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File: 1336686615562.png-(101 KB, 433x484, Ran says.png)
101 KB
Please post a few cool Touhou cosplays, I'll be grateful for the rest o my life.
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147 KB
You're about to be very pleased, OP, once Golem logs on
File: 1336686774422.jpg-(175 KB, 456x687, YukariYuyukoCosplay1.jpg)
175 KB
Any character preferences OP?
File: 1336686803852.jpg-(133 KB, 425x640, kakushiny.jpg)
133 KB
Speak of the devil...
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242 KB
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145 KB
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311 KB
File: 1336686941517.jpg-(251 KB, 493x740, SakuyaCosplay4.jpg)
251 KB
i can sense your presence miles away
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309 KB
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211 KB
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27 KB
Not at all, for some reason I just feel like watching some cute 3D girls dressing as 2D cute girls.
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109 KB
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117 KB
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226 KB
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135 KB
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169 KB
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100 KB
Requesting Yuugi and Suika
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276 KB
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287 KB
Well, actually I do have a request but I don't know if it exist, do you have a good cosplay of the 3 mischievous fairies keeping their childish attitude with any kind of lewdness?

Also nice board you have here, warm and welcoming, I have to move a little more out of my autistic playground.
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265 KB
File: 1336687514131.jpg-(65 KB, 700x426, sukiawaitthisisntbooze.jpg)
65 KB
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46 KB
Yeah if you stay in the picture threads it's not half bad.
File: 1336687845513.jpg-(167 KB, 500x751, yukariterrifying.jpg)
167 KB
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105 KB
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136 KB
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173 KB
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151 KB
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270 KB
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345 KB
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147 KB
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111 KB
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55 KB
aaaa sorry i disappeared
File: 1336700272182.jpg-(70 KB, 640x960, 524003_184535271666717_1801568(...).jpg)
70 KB
apparently there was this hina cosplayer at my local con in melbourne and I didnt see her.

so mad
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325 KB

But anon, why would you want to see that face? At least your eyes were spared from seeing that.
File: 1336700723410.jpg-(269 KB, 493x740, ByakurenCosplay3.jpg)
269 KB
She has a really nice outfit~

the face is not as important Hina is one of those touhous that you ll never find people cosplaying in melbourne, all we get are cirnos, raymoos and marisas.

what kind of paint would you need to get those effect on the wings?
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63 KB
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186 KB
I'm just gonna dump ones from the thread the other day, if that's alright.
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103 KB
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377 KB
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212 KB
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160 KB
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249 KB
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150 KB
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149 KB
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290 KB
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231 KB
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360 KB

Man I wish my calves were that size...even with doing a lot of running and weight training they seem to just get bulkier...
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113 KB
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168 KB
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188 KB
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144 KB
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959 KB
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126 KB
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177 KB
Any love for Shou? She may very well be my next project and I'm looking for some inspiration/potential fabric choices. SoPM hasn't helped to dissuade me.

Pic chosen at random.
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509 KB
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211 KB
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313 KB
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166 KB
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460 KB
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127 KB
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190 KB
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213 KB
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206 KB
File: 1336990005756.png-(1.11 MB, 1060x762, yuuparuparu2.png)
1.11 MB
Here, have a Yuugi with a see-through skirt.
Good taste, anon. Shou is the best.
File: 1337051968797.jpg-(103 KB, 426x640, shounazbro.jpg)
103 KB
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141 KB
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138 KB
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202 KB
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164 KB
Thanks for the show, Golem.

>Good taste, anon. Shou is the best.
Thanks? Shou will most likely be my sixth Touhou-related costume, so it feels like it's a project that's fallen by the wayside more than anything.
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172 KB
Sure thing!
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138 KB
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186 KB
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89 KB
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203 KB
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139 KB
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483 KB
Requesting good western cosplays.
And also Suwako, asian or not.
why is it that nobody seems to do flandre?
File: 1337184757468.jpg-(162 KB, 600x914, flanremipatchesbarkwings.jpg)
162 KB
Oh there are lots of flandres. I just hate red and yellow together.
File: 1337184838951.jpg-(312 KB, 900x600, sakyuatoomanyflans.jpg)
312 KB
Ok western as Caucasian or Warsaw pact and Nato?
File: 1337184863808.jpg-(56 KB, 800x533, flandre_scarlet_by_tenori_tige(...).jpg)
56 KB
Flandre is actually overdone.
This Russian girl here is my favorite Flandre.
i can see what you meant with the red on yellow thing
File: 1337184891400.jpg-(271 KB, 491x740, sakyuaowlteapot.jpg)
271 KB
What the fuck Golem stop stealing my cosplayer dude
File: 1337184971351.jpg-(152 KB, 900x600, flandre_bear_by_tenori_tiger-d(...).jpg)
152 KB
File: 1337184982210.jpg-(170 KB, 500x752, suwackoitsallfrozennow.jpg)
170 KB
File: 1337185032689.jpg-(323 KB, 740x493, kanaeveryonegetsanapple.jpg)
323 KB
Hey you let the basement door unlocked
File: 1337185033692.jpg-(54 KB, 900x594, u_n__owen_was_her__by_tenori_t(...).jpg)
54 KB
File: 1337185112456.png-(580 KB, 900x602, flandre_scarlet_cosplay_by_ten(...).png)
580 KB
File: 1337185113568.jpg-(573 KB, 900x1200, kanopotatorockcreek.jpg)
573 KB
File: 1337185189878.jpg-(210 KB, 474x740, udongparkbenchfrancais.jpg)
210 KB
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161 KB
File: 1337185575005.jpg-(978 KB, 1000x1500, 1331829994622.jpg)
978 KB
File: 1337185703318.jpg-(244 KB, 800x534, where_ufo_by_tenori_tiger-d490(...).jpg)
244 KB
That Russian Flandre is also my favorite Nue.
File: 1337185779733.jpg-(142 KB, 900x1344, nue_cosplay_by_tenori_tiger-d4(...).jpg)
142 KB
File: 1337185792169.jpg-(189 KB, 598x900, yuyunotevenalittlebit.jpg)
189 KB
File: 1337190695234.jpg-(210 KB, 651x979, erienI'LLHEALYOURWOUNDS.jpg)
210 KB
Eirin so scary.
File: 1337263734945.jpg-(249 KB, 500x751, mokoubambooforesthouse.jpg)
249 KB
File: 1337263881297.jpg-(199 KB, 500x750, satoriprincesssparklesunshine.jpg)
199 KB
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89 KB
I still wanna know if there are any other good Touhouvania Youmus, other than this one too.

Oh my, I hadn't noticed that knife before.
File: 1337267834482.jpg-(250 KB, 629x801, youmouvaniabroraccoontail.jpg)
250 KB
Doesn't seem like a very popular design. I like it though.
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132 KB
File: 1337268094047.jpg-(384 KB, 740x555, yuyuvaniafuckingyoumoucantdoan(...).jpg)
384 KB

File: 1337300716263.jpg-(248 KB, 740x493, alicetruestalking.jpg)
248 KB
>people reading my file names
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File: 1337304000035.jpg-(91 KB, 391x569, 3662fc6bec4b1448e8b429cbf36833(...).jpg)
91 KB
I'm rather curious as to how much time you've invested in such an activity.

5830175 again. Really, I've only seen so many people cosplay Koumajou Densetsu versions in general. I looked high and low for Meiling ones since I wound up making the costume myself and I've only found a few since the first game was released.
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626 KB
File: 1337305383579.jpg-(344 KB, 740x493, touhousthisthread.jpg)
344 KB
just the second it takes figure out a name so according to my archives I've spent 3000+ seconds.
File: 1337306086694.jpg-(196 KB, 800x1200, chinagoingtogetspokentoo.jpg)
196 KB
There are a few chinavania i've got
File: 1337306308321.jpg-(130 KB, 480x723, chinawherethefuckami.jpg)
130 KB
File: 1337306627372.jpg-(90 KB, 772x347, neibht4hthv4un49g8.jpg)
90 KB
thx again Golem for the touhou cosplay dumps.
File: 1337307214766.jpg-(459 KB, 555x740, yuyuvaniathrougthemist.jpg)
459 KB
Must fill touhou threads!
more western touhou cosplayers!
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273 KB
File: 1337309423907.jpg-(191 KB, 740x493, flanlookmrbearthelightstalk.jpg)
191 KB
File: 1337309479310.jpg-(192 KB, 700x525, chennearalampost.jpg)
192 KB
File: 1337309602628.jpg-(119 KB, 490x658, komunderabridge.jpg)
119 KB
File: 1337309725908.jpg-(97 KB, 900x789, marisapolish.jpg)
97 KB
File: 1337310643562.jpg-(228 KB, 900x1350, hakurei_reimu_by_mirianrose-d4(...).jpg)
228 KB
I have two
File: 1337310697490.jpg-(144 KB, 900x676, touhou__marisa_by_kurokaren-d4(...).jpg)
144 KB
File: 1337311431509.jpg-(133 KB, 730x1095, touhou_patchouli_knowledge_iii(...).jpg)
133 KB
File: 1337311697588.jpg-(266 KB, 900x675, just_checking_out_the_surface_(...).jpg)
266 KB
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372 KB
File: 1337322414930.jpg-(70 KB, 399x532, 2012-04-28 11.22.20.jpg)
70 KB
Nngh... I'm really sorry about self-posting here (and for the awful picture quality too) but I just think it's really amusing how that picture is like the exact same idea as this one, with the foreground's superior being creepy in the background.

forgive me ;_;
File: 1337360776159.jpg-(125 KB, 700x525, yuyuyoudohaveausepatches.jpg)
125 KB
Oh she's not being that creepy.
File: 1337360824409.jpg-(327 KB, 555x740, yuyuvaniatakethisbutterfly.jpg)
327 KB
Well, true, but that was the intent of the picture anyways. I guess she's not very creepy in general, haha.
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474 KB
File: 1337395172788.jpg-(161 KB, 400x663, yuyukoshoopedmyon.jpg)
161 KB
Generic yuurei, rather than myon.
File: 1337437000380.jpg-(85 KB, 400x598, youmouorangestring.jpg)
85 KB
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231 KB
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265 KB
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306 KB
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373 KB
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221 KB
File: 1337438870749.jpg-(127 KB, 467x700, AyaHatateCosplay1.jpg)
127 KB
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306 KB
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117 KB
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109 KB
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85 KB
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51 KB
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71 KB
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140 KB
I don't have a lot but dumping the few I have as thanks for the other photos! /saves them all.
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101 KB
>holding KD Flan's awesome Laevataeinn-sword by the blade
no no no no this is NOT okay
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104 KB
Yeah but flans power level is so much higher then Remilia's
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331 KB
dear fellow touhous

how do you make the silly hats stay on? My Remi hat likes to fall off all over the place and I can't figure out how to rig it in place without sewing it in place.
File: 1337556337122.jpg-(52 KB, 426x640, FlandreCosplay5.jpg)
52 KB
I used elastic for my Minoriko hat and pull it down almost all the way like a regular hat, just make the poof on the top big enough so that it's bigger than your head

Can I see a picture of you wearing the Remilia hat?
File: 1337558796252.jpg-(710 KB, 1368x2048, 223085.jpg)
710 KB
self post, unfortunately. I didn't want to have to post myself, but I left my trip off from /a/ again and so it could have been any Remilia.

I'm thinking you're right and I might have made the cap part of the hat too small... I really don't want to go make an entirely new hat again, but I'm willing to if that's what it takes to not look like a derp. So many photos of me on the parade float from the CBF with one hand clutching my hat because of the wind, so very many...
Oh hey, I met you at Sakura-Con.
You post on /a/? Wow, they'd be so surprised after what they were saying about you.
i post in jojo threads over there all the time... or when there's any, at least. I heard all the shit they were saying about me on nico and in some of the threads (thank you foolz archive!) that my friends showed me. Oh well. I can't please everybody. I'd settle for my hat not falling off and people realizing I really do have a very high-pitched voice especially when I'm nervous.
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171 KB
Oh wow um you're a huge cosplay inspiration to me so this feels sorta weird to be giving you advice...

Yeah, I think it could be a bit poofier at the top, and that if it was it would be easier to keep on because you'd be able to bring it down more. In terms of appearance though it looks like it could pass poofy enough for Remi- in the case you'd only need it for say, a photoshoot, there'd be no need to alter it.
Just sew a clip into the hat silly! One of thos weft/comb clips
Unrelated advice: Less eye makeup, please.
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159 KB
just because I can sew a lot of weird spandex doesn't mean I know how to Touhou hat. Half the time I have problems is when I'm doing something really theoretically simple that I never tried. Strange JoJo things involving vinyl shoepants with cutouts? "BRING IT ON!" How to make a basic leotard? "Uhhhh what the fuck how do I even do that?"

this is probably a better view of the hat... it felt like the amount of fabric this hat took up was totally stupid, am I wrong? Because this was like an 18" diameter circle and it still looks derp.
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93 KB
I must have either made my hat way too small or used a not good enough clip because that did not work right... I'll try again though!

I appreciate the advice, anon, and I will try wearing this without the extreme makeup at some point, but I really wanted to go for a certain "feel" and I felt I needed the extremely heavy makeup in order to make it work. I like really crazy makeup so walking the line between "dramatic and cool" and "are you a drag queen" can be pretty tricky. I do appreciate your opinion though.
Strangely, my Tenshi hat stays on by itself even though it sometimes sits pretty far back on my head.

Maybe 'cause it's weighted down by peaches...
File: 1337583533164.jpg-(132 KB, 397x596, 1228312568865.jpg)
132 KB
I bobby pin the shit out of my Eirin hat, but I don't think that would work with the shape of Remi's hat. Maybe try those old-fashioned hat pins that you jam through the hat and into your bun (in this case wig)? You could hide them along the band.

oh dear god that picture makes me want to kill myself
The crushed velvet?
Yeah, I feel your pain, anon. I think I saved it just to make people cringe.

Oh yeah and I forgot to say- I think Saku's got the right idea with toupee/wig clips, but I think you'll need 3 or 4 and just make a ring of them all the way around the hat.
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>>5830175 again.
Seriously. Do the whole world a favor and marry a Toubro. We're passionate enough to go out into the world dressed as a girl with a ridiculous hat. That also takes a distinct amount of humility to embarrass ourselves to that degree and the sense of humor to go through with it. Many of us had to teach ourselves how to sew in order to avoid revealing our vice to loved ones, so many of us are determined individuals while still being discreet in regards to sensitive social issues. So please, find it in your heart to marry one of us blokes in makeup with nurse caps/berets/lotus flowers/pagodas/3 pounds of ribbon/diapers on our head. Just think of how much good you'll be doing for society by taking freaks like us off the street.
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At least we have each other ;_;
I keep procrastinating on my Touhou cosplay.
The amount of frills is nightmare mode for a beginner like me.

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