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Fem America.
05/08/12(Tue)19:38 No.5815336 File: 1336520297.jpg-(192 KB, 621x600, 502089..jpg)
last year at Otakon, my girlfreind cosplayed as fem! America. She had
her hair styled to look like Fem! America, as they both shared the same
hair color and spent the previous day getting it perfect. we got to the
con rather early as she made sure that the American flag bikini wouldn't
fall off as we waited to get our passes. The first few people we saw
complemented her on her cosplay and took a few pictures while I went to
go put on my cosplay, which was supposed to make me look like one of
those old timey reporters. Luckily finding her again was rather easy and
we continued on with our day. However at lunch, the events took a turn
for the worse. A hambeast England cosplayer had spotted us and glomped
her as she shouted "You are Kawaii!" I sprang up and attempted to pry
the girl off of her, but she kept on holding onto my girlfreind tighter,
basically groping her at this point. I struggled as I pulled her. The
hambeast began yelling at me and saying that she was now her girlfreind.
After about five minutes of attempting to pry this bitch off of her,
the hambeast finally was of my girlfreind and proceeded to bite me while
she struggled. she was making so much of a commotion that staff came.
Apparently this fat fuck had been banned from the con 2 years earlier
for a stunt like this but kept on sneaking in. As staff dragged her away
I decided to just take the other days of the con easy. Since then my
girlfreind has omitted the bikini from the cosplay just incase a
hambeast or anyone else attempts a feat like that. |