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Didn't see one through the pages.. so have a dress porn thread.
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Is she supposed to look like a bug? The feathers suggest otherwise but I cant not see 'bug'
I think it's supposed to be a dragon

note the belly and scales
I believe that dress is called "The Chimera" so it's basically a mix of things. I guess bug could be one of them.
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Correct me if I'm wrong, but amidoingthisright?
OHH, ok, I see it now
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Yeah, it's Thierry Mugler's Chimera dress.

Totally interested in the concept of fashion shows, but I don't want to deal with /fa/.... what's the purpose behind the ridiculous pieces that show up in couture? I'm looking at a thread on a forum about these shows and this shit is nuts. (In before IT'S ART. /FLIP)

Well... That's what it is.

The extreme pieces in lines/show are generally an example of extreme inspiration from the designer/a show of his/her true talent.

It's like looking at a menu at a nice restaurant. You have your staple items, beef, chicken, pasta, but they've been made in an interseting way by the chef. But then you have the special of the day or that crazy thing the chef is known for and while it's amazing and beautiful to look at and delicious to eat, you won't see it anywhere else.

Textiles major here.

Actually, it IS art. That's really it. Most things you do with it are APPLIED art (costume design, for one) but it's still art. Something like the Chimera dress has no practical purpose aside from "be art". It's a sculpture made of cloth.
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I will admit that the different fabrics and ways they're used are interesting to see.. just, some of the executions are a little out there. In general, how much is the average designer's salary?
50,000 to 120,000 I think. Unless you're Karl Lagerfeld.
I kind of want that...
This. There's a reason why we have the chef special. The chef may have it for just one day, and not make it again. A showcase of the chef's talent.
My husband and I went to a restaurant. He order the chef special, and he swore it was the best steak he ever had, the meat was so tender, he didn't even realize he was using a butter knife to cut it until the waiter realized he forgot to bring him one.
I swear that thing looks like a giant "Peeps" marshmallow candy....

Oh god this thing is fucking gorgeous. Who's the designer?
Thierry Mugler.
Here's the video of it in action too.
I..want to see this as a super villain somewhere...

Man she looks like a Power Rangers villain... Not the shitty ones. And it sounds like a ripoff of the Batman theme. This is pretty neat.
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Mugler is a god for creating that dress, hot damn.
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Dragon. Mugler did have a legendary bug-inspired couture line in like s/s '96, I think it was? I miss when Mugler was good.

Who's everyone's favorite designer on here? Personally, mine is Raf Simons, with Damir Doma running second.
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I actually don't know a lot of designers - could you recommend some for me in Mugler's style? I'd like to ease into that kind of stuff some more but I don't like the very weird stuff.

Also, anyone know who this designer is?
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Definitely check out Dior work while it was under Galliano as head. It looks like you're interested in really lush, ott stuff, so you'd love it. I wouldn't know who to recommend you other than the really entry-level designers, since I'm more into minimalism.

Also, the image you posted is Jessica Stam walking for Jean Paul Gaultier Couture S/S 07
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71 KB
Thank you! That is indeed my main interest. I'll definitely check it out.
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Anon, just came back to say that I will love you forever.

That is all.
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A good way to start getting into fashion is through following a lot of fashion bloggers on tumblr or blogspot. If you want to actually get educated in it, I wouldn't suggest going through /fa/. But it's no problem, it's always really nice to see someone show interest in something that I can actually help them with.

My favorite blogger is http://hapsical.blogspot.com/ but he mostly posts about menswear. There's also tons of youtubers that upload hq videos of runway shows, in case you'd like to watch them.
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I love these Bordelle bandage dresses.
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Dress porn threads are a reason I always return to /cgl/
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I love this dress so much
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I want this... How can I have it?
It's from modcloth:
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Why so many casual dresses in a dress porn thread? Let me fix that.
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Where could one get that fantastic thing?
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I love this one so much.

I'm going to issue a challenge to you ladies and gents. I know it isn't the same as owning the original pieces, but try to make your own copy of a dress you enjoy. Bonus points for getting as close to the original fabrics as possible.
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Here's my current dress porn folder dump if anyone would like it.
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Who has made these bits of wearable art?

>Something out of the 1920s, early 2000s top of the line goth club, and Liquid Television piece rolled into one

I love you.
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...that doesn't even look finished.
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Dumping all my pretty things. Here we go.
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And that's it for me.
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This thread, oh my god.
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Lol. Moar!
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Why don't you contribute?
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YEARS AND YEARS but she really does make beautiful things.
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My dream wedding dress.. hot damn.
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a classic
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The thumbnail actually confused me into thinking the model was a Barbie doll, not gonna lie
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Please don't be dead yet
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oh hi there im just going to revive this thread in the hopes that some noble, heroic soul will continue dumping beautiful dress images
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Wtf is wrong with her right hand?
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Dont you die on me, thread!
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Up you go, delicious dress thread.
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i maxed it out for you, /cgl/. enjoy.

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