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  • Japanese このサイトについて - 翻訳

  • File: 1336351961.jpg-(52 KB, 600x443, lupin_steals_some_stuff.jpg)
    52 KB Theft at Cons Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)20:52 No.5807582  
    Always wondered if anyone ever steals stuff at Anime Cons? With the high traffic, big booths, lazy booth attendant I wonder how often it happens.

    Share your stories
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)20:53 No.5807587
    It happens. A quick handed person, a distracted booth worker, and yoink off it goes.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)20:54 No.5807588
    inb4 someone posts the sauske in handcuffs picture.
    >> ValleLator !nCGvC6eOuQ 05/06/12(Sun)20:56 No.5807598
    Get out, poorfag
    >> Eunemone !RubTYosYnU 05/06/12(Sun)20:56 No.5807599
    I've personally watched a hambeast cause a scene at one end of a booth (I think she pretended to faint or something and almost knocked over half the merch) while her friend snatched a small figurine and stuffed it into her bra.
    They were gone by the time I found security
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)20:57 No.5807601
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    One time a couple years ago I stole a small finger puppet from an AA booth. (I'm pretty sure it was one of L from Death Note) I made my way to the bathroom, took a poo and scraped some of it and put it in the puppet. Then I returned and stealthily replaced it. Don't know what happened after that since I booked it. But it's not to hard if there's a lot of people and the seller's are preoccupied.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)20:58 No.5807605
    I've made fake passes for a few cons. The bigger ones like AX are nearly impossible to replicate well since they have those little shiny things, but there are still a ton of cons without them. Saves me quite a bit.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)21:03 No.5807621
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    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)21:06 No.5807626
    I remember at one AWA I heard a loud "FUUUUUUUUCK" which was followed by staff running around the dealers. Story goes somebody stole a very valuable game from the overpriced video game dealer and got away unnoticed.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)21:07 No.5807632
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    innocence ofsntm
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)21:13 No.5807646
    I used to be a little sneak when I was 13-16 at Florida cons. It was so easy at the time..My friends and I would work together and had co workers as we looked around for stuff.

    Ex: "Oh my God that's so precious!! I'd totally masturbate that lolinsidejoke" Then ten minutes later we'd circle the area and my friend or I would distract the clerk asking for prices, how the con is going, etc and someone with the shoulder bag/plastic bag would just quickly take whatever was pointed out.

    The most we stole were small plushies, manga, figures, posters, etc. We stole 20+ posters at a given time because some guy who had a table with a lot of stuff on it put a poster table in front..the crowd gave it a huge blind spot. We just took the posters we wanted, rolled it up and got the fuck out of there.

    I think the worst thing I did was steal from a guy who looked sad..It was a big $45 goomba plushie, it was only him on a long table so it was pretty simple. After I took the plushie and walked away my friend lingered and watched him, he noticed it not a minute later and looked really depressed, she actually asked him what was wrong and he simply replied. "People keep on stealing my stuff and I'm losing money"

    I returned the plushie and redeemed myself for volunteering at his booth for the rest of the convention. That's when I felt horrible and I haven't stolen anything since. I still cringe thinking about how much we all stole together.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)21:16 No.5807651

    I'm glad you've seen the error of your ways and cut that shit out.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)21:18 No.5807659
    Do it if you are cosplaying as a mainstream character, because that would make things harder for the cops.

    There is many people watching so be smart, don't run (walk fast), have a spot/friends to hide all the things, etc.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)21:19 No.5807663
    Unfortunately my friends still do the same thing. I can barely go out with them to the mall or shopping because no matter where they go they're going to steal. We're all 19/20 now, I introduced them to my LCS where I'm really cool with the manager and the people working there, it's a really small store but it's probably my favourite around there.

    The amount of rage I felt when we walked into my car and my friend took out 5 graphic novels from her purse..To think that I could have turned out like that. I still feel awful.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)21:21 No.5807669
    oh god I remember cosplaying as a random Bleach character with the shinigami outfit. The long sleeves made it really easy.
    >> GenericName !!YWJgcXEgM5Q 05/06/12(Sun)21:21 No.5807670
    Did you catch anyone trying to steal from the table?

    Takes one to know one, and all that jazz?
    >> Yuka-tan 05/06/12(Sun)21:22 No.5807676
    My camera got stolen last Kumoricon. No idea how, since all my friends were nearby and we had JUST taken a picture together.

    I wish they hadn't. I got a new camera for Christmas, but my old one had all my pictures on it. My dog just passed away and my new camera doesn't have any pictures of him. I wish I could just get the pictures back, they can keep the camera for all I care at this point...

    I also sell in AA and I've had a couple very small things taken but I only put out one of each item I sell so that helps cut down theft.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)21:23 No.5807682

    I'm sorry your friends are complete shit. Honestly, I would ditch them for new ones. Specially if they think it's cool to steal from their friend's work place.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)21:24 No.5807684
    Being 15 I didn't know how to handle the situation, at my job now I see how it can really effect everything and fuck up shit. I have caught shop lifters now and if I see them at conventions or anywhere I will notify security. So yes karma is a bitch.
    >> ValleLator !nCGvC6eOuQ 05/06/12(Sun)21:24 No.5807685
    When I worked at Sam Goody, these five black kids came in.
    (Shut up, they were black)
    And I KNEW what they were going to do. But I had to stay at the counter and my work body was doing something....anyway they all split up and, being a former bad ass teenager myself, knew which one to watch.

    But since I couldn't leave the couldn't and didn't physically SEE him taking shit they just walked out.

    I couldn't do anything anyway, mall security's a fucking joke.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)21:26 No.5807690
    The second con I went to (AX2002) one of the girls I was hanging out with stole a ton of stuff from the Copic booth. Paper, markers, screentones. It was pretty much "If you can name it, she had it in her bag"

    Instant Karma happened when we went to the dance later that night. We put our bags to the side in the designated area and after the dance the bag of stolen goods was missing.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)21:27 No.5807691
    Yeah I don't really hang with them much, honestly it's more of a problem that they're going to suffer sooner or later. I have to admit though after years of experience they are pros. I just feel bad because if I do hang out with them at the mall I would just go into a different store or just chill out and watch as sales associates see that something's missing/something's wrong and freak out.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)21:27 No.5807693
    Dude, just report your friends. A little court-time might help them.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)21:28 No.5807696
    The problem is they're so deep into it they don't care. One of them already has been to court and still does it, it's like a sick addiction.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)21:30 No.5807703

    If they've been doing it for so long chances are they're doing it for the rush/high. Which I'm sure a little court time won't deter.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)21:34 No.5807724
    In which case some treatment for kleptomania couldn't hurt
    >> o-slap 05/06/12(Sun)21:34 No.5807727
    I always wonder why some tables have their figures and artbooks so on the edge of the table. I would never steal but I know there's plenty of people who exploit the precarious setups.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)21:36 No.5807732
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    I don't steal but it's table setups like this that makes it easy to swipe small things like buttons.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)21:36 No.5807734
    That's why if I ever catch an AA thread or someone looking for advice. I always tell them to have at most 6-8 people helping out at the table. You can take shifts, have extra people so it's harder to get distracted and not have any blind spots.
    >> ♠Todd♣ !V//////Mxg 05/06/12(Sun)21:37 No.5807739
    I'm actually kinda worried that someone's gonna steal my wallet at AN. Is that common at cons?
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)21:39 No.5807746
    I know someone who had their wallet stolen. He was cosplaying as Aizen and put his wallet in a wide pocket. Just have a chain attached or something. If you're cosplaying and the chain would be an eyesore, just make a small loop on the wallet and have a small yet sturdy string that can fit in your pocket.

    Or if you have a bag just attach it to the bag/don't put the bag down much.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)21:42 No.5807757
    I was trying to buy a shit at a booth once and I sat there trying to get the guys attention for a good ten minutes, I could have walked away and no one would have said a word.

    there was a few times were I basically left the booth to talk to someone while I waited to pay, I did pay for it since it was only 20$ and the booth owners were cool guys.

    So ya I imagine it's very easy to steal from cons.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)21:42 No.5807758
    Just remembering, at the same con there was a table that had displayed their one of each of their phone charms on boards that faced to the customers but there's no way that the artists can see the charms. These charms' loops were pinned onto the board but clearly some were missing and few pins were repinned else where. When I asked about if there were more designs, the lady was surprised that there were some missing, and assumed customers might have pulled off the ones off the display instead of waiting for the artist to hand over the ones she keeps under the table. I can see theft happening this way, and I wish artists take further precaution about how they have their items up on display.
    >> ♠Todd♣ !V//////Mxg 05/06/12(Sun)21:42 No.5807761
    I guess I'll just be more careful.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)21:43 No.5807762
    I know someone whose wallet was stolen at AN, so...
    >> ♠Todd♣ !V//////Mxg 05/06/12(Sun)21:43 No.5807767
    Well, fuck. Maybe I'll put my wallet in Piplup's purse.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)21:44 No.5807769
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    The guy at the Skylanders booth at Acen said someone walked off with one of the toy fair Cynders when he was on break.
    He had it on a peg mixed in with all the cheaper ones.

    The lesson: Don't put a press event-exclusive $250 toy mixed in with the $10 ones you can readily find in stores.
    >> ValleLator !nCGvC6eOuQ 05/06/12(Sun)21:45 No.5807775
    Do you have any pockets at all?

    When I go to cons, I travel light - ID and credit card in a hidden pocket.

    Like my GL suit has a pocket on the boot for my phone and them.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)21:46 No.5807777
    Now everyone knows where it is!
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)21:47 No.5807783
    Coming from the ex-thief, phone charms were one of the easiest things to steal mostly because a lot of people used those displays. That was 5ish years ago though, I hope people have learned.
    >> ♠Todd♣ !V//////Mxg 05/06/12(Sun)21:47 No.5807784
    I have jean pockets. I have never had my wallet stolen before, but still.

    >> Voldemort !7sNaginIQo 05/06/12(Sun)21:47 No.5807785
    Not con-related, but I have a theft story. So here's some backstory: I live in a smallish town, so I work at a store that sells a bunch of random crap (it's mainly a half suit store half hockey stuff store and we have tons of those fitted cap things that the teen guys all love) So anyways, I started working there in grade 11. My boss tells me to keep an eye on all the teens that come in, as they usually go straight to the back to look at the hats. So in my first month of working there, this group of teen girls comes in. I kinda know them, they were in my grade. So one of them comes up to me and asks flat out if she can take some hats. Obviously I say no. She gets all pissed off and storms out with her friends. A week later, she's back with the same friends. They keep coming in and going out, so I tell my boss. I strike up a conversation with them about some school stuff and my boss goes to check out around the store. As it would turn out, they'd been taking turns grabbing one hat, sneaking it out of the store, and then stashing it somewhere outside. My boss had found their stash and he flipped his shit at them. I never saw the end of it since I had to go to attend to other customers, but ever since they've hated me.

    Oh man, someone I know had that happen to them too.

    I always keep my cash in places people can't get to. For example, I keep my wallet in my jean pocket underneath the Barney suit, so someone would have to unzip me to get to it!
    >> ValleLator !nCGvC6eOuQ 05/06/12(Sun)21:48 No.5807786
    >jeans pockets
    Front pocket that shit.
    >> ValleLator !nCGvC6eOuQ 05/06/12(Sun)21:48 No.5807788
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    >unzipping voldemort
    >> ♠Todd♣ !V//////Mxg 05/06/12(Sun)21:49 No.5807792
    That's not /fa/ though. I would rather not bring a wallet if I have to put it in the front pocket. So I guess I won't bring my wallet...
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)21:49 No.5807793
    For wallets in purses/bags. Remember the buddy system. If you need to take a picture/need to put your bag down, give it to your friend.
    >> Voldemort !7sNaginIQo 05/06/12(Sun)21:49 No.5807794
    Pfft, unzipping me from my Barney suit, revealing frumpy jeans and a t-shit underneath
    >> ValleLator !nCGvC6eOuQ 05/06/12(Sun)21:49 No.5807795
    >>5807792 you're just being kind of a douche.

    Also if you were TRUE /fa/ you'd have a wallet to with your ensemble.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)21:50 No.5807797
    I used to A LOT when I was a kid. I couldn't go a week without stealing something. It wasn't like I was dirt poor or forced to, I stole because I was bored. Most of the time, it was little things I didn't need. (When I went to cons, I just stole small things like posters, graphic novels, small plushies, etc.). Then one day I went to someone's house and just stole a bunch of shit. They were family friends and I still don't know why I did it. I stole items, jewelry, and cash. Of course I got caught and felt really bad. They were nice enough not to call the cops and just wanted get their shit and money back. I felt really bad but was glad they moved a few months later. I don't know how I could face them if they still lived in the neighborhood today.


    So yeah, shitloads of kudos to you. You actually had the balls to fix your habit without getting caught. It took me years to completely stop, and I still get urges even today. But I'm glad I'm not the kids I see at the cons who steal. Instead of reporting them, I confront them and most of them actually return the shit. (I'm 19 now and most the kids are like 14-16). But only like three kids actually confessed and told the booth people what they did. It takes balls and a lot tolerance to resist stealing after it becomes a habit/addiction.

    I'm not trying to get sympathy but telling anyone who's reading this who steals not to stop before it gets serious. I was lucky but that might not be the case with others. To everyone else, sorry for the long ass post.
    >> ValleLator !nCGvC6eOuQ 05/06/12(Sun)21:50 No.5807799
    >not going naked under your costume
    shiggy diggy zippie de doo wop christopher reeve
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)21:52 No.5807806
    Got caught shoplifting a few years back, was a pretty big cluster fuck so I haven't done it since.

    I usually don't give a shit when people steal from big name stores and chains but stealing from small businesses and booths is just wrong, ya ya no honour among thieves but goddamn those people are already broke as fuck.
    >> Voldemort !7sNaginIQo 05/06/12(Sun)21:52 No.5807807
    Do you know how itchy that damn thing is?! I'd rather face the sweltering heat with my jeans and t-shirt for hours than walk 5 minutes naked under that
    >> ValleLator !nCGvC6eOuQ 05/06/12(Sun)21:53 No.5807811
    >blah blah blah I'm not dedicated
    I'm not voting for you as /cgl/ Queen anymore.
    >> Voldemort !7sNaginIQo 05/06/12(Sun)21:57 No.5807820
    Good, I don't want to be your stupid queen anyways [spoiler]b-baka[/Ineedspoilers]
    >> ♠Todd♣ !V//////Mxg 05/06/12(Sun)21:57 No.5807821
    So, you've been to AN. What do you think this wallet situation?
    >> ♠Todd♣ !V//////Mxg 05/06/12(Sun)21:58 No.5807823
    about* this wallet situation
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)21:58 No.5807826
    Yeah as I said, I still feel like shit about it and of course I still get urges. Sometimes it's so easy and it's hard not to do it but the best thing to do is imagining someone losing money, that someone needs money to pay for rent, pay for food, pay for a kid, etc. It is a hard habit to break and you're great for breaking it yourself. It will never fully repent because back in the day I would say I stole about $500+ worth of items that I can never return. But you're right, instead of reporting them maybe confronting them is better, I might give that a go if I ever see it.

    Not a con story but my dad has a lot of experience with catching shop lifters, he worked security for 20+ years so it's natural to him, he said that most of the times people stealing are very surprising. One time my dad caught a lady with an oxygen tank stealing bagels and other grocery items, of course he didn't report her, he just told her what she was doing was wrong and she shouldn't be doing it, she seemed really upset and put them back and he helped her with her groceries. Weird world.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)21:59 No.5807827
    Sometimes I want to go up to booths and explain to the sellers that they're making it really easy for someone to take their stuff
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)22:00 No.5807832
    My friend stabbed someone who tried to steal her bag. She's a lolita, so she had her little parasol with her. Guy tried to steal her purse, she pierced his mansack with the pointy end of the parasol. Guy fell straight to his knees and started crying but we just ran the fuck out of there.
    >> Voldemort !7sNaginIQo 05/06/12(Sun)22:00 No.5807834
    I'd say keep an eye on it and you should be fine. Just make sure to check for it every once in a while and don't carry around too much cash
    >> ValleLator !nCGvC6eOuQ 05/06/12(Sun)22:00 No.5807838
    If you were queen you could make spoilers.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)22:01 No.5807839
    What were the reactions of the sellers?
    >> ♠Todd♣ !V//////Mxg 05/06/12(Sun)22:02 No.5807842
    I'm not worried about the cash. I just don't want my cards/IDs stolen.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)22:03 No.5807848
    Herpderp I cannot read. Nevermind.

    Has anyone else gone up to sellers to advise them about their setups?
    >> ValleLator !nCGvC6eOuQ 05/06/12(Sun)22:04 No.5807850
    >>5807842 what I said earlier.
    ID and vital cards won't be obvious in a jeans pocket.
    >> RoboticBallarina 05/06/12(Sun)22:04 No.5807851
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    I dont see an AA thread right now and I could use some advice.
    Me and a bunch of friends are getting a big table together at an upcoming con. Could you tell me what I should do to protect our merch, I am a verry trusting person and I would like to know....
    What do I watch out for?
    How is the best way to display and keep sticky fingers from swiping our items?
    Is there behavior i need to look out for that could be distractions for steeling like the two man setup you all described?

    I would love the help guys, any info you think I should know please tell!!!
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)22:08 No.5807863
    As I said, the more dedicated friends on your table the better. Never leave one side of a table open, don't have blind spots or have anything on display that can create blind spots.

    just look out for people asking "How much is that" when they're asking blankly/no interest in voice. Especially if they point quickly/randomly. Yeah that sounds super paranoid but that's what I used to do. that's where the more friends on your table would come in handy. This is going to be a bitch but is there any way you can attach your items to the table? That would be the best thing to do, like plastic ties so when people want them you can untie it yourself and give it to them.
    >> Voldemort !7sNaginIQo 05/06/12(Sun)22:08 No.5807865
    It should be fine as long as you're not dumb. Just make sure it's not easy to grab at.

    If I were queen I could ban you
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)22:10 No.5807871

    >Sometimes it's so easy and it's hard not to do it but the best thing to do is imagining someone losing money, that someone needs money to pay for rent, pay for food, pay for a kid, etc.

    Fucking this. I know, I also remind myself I have the money to pay for it and shouldn't be such a bitch about it. Also, most of the time, it's an impulse to steal and I take time to remind myself that I probably don't need the item.

    And about your dad, I know what you mean. Most of the kids I've caught don't look the the stereotypical "bad kids". And once you confront them, you realize they're just bored and doing it as "just because". Confronting is so much easier because it shows they can trust you (an ex-thief) and they can just quietly put the shit back. (I don't have anything against people who get security though, it works either way).


    And holy fuck, I'm in tears right now. Wish I could have seen it in person.
    >> ValleLator !nCGvC6eOuQ 05/06/12(Sun)22:11 No.5807875
    Oh God why
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)22:12 No.5807885
    AA thread: >>5786261

    But as >>5807863 said, those are your best options to prevent theft. What I've done is that I don't put all my quantities out on display, I keep a limited number of items so it's easier to watch and manage the items, and then I just replenish with the ones I keep under the table.
    >> Voldemort !7sNaginIQo 05/06/12(Sun)22:13 No.5807886
    Cause I'd be queen and I'd abuse my queenly powers and ban everyone. Anywhoo, I'm going to stop shitting up this thread
    >> RoboticBallarina 05/06/12(Sun)22:14 No.5807892
    I was thinking of attaching them in someway. like have them all on decorative chains attached to the table that I have to manualy unlach, I figured that would make noise if anyone tryed to take it behind my back. and for my other items I would have a display bored of the charms where they are permanently attached and bring out what charm they purchase from a box under the table or something.
    >> RoboticBallarina 05/06/12(Sun)22:15 No.5807896
    Thank you for the link!
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)22:16 No.5807904

    >decorative chains attached to the table that I have to manually unlatch, I figured that would make noise if anyone tried to take it behind my back

    Ahahah, I'd love to do something like that. Make it so that if they pulled hard enough it would activate a song or a loud angry voice.
    >> RoboticBallarina 05/06/12(Sun)22:21 No.5807928
    or attach little bells on them so they jingle
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)22:26 No.5807939
    Wow, this entire post is almost exactly what I was going to say!
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)22:26 No.5807944
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    Not con related:

    one time when i was 8, i stole some shiny rocks from a gift shop near some national forest.
    you know the ones i'm talking about, they look really cool but they probably aren't worth the little velvet bag you put them in, and they're always in a big, unsupervised container.
    long story short, my mom found out and made me return them.
    shit was embarrassing.

    i've always wondered about the tables in the AA/ dealers rooms though, since a lot of them are set up so poorly. it would be so easy to swipe things off of their tables, i'm surprised i've never seen anyone bawing about missing merchandise on deviantart or anything.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)22:58 No.5808036
    Once, at Nekocon, I found a wallet. It had a bunch of cash in there, but I only took about forty bucks. Then I turned it into the lost and found. The people at the lost and found looked sketchy as shit, though, and totally bewildered that I would bring them a lost wallet. Fuckers probably took the rest of the cash.

    So, if you ever lost your wallet there, it wasn't me that took all your money. Just some of it.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)23:02 No.5808046
    Eh, I'm a bit of a klepto in real life but I keep that shit away from cons. It's just sad because it's always little AA people who work hard for their stuff.

    BTW I ended up getting caught for my stealing. Currently on "probation" to keep it off my record. Point of the matter- don't do it!
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)23:18 No.5808097
    Hm, I have a story of someone trying to steal from me at a con.

    You guys see those Perfect Grade Gundam model kits they sell? They're those huge ass boxes dealers keep near the top of their booths.

    Bought a PG 00 Raiser (The box is fucking huge) and was carrying it around since they had no bag big enough to carry the thing in.

    Stop at another booth to buy something or other, it was something small. I had to set the box down on their table to get my wallet out to pay for it when someone tried to swipe it.

    The guy tried to rush through the crowd but the sheer bulk of the box prevents him from moving through anyone and I just grab the box right back. NOW he was able to break through and run.

    I'll admit, it made walking the kit back to my room that much sweeter. But seriously, fuck that guy.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)23:21 No.5808105
    I went through a shoplifting stage, but I was 10 and I got over it pretty quick; now I turn in anything I find, as long as there's a way to get it back to the owner. To me, $20 or a figure or anything like that isn't worth the stain on my karma. I hope that anyone who finds/steals my stuff really, really needs it, but I don't need pocket change badly enough to be the one to empty a wallet I find.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)23:30 No.5808129
    If I ever find a wallet at the con, I'll try to find a security guard or police
    less sketchy
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)23:31 No.5808134
    At Sakura-Con 2011, some nigga stole a Haruhi figure out of my bag while I was doing karaoke. How I didn't notice is beyond me.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)23:31 No.5808137
    A-kon 2011.
    I was cosplaying (young) Simon, and my friend who I went to the con with was Yoko from TTGL.
    It was Sunday, and we were packing our things up and loading it back into her car. The elevators weren't working, so we took the stairs. She had a lot more luggage than me, though, so at once we were one plight of stairs away from the door, she set the box with her boots, stockings, bracelets, and hair accessories on the bottom stair.
    She had a really good parking spot; You could see her car from the door. It was one of the closest ones. We unlocked her car, and I started loading things in, and she went back to get her box. Literally, no more than 2 minutes could've passed between the time she set the box down and then went to pick it up. Yet it was gone. Completely.
    There was a small group of 3 or 4 people who were walking down the stairs with us, but they had gotten out before us, so it couldn't have been them. We must've ran through the stairwell at least 20 times, leaving no spot unchecked: Even the trashcans. We went to the lost and found multiple times, we even talked with some hotel employees to see if they had seen it and to keep an eye out for it.

    We never did find it. To this day, we still don't have the slightest idea what could've happened to it.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)23:35 No.5808147
    So why didn't you just stand next to all the stuff, she gets the car and parks near the entrance, then you start loading it?
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)23:37 No.5808150
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    I've never personally stolen anything from an anime convention. I'm there because it's an extra activity I do when I have the money to afford it. If I can't afford things with my dollar, then I don't go. Simple. But some people are greedy and can't handle this concept over their entitled attitudes.

    Only incident that ever happened to me at an anime convention was that someone did a switcharoo on me in the women's bathroom. By people I knew no less.

    I had brought some expensive perfume with me to the con and I had gotten plenty of compliments on the smell. I went into a bathroom to freshen up and some people I knew started to talk to me and approached me about the perfume. They just looked so greasy and in need of it that I lent them the bottle for some spritzing, and in exchange I asked them for a few bobby pins.
    They got me so caught up in the conversation that I never asked for the perfume bottle back, and I didn't realize hours after the con on my way home that they had never given it back.

    Of course I had no proof which person had took it. So even if I confronted them on FB about it I would just look like a bitch accusing people of taking a perfume bottle, and seeing as though they hadn't even bothered to say something to me, would probably deny having it anyway. Life sucks, but you move on. And if they were that desperate for it, then I'm glad that they have it now.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)23:38 No.5808156
    you could have just been like
    "oh hey I forgot to get my perfume back from you, let's meet up so I can get it back"
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)23:42 No.5808164
    Because it was just one box, and you could see the car from where we set it. Nobody was in the stairwell, either. We assumed, for good reasons, that it would be safe.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)23:43 No.5808166
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    >tfw the con area where they live is a three hour drive away, they don't have cars, and I'm not about to spend $50-60 in gas for a perfume bottle that they probably would have used generously by now
    It's just not worth it anon. Pick your battles wisely.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)23:44 No.5808172
    I know people who steal at cons and I always hope they'll get caught and banned. They've stolen hundreds of dollars in figures and random baubles, it's offensive.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)23:46 No.5808176
    If they haven't contacted that anon by now, what makes you think they'd admit to having it or give it back? Anon shouldn't have to ask them for it back. They should have realized that they took that item (hopefully by accident) and would have tried to make contact.
    They're not honest.
    >> OtterlyShocked !!eyoIDbVwZpr 05/06/12(Sun)23:51 No.5808194
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    You do realize when people steal from big chain retailers, the poor people and employees pay the damn price of what was stolen. Employees bonuses are cut, Prices go up, yadda yadda.

    Personally Ive never stolen but I work for a big chain store as security, The about of teens/weeaboos stealing these days is crazy.
    >> tinkerchu !!XW56tzr7k4h 05/06/12(Sun)23:53 No.5808200
    My friend's phone was stolen at sakuracon 2012.
    Well...technically she lost it. I had gone to the bathroom and she was going to waiting at the top floor in one of the small p-ways. She was still eating her food, I told her I would be right back but instead she came to find me first. She then notice that she didn't have her phone. She ran right back to the area we were at, no phone. She even checked the trash can nearby in case she accidently though her phone away after disposing her garbage. Not there. We reported it to lost and found and its still missing. I tried calling her phone and no one would answer. Within an hour of it missing, we called her service provider and they locked it down.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)23:57 No.5808211
    I left my camera on a table at the AA at Anime Boston one year, freaked out because it wasn't really my camera, but my sister's. Went back to the table and the artist told me she'd had a friend bring it to Lost and Found, walked down there and got it back no problem.

    People like that make me happy, it's why I always turn in things I find at cons to the Lost and Found.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)00:05 No.5808230
    >Leaving your bags ANYWHERE at an anime-con

    My friends have stolen so many DSs, cameras, and cell phones it's not even funny. One of them stole a projector from a showing room. Anime cons are a paradise for thieves and creepers.

    Hold onto your shit at all times. Don't leave stuff on the fucking FLOOR at a con rave to go dance. Use your head, anyone will jack your bag without a second thought.
    >> OtterlyShocked !!eyoIDbVwZpr 05/07/12(Mon)00:06 No.5808232
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    Amount* Derp.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)00:09 No.5808243
    What confuses me is that there are people who WOULD leave their stuff unsupervised. Maybe I'm just more mistrusting than the average person, but I thought that was just common sense to have someone watching your bags at all times.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)00:11 No.5808250
    Unless you can convince every single person to not steal, prices are still going to go up to compensate. Individually, it won't matter much.

    I don't recomend stealing though. I got caught on Black Friday (stealing an $8 ring). Ended up paying $1500 for a lawyer and am now on probably. Plus my record is no longer squeaky clean
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)00:12 No.5808252
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    Yea...I stole a few things. I was about 15 at the time..
    Three key chains of those vodoo babies. I remember the guy was selling them at 10.50$ a pop. I said "fuck that" and stole three of them. Then, I stole a zelda plushie. My cosplay had HUGE sleeves. Like... Inyourwasha' sleeves, so I could just drag my hand over some items and pick them up as I went. The zelda plushie was a bit harder...but thats besides the point.
    Yes I feel bad now, back then I didn't regret it.
    But I did lose my camera during that same con...not that it makes up for what I did just...damn I wish I could go back and tell myself not to be a thieving twat.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)00:12 No.5808255
    Eh, some people are just naieve about the world around them. People will steal shit at anime cons, it's ridiculous. Hell, at A-Kon 22 I returned two phones and a nice looking camera to lost and found. And then I lost my camera and thankfully someone was kind enough to put it in lost and found.

    if you see anything lying on it's own, a plushie, a figure, a bag, just put it to lost and found asap. Don't use the whole 'I'll wait five minutes, maybe the owner will find it' because during those five minutes, someone will steal it.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)00:14 No.5808259
    At 15 we are all not knowledgeable about how it effects the people around us. We think we're unstoppable and people 'deserve' it. That's how I started too, things were just fucking expensive.

    Now we're older, we know we may not actually need those things or we have a job and can afford frivolous items.
    >> tinkerchu !!XW56tzr7k4h 05/07/12(Mon)00:21 No.5808281
    My friend's phone was stolen in less then 5 minutes where she left it. and it was never turned in to lost and found.
    >> ValleLator !nCGvC6eOuQ 05/07/12(Mon)00:22 No.5808283
    Duh. Free phone.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)00:26 No.5808300
    Every year, at A-Kon, there's always that killer t-shirt stand in the dealers room. And every time, I stand there for 3-4 minutes waiting to find someone to take my money, and it occurs to me I could just walk away with the friggin' thing and be done with it.

    But then I remember I've been going for years, and it's a warm fuzzy memory place for me, and it would suck to taint it with a bad Monty Python t-shirt qq

    Also, to avoid shit (money) getting stolen, I have admittedly stored my cash in my bra more than once. Debit card too.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)00:31 No.5808311
    Man, I always have good luck at A-kon when I lose things. I've lost my pass, phone, bandana (IT WAS LIMITED EDITION), and a hat each on different years and they were all sent to the lost and found. Honest, if I found a wallet, I'd probably take the cash and just say I found the thing, I'm broke and dishonest.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)00:32 No.5808314
    >not sewing an inner breast pocket into your cosplay

    I shiggy diggy doo wop
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)00:43 No.5808342
    I've stolen tons of stuff from booths at cons. The best way to do it is to go on the busiest day and walk alongside the large crowds. I was able to steal tons of stuff this way, even from those huge t-shirt vendors with all the guards around them. I don't steal anymore because I haven't gone to a con for a while, but I can always spot things I could get away with stealing everywhere I go.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)00:51 No.5808364
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    Not a theft story but I thought that it'd be nice to share anyway.

    Last year at AX 11 my friends and I had just finished up a photoshoot and were preparing to eat at that little 24 hr diner that was a block or two away from the convention. We stood around for 20 mins before I realized my wallet was missing (later realized it fell out of my back pocket. WHYDIDIPUTITTHERE) and ran back to the convention center and began retracing our steps. We didn't find it and I went back to my hotel incredibly bummed because I still had to stay in LA for two more days and only had 25$ left with me. The next day was the last day of the con and I'd checked in with Lost and Found early that day (with no luck) but after my friends had gone home, my remaining friend and I decided to try it one more time. At this point, I'd canceled all my credit cards and believed that even if I did find my wallet, the cash I had in there would have more than likely been taken.

    Walked into that room expecting nothing but instead I walked out with my wallet in tact. All the cash, all the credit cards, my ID's and even this cute little Pokemon sticker someone was giving out on day 2 to people was still in there. BLESS THE SOUL WHO FOUND MY WALLET AND RETURNED IT WITHOUT STEALING MY SHIT. I'm still surprised that someone actually returned it without taking anything from it, especially at a huge ass con like AX and especially in a city like LA.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)01:09 No.5808408
    I know a handful of people who steal at cons, usually keychains and small stuff.

    Personally, I could never do it. It'd be to heavy on my conscious knowing that some small anime store might go out of business because I stole shit form them. I've looked at stuff and thought about it, but then my heart sinks to my stomach and I ended up buying a small 3$ trinkets to make up for it.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)01:12 No.5808421
    Related, but I also had someone finding my purse and returning it fully intact, wallet w/cash and IDs, keys, phone, etc... at Anime Expo (a few years back). LA for you, man.
    >> Denmark !Z0k5e0SqSI 05/07/12(Mon)01:26 No.5808477
    At my 3rd convention, I'm fairly sure I had a figurine stolen.
    I was going to perform with a skit at the masq, so I asked my good friend who was going to sit in the audience to hold my stuff.
    After the masq, I got my now empty bags filled with holes back.

    My parents' camera, food, figurine was gone.
    Weird thing is, after the convention, the camera showed up in lost and found, but I never saw that figurine again.
    You'd think someone would go for the camera instead.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)01:30 No.5808494

    I had a friend draw a comic for a zine once about anime conventions and fucked up priorities, it had people killing for pocky and figurines. This story reminds me of that.
    >> Mr Sandman !73WlvJJ4Y. 05/07/12(Mon)02:01 No.5808635
    I had one of those holders for DS games that I took to Sakuracon '10. It held up to four games, and I carried it around with me in a tiny zip-up pocket in my purse. Never unzipped it while I was at con, never took it out, never left my purse anywhere.

    I got home and found it missing. It equated to 700 hours of gameplay on Pokemon diamond and platinum, my friend's rare Pheonix Wright game she let me borrow, and SMT Devil Survivor with 70 or so hours on it.

    I just don't get how someone could have gotten it, but whatever. I just wish I had my pokemon back. :C I had a box of shinies and EV trained pokes and was literally 23 pokemon away from completing my pokedex on Diamond.


    Luck came back for me at Akicon '11 when I lost my wallet. Didn't even realize it was missing until I went for it to show my friends something. I was also a dumbass and had my social fucking security card in there. Went home, cried like a bitch, showed up at the AA the /instant/ it opened, and it turns out I left it on a table with some lovely wigs that I was looking at. The sellers were really sweet about it and gave it back to me and no money was gone. I was so happy I bought three wigs I didn't need from them. :x
    >> bump Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)07:35 No.5809214
    bump for more stories
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)07:58 No.5809242
    One time, I saw a pin that fell down from somewhere, and I took it.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)08:34 No.5809266
    I knew people stole from cons, but god, this thread is still a shock to me. After having worked retail for a phone shop (where shitty little snots stole our demo phones all the time until it got through their heads we could just remotely brick them), you think that you can trust people a little more in the anime community - but nope - my faith in humanity has fallen a little more. I'm glad there's a lot of people that have learnt their lesson. That feeling when you realise something has been stolen... it's such a terrible feeling, like you've been violated in some way.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)09:36 No.5809306
    It sucks to have your stuff stolen, especially when you're int he artist's alley. The con I go to is pretty small, and this year was my first year not cosplaying and actually selling keychains. I made a buttload of keychains and worked really hard on making them cute and well-coloured and making sure they were put together really well.

    My table was next to a friend of mine whose art is really famous on DA. She sold a ton of shit, while I was lucky to have maybe one or two people buy a keychain an hour. I still had fun selling, though, and people were really nice to me and complimented my art, but because I wasn't doing all the 'mainstream animus and mangoes' my stuff wasn't selling too well (should done Kuroshit or Narushit, gdi).

    The worst part of my fucking day, though, was when a bunch of hambeasts came to my table, glomped each other all over my wares and knocked my stuff to the ground, and when I had everything sorted again I found they'd taken my stuff. I had three stands of the keychains (one of each design) pinned to elastic so they wouldn't move, a small display stand of 5xeach design for easy handing-over to customers, and a tupperware box full of the rest of my wares. And while I'd been busy picking up my display stand, they'd filched my tupperware box.

    It feels fucking bad, man. I spent so long on those goddamned keychains, and I was even selling them cheaply too (like $1 each). The money I would have made I'd planned to have a really nice dinner with my friends post-con to celebrate one of their cosplay wins. Instead I had to close my booth up early, and made a massive loss.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)09:45 No.5809316
    Reading that anon (considering I haven't read the most of the thread) makes me feel for you. I think I may have had a magnet stolen a few years ago (I had some ATLA magnets made and I had 1 Katara left and then suddenly I didn't?) selling them for about 3 dollars each. Things like what happened to you are why I'm starting to think that printed displays of designs rather then the items themselves are the way to go, since if someone want to know what the item looks like, you can show it to them and ask for it back.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)09:47 No.5809317
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    I worked con ops that year. I knew you were sniveling little shit.

    And to think the rest of the staff was actually GLOWING talking about how they couldn't believe someone actually turned in a goddamn wallet.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)10:01 No.5809333
    Same. Seciurity staff are usually employed by the venue rather than the con, so they're less likely to be sketchy.
    I found a small bundle of notes at a con once and went straight to security. Fuck knows what happened to it after that though. Hope the owner got it back.

    Fail Karma after that though. Lost some money and never saw it again.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)10:14 No.5809347
    So, going by this thread... if you have small items, put them in a display case, and have stock at the back of your stand.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)10:24 No.5809357
    Of course it happens.

    It happens with other attendees personal belongings, too.

    Last Sakuracon, a friend of mine put his prop sword behind him, walked forward about 5 feet to take a picture of another cosplayer, and within a matter of minutes someone snatched it while he wasn't looking.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)10:26 No.5809359
    Pretty much. And if you're running a booth, try to engage every customer who comes by, even if they're socially awkward and don't like talking to people. I've worked in retail long enough to know that there is truth in the training that people are less likely to steal if they know that you know they're there.

    Though I remember months ago I caught a kid trying to steal a couple of pennies from the chocolate store I work at. he was clearly a brat (and very much a growing hambeast) since he had walked in with members of his family, and his mom eventually bought a whole bunch of stuff. He just walked around with two chocolate coins, I was behind the register, my manager arranging stock, and I see the kid start to put them in his pocket, but then sees me seeing him doing that, I give him a look and then he precedes to take the long way to the other end of the store, the short way is crossing directly in front of the register, put them back and then walked out. I told my manager later and we just laughed; kids always try to steal those coins even though they're 39 cents each. If you don't have 50 cents for a disc of chocolate, ask for a free sample and leave.
    >> Denmark !Z0k5e0SqSI 05/07/12(Mon)11:10 No.5809426
    That sounds like a weaboo horror story that is bound to happen one day haha,

    When I wrote my story this morning, I hadn't really had time to read the whole thread. Now that I've done that, I'm really shocked, at how common theft at anime cons really are
    I remember at my first british con, at the parties we could just leave our wallets and bags in the corner of the room, go dancing for hours, come back, and everything would still be there.

    It's sad to think that my friends and I were probably just lucky.
    "Thankfully" I've gotten a lot more paranoid since my first convention-theft experience, so I always make sure that I always know where my stuff is.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)11:35 No.5809471
    On a positive note I lost my phone at Katsucon and I thought for sure someone would have swiped it. I went right to security and someone had returned it. Most of the time when I drop things at cons people have always caught up to me to return it. I like to think most people at cons are not assholes.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)12:20 No.5809548
    I learned to not even trust friends when I found the cash and gift cards of my wallet missing even though I left my bag with a group of friends to watch.

    The other day, I found a wallet. Took the $5 that was in there and took it to the police. Yeah the guy is missing $5, but I think he needs something to go missing to learn his lessons of keeping better track of his wallet.

    I use to steal as a kid (like 10 and under). It was so fun. I eventually just realized how rude it was and stopped. Well at the last con, there was the AP booth. It was such a madhouse that I knew I could easily swipe a necklace I wanted and could get away with it. I kept looking at that necklace, and kept walking back to it after checking how distracted the staff were. I didn't steal it though. It was something I wanted, and I just hated the idea of stealing from the place that made things I like.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)12:24 No.5809568
    when i had a few screws loose (no really, i did) i used to take things all the time
    i have one of those friendly -i could be your sister-faces and people just didn't suspect me

    the thing with shoplifting is that it's not -if- you get caught it's -when- you get caught
    me and my friend bunked (british word for ditching idk) school to hit oxford street and got caught by undercover loss recoverer's and i swear i had never been so scared in my life so i cut that shit out and got my head together. Now i work in a shop and am A* at spotting thieves

    Con related: A guy I know got caught (after already taking £££'s worth of stuff) stealing Letrasets and con security chased him through the building and now he's banned
    >> Emi(Etsy:Anarkissed) 05/07/12(Mon)13:09 No.5809713
    I might be opening a booth and sell accessories etc at an Artist Alley. That being said, a lot of stuff is small like necklaces and rings ets. I'm kind of worried about people stealing small accessories. Is this common at AA's or just the dealers? I figure it's harder at the AA since the tables are usually pretty small and easy to watch. Does anyone have theft story's from AA's or just dealers?
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)15:02 No.5810168
    A bit related to the topic so I'll share. Never stolen anything but I have had things stolen from me, including a costume. Friend borrowed it for a convention I wasn't attending and according to her, somewhere between getting it from me and the week after convention in which I asked for it back, it had magically vanished. It was there while she was wearing it and then poof!
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)15:17 No.5810224
    Aw shit. Someone actually knows who this $40 thief is?
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)15:21 No.5810228
    Never at cons or stores.
    When I'm drinking at a bar and have had a few I often take glasses that are cool.
    I've had about 4 strongbow glasses, 1 Hoegaarden Glass, Alexander Keith's glasses, Leffe, etc.

    If they want to charge $7 a pint, I'm going to make it worth it.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)15:23 No.5810236
    Not too sure about AA but some people will do that. My friends had an AA booth and I was watching it with another friend while the owners went to lunch. I had this massive plushie on the end of the table (like the size of a small child) and some guy I'd never seen before comes by the booth, looks at and then looks RIGHT AT ME, grabs the plushie and makes a run for it. I had to bolt around the table and run after him yelling until I finally made enough of a scene in the crowded AA hall that he finally stopped and let me catch up and snatch it back from him. All he said was "Jeez, I was going to give it back!" I should have gotten security but I figured if he was stupid enough to steal something that big when I was looking right at him while he did it, then he probably wasn't a very good thief in the first place.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)15:26 No.5810247
    What you need to do is what they do for jewelry stores. Go out and buy some zip ties and and get a big board to put your necklaces/rings on. Zip tie the rings once to the board and zip tie the necklaces twice (at the top and then across the bottom above the charm so they can't be yanked off). These boards are display only, everything else you keep behind the table until purchase.

    If anyone is stupid enough to try and steal these, you'll know immediately because they'll have to take the entire board to do it.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)16:19 No.5810416
    Aw man, I've turned in so much shit to con ops, but I always wonder how how so many people can lose wallets and purses and figures and manga. Is it that they're too excited or something? Or are their cosplays so shittily made that the pockets fall off? I dunno, but in the 5 years I've been going to cons, I've probably returned at least 3 wallets and 10 pieces of merch to con ops.

    On the down side to this, my little sister got her Kumachan bag stolen from her at a local con. But she was only a little kid, who the fuck would steal from a 10 year old girl anyway?
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)16:27 No.5810461
    Damn, reading this thread makes me realize how lucky my girlfriend was.

    During a con she lost her wallet two times and to my surprise we found it in the lost and found two times with nothing stolen at all.

    I always tell her to keep her wallet in her front pants pocket but she always forgets and puts it in her jacket pocket. This reminds me that I am going to buy her a chain to attach to that so it doesn't get lost.

    Though, at Fanime '11. We were borrowing her mom's camera. Her mom really liked that camera and we were watching/keeping track of it since our friends took pictures. Though on the last day when we where having a small photoshoot we lent it to a friend of ours and it disappeared. We never got the camera back. She says my sis or other friend had it but we let her borrow it, regardless on who she gave it to it was still her responsibility since we handed it to her. To this day she still doesn't wanna pay up for it.

    And reading the advice for AA/Booth I will let my sis know since she wants to sell during a upcoming con.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)17:02 No.5810630
    Seriously, fuck those bastards who steal from AA tables. FUCK THEM. They're not some big faceless corporation making millions of dollars, it's just one person trying to at least cover the expenses. It's not cheap to make your own stuff, that's why it's priced so high. It's handmade. It takes a lot of fucking patience and devotion to do that stuff. Even the rent for the table costs a fucking bundle in some of the bigger conventions.

    Nobody has ever tried to steal from my table because I keep a good watch of my items and only keep one of them on display at a time. But one of my (ex-)friends swiped money from some merchant in the dealer's room and one guy even stole money from the coffer while working at the con. That was very low and it disgusted me to no end.

    Fuck thieves, seriously. The only thing I understand that is worth stealing is food.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)17:16 No.5810678
    What... what? I am at a loss of words as to why anyone would do that and think it's OK because you had the intention of returning it.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)17:24 No.5810715
    >The only thing I understand that is worth stealing is food.

    The fuck. No. Why would you think that's okay?
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)17:25 No.5810722
    I knew someone who used to regularly steal hentai from booths at cons. A lot of it. Never got caught.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)17:26 No.5810728
    It was you wasn't it? Go on, don't be shy.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)17:29 No.5810748
    Oh, you found me out! I'm so embarrassed now!
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)17:32 No.5810759
    Food is a necessity moreso than acrylic keychains but I assume it's only under certain conditions, like a homeless mother swiping a loaf of stale bread for her hungry children.

    Not the hungry weaboo who spent their allowance on a figure and steals four boxes of pocky.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)17:33 No.5810763
    >implying everyone on Nekocon staff isn't the grossest, moralless kind of hambeast

    What year, fucker?
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)17:37 No.5810775
    He was lying out of his ass, of course.

    I think the larger cons are more susceptible to having the thieves, who are often on the younger side. Usually the smaller cons or the ones that attract an older crowd, like Dragon Con or SDCC, are more likely to have returned wallets and such since older people realize the consequences of their actions on other people (due to having to work for their money as well) instead of young ones who feel entitled or excited about the idea of small theft.

    Not that there is no theft in those or there aren't any honest teens, but it's the general impression.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)17:46 No.5810806
    At a con last year I had found a lone DS Pokemon Diamond on the floor. I've been wanting a pokemon game for a while and picked it up.
    Made a post on the forums about it but no one responded, so I kept it.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)18:43 No.5810966
    >Walking through AA
    >See guy sat on a chair, facing the opposite direction
    >Underneath his chair and across the floor must have been about £7 in change
    >Must have fell out his pocket

    I gave him a poke and ended up talking to him for about ten minutes or so after he had scrambled all his coins. He was pretty cool.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)19:06 No.5811042
    It's a bit naive to assume that a shared interest in Japanese cartoons would make scumbags less scummy. No honor among thieves and all. But yes, it sucks that you pretty much can't let your guard down for a second in public places.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)19:20 No.5811073
    Every year at SDCC about 40-50 people report phones stolen, wallets and cameras as well. They are usually taken from the younger members
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)19:29 No.5811090
    To be cynical, so many of them are used to "stealing" (i.e downloading) that they lack any sense of value to items, so feel that they are free to take them just as they would a file.

    This is at least, the super cynical option. Personally i hope people would be able to differentiate between copying a file on the internets and taking something in real life.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)19:36 No.5811101
    Note to self.

    Never bring cards to a con again.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)19:40 No.5811112
    >used to "stealing" (i.e downloading) that they lack any sense of value to items

    What a fucking moron. Yes, shoplifting only came about thanks to the internet's toxic influence
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)19:51 No.5811145
    As a dealer, I've never had anything stolen from me at cons.

    I've had to deal with a few attempted thefts, and they were all by convention staff. Worst case scenario I've ended up with is a staff member trying to lift a plushie while buying a keyring, con organizers doing shit all about it and me sacking off the con early in protest and never returning to events run by the organizers and claiming my table costs back through PayPal. If you don't take theiving staff seriously, don't expect me to want to pay you for the privilage of lettting them try to steal shit.

    I also went to one to small first year con where the dealers were told they could leave stuff in the dealers room over night as it would be safe and secure. It later turned out that the dealers room was used as an extra room for the rave/disco on the night. I'm glad I'm paranoid as fuck and took all my stock with me. Some of the other dealers left open boxes and full tables of stock out on display and had a fair bit stolen. Unsurprisingly, that con didn't run again the next year.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)19:53 No.5811155
    I'd also add that as other have pointe dout your display really can affect how likely you are to get stuff stolen. I' recommend getting either clear plastic display stands or wire mesh ones. Plenty of times I've bene able to spot someone trying to pocket items through the displays which I wouldn't have if I'd had solid boards.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)20:50 No.5811413
    I work AAs quite regularly and I've never had anything stolen from me. I take a stock check before and after each day of a con so that I know what's there and what isn't, this is how I know that I've never been robbed. If you've got the time and patience for it then I suggest you do it too. I watch my products like a hawk, engage with customers or passers-by and have friends help out from time to time when it gets really busy.

    I don't use anything to tie my wares down; I use a pinboard for necklaces and for everything else I use boxes/baskets/stands or it gets scattered strategically over my table. What really pisses me off though is people brushing past my table and knocking things off; it's really rude and unnecessary, nobody ever apologises for doing it or helps to pick up my items (despite noticing what they've done). Get your fat, hambeast asses away from my table because you're ruining my products, they took a lot of time to make, assholes.

    I feel so sorry for people that make huge losses at cons because of thieves, my heart goes out to all of you.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)22:31 No.5811827
    >going to take picture
    >find out camera is gone
    >15 minutes later one of my friends who I didn't see at the con yet pops up with my camera

    Maybe they were stalking me the whole time?
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)23:07 No.5811999
    This is why I carry an old prescription bottle filled with asprin in my purse at cons. In the unlikely event that someone walks off with my bag and I catch them, it's easier to intimidate them into giving the bag back because the crime of stealing prescription meds is FAR worse than stealing a purse, and nobody likes to hear the word "narcotics" thrown around.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)00:34 No.5812267
    It's easier than you would think, it only requires a little stress and a distraction. I had never left a bag before, but last year I was helping my aunt take care of my cousin's big mentally disabled kid. I was used to the shit he would pull when he was 20lbs smaller, but in the Walmart checkout line, he threw the biggest tantrum I have ever seen, even thrashing into the other customers. It was absolutely humiliating. I set down my bag full of $40 worth of shit I had been waiting months to buy--I really wanted that shit--and tried to get him calmed down. Then I just left with him, I didn't think about my bag until my aunt got to the car after me and handed it to me. I felt so weird, because if she hadn't noticed that I set it down, I might not have gotten it back.

    tl;dr I imagine a glomper, cosplayer, or talkative busybody could easily distract somebody completely enough that they just forget everything.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)00:37 No.5812277
    that's actually kind of clever
    it might also work to guilt the thief into turning your bag in to lost and found if they think that those drugs are important
    >> KirinKirin 05/08/12(Tue)04:30 No.5812945
    My wig was stolen at a con, worst part is I was one of the organisers at that con so I couldn't talk bad about the event :/ After one point me and my friends were paranoidly checking cosplayers wigs to see if it's mine or not.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)08:03 No.5813201
    I know it's naive, but after working in a shop where stuff is stolen constantly and comparing that to 10 years of anime con attendance where I've never publicly heard of stuff getting stolen... It's understandable, right?

    I guess that might change though, since the cons here have been attracting more people than ever before. And it feels like kids are getting shittier in their behaviour every year as well.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)08:42 No.5813228
         File: 1336480975.jpg-(71 KB, 500x375, 2cfcc1620c9657ac6836e9c49d0b51(...).jpg)
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    I saw some sad kid jack a Hentai DVD once, I was to much in the dude REALLY? Moment to stop him.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)11:10 No.5813410
    2011. Does it even matter? You're just going to claim that wasn't the year you did it, no matter what it actually was.

    They're not all hambeasts, and even if they were, that doesn't matter. They're some of the most honest people I've ever worked with. Nobody took any fucking thing out of the wallet, and we eventually had the person that had lost it come back and get it (Confirmed it was them, driver's license and everything)

    Sure, it's great you actually RETURNED it, but the fact that you're making yourself out to be so fucking self-righteous just means you feel like shit for actually taking the money and you're trying to cover for it.

    And just when I was starting to think that not everyone at conventions was a greedy, manipulative creep.

    Fuck you.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)11:21 No.5813430

    Sorry Im a little new, can somebody give me a link to or explain this?
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)11:38 No.5813468
    >be black
    >be skinny
    >be teenage
    >everywhere you go, booth owners are watching the fuck out of your every move
    >get falsely accused at least twice per con
    >get the urge to rape everything
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)11:44 No.5813481
    if you where to rape anyone, you'd just be playing into your racial stereotypes even more.. So watch it nigger. Society's watching you just like Geroge Zimmarman was watching his lawn when he shot that black kid.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)11:48 No.5813489
    I feel you man. I feel you.
    >> Mitsuki 05/08/12(Tue)11:57 No.5813510
    That feel man ;_;

    >minus the rape part of course
    >> Anonymous 05/08/12(Tue)12:05 No.5813528
    Ah, I was actually at this con. I think this was over a fight for some guy though.

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