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    File: 1336362952.jpg-(48 KB, 467x700, tumblr_lh219fAv5d1qfgvvwo1_500.jpg)
    48 KB Lolis without fair skin Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)23:55 No.5808209  
    Come on, share 'em!
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)00:01 No.5808221

    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)00:07 No.5808237

    <----------- /b/ is that way
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)00:09 No.5808241
    Someone's jealous they're not as gorgeous as the girl in the OP picture.

    Sage for my reply to a troll, 10/10.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)00:11 No.5808251
    Black people or liberals detected.
    Fair skin=class
    Dark skin=servant
    >> falcone !!rEkSWzi2+mz 05/07/12(Mon)00:12 No.5808253

    Don't like her nose or lips. Eyes are OK.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)00:31 No.5808312
    /r/ the picture of that really pretty black lolita in that classic country coord, with the straw hat
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)00:32 No.5808315
    Like her nose and lips. Eyes are OK too.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)00:36 No.5808320
         File: 1336365394.jpg-(41 KB, 408x613, 305380_10150964982415083_83512(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)00:38 No.5808329
         File: 1336365501.jpg-(85 KB, 478x720, 1322763595306.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)00:39 No.5808331
    This has that whole "sweet Southern Belle" vibe to it. Very cute.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)00:59 No.5808381
         File: 1336366770.jpg-(30 KB, 225x326, 225px-Pocahontas_by_Simon_van_(...).jpg)
    30 KB
    Pocahontas was classy as fuck.Look at this classy bitch. Natawista was also known for her lone of western dresses.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)01:00 No.5808384
    Niggers were always slaves, they can't dress like this.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)01:01 No.5808386
    Girl in OP is beautiful. I'm jelly as fuck
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)01:02 No.5808394
    She's gorgeous. I hate that hat though. And the jewelry. Fucking pretty nigger.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)01:05 No.5808398
    By that standard, no one can dress like that because all races have been enslaved. Prisoners of war and conquered countries usually were enslaved. People sold family members as slaves. Your argument is invalid.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)01:09 No.5808407

    This. Also the Romans enslaved all those Anglo-Saxons. Who da slave now.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)01:15 No.5808428
    No my nigger loving friends, the difference is, niggers have and always will be slaves, other races have not always been slaves. But you couldn't tell that from my post due to you being too stupid.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)01:17 No.5808436
         File: 1336367872.jpg-(141 KB, 302x500, pink dress brown loli.jpg)
    141 KB
    Less /b/ more brown lolis please
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)01:23 No.5808454
    Black girls get to much attention, where are all the brown girls?
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)01:25 No.5808470
    Proof. Please.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)01:26 No.5808472

    Is this the same girl? Who is she?
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)01:28 No.5808480
         File: 1336368501.jpg-(27 KB, 277x679, Lurker-2.jpg)
    27 KB

    I think there's like two out there... But I am currently on my way onto becoming a brownlita myself...hopefully D :
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)01:29 No.5808482
    I'd love it if the IP address + photos of the racist posters get posted each time they make comments like this. Bet they be fatass lolitas who can't fit into brando.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)01:29 No.5808483
         File: 1336368550.jpg-(45 KB, 528x352, IMG_0883-1.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)01:56 No.5808606

    Anyone have any idea what print she's wearing? Its adorable.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)02:03 No.5808643

    Scratch that, found it. Blonde moment!
    >> Monochrome !!EzDqNj1/VHF 05/07/12(Mon)19:40 No.5811113
         File: 1336434059.jpg-(117 KB, 768x1024, 1322763130665.jpg)
    117 KB
    Contributing...hope no one minds.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)19:42 No.5811118
    She is super cute
    >> Monochrome !!EzDqNj1/VHF 05/07/12(Mon)19:42 No.5811119
         File: 1336434161.png-(434 KB, 400x530, 1322760959843.png)
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    >> Monochrome !!EzDqNj1/VHF 05/07/12(Mon)19:46 No.5811127
         File: 1336434389.jpg-(212 KB, 467x640, 1322763236434.jpg)
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    >> Monochrome !!EzDqNj1/VHF 05/07/12(Mon)19:50 No.5811143
         File: 1336434611.png-(245 KB, 370x520, 1322764499897.png)
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    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)19:54 No.5811160
    It's kinda disgraceful that niggers should be allowed to wear this stuff.
    >> Monochrome !!EzDqNj1/VHF 05/07/12(Mon)19:56 No.5811164
         File: 1336434982.jpg-(72 KB, 455x720, 1322767233228.jpg)
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    >> Monochrome !!EzDqNj1/VHF 05/07/12(Mon)20:01 No.5811180
         File: 1336435318.jpg-(65 KB, 480x640, 1322773065047.jpg)
    65 KB
    Just because your fatass can't fit in brand doesnt mean you have to be a jealous landwhale.
    2/10, since I replied.
    >> Monochrome !!EzDqNj1/VHF 05/07/12(Mon)20:09 No.5811197
         File: 1336435741.jpg-(104 KB, 600x800, 1322773707871.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)20:14 No.5811214
    They all look lovely, pity the hambeasts and trolls have came out to play.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)20:14 No.5811218
    >> Monochrome !!EzDqNj1/VHF 05/07/12(Mon)20:15 No.5811224
         File: 1336436154.jpg-(203 KB, 411x640, 1322773883130.jpg)
    203 KB

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