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    File: 1336299680.jpg-(244 KB, 792x612, ohshitgtcwhatareyoudoingnow.jpg)
    244 KB NeoClassicNeko/GinsengTeaCat Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)06:21 No.5804857  
    NCN's started being the tumblr-anti?-social-justice brigade the past few days. In the midst of complaining about people complaining about artists always drawing characters as white, she forgets that Asians aren't white.

    Yes, I know, beating a long dead horse. But I lost my shit laughing at this anyway. (beware autoplay music)
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)06:23 No.5804861
    >Well at work I was thinking about a new series to make of three magical boys. The one with the blond hair is name Zenko. He’s brothers with the blue haired one named Yugoro. Yugoro is the main chara ^_^

    >The pink haired guy is named Rinji. He’s shy but the two brothers have a crush on him XD;

    >Anyway Zenko is kind always pissed off and hates the role he was placed into and he blames his brother for it since it was Yugoro who found the star that night that changed their world!

    >It is a white star that Yugoro found that crashed to earth XD; Well the star spoke to him and told him he would find two other very important ppl in his life to save the universe with and the first one ended up being his oni-chan like right when he got home XD

    >The next one after a few days turned out to be there shy classmate Rin.

    >So they get there power from what is called “The white star” and they each got a piece of it in their wands that they harness together to get the power to defeat the enemies…..but this isn’t like a copy of sailor moon or Cardcators.

    >They know they gotta fight when the star starts to glow in there wands and it’s always been really weird stuff like kids beating up other kids for there lunch money or someone getting mugged. I wont say the rest and why cuz I dun want anyone stealing it >.<;;;

    >ANYWAY well I couldn’t decide on the name for this, but with this stupid whole white washing thing oging around on tumblr i decided to call it “White Power” to show you stupid fucks that there might be more then one reason why there is something.

    >Just cuz someone only draws white charas doesnt mean they are racist ~___~ fucking bakas.

    >And just cuz I have a series called “White Power” it doesn’t mean it has NAYTHING to do with skinheads.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)06:32 No.5804869
    All of my rage.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)06:39 No.5804880
    I always think her art looks like someone who can draw but is deliberately trying to make it look crap and basic.
    It really makes me think she is an extremely dedicated troll.
    But yeah, I know all the "But we emailed her school!" stuff. So haven't made up my mind yet.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)09:47 No.5805080
         File: 1336312030.jpg-(59 KB, 600x600, Gundameyestab.jpg)
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    Dear god, what
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)10:47 No.5805246
         File: 1336315654.jpg-(54 KB, 248x274, porter256.jpg)
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    The names of the characters bother me. They just sound so awkward.

    >White Power

    Wow. Just, uh...right then.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)10:54 No.5805269
    White Power sounds like the smartprice version of Cillit Bang
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)10:55 No.5805275
    She probably thinks that's what anime art is supposed to look like, and actally knows how to draw but it's not the desu desu crap she wants.
    >> CUNT !MASTER5HrA 05/06/12(Sun)10:58 No.5805292
    >white power

    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)11:04 No.5805324
    This is good. Very, very good.
    Someone please draw Yugoro, Rinji and Zenko in a realistic style.
    >> Chouli !!NnLc60z/x7t 05/06/12(Sun)11:12 No.5805348
         File: 1336317129.jpg-(18 KB, 317x240, 1320371099580.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)11:13 No.5805354
    >>And just cuz I have a series called “White Power” it doesn’t mean it has NAYTHING to do with skinheads.

    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)11:18 No.5805369
         File: 1336317491.png-(17 KB, 664x138, Untitled.png)
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    >no sluts
    >fatties are cool tho

    NCN confirmed for fatty
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)11:21 No.5805385
         File: 1336317667.png-(88 KB, 658x395, Untitled.png)
    88 KB
    She watched a gay porn once, guys! Also Japanese dudes are just like kawaii manga bishies! You can tell because haircuts.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)11:23 No.5805394
         File: 1336317785.png-(49 KB, 667x402, Untitled.png)
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    how is literally every post she makes this stupid

    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)11:26 No.5805404
         File: 1336317977.png-(198 KB, 591x785, Untitled.png)
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    >People not liking your art is just like rape!

    This one actually is fucking infuriating. Fuck this bitch.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)11:28 No.5805416
    OMG fuck americans dey stole a story! But she chooses to overlook the fact that Japanese artists and crap rip eachother off at every fucking turn!
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)11:31 No.5805430
         File: 1336318265.png-(102 KB, 604x741, Untitled.png)
    102 KB
    The first paragraphs is her, underneath is someone's reply, then NCN's last reply is at the bottom.

    I can't believe her fucking attitude. She's so intent on calling other people stupid she can't see her own idiocy. She cares about art! And tracing is art, dontcha know. Augh.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)11:33 No.5805440
         File: 1336318395.png-(107 KB, 614x712, Untitled.png)
    107 KB
    I was just going to cap the first sentence, but then I kept reading, and oh. wow.

    But nothing will ever top this:

    >So yesterday was easter but I dun celebrate easter cuz I am a shinto priest >_>;

    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)11:37 No.5805456
         File: 1336318631.png-(9 KB, 530x71, Untitled.png)
    9 KB
    >deep anime with complex stories that rly make you think about life and the world
    >Vampire Knight

    what the fuck am I reading
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)11:40 No.5805464
    at least her "art" has gotten better?
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)12:13 No.5805594
         File: 1336320808.gif-(484 KB, 305x229, 1310309683155.gif)
    484 KB
    What the fuck. She can't be fucking serious. I just, I can't.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)12:45 No.5805700
    I'm curious. Does anyone know what the Japanese at the sides is? Google translate shows the first character means "white" but I don't know about the rest.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)12:46 No.5805706
    I' m going to assume it was her attempt at white power in japanese.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)12:48 No.5805715
    You made me notice something as well...
    The Japanese read things right to left. Her's goes left to right.

    Someone point this out to her.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)13:25 No.5805869
    The thing on the right is supposed to say "chikara o riyou", chikara being power and riyou being utilization, which is a noun, not a verb. If she wanted to say "use the power of the white star!" she needs an imperative at the end. "riyou shiyou!" or something.

    What is worse is that ri (利) is written as two separate kanjis. A common newbie mistake and probably why you couldn't google translate.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)13:33 No.5805897
    I still have a hard time believing she's not a troll I mean usually people like her are camwhoring all over the internet and self advertising herself everywhere but she rarely ever releases personal information.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)13:38 No.5805919
         File: 1336325922.jpg-(36 KB, 400x323, tree_kangaroo_03.jpg)
    36 KB
    Hi transguy here, i never say trans in real cause i only think of myself as a normal dude but just so you know what i'm talking about you know.
    I'm recovering now from surgery i had last week FTM chest surgery.

    I hate people like this, really pisses me off.
    "Yaoi yaoi, desu, real gay porn is gross but i'm goin have chest surgery and wear girls clothes and get japanese eyes and pretend like i'm a real japanese! "
    You're just a stupid girl who likes anal sex and yaoi fuck off.

    It is clear she has not watched much gay porn or talked to maybe real gay people or lesbian or trans people also treating asians like aliens from another planet.
    All of my facepalm.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)13:48 No.5805963
    As if she'd ever taken it up the butt. She refuses to sleep with anyone who isn't Asian and you're a racist dick if you think she's being biased!
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)14:04 No.5806030
    Yet she stuck a pen up there.

    Must of said 'Made in Japan'.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)14:07 No.5806047
    >> Militsiya Officer Boris !!pP78TjSIAmJ 05/06/12(Sun)14:48 No.5806259
         File: 1336330129.jpg-(40 KB, 211x252, 180173557.jpg)
    40 KB
    And by realistic, we mean Batman.
    Draw them all like Batman.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)15:04 No.5806317

    This cannot be real. This isn't a true, proper try at coming up with a storyline. This is on the same lines as Kawaii Neko Sugar Girls, but with obviously stolen ideas from
    >sailor moon
    I've read stuff about her before but this, I just, the want to do more like hnn I can't know how
    words fail me.

    I too want this!
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)15:07 No.5806329
    Oooh, good one!
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)15:20 No.5806367
    >Just cuz someone only draws white charas doesnt mean they are racist ~___~ fucking bakas.
    >Making a conscious decision to ONLY draw people of a certain race
    >Not racist
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)15:29 No.5806408
    awwyeee ncn. my favourite lolcow. everything she says is absolutely priceless.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)15:30 No.5806409
         File: 1336332638.jpg-(103 KB, 500x282, hand388.jpg)
    103 KB
    Everything must be Batman. Even the White Star must be Batman.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)15:34 No.5806424
    i think this might be the best thing i've ever seen
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)15:39 No.5806442
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)16:03 No.5806494
         File: 1336334638.png-(51 KB, 449x537, NCNseme.png)
    51 KB
    She's looking for a seme you guys. Anyone want to step up and whisk her away?
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)16:04 No.5806498
    I refuse to believe she's not a troll.

    I had an idea in mind to get in contact with her telling I'm an asian living in the states (I look mixed, but whatever, photoshop exists) and flirt with her online. Then I guess we'll know if she's a troll or not. Too bad my moralfag side decided to make me feel bad about it, if she's serious and fucks up shit of other people (that guy Andrew or whatever she's living with), I would be a major douchebag.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)16:12 No.5806518
    Really? I know japanese people who eat mcdonalds....I'm sure the mcdonalds in japan is making money too...

    Fucking dipshit
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)16:13 No.5806522
    Oh wow, I'm the anon in >>5806498
    I would try it, but again, I really wish not to royally fuck up somebody's life. I want to keep it all in shit and giggles level, and if she's truly serious, then it's gonna be troublesome, I guess.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)16:15 No.5806533
    It's not about if japanese people eat at McDonald's or not, she wants a rich guy, and by her logic, an asian millionaire wouldn't stop there for a meal.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)16:19 No.5806549
    Asian millionaire's aren't looking for girls like her anyway, so no worries.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)16:27 No.5806565
         File: 1336336062.png-(26 KB, 455x223, NCNKimJongIl.png)
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    Just . . . what? Doesn't being ignorant of something as serious as this make her fall under the "ignorant American" image?
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)16:39 No.5806588
         File: 1336336776.jpg-(84 KB, 865x480, 1312991814564.jpg)
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    Very hypocritical post she made there.
    >> Militsiya Officer Boris !!pP78TjSIAmJ 05/06/12(Sun)16:40 No.5806591
         File: 1336336827.gif-(61 KB, 467x480, Usavich 58.gif)
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    There's no such thing as logic when it comes to Lin.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)16:52 No.5806623
    she's retarded, but still that's not really racist
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)16:59 No.5806639
         File: 1336337991.jpg-(44 KB, 450x386, bathynomus front2.jpg)
    44 KB
    Holy cow, didn't think I'd see one of these again.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)17:04 No.5806654
         File: 1336338258.png-(27 KB, 170x157, laaawwwl.png)
    27 KB

    hurf durf
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)17:09 No.5806681
    this is fucking great.
    I made this face, this exact face:
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)17:10 No.5806683
         File: 1336338611.jpg-(2 KB, 84x126, 1325746862433..jpg)
    2 KB
    The way she writes... reminds me of my bad weeb phase that I only had for a couple months.
    I still have a hard time believing she's not an elaborate troll.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)17:22 No.5806730
         File: 1336339379.jpg-(15 KB, 480x267, creepshow-1.jpg)
    15 KB
    >Well the star spoke to him and told him he would find two other very important ppl in his life to save the universe with and the first one ended up being his oni-chan like right when he got home XD
    How the hell does a meteorite talk to you? Actually, that would be cool in a Lovecraft story, but hers is probably a kawaii genki piece of chibi shit with a smiley face on it.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)17:32 No.5806770
         File: 1336339970.png-(13 KB, 480x439, ncntroll.png)
    13 KB
    got bored
    >> Rem♥ !!oQqdzqqw80S 05/06/12(Sun)17:34 No.5806783
    God. Just reading that shit on that tumblr gave me a headache.

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