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Looks like the old Fanime thread is dead.

19 days. How is everything coming along?
I found out my schedule for working the arcade and I'm hardly working at all! Gonna have plenty of time to actually do shit this year.
Congratulations! I'm only volunteering on day 0, so I'll be doing plenty of shit as well.

I'm really excited about Kia Asamiya. I'm a really big fan of Corrector Yui and Nadesico!
musicfest is going to fucking suck...
This'll be my 4th year on staff. Might be my last Fanime, not sure.
But it's going to be kawaii.

In all fairness though, it is an anime convention. The music stuff is kind of secondary.
so why the fuck is Fanime recycling the same guests over and over again?
Fanime seems to have the same amount of big guests as other conventions, if not more thanks to the music thing, but they recycle the filler guests. Thanks to that we get people like Halko Momoi and Gainax staff rather than some american "manga" artist that nobody cares about.
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>mfw I still have so much sewing to do
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Gotta fix some things and start breaking in my Amaimon boots. I'm more worried about my finals right now though, Fanime seems so far away.
fair enough
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I just have to get to the fabric store and wrap up a few things- the most complicated parts of the costumes I'm doing are done, though.

I think I'll do that tomorrow, Mondays are completely free for me.

Really looking forward to the concourse craziness.
Though I'm not sure how one exactly practices standing creepily in the background of photos...

Pic related.
I was supposed to finish my last costume for Fanime today.... but alas, I have no more interfacing.
I'm excited for fanime and dreading it at the same time. I'm only able to go for 2 days because of a final on friday and driving there at 4am on sat is not going to be a fun thing... yuck.
What's the costume?
Taobaospree needs to ship my shit.
Otherwise, I'm pretty ready!
Still working on cosplay....shiiiit
Who all's going to the meetup?

Anyone bringing... spaghetti?
My Azusa cosplay is far from finished ;__;
However, my loli coord is all ready! SO PUMPED
I'm bringing spiders. ALA 2012 all over again.

On topic, gotta get that Vinyl Scratch shirt printed...dunno what other cosplays I wanna do.
So you're the one bringing spiders. If that guy ends up bringing that dick-shaped squirt gun, I encourage you to hold him down and pour them into all of his orifices.
I shall. And I hope the security is nicer this time. I hated having the gathering shut down quickly...
A guy I knew from college managed to become a Rover. It's going to be terrible.

He's the sort of guy who's going to power trip like a motherfucker.

I pray he does not find us.
Oh, and in the event that happens, we can always, y'know, go to the poop statue.

Quetzlcoatl, turd, same thing.
Anyone who has seen it knows I speak truth.
Is this that one guy in glasses who wears that little blue Japanese vest/kimono thing who enforces the rules like a mother fucker?
No, but now that you mention him, he was the one who made me remove my costume because of a rule that hadn't been published, and would remain unpublished until I'd already had my shitstorm with them.

No, this guy is new.
He's a tremendous creeper, a fundamentalist christian (if memory serves), and a manchild.

Good luck.
Sure hope he doesn't mind me saying "Jesus fucking christ" and "God damnit" near him.
If we see each other at the meet up, and possibly afterwards, I'll be sure to point him out to you.

He gets his panties in the biggest bunch about that shit.
But as a Rover, he can't do anything about it.
I'm sure it'll be hard to miss me at the meetup.
Being the one with the spiders, and all.

I'm currently on track with plans to bring a portable case with everything I need to make spaghetti on the spot.
I finished my whole costume, so I'm happy about that.
Now all that's left is learning how to use basic makeup... It's a sharp learning curve for me... I've never worn it in my life, and eyeliner is the worst thing ever. Mascara is good, and I have to buy foundation or whatever... Guess I'll stalk the makeup threads.
What's the costume?
Spiders, Horse Head, and Music. VERY hard to miss me.
Are you the one that just posted about finding a speaker?
Mkay then. Well, I'll see you there and I'll point him out.

He's changed a bit since I saw him in college, though. He's removed his beard, somehow making him look like more of a pedophile. That's the caliber of creeper we're dealing with here.
Makise Kurisu.
I'm just trying to have some basic makeup since I took a few pictures and my face just looks horrid. She doesn't actually have makeup or anything so I just want to have natural makeup that isn't too noticeable, but makes me look OK.
Oh, neat. Two of my three costumes involve a mask so I can HIDE MY FAAAACE
Haha that's lucky. My face is worse than most of the bad cosplay pictures on here so I'm going to have to work at it.
Oh god, so not ready, panic mode initiated.
Saiyapeople helmets are only like three layers in, my Ymir wig parts only half of them came in so I am scrambling trying to figure out what to do about that so I am making a replacement Leina, but I would say overall I am 50% DONE.
My best friend is going to be here for the con, and I have his costume almost done sans foot wear, so I am super excited because he pulled his Sniper together and it looks really fantastic.
Looking forward to meeting/partying with some of my fellow gulls.

Good luck every one the pressure is on!
Expanding foam is curing, tonight I'm putting the rubber coating on my prop arms, and then tomorrow I'm going to the fabric store again.
Generic, what part of the Fanime staff are you in?

If so how lenient are they in props?
yes, ive read the guidelines, however I don't want my shit taken away.
Picked up pants and boots for Reno today. Just got to get goggles and make his EMR to be done.
Can't wait to finally get it finished...

I'm not on staff
That would be funny though
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trudging along. My pace could be better, but the only semi-major thing standing between me and being 100% ready for this con is sewing a Barnaby jacket so I think I'm doin' okay! Getting excited! fightooo

IMO for cosplay, you want to go all-out for emphasizing your eyes because of photos. So eyeliner + contacts + false lashes is a must. Don't be afraid to use foundation, concealer, blush, lipgloss, etc. Just look GOOD.
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>mfw 18 days left.
>mfw that means there's only 17 days left.
>mfw I have an entire arm to mold, three to paint, two wigs that need major styling, one dress to finish and two other dresses to make plus a school uniform.

And that's not including panel stuff... not to mention I haven't been able to schedule my photoshoots yet due to the schedule not being up....
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Nox helmet is... Coming along. I should be at "ready-to-paper-mache" mode before I head to bed. I'll post another picture once the framing and mesh layer is done.
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Delays on the slenderman arms to to a sleeping roommate.

Going to the fabric store tomorrow. Slenderman costume should be completely finished by tomorrow night, Monolith Trooper costume Tuesday night, and Quote costume by Thursday.

Fuck yes.
How are you making the arms?
We should find each other and get a picture together for arms weirdness when I go as Monoko!
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i'm eager to see the pictures!
>wrap arm in saran wrap
>cover in packing tape
>cut with scissors, remove arm
>tape up slit
>fill with expanding adhesive foam
>let cure
>foam only adheres to innermost layer of saran wrap
>coat in electrical tape for added stability and a degree of smoothness, also to provide a sort of primer for the next step
>spray canister of rubber roof sealant for smoothness, and texture

I'm not certain if I should paint them flesh tone or leave them black, though.
Interesting! We did very different routes, so it'll be neat to compare how each process turns out.

Are you going to have spindly fingers and such? And I'm not really sure why you'd paint it flesh tones, but I could be misunderstanding.
Why yes, I am going to have spindly fingers. If I end up making a second set of hands. Like an action figure.

Just swap em out.

But yeah, I might just leave them black.
I'll upload a picture of the left arm once it's been rubber coated. the distortion of my fingers during the casting process (for some reason casting my dominant hand with my left hand went just fine, but using my dominant hand to apply the cast and everything goes to shit) leaves the fingers in a really creepy position.

How'd you do your arms?

Also, I don't care what your gender is, we're taking a picture of us slowdancing.
Hmm, sounds like an effective process! How much did it cost you in total?
Mine cost me somewhere in between $50-60 for 3 arms, I think, though I do all my budgeting on coscom, so I'm not entirely sure.

>two part mold of arm using plaster gauze
>hollow liquid latex cast, stuff with foam
>spend weeks filling in bubbles, smoothing out seams, and re-casting a section that caved in

And I'll probably paint it using acrylic paint and possibly pros aide, but I don't think that will be necessary. The elbow on the long arm looks derpy because it's just two separate arm parts conjoined using pantyhose. I do not have the budget or the time for a nice moving elbow. I think in the end a moving arm with a derpy elbow will look better than a stationary arm with a realistic elbow though.

Eurgh, I still have another arm to cast, and my plaster gauze doesn't get here until Thursday, I'm very worried, but I think I'll manage somehow.

Sure! But it'll be really awkward 'cause I'm 5'3"-5'4" and slouch a lot.

>saran wrap- 1$
>tape- 1$
>foam- 3$
>rubber sealant- 7$
>electrical tape- 1$

>becoming fear itself- priceless

I might have already mentioned I'm 6'4"...
Oh well, dancing is happening.

I'm liking this foam stuff though, despite how horrible it is to work with. It's very light and pretty strong and rigid, I'll definitely be using it as filler for future projects.
Wow good to keep in mind! I'm assuming it didn't pick up much, if any skin detail, right?
Plaster isn't technically supposed to pick up any skin detail either, (technically alginate is what you need, which is way more expensive) but I managed to get more than enough with just plaster. It's actually pretty exciting!

I'll know what day I'm doing Monoko once the schedule is announced, so we can make more specific plans once the con starts getting closer (though neither of us will probably be hard to spot).
Here, hit me with an email, and we can figure out a time/place to meet up. I'm always looking for new friends, and Fanime is a great way to meet people in my area.
No skin detail whatsoever, this is a shape thing only. Oh, and it doesn't stick to arm hair like other things would.

Oh, and the electrical tape and rubber coating would ruin any skin detail anyways.
Yeah. Sounds like it was perfect for your purposes though. It'll be good to keep in mind for future reference.
It's great for forming large things with not much detail.I think it'd be particularly useful to make several mannequins of myself using that method, and filling their chest cavities with tannerite, then posing them around my house with toy guns, just in case the FBI/CIA/BATFE ever raids my house.
Speaking of the BATFE

A few months ago, I opened up the page of the tumblr I operate and noticed a guy with the username "thebatfe" had started following me.

I made a joke post about it (a screenshot of it, with something along the lines of "OH FUCK OH FUCK SIC SEMPER TYRANNIS MOLON LABE DON'T TREAD ON ME") and I started talking with him, Eventually we got to the topic of location- he's in Arizona, and I'm 2 buses and a light rail ride from Fanime.

>"Oh, wow, I'm actually in your area once a year, on Memorial Day weekend- There's this anime convention up there I like."

>"Oh, that's cool. ...But now that I think about it I'll be busy on Memorial Day weekend..."

>"Aw, damn."

>"....going to FANIMEEE"

Morning bump
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Haha, I know exactly who you are talking about.
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Given that I just posted his tumblr username, I'd guess so...
About halfway done Karina!
But there's this awful game I'm playing with Taobao called "will my friend's Pao Lin cosplay come in time?"

Also need some last minute stuff in the mail so that's stressful too.
Coating the arms in rubber sometime soon, I'd post a picture but right now the left arm looks like every narutard's duct tape kunai (electrical tape being a makeshift primer for the final rubber coating)
and the right arm is pretty spotty.

Also, I can fir a cigar quite nicely between some of the fingers. I definitely need a picture of smoking Slenderman.
Bought all my stuff for Superboy and Red Hood. Didn't get around to Kittan; not terribly bummed about that, though. Maybe AX.

He's a tripfag.
Fuck yeah for AX.
I am aware.
I'm so excited for this. I CAN'T FUCKING WAIT
Are you going to the meetup?

Do you have any costume plans?
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When/where is the meetup?
Friday, 9P, where the fountains used to be.

Bring spaghetti.
I'm gonna ask you guys.

A lot of people HATE Free Hugs signs, but what if I made one that said


*may contain boners

Is that still douchey?
Yes, it would.

It would also likely violate any number of Fanime's rules

No Signs
No Hugs
No Reading
No Fun
I'm not going to Fanime.

I have to ask - why are the signs illegal?
I know they're pretty lame but....what made them banned?
Because the Fanime admins HATE FUN

They inconvenience nobody, as far as I can tell.
Many cons ban signs because they're a type of solicitation. Especially the ones that are like "Will yaoi for pocky" and so on.
Just easier to blanket ban them, even if they're part of a character.
I think signs should be reviewed on a case by case basis.

So if someone were, say, doing a project, where they were trying to get as many people to do the same pose and had a sign requesting it, that'd be fine, but those "I'LL SUCK YOUR DICK FOR A POKEMON PLUSHIE UGUU" signs are a travesty.
All I want this year is GIANT ASS SIGNS that indicate which door is the entrance and exit in each room. staffers would get so pissy when people would try to leave through the wrong door and didn't want to have to walk back across the entire dealers room etc.
cause signs are getting old,not funny, and boring
less work to blanket ban
Oh ho ho ho, yes.

I really liked the ones who were on such a power trip.
2 years ago I saw one rover tell a kid who was already 10 feet THROUGH THE DOOR that they had to come back and walk through the entire alley and use the other door to exit, or he'd revoke their badge.

The kid was so scared.
Damn, forgot about this. You'd think after the 300th person who had to be turned around someone would have gotten a goddamn sharpie and posterboard
Still better than Sakura-con.

All in all, Fanime is pretty chill. They have a lot of rules, but they're spotty at enforcing them, and I've only ever had to deal with fanime staff members. Some of them get power tripped, but most of them are just decent from my experience.

Sakura-con had staff PATROLLING THE AREA looking for violations. I was taking a rest and put my head on the ground for maybe five minutes tops so I could see a figure I'd bought from a different angle. I was in a fairly secluded area with not too many people with no con programming going on, tucked away into a corner, and a staff member appears OUT OF FUCKING NOWHERE to inform me that, sorry LAYING DOWN IS AGAINST CON RULES.
... WHAT?
I also got nabbed several times for running short distances to catch up to people.
But, even though quiet, at the time non-cosplaying people like me kept getting bitched at, the large groups of kuroshit cosplayers playing fucking tag in crowded areas and screaming at each other and PDAing all over the place never seemed to have a staff member around them...
on top of that crowd control has typically been left up to CONVENTION CENTER staff rather than con staff. And uh... yeah most convention center staff are elderly, foreign, and don't understand what the fuck is going on, so they get really nasty really quick over actually nothing. They had one of them in charge of letting people into the autograph room and directing them to the correct line (because people can't do this themselves obviously...) and I ended up not being able to get an autograph from Kotono Mitsuishi thanks to the confused, non-english speaking convention center employee. Yup I mad.
i will give you both 100 $ to make a porn.
I will be there. Nothing new planned. Cookies will be at the gathering as usual.
I shall be bringing a speaker (not one that gets hit by no fun allowed standards), any requests for songs I should get?

Also for food stuffs...Brownies anyone? Or should I make some Bacon Wrapped Sushi at a room party?
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I still have a lot to do, but it's going pretty smoothly and I'm excited to leave the east coast for my first Fanime!

Does anyone know how strict the "gun props must have orange tips" rule is? I've seen pictures from past years with non-orange prop guns so I'm ok risking it but I figure someone here might know.
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I was really looking toward hanging with friends and having fun, but now everyone is having problems that I'm not even sure is I got a ride or if it would be fun at all.
Strict enough that even if it's gun-shaped at all, it's best to not even try.
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Time for my yearly week or two spent on /cgl/ before/during/after Fanime before I swear off it til the next year.
Ooh, hope I see you there, I love seeing Yume Nikki cosplay, I remember a Madotsuki, Uboa, and Poniko trio from a few years ago.


>>>>>> FUCK YOU!
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But we got Mio's voice actress! I'm super excited! My friend is going to be there as Mio shit's going to be so cash.

I don't even know who the fuck that is

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Gearing up, saving as much money I can (I have enough a little more won't hurt), planning for panels and events and pretty much excited WHO-HA
Yeah, their adding guests every day and we get a a voice actor who can sing, YEAH FUCK YOU FANIME AMIRITE

No seriously, fuck you

I know man I can't wait, Does your friend have pics of her cosplay?
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Not yet, I'm not even halfway finished making her costume oops. But it will happen!

Related, does anyone have a light orange wig they're trying to sell? None of the places that are reasonably priced ship fast enough and our Hakase is still without a wig. Please let me know if you want to arrange to sell her the wig at the convention, she's looking for something under $30.
What's the best approach to getting a photoshoot?
Yeah, I was really hoping for a rock band... Or at least someone who's well-known for their music. Hell, you can only find like one of two songs by either of the music guests on Youtube ffs.
she's a popular voice actress. That's way more fitting for an anime convention than some shitty visual kei band. :/
Try the forums? I'd like to say go up to a photographer, but I'm probably one of the few who's open to that, since I'm too shy to be the one to ask cosplayers if they want shoots, haha...

You could just try to buy a wig at the con at the dealer's hall! I'm sure EpicCosplay will have a booth there. Their wigs are quite good, but long wigs will be pretty expensive unfortunately (so maybe hunt around for other stores as well)

Good luck, Nichijou is great! I love Hakase
Yeah she's not doing it if she can't find the wig for under $30.
Working from 6am to 12p @Arcade, dressing as Numbah 3 from KND on Sat/Sun!
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so how many of you guys are going to get drunk/high

dont fucking lie either
Anyone here have a link to a guide to making a cloak? I need about 10-12 of them, I'm completely clueless about design. Anyone wanna help me?
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>you'll never dance with Uboa
Why would we lie?
I am definitely getting fucked up on a nightly basis.
>16 days left to work
>White Bunny Sheryl is a new wig and some cross-stitching away from being finished
>Saturday night I had the brilliant idea to make my Lady Loki cosplay presentable because lolbandwagon

gotta scalemail things, gotta combine my wig and horns somehow, but other than that I'm almost to a 'presentable' stage with it. Gotta pick up a fake mustache before I leave town so the DC/Marvel gathering can get LOKI'D!
definitely gonna be drunk, I have weed but i dont know where I'd smoke it without being sketch as fuck.

Working on my cosplay for The Kid atm, I'm hoping for a good time.
the kid from the indie game "bastion" I might add
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Welp, it took me an extra day or so, but here's the helmet all meshed up.

You're not going to find a (new) long wig from a US seller for under $30. Unfortunately for you guys, coscom is down right now. I would have said check their marketplace for people selling used wigs. They can be pretty cheap sometimes.
I am fully aware that we're not going to find a new one from a US seller for that cheap, hence why I'm asking here. The coscom forums are up, I asked there too.

Dude, you sound like a bitch.
At least fucking thank people for their advice or something.

Fucking nichijou fandom is full of asspies and /reddit/ level fags, I swear.
Dear god. Not ready. Gotta get so much done!!!
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I-it's not like I wanted your advice or anything!
Uh, Cello?
is there going to be a meetup there? when/where?
Anyword on who's going to run the Persona gathering?
>Cosplaying at a party con
I scooby dooby do
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>partying at a convention instead of at parties, bars, or clubs
how socially retarded can you be
Almost done with my last costume, Kongiku from Muramasa. I just have two props to make, a sword and a lantern. I really hope I finish them.

It is /cgl/, after all. Some tripfags seem like they *live* to party it up at conventions.

I mean yeah, it's cool to see friends that probably live far from you and you only get to see a few times a year, but it's not that fun to drink to the point of oblivion imo.
Con parties are fun but I don't understand why some people go to the con specifically for that. Like those ~ravers~ who come, why not go to an actual rave?
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Almost done with my masquerade costume, have almost everything for my Yuki (tsuritama) costume, 'cause it's easiest costume ever. Finally got fabric for Ana (Phi Brain), should be easy because it's just a sundress. Carl Clover got cancelled because my Nirvana's materials got to her late. Which is actually great for me because I hadn't started it yet, oh ho~.

Super fucking out-of-my-mind excited about Shigeto Koyama coming, love his art, am a HUGE Heroman fan, and he seems really nice/cool.

Friday @ 9pm
Outside con center where fountains used to be

Jesus fuck, I just checked the facebook event and I just realized there are 106 in attendance (+48 maybes). I've never been to Fanime, but I went to the /cgl/ meetup at ALA and even that was huge. I imagine it'll be about the same people and wow.
Holy shit I'm so pumped for it. Are you going to the after party?

I'm not really close to any /cgl/ trips, I just know a few people from g+, so no. I'm not that big on social interaction, especially in such huge groups.... And also, it gets really loud.
Well, DrScientist, Matt and myself are having a party after the meetup. If you feel like going just introduce yourself, and I'll get you in. I've been wanting to chill with some anons.

Thanks for the offer! I'll keep it in mind.

Anyway, less than 2 weeks till the con. I still have to get cosplays for my group done. Oh boy.
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Realized I don't have as much left to do as I thought, just gotta make Kim's pants/belt and a new vest for Kaede. Can probably get most of it done this weekend!

Super excite for the /cgl/ meetup, for me this con is going to be party/yuri con with ka-san~
>Same weekend as UFGT8

Hmmm which one do I choose /cgl/

>DiveKick is at UFGT8
>Fanime has no DiveKick

Yeah UFGT8 is looking a lot better than Tripfags con
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I have the materials for those three and the muslin mockup of the Slowpoke. The weather and all the baking at my place makes it annoying to use the iron which I refuse to not have since I like my seams pressed.

>Tripfags con
Nono hun, that's ALA.
i should figure out something to cosplay.
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>mfw yuri-con
Awwww yeah it looks like I might actually be able to finish everything at least a week before the con! I won't be staying up til 5 am the last three days before, like for Sakuracon~

Here's my costume schedule so far:
Day 1
-Ritsu (K-ON)
-Mrs. Toad (Thumbelina)
Day 2
-Secret Black Vow Miku (Vocaloid)
-Stocking (Panty & Stocking)
-Kanna (Ano Natsu de Matteru)
Day 3
-Pinup Engineer (TF2)
-Yukiteru (Mirai Nikki)
And then Yukiteru for Day 0 and Day 4 as well.

No DiveKick no deal
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I can't believe you fags waste your time on here and that stupid invite i got on facebook. When I go to fanime, I'm gonna get drunk and get more bitches than God can ever claim with that shitbag of a superboy cosplay he does. Might as well tell everyone you're bizzaro with that disaster you call a face.

not sure if troll
But I've seen you in person and you're fat and ugly.

you don't know me and who the hell are you
No. Shut up.
Go away.

Also, super hype for Fanime. Can't wait to chill with RedDickies and Matt again, ready for Scientist to take his party foul punishments.
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You post on cosplay.com lol
lol someone is mad while fat

The funny thing is that it's true.... for once.

says the guy with claims to cosplay with your effortless superboy shirt. I rather be fat than have your bone nipples
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>I rather be fat than have your bone nipples

Is this real life?
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>implying your cosplays are any better

Dude your craftsmanship sucks. Didn't you do some kind of Luxray gijinka at AX?
better cosplay than you've ever done.
bone nippes? fuck yeah.
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Might as well call this the fanime doughebag meet-up
doughbag? yeah, if you're going to it.
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You're funny. I like you.

Are you going to the meetup, or are you just here to poke fun at madfat here?

>inb4 people think I'm you, samefaggin'
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Yeah, always go to the meetup.
Kickass. I'll be the one making spaghetti on the spot. I'm still working on my method, using what I cal the-

Portable Operational Cooking Kit for Emergency Tactical Spaghetti.

P.O.C.K.E.T.S. for short.
That's never going to stop.
So you guys are cool with just random people showing up at the meetup? If my friends and I don't have anything going on at the time, we might come chill. Sounds like fun.
Probably not cosplaying (no idea what to do), but I'll still be going unless something comes up.
You can always cosplay the guy who made Voldie's pants wet. Ohwai...
I'll see what I can do.
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just buy a superboy shirt like God did and tell everyone you're cosplaying super boy how hard can that be fag
Thinking of just grabbing a cape and a power glove and calling it an Army of Darkness costume.
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this is a Fanime thread, Maguma, we're supposed to be talking about burritos.
gb2/soc/ Trollzo
Yay, stress! Actually gonna stick around for a meet up this time and not skitter away after foisting bags of candy onto people. :3
McFucking kill yourself.
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Why is it so close...my body is not ready
You should do a super kawaii cosplay
this'll be my first meetup, as well as my first cosplay. Pretty damn excited.
do it
when and where is taco party gonna be at?
All I've heard is of a spaghetti meet.
The taco party is Maguma's forte.

I can't wait for this. 14 days, ordering a shirt for Vinyl Scratch tomorrow, gonna be working on Judai too.
Pony cosplay? I'm not liking you as much.
It's not a serious cosplay.
I don't understand why you'd do it, then...

But hey, to each their own.
Rustlin' Jimmies.
My jimmies remain intact.
Here's hoping the jimmies present at fanime are less ironclad.
I am about 99.9% sure I won't be going this year. I want to go pretty badly, but I'm moving into a new apartment that's quite pricey for me so I don't want to take any chances.

I expect a lot of good stories and good pictures.
Nooooooooooo. ;A;

You're going to AX, right?
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my friend told me this is him. a fat 40 year old virgin. so no worries just madfat expressing his feelings
mfw i'm pretty sure i totally have to cancel my fanime plans. my phd defense got pushed back to the week after memorial day, so there's no way i can be out in CA then i think.....

unless i use miles and the excuse that i'm also going apartment hunting.....
Same time as the cgl gathering. That's normally how we roll.
I'm going either friday or saturday, slim chance but maybe both. I'll be wearing one of my Magic: the Gathering cosplays either Liliana or Chandra :)
I'll try and go to AX for a day! Probably won't be there for the weekend, though.
That's sad! Good luck though.
No funds to make it up to NorCal :|
And I'm gonna be in Vegas.

I sense troll...
I decided I'll be napping that weekend.
How many lolitas attend Fanime?
And where's that going to be at?
Powernaps all weekend bro

beats me, but I know the cgl meetup is in front of the convention center.... won't be hard to find a huge group of loud-ass seagulls squaking about.
I will be there!
If you see a big neckbeard dressed up like a slowpoke or a zombie survivor say hello.
Yeah, it'll be where the fountain used to be. It's a grassy area now, so we're having spaghetti.

...and spiders.
inb4 peeps confuse us cause I'm also wearing a slowpoke to this...
Really? I just went by there today and it just looked like all construction to me(from a distance).
I dunno, I've heard it's all grass now.
odering my prints. I've only ordered five of everything: 123 dollars. Ow.
If Rovers (or other vols or staffers) are being twats, please get their name and/or badge number and complain to ConOps; we'll gladly smack them down, as that kind of nonsense is irritating to everybody.
lol, would just tell that guy to fuck off.
Any staffers around here?
Any recommendations for food places? Having never been before last year my friends kept going back to hte same 50s diner place over and over.

Yes there is. How may I help you?

For Mexican: La Victoria's or Iguanna's
For Fast Food: McDonalds, Jack in the Box
For Italian: Original Joe's
For American: Johnny Rocket's or Flames
For Thai: House of Siam
For Pizza: Pizza My Heart
For Vegan: Good Kharma
Chicken Wings @ Smoke Eaters
Pita wraps @ Pita Pit
nope, not trolling. not sure why you'd think that....

plans are definitely off.....pretty bummed about it, but it gives me the extra time i need to put together my defense talk.
That's pretty cool, thank you.

...Now to track down shawarma because I am a dork.
You forgot Ike's place for Sandwiches.

That's not within walking distance of downtown San Jose which is why I omitted it. The nearest Ike's is Palo Alto by Stanford which is a decent drive away.
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Oh god I'm so excited for Fanime I can't stand it! Why can't it come any faster aaggghhhh.
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Just getting the last of my stuff ready now! Should be completely finished with everything this week.

But auuuugh I'm sick right now. Just had an endoscopy on Friday. Shit sucks. Glad to be getting it out of my system before the con.

Then it's partay time. awww yus.
Multiple staffers, even.
Oh right, I've never been up there before, but I now know that it's not walking distance. Meh, oh well.
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Oh shit, con is next week

Almost fucking Fanime
imma go to this stupid meetup just so I can take pics and see how immature you all are

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