really don't
He's the only one of Lobi's three creepers who got to talk to her, in person, on Skype. awkward successfully scored maybe with one compliment I can remember, and the picture of him half naked pointing at "Lobitah" written on the wall. Jim maybe a little more, but Lobi's also a good girl who isn't after money. So, say what you like, Roko got swag most Betas lack. And IIRC, she's friends with him again.
Well Johnny wouldn't just spread private info about a lady, so I don't think Roko will ever have the smooth moves.
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>Roko got swag most Betas lack
Wasn't Sage-san his (now ex-)girlfriend and the whole thread with her complaining about him basically one "chillax ho" while she was venting his frustration at him?

Or maybe I'm not remembering things correctly.
I don't think I can speak English anymore... I'll come back when I'm not on recreational drugs.
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[mwah] Johnny~
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You don't even know who he is, newbabby. I wish you stayed in /ck/, as much as I felt empathy with their plight.
Beta-chan, you're embarrassing me.

Actually, I do since I've been here for about a year in the half. Getting pretty sick of being called new every day.
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I can't help but tell the truth.
Mkay then, a question you should be able to answer correctly then.

Which came first? The chicken or the egg?

I-I-I... I mean. Voldemort or Lobitah?
I'll trade with you. I've only been here for 6 months but some beta fag keeps saying I've been trying to get in Voldie's pants for over a year.
Whoa, really?! Most of the 2012 newbabbies are 6 months old.
I meant tripping 6 months. Been here a year, just lurking.
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Implying I care about anyone but my waifu.

I know, babe.

I have no idea who you are.
Similarly, I only noticed you a week or two ago.
Johnny you're amazing yore like the best on cgl for making everyone feel good <3
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A man with a sense of fansion as good as mine can dress so sharp that he can even cut diamonds. With that said, I don't want to just be your best friend to warm your icy heart. The three of you pretty ladies might have taken down Brass Tower but this legendary lover will still stand by your side to love you.

I admit, pretty girls are my weak point for they always floor me when they walk into the room. If all tree spirits are as good looking and fiery as you then I'll gladly call myself a tree huger.
toaster is drunk again, but i agree
If you say so.

Please tell me this drunk trip I keep seeing is a joke, because it's really really annoying.

Heh, tree spirit. Thanks, Johnny.
plwase tell me you had a bette rnight than me
I ended my night fleeing from an orgy
not cool
Why would you get drunk and come here?
if this isn't acutally you this will be really awkard

Because I'm not tired enough to sleep and like hell am I going back to the goth orgy.
I'm not really drunk.
>fleeing from an orgy
after you'd finished participating i assume?

you sound like you've become significantly more drunk in the past hour toaster, still going at it hard?
we watched zombie and kickass playing drinking ghames i need you number so we can drunkltext eac hother <33 im typing on MAc and my fingers and too fat what
After I'd realised it was actually shaping up for an orgy and not just drunken sluts trying to kiss me for male attention.
that cant be, you are always in some degree of drunkness
Looks like BLUE still didn't get over the breakup.
calm your tits, all kinds of people have all kinds of reasons to nick epople's trips
that's why I'm now posting as ZomZom

Oh shit I still have Lucid's trip too! Bueno.
Can't fool me ladies,
you two are definitely not drunk.
Otherwise, why aren't we in the same bed?
>thinks Johnny is Roko
lol no, the two are completely different
Because even when I'm drunk, I have srandards.
Yes, Eva, but do you know how you got ZomZom's trip?


Well, Pirate Toaster most definitely did not attract some dedicated hacker to get her tripcode, which is without doubt not just a simple dictionary word (as you can tell from it being created by a string explorer), so the person must have known her personally.
oh shit wrong trip
yeah disregarsd that, Lucid has no standards wahtosoever
fucl someones stole my trip because fucking macs cant hashtag proper gonna have tio change ,my tripp
>CAllef out onf bullshti, pretensds she didntds do anythnig.
People jsut go through here cracking 10-20 trips at a time
no doubt someone has mine
pretty sure lucid does
deleting everything in the dropbox
>People jsut go through here cracking 10-20 trips at a time
But, as I pointed out, mein Schätzchen, the ones that get cracked, en masse, no less, are simple dictionary words, with barely any processor sweat required to crack.
he does pony things with his pony girlfriend now
he still lurks I think
we've definitley had some cracked that weren't real words. haven't all of dildoes' trips been cracked?
post proof, show us your dirnk face
we need photo proof boss
Maybe, but dildos is a prime target for hacking, both because of his numerous enemies, his Asian comrades and general idiocy.
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this is the most entertaining thread on /cgl/ right now
>bumping his own thread
>complimenting his own thread
Do you have any manners?
that's a pretty good point, but I still think it's pretty unliekly yo ne BLUE, he seems like such a liad back guy.
>he seems like such a liad back guy.

>laid back
>doesn't remember the times before he got laid (~1 year ago) where he would throw a tantrum and have anyone who disliked him banned
I didn't know you were this new.
fuck you smoekr, you were drunkt hsi morning
asking me to rape you
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I just got back from work, plus Johnnys been here years longer than I have
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I have literally been here since summer, I don't know pre-Toast BLUE.
>drinking alone
y would u do that
you look so miscnheibusu and whimnsical
Has to wash away suicidal thoughts after the breakup, obviously.
I feel like everybody is having a more fun night than me.

I still habe rum from the rum part,y have some rum
did you come to /cgl/?
Honest answer, please.
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yuoy dumb abitch i am n to smokersaer

weowe lol you areraly are thsi mcuh of a stuspid bitch
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ai come to my house <3
we can drink
I am having a night devoid of fun too, let's team up ai-honey.
oh fuck you're right, you're not smoker
you're a cunt though so fuck off, this thread is for fun peoplke and you are not fun
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Meanwhile, in Poland...

(mon visage, 1 hour ago).
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tyashta a myth, imas ctually reallu cool anf um super fun
shit...what the hell happened here? Why use Johnny's thread as a place for drunk chat?

Wow, of all the complaining you do about tripfags making off topic posts, you're sure guilty as charged
nah you'#re a cunt
I just rmemebered I have church in the morning os night faggots, sleep tight, God bless xoxoxoxo
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Oh my. 3 guys sharing one body?

Well I guess there's an orifice for everyone at least.
Lonelyfag? Also I'm too far from everywhere and too poor to get anywhere. Wah wah.

I would drink to that, if I had a drink.

Threads that encourage self posting fall into my category of shit threads, so I don't really care. If a thread is offtopic and irrelevant, I can't make it more so. I sage my posts anyway if I make comments without worth while input.
>Threads that encourage self posting fall into my category of shit threads
ai-honey confirmed for Sage-san.
come uppppppp i need a drinking buddah~
So Johnny Bravo is ai-honey's ex, makes perfect sense.
You are assuming they are interested in her not each other
Would you actually meet him? That's kinda scary.
I'm not implying that.

I'm saying her mouth, anus and vagina are right now getting pumped. Hard.
>I'm too far from everywhere
you dont understand the power of lonelyfagness
i guess shes not feeling too blue anymoore
so mewan im a ncie personsdfg
>Threads that encourage self posting fall into my category of shit threads

Better start shitting up those progress threads then
Assuming not Implying lrn to English
>Implying I'd date a tripfag

If people want to come to me they can, but I'm having to remain foreverashutin.
where do u live anyway, I kinda forgot like aaaaaaaages ago?? it's not leicester is it?
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>Yo Vegetta, what does the scouter say about his mad level.

>It's over nine-thousaaaaand.
Progress threads are never shit threads. Most people, if they do post their bodies (which you need to sometimes for costumes) have the courtesy to cut their heads out of frame. Progress threads don't promote self posting and the good always outweighs the bad.

So no, it's not comparable to something dumb like this thread.
everyone heard it, honey said party at her house
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No, not lonelyfag. He would be posting chen to accompany his post much of the time. And you're not foreverashutin, we all know that.

You have to find out where she lives first is the problem there.

>mfw I screencapped this myself from the second season of DBZ in a scene between Vegeta and Gohan and now I see it being posted on every board on 4chan

Feels special brah'.
How can you be so sure?
i um... shit...
CM lets go driiiiink
it's only 2am
And JB threads were never shit. While they encouraged self posting, it was more about people getting compliments and hearing witty sayings then just "look at my tits"
>Thread featuring a tripfag not known to cause drama and be a figure on positivity on the board creating a fun cosplay thread
>Thread goes to shit in the first post
oh god no there's like my brothers
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Because I still have the original in a folder right here.

Wait... mines of a different quality, somebody else screencapped it..

maybe they cropped your cap
yeah, to you maybe. girls don't seem to get this about guys, if they're around you they want to put their dick in you. they might not do so because they're dating people other reasons, but they still want to. if you don't want to put your penor in a girl, you wont bother being friends with her. all straight guys. ever.
nooooo nooo ive known one sincw i wAs like 5 bro that aint right! girls ND guys cane be friwnds without sex beingf involved youknow
shit. in that case I might be gay.
O man. I don't think my girlfriend will like that...
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only girls think this. guys agree with them to shut them up. you can be friends and get on well, doesn't mean they don't want to do you though. 100%, any guy who is friends with a girl wants to stick their penor up her butt.
Meh. Let's just say there are girls I'll taking hiking AND I'll smoke out, and there are girls that I'll just smoke out.
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>the guys faces when they see you right that
Wait... wait...
This is why ugmo fat chicks always have only-girl friends.
Yep. This is true. Unless you're a lesbian, they would fuck you, given the right circumstances.

Heck, they'd fuck you even if you were, and you let them.
Goddamn I'm never drinking with Internet access again. To explain last night as I was slightly out of it; I accidentally posted my tripcode as I couldn't figure out how to hash tag on my friends mac, so anybody who saw that post before I deleted it could see my trip.
It was about time I changed it anyway, BLUE knew it. Now no one knows my new one!
>except everyone I drank with last night

Now someone please fetch me orange juice and a quorn bacon sandwich for the love of God I will pay you.
>that feel when PT isn't my girlfriend
>It was about time I changed it anyway, BLUE knew it. Now no one knows my new one!
>BLUE knew it
>BLUE knew it
>BLUE knew it
SEE? What the fuck did I tell you guys?

And yeah, maybe it wasn't him yesterday, but it could not have been anyone else a week ago when PT made slutty posts and wanted to suck everyone off.
I had weetabix... totally inadequate hangover breakfast tbh
Bring me a quorn bacon sandwich and we'll talk.

Yeah I don't recall that.

No one in this room will bring me anything, they know I won't give them anything in return.
Then go and get your own breakfast, be a STRONG hungry woman who don't need NO man

lol. trying to make blue jelly.
Oh wow, I wasn't even aware of the break-up at the time but that makes sense.
I need a girlfriend to cook for me. I just dropped my phone on my face.

Come here and make me a quorn bacon sandwich and hungover morning sex.
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I'll be there in ten
church can wait
I heard blue is dating dill now
Hurry I can't wait much longer until I start eating my friends.
>Yeah I don't recall that.
Was it you then? Back in the "cosplayers you'd fuck thread"? Saying you'd love to hump Pixyteri's boyfriend? And other slutty shit?
I remember saying I'd tap the Kamina cosplayer, anything beyond that most likely wasn't me.
What happened to the JB thread?
Niggers raided it.

And by niggers, I mean PT and Eva Braun.

[spoiler]'sup Johnny.[/spoiler]
bump for unyielding love for JB
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Johnny! I've missed you!
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I missed you too babycakes. Now, post some of them delicious nudes please.
>Johnny, asking for nudes and no witty comments

That's not him.
Notice the trip is in bold. Means someone just copy pasted into the name field. Shitty troll.
fuckin voldie!
Hold it there. Lobitah is friends with that asshole AGAIN?
Any proof of that? I don't believe it, she seemed pretty pissed before.
>inb4 more Lobi secrets.
This is going to be good.
Lobitah is a very nice girl and she immediately felt very guilty about our (righteous) wrath at Roko.

It was only natural she would forgive him so that he could abuse her trust yet again.
Well, it seems she is a lot more stupid than we thought.
If any other of her secrets are posted around here is because she deserves it.
Where did you get this from? Do you talk to Lobi?
Roko, watch out! It seems like you've got some competition, buddy.
I'm a bit curious. How old is Roko?
20 year old virgin.

21 maybe.

Half the girls of /cgl/ still lust after him, so watch out.
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22 in 4 days
Is it true that Kafuka took pity on you at this years Rave Central? I heard she did a lot of other guys in the bathroom, anyhoo...
Meh we didnt get to hang out that much, but yeah i was one of those 30 guys
>openly calling his friend a whore
It's funny when she jokes about it. Not when you do. Idiot.
Sup, Roko. No need to drop your trip.
Uh, I used to think Lobi and Mell were dating.
nah, they're just everyone's dream ship
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I seriously doubt she cares darling
She won't say so so as not to offend you, because she doesn't want all her personal information leaked by a raging dumbfuck throwing a tantrum.
this was responding to this >>5839792
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>mfw a rare Johnny Bravo thread turned in a drama thread...
Ouch, right in the virgin nuts.
Roko once again acting like Lobitah's PR rep, this is why she's creeped out by you. Do you see ANYONE else doing this, much less any other males? Maybe that's because they respect her wish to just stay out of it and not fan the flames

and they're not creepy betas trying to jump the ladder.
>I seriously doubt she cares darling
>Just like you doubt Lobi will care when you leak her info eh?
Guess you didn't learn anything after all.
We have to make this happen.
I can only imagine how much this would upset Roko.
Roko, do you seriously think you have a chance against Mell?
I'm not on Roko's side but he never actually leaked any personal information.
He just mentioned that he *knew* if she was a virgin, but he never said anything else.
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haha, sweetie pie, check the thread again, i never mentioned Lobi even once

hah course not, it's Mell after all, though really I don't think /cgl/ could do anything to influence him
Roko. please don't reply to the trolls.

Also, how did you rank up from a lurker to a mk.ii variant zero
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it was a midseason upgrade!
Why did you even come back?
Jim > Roko but Home Depot > All.
I never really left, I've been busy with Acen and working on my game backlog to post, plus /cgl/s been awfully shitty lately, nothing but drama and rage

whatever happened to Jim?
He's too busy having hardcore sex with lobitah and buying her nie things.
Getting a life, supporting himself, loving Lobi from afar in a non-creepy fashion. Basically the opposite of you.
Do you even have a job, Roko?

yup yup, ever notice when I post from my phone? I do that during my breaks
What's your job?
>yfw when people who would used to defend JB threads now sit idly by and watch the thread go to shit
Posting on 4chan.
Is your job really that bad that you are ashamed to mention it?
How do you even think you are going to be any use for Lobi at all?
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haha oh wow
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>Still not saying anything about his work
>all the lobi dicksucking going on in this thread

jesus fucking christ
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me or the other Rokos?
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I work at forever 21
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Oh I've been waiting for this thread, just so I could post this~
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I cook at a maid cafe uguu
Forever Alone 21?
forever sexy 21
But you're not seshsay.
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Nah, bro. Nah.
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bitch, im fabulous
Nope, he did.

I (purely coincidentally) happened to save the thread where he said it before he deleted it. He outright mentioned she's not a virgin and she told *HIM*, for he is the *CHOSEN ONE*.
>Do you see ANYONE else doing this, much less any other males?
We've got a lot of creepers like that. Before him, Izusa was the Alpha creeper. More recently, Zahirus used to be quite the creepy virgin, with all that rapist eye and making people kill themselves. Fortunately, since he lives in the third world and his parents were Irish, they bought bought him some poor Mexican girl to become his girlfriend. Note how once he let the poison out, he totally stopped posting on /cgl/. So, whatever they tell you, it is a telling sign that creepers who still creep are also untouched virgins. Most recently, Jim was lining up to become one, but (un)fortunately for him, he was bullied and ridiculed 90% of the time, Lobi being pretty much the only girl nice to him, unlike Roko who at least knows how to camwhore the best of him, which gained him throngs of female fangirls (most of them were male and/or him, but hey, popularity is popularity, alright, it doesn't matter when all your fans are you) and ensured his persistence on this board. So I guess you could say his ugliness saved him from going the Roko path. Most tragically, there was this one /a/non who once said a few nice things about /cgl/, which lead to his public execution, heralded by the tripfag mentioned above. May his lonely soul rest in pieces.

Other than that, less outstanding creepers come and go all the time. There's also a significant amount of pedophiles on /cgl/ (since they're monsters, I won't give them the honor of calling them by their names), but sadly there isn't anything that we could do about them.

Really, considering how slow and low populated this board is, there's some really sick drama here. Some of it would make great Hollywood movies, for real.
What about Smoker?
I've seen him acting very rude towards Lobi, is that just the way they get along or is there some drama between them?
Smoker is just a fat Beta fuck trying to convince /cgl/ that he's not a virgin by acting like a tough guy on the Internet and pretending he can hold his liquor.
So that counts 4 creepers.
Any idea of what Lobi thinks of all of this?
Hi Wes, are you still homeless or are you typing from a internet cafe computer?
I can't understand how Lobitah is still friends with Roko. I wouldn't even talk to an idiot who spilled my personal information just because he was mad.
I just hope she won't regret it.
>implying she thinks
What's the drama with Wes?
Except for maybe the holding my liquor to an extent, you're a lying sack of shit.
Shit son, from what I've seen of em, he's a failure among the built guys and a failure among the fat ones. He's shat upon on both sides.
>tough guy on the Internet
What did I just say?

>implying you're not fat
This part doesn't need any comment.
>implying you're not Beta
Spineless mangina?
Thinks its trolling to say women are bitches and whores?
>pls respond
and spaghetti in every post?
Cosplaying to get in a 10ft diameter of females / get pussy [SOON.jpg]?
Internet personality considered such a huge achievement in his life that he can't live without it?
>implying you're not a virgin
See above + IIRC you're still creeping on Pantsu, and that my friend is quite something. I mean Lobitah is at least pretty but that other... thing... no, just no. You understand you can't get better, but you didn't get any.
>implying you did not just try to convince us otherwise

Commence butt agony, cold sweat, and childish responses:
I feel like they should make trip trading cards, and have you write the info on the back. I sense no bias what so ever.
He acts rude to everybody. It's party of his charm.
Super butt hurt. He always talks shit but as soon as someone talks shit about him, he cries about it. Has always been fat but is delusional about being "fit". Uses his deceased military friend's money for stupid shit but I guess that ran dry 'cause he was/is homeless?
>Commence butt agony, cold sweat, and childish responses:

Go get yourself a towel, ball sweat can lead to fungi developing there. Wouldn't want to lose your oh-so-useful balls, right, even if they're microscopic in size?

See, this here is why you're Beta Smokey. If you truly acted rude, stuck up cunts like this would not hang out with you. You're just rude in a
>pls let me hang out with u gusy ;_;

Aka, the Beta way.
>the beta way
Oh no! It's true! What ever will I do?!
>stuck up cunts like this would not hang out with you
I'm a dude in Canada, not a girl in Texas
Exactly. That's what you do.

Compare to arguing this way with some random /fit/fag cretin who'd (at this point) start posting his huge 5 inch penis and call me a Beta who doesn't lift and is just jelly of everything he has.

Whilst you realize you have none of these, so... what can you do? Nothing. Just bend over and... take it... just think of England while you're at it, it will pass.
First off, why do you want dick pics
Second, comparing me to /fit/fags? Really? I have nothing to post and boast about because it's not like I can prove a large social circle, a job, or the girl I'm fucking. Fit fags got no aspirations, I do. I think I'll stick with being a "beta" asshole. Faggot.
I like how I'm foreveralone and smoker is a massive manwhore, and yet according to /cgl/, I'm the slut and he's the beta. He's the one giving me brodvice about my goddamn love life.
I never understood why people liked Big Wes despite that little bit. You can have some degree of self-delusion but don't tell me you're strong and built when you're fat with bitch tits
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I do believe they were just trying to get pics from you Darling...
>listening to a Beta's advice
>wonders why she's foreveralone

>First off, why do you want dick pics
That's not the point, turdface. I just pointed out how they would fight nail and tooth to prove their 'alphaness' the most hardcore way they know.

>it's not like I can prove a large social circle, a job, or the girl I'm fucking.
Exactly. How can you proof something that does not exist?

>implying that having lots of friends on Jewbook/Jew+ means a large social circle
Your circle stars on this board and ends here. Just a few circlejerkers who like you because you're below them, because you're someone they can spit upon in their mind, someone to make them feel better.

If your assholery was worth any salt, these uptight pricks would despise you with all their might.
Actually, after I took notice of some things he said about guys, my situation got a lot better. I guess after last night I'm distinctly less likely to spend life after uni living with six territorial male iguanas and only leaving the house for food.

...nah, probably still destined for iguanas.
My, you're angry. What wrong dear?
Hang on, I just checked my message logs and that WASN'T smoker. Smoker was just talking about sex with his tall woman and how he wants me to rape him (you are never living that down ever). Now I wanna know who that actually was.
I dislike jellyfat blobs who pretend on the Internet they were able to stick it in into a woman without paying her solid dollah. Doubly so if they release virginal pheromones in every single photo they take.

Why are you whiteknighitng him again?
...and to add assault to injury, calling himself a troll when he has never trolled, just like he never fucked.

If there's anything I hate more than virgin tough guys it's little shits who get called trolls without doing anything to deserve such a noble title. Trolling is and has always been a art, it sickens me how far we done fell.
Because I was surprised by such seething anger over something I couldn't imagine someone getting angry over.
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I've got nothing else to get angry about right now, what can I do.
Hmmm...fair enough, I suppose.
Why would Big Wes write that?

Isn't Big Wes black?
Wait nevermind, I confused him with Masa's party bouncer.

He's white and fat, but why would he write that anyway? Is he a moralfag?
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i don't think smoker is posting on here consistently about different guys, you're advertising your being a slut more than he is.
i don't pay much attention because everything you say is almost always shitposting, but haven't you been given advice by the truckload every single time you've posted? seems to me you just don't listen to it unless it's what you want to hear.
iguanas are fucking beastly, nothing wrong with them. pic related.

Make no mistake, Lobitah likes all the attention she gets.
Bump for Roko's job.
Yew Roko is a male prostitute.
Only 60 year old men hire him.
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I already told you fags i work at forevs 21
No. Only pretty people work there.
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>implying I'm not the prettiest trip on this board
I don't even know what that is.
roko works at his mom's beauty salon
That sounds more likely.
We must keep the thread of Master Bravo alive.

I'a DAGON!! I'a HYDRA!!!
My parents actually do own a salon but i dont work there, i wouldnt hate working on wigs otherwise haha

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